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A sequel to The Christ Mind I and My Father are One 1993 ~ 2006 R. A. Clark An introduction to this sequel.

. There are only so many ways to explain, that God is the I AM within us. In spite of the repetition, there is a thread throughout these chapters, that ties this message together. These chapters do not constitute a story, They are meant to assist you in attaining a mental transformation the Christ Mind. (Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind), enabling you to function AS the Father as the Universal I AM! These ideas will, like seeds, take root in your consciousness, if you ask God for understanding and enlightenment. I am sure there is much more to this wonderful mystery of Oneness, but there is all you need to know within the covers of this book to start you on the path to God consciousness and Life Everlasting. I also believe that the next generation will produce someone who will do greater things than these. I am also certain that only AS God, will it be achieved. ~~~ Pertaining to Adam. For over forty years, I have concentrated on the life of Jesus Christ. I have searched and found t he keys that led me to the Christ Mind. The I am within each of us, is the Father. It is in that consciousness, that we have been admonished to walk. Christians say they follow the Bible. The Muslims also know of the Bible. So do Buddhists, and Jews, and I am sure that the majority of other religious organizations do to some degree as well. In the Christian religions, the focus, has been on Christ. In the Muslim faith, the focus is on the prophet Mohammed. In Buddhism, it is on the Buddha. In other religions it is usually on some departed guru, who had gathered a huge following while living off the fears and superstitions of their devotees. Most use the Bible, to some degree, as a book of reference. But, how many have focused on Gods relationship to Adam? At His creation, Adam, was the perfect man. Made in the image and likeness of God! When Adam and Eve first came into being, they would have had no idea what manner of beings they were. They of course, were Gods (made in the image and likeness of God). Their thoughts would have manifested as quickly as they were thought. They were God in His most perfect disguise. Perhaps, we should have been focusing on the Lifeof Adam, instead of on the life of Christ, for Christ is not a specific person, and never has been! The Christ, is a personality the person of God (the Father), personified! Adam, came into being as an adult as God! We come 'into being', as a child. God gave being to Adam, by 'becoming Adam... by 'being' Adam. God was the Vine, and Adam, was the branch. They were One and the same! Adam, did not have to 'concentrate', on being God. He was not preprogrammed he simply functioned AS God, whereas we function, as the person our parents created when they named us! The 'person' we believe ourselves to be, is but the illusion in which we walk! Each of us, is a branch of the Vine also, if we only realized this. We are to God, exactly what Adam was to God! Gods mind was Adam's mind. (The mind of the Vine, is the mind of the branch.) Adam... was not preprogrammed, so he functioned AS God. There was ONLY the mind of God, and Adam knew no difference, nor did he give any thought to the subject. He was what he was, and that was that! At our birth... we are like an 'empty' computer. No different than what Adam was when God first became man. (As I have said, every new born human child, is God, in the infant stage of development). The one thing Adam was not aware of, was the 'consequences' of his thinking. He simply created as He perceived things to be! We too, have failed to realize the consequences of our thinking! This has been the problem with humanity ever since. I have never heard of anyone who could give me the reason why these men of old lived to be several hundred years old. Here is

the reason. Prior to the creation of 'Adam', there were no thoughts of death, sin, hate, 'nationalities', imperfection, etc., in the Divine Mind. This was the reason why many lived for hundreds of years. Eventually, the 'thoughts of men', polluted the Divine mind, (with the thoughts of men) causing men to become little more than other 'creatures', and so 'men' now live a life span, of approx. three score and ten. How have 'we' been programmed? We have been made to believe we are English men, French men, Germans, Russians, Africans, Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, etc., etc. We have been 'filled' with every thing but the Truth! Never have we been programmed as Jesus must have been programmed. Mary knew that her unborn child would grow up to be as God, and she taught him that from the cradle! He too was programmed, but programmed with the Truth. "Jesus", was no different from you or me, except that he was programmed, to 'walk as God! Jesus, knew that he and God, were One, and so he focused his attention constantly on that. Adam did not have to focus his attention on that... he simply functioned AS God, 'unconsciously', for he had not been programmed with false information. Any thoughts he had, manifested immediately. His creativity, was acute, so his thoughts, supplied his needs! (he was the creator embodied, even though he didnt realize this.) Before the creation of man, the Divine Mind, knew no imperfection! It was in that mind, that Adam thought and functioned! We have been filled with so much garbage, that we are now, for the most part, totally oblivious of what manner of beings we are, so we function, as mere men and live by the sweat of our brow! We see Adam... as being our oldest ancestor, but this is not true. God is our oldest Patriarch! (Adam, was God embodied!) God hid 'His' identity, when He gave being to this 'man He became', by naming Himself Adam! The same thing happened when our parents named us. Our names, hid our True identity, but the Church never told us how to discover it! They never told us that the "I" within us was our true identity the same "I" that gave being to Himself as Adam! (This realization, amounts to the Spiritual Rebirth.) The word 'Adam', can also mean a dam an obstruction. A dam can shut off the flow of water. Water, in the Bible, is symbolic of Truth. Our names are like dams as it were... they hide our true identity. Until we realize that the I AM within us is God, we simply go on in ignorance, functioning as the person our parents created when they named us! What Adam was... we are! There never has been any one else! This is why Jesus told us to call no man on earth our Father, for God (our Source), is our Father. The 'Spirit of God is the reality of every 'man' that has ever come into the World! cannot express itself as what it is, because it cannot get access to its temple. The Spirit of God within us, (which is us) has been programmed to believe it is the person our parents created when they named us. The Spiri t of God, and the Universal mind, are one and the same! Adam, was the Spirit of God, unadulterated. Adam, was the perfect man! The man known as Jesus, was not quite as perfect He had experienced outside influence! We are virtually at the bottom of the scale! Jesus lived the Christ Life, by Faith! So too must we! He realized, that He and God, were One and the same. Adam didnt have to live by Faith, he simply functioned as God intended man, (the branch), to function! (he had not been programmed to believe otherwise.) Jesus realized, that the I within Him, was God. Remember what I said the Christ, is simply the Spirit of God, personified! Right now, the Universal mind or the Divine mind... (they are one and the same) is polluted with the thoughts and beliefs of 'men'. Man and God, are one and the same! Each of us is like a 'receiving' set, as well as a 'transmitter'. Think of the significance of this. We 'send out' our thoughts, and we also 'pick up' the thoughts of others. Every thing, is recorded and stored, in the Universal Mind (in the Mind of God). Thus, we are influenced by every thing we see or hear. Men have filled the Universal Mind, with the thoughts of men, (with thoughts of hate, jealousy, nationalities, revenge, etc., etc.) These thoughts are projected into the Universal Mind, with intense feeling with power! We are influenced by them, as well as by every thing we see or hear, because, each of us, is connected to the Universal Mind. The Universe, is a mental phenomenon ALL, IS MIND! As I have said throughout my book... we cannot 'think' thoughts, that do not exist in the Divine Mind... (in Gods mind), because the 'person' we believe ourselves to be, is but the illusion in which we walk! (There is only the Vine the Father!) This person our parents created when

they named us, HAS NO BEING! When we think, we are actually the Father thinking, if we only realized this! So you can see that we need Faith as never before, in order to walk as the Father, (as the Christ ). When we realize that we and our so called enemies are all One let us remember Him who suffered the cross, and know that His prayer, that they all may be One, even as we are One, has finally been answered. ~~~ It was Jesus prayer that we might all be One as He and His Father(God) were One. In Philippians we are admonished to, Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Jesus functioned AS God! It is the consciousness, in which we are all capable of functioning. In the book of Acts, Peter and the disciples did not function AS God. They prayed to God as though God were separate and apart from them! This has led to the consciousness in which the Evangelical Churches of the World have functioned since His crucifixion at Calvary. In the first part of the book of Acts we are led to believe they were filled with the Holy Spirit. I beg to differ. They were filled with the belief that God was separate and apart from them, but was there to answer their prayers so long as they had faith that if they asked in the name of Jesus, their prayers would be answered. This belief exists in the Church to this day. Jesus was God embodied, so was Peter. In the book of Acts, they spoke the word of God with boldness. Their faith in their belief was suffici ent to effect a healing, and many were healed. Anyone can speak the word of God boldly, without realizing that they are One with God, and healings will take place. The Church has been doing so for years, though not being noticeably effective. Had Peter realized that the I within him was the same I that was within Jesus, and that there was none other, perhaps the entire World might function today in God consciousness, as Jesus functioned. Peter had no idea that every man on Earth was the Universal I am embodied. Nor is the World aware of this even today. If we should walk in the realization that God is the I AM within us, the Spirit that healed the sick in Jesus day, would have the same healing effect to day! The Spirit that dwelt in Him, was the Spirit of God! The I within each of us, is that same Spirit (that same consciousness) that dwelt in him who was known as Jesus. Thus did he say,I and my Father are one. When we realize that the I within us is that same I that functioned AS Jesus, we too can say, I and my Father are One. Suppose Peter had known this. ~~~ I am that I am. No John / Jane Doe, has any being. The person your parents created when they named you at your birth, has no being. Can you comprehend this? No matter what name your parents might have chosen to identify you with them, that person, would still have had no being. Nothing or no One, has being, apart from, or other than the Source! There is ONLY the Source, and the Source, is the Universal I AM! It is for this reason that we all say Hello, I am, every time we introduce ourselves. The Source, the I AM, does not give being to any One, or to any thing, apart from or other than itself! No matter the color of your skin, the language you speak, the culture or the religion you follow, or your perceived Nationality, you are the Source, the I am, manifesting! Nothing has being other than it! If every individual on Earth, spoke the English language, no one could identify himself / herself, without first proclaiming their relationship to the Universal I AM. We are all One. It was Jesus prayer, that we should all be aware of this (that we might all be one, as the Father and I are One). To function in this awareness, is to function in the Christ Mind, (in Christ consciousness). In the 15th Chapter of the book of St. John, Jesus expounds the relationship between God and man, as being identical to the relationship of a branch to the Vine. They are ONE! There is not Him AND us there is only Him. He is the I AM THAT I AM! Here is how the Vine, might view its relationship to the branches. I AM the reality, of every man/woman on the Planet. I AM also the reality of every other living thing. There is nothing besides me, or other than me. I AM the Holy Spiri t the Spirit of God! Those who realize that I AM the I AM within them, and function in that consciousness, are the Christs of the world, for the Christ is but the Holy Spirit, (the Spirit of God) personified! From this point of view, there is no separation. I AM ONE! There is however,

individualization. Even though I remain One I am every individual manifestation, and in the realm of humanity, every individual manifestation has a name to identify it from all other manifestations. Each individual manifestation has the freedom to think and create as it perceives itself to be, yet I AM the reality of each one! AS I have free will, each individual manifestation has free will also. And my name is I AM! This is the reason that every individual manifestation says, I am, because I AM THAT I AM! There is no one other than me! At this point in time, there is approximately seven billion individual manifestations of myself, functioning as human beings (as men) as descendents of Adam! Perhaps there are a few functioning AS the I AM THAT I AM but very few. Whoever is functioning in that awareness, are the Christs of today. As it was with Adam no John/Jane Doe, on the face of the Planet, has any being. Only I have being! Men are not aware of Wh o or What they really are. They think they are the progeny of Adam. Adam is synonymous with men with human beings, whereas I am synonymous with God. Only I AM. When you think, it is actually me that is thinking. I... am the thinker. You cause ME to think, asyou perceive yourself to be. Thus be cause I AM the creator, you, are responsible for your creations, for I can only think as you perceive ME (your self) to be! You see I AM who you are, but you think you are t he person your parents created when they named you at your birth! The person you believe yourself to be, was never born you, were created, But not by ME. You have no being, as the person your parents created when they named you! (You are an illusion) Before you can function as the I AM THAT I AM (in your true identity) you must be born again. You must first experience the Spiritual Rebirth! This birth, is the birth of the Christ. This conception, takes place in your consciousness. This child is conceived by the Holy Spirit by the Truth through the realization that the Universal I AM is the I am within you! This, is known throughout the Christian World, as the immaculate conception (the Virgin Birth!) It results in the birth of the Christ through the realization that you and I, (your heavenly Father) are ONE! (Thus... I and my Father are One) ~~~ I believe with all my being, that God (the Vine), is Who and What I am. Then how could there be anything more for me to attain than that? What more is there for me to realize? Nothing more! I dont need to wonder if I have Eternal Life I am Eternal Life! I do not have to die to enter Eternity. I am living in Eternity this very moment. I am walking about in the Kingdom of Heaven where ver I go, knowing that I am the Eternal I am embodied . I need never die physically, for I no longer function in the consciousness of being the person my parents created when they named me! Others still see me as that person, but I now know, that I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE! I now know, that I am the Eternal I am embodied! We must realize, that apart from our Source (apart from God), we have no being no existence. God is the I am that I am! In knowing that there can be no death! He who liveth and believeth in me (AS me), shall never die! As we function in this consciousness, it is no longer a matter of perhaps, but when. As we walk in this consciousness, the very cells of our bodies will be transformed. It could not be otherwise. Had Adam walked in the consciousness of being the Father individualized, he would never have died. So too, is it with us! ~~~ No matter how earnestly we might try to be Christ like, no matter how committed to that end we might be, so long as we believe that to live in our John Doe identity is to live in reality, we can never attain the Christ mind, we can never be more than a 'practicing Christian'. We can only attain the Christ mind when we realize that the 'Father' is the I within us. As John Doe, we are nothing more than an illusion. 'God' is our reality... our true identity. ~~~ I am the Universal I am individualized. Nothing or no One exists apart from, or other than, the Universal I am. God did not give being to the person we believe ourselves to be. He gave being to us as a Vine gives being to a branch. The branch, is but an extension of the Vine. What God is, is what we are. He is also Who we are. We of ourselves have no being, we are not plugged into the Universal Mind, we are but outlets through which it c an function in the world of form AS the Universal I am. It cannot do so however because it cannot get access to its temple. At our birth, our parents give us a name, and then proceed to program us in their image and likeness, cementing the identity they give us at our birth, in our consciousness. So much so that we find it hard to believe as

we grow older, that we could be something or someone other than who or what we have been made to believe we are. The Universal I am cannot express itself until we realize that the I within us, is God the real you and the real me! Not only must we see this, we must make a commitment to live and function in our new found identity our I AM THAT I AM identity! It means the crucifixion of our outer self of our John/Jane Doe identity! This was the significance of the cross. The self must be crucified before the resurrection of the I am within us can take place! Should we refuse to die to self, we are as guilty of crucifying the Christ, as were they who c alled for His crucifixion 2000 years ago. The Christ, is not a specific person. The Christ is but the person of God the Holy Spirit (the Universal I am) personified! Each of us was created to be the Christ, believe it or not. However, before we can function in that consciousness, we must realize that we are the Universal IAM individualized. (The Spiritual Rebirth) Only then can we truly say that I and my Father are One. The Universal I AM, (or God) is the reality of the entire Human race.That we might realize this, is the answer to Jesus prayer. ~~~ God made man in His image God made man in His image and likeness. He is the I am within us. He made us by becoming us by being us. He created us, so that we could function in the World of form AS God. The Source, is the reality of His creations. The Vine, is the reality of the branch. The Ocean is the reality of the wave. God, is the real you and the real me. Apart from Him, we have no existence. He is the I am within every man/woman on Planet Earth, regardless of our color, language, religion, perceived Nationality, or culture. When we think, it is God who is thinking, only He thinks, He, is the person we believe ourselves to be. Can you grasp that? In other words, God creates, as we believe, only we, are unaware of who we are, and so we create the beliefs that divide and destroy us. We are the Lord, in action. (The Lord and the Law, are synonymous.) As we think, so do we create. Our thoughts are creative, because they are Gods thoughts. We set creation in motion, as we think, only we are, for the most part, totally unaware of this tremendous fact. When our prayers are answered, we think an invisible God heard us and answered our prayers. So we think He, (God), is an anthropomorphic being up in Heaven watching over us, never realizing that it is us who set the creative action in motion by our thinking. There is not Him, AND us, there is ONLY Him. HE is us! (He who has seen me, has seen Him) (the Father) Th is His disciples failed to perceive. Show us the Father, Phillip said, and then perhaps we will believe you. God did not give being to the person we believe ourselves to be. Our parents did that when they named us at our birth. Now can you see the necessity of the spiritual Rebirth? Through the concept of the Spiritual Rebirth that the Churches of the World promote, we can NEVER attain the Christ mind. (We can never function AS God) Their concept does nothing more than bring about a Spiritual conversion. It does not bring about the Spiritual Rebirth, the only means whereby we can attain Christ Consciousness! This comes about ONLY when we realize that the I am within us, is the Father. Then and then only can we say with conviction that I and my Father, are One! God did not create man in order to populate the Earth with men. He created man, as the means whereby He could, through the Spiritual Rebirth, create sons and daughters of God, in order to populate the Universe with Gods! With beings which would glorify the Universal I AM, not with beings that would deny, disgrace and destroy Him and His creations. The real Spiritual Rebirth, makes it possible for sons and daughters of men, to become sons and daughters of God. Then through the creative power of our consciousness, we can experience that transformation known as the transfiguration, which in turn makes it possible for us to ascend as beings of Light. No longer will we function as this person our parents created when they named us. We will function as the Universal I am... as the Father, having been transformed by the renewing of our mind.

It is the goal of the church to make us better men. By striving to become better men our sense of separation from God becomes even greater. By striving to become better men we become less and less like our Source. Only AS God can we enter the Kingdom of God. To walk in the Kingdom of God (in God consciousness), we must realize that the I within us is God (the Father). In trying to become better men, we do not become more like our heavenly Father. The belief that we are nothing more than mere men IS the problem. We can only b ecome more like our Father when we realize that we are already the presence of the Father... when we realize that the Father is the I am within us. It is extremely difficult at first to grasp the fact that a man/woman, is actually God embodied. Once you see it, you wonder how you could have missed it. None of Jesusdisciples saw it, and every religion on Earth has failed to see it. Here are the steps that lead to attaining the mind in which Jesus functioned the Christ Mind. God, Life, the Holy Spirit, or the Source of all being gives being to every thing, by becoming every thing. Every thing, is the Source, manifesting AS that thing! The organism known as man, is the only organism on Earth, in which and through which the Source (God), can function AS the Source. God made man, in His image and likeness. But He did not create the person you believe yourself to be. Your parents did that, when they named you at your birth! This was why He said Ye must be born again (Except a man be born again, he can not enter the Kingdom of God). The Kingdom of God, is a State of Mind! A state of Knowing that you are God embodied that you and God are one and the same, but you can not realize this, until you realize that this person your parents created when they named you, is but the illusion in which you have been functioning. The I within you, that says I am Henry, John, Joseph, Robert, Mary, Jane, or whatever, is WHO and WHAT we actually are, and that I, is God (the Source)! This person you believe yourself to be, is but the consciousness, (the illusion) in which virtually every man/woman on the Planet functions. The Vine is the reality of the branch. They are ONE! This idea is the seed, that leads to the Spiritual Rebirth. You might liken this idea, as the moment of conception. Some seed (some ideas) fall on dry ground, some among thorns, etc, but some does fall on fertile ground). The idea, that the I within us, is God, sets in motion the desire in us to walk AS God to function As God! To function AS God, (AS the Vine), is to function AS the Christ! This is when you begin to realize that the Christ is simply the person of God, (the Holy Spirit), personified the REAL me, and the REAL you! The Christ is simply the Father personified, the Divine Mind personified! Now we realize that the person we had thought ourselves to be, is nothing more that our name our outer identity. Now we can see that I AM THAT I AM each one of us! Now we know we have been born again. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit, of God, and the Spirit of God personified, is the Christ! The three are One (the trinity)! The Christ, is not a specific person the Christ, is a personality the personality of God (the Holy Spirit) personified, and we cannot attain that mind until we see that the I within us, is the Father (God)! That is the Spiritual Rebirth! This was the consciousness, in which Jesus functioned. This was why He said, you can do what you see me do. God truly is all, and in all. God, the Holy Spirit, is the reality of all of Humanity! We are indeed, All One! There is only God! Each of us, is God individualized! It is not the person we believe ourselves to be that is God it is the I within us that i s God. There is no one else! There is ONLY the I the Father! The Christ Mind, (Christ consciousness) is not developed overnight. You did not become who you see your self as being overnight. You (the person you believe yourself to be) are the resu lt of years of programming. To see that the I within you is God, can be likened to the moment of conception. It might take a similar length of time, 9 month (the same length of time it took for your physical form to develop), before you realize that yo u have indeed been born again. It might take another dozen years before you can effectively function as Jesus did, when He was found teaching the Rabbis in the temple, and another dozen years before you might try turning water into wine, or walking on water. It is a walk that you walk by faith a life that you live by faith! From the day you first see it! It is the key to the resurrection, to the resurrection of the I AM within us, and to ones transfiguration, enableing us to bypass physical death, leading to our ascension! ~~~ Man and God, are synonymous. Man and God, are synonymous. They are one and the same. The Bible tells us this, but who believes it? Adam and God were One and the same. God, is the Universal I am, and man, is the Universal I am individualized. We as children of men, are actually sons and daughters of God if we only knew it! Regardless of color, language,

religion, perceived Nationality or culture, every so called human child born on Planet Earth, has been, and is, God in the infant stage of development. Is this not an amazing realization? God made us in His image and likeness. The person our parents created when they named us, is but the illusion in which we function. Thus the necessity of the Spiritual Rebirth! When we realize that the I am within us, is God we will have been born again! Only through this realization can we say we have entered the Kingdom of God, for the Kingdom of God, is synonymous with God consciousness. The Kingdom of God, is a state of mind not a specific place! The entire Universe is the Kingdom of God, and Planet Earth is the Garden of Eden! As we walk AS God, we need never die! This was why Adam, Enoch, Noah, Methuselah, Cainan, Jared, etc., etc., lived for hundreds of years. Enoch realized this fully, and achieved the ascension. Adam died b ecause he ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The Church today, is feasting on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (To do so, is to deny the omnipresence of God!) Each of us is but the Divine Mind embodied! When God created man, there were no thoughts of division, death, hatred, nationality, etc., in the Divine mind. Such thoughts were implanted into the Divine mind by men who were ignorant of what manner of being this organism known as man is! These men, had no idea that they were individualized manifestations of God, but because they were, they had the capacity to program the Universal mind with their beliefs just as we have today! The entire World is oblivious of this understanding. Think of the beliefs that exist today in the minds of men, and you have the answer to the Worlds problems. None of us has any being of ourselves. We are to the Universal Mind, what waves are to the Ocean, what branches are to the Vine. When we think, we are actually the Ocean thinking (God thinking), only we think as we perceive ourselves to be and thus create the beliefs that divide us. The Truth is, we are all One, and God is that One (the I within us). But the solution is the same today as it was in Enochs time, a nd as it was 2000 years ago. We only have to realize that God, is Who and What we are! He, is the IAM within us! The concept of the Spiritual Rebirth as promoted by the World Churches, is erroneous! Through their concept men can NEVER attain the Christ Mind! Only when we realize that the I within us is God, can it be done. Not before! When we realize that the Father is the I within us, and when we make the decision to walk in that consciousness, we begin to take upon ourselves the likeness of the Father. That likeness, IS THE CHRIST! The Christ is not a specific individual! The Christ is but the Father (the Divine Mind) personified! The Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God personified, is the Christ! The three are One! Jesus knew this! He said if our eye be single, our whole body would be full of light (If we functioned in this consciousness, we would be like Him!) Should we walk in this consciousness, we will eventually become transparent, as He was seen to be at the Mount of transfiguration! Planet Earth, is but a school, where through the process of procreation, sons and daughters of men, give birth to children, who can, through the Spiritual Rebirth, be transformed into sons and daughters of God! It is th e process by which God creates Gods, in the world of manifest forms if we only knew it! This was His purpose for creating man. Mary knew that she and God were one, (Mat.1:18) and that her son(Gods son) was the product of the Holy Spirit, so even as a child, Jesus knew this. (This is why He said, call no man on Earth your Father, for there is only One Father, and that is God) I and my Father are One, was the message He brought to Humanity 2000 years ago, but no one got the message. Not even His disciples saw it! This was what Calvary was all about. He went to the cross to demonstrate to Humanity that the self(the illusion), must be crucified before the Father (the I within us) could be resurrected! God made us in His image and likeness, but He did not create this person we believe ourselves to be. Our parents did that when they named us at our birth, and then proceeded to mold us in their image and likeness. Only when the World sees this, will there be Peace on Earth, and we are running out of time. To function in this consciousness, is to function in the Christ Mind, and there is not a religion on Earth promoting this! Without a doubt, there is an image of this Planet (the Garden of Eden) in all its pristine glory held in the Divine Mind. Man in his search for wealth, self glorification and power, is distorting this image beyond the point of no return. In order to restore this image, the mother aspect of the creative principle, has no alternative but to destroy the cause! In order to do so, humanity will be subjected to a cataclysmic event. An event that will without a doubt, obliterate all present day technology. Those who will be left, will be as mechanized as they were in the days of Cain and Able. And no one can say they have not been warned. ~~~ Who is Satan? What keeps us from being Christ like? Is it not the belief that we are the person our parents created when they named us at our birth? SATAN IS THE SELF THE ILLUSION (the person we believe ourselves to

be). Man... is totally unaware of the fact that he himself is the God he has been searching for... while the person he believes himself to be, is the Satan he has been warned to avoid. ~~~ Man is God embodied. When I first heard that man was God embodied, I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard. A few months later I realized that this was indeed the Truth, so I began to search for any thing I could find that would throw some light on this subject. I went to meditation groups, to New Age groups and to wherever I thought I might find verification. I read Goldsmith, Holmes, Spalding, MacDonald Bayne, and a dozen others, but none fully satisfied me. I saw that man was indeed God embodied, and that we of ourselves could have no being at all. There had to be more to it than what I was finding in the written works of others. To help myself understand, I began to write. I had written about 140 pages, all with pen and pencil, from every conceivable perspective I could think of. I was encouraged to put these short essays into a book, so I did so, and entitled my booklet Points of Light. To give you an idea that it takes time for ideas to germinate in your mind. A month or two after I had produced this booklet, one day a light came on, and I thought, this is the Christ Mind! This revelation pushed me to continue writing. Since then I must have written three or four hundred pages. A terrible amount of repetition. I published Points of Light, in 1993. Since then, I changed the title to The Christ Mind. Along the way I published an edition entitled I am that I am. The early chapters, I have tried to improve upon, but basically my present book has been built upon my initial understanding. I gave a copy of my first booklet to an old friend. A pastor I had a great deal of respect for. We were to discuss what I had written after he had read it, but unfortunately he passed away before we could get together. His wife found the copy about three months after his death, and gave it to me. I wanted to see what his comments might be. The first thing I found was Bob thinks hes God, ha, ha, ha. Almost the same thing I said when I first heard it also. As soon as I read that, I knew it had gone right over his head You see, it was not Bob, who thought he was God, it was God, who had been programmed to believe that He was Bob. It is not an easy thing to see. To say that Bob thought he was God, is to give being to Bob, when in fact the only thing that has being, is God the Source. Jesus disciples never saw it either. Show us this Father fellow you keep talking about, Phillip said the night before His crucifixion, and perhaps then we will believe you. Nor did the religious of the day, nor has the Churches of the World seen it to this day. Man is God embodied the Father embodied! There is no one else! As time goes by, I seem to be able to write about our relationship to God, with more and more clarity. With each email I write, and with each essay I write, I seem to make it more understandable. It would be repetitious for me to go through it all again, but just today, I realized, that in writing the Christ Mind, plus subsequent essays, I have given the World the message for which they crucified the Christ some 2000 years ago! No one could see it then, but they can now! As I thought about this, I remembered the story about Jesus baptism, where the heavens opened unto Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon Him, and a voice from heaven saying, This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. ~~~ Jesus functioned in God consciousness. (the Christ mind) In Philippians we are admonished to function in that same mind (let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.) How can men possibly walk in Christ consciousness? Through the transforming power of the Spiritual Rebirth, once they realize that God is the I AM within them. Peter and the other disciples prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, whereas they could have functioned AS the Christ, had they realized that God (the Father,) was the I am within them. I have read many times that our beliefs five minute after we die, are no different than they were before we died. We are not suddenly enlightened. I have always had doubts about those who claim to communicate with the departed Spirits, because they dont seem to be any more enlightened than those of us on this side. This is why I have always questioned their validity. Perhaps the spirits of the disciples who never saw that they were God individualized 2000 years ago, still dont see it! Those who have left their bodies, did not necessarily enter the Kingdom of Heaven, for the Kingdom of Heaven is a state of mind. They still live, but not in the Kingdom of Heaven. Is the thinking of the departed, any different than when they were embodied? Do they still think they are the person their parents created when they named them, except that now they know they are no longer in the world of form? Are they any more enlightened than the peoples of this World? If there are those who can communicate with departed Spirits, how come these Spirits have never been able to provide them with the keys? Might it be just

as hard for them to grasp this Truth in the Spiritual realm, as it is for those who are functioning on this plane? People looking for enlightenment will not necessarily get enlightenment from those who have died, for if they had been fully enlightened, they would not have died they would have transcended! Jesus did not enter the same spiritual plain as those who die physically. He entered a much higher realm. For this reason, we must be careful of communicating with the Spirits of the dead. Why do those who claim to communicate with the dead, never claim to have communicated with Jesus? Because... He gave us the keys, but we got it wrong! He knew that man and God were One. He knew this when He asked Peter Whom do men say that I the son of man am. He wasnt referring to Himself! He knew He was no different than you or I! He walked in the Kingdom of God... in God consciousness. We are taught that we must have faith. If your faith be as much as a grain of mustard seed etc., We are taught that Faith is the key! BELIEVE and ye shall receive. I have often wondered why He never stressed the fact that man, was God individualized. Did His upbringing instill in Him sufficient faith to enable Him to walk AS God? It may have been sufficient for Him, but evidently not sufficient for the majority of us. We need a deeper understanding of our relationship to our source before our faith becomes sufficient. Our years of programming has proven to be very difficult to overcome. We need to first realize through common sense reasoning, that the I within us is the God we have been searching for. (Even then we lack sufficient faith!) Then it depends upon the depth of our DESIRE, for us to attain the Christ Mind. ~~~ The blind leading the blind. The best illustration I know of, in expressing mans relationship to God is stressing the relationship of a branch to the Vine, or a wave to the Ocean. The whole of Humanity, is locked into seeing the world through their eyes as men. It takes quite some time for them to see the world as God sees it. For those who have never heard or thought like this, all we can do is sow seeds, and the simpler we keep it the better. (Except ye become as little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.) Those who follow the Bible, all say they believe that God made man in His image and likeness, yet they cannot believe that that includes them. It is all so simple, but still they find it hard to comprehend. Why then do they go to church? Because we inherently believe in a higher power, and attend Church in the hope of connecting with our Source. But what have we got the blind leading the blind. The main idea we must get across, is the idea that we are much more than this person we believe ourselves to be. We read that, in the beginning, there was only the Spirit of God. There is still nothing other than the Spirit of God. Every thing we see, is the Spirit of God manifesting AS THAT THING. It is usually referred to as being male, but it is neither male nor female. It is just Creative Spirit(creative consciousness), which functions according to an absolute Father/Mother creative principle, with the consciousness, being the Father aspect, and the intelligence, being the Mother aspect. It is the sole purpose of the Intelligence, to give being to whatever the Consciousness decrees as being, or sees itself as being, and the only requisite is to know this. By the same creative principle, does man create.(Ye shall decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you Job. 22:28) God made you (and every other man/woman) in His image and likeness, but He did not create the person you believe yourself to be. Your parents did that, when they named you at your birth. This person you believe yourself to be, was not born! Every so called human child, that has ever been born, is God (the Spirit of God), in the infant stage of development. You were created AFTER your birth. You are much more than the person you believe yourself to be. You are the Spirit of God embodied the I AM embodied, only you have been programmed to believe you are the person your parents created when they named you. Children of men, are actually children of God, only no one is aware of this stupendous truth! That Humanity might know this, was the reason Jesus suffered the agony of the cross! It was His prayer that we all might be One, as He and His Father were One. So, in ignorance of our relationship to our Source, and thus to each other, we function as men, as the John/Jane Doe we were named! The blind leading the blind! Thus, a Spiritual Rebirth, is required before we can function as Jesus functioned. Ex cept a man be born again, He said, he cannot enter this kingdom this state of mind (He cannot attain God consciousness)! Jesus functioned in God consciousness in the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God, is synonymous with God consciousness. It is a state of Mind a state of KNOWING that we are children of God sons/daughters of God! Before we can effectively function in that state of mind, we must realize that the I within us, is our True identity, and that that I, IS GOD! The person that men and women throughout the World believe themselves to be, is but the illusion in

which they function. Is it any wonder we are a World divided? The Vine, is the reality of the branch the Ocean, is the reality of the wave. One is the Source, and the other, is the Source manifesting! We are all One. ~~~ The great deception Since the fall, of the sons of God, the World has been subjected through religious beliefs, to the greatest snow job in the history of Humanity. Man was driven from the garden, not by any outside force, or God, but by their ignorance of being God. They were driven from the garden, because they saw themselves as being mere men. So lest they put forth their hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever, the Lord God, sent them forth from the garden, to till the ground from whence they were taken. Because they were no longer aware of being the Eternal I AM embodied, they lost their capacity to live forever in their physical bodies transformed into a body of Light. Nor were they aware of being creative, but being subject to the law of thought (as a man thinketh, so is he,) they fell. All because they lost the awareness, of being individualized manifestations of God! They functioned as though they had being, as the person their parents created, when they named them at their birth, thereby denying themselves an Eternal Reality! No one has being other than the Source. Not knowing that they were God embodied, with freedom to think as they wished, their thoughts were evil constantly (Gen.6:5) Eventually, the Divine mind became polluted with the beliefs of men, causing men to die as mere creatures, with an average life span of three score and ten. When God created man, (Adam) Adam, functioned AS God. Adam was God embodied! It could not have been otherwise! Before his creation, Adam, could not have formed an individual opinion, nor could he have developed a personality, for he had no being apart from God! Before the creation of Adam, the re were no thoughts of death, evil, hate, sickness or imperfection, in the Divine Mind! Adam was told that he must not partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, lest he would die. But still he did, and we know that he died. Adam, had no way of knowing, that he was God embodied. One thing that He did not know, was the consequences of his thinking! He simply functioned as he was created to function, with His needs, giving being to his needs! (This is why Jesus said your Father knoweth what things ye have need of even before ye ask him) If we were aware of being God our needs would give being to our needs! Is that not fantastic? We have simply to give thanks, and know, that whatever we have need of, is already ours, once we realize that we are the Spirit of God embodied (the consciousness of God embodied). Thoughts held in the mind of God, are sure to manifest! Only as we live AS God, can we enter the Kingdom of God (can we attain God consciousness.) Only as we function in God consciousness, is it possible for us to attain the ascension, as did Enoch of old. Enoch taught the laws of God. He taught the men of his day, the means of attaining Eternal life. His son Methuselah, continued his teachings for several hundred more years, until his subjects began to rebel, and reverted to living for self gratification. During their life time, there was virtually a thousand years of Peace on Earth. I do not profess to be a Bible scholar, but, I will attempt to imagine the way Gods children, continued to go astray. Nor do I claim these ideas to be exact. After Methuselah, came Noah. He too walked with God, and because of his faith in God, God spared him and his family from the flood. Hundreds of years went by, then Moses arrived on the scene. (He too, was the Spirit of God embodied) Gods people had fallen so badly, that they had become slaves to sons of God who had chosen to live as men. The Spirit of God, revealed to Moses, that he and God were One and the same. ( I am that I am). But, Moses, was not totally convinced, that he was God embodied, so he failed to convince Gods people, that they too were God embodied, so they wandered in the wilderness for 40 more years.! Isaiah seemingly failed to convince them also, even t hough he spoke AS God (I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me, there is none else!) When Isaiah wrote, When we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men, he was referring to the Holy Spirit the Father the I within us! But, Humanity still did not get the message! Biblical scholars have taught that he was referring to the coming of Jesus. We have been led to believe that God is an invisible being, separate and apart from us, because of things we read in the Bible. Things such as, the lord God commanded the man, and the Lord speaking to Moses out of a burning bush, and speaking as it were, out of the clouds, when a voice from heaven said, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, etc. God does not speak, except AS man. Not through man, but AS man, for God is the Vine, and we are nothing more than extensions of the Vine! The Spirit, does however, speak to us through intuition, for

when we think, we are actually the Spirit of God thinking! Getting an idea is like getting a message from God! A man, is the Spirit of God, manifesting AS a man! (for it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your Father, which speaketh in you.) Every thing, is the Spirit of God, manifesting AS that thing. The Source is the reality of all its manifestations, but man is the only organism that has the capacity to know this; to function AS the Source, and to say , I am that I am! The New Testament begins with a mystical description of the birth of the Christ. It is intertwined with the birth of a child named Jesus. The birth of the Christ, took place in the consciousness of her whom we know as Mary. She was found with child, of the Holy Ghost...and, that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost, is synonymous with the Spirit of God the Truth, so Mary, saw that she, and God, were One also! This revelation, amounts to the Spiritual Rebirth. This birth, (the birth of the Christ) took place in her consciousness! The Spiritual Rebirth, always takes place in our consciousness, and is always initiated (impregnated) by the Holy Spirit! This birth does not refer to the forthcoming birth of her child, who was to be named Jesus. She knew, that her unborn child, was the Spirit of God, coming into the World, as a child. And thou shalt call His name Jesus, meaning God with us. (and as I have said, to walk with God, is to walk AS God.) In knowing this, Mary taught her son from the cradle, that he was God, and born of God. This then was the consciousness in which He was reared. This was the consciousness in which He functioned as He entered His ministry. He knew that He was God embodied, so He functioned in God consciousness! This was what He tried to explain to His disciples, but they failed to grasp it. He knew that man and God, were One ONE, AND THE SAME, and that there was no one else! Thus did He say, I and my Father, are ONE!

The way of Salvation. Jesus, did not come to Earth to take upon Himself the sins of the World. His burden(His calling) was to show Humanity, that man and God, were One! I am come that ye might have life, and that life more abundantly! He prayed to His Source, (the Holy Spirit) that they all may be One, as we are One! Man is the Eternal Spirit of God embodied! That is what a man is! In that consciousness, we have but to believe ye shall receive, and ye shall have it. In that consciousness, we have but to decree a thing, and it shall be esta blished unto us. In that consciousness, men, need never die! But before men can attain that state of mind, they must first choose to die to self! (the Spiritual Rebirth) They must recognize and acknowledge that the I AM within them, is God the Father (their True identity,) become as little children, and begin to walk AS God. This, men find hard to do. Jesus, faced the agony of the cross, to visibly demonstrate that the self must be crucified, before men can function in their true identity before the I am within us, can be resurrected. Going to the cross, was the ultimate demonstration of Gods love for Humanity, for it was not Jesus whom they crucified, it was the Father the Source, whom they crucified! So long, as we refuse to walk AS the I a m, we are as guilty of crucifying Him, as were they who called for His crucifixion 2000 years ago! He who was known as Jesus, was fully aware that He and God, were one and the same. He knew, that God was the reality of all men. This was the message that the World missed! We are all One, and that One, is God! This is what the Christ, the Cross, and the Crucifixion was all about. It has always been Gods purpose, to show man the way of salvation. It is the way of the cross... dying to self!. It automatically becomes the main purpose for whoever attains this realization! We are not meant to worship the Christ we are to walk AS THE FATHER, for the Christ is but the Father, (the Spirit of God) personified! Thus, I and my Father, are ONE! This, is the message they rejected, and for which they crucified the Christ some 2000 years ago! The I within each of us, is the Father! No one saw this as His message then. Hopefully they will see it now! We are all One, and that One is the Spirit of God, (the I within us)! There is nothing else! The Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God personified, is the Christ! In this realization, lies the salvation of Humanity! During the life of Enoch and Methuselah, there was roughly a thousand years of peace. The Universal mind, (the Spirit of God), was not yet polluted with the thoughts of men. Moses, was not totally convinced that he and God, were one and the same, and so, he failed to convince Gods children of this, so they spent 40 mor e years in the wilderness. Isaiah did not succeed, nor did Jesus. (In spite of His efforts, they crucified Him!) Today, we have technology that never existed in their day. We have radio, telephone, television, and the internet. We can communicate today, as Jesus or Isaiah never thought possible. We can virtually communicate with every corner of the Planet on any and every issue on a daily basis. Suppose this message, had the full support of the Worlds most

influential men. Might we once again see Peace on Earth as there was in the days of Enoch? Have we the will, or the courage to try? Let us remember the words of Jesus from the book of Matthew, With God (As God) all things are possible! If we fail, I am convinced, that Mans exploitation of the Earth, wi ll set the Creative Principle in motion, via a cataclysmic event, to once again restore the image of the garden of Eden, (as held in the Divine Mind), back to what it was, prior to the creation of Man. ~~~ Man' has never discovered that there is an alternative to physical death. It lies in the realization that man and God are One! (There is only the Father.) That... is the consciousness' which the 'spiritual rebirth' is meant to lead to. God is the Source and Man is the Source ma nifesting! Whoever chooses to die to self... to their outer identity, and live as Sons of God were meant to live... need never die. Only as we function AS the eternal... can we experience an 'eternal reality'. ~~~ When we function in the consciousness in which Jesus functioned, we can be sure we too will experience the ascension. Jesus functioned as His Father, as God as the Eternal I am. We can only do so AFTER we have experienced the Spiritual Rebirth, and we can only experience the Spiritual Rebirth when we see and acknowledge that the I AM within us IS the Father! When we make the decision to walk in that consciousness, AS the Father, we will without question, become more and more like the Father. That likeness, is the Christ. As we contin ue to walk in that consciousness, it will eventually dawn upon us that this is the highest state of mind in which we can possibly walk. It is then that we can rest assured that we will experience the ascension, for then we will be walking in the Christ Mind the mind in which Jesus walked. We cannot go beyond that awareness! It is then that we too will know we are Eternal Immortal beings! It is then that we will realize that we have become what God created us to be! We reach that point of awareness, when we realize (in silence) that we are the Vine, or when we know (within our hearts) that he who hath seen me, hath seen the Father. It is then that we will KNOW that we found that narrow gate. ~~~ The realization that the I am within us, is the Universal I AM individualized, is such a profound realization, that those who see it, will never again be the person they once were. I have been told by many that so and so, realized it, but preferred to explain it through sophisticated theological rhetori c. I dont believe that such as these have seen it. It is such a profound realization that anyone achieving this understanding cannot resist telling others this great news, and the simpler the explanation the better. It consumed Him who was known as Jesus to the point where He allowed Himself to be crucified for the sake of His fellowman. He did not face the cross in order to take upon Himself the sins of Humanity, He allowed Himself to be crucified in order to demonstrate to those around Him that the outer self must be crucified before the I AM within us can be resurrected. And until the I am within us has been resurrected, we cannot attain the ascension. For Humanity to see this, was so important to Him that He faced the agony of the cross. Those who see this and fail to do their best to enlighten their fellowman, are as guilty of crucifying the Christ, as were those who called for His crucifixion 2000 years ago, for the Christ, is not a specific individual . The Christ, is the person of God p ersonified, and this cannot be accomplished until we realize that the I am within us, is God the Father. Could you keep such a profound understanding a secret from your loved ones? Should they refuse to believe you is one thing, but to fail to tell them is another. Those who speak of this in vague terms, are those who have caught a glimpse of this truth but have chosen not to follow Him. ~~~ The sign of the prophet Jonas. Jesus was asked by the Pharisees for a sign pertaining to the last days. He replied that there would be no sign given, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. One definition of the word sign is, a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent. Until we see that God, is the reality of every one, humanity, shall continue their evil and adulterous ways, and therefore doomed to die. The people of Nineveh lived in sin, but because they sincerely repented when they heard the word of God from Jonas, God spared them, and yet, the people of Nineveh eventually all died. God spared Jonas, but Jonas, was unable to teach the people of Nineveh the way of Eternal life. He did not know that the I within them, was the Eternal I am their true identity. Is it the dead that shall rise up in judgment at the Church hierarchy, for their failure to teach them the way of salvation? Will they rise up in judgement, at the Church, for the Church fathers failing to let them know there was an alternative to death? (St. Matthew 12:41) Think of the Billions of souls who have since perished for the same reason. The dead can evidently think, but what good does it do to

learn of the means of Eternal life after our temple has been destroyed? The sign of the Prophet Jonahs was a message Repent of your sinful ways, else you will be destroyed! The Churches have failed to discover the keys to Eternal Life all of them! Was it not for this purpose that God established His Church? The religious elite, have betrayed humanity. God is the reality of every man, who has ever come into this world. God, is He who was greater than Jonas! Jonas was one of those who failed to inform the people of Nineveh that there was an alternative to death. He persuaded them to repent, but He was unable to teach them the way of Eternal life, for he was not aware that eve ry so called human being, is an individualized manifestation of the Eternal I am. He was even angry that God spared them. He would rather have watched their destruction. Is that not the way it is, with human beings? Men, care more about things, than they do about the souls of men. ~~~ Was Peter not the first Pope? Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom, when He asked Peter, Whom do men say that I the son of man am, Peter replied, Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God. This was revealed to you Peter He said, not by flesh and blood, but by my Father, which is in Heaven, and upon this Truth, (this rock) I shall build my Church, and the gates of Hell, shall not prevail against it, and I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdo m of Heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on Earth, shall be loosed in Heaven. Had Peter seen that every son of man, (including himself) was potentially the Christ, rather than seeing Jesus as being the Christ, the Church would have started out on the right track. When Jesus asked the question Whom do men say, that I the son of man am, He was referring to the I AM within Him, and within every other son of man on the face of the Earth! This Truth, was the rock He referred to when He said to Peter, upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. If Peter had seen this, he would have set a precedent! Then all succeeding Popes, would have had to qualify as Christs! Then the criteria required to become The Pope, would have been established by their ability to function in Christ consciousness! Is that not what they were supposed to have been? Was this not the purpose for which God established His Church, that we all might function in Christ consciousness? Suppose this had been the criteria by which the Popes had been selected over the past 2000 years. Would this not have changed the course of history? Was humanity deliberately deceived by those who wrote the scriptures, or by those who interpreted them? So, instead of functioning as Christs over the past 2000 years, they have instead, played the role of being Jesus followers. There is not a church that I know of, that teaches the way of Eternal Life. I do not mean life after death, I mean life eternal, in our present bodies transformed. Transformed through an awareness of being an individualized manifestation of the Eternal I am. There is not a Church that I know of that teaches humanity how to attain the Christ Mind. There is not a Church that I know of that teaches men that God, is the I AM within them. If we refuse to acknowledge God as our reality, we shall surely die we shall be bound on Earth as well as in Heaven. But, if we acknowledge Him as our reality, and choose to die to self (the illusion), and live in our I AM identity, we need never die! We shall not only know we are free on Earth, but in Heaven as well, Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. When we see that the I within us, is the Father, we cannot help but see that we need never die. We then must realize that we are creative beings, not because we may have come from a long line of creative individuals in our family tree, but because we are nothing less, than individual manifestations of the Divine Mind. Only if we should choose to die to self, and walk in that consciousness, can we expect to partake in Gods Eternal reality. We were all meant to function as the Father, only we have never been shown how this is possible. As we consistently and persistently function AS the Father, we eventually reach a point where we do so automatically. People will still see us, as the person our parents named us, but we will KNOW that I and my Father are One, One a nd the same. In time, this consciousness will produce a change in our physical appearance. Jesus said, If thine eye be single, thine whole body shall be filled with light. His face did shine as the sun, on the Mount of Transfiguration. This transformation, will come only as a result of our continuing walk in the Christ Mind. It is imperative for us to take advantage of every opportunity, to go into our closet and meditate upon our relationship to God. Realize that the Father, the Universal Iam, is the Iam, that I am. I am not all that It is, but It, is most certainly all that I am. Meditate upon these lines, and in time this consciousness, will indeed , lift the frequency of the substance of our bodies, into the frequency of Light. It is then that we are no longer subject to the laws of gravity. It is then that our ascension is assured.

~~~ The Universe is a mental phenomenon. All is Mind. The Universe is One gigantic mind. Call it the Universal Mind, or call it the Divine Mind. Whatever we choose to call it, it is the Mind of God. It is the Mind that has given being to every manifest thing, including this thing called Man. This Mind, is the Whole I Spirit (the Holy Spirit). It gives being to nothing apart from itself or to any thing other than itself. It is for this reason that if every man/woman on Earth were to speak the English language, no one could identify himself/herself, without first proclaiming their relationship to the Universal Mind when they say Hello, I am. So you can see that no one or no thing has any being of itself. There is only the Universal Mind the Universal I AM. IT is the I am that I am and the I am within every other man/woman or thing on the face of the Planet. To put this another way, each of us is the Universal I am individualized. IT is who we are, and IT is what we are, and besides IT, there is no thing! (read the book of Isaiah) When we think, we are actually the Universal Mind thinking. (the Spirit of God thinking). Because we think we have being apart from this mind, we think as we perceive ourselves to be, and thus give reality to the beliefs that divide us. We cannot think thoughts that do not exist in this Universal Mind, because, of ourselves, we have no being. There is only the Universal mind, and only the Universal Mind can think! It is for this reason that man is a creative being. Now you can see that before the creation of man, there were no thoughts other than the perfect thoughts of God in the Universal Mind. Thoughts of death, hatred, jealousy, nationality, culture, religion etc., did not exist in the Universal Mind prior to the creation of man. These are thoughts that have, since the creation of man, polluted the Universal mind, to the point where we are now some six billion human manifestations who think we have being of ourselves. Each perceiving himself/herself to be who and what we think we are, looking upon our neighbor, not as a Universal brother, or as another son of God, but as someone to beware of. Instead of living together in peace and harmony, doing unto others as we would have them do unto us, we have become a world of people who do unto others before they do unto us. So how can this world wide state of consciousness be corrected, for unless this state of consciousness is changed, we face the extinction of the human race as we know it. We read in the book of Philippians to let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Jesus was God embodied, and He knew it, and He functioned in that consciousness. He knew that a man is God individualized! This was the message He gave to Humanity, and for which He was crucified. Not even His disciples understood what He was telling them. The night of His crucifixion they all denied knowing Him. Nor has the World to this day grasped the significance of His ministry. His message was simple. Except ye become as a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Humanity has failed to understand that the Kingdom of God, is a state of mind. A state of mind in which we can function in harmony, in God consciousness, as Universal beings. A state of Knowing that we are ALL ONE, and that THAT One, is God, the Eternal Universal I AM! This can only be accomplished when we realize that God, is the I AM within us. Only then can we attain the Christ Mind. Only then can death be swallowed up in victory. But unless this message comes from someone with great influence, such as the heads of the Worlds religions, it will once again fall on deaf ears. Who listens? Not men who love their way of Life. But if men have polluted the Universal Mind with their thoughts, might the Universal Mind be cleansed of the thoughts of men, by those who know that they are sons of God? The thoughts of sons of God, are far more potent than are the thoughts of men. Are the thoughts of God not Omnipotent all powerful? Why then can One who knows that he/she, is the Spirit of God embodied (the Spirit of God individualized), not decree, that this Truth, this Light, shall consume the darkness in the Universal Mind? We read in the Book of Jasher where Enoch not only taught men the ways of the Lord, he spent much of his time in solitude, in prayer and meditation. It has been proven that prayer can heal someone on the other side of the Planet. Here is a point to ponder. It is not the person who experiences a healing, whose mind is changed it is the Universal Mind that is transformed! Our mind... is the Universal mind individualized. The Universal Mind is what we are. It is also the stuff we are made of! Why then can we not, by issuing a decree to that effect, dispel the darkness from the whole of the Universal Mind? After all, the Universal Mind, is ONE mind! It is our mind! The I AM THAT I AM! Might this be why Enoch spent so much time in prayer and meditation? Is there any thing to prevent us from issuing such a decree? NO! The I am that we are, is Omnipotent! Did Jesusnot say, All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth. Those of us who believe as He did, (that God is the I am within us,) have this power! What have we got to lose by exercising it? I have proven on several occasions, that a silent treatment is every bit as effective as an audible treatment, which proves that it is the Universal Mind (the Universal substance) that is transformed, and not

because of the patients beliefs. Every cell in our bodies is intelligent. Let me correct that statement. Every cell in our bodies IS INTELLIGENCE! Intelligence is a substance, and it is acted upon by our consciousness. It is the Mother aspect of the Creative Principle, and our consciousness, is the Father aspect. It is the sole purpose of the intelligence to give being to whatever the consciousness believes or decrees as being, and the only requisite is to Know this! In Genesis 1:3 God said, Let there be light, and there was light. In the book of St. John chapter 1 we read that Gods Life, is the Light of men! The Light that lighteth every man that has ever been born on Earth, and it is His light that shines in the darkness, but the darkness (the unenlightened) have failed to comprehend this. Where there is Truth, there can be no error where there is Light, there ca n be no darkness. If Humanity polluted the Divine Mind with the thoughts of men, what is to prevent sons of God from cleansing the Divine Mind, with thoughts of Truth (with thoughts of Light)? With a healing from a distance, it is not the mind of the individual that is changed, it is the Universal Mind that is altered! Keep in mind, that we as an individual have no being! The consciousness of one who experiences a healing, is not necessarily changed with the healing, but the Truth (the treatment) does change the manifestation of the substance of the body, because Universal Mind comprises the substance of the body! Which means the treatment brought about a change in the Universal Mind, (the substance of the body) but not necessarily in the consciousness of the individual. We must realize that Universal Mind, is the substance of all form! How many are there of us, and what might our decree involve. If our purpose is to dispel the darkness, then we must proclaim this Truth. I am the I am within every man /woman on Earth. I am who you are, and I am what you are, and besides me there is none other! I am the first and I am the last and besides me there is no God there is no savior there is none other. This was stated by the writer of Isaiah, but did those who heard it understand? Have men not always concentrated on changing the minds of men, of those who love darkness rather than light? If there is no individual mind if there is only the Universal mind, then had we better not concentrate on proclaiming the perfection of the Universal Mind, thereby eliminating the darkness existing in the Universal Mind because of the thoughts of men? The darkness, does not exist in the minds of men, it exists in the Universal Mind, because men do not have a mind of their own. Men have no being! This awareness, is not sufficiently paramount in the Universal Mind. The thoughts of men, surely can not extend beyond the Earths atmosphere, for such thoughts are sent out under very little power from creatures that function in a very low frequency, whereas thoughts sent out from those who realize that they are the Universal I am individualized, have unlimited power. Such thoughts are Omnipotent, for God thinks in the frequency of Light (I am the Light)! We have been putting all our efforts into trying to change the effects the minds of men! Men are but effects! We must change the Cause, the beliefs in the Divine Mind, in order to change the effects. Man, is the Divine Mind individualized. Men are not aware of this. Humanity is the Divine Mind functioning in the illusion of being mere men, and we have been concentrating on changing the minds of the illusions, but how can we change that which is an illusion? Only with the Truth. Know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free. We have failed to function as what we are the Universal I am individualized. An illusion, is just an illusion! We can only change that which has being! Men will not listen. Illusions do not listen. We can effect a heali ng on the other side of the Earth, which means we can effect the Universal Mind. So we must work on enlighteningthe Universal Mind, by concentrating on saturating the Universal mind with the Truth, with Light, for only the Universal Mind has being! Only I AM. If it is possible for us to dispel the darkness from the Universal Mind, then sons of men will once again function as sons of God, as did Adam. Only as God can we dispel the darkness. Only the Truth can dispel the darkness. Can this possibly be achieved by those of us who believe? How can we know if we dont make the attempt. AS men it is impossible, but AS God all things are possible. Man is a programmable being, which means that the Universal Mind is programmable as well. As this consciousness becomes established within us, we will constantly be projecting Light into the Universal Mind (thesubstance of all form). So let us saturate it with Light with these Biblical Truths.

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The Healing message I often have people ask me how often they should listen to the healing message. One should not have to listen to the healing message more than twice a day. You should be fine by the fourth or fifth day. In many cases, ONE treatment is sufficient. Every cell in your body, is intelligent. In fact, intelligence... is a substance! Not even the Scientists are aware of this. The intelligence is the Mother aspect of the Creative Principle, and it is the purpose of the intelligence to give being to whatever the consciousness decrees as being, and the only requisite is to know this. Thats all that Spiritual healing is all about. Intelligence, is a substance. God is Spirit, and the only substance He had to create with, was Spirit. (Spirit is Life, intelligence, consciousness, energy, Light, Love etc.) This is the stuff of God... it is the substance of all form. In doing a treatment, you are not asking some outside power to perform a healing for you. Your consciousness, is the Father aspect. You set the creative principle in motion when you think... when you speak. (Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you, and... as a man thinketh, so is he.) This should give you a little better insight into Spiritual Healing. ~~~ Call no man your Father upon the Earth In Matthew 23:9, we read where Jesus is speaking to His followers. Call no man your Father upon the Earth, for one is your Father, which is in Heaven. This must be a portion of scripture that has puzzled many. We can only understand it when we realize that every man/woman on Earth, is the Holy Spirit (God) embodied. The Holy Spirit is neither male nor female. It is the Life, consciousness and intelligence within every one. God made male and female forms in order to perpetuate the species, but the Spirit, is neither male nor female. Not only is God your Father, He is also your Mother! Why do you think He said, woman, behold thy son, and to His disciples, behold thy mother. (We have no being as the person we believe ourselves to be). We are but the Spirit of God (the Father) embodied. He goes on to say, Neither be ye called masters, for one is your master, even Christ. This too is puzzling Who is our master? Our master must be the will of God. To do Gods will, must be the compelling force that litterly compels us to give up our will in order to do His will. (Not my will but thine be done). Gods will must become our Master. He goes on to say that, He who is greatest among us, shall be our servant As we walk AS Him, He, the Lord, becomes our servant. (And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive). And finally, He that doeth the will of God abideth forever. ~~~ Humanity, is Spiritually bankrupt. The whole world is in free fall, on a path that can only lead to world wide disaster. All because Humanity, is Spiritually bankrupt. Thanks to every religious organization on Earth. In the Old testament, in Exodus 6:2 we read where God said in essenceI am the Lord. I was known to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah, they knew me not. Such was the case when I functioned as Moses. Not even Moses realized that I was who he was, and that I was the reality of ALL of Humanity. Two thousand years ago, I walked the Earth again, in full awareness that I was God Almighty. Only this time, I was known to those around me, as Jesus. For three years, I explained this to my disciples, and still they could not grasp the fact that I, was also who they were! When I told them that, He who hath seen me, hath seen the Father, they still could not grasp it. They still could not believe that I was the I AM within every man on Earth the reality of everyone! Read St. John 14:8 . T hat men might realize that I AM the I AM within them, was my reason for being here some 2000 years ago. Dont marvel at what you see me do you can do it also. (for ONLY I AM!) Yet the entire World failed to see it. I, am the reality of every man/wo man on the Planet, only every one believes he/she, is the person their parents created when they named them at their

birth! No matter what name your parents had given you, I, am still WHO you are! You only think you are this person your parents created when they named you at your birth! Your names have hidden your true identity your I AM THAT I AM identity! Thus, has it always been! As it was when I was known asAbraham, as Moses, or as Jesus, so is it today. I AM the true identity of every man/woman on Earth. If every person on Earth were to speak the English language, no one could introduce them selves without first proclaiming their true identity, (my identity), as they say, Hello, I am. This might at first appear to be laughable, but give it some thought. No man/woman ever played a role in their coming into being. (NOTHING ever played a role in its coming into being. In fact, NOTHING has any being of itself!) Every thing, including every so called Human being, is simply the Source , manifesting AS THAT THING! We are ALL ONE, whether we call that ONE, (the Source) God, Allah or whatever! This was the gist of Jesus prayer to His Father in St. John 21 -23. This was why He appeared to men 2000 years ago. He didnt suffer the cross to take upon Himself the sins of the World, He suffered the cross to demonstrate to humanity, that the self (the illusion), must be crucified before the I AM that we are, can be resurrected! ~~~ Sons of men are sons of God. Sons of men are actually sons of God if they only realized one simple fact. No person on Earth (no John or Jane Doe), or any thing has any being! The only thing that has being, is the Source. (LIFE) Life does not give being to any thing, it gives being ONLY to Itself AS every thing. Every living thing is Life manifesting AS that thing, and LIFE is synonymous with GOD, and Man is the only organism on the Planet in which and through which Life (God) can function in the World of form AS God! There is an old axiom Any two things equal to the same thing, are equal to each other. In other words, every thing is God manifesting AS that thing. God truly is ALL and in ALL. Every John/Jane Doe on Planet Earth was created in the minds of those who believed themselves to be mere men not from the mind of God! God made man (every man), in His image and likeness, but He did not create the person we were made to believe ourselves to be! Our parents did that when they named us at our birth. Thus the neccessity of the Spiritual rebirth. ~~~ No one has any being! The World that we see around us, didnt just happen. It is the result of intelligent conscious direction. Not one single thing played any role in its coming into being. You, nor I had anything to do with our b eing here. What then gives any one the right to believe that we were here first, or that this land is our land? No one owes any one for the priviledge of being here, for no one has any being! If you should be asking what do you mean, no one has any being. I mean just exactly what I said. No one has any being! Each of us, is to Life, what a wave is to the Ocean what a branch is to the Vine. Only the Ocean has being. Only the Vine has being. Only Life lives, and Life did not give being to this person we believe ourselves to be. Our parents gave being to this person we believe ourselves to be when they named us at our birth. What if they had given you a different name than the one they gave you? Then you would see yourself as being John instead of Charlie, or Josephine instead of Helen. Had they adopted you out, you might have seen yourself as being a Smith instead of being one of the Jones kids. So you see, this person you believe yourself to be, is only who you think you are. Under different circumstances you could have been given any name in the phone book! The truth is, this person you see yourself as being, is only the result of parental programming. Your name simply identifies you with the people who raised you with those whom you call Mom or Dad. So who then are you, and who is your neighbor? If we all spoke the English language, and if we were asked what we think, (no matter what our name might be), we would all say the same thing. I, think! Only the I can think! The I within us, is who we are, and the person we believe ourselves to be, is but the illusion in which we all function! This applies to every person on Earth! There is only the I, and that I, is God the Life within us. Allow me to correct myself. This Life, is not within usIt IS us! When we think it is not the person we believe ourselves to be who is thinking. It is the I within us that thinks! Only it thinks as it believes itself to be. (So each of us thinks as this person we believe ourselve s to be, and thus do we create the beliefs that divide us) Because we are God embodied, is what makes us creative beings! It is what I am and it is what every other person is on the face of the Planet! Not only is it What we are, it

is also Who we are. Jesus knew that the I within Him was God (the Father) This was why He said, I and my Father are One. This is what motivated Him to pray that we might all be conscious of being One, as He and His Father were One. He did not function as Jesus the man, He functioned AS the Father AS God! AS we too can function when we become aware of our relationship to our Source! Now can you see why I said no man no John/Jane Doe has any being? There is only the Source! Each of us, regardless of color, lan guage, religion, perceived Nationality or culture, are all One, and no One owes any one else for the privilege of being here, for the only one who is actually here, is God the Source! God is the reality of every Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh or Holy man on Earth. God made man in His image and likeness all men, but, He did not create the person or the state of mind in which we live. Our parents, in ignorance of what manner of beings we are, created this person we believe ourselves to be. Thus th e necessity of the Spiritual Rebirth. Only when we realize that the I within us is the Father, can we enter the Kingdom of God (can we attain God consciousness). Only when this is realized by the whole of Humanity, will there be peace on Earth. We too are Spiritual beings. We are the Spirit of God embodied in a physical form, and because we identify with the manifest world, we remain physical manifest beings. Not only did our consciousness establish that frequency, it holds us in that frequency!. The Spirit of God, is synonymous with Light. (I am the Light) Matter, is simply energy manifesting at a lower frequency than Light. In writing a previous essay on the transfiguration, I recall having written that consciousness establishes the frequency of matter. How can we hope to experience the transfiguration, while identifying ourselves with the manifest world? We must begin immediately to identify ourselves with the Spirit of God! The Spirit of God, is the sum total of the Universe the invisible World, the Real World! All creation takes place in this invisible World (in the Mind) The Universe is a mental phenomenon. All is Mind! The visible World, is the result of the creative activity that takes place in the Invisible world, which permanently exists, in the frequency of Light. (Let there be light) Energy is synonymous with Light, and Light, is synonymous with God. Every thing, is Energy, Light or God, manifesting AS that thing. (Any two things equal to the same thing, are equal to each other.) So long as we identify ourselves with matter, we shall remain in the frequency of matter! Adam and Eve identified themselves with matter, so the Lord (the law)clothed them in skins. The Spirit of God, is the reality of every thing. Spiri tual healing takes place when we proclaim the perfection of the thing, knowing that the Spirit of God is the reality of the thing and that the Spirit of God is perfect, and the healing takes place. What might we do consciously to hasten our physical transformation (the transfiguration)? Identify ourselves with Spirit with the Light of the World! Know that whatever we believe God to be, we are! Lay claim to being what we know God to be. I am the Spirit of God embodied. Know that the Spirit of God, is the invisible reality of every thing. I am that immortal I am. I am that Eternal I am. I am the Light of the World. I am the Light that lighteth every man that commeth into the World. Meditate upon your relationship to the invisible world. You are Life, consciousness and intelligence manifesting. The real you is invisible! Spirit is invisible. All of the attributes of God, are invisible! The Spirit of God, can only express itself through the forms it becomes. Every thing we see, is the invisible Spirit of God manifesting. Only as man, can it express itself as God. If by proclaiming our patient perfect, results in a spiritual healing, why not experience the transfiguration, by proclaiming what we actually are? A Spiritual healing, is actually a mini transformation. The transfiguration, is just a major transformation. We, actually do nothing to bring about a spiritual healing. It is the result of the transforming power of God consciousness (our consciousness). To bring about our transfiguration should be no different. It does not depend upon any effort on our part, it is all to do with the creative power of our consciousness. It depends upon the consciousness, in which we walk. Declare your relationship to the Invisible Spirit of God. It is that which we are. Proclaim it as your reality. Proclaim WHAT YOU ARE regardless of appearances, and see what happens. The same law that clothed us in skins, will envelop us in Light. ~~~ We will always be recognized... in heaven or on earth, as the person our parents named us at our birth. That is as it should be... that is our outer identity... the identity so necessary to enable us to function in the world of forms. But... only as we walk As God (in God consciousness) can we experience the transfiguration. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:2

~~~ We lack incentive. What we lack in order to walk in the Kingdom of God(in God consciousness), is the incentive to do so! And you might ask what might that be? Faith in the belief that we need never die we are the Eternal Universal I am embodied. This is the Truth! We die because we think we have being of ourselves. We think we have being apart from our Source, apart from that which is the Source the Eternal I AM! We think we have being as this person our parents created when they named us at our birth. We have never been taught that apart from our Source, we have no being! Each of us is to God, what a wave is to the Ocean. It is because of our ignorance of this that we die. God made man (each of us), in His image and likeness. We are co creators with our Source! God did not create this person we believe ourselves to be. Our parents did that when they named us. We all need a name in order to identify us from each other, but our names are just our names! Our names do not denote who nor what manner of being we really are. Our names have actually become obstructions like dams as it were. They keep us from functioning as the Source as God. Perhaps this is what was meant when the writer of Genesis wrote in chpt. 5:2 God called their name Adam (a dam). We cannot express ourselves as the Universal I am, while believing ourselves to be the John/Jane Doe that our parents named us. It was for this reason that we were told we must be born again Only when we realize that the I AM within us, is God our Heavenly Father, are we able to function in God Consciousness in the Kingdom of God, for the Kingdom of God, does not refer to a specific place, it is ref erring to a State of Mind! A state of knowing that the I within us, IS THE FATHER! Thus did He say I and my Father are One (One and the same!) Every man/woman on the face of the Planet, is God, the Eternal I am, embodied. Through ignorance of this we lack the incentive required to function in God Consciousness. Every one believes that death is as much a fact for each of us, as are taxes, so what difference does it make how we think, walk or conduct ourselves during our four score and ten years on this Earth? For us to achieve an Eternal reality, it requires that we must die to self. The person our parents created when they named us, has caused us to walk in an illusion. God, is not this person we believe ourselves to be. God is the I am within us , and this person we believe ourselves to be, is but the illusion in which we walk! Before the I AM can be resurrected within us, this person we believe ourselves to be, must be crucified. This was the significance of Calvary! He did not face the cross in order to die for our sins, He faced the agony of the cross in order to demonstrate that the self (the illusion) must be crucified before the Father, the I AM within us, can be resurrected! We are the presence of Him who is Eternal and Immortal, but only as we function AS Him, can we participate in His Eternal Reality. Through ignorance of this, we lack the incentive required for us to walk this walk. This is why our cemeteries are bursting at the seams. To the majority, an Eternal Reality is o nly wishful thinking, but knowing that the I AM within us is the Eternal I AM, it is the only logical conclusion there is. ~~~ The Spiritual Rebirth, the conception of the Christ, takes place within our consciousness! It matters not whether we be male or female, our consciousness is the womb in which this Spiritual birth takes place ALWAYS! It is an awakening a realization, a virgin birth as it were, with the conception taking place through a realization of the TRUTH, that the I AM within us, within each of us, is the FATHER! ~~~ What is Life? Life, is synonymous with God. Every living thing, is Life (or God) manifesting AS that thing. One definition in the dictionary is, The phenomena that distinguishes living organisms from non living organisms or things. Another is, the state of being alive. Another is, living things collectively, and living persons. None of these definitions really tell us much about what Life is. Here is what, to me, Life is all about. Life to me is God manifesting. Only Life has being. Life is the I am within us. The word am, is very important. It means that I, have being (I am). I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me, there is no God there is no savior there is none else! If every living thing could speak the English language, no thing could say what it is, without identifying itself with Life, as it said I am. No thing has any being apart from, or other than the I, and only Life, can give being to Life! Scientifically speaking, every living thing, can be

considered as being an organism. As the Source is the reality of every thing, we can only conclude that the Source must be an organism also. A Universal Spiritual Invisible organism, having the capacity to become whatever it sees itself as being. As Life (God) is all there is, it must then be omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. And It is Eternal and Immortal. It is the I am within each of us the Life within each of us. We are Eternal beings, and because we are creative, we embody the capacity to live forever if we should function AS the Eternal! Life, is the awareness of being. It is who I am and what I am. Robert Clark, does not have Life. Life, is what I am. I am the Life within this form that is known AS Robert Clark. If it were not for Life, nothing would exist. Life is synonymous with Consciousness, Intelligence, Energy, Light, Love, compassion, kindness etc. Every thing, is Life manifesting AS that thing, and NO thing has being besides Life (besides God) Meekness, is an attribute of God. It is an attribute that man must display when speaking of God, for no man has any being. That which God is, is all there is. Life gives being to every thing, by becoming every thing by being every thing. Life gives being to nothing apart from itself, or other than i tself. Nothing played any role, in its becoming. God gave being to us, by becoming us, by being us, but He did not give being to this person that we believe ourselves to be. Our parents did that when they named us at our birth. Thus the necessity of the Spiritual Rebirth. So if God be all and in all, must the Kingdom of God not be everywhere? If we can believe that all of this is so, should it not inspire us to strive to walk in this awareness? There is no evil. All so called evil, is the res ult of ignorance of what manner of beings we are. We are creative, and we create as we perceive things to be. We create the evil that we deplore. The entire Universe is the Kingdom of God, and Planet Earth is the Garden of Eden. How can we live and function in this state of consciousness? It is really quite simple. Jesus said, Except a man be born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God, is not a specific place, it is a state of mind. A state of knowing that the I within us, is God (the Father). Knowing this, was why He said,I and my Father, are One. This realization constitutes the Spiritual Rebirth. Only as we determine to walk in this consciousness, can we attain the Christ Mind. Only in this consciousness can we walk in God consciousness, (in the Kingdom of God). ~~~ If we refuse to acknowledge God (our Father) as the I Am within us... we are as guilty of the crucifixion of the Christ, as were those who called for his crucifixion some 2000 years ago. ~~~ There are millions who spend hours in meditation. They meditate upon a word a mantra. They concentrate on their mantra so intently that their metabolism virtually stops, giving them what might be called a near death experience, or a glimpse into Eternity. I ha ve never experienced this momentary sense of Oneness. Those who have, are certain that a consciousness of Oneness can not be attained by any other means than thru their form of meditation. I beg to differ. Through Divine reasoning we can understand that we must all be a branch of the Vine, as I have explained from every conceivable point of view. And then through Faith in our relationship to our Source (the Vine), we can indeed attain an awareness of Oneness. In fact it will become a much more practical and functional relationship to our Source than an awareness developed through concentrating on a mantra. Think of the millions of productive hours lost in futile meditation. For the most part, such meditators spend most of their time living as the person their parents created when they named them, while looking forward to another momentary glimpse into Eternity, during their next meditation. Why not live every waking moment in the Christ Mind knowing that we are already in the Kingdom of God, for how can we hope to bring the Kingdom of God on Earth, if we believe we must die physically to get there?

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