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Simulation Model of a Solar-Hydrogen Generation System

Abdulhamid El-sharif School of Mechanical and System Engineering Newcastle University Email: Abstract This paper describes the work undertaken in order to model a solar hydrogen generation system using the commercially available software package IPSEpro. New library component models are described based on thermal and exergy analysis. The library includes the key system components subroutines for photovoltaic, water electrolyser, and a fuel cell. The entire system is designed to meet the environmental conditions of a small community in Libya for which the necessary data has been obtained. The effect of the main operation parameters for each component and the entire system with variable ambient conditions, on irreversibility, and system performance is studied. It appears that the environment conditions such as solar intensity, ambient temperature and the operation parameters have a large effect on the system performance, the rate of electricity output and hydrogen production. KEY WORDS: Solar, Hydrogen, Fuel Cell, Libya, IPSEpro, Exergy, Photovoltaic, Electrolyser. 1. Introduction The search for reliable, long-lasting sources of energy has been an ever challenging task for mankind. This search is more urgent today than ever before, due to the heavy dependence of modern life on energy from fossil fuels (i.e. petroleum, natural gas and coal), which are being depleted. In addition, their combustion products are causing the global pollution problems. Many engineers and scientists agree that the solution to these global problems would be to replace the existing fossil fuel system by the hydrogen energy system [1]. The hybrid energy systems design is mainly dependent on the performance of its individual system. In order to predict its performance, individual components should be modeled first and then their combination can be evaluated to meet the demand reliably. If the power output prediction from these individual components is accurate enough then the resultant combination will deliver power at the least cost [2]. One of the most interesting developments of energy systems based on the utilization of hydrogen is their integration with renewable sources of energy. In fact, hydrogen can operate as a storage and carrying medium of these primary sources. The design and operation of the system could change noticeably, depending mainly on the type of components, management strategy, control system, size and availability of the primary source [3]. Hydrogen produced from renewable energy (e.g. solar) sources is a very efficient and clean fuel. The main problem of solar energy plants is the variances of PV

output power under different solar radiation. To overcome this problem, PV power plants are integrated with power sources or storage systems such as hydrogen generators, storage and fuel cells [4]. The technology, manufacturing, and marketing of many of the renewable hydrogen system components are in the early stage of development; costs must be revised periodically as the market continues to grow [5]. Many researchers focused their studies on such systems by following three main directions: (a) experimental studies on an established system; (b) simulation and optimization of their operation parameters and efficiencies; and (c) real time control [6]. In the following section a brief description of some of these researches will be presented. El-shatter, Eskandar and El-hagry [4] designed and simulated a hydrogen photovoltaic (PV) fuel cell generation system. M. L. Doumbia, K. Agbossou and E.Granger [7] studied the behavior of renewable energy systems with hydrogen storage using a dynamic simulation model, Mat lab/Simulink software. Ulleberg, S.O. Morner [8] presented a parametric study of solar hydrogen system using the TRANSYS program, in order to better understand how to design solar hydrogen systems. Exergy and energy analysis for a 1.2 KWp nexa PEM fuel cell unit in a solar based hydrogen production system was undertaken by Yilanci, Dincer and Ozturk [9]. Mohamed Ibrahim [10] developed a simulation analysis for a solar hydrogen system based on a voltage current design characteristics study. He suggested that the inclusion of thermal models of system components into the design code must be considered. Anand S. Joshi, Ibrahim Dincer, and Bale V. Reddy [11] investigated the performance characteristics of a photovoltaicthermal (PV/T) system based on energy and exergy efficiencies. Ali Volkan Akkaya, Bahri Sahin and Huseyin Erdein [12] studied the effect of the operation condition of a simple fuel cell system on its performance based on exergy analysis. M. Mattei, G. Notton, C. Cristafari, M. Muselli, and P. Poggi [13] used a simple model to predict the performance of a photovoltaic module versus environmental variables. Ayoub M. Kazem [14, 15] applied a comprehensive exergy analysis on a large scale electrolyser and a PEM fuel cell at variable operation parameters using a simple thermodynamic model. Instead, M. Ay, A. Midilli and I. Dincer [16] used a detailed thermodynamic-exergy model to investigate the performance of a PEM fuel cell. A small number of software programs are available commercially to use for simulation and optimization of a solar hydrogen system such as HYDROGEMS and HOMER. None of the available software is based on the exergy analysis code. Furthermore, most of them are based on empirical relations or data from (I-V) curves of the components. The main purpose of this research is to develop a new library of simple and general models based on energy and exergy analysis for a solar hydrogen system using the commercially available energy tool software package IPSEpro. A parametric study is undertaken to investigate the effects of the operation condition on the performance of each component and the entire system. The entire system is designed, optimized and simulated to meet the required demand of a small community in Libya. 2. Thermodynamic analysis Energy and exergy analysis are applied in this research to investigate the performance of the system components and the entire system. Energy analysis is based on the first law of

thermodynamics (Eq.1) and exergy analysis is based on the second law of thermodynamics (Eq.2). Exergy is defined as the maximum amount of work which can be produced by a system or a flow of matter or energy as it comes to equilibrium with a reference environment [11]. Exergy deals with the quantity and quality of energy, unlike energy which deals with the quantity only [15]. The exergy analysis consumption during a process is proportional to the entropy generated due to irreversibility. For exergy analysis, the characteristics of a reference environment (dead state) must be specified [11]. In this research, the actual environment condition is taken as the reference state. The following section describes the main equations used in developing new library models of solar hydrogen system components (photovoltaic, electrolyser, and fuel cell) using an IPSEproMDK package. For a steady state-flow system, the energy and exergy balances for a flow of matter through a system can be calculated as (1) enin min enout mout + Q W = 0




min exout mout + ex Q ex w I = 0




2.1 Photovoltaic

The solar energy absorbed by the PV modules is converted to electric energy and also thermal energy. The thermal energy is dissipated to the ambient as a heat loss; by convection, conduction, and radiation. The rate of the heat transfer process depends on the design of the PV system. To achieve the efficiency of a PV module its operating temperature Tc must be determined, which for simplicity could be assumed homogenous on the plate. Tc depends on the ambient conditions. The higher surface temperature could cause a reduction in PV efficiency. Therefore, the cells may be cooled artificially by passing air or water on the back side of the module (PV/T) system, especially in hot regions. The output power of the PV system, however, fluctuates depending on solar radiation and surface temperature. Then, a storage system must be used to deliver the required power at lower radiation levels and during the night [4]. The electro-thermal mathematical model of a solar cell can be described by the following equations [8, 11, 16]: The power output is (3) Pel = I V Moreover, the maximum output power is given by (4) Pmax = (I V) max = Voc Isc FF The energy conversion efficiency is given by sta = (Vmp Imp / Pin)sta = (Voc Isc FF / Pin)sta (5) Where the energy inclined on the photovoltaic surface is Pin= S A (6) The exergy output of the photovoltaic system can be calculated as (7) exoutput = Voc Isc [ (Voc Isc - Vm . Im ) + Q loss (1 - Ta/Tc ) ] , and Q loss( heat loss) = hca A (Tc - Ta ) ,The convective and radiative heat transfer coefficient (8) hca= 5.7+3.8()

Energy input of the photovoltaic system (exergy of solar energy) can be calculated approximately as exsolar = exinput = S A (1 Ta / Tsun ) Then, the exergy efficiency of the photovoltaic system can be defined as pv,ex = [ Vm Im - ( 1- Ta / Tc ) [hca A (Tc - Ta ) ] ]/ exsolar The irreversibility of the system (exergy destruction) could be calculated as I= (1- pv,ex ) exsolar The total area of a photovoltaic system could be calculated as A=Cn mn Ac* 1.54 where (1.54 is a space factor) The PV system parameters values are affected by the ambient conditions and the valus could be calculated by the following equations act=[sta (1- ( Tc- Tr)] + [ log(S )] The cell temperature Tc = Ta +( TC,NOCT- TR,NOCT) (S / 0.8) Pel,act = act S A Voc_act = Voc_sta [(Voc_t Voc_sta (Tc Tr)] Isc_act = Isc_sta (S / Ssta) [1+Isc_t Isc_sta (Tc Tr )] F Fact = Pel,act / (Voc_act Isc_act ) The energy efficiency, the maximum electric efficiency and the exergy efficiency PV/T system are expressed respectively as en = [Voc_act Isc_act + Q loss] / S A

(9) (10) (11) (12) actual (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) of the (19) (20) (21)

el-max = (Voc_act Isc_act ) / S A ex-pvt = [ Vm Im + ( 1- Ta / Tc ) hca

2.2 Fuel Cell

A (Tc - Ta ) ]/ exsolar

A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy converter that converts the chemical energy of a fuel and an oxidant to electrical current (DC). In the case of a H2 O2 fuel cell, H2 is the fuel and O2 is the oxidant and the only product is pure water. Fuel cells in general have a higher efficiency than conventional engines. A simple thermodynamic model is used for the energy and exergy analysis of the fuel cell with the following assumptions [17]. -The fuel cell is operating under specified temperature, pressure, voltage and power. -The flow of reactants is steady, incompressible, and laminar. -The theoretical amount of hydrogen is calculated based on the power produced. -All gases are ideal gases. -Kinetic and potential exergy are neglected. -Chemical exergy values are taken from literature as standard values. -20% of the total heat generated by the fuel cell is lost via convection and radiation from the fuel cell [18]. -The water mass flow rate for humidification the reactant is negligible, as it has a small exergy amount and does not affect the analysis result [19].

According to equations 1 and 2, the irreversibility of a fuel cell could be calculated as I=(1-(Ta / Tc) Qloss Wnet +[(mH2 ext_H2in) +( mo2 ext_o2in)] [(mH2_out ext_H2out) +( mo2_out ext_o2out)]- [mw ext_w] (22) The exergy efficiency is ex = 1- I / [(mH2 ext_H2in) +( mo2 ext_o2in)] (23) Qgen = (1.481-Vc) Cn Wc / Vc (24) Qloss = 0.2 Qgen (25) Wnet = Pel - Wacc (26) (27) Pel = Wc Cn The total exergy of stream of matter is (28) ext = exph + exch The chemical exergy is taken from literature, and the physical exergy for H2,O2 , is calculated respectively as exph_H2 = 14.2091 To [(TH2 / To) 1 - ln (TH2 / To) ]+ 4.12418 To ln(PH2 / Po) (29) (30) exph_o2 = 0.9216 To [(To2 / To) 1 - ln (To2 / To) ]+ 0.25983 To ln(Po2 / Po) The physical exergy for water is exph_w= (hwhwo)To(SwSwo) (31) The energy efficiency related to the low heating value of hydrogen is given as en = Wnet / 142000 mH2_in (32) The hydrogen, oxygen and water mass flow rate for an individual unit is calculated respectively as (33) mH2_in = 1.05 E -05 St_H2 ( Cn Wc / Vc ) mH2_out = ( St_H2 -1) mH2_in (34) mo2_in = 8.29 E -05 St_o2 ( Cn Wc / Vc ) (35) (36) mo2_out = ( St_o2 -1) mo2_in mw = 9.34 E -05 ( Cn Wc / Vc ) (37) The power output of a fuel cell integrated in a solar hydrogen system where the hydrogen amount is known and coming from an electrolyser directly or from a tank can be calculated as (38) Pel = mH2_in Vc / 1.05 E -05 St_H2
2.3 Electrolyser

Hydrogen can be produced by many methods and many factors affecting its production such as source availability, cost, hydrogen quality and purity. It can be produced from fossil sources as well as from renewable sources. One of the most important technologies is water electrolytic, which is proposed for this research project. Hydrogen is produced by the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen by passing an electric current between two electrodes separated by an electrolyte. Alkaline and proton exchange membrane, PEM, are the two main types of electrolysers, which are well developed. A simple thermodynamic model for energy and exergy analysis of an electrolyser, similar to the one used for the fuel cell, is applied, except with the following changes. (39) Qgen = (Vc -1.481) (Pin_el Wacc) / Vc The total heat generated at steady state is assumed to dissipated as heat by radiation and (40) conviction [20] Qloss = Qgen (41) Wc = (Pin_el - Wacc) / Cn

en = 142000 mH2_in /

Wnet And I=(1-(Ta / Tc) Qloss + Wnet - (mH2 ext_H2in) -( mo2 ext_o2in)+ (mw ext_w) 3. Case study

(42) (43)

A small community in Misurata-Libya (32.38N, 15.09E), located at about 200 km east of Tripoli, was chosen as a case study for the research. The community was estimated to be consisted of 100 families with 5 members as an average. The average hourly total demand was calculated as 2.5 KW/h, taking into consideration the environment and culture of the Libyan society. An extra 20 KW/h was assumed for the efficiency losses of the electric equipment and general community enquiries. The solar radiation data for Misurata is very limited, but because of the very close altitude of Misurata to Tripoli, the data for Tripoli was used. The maximum amount of radiation is always received by a surface normal to its direction. So, the design of a solar PV system needs information about the solar radiation being intercepted by the tilted surface and site meteorological data. As systems-tracking are expensive, a fixed system at a proper tilt angle (adjusted monthly, seasonally or yearly), will maximize the solar radiation being collected. The tilt angle measured for Tripoli is 31o [21] and for Misurata is taken as 30o [22]. The yearly average wind speed for Misurata is 5 m/s [22]. The average ambient temperature measured for 2009 for Misurata was 294.65 K [23]. The average yearly total radiation for Tripoli for 2004 was 0.665 KW/m2 [21]. For this research it is taken as 0.675KW/m2. The total hourly solar radiation for Misurata for a typical day in January and June (2009) is taken from [24]. All the data obtained for Misurata was compared with the data measured for Tripoli and it is gives good agreement.
4. Model configuration analysis, results and discussion

In this section, the new models library developed for a solar hydrogen system is presented. This library, integrated with the applied library existing in the IPSEpro software package, was used to evaluate solar hydrogen components individually through a parametric study for its main operation parameters. A stand alone solar hydrogen system was designed to meet the energy demand of a small community in Libya. The entire system was optimized and simulated to investigate the effect of the main environment conditions on the units and the systems performance.
4.1 Photovoltaic

A new model library using IPSEproMDK was developed based on a detailed electrothermodynamic model presented in section 2.1. The print screen of this model library is shown in Figure 1. The model library was validated using a photovoltaic-module type P220-60 produced by a2peak company, framed glass/tedlar for a grid-connected PV system (205-235Wp). The simulation results of the units performance are indicated in Figure 2. The results agreed with the manufactures data sheet [25]. Actual data obtained for a typical day in June and January (2009) respectively for Misurata was applied to investigate the effect of the ambient conditions on the performance of the module. The average measured annual ambient temperature was taken as 288K and 298K for January

and June respectively [23]. The calculated hourly total solar radiation from 7:38 to 17:38 on a typical day in both months was obtained from [24]:

Figure 1: Print screen of PV IPSEproMDK model library

Figure 2: Simulation results screen of PV unit (IPSEpro)

Figure 3 shows the effect of the variation of the total solar radiation on PV performance, during a typical day in June. The total solar radiation varies from 0.164 KW/m2 to 0.980 KW/ m2. The exergy efficiency of the PV modules varies from 9.5% to14% at 12:38 and 17:38 respectively. At the same time, the power conversion efficiency, also called the electric efficiency, varies from 12% to 14%, and the exergy efficiency (PV/T) system reduced from 16% to 15%. Figure 4 shows the variation of the PV cell temperature with irreversibility during the day. It is clear from the figure that the cell temperature increases with increasing solar radiation and this reduces the exergy efficiency of the module and increases the energy and (PV/T) efficiencies. This is because the heat loss (irreversibility)

from the module surface and the ambient temperature is increasing. Also, the electricity output varies from 260 KW to 1380 KW by increasing the cell temperature from 308 K to 329 K at midday, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 3: Variation of solar radiation, efficiencies with time on a typical day in June.

Figure 4: Variation of PV cell temperature and irreversibility with time.

Figure 5: Variation of PV electricity output with time.

Figure 6 shows the variation of the electricity output in January. The trend of the results agreed with the experimental and simulation results in the literature [11, 13].

Figure 6: Effect of cell temperature on PV output with time in January. 4.2 Fuel cell

Figure 7 shows simulation results for a fuel cell using the developed library (IPSEproMDK). A parametric study to validate the model and evaluate the fuel cells performance has been achieved. The analysis was performed on an experiment tested 10 KW PEM fuel stacks developed by Energy Partener Inc. The fuel cell consisted of 40 cells with an active cell area of 780 cm2, capable of generating 10 KW power output at 40 % efficiency at 3 bar and 338.15 K[15].

Figure 7: Simulation results screen of PEM fuel cell unit (IPSEpro).

Figure 8 shows the effect of the cell voltage on the exergy efficiency and irreversibility of the fuel cell. It appears that the irreversibility increasing from 4.7 to 30 KW and the exergy efficiency increase from 27% to 69%, which is due to increasing the cell voltage from 0.4 V to 1.1 V. Also, the energy efficiency increases from 26% to73%, leading to reduce the hydrogen flow rate amount needed for the same power generated.

Figure 8: Effect of fuel cell voltage on efficiencies and irreversibility.

Figure 9 shows the effect of the pressure ratio (Pc/Po) and the temperature ratio (Tc/ To) on the physical exergy of the hydrogen. It is found that increasing the pressure and temperature increases the physical exergy of the hydrogen, which leads to increasing the fuel cell exergy efficiency. The results obtained in this analysis are in a good agreement with the results in the published literature [15, 17].

Figure 9: Effect of pressure and temperature on, hydrogen physical exergy. 4.3 Electrolyser

The developed electrolyser model library was evaluated using actual data from a hydrogen and renewable integration project installed at West Beacon Farm, Leicestershire, UK, known as the HARI-project. The alkaline electrolyser unit in the project was modeled by the IFE (Institute of energy technology, Norway) and the HARIproject evaluation team [26]. The unit consisted of 1 stack, 32 cells, 0.1 m2 area operated at 65 OC, 450 A, 25 bar, 1.815 V, 26.1 KW, and the hydrogen and oxygen output were 6,3 Nm3/h respectively. The efficiency existing at these conditions is 79.6 %. The obtained results using IPSEpro for the same conditions give an identical output and results, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Simulation results screen of electrolyser unit (IPSEpro).

A parametric study has been carried out to investigate the performance of the unit under different operation conditions. Figure 11 shows the variation of the exergy and energy efficiency and the irreversibility with varying cell voltage. It appears that the irreversibility increases as the cell voltage increases, leading to a decrease in exergy efficiency from 99% at 1.6V to 69% at 2.2V and the energy efficiency from 89% at 1.6V to 65% at 2.2 V.

Figure 11: Effect of voltage on electrolyser efficiencies and irreversibility. 4.4 The case study

The developed library models, integrated with the existing applied library at IPSEpro, were used to optimized, designed and simulated a stand alone solar hydrogen system for a small community in Libya. Accessory work for the auxiliary equipments was assumed to be 31 KW and 10 KW for the electrolyser and the fuel cell respectively. A print screen of the simulation analysis for the designed system is presented in Figure 12. The total area of PV needed to produce the proper amount of electricity for the community is 19767 m2 and needed the 7700 module from the selected type in this study. The total PV output electricity is 1118 KW, which is enough to produce the demand for the day time. The annual measured average sun shine duration for Misurata is 9 h [20]. During the night the

fuel cell will cover the demand. The electrolyser is coupled directly to the PV and the fuel cell to produce the proper amount of hydrogen.

Figure 12: Simulation model of a stand alone solar hydrogen system (IPSEpro).

The total system exergy and energy efficiency are 3.78% and 14.82% respectively. The exergy destruction factor for the PV is 92.3% and 6.13%, 1.48% for the fuel cell and the electrolyser respectively. It is clear that the most important exergy destruction occurs at the PV followed by the fuel cell. This is due to the great irreversibility and heat loss values at these units.
5. Conclusions

In this paper, new model libraries for a solar hydrogen system using the IPSEproMDK package are presented. A parametric study has been carried out to investigate the performance of a solar hydrogen system and its components. The PV exergy efficiency decreases as the solar radiation and ambient temperature increases due to increasing cell temperature and irreversibility while the output electricity increases. The PV/T system has a higher efficiency than the PV system, due to the cooling of the cell surface.

It is recommended to operate the fuel cell at high pressure, temperature and voltage to reduce its irreversibility, increase its efficiency and reduce the amount of hydrogen consumed for the same power. Operating the electrolyser at low voltage will reduce the irreversibility, leading to an increase in efficiency and the hydrogen production rate. A stand alone solar hydrogen system was designed and optimized to meet the demands of a small community in Misurata. The community consisted of 100 families with an average consumption of 270 KW/h. A 19767 m2 area is needed to produce 1118 KW/h for the selected PV solar module to meet the communitys demand day and night. The most important exergy destruction (irreversibility) occurs at the PV unit followed by the fuel cell. More investigations and development are needed to reduce these values.
6. Future Work

This research will continue for the following: -More investigations will be carried out on various operation parameters of each component and the entire system with variable ambient conditions. -New model libraries for hydrogen and oxygen tanks; auxiliary equipment will be developed using IPSEproMDK package. -More validation on the system components and the entire system will be carried out. -An exergy economic code for the system components will be created within the developed IPSEpro libraries and an exergy economic analysis for the system will be achieved.

I would like to thank Prof. Brian Agnew for his assistance and support during this work.

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A The surface area, m2 Ac Cell area P Pressure (bar) Pel Electric power (KW) Ph Physical exergy (KJ/ kg) Number of cells connected in series Cn Ch Chemical exergy (KJ/kg) ex Exergy (KJ/kg) en Energy (KJ/kg) el Electricity (KW) FF The fill factor h Enthalpy (KJ/kg. K) I Irreversibility (KW) The short circuit current (A) Isc m Mass, kg/s Module number mn NOCT PV conditions at 0.8 KW/m2, TR(K) Qgen Heat generated (KW) Q Heat (KW) Sgen Entropy generation (KW) S Entropy (KJ/kg.K) Stoichometric ratio (kg/kg) St S Solar radiation (KW/m2)

TR To Tsun Ta Tc Tr Vc Voc W Wc Wacc Wnet t w sta

Reference temperature at NOCT (K) Reference temperature (K) Sun temperature (6800 K) Ambient temperature (K) Cell temperature (K) Temperature at sta conditions (K) Voltage of the cell (V) The open circuit voltage (V) Works (KW) Work cell (KW) Accessory work (KW) Work net (KW) efficiency Solar radiation coefficient Temperature coefficient(K) Wind velocity (m/s) Water Standard condition at 1KW/m2, 25OC

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