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Introduction to SPSS

1.Introduction.3 1.1SPSS Data files 2. Coding and Entering Data4 2.1 Coding Data (Variable View) 2.2 Entering Data (Data View) 3.Descriptive Statistics..9 3.1 Fre !en"# Distrib!tion 3.2 Crosstabs 3.3 Correlation 3.4 $eans 4. Independent Sample T-test 1%

Statisti"al Pa"&age for t'e So"ial S"ien"es (SPSS) is a (er# )owerf!l Data *nal#sis *))li"ation. +t )ro(ides a !ser,friendl# tool for anal#sing -!estionnaire Data and ot'er Data Sets. +t "an also be !sed in "on.!n"tion wit' /ost standard s)reads'eet and word )ro"essing )a"&ages to )rod!"e )rofessional re)orts on t'e findings of an# *nal#sis.

1.1 SPSS D#T# $I%ES

0n"e SPSS is a"ti(ated t'e !ser is )resented wit' t'e SPSS S"reen. * new Data file is o)ened a!to/ati"all#. 1'is file "ontains two 2indows3 a Data View and a Variable View (i) Data View

1'is Data View "onsists of a grid of Col!/ns and 4ows3 si/ilar to a s)reads'eet. 1'e Col!/ns re)resent Variables and t'e 4ows re)resent Cases. 1'e n!/eri"al data fro/ t'e !estionnaire are t#)ed in t'is 2indow (ii) Variable View

1'e (ariable (iew also "ontains a grid of rows and "ol!/ns. +n t'is 2indow t'e rows re)resent t'e (ariables in t'e anal#sis and t'e "ol!/ns are !sed to define t'e "'ara"teristi"s of ea"' (ariable. 2e will dis"!ss t'is in greater detail in t'e ne5t se"tion.

2. C!DIN& #ND ENTE IN& D#T# 2.1 Coding Data

2'en )ro"essing data it is essential to de(elo) a "oding s#ste/. 1'is is a s#ste/ of n!/eri"al "odes re)resenting different (al!es in t'e data set. +n SPSS t'e !ser "an enter t'is "oding s#ste/ !sing t'e Variable View 2indow. 1o ill!strate t'is )ro"ess we will loo& at a si/)le !estionnaire and s'ow 'ow t'is s'o!ld be "oded in SPSS. 1'is !estionnaire is s'own is *))endi5 *. 1'e first -!estion is6 '(at is )our gender* and t'e "odes for t'e res)onses are 1 7 $ale and 2 7 Fe/ale 8ow "an we re)resent t'is (ariable in SPSS. Variable View 1o "ode a (ariable in SPSS we first need to enter t'e Variable View b# "li"&ing t'e Variable View tab at t'e botto/ of t'e s"reen. Variable Name +n t'e first "ol!/n enter t'e (ariable na/e. 1'e (ariable na/e "an be !) to %4 "'ara"ters in lengt' (no s)a"es). For t'e first (ariable in t'e !estionnaire we "an !se t'e na/e Gender. Variable Type 1'e Variable 1#)e allows t'e !sed enter t'e data in different for/s3 n!/eri"al3 string3 date et". +n !antitati(e resear"' )ro.e"ts it is re"o//ended to alwa#s !se 9!/eri" 1#)e w'ere )ossible and t'is is t'e defa!lt in SPSS. Width and Decimals 2idt' and De"i/als will be entered a!to/ati"all# and are onl# !sed for )resentation )!r)oses Variable Label ( ptional) +f re !ired enter a :abel in t'e bo5 )ro(ided. 1'e Variable :abel )ro(ides a /ore detailed des"ri)tion of t'e !estion t'an t'e Variable 9a/e3 as it "an "ontain /an# /ore "'ara"ters. +n o!r e5a/)le we /ig't enter ;What is your gender as t'e Variable :abel. +f t'is (ariable is !sed in an# anal#sis it is t'e Variable :abel t'at a))ears in t'e 0!t)!t. +f no Variable :abel is entered t'en t'e Variable 9a/e is !sed in an# 0!t)!t.

Val!es Val!e labels are !sed to define t'e "oding s#ste/ for t'e (ariable. 1o define a "oding s#ste/ for a (ariable3 "li"& on t'e Val!es "ell and t'en "li"& t'e little gre# bo5 in t'e "ell. 1#)e t'e Val!e and t'e "orres)onding Val!e :abel in t'e bo5es )ro(ided. For t'e gender (ariable 1#)e 1 as t'e Val!e and Male as t'e Val!e :abel and t'en "li"& t'e "DD b!tton.

1'en 1#)e 2 as t'e Val!e and Female as t'e Val!e :abel and "li"& "DD. 2'en all Val!es and Val!e :abels are entered3 "li"& 0<. #issing Val!es +n(ariabl# w'en data is "olle"ted !sing self,"o/)leted !estionnaire for/s t'ere will be se(eral !estions left !nanswered. 1'is "an 'a))en for a (ariet# of reasons3 in"l!ding si/)le "arelessness3 a la"& of willingness on t'e )art of t'e res)ondent to s!))l# t'e desired infor/ation or a la"& of "o/)eten"e to answer t'e !estion. *lso a !estion /a# not be rele(ant to so/e of t'e res)ondents. +n SPSS we /!st enter a "ode to re)resent /issing data. +n t'is e5a/)le we will enter t'e (al!e = to re)resent a non,res)onse. 1o enter a /issing (al!e "ode3 "li"& t'e gre# bo5 in t'e /issing (al!es "ell and sele"t dis"rete /issing (al!es. Enter = as t'e /issing (al!e and "li"& 0<.


1o )ra"ti"e w'at we 'a(e .!st learned and to ill!strate two ot'er )oints lets now "ode so/e of t'e ot'er (ariables on t'e !estionnaire +2. 2'at le(el of ed!"ation 'a(e #o! a"'ie(ed? @a"'elors 1 $asters 2 P'D 3 -!estion 2 "an be "oded !sing t'e sa/e ste)s as -!estion 1 +3. 2'at is #o!r age AAAA -!estion 3 is relati(el# eas# to "ode as it does not need (al!e labels3 be"a!se t'e res)onses to t'e !estions are n!/eri"al +4. Do #o! find ti/e to rela5? *lwa#s 1 Bs!all# 2 So/eti/es 3 4arel# 4 9e(er > +,. Do #o! e(er feel stressed at wor&? *lwa#s 1 Bs!all# 2 So/eti/es 3 4arel# 4 9e(er > -!estions 4 and > "an also be "oded li&e !estion 1. 9oti"e t'at t'e res)onses to bot' !estions are t'e sa/e. 1o sa(e ti/e #o! "an "o)# t'e labels fro/ -!estion 4 and )aste t'e/ in -!estion >. +-. Does #o!r .ob in(ol(e t'e following tas&s E(al!ating Staff AAA $anaging Staff AAA 1raining Staff AAA -!estion % is a /!lti)le res)onse !estion. 1'e res)ondent is being as&ed t'ree !estions3 na/el#6 Does #o!r .ob in(ol(e training staff? Does #o!r .ob in(ol(e /anaging staff? Does #o!r .ob in(ol(e e(al!ating staff? 1'e res)ondent "an ti"& all t'ree res)onses or none or an# "o/bination of t'e/3 so #o! will need t'ree (ariables to re)resent t'is !estion. Call t'ese (ariables 1as&13 1as&2 and 1as&33 !se t'e t'ree !estions as t'e Variable labels and !se t'e Val!es 17Ces and 27 9o for ea"' (ariable. Co!r final (ariable (iew s'o!ld loo& li&e t'is. DonDt worr# if #o! !sed different Variable na/es. *ll !estions are now "oded in t'e SPSS File.

2.2 $ntering Data

1o enter data to a SPSS file we /!st first ret!rn to t'e Data View. Data is si/)l# t#)ed into t'e a))ro)riate "ell wit' ea"' "ell re)resenting one indi(id!alDs answer to a gi(en !estion. 1'e ne5t s"reen "ontains t'e data for a n!/ber of res)ondents to t'is !estionnaire.

Fro/ t'is data we "an see t'at t'e first res)ondent is $ale (gender 7 1)3 is aged >> 'as a )ostgrad!ate degree (Ed!"71)3 !s!all# finds ti/e to rela53 is ne(er stressed at wor& et". 9ow3 enter so/e data into #o!r own file. Co! "an /a&e !) #o!r res)onses.

Finall# sa(e t'e data file !sing t'e File $en!. 1'e File $en! is SPSS is si/ilar to ot'er standard 2indows )a"&ages. SPSS data files are gi(en t'e )refi5 .sa%3 for instan"e we "o!ld "all t'is file


Des"ri)ti(e Statisti"s are a gro!) of te"'ni !es for des"ribing t'e brea&down of a (ariable or (ariables. 1'e# in"l!de Fre !en"# 1ables (si/)l# tables and "'arts)3 Crosstabs3 $ean S"ores3 and ot'er Statisti"s. 1o ill!strate t'e !se of t'ese te"'ni !es we will !se t'e ;sta// dataD file.

&.1 're(!encies
1'e Fre !en"ies )ro"ed!re )ro(ides basi" statisti"s3 tables and gra)'i"al dis)la#s t'at are !sef!l for des"ribing /an# t#)es of (ariables. For a first loo& at #o!r data3 t'e Fre !en"ies )ro"ed!re is a good )la"e to start. 1o !se t'e fre !en"ies )ro"ed!re 1. Sele"t Descripti%e )tatistics fro/ t'e "nalyse #en! 2. Sele"t 're(!encies in t'e s!b,gro!)

3. 1'e Fre !en"ies 2indow "ontains a list of all t'e (ariables in t'e file3 a Variables bo*3 a Display 're(!ency Tables bo* and t'ree )!s'b!ttons na/el# )tatistics3 Charts and 'ormat.

4. Sele"t t'e (ariables #o! are interested in fro/ t'e Variables list on t'e left and )la"e t'e/ in t'e Variables +o* on t'e rig't (!sing t'e arrow in t'e "enter). For t'is e5er"ise3 "'oose FDo #o! find ti/e to rela5G and FDo #o! e(er feel stressedG. >. For a Fre !en"# Distrib!tion 1able ti"& t'e Display 're(!ency Distrib!tion bo*. (1'is will be ti"&ed b# defa!lt) %. +f #o! re !ire a "'art "li"& t'e C'arts @!tton and "'oose t'e t#)e of "'art re !ired. 1'ere are t'ree basi" "'arts a(ailable3 Pie C'arts3 @ar C'arts and 8istogra/s. +n t'is "ase "'oose a @ar C'art. * sele"tion of basi" statisti"al (al!es li&e t'e /ean3 standard de(iation and ot'ers are a(ailable b# "li"&ing t'e )tatistics b!tton. 1o sele"t t'e a))ro)riate statisti" si/)l# "li"& t'e ad.oining "ir"le (see below). +n t'is "ase sele"t t'e /ean and t'e standard de(iation. 2'en all re !ired statisti"s 'a(e been "'osen "li"& Contin!e

E. Finall# on"e all Statisti"s and C'arts 'a(e been sele"ted "li"& !0 @elow we "an see so/e of t'e SPSS 0!t)!t fro/ t'e Fre !en"# Co//and 're(!ency Tables
Do you find time to relax? Cumulative Percent 11 ! 5# # )% 1 1!! !


Always "sually &ometimes *arely ,otal

Frequency 15 #$ 51 + 1'#

Percent 11 ! %5 # '( 5 5) 1!! !

Valid Percent 11 ! %5 # '( 5 5) 1!! !


Statistics -o you ever .eel stressed at wor10 1'% $ ' %!'! 1 !'%15

2 Mean &td -eviation

Valid Missing

-o you .ind time to rela/0 1'# ! $ '+$% (#!#)



&.2 Crosstabs
* Crosstab is an e5tension of a fre !en"# table to 2 or /ore (ariables. For e5a/)le #o! /a# wis' to loo& at a brea&down of le(el of ed!"ation b# gender. 1o "reate a Crosstab 1able 1. Sele"t Descripti%e )tatistics fro/ t'e "nalyse #en! 2. Sele"t Crosstabs in t'e s!b,gro!) 3. Fro/ t'e Variable :ist sele"t t'e (ariable(s) to re)resent t'e "ol!/ns and )la"e in t'e Col!/ns bo5. For t'is e5er"ise sele"t Iender. 4. Do t'e sa/e t'ing for t'e rows bo5. Sele"t Ed!"ation :e(el for t'e rows.

>. 1o add )er"entages "li"& t'e Cells +!tton %. C'oose t'e )er"entage s#nta5 re !ired (e.g. "ol!/n )er"entages) b# "li"&ing t'e a))ro)riate "ir"le.

E. Press Contin!e H. Finall# "li"& !0 1'e SPSS 0!t)!t for t'is Crosstab "an be seen on t'e ne5t )age


What level of education have you achieved? * What is your gender Crosstabulation What is your gender What level o. education have you achieved0 Post Graduate &tudies Count 5 within What is your gender Count 5 within What is your gender 3eaving Cert Count 5 within What is your gender ,otal Count 5 within What is your gender MA34 %$ %! %5 5# 5' +5 # 5 +5 1!% 1!! !5 F4MA34 1% %' +5 1# 5! !5 $ # '5 '$ 1!! !5 ,otal 5# %1 $5 ($ 5$ )5 + 5 )5 1'# 1!! !5

Primary -egree

&.& Correlation
1. Sele"t Correlate fro/ t'e "nalyse #en! 2. Sele"t +i%ariate 3. Fro/ t'e Variable :ist sele"t t'e (ariables #o! wis' to "orrelate. C'oose *ge and 9!/ber of #ears in t'e organisation

4. Sele"t t'e Pearson Correlation Coeffi"ient >. Press Contin!e


1'e 0!t)!t for t'is "orrelation is s'own below6 Correlation "ge %s. Ten!re ),)) !tp!t

Correlations 6ow many years What is your age What is your age Pearson Correlation &ig 8$9tailed: 2 6ow many years are you in the organisation0 Pearson Correlation &ig 8$9tailed: 2 77 Correlation is signi.icant at the ! !1 level 8$9tailed: 1'# +#'

are you in the organisation0 +#'77 !!! 1'5 1

!!! 1'5 1'5

Correlation between age and n!/ber of #ears in organisation is .H%3. 1'is indi"ates a )ositi(e relations'i) between t'e two (ariables3 w'i"' is e5a"tl# w'at we wo!ld e5)e"t. 9ote t'e two asteris&s beside t'e "orrelation. 1'is indi"ates t'at t'e "orrelation is statisti"all# signifi"ant.


&.- #eans
1'is f!n"tions allows t'e !ser "al"!late t'e /ean s"ore of a de)endent (ariable a"ross t'e (ario!s s!b,"ategories of t'e inde)endent (ariable. For e5a/)le3 in o!r "ase st!d# we "o!ld loo& at t'e a(erage age of staff /e/bers wit' different le(el of ed!"ation 1. Sele"t Compare #eans fro/ t'e "nalyse #en! 2. Sele"t #eans 3. Sele"t t'e de)endent (ariable(s) fro/ t'e Variable :ist. C'oose age for t'is e5a/)le6 4. Sele"t t'e +nde)endent (ariable(s) for/ t'e Variable :ist. C'oose :e(el of Ed!"ation for t'is e5a/)le6


Cli"& !0

8ere is t'e asso"iated 0!t)!t fro/ SPSS

Report What is your age0 What level o. education have you achieved0 Post Graduate &tudies Primary -egree 3eaving Cert ,otal Mean %% 1$5! %5 )1#( %( (5!! %5 $+#+ 2 5# ($ + 1'# &td -eviation ) #1#') ) '+1)# % (1'$! ) $+(11


4. Independent Sample T-test

1o ill!strate t'e !se of t'e inde)endent sa/)le t,test we will !se t'e ;T-TestD file. Independent Sample T-Test 2 +nde)endent Iro!)s3 1 4atioJ+nter(al 1est Variable Part of t'e t!rno(er intention "ase st!d# in(ol(ed e5a/ining differen"es between t'e two de)art/ents in t'e organisation3 for t'e fo!r &e# !antitati(e /eas!res. (Kob Satisfa"tion3 Satisfa"tion wit' S!)er(isor3 Co//it/ent3 1!rno(er +ntention) *s t'ese (ariables are inter(al (ariables and t'e test is e5a/ining t'e differen"e between two gro!)s3 t'e inde)endent sa/)le t,test is !sed. , +n "nalyse #en! Cli"& Compare #eans , Sele"t .ndependent )ample T/test , Sele"t 1est Variable(s) fro/ Variable :ist (Kob Satisfa"tion3 Satisfa"tion wit' S!)er(isor3 Co//it/ent3 1!rno(er +ntention) , Sele"t Iro!)ing Variable fro/ Variable :ist (De)art/ent) , Cli"& De0ine 1ro!ps b!tton. , +nsert t'e (al!e labels re)resenting t'e two inde)endent gro!)sL enter 1 as Iro!) 1 and 2 as Iro!) 2. (17De)art/ent *3 27De)art/ent @)

, Cli"& Contin!e , Cli"& 2


1'e SPSS 0!t)!t fro/ t'is test3 an e5)lanation of t'is o!t)!t and 'ow it s'o!ld be )resented are s'own on t'e ne5t )age.
),)) !tp!t
Group Statistics &td 4rror Mean !+''' !)1(! 1$$%) 11%+1 !(+!) !)!(' 1#)%1 1'5$#
est t9test .or 4quality o. Means

<o= &atis.action &atis.action with &u;ervisor Commitment ,urnover ?ntention

-e;artment A > A > A > A >

2 5# %% 5# %% 5# %% 5# %%

Mean ' (5!! % !%55 ' 1!(1 ' #'#) $ )%$! ' %$)! $ #1'1 $ 1!#1

&td -eviation #$'#1 #!+$# )1### (#1#! 5+%'% #!1+% 1 $#((5 +)($'

Independent Samples 3evene@s ,est .or 4quality o. Variances

F <o= &atis.action 4qual variances assumed 4qual variances not assumed 4qual variances assumed 4qual variances not assumed 4qual variances assumed 4qual variances not assumed 4qual variances assumed 4qual variances not assumed $1'

&ig #%#

t 9$ '(( 9$ '+%

d. )+ )' %)( )+ )( ##) )+ )1 1+1 )+ )( !'#

&ig 8$9tailed: !1) !1) !!' !!$ !!! !!! !$( !$1

Mean -i..erence 9 $)5%5 9 $)5%5 9 5$)(# 9 5$)(# 9 %+(!1 9 %+(!1 5!(!' 5!(!'

&td 4rror -i..erence 1$%$+ 1$')1 1(1## 1#(+) 11)$+ 11)(1 $$5(! $1#(+

&atis.action with &u;ervisor



9' !+# 9' 155




9% !+' 9% !#+

,urnover ?ntention

# (1)


$ $%# $ '')

.nterpretation and ,resentation 1'ese test res!lts indi"ate signifi"ant differen"es between t'e two de)art/ents in organisation. 1!rno(er +ntention is signifi"antl# 'ig'er in De)art/ent ()7.=21M=.=>). +n addition3 .ob satisfa"tion ()7.=19M=.=>)3 "o//it/ent to organisation ()7.=== M=.=1) and satisfa"tion wit' s!)er(isor ()7.=2EM=.=1) signifi"antl# lower in De)art/ent *. t'e * t'e are


1'ese res!lts are "o//onl# )resented in t'e following table for/at6

Department A > A > A > A > ! 5# %% 5# %% 5# %% 5# %% "ean ' (5 % !% ' 11 ' #% $ )% ' %' $ #1 $ 11 S# Dev #$ #! )$ (# 5+ #! 1 $# )! $%&alue !1)7 !!'77 !!!77 !$17

'ob Satisfaction Satisfaction (ith Supervisor Commitment urnover Intention

7&igni.icant at the ! !5 level 77 &igni.icant at the ! !1 level


+1. 2'at is #o!r gender? $ale 1 Fe/ale 2 +2. 2'at le(el of ed!"ation 'a(e #o! a"'ie(ed? @a"'elors 1 $asters 2 P'D 3 +3. 2'at is #o!r age AAAA

+4. Do #o! find ti/e to rela5? *lwa#s (1) Bs!all# (2) So/eti/es (3) 4arel# (4) +,. Do #o! e(er feel stressed at wor&? *lwa#s (1) Bs!all# (2) So/eti/es (3) 4arel# (4) +-. Does #o!r .ob in(ol(e t'e following tas&s E(al!ating Staff AAA $anaging Staff AAA 1raining Staff AAA 9e(er (>) 9e(er (>)


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