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2013 International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in ducation

Augmented Reality Application for t!e "aintenance of a #lapper Val$e of a #uller%&ynion 'ype " Pump
(ui) duardo *ar+aa,-1, *a-riel Panto.a a,-, Pa-lo Ram/re+a,-, 0ector Ram/re+ a,1e)tor Rodr/gue+a,-, duardo *on+2le+ a,-, Ra3l 4uintal c, 5uan A6 P7re+ c
+ a Tecnolgico de Monterrey, Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada # !"# Sur $ol. Tecnolgico, Monterrey %&'&(, M)*ico $entro de ,nnovacin en -ise.o y Tecnolog/a, , Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada # !"# Sur $ol. Tecnolgico, Monterrey %&'&(, M)*ico c $ementos Me*icanos S.A.0. de $.1., Av. ,ndependencia ###!" 2te. $ol $ementos, Monterrey %&! ", M)*ico

Abstract '!e o$erall purpo)e of t!i) pro.ect i) to te)t t!e impact and potential -enefit) of Virtual and Augmented Reality tec!nologie) (AR8VR) to impro$e maintenance operation in indu)trial e9uipment6 '!e main function for a #lapper $al$e of a #uller%&inyon type " pump i) to pre$ent t!at t!e air generated to con$ey t!e -ul: material t!roug! a con$eying pipe flo;) in)ide of t!e material c!ute t!roug! t!e rotating )cre;6 If t!i) ;ill occur, t!e material flo; ;ill decrea)e or e$en )top, cau)ing a reduction of t!e pump capacity6 '!u), it i) nece))ary to maintain cali-rated eac! flapper $al$e in t!e plant6 '!i) proce)) of maintenance i) done once a mont!, or ;!en nece))ary, and it need) t!e pump to -e )!ut do;n, ta:ing up to four !our) to fini)! t!e complete proce))6 #or t!i) rea)on, an augmented reality application i) -eing de$eloped, aiming to reduce t!e con)umed time -y t!e maintenance proce))6 <)ing t!i) application, it i) e=pected to dedicate le)) time training t!e ne; per)onnel re)pon)i-le for t!e maintaining proce)), di)playing tridimen)ional model), animation), image) and te=t information t!at ;ould )implify t!e in)truction) )!o;n in a printed manual and adding an interacti$e en$ironment -et;een t!e u)er) and t!e information di)played6 A mo-ile de$ice eit!er a ta-let or a )martp!one i) to -e u)ed a) t!e !ard;are t!at ;ill run t!e application, allo;ing t!e u)er to ta:e it rig!t to t!e ;or:ing area, eit!er in a ;or:)!op or directly in field6 '!e information di)played include) CA> model) of t!e pump and it) component) a) ;ell a) animation) illu)trating t!e in)truction) to follo; in eac! )tep of t!e proce))6 Al)o, t!e rig!t tool to u)e in eac! )tep ;ill -e indicated follo;ing -y )ecurity ;arning) ;!en needed6 '!i) pro.ect ;a) de$eloped according to t!e colla-oration cat!edra -et;een C " ? and I' S", follo;ing t!e ( A> met!odology de$eloped -y C " ? to )upport t!e pro.ect admini)tration, t!e general proce)) de$elopment ;a) con)tructed from :no;ledge and e=perience) gat!ered among t!e different pre$iou) AR pro.ect) de$eloped at I' S"6 '!i) information !a) -een )tudied and @-e)t practice)@ !a) -een noted, learned and e)ta-li)!ed to de$elop and implement AR6 A 2013 '!e Aut!or)6 Pu-li)!ed -y l)e$ier B6V6 Selection andCor peer%re$ie; under re)pon)i-ility of t!e programme committee of t!e 2013 International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in ducation6
3eywordsD Augmented RealityE Virtual RealityE CA> model)E maintenance proce))E mo-ile de$ice)

Corre)ponding aut!or6 'el6D 'el6D FG2%H11%GII%HGG3 E4mail address5 lgar+an1GJ!otmail6com

6uis Eduardo Garza et al. / 7rocedia $omputer Science "" 8 "#9: """;"""

1. Introduction 1o;aday), t!e proce))ing indu)try i) !ig!ly dependent on t!e mac!inery u)ed to meet t!e de)ired production6 It i) ;ell :no;n t!at t!i) e9uipment !a) an effecti$e lifetime depending on t!e treatment it recei$e)6 #or t!i) rea)on, maintenance proce))e) are $ery important, -ecau)e if not done effecti$ely t!ey may pro$o:e great lo))e) to t!e company6 1e$ert!ele)), in )ome ca)e) t!e maintenance proce))e) re9uire to completely )top an entire production line, )o t!e time con)umed -ecome) a critical factor to minimi+e6 #urt!ermore, it i) common t!at $ery fe; )peciali)t) are a$aila-le in t!e company, )o t!e maintenance proce))e) could re)ult difficult to )c!edule and al)o, t!e ri): of !a$ing no e=perti)e a$aila-le to act in ca)e of an emergency i) imminent6 Belo;, it ;ill -e e=plained !o; an Augmented Reality application can !elp to )ol$e t!i) i))ue)6 2. Background Augmented Reality complement) t!e real ;orld -y )uperpo)ing $irtual o-.ect) in t!e u)erK) en$ironment, allo;ing a complete interaction ;it! t!em in real time L1M6 #or -etter under)tanding t!e term, "ilgram de)cri-e) a continuum from completely real en$ironment to a $irtual pure en$ironment6 In t!e middle of t!i) continuum are Augmented Reality (clo)er to t!e real en$ironment ending) and Augmented Virtuality (clo)er to t!e $irtual en$ironment ending) L2M6 '!u), Augmented Reality differ) from Virtual Reality in t!e fact t!at VR immer)e) t!e u)er in a completely $irtual en$ironment L1M6 'a:ing ad$antage of t!i) tec!nology, AR application) may -e created and u)ed in field to facilitate t!e maintaining proce))e), aiming to reduce t!e operating time and t!e nece))ity of an e=pert pre)ent during t!e operation6 Simple and comple= )imulation) can -e generated from 3> CA> model) to -e di)played t!roug! an application run -y a mo-ile de$ice, eit!er a ta-let PC or a )martp!one6 '!e)e )imulation) contain) t!e information re9uired to complete t!e maintaining proce)) of an e9uipment, )uc! a) t!e )tep) to follo;, t!e rig!t tool for eac! )tep and ;arning note)6 $en N-e)t practice)O and ad$ice) can -e )!o;n to t!e u)er in order to )ucce))fully perform t!e operation6 '!e o$erall purpo)e of t!i) pro.ect i) to te)t t!e impact and potential -enefit) of Virtual and Augmented Reality tec!nologie) (AR8VR) to impro$e maintenance operation in indu)trial e9uipment, in t!i) ca)e, a flapper $al$e of a #uller%&ynion type " pump, pro$ided -y Cemento) "e=icano) S6 A6 B6 de C6 V6 '!e function of a #uller%&ynion pump i) to con$ey -ul: material from a c!ute to con$eying pipe), u)ing fir)t a rotating )cre; to tran)port t!e material to t!e -ody of t!e pump, and t!en ta:ing t!e material t!roug! con$eying pipe) u)ing air generated -y a pneumatic )y)tem6 '!e #lapper $al$e pre$ent) t!at t!e air generated flo;) in)ide of t!e material c!ute t!roug! t!e rotating )cre;6 If t!i) ;ill occur, t!e material flo; ;ill decrea)e or e$en )top, cau)ing a reduction of t!e pump capacity6 '!u), it i) nece))ary to maintain cali-rated eac! flapper $al$e in t!e plant6 '!e rea)on -ecau)e t!i) maintenance proce)) ;a) )elected to -e reproduced ;it! t!e a))i)tance of an AR application i) t!at it need) t!e pump to -e )!ut do;n, ta:ing up to four !our) to fini)! t!e proce)) if t!e per)onnel !a) fe; e=perience in it6 '!e de$eloped application i) intended to -e u)ed in -ot! a ;or:)!op and directly in field, e=pecting t!at le)) time ;ill -e dedicated to train t!e ne; per)onnel re)pon)i-le for t!e maintaining proce)) and t!at po))i-le mi)ta:e) or accident) during t!e proce)) ;ill -e pre$ent6 3. Methodology '!e fir)t )tep to de$elop an AR application i) to analy+e t!e proce)), identifying t!e part) and t!e tool) in$ol$ed in eac! )tage and mea)ure t!em to create 3> model) replica) of eac! one6 Pnce t!e 3> model) are done, t!e follo;ing )tep i) to apply $irtual te=ture) to t!em6 0ere are t;o option), depending to t!e intention of t!e de$eloper t!e te=ture) could -e eit!er )imilar to t!e real part) (gi$ing reali)tic detail) to t!e model)) or a

6uis Eduardo Garza et al. / 7rocedia $omputer Science "" 8 "#9: """;"""

)olid color could -e applied to eac! modeled part (pro$iding a color guide t!at !elp) t!e u)er to identify eac! part)6 After t!e te=ture) are fini)!ed, t!e ne=t )tep i) to create t!e animation) t!at ;ill indicate t!e action) to -e performed L3, QM6 An AR li-rary and a grap!ic li-rary are t!en u)ed to create t!e application t!at later ;ill di)play t!e animation) in a mo-ile de$ice, )uperimpo)ed in real time o$er t!e real o-.ect)6 '!e)e )tep) mentioned may -e )een a) a cycle, in ca)e of needing to upgrade t!e application (#ig6 1)6

#ig6 16 "et!odology for t!e de$elopment of an AR application

#.#. Analysis o< t=e process After t!e fir)t $i)it to t!e plant, t!e maintenance proce)) ;a) analy+ed and t!e re)ult ;a) a comple= flo; diagram (#ig6 2(a))6 '!i) ;a) later di)cu))ed ;it! per)onnel of C " ? and )ome )tep) ;ere optimi+ed and a )impler diagram ;a) o-tained (#ig6 2(-))6

#ig6 26 (a) #ir)t proce)) flo; diagram o-tainedE (-) Pptimi+ed proce)) flo; diagram

6uis Eduardo Garza et al. / 7rocedia $omputer Science "" 8 "#9: """;"""

#. . 9- modeling At t!e fir)t $i)it t!e in$ol$ed part) and tool) ;ere identified and mea)ured (#ig6 3(a))6 A )econd $i)it ;a) )c!eduled to corro-orate t!e mea)urement) of t!e mo)t critical partD t!e flapper $al$e a))em-ly6 '!en, t!e 3> model) ;ere created u)ing CA> )oft;are (#ig6 3(-))6

#ig6 36 (a) "ea)urement of t!e part) and tool)E (-) 3> model

#.9. Te*tures and animations Pnce t!e 3> model) ;ere fini)!ed te=ture) ;ere applied to t!em6 In t!i) ca)e t!e te=ture) c!o)en ;ere )imilar to t!e te=ture) of t!e real part)6 After t!at, t!e animation) ;ere created (#ig6 Q)6

#ig6 Q6 Some animation )creen)!ot)

#.&. ,ntegration o< t=e parts to A> application Ragner enli)t) t!e main ta):) for ma:ing a functional AR application a) follo;) LGMD Initiali+ation of *rap!ical <)er Interface (*<I) 'rac:ing of t!e target image )timation of )cale and po)ition >enders creation

6uis Eduardo Garza et al. / 7rocedia $omputer Science "" 8 "#9: """;"""

'!e application i) programmed u)ing a $ideogame engine, creating a) many )cene) a) nece))ary to )!o; all t!e animation) created pre$iou)ly6 ac! )cene include) )cript) ;it! t!e code) t!at allo;) t!e u)er to interact ;it! t!e model) and t!at control t!e po)ition trac:ing of t!e reference image, commonly referred a) mar:)6 <)ually t!e)e code) are ;ritten in 5a$a, CS or CFF language6 At t!i) )tage, t!e ;arning me))age) an $ideo) )!o;ing ad$ice) and N-e)t practice)O are added to t!e di)play6 #or -etter trac:ing of t!e target image, a de$ice ;it! an integrated !ig! definition camera )uc! a) ta-let) and )martp!one) are recommended6 #.!. 1isualization o< t=e A> application

#ig6 G6 #uller pump animation di)played o$er mar: (a) AR application te)ted on mo-ile de$ice (-) and porta-le PC (c)

4. Future work >uring t!e modeling )tage of t!e pro.ect a ne; idea emerged6 '!e 3> model) t!at ;ere created for t!e application could -e u)ed to print )ome prototype) u)ing t!e #ortu) Q00 rapid prototyping printer t!at i) a$aila-le at I' S" campu) "onterrey6 '!e main purpo)e i) to create training ;or:)!op) ;!ere tec!nician) could practice and learn to u)e t!e piece) created in t!e 3> printer6 Rit! t!e)e prototype), indi$idual ;or: )tation) ;ill -e made for t!e ne; generation of tec!nician) in C " ? in order to practice t!e different maintenance procedure) to follo; in t!e #uller &ynion type " pump6

6uis Eduardo Garza et al. / 7rocedia $omputer Science "" 8 "#9: """;"""

A )imilar approac! ;a) ta:en in a pre$iou) pro.ect in colla-oration ;it! Aerome=ico, one of t!e main airline companie) in "7=ico6 An Augmented Reality application ;a) created to a))i)t t!e maintenance procedure) of a C#" GTU- engine -leed air )y)tem, follo;ing t!at, )ome of t!e component) ;ere printed in 3> to -egin t!e training )e))ion) ;it! t!e tec!nician)6

#ig6 T6 Compari)on -et;een printed (a) and functional (-) piece) of a C#" GTU- engine -leed air )y)tem

5. Conclusions Augmented Reality !a) demon)trated t!at it can -e a guidance tool for tec!nician) during maintenance and training cour)e)6 It reduce) ;or:ing time and )ignificantly decrea)e) t!e pro-a-ility of ma:ing mi)ta:e) -y clearly di)playing t!e :no;ledge needed to complete a ta): (information and animation))6 Al)o, t!e ad$antage) of Augmented Reality tec!nology can -e e=ploited in different application) for ot!er area) apart from manufacturing indu)try, )uc! a) medicine, con)truction, art), or entertainment indu)try6 It i) ;ort! noting t!e potential capacity of t!i) tec!nology to )er$e a) a :ey tool in education and ot!er area) ;!ere :no;ledge tran)fer i) nece))ary to )ucce))fully complete critical ta):)6 AR can -ring great re)ult) ;!en ;ell applied, -ut t!ere i) )till a lot of ;or: to ma:e t!i) tec!nology a part of our e$eryday li$ing6 "o-ile de$ice) may -e t!e :ey to ac!ie$e t!i) goal6 '!ey !a$e )tarted to ta:e -ig part of t!e !ard;are t!at )urround u) and e$ery year -etter, c!eaper and lig!ter de$ice) are produce)6 '!e opportunity of u)ing t!em to impro$e manufacturing, education and ot!er area) i) latent and it )!ould -e approac!ed in all po))i-le ;ay)6 Acknowledge ents '!e team t!at ;a) in c!arge of t!e de$elopment of t!e application e=plained in t!i) paper ;ant) to t!an: t!e per)onnel of C " ? for $ie;ing in Augmented Reality t!e future of t!e training and maintaining program), gi$ing t!e c!ance to apply t!e AR tec!nology in one of t!e mo)t important proce))e) in t!e plant6 '!eir e=perti)e, :no;ledge and )upport ;ere $ital in order to create t!e AR application6 !e"erences
L1M A+uma R'6 A )ur$ey of Augmented Reality6 Teleoperator and 1irtual Environments %, $ol6 T, p6 3GG%3HG

6uis Eduardo Garza et al. / 7rocedia $omputer Science "" 8 "#9: """;""" L2M "ilgram P, et al6 Augmented RealityD a cla)) of di)play) on t!e reality%$irtuality continuum6 In P!otonic) for Indu)trial Application)6 International Society for Pptic) and P!otonic), 1IIG6 pp6 2H2%2I26 L3M Ca)tro C6 A met!odological fram;or: for augmented reality tec!nological application) in indu)trial field6 '!e)i) "S", In)tituto 'ecnologico y de )tudio) Superiore) de "onterre), campu) "onterrey, "e=icoE 20126 LQM "ercado 6 Impro$ing training and maintenance operation) in aeronautic related proce)) u)ing augmented reality6 '!e)i) "S", In)tituto 'ecnologico y de )tudio) Superiore) de "onterrey, campu) "onterrey, "e=icoE 2012 LGM Ragner >6 "a:ing augmented realitypractical on mo-ile p!one)6 ,EE $omputer Society, $ol6 2I, nV3, 200I, p6 12%1G LTM Wenati 1, Wer!ouni 1, Ac!our &6 A))i)tance to maintenance in indu)trial proce)) u)ing an augmented reality )y)tem6 ,ndustrial Tec=nology 200QE 4D HQH%HG26 LUM Platono$ 5, 0ei-el 0, "eier P, *rollmann B6 A mo-ile mar:erle)) AR )y)tem for maintenance and repair, inD Proceeding) of t!e Gt! I and AC" International Sympo)ium on "i=ed and Augmented Reality (IS"AR X0T), pp6 10G%10H, 200T6 LHM >e Crecen+io et al6, Augmented Reality for Aircraft "aintenance 'raining and Pperation) Support, ,EEE $omputer Grap=ics and Applications 2011E 31D IT%1016

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