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Pengaruh Crude Serbuk Daun Sirih (Piper betle) Terfermentasi Terhadap

Penghambatan Bakteri Patogen Aeromonas hydrophila Pada Ikan Gurami

(Osphronemus gouramy)

Mahasiswa : Lina Marliana

Skripsi (2008), Program Studi Sarjana Mikrobiologi SITH,

Pembimbing : Dr. Pingkan Aditiawati1


Gelar : Sarjana Sains (S.Si)

Wisuda Oktober 2008


Bakteri patogen yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit pada ikan gurami adalah A.hydrophila.
Bakteri ini mengakibatkan kematian benih sampai 90%. Penggunaan antibiotik dalam jangka
waktu lama berdampak negatif karena bakteri akan resisten dan mencemari lingkungan.
Alternatif lain, menggunakan bahan-bahan alami, contohnya daun sirih. Pada penelitian ini
dilakukan isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri A. hydrophila yang berasal dari ikan gurami yang sakit.
Proses fermentasi serbuk daun sirih menggunakan ragi Z. rouxii. Optimasi konsentrasi serbuk
sirih yang digunakan 0,48%, 0,96%, 1,44%, 1,92%, dan 2,4% b/v. Sedangkan, optimasi
konsentrasi inokulum yang digunakan adalah 5%, 10%, dan 15% v/v dengan umur inokulum 12
jam. Pengukuran yang dilakukan adalah jumlah sel, kadar asam laktat, dan pH setiap 6 jam
selama 48 jam. Hasil crude serbuk daun sirih terfermentasi diuji terhadap bakteri A. hydrophila
dengan metode difusi agar dan uji kelulushidupan dan prevelensi penyakit terhadap ikan gurami
selama 9 hari. Dilakukan pengukuran parameter kualitas air, seperti suhu, pH, kadar oksigen,
kadar nitrat, kadar nitrit, dan kadar amonia selama pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan
pada konsentrasi serbuk daun sirih sebesar 2,4% dan konsentrasi inokulum 10% ragi dapat
tumbuh dengan baik. Jumlah sel yang dihasilkan 1,1x105 CFU/ml, kadar asam laktat 0,132%,
dan pH 4,98. Daya hambat crude fermentasi serbuk sirih terhadap bakteri A. hydrophila
menghasilkan daerah bening sebesar 15 mm, sedangkan kontrol sebesar 10 mm. Tingkat
kelulushidupan ikan gurami yang menggunakan crude fermentasi sebesar 80%, sedangkan
kontrol 66%. Prevelensi penyakit pada konrol 33% dan perlakuan 20%. Tingkat suhu 30-340C,
pH 7-8, kadar oksigen 5-6 mg/L, kadar nitrat 0,001-0,05 mg/L, kadar nitrit 0,012-0,048 mg/L,
dan kadar amonia 0,05-0,06 mg/L. Bakteri patogen yang menginfeksi ikan gurami adalah A.
hydrophila yang dapat dihambat pertumbuhannya oleh crude fermentasi serbuk daun sirih. Kadar
crude fermentasi sebanyak 5 ppm dapat meningkatkan laju lulus hidup ikan gurami dari infeksi
bakteri A.hydrophila sebesar 14%.

Kata Kunci :Gurami, Aeromonas hydrophila, Sirih, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii

The Influence Of Crude Fermented Powder Leaves Sirih (Piper betle) To
Inhibit Pathogen Bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila In Gurami (Osphronemus
Student : Lina Marliana
Final Project (2008), Degree Program in Microbiology, School of Life Science and Technology-

Advisor : Dr. Pingkan Aditiawati1

School of Life Science and Technology-ITB,

Degree : Degree Sains (S.Si)

Conferred October 2008


One of pathogen bacteria that could cause the illness in the gurami is A.hydrophila. These
bacteria resulted in the death of the seed until 90%. The use antibiotic over a long period had a
negative impact because of the bacteria would resistant and polluted the environment. The other
alternative, used natural materials, for example the betel leaves. In this research was carried out
by the isolation and the identification of the bacteria A. hydrophila that came from the gurami
that was sick. The process of fermentation of dust of the betel leaves used yeast Z. rouxii.
Optimization the concentration of betel dust that was used by 0.48%, 0.96%, 1.44%, 1.92%, and
2.4% b/v. Whereas, optimization the concentration inoculums that was used was 5%, 10%, and
15% v/v with the age inoculums 12 hours. The grating that was done was the number of cells, the
acidity of the lactate, and the pH every time 6 hours for 48 hours. Results crude of fermented
powder betel leaves was tested against the bacteria A. hydrophila with the diffusion method so
that and the survival rate and prevalence the illness against the gurami for 9 days. Carried out the
grating of the quality water parameter, like temperature, pH, and level of oxygen, level of nitrate,
level of nitrite, and level of ammonia. Results of the research in the concentration of powder of
the betel leaves of 2.4% and the concentration inoculums 10% yeast could grow well. The
number of cells that was produced by 1,1x105 CFU/ml, the acidity of the lactate 0,132%, and the
pH 4.98. The power hindered crude fermentation of betel powder against the bacteria A.
hydrophila produced the clear zone as big as 15 mm in diameter, whereas the control as big as 10
mm in diameter. The survival rate of gurami that used crude fermentation of powder leaves in
treatment 80% and control 66%. Prevalence the illness from bacteria A. hydrophila in control
33% and the treatment 20%. The level of the temperature 30-340C, the pH 7-8, the level of
oxygen 5-6 mg/L, the level of nitrate 0,001-0,05 mg/L, the level of nitrite 0,012-0,048 mg/L, and
the level of ammonia 0,05-0,06 mg/L. The pathogen bacteria that infected the gurami were A.
hydrophila that could be hindered by his growth by crude fermentation of powder of the betel
leaves. The level of crude fermentation totaling 5 ppm could increase the rate passed lived of the
gurami from the A.hydrophila bacterial infection of 14%.

Keyword: Gurami, Aeromonas hydrophila, Piper betle, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii

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