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Jesus Gerardo Rodriguez Flores | Astronomical Society of the Laguna, AC (Mexico)

In our previous collaboration gave all the details to consider to convene and organize the formation of an astronomical association. Also gave details on how to legally constituted and the organizational structure should have.

Our group is now working astronomical. But the hardest thing is to come.What steps should I follow for my club last for many, many years?

The hard part is maintained.

Our dream has come true, we have our astronomy club. Now depends on us that this dream does not become a nightmare. Many astronomical associations are based in the world, but most disappear after a few years, or even worse end up with schisms, where neither of the two resulting groups is hardly better than the previously existing. Remember that your partnership will last depending on the following points:

The quality of events offered to the public. The added value you give to the membership. The policy of the board.

To begin between astronomy clubs are successful are more open to the public. Try to arrange at least one public event every two weeks. A conference, an observation with telescopes, the projection of a documentary, round tables or at least a scientific newsletter. Rely on the media by sending newsletters, as we saw in previous suggestions. The audience that these events will attract interesting prospects to recruit for your astronomy club. Thus increasing the number of members. Surely you will meet with professional clubs, associations or schools altruistic conference request you get organized with your partners to meet such requests. This will publicize your association attract new recruits and sometimes receive donations in return for your club, either in kind or money to the treasury. At this stage of our development I hope that your membership continues to grow. Recruiting young people is vital, for the most part are the most active members and those who have more time to devote to the association. Adults bring resources, expertise and contributions of great quality, but their multiple commitments to significantly reduce the availability will be for the association. Therefore ... Youth divine treasure! Of course, what matters is not the number of members, but the quality of their participation and

interaction among them. For your members stay interested and involved pamper you. More so if they are paying a monthly fee. You have activities that are exclusive to members, and to the extent of the potential offer them real value added: a magazine, courses or exclusive member camps, and other gatherings. If you then start working on the idea of an astronomical supply store discounts made to members who are current on their payments. Something you can not forget is to look for the interaction between old partners and new partners income.Often make the mistake of reducing our circle of friends to our former partners and this causes discomfort and disappointment in recent partners income. To follow this situation your new members only lasted a few weeks and leave. We must take care to present the new members and encourage our current members to get involved with them. An interesting plan may be to work a concept of sponsorship in which some of our current partners become godfather of our most novel element, being under the responsibility of the latter begins to interact with the rest of the club and get involved in activities. Now for the trickiest part. The policy of our club.

The policy: success or death of our club.

There is a very wise sentence which reads: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." And the truth is that he is absolutely right. If the board knows not handled with care can become the downfall of what was once a good idea. To begin with, since before we form an astronomical club an issue should be clear: our group will not make us rich. If you want to get rich working, or when as many vivales founded a political party, trade union or a religion. An Astronomical Society is to serve the community and its members, exclusively. Astronomical Society to start our sometimes we feel the need to take charge of his administration, few have accepted a great responsibility when a group starts. Therefore, the first board of directors should take only what is necessary as our group solidifies. Being president of a club not only astronomical means to operate and manage it, but accountable to members, both our activities and achievements, but the revenues and expenditures of the treasury. It is healthy for every six months we conduct a general meeting where a report released demos of our activities, the state of our treasury, and a general business session for directors and partners suggest activities, projects and different ideas that may be approved or rejected democratically by the members. It is highly desirable that the first directors of the Astronomical Society only last a year, his management period is only a transitional stage. After expiry of this period, your appointment members to a general assembly to form sheets convcalos to form the new board. Beforehand, this should be included in their statutes and how to vote, which may be open or secret. The following boards can last longer, depending on the criteria proposed assembly. They can last for one year in office, although for some projects, a year is not enough. A great option is that the period is two years, with ratification each year. In this way if the board does not meet the expectations of the assembly functions may cease to be elected annually and be replaced by a new form. If the Assembly ratifies the board after its first year, it may continue in office to complete their two years of duties. The re-election is always a double edged sword from the standpoint of politics. But if a board was outstanding in his performance during his two years, the assembly could well vote for their reelection for another two years. Although a board be re-elected for another term of two years, also must be ratified by the assembly after a year. Although a very efficient board will never be advisable to re-elected more than once. Although we have a wonderful president, is awful as perpetuating in office then becomedinosaurs that little by little they are enamored with power. After a time they can spend two things: either stop apparently asking the members, or society is so dependent on the leader who is missing the club fall into a crisis.

For the same re-election is more than enough. Not anymore. Of course we can suggest that a good leader who concluded his two consecutive administrative periods could be eligible again after a few years. So much for the boards, and more precise about the president. On the other hand is more than obvious that the movements of cash must be quite clear and their data be available at all times for consultation with partners. Unfortunately there will always be discontent among some members about the performance of the board. This is where the President and the other partners should know how to handle the situation wisely. Wisdom has nothing to do with intelligence, just a matter of know how to discern between good and evil. To assess this, the leader has to hear the opinions of the members. Unless we hear from our members, began the exodus of members and enrarecer the environment of our society. There is nothing worse than an astronomical group where you start to sour the atmosphere for political reasons. To complicate matters never miss the light that says: "since we founded another astronomical society." We will never know which is worse, the suggestion of lit, or the group members ignore him. Here's a blunt warning: once a split occurs in Astronomical Society, never again to reconcile the opposing groups. In many cities this has happened, an astronomical group is divided in two, and the two resulting groups will never be together again. And what is worse are always competing against each other and thus be such that the noise cause each other that no club will prosper. Obviously this is disappointing for fans looking for a club where membership and astronomical that meets your expectations.Personally my mailbox is filled with correspondence from fans frustrated by the situation of astronomy clubs that exist in their communities.

Alternatives to the boards.

It is almost impossible to avoid the political problems in astronomy clubs."Every head is a world," a popular saying, and this is that not all members seems well come from the board in some events. Others, last but not least, have an innate problem of rebellion against authority . It is therefore vital that the policy has provided its members informed of activities and ask them to look at complex decisions. Democracy is always the best way to have a membership in accordance with our procedure. A further suggestion regarding the establishment of boards and operational branches is that they have a balanced mix of experience and youth. The maturity and experience of adults is vital to an association and its administration, but the young blood is always the motor of astronomical success of a club. You have to know give way to youth and give them access to increased responsibilities. Many astronomical associations suffering from a phenomenon I call him BG Factor: Generation Gap . If there is no real balance of responsibilities and authority between youth and adults, the situation broke out in a continuous competition between young and old . And after a while that competition will become a rivalry declared. When the old take over all positions of authority and are just looking for young people to send and load of responsibility without authority, these will come a time that will be released. And the problem is that when the time in which young people take control of the group, the old will disappear leaving only the young.Maybe they founded their own club or astronomical start to take shape in the shadows the way back to take control of the group. If they achieve this ultimate goal, then will the young people who will be gone in disarray.It is therefore important balance. In an astronomy group there is no place for rivalry, competition or

jealousy. Advance ruling that it must be child the attitudes of those who seek to gain power for power. What power? Solo is a small astronomy club! Not one country, it is a multinational company or a union! It is ridiculous to seek control of something that no longer a hobby. Make this clear: "To govern is obeying." Being a leader of any group is an obligation of service, never a license for power. Must act with wisdom and know when to stop the move to accommodate items and fresh ideas. If your astronomy club struggles have become constant, it is time to seek other options for administration. Some astronomical societies are working with a very interesting alternative: the referee. The college is a replacement board. It eliminates the previously known positions and elect five members with balanced powers and responsibilities of leadership take charge of the astronomical society.Here there are no presidents, vice presidents, secretaries or similar positions. It is a shared management where each of the members are elected in different assemblies. One option I can suggest for a transition from a college board is that once you adopt this type of administration and outgoing Vice President automatically be named collegiate one and two, respectively. The collegiate three, four and five will be elected by the assembly. Decisions during the administration period should be taken by members of the college in a democratic manner. Being an odd group, there will never be tables in the vote and no need for a casting vote .Every six months during the general assembly will be elected a member for five collegiate post at the time of his election, one leaves the post collegiate and other collegiate amount of job. And so every six months, one out and a new fifth enters. In this way we always have a fresh college where no one will live on in the administration over two years. The college will define the election of the treasurer and the secretary general, may be these members or outside the college. Obviously this administrative group members to run for operational branches, always with the approval of shareholders' meetings. This administrative alternative was a relief for those astronomical groups who once had serious problems of a politician in their midst. Even in some countries are developing national federations coordination or astronomical societies which call for a requirement for stakeholders to replace the boards with by members for members.

Tips for keeping interest in astronomy.

The advantage to overcome the political problems that may arise in an astronomical society is allowing us to focus on the important, the activities must develop to sustain the interest of our members and society in general. In the July 2000 edition of the journal Astronomy published a very interesting guide to what you should do to keep your existing astronomy club. Then reproduce these points: 1. Take advantage of astronomical events. Meteor showers, alignment of planets, eclipses, comets and other astronomical events that occur in the year of interest to the public. Seize the events to maintain interest.

2. Motivating and involving newcomers. Many times we underestimate the potential of new
partners, but the initiative had to sign is proof of the mindset that can be projected onto the activities of our club.

3. Delegates and do it. Since the saying goes, "that all trades." A good leader is one who know
how to guide and delegate responsibilities. Trust part of those responsibilities to the new members, usually look for how to make a good impression on the group. Better chance there.

4. Think Internet. One of the best ways of exposing our club is to have a website. Will serve to
give publicity, distribute press, recruit new members and contact with similar groups in your country or abroad.

5. Salt and notes. Your outdoor activities are vital. You have to make astronomical camps. The
evenings are great astronomical especially when combined with the exploration of the natural environment around us. A very large percentage of fans giving more priority to astronomical observations at conferences or other indoor activities.

6. Teaches and inspires. Standardize the knowledge of the partners is a real

challenge. Organized courses in astronomy and telescopes management.

7. Undertakes projects for the club. Encourage your partner to develop interesting activities
such as building models, or take the challenge of building their own telescopes.

8. Invited speakers. What is new is a great attraction. In the measurements of contact potential
universities and astronomical and invites communicators to lecture at your club.

9. Show your team. Invite your members to show others their telescopes and other
astronomical tools. Share experiences on their achievements with the telescopes they have.

10. Interact with other clubs. Identifies that there are astronomy clubs in your area and organize
astronomical camps together. Also exchange speakers to give freshness to your activities.

With these points will be sufficient to ensure the success of your astronomy club. Just a question of putting to work.

Yes, definitely make an astronomy club literally evokes the phrase "getting into eleven staff shirt." It is a cherished project, its development and consolidation can be an ordeal. Fortunately this type of initiative bears fruit: a source of great satisfaction, we make great friends, increase our knowledge about our favorite science and is also a perfect vehicle for networking with other groups in the country and abroad. Enthusiasts will not only have a platform from which disclose astronomy apart will have the opportunity to travel to other provinces and countries to participate in astronomical events, and experiences with similar groups. So worth it? Definitely! You do not overwhelm the project challenging.Large companies have

tapped the same way: the idea of a single individual, the efforts of a small handful of individuals and the perseverance of an entire community. Gila Spanish comedian in one of his works was astonished at the success and scope of some major projects: "There have to Catholicism, big business, think that started with a manger." Similarly, Steve Jobs began Apple Computer in the garage of his house, and Billy Gates a couple of friends started from scratch to its current Microsoft corporation, an empire hitherto invincible. What then? What are you waiting? Today the start of a great dream begins with only a handful of phone calls. Adelante!

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