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Tipos de rephrasing

Vamos a estudiar en este apartado como realizar el tipo de ejercicios denominado: REPHRASING. La expresin en s significa: decir o escribir algo usando diferentes palabras o estructuras pero manteniendo bsicamente el mismo significado. Este tipo de ejercicios son muy comunes en todo tipo de exmenes, como por ejemplo los de selecti idad, pero no slo en ellos. !, adems, contribuyen a "ue mejore muc#o tu capacidad de expresin oral y escrita. Lo primero de todo $ es conveniente que sigas estas recomendaciones: Identifica el punto gramatical "ue la frase est poniendo a prueba %por ejemplo: pasi a, modal, estilo indirecto, etc.& Realiza la transformacin necesaria re"uerida por dic#o punto gramatical %por ejemplo: si es acti a, pasar a pasi a' si es una frase en estilo directo pasar a estilo indirecto, etc.& Asegrate ue tu frase tiene el mismo significado "ue la original Asegrate tam!i"n ue tiene sentido Repasa, por (ltimo, la gram#tica, la ortograf$a y la puntuacin, para localizar posibles errores.

a. )#e last time * sa+ #er +as in ,-./ * #a en0t seen #er since ,-./ b. 1e last came #ere at t#e end of 2une 1e #asn0t come #ere since t#e end of 2une c. )#e last time * sa+ #er +as se en years ago. * #a en0t seen #er for se en years. d. 1e last came #ere six mont#s ago 1e #asn0t come #ere for six mont#s

-& .+/0) RATHER 1 IN'INITI2E 3.ITH+/T T+4 5 PRE'ER T+ )+, PRE'ER )+ING +R .+/0) PRE'ER T+
a. * li3e eating in restaurants sometimes, but * prefer coo3ing my o+n meals. * prefer coo3ing my o+n meals to eating in restaurants b. * prefer not to ans+er t#at "uestion4 *0d rat#er not ans+er t#at "uestion4 c. 5o you prefer #a ing a large car to buying a small one6 7ould you rat#er #a e a large car t#an buy a small one6


a. 8emembering grammatical rules is sometimes difficult. *t is sometimes difficult to remember grammatical rules. b. *t is dangerous to +al3 on rail+ay lines. 7al3ing on rail+ay lines is dangerous.


a& 'irst t8pe )o pass your dri ing test you +ill #a e to practise "uite a lot *f you practise "uite a lot, you +ill pass your dri ing test *t0s time +e started pac3ing if +e +ant to ta3e t#e ,9.:9 train. *f +e want to take the 10.30 train, we should start packing. !& Second t8pe * #a en;t muc# time so * read ery little. *f * #ad more time * +ould read more. )#ey don;t clean t#e +indo+s so t#e rooms loo3 rat#er dar3. *f t#ey cleaned t#e +indo+s, t#e rooms +ouldn0t loo3 so dar3. c& Third t8pe <#e didn;t 3no+ you +ere in #ospital, so s#e didn;t isit you. *f s#e #ad 3no+n you +ere in #ospital, s#e +ould #a e isited you. * didn;t see t#e signal, so * didn;t stop. *f * #ad seen t#e signal, * +ould #a e stopped. /nless 9 if not =nless you 3ic3 t#e ball ery #ard, it +on0t reac# t#e goal. *f you don0t 3ic3 t#e ball ery #ard, it +on0t reac# t#e goal. *f you don0t dress properly, you +on0t go to t#e party +it# me. =nless you dress properly, you +on0t go to t#e party +it# me.

:& I .ISH 5 I' +N0;

a& I <ish 1 past simple %regret about t#e present& *t0s a pity t#ey li e so far. * +is# t#ey didn0t li e so far. !& I <ish 1 past perfect 3regret about t#e past& *t0s a pity t#ey left t#e party so early. *t +as rat#er boring after+ards. * +is# t#ey #adn0t left t#e party so early. c& I <ish 1 <ould 1 infiniti=e %complain& 7#y do you al+ays drop your cigarette as# on t#e carpet6 * +is# you +ouldn0t drop your cigarette as# on t#e carpet.


a& )irect +!?ect acti=e @ Su!?ect passi=e )#ey are going to open a ne+ #otel next year. > ne+ #otel is going to be opened next year. )#e manager #as c#anged t#e date of t#e meeting. )#e date of t#e meeting #as been c#anged by t#e manager !& Indirect +!?ect acti=e @ Su!?ect passi=e 7e #a e told #im not to be late again.

1e #as been told not to be late again *0ll send you t#e parcel tomorro+ morning. !ou +ill be sent t#e parcel tomorro+ morning c& Impersonal passi=e *t is reported t#at t#e plane cras#ed into a mountain. )#e plane is reported to #a e cras#ed into a mountain ?ur ri als are belie ed to be +or3ing on t#e project in secret *t0s belie ed t#at our ri als are +or3ing on t#e project in secret *t is expected t#at t#e go ernment +ill lose t#e election. )#e go ernment is expected to lose t#e election d& Ha=e something done )#e s#oema3er is mending my s#oes. * am #a ing my s#oes mended *;m going to t#e garage. )#ey;ll repair my car. *;m going to t#e garage to #a e my car repaired

A& B+)A0S
a& Bust C ha=e to 5 o!ligation *t +ill be obligatory for t#em to get up early +#en t#ey do t#e military ser ice. )#ey +ill #a e to get up early +#en t#ey do $ !& BustnDt 5 not allo<ed C !e for!idden * don;t +ant anyone to 3no+. !ou are forbidden to tell anyone +#at * said. !ou mustn0t tell anyone +#at * said c& Should 5 had !etter 3ad=ice4 @!ou0d better #a e a rest and go on #olidayA, t#e doctor ad ised #im. @!ou s#ould #a e a rest and go on #olidayA $ *t +as a mista3e to drin3 so muc# alco#ol. !ou s#ouldn0t #a e drun3 so muc# alco#ol d& NeednDtC )onDt ha=e to 5 not necessar8 7e #a e enoug# food at #ome. *t is not necessary t#at +e go s#opping. 7e needn0t B don0t #a e to go s#opping *t +as not necessary for t#em to attend t#e lecture yesterday )#ey didn0t #a e to attend t#e lecture yesterday *t is a lo ely day and you #a e broug#t your coat. *t +asn0t necessary. !ou needn0t #a e broug#t your coat. e& Ba8 E Bight 5 Perhaps, ma8!e, itDs ?ust possi!le Cer#aps * +ill go to t#e cinema. * may go to t#e cinema Cer#aps 2o#n 3ne+ about t#e trip, but *;m not sure. 2o#n mig#t #a e 3no+n about t#e trip. *t;s possible t#at t#ey mo e to >ustralia.

)#ey may mo e to >ustralia. f& (ould 5 There is a possi!ilit8 *t;s "uite possible t#at t#ey +ent a+ay last +ee3end. )#ey could #a e gone a+ay last +ee3end. )#ere is a possibility t#at t#ey go a+ay t#is +ee3end. )#ey could go a+ay t#is +ee3end g& Bust 5 I am sure 3affirmati=e4 *;m sure 1elen 3no+s about t#e accident. <#e loo3s ery un#appy. 1elen must 3no+ about t#e accident. <#e loo3s ery un#appy. *;m sure somet#ing is #appening tonig#t. Loo3 at t#ose preparations4 <omet#ing must be #appening tonig#t. Loo3 at t#ose preparations4 * t#in3 Dary +as probably at #ome because t#e +indo+s +ere open. Dary must #a e been at #ome because t#e +indo+s +ere open. h& (anDt 5 It is impossi!le, I am sure 3negati=e& *;m sure #e didn;t loc3 t#e door. 1e ne er does. 1e can;t #a e loc3ed t#e door. *t is impossible t#at <ally +ins t#e matc#' Daria is a muc# better player. <ally can0t +in t#e matc#' Daria $


a& +rders ;5on;t +orry about anyt#ing, Dr 1ill,; said t#e doctor. )#e doctor as3ed Dr 1ill not to +orry about anyt#ing. @?pen your suitcases, pleaseA said t#e Eustoms ?fficer. )#e Eustoms ?fficer ordered us to open our suitcases. !& Statements F*f * press my ear against t#e +all, * can #ear +#at t#e people in t#e next flat are saying,F #e said. 1e said if #e pressed #is ear against t#e +all, #e could #ear +#at $ +ere saying @* +on0t #elp you,A #e said. 1e refused to #elp me @*0ll pay you at t#e end of t#e mont#A, #e said. 1e promised to pay me at t#e end of t#e mont# c& Guestions @1a e you #ad your accinations6A t#e nurse as3ed me. )#e nurse +anted to 3no+ if * #ad #ad my accinations. @7#at are +e going to #a e for lunc#6A #e as3ed #is mot#er. 1e as3ed #is mot#er +#at t#ey +ere going to #a e for lunc#.


1e bro3e a cup. *t +as made of Go#emian glass. 1e bro3e a cup +#ic# +as made of Go#emian glass. 2ane #as been sac3ed. !ou met #er last <unday. 2ane, +#o you met last <unday, #as been sac3ed. Dic#ael #as been promoted. )#is made #im ery #appy. Dic#ael #as been promoted, +#ic# made #im ery #appy. <#e doesn;t 3no+ t#e man. 7e are tal3ing about #im. <#e doesn;t 3no+ t#e man +e are tal3ing about. 7e +ent to a restaurant. )#ey ser e excellent fis# t#ere. 7e +ent to a restaurant +#ere t#ey ser e excellent fis#. Elizabet# Heorge is an excellent +riter. 1er no els are bestIsellers. Elizabet# Heorge, +#ose no els are bestIsellers, is an excellent +riter. Elizabet# Heorge is an excellent +riter +#ose no els are bestIsellers. <#e sent t#e letter to our old address, +#ic# +as careless of #er. *t +as careless of #er to send t#e letter to our old address. )#ey arri ed too late for t#e +edding, +#ic# +as a pity. *t +as a pity t#ey arri ed too late for t#e +edding.


a& It is5<as J that J 1arry told t#e police *t +as 1arry +#o told t#e police >n occult "uality distinguis#es man from animals. *t is an occult "uality t#at distinguis#es man from animals 7#at distinguis#es man from animals is an occult "uality !& .hat J is J * need a beer 7#at * need is a beer. Dy left leg #urts 7#at #urts is my left leg


a& more than @ not so J as > an costs more t#an a motorbi3e > motorbi3e is not soBas expensi e as a an. Di3e isn0t so B as intelligent as 2ane is. 2ane is more intelligent t#an Di3e

!& ne=er J such a @ superlati=e J e=er *0 e ne er paid suc# a #ig# price. *t0s t#e #ig#est price *0 e e er paid. *0 e ne er been as3ed suc# a difficult "uestion. *t0s t#e most difficult "uestions * #a e e er been as3ed *t0s t#e longest journey *0 e e er made. *0 e ne er made suc# a long journey

%-& REAS+N
a& Kecause @ in case 7atc# t#e door carefully because #e may try to escape. 7atc# t#e door carefully in case #e escapes )a3e an umbrella +it# you because it may rain. )a3e an umbrella +it# you in case it rains. !& Kecause 5 !ecause of, due to& Gecause of t#e +orld situation at present, +e do not t#in3 it ad isable for t#e company to proceed +it# t#is project. 7e do not t#in3 it ad isable for t#e company to proceed +it# t#is project, because t#e +orld situation at present is +orrying.

%6& (+NTRAST
Although Though E=en though In spite of 1 (lause @ despite 1 2 Cing noun pronoun

>lt#oug# #e played brilliantly, #e still lost t#e matc#. *n spite of playing brilliantly, #e still lost t#e matc# 7e +ent on playing, alt#oug# it +as raining. 5espite t#e rain, +e +ent on playing *n spite of t#e increase in production, +e #a e not made a profit. >lt#oug# +e #a e increased our production, +e #a e not made a profit

%7& RES/0T
a& So 1 ad?ecti=e 5 that @ too 1 ad?ecti=e 5 to infiniti=e 1e +as so surprised t#at #e couldn0t reply. 1e +as too surprised to reply. )#e s#elf +as too #ig# for #im to reac#. )#e s#elf +as so #ig# t#at #e couldn0t reac# it. !& So 1 ad?ecti=e 5 that @ such 3a5an4 3ad?ecti=e4 1 noun 5 that

)#e journey +as so tiring t#at * fell asleep. *t +as suc# a tiring journey t#at * fell asleep. )#e flo+ers are so beautiful t#at it is a s#ame to pic3 t#em.

)#ey are suc# beautiful flo+ers t#at it is a s#ame $ *t +as suc# a long flig#t t#at +e #ad t#ree meals on board. )#e flig#t +as so long t#at +e #ad t#ree meals $

%:& P/RP+SE
a& one su!?ect : to 1 infiniti=e in order 3not4 to 1 infiniti=e so as 3not4 to 1 infiniti=e 7e +ore +arm clot#es. 7e didn0t +ant to get cold. 7e +ore +arm clot#es so as not to get cold * #a e to go to t#e ban3. * need some money * #a e to go to t#e ban3 to get some money !& t<o su!?ects * so that 1 clause *0ll gi e you my number. * +ant you to be able to p#one me. *0ll gi e you my number so t#at you can p#one me * spo3e ery slo+ly. * +anted t#e man to understand +#at * said. * spo3e ery slo+ly so t#at t#e man could understand +#at * said

,. )#ey are going to rebuild t#e )o+n 1all. )#e )o+n 1all ... J. 7e;ll go to t#e beac# unless it rains. 7e0ll go to t#e beac# if ... :. F* can;t belie e +#at you;re saying,F Caul told me. Caul told me t#at ... K. Venice is a +onderful place. 7e spent our last #oliday t#ere Venice, L. *t isn;t necessary for #er to p#one me bac3. <#e ... M. )#e matc# +as cancelled because it +as raining. )#e matc# +as cancelled due to ... .. <#e isn;t passing #er exams because s#e isn;t studying #ard enoug#. *f s#e ... /. F5id you enjoy t#e party6F s#e as3ed. <#e as3ed me ... -. *t;s compulsory to fasten your seatbelt +#en landing and ta3ing off. !ou ... ,9. *;d li3e to be on a deserted island rig#t no+. * +is# ...

ME;S 3.ITH ELP0ANATI+N4 1.- They are going to rebuild the Town Hall. The Town Hall is going to be rebuilt (Activa 2.- Well go to the beach unless it rains Well go to the beach i it doesnt rain (!nless #.- $" cant believe what you are saying%& Paul told 'e Paul told 'e he couldnt believe what " was saying ("ndirect ()eech - state'ents) *.- +enice is a wonder ul )lace. We s)ent our last holiday there (we add a relative )article% and co''as) +enice% where we s)ent our last holiday% is a wonder ul )lace (we o'it there) (,elative clause) -.- "t isn.t necessary or her to )hone 'e bac/ (he doesnt have to )hone 'e bac/ (0odal verbs) 1.- The 'atch was cancelled because it was raining. The 'atch was cancelled due to the rain (,eason clauses) 2.- (he isn.t )assing her e3a's because she isn.t studying hard enough. " she studied harder she would )ass her e3a's (4onditional sentences 5 ty)e 2) 6.- 78id you en9oy the )arty:7 she as/ed. (he as/ed 'e i " had en9oyed the )arty ("ndirect s)eech 5 ;uestions) ") Pasiva)

<.- "t.s co')ulsory to asten your seatbelt when landing and ta/ing o . =ou 'ust asten your seatbelt > (0odal verbs) 1?.- ".d li/e to be on a deserted island right now. " wish " were on a deserted island right now (Wishes)


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