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Research Paper: Critical analysis of the Diamond Stra and commentaries

Alex Amies, May 2013

The Diamond Stra1 is a short, popular and important stra in the Praj p ramit !enre o" Mah y na literature# Alon! $ith the %eart Stra and the Plat"orm Stra it is &onsidered one o" the &ore texts o" 'han (uddhism#2 The Diamond Stra &ontains a num)er o" di""i&ult and paradoxi&al statements on the nature o" reality that ha*e )een the su)je&t o" a !reat deal o" &ommentary throu!hout the history o" Mah y na (uddhism# The &ommentaries themsel*es are a lar!e )ody o" literature# + )elie*e that one o" the reasons that this stra is popular is that readers &an identi"y $ith the &ompassionate )odhisatt*a ideal to li)erate sentient )ein!s "rom su""erin! and $ith the explanation in a dialo! )et$een the (uddha as tea&her and Su)hti as his prote!e# + )elie*e that another reason "or the stra,s popularity is its pro"ound ideas and their ele!ant explanations in the &ommentaries#

This essay $ill pro*ide a &riti&al analysis o" the Diamond Stra and &ommentaries# This $ill in&lude examinin! the &ontent, ori!in, translations, and literary style o" the stra "rom lin!uisti&, textual, and literary perspe&ti*es and the interpretations in the &ommentaries# +n addition, + $ill -uali"y $hat + mean )y pro"ound )y! a parallel )et$een the stra and modern philosophi&al ideas in the Poststru&tural and De&onstru&tion traditions and their o*erturnin! o" some ideas that ha*e )een important in the )asis "or /uropean! "or millennia#

Content of the Diamond Stra

The "ull title o" the stra is The Prajpramit Diamond Stra.3 The meanin! o" the Sans.rit &ompound praj p ramit is per"e&tion o" $isdom# 0illiams de"ines praj p ramit as $isdom that &omprehends the emptiness o" phenomenon and that trans&ends ordinary $isdom o" the $orld#1 The Sans.rit title in&ludes 2ajra&&hedi. , $hi&h means diamond &utter# 3ne interpretation o" the re"eren&e to a diamond is praj that 4li.e a sharp, diamond )lade &uts

a$ay at the distra&tin!, delusional thou!hts that )ind our minds#56 +n his &ommentary %sin! 7un des&ri)es the "our .ey points o" the Diamond Stra as !i*in! $ithout atta&hment, li)eratin! $ithout a notion o" sel", li*in! $ithout atta&hment, and &ulti*ation $ithout attainment#8

The stra )e!ins $ith a des&ription o" the assem)ly and the (uddha doin! an alms round $ith house9to9house )e!!in!# This is an as&eti& pra&ti&e des&ri)ed )y (uddha!hosa#: The main part o" the Diamond Stra is opened )y a -uestion "rom Su)hti,

%o$ then, 3 ;ord, should a son or dau!hter o" !ood "amily, $ho ha*e set out in the (odhisatt*a9*ehi&le, stand, ho$ pro!ress, ho$ &ontrol their thou!hts<=

The usual meanin! o" )odhisatt*a9mahasatt*a or someone $ho has set out in the (odhisatt*a9*ehi&le is a )ein! that has ta.en the *o$, many times i" ne&essary, to attain 'omplete and Per"e&t (uddhahood#> The (uddha ans$ers,

Su)hti, someone $ho has set out in the *ehi&le o" a (odhisatt*a should produ&e a thou!ht in this manner? ,As many )ein!s as there are in the uni*erse o" )ein!s, ### + must lead to @ir*ana $hi&h lea*es nothin! )ehind# And yet, althou!h innumera)le )ein!s ha*e thus )een led to @ir*ana, no )ein! at all has )een led to @ir*ana#10

This statement means that a )odhisatt*a should lead all sentient )ein!s to @ir*ana and do this $ithout atta&hment#11 The )odhisatt*a a&ts as a role model "or ,a son or dau!hter o" !ood "amily#,12

The (uddha ela)orates on non9atta&hment in the text that immediately "ollo$s,

And $hy< +" in a (odhisatt*a the notion o" a ,)ein!, should ta.e pla&e, he &ould not )e &alled a ,(odhi9)ein!,# ,And $hy< %e is not to )e &alled a

(odhi9)ein!, in $hom the notion o" a sel" or o" a )ein! should ta.e pla&e, or the notion o" a li*in! soul or o" a person#,13

+n other $ords, a )odhisatt*a does not d$ell on the a&t o" helpin! sentient )ein!s# ;ater in the text the (uddha says,

4### +" a )odhisatt*a !i*es $ithout a)idin! in any notion $hatsoe*er, then his merit $ill )e immeasura)le# Su)hti, $hat do you thin., &an the *astness o" spa&e to the east )e measured5< A 4Su)hti, $hen a )odhisatt*a !i*es $ithout a)idin! in any notion, his merit is just as immeasura)le###511

%sin! 7un explains that ,!i*in! $ithout notions, means !i*in! $ithout any expe&tation o" honor, $ealth, or other )ene"it#16

The stra &on&ludes $ith the ! th ?

All &onditioned phenomena Are li.e dreams, illusions, )u))les, and shado$s, ;i.e de$ and li!htenin!# 3ne should &ontemplate them in this $ay#18

%sin! 7un explains that this means that $e should interpret all phenomena as transitory? e*erythin! $ill &ome to an end, just li.e a dream and that li"e is "leetin! and passes in an instant, li.e li!htenin!#1:

Translations and Textual Background

The oldest printed )oo. in the $orld is a &opy o" the Diamond Stra#1= Sans.rit *ersions ha*e )een "ound in Pa.istan, 'hina Bin&ludin! Ti)etC, /astern Tur.estan, A"!hanistan and Dapan#1> The history o" transmission o" the Diamond

Stra is illustrati*e o" the transmission o" (uddhist stras "rom +ndi& lan!ua!es to 'hinese and ho$ re&ensions *ary o*er time sin&e multiple &omplete *ersions o" it ha*e )een "ound in Sans.rit and 'hinese in&ludin! one *ersion $ith Sans.rit and 'hinese side9)y9side#20 There are se*en 'hinese translations o" the Diamond Stra in the Taisho Tripita.a# These are listed in Ta)le 1#

Table 1: Chinese Translations of the Diamond Stra21,22 Author Eum rajF*a (odhiru&i Param rtha Dharma!upta GuanHan! 7ijin! 103 60> 682 6>0 and 8069181 81= :03 Year T 236 T 238 T 23: T 23=, T 1610 B$ith &ommentaryC T 220 T 23> Reference

%arrison "inds that analysis o" the Sans.rit and 'hinese *ersions o" the Diamond Stra sho$ that the Sans.rit *ersions de*eloped o*er time due to enlar!ement and addition, some o" $hi&h may )e possi)ly due to di""eren&es in insertion or sto&. "ormulas in oral re&itation or )y ela)oration# 23 Althou!h $e &annot o)je&ti*ely determine $hi&h translation is the 4)est,5 %arrison states that the 'hinese translation that is li.ely to )e the most relia)le, 4to re"le&t its Sans.rit exemplar $ith minimal inter"eren&e "rom other sour&es, is li.ely to )e the oldest,5 $hi&h is Eum rajF*a,s#21 +n "a&t, the most popular translation in 'hinese pra&ti&e today is the *ersion )y Eum rajF*a,26 $hi&h is also &onsidered espe&ially ele!antly $ritten#28

nglish Translations
Se*eral /n!lish translations are listed in Ta)le 2#

Table 2 Selected English Translations2:

Translator MIller 'onHe Jed Pine %sin! 7un K Smitheram 1==1 1>6> 200> 2012


Translated from Sans.rit Sans.rit 'hinese and Sans.rit 'hinese K Eum rajF*a

A&&ordin! to %arrison, 'onHe,s translation, produ&ed in 1>6: and lar!ely reprodu&in! the MIller,s translation "rom 1==1, has )e&ome the ,standard point o" re"eren&e, "or s&holarly $or.#2= %o$e*er, today its lan!ua!e has )e&ome ar&hai&# There $as initially some &on&ern amon! 0estern a&ademi&s o" Eum rajF*a,s translation2> )ut re&ent lin!uisti& study is sho$in! that Eum rajF*a,s translation is &on!ruent $ith earlier and shorter Sans.rit re&ensions $hi&h ha*e )een ne$ly dis&o*ered )ut $ere not a*aila)le to Muller or 'onHe#30

+t is di""i&ult to pre&isely &ompare the di""erent /n!lish translations )e&ause some are )ased on Sans.rit, some 'hinese, some on )oth Sans.rit and 'hinese, and there are di""erent *ersions o" ea&h# %o$e*er, + $ill &ompare one .ey senten&e in the stra "rom Se&tion 1 to illustrate typi&al di""eren&es# %ere is 'onHe,s translation,

/*en so the heap o" merit o" that (odhi)ein! $ho unsupported !i*es a !i"t is not easy to measure#31

%ere is Smitheram,s translation o" the phrase a)o*e $ith the &orrespondin! "ra!ments o" 'hinese and Sans.rit )elo$,

Su)hti, $hen a )odhisatt*a !i*es $ithout a)idin! in any notion, his merit is just as immeasura)le#32 33

yaL su)hte )odhisatt*o,pratiMNhito d naO dad ti, tasya su)hte puPyas.andhasya na su.araO pram P mud!rahFtumQ31

The 'hinese is not stri&tly a translation o" this Sans.rit "ra!ment# 0e do not ha*e the Sans.rit *ersion that Eum rajF*a translated "rom )ut $e &an see the &orrelation#36

'onHe,s lan!ua!e is mostly &onsistent $ith Jed Pine, $hi&h is a hy)rid "a&torin! )oth 'hinese and Sans.rit# 'omparin! 'onHe,s, %sin! 7un,s, and Jed Pine,s translations is not tri*ial )e&ause all are )ased in di""erent re&ensions# 'onHe $rites ,heap o" merit, instead o" just ,merit,,38 $hi&h seems li.e a stran!e measure "or merit# Jed Pine $rites ,)ody o" merit, and explains the use o" this term )ased on the Sans.rit ,puPyas.andha,, $hi&h is a &ompound &om)inin! puPya BmeritC and s.andha Ban a!!re!ateC#3: (oth 'onHe and Jed Pine $rite ,not easy to measure, instead o" ,immeasura)le,,3= the latter )ein! a more "luent readin!# %o$e*er, the Sans.rit a)o*e does ne!ate ,easy to measure, Bsu.araO pram P C# (oth 'onHe and Jed Pine $rite ,!i*e !i"ts, instead o" simply ,!i*es,,3> $hi&h seems &lumsy# +n "a&t, the Sans.rit does literally read ,!i*e a !i"t, Bd naO dad tiC )ut the 'hinese text simply says !i*in! or d na B )ushiC, $hi&h seems more &ompa&t and less restri&ti*e on $hat the pra&ti&e o" !i*in! a&tually in&ludes#

A .ey $ord in the text "ra!ment a)o*e and in the $hole sutra is ,notion#, +n this example it translates the Sans.rit &ompound nimittasaOj y mapi B"rom the pre*ious senten&eC# (oth the Sans.rit $ords nimitta and saRj are translated )y the 'hinese $ord xi n!#10 The /n!lish $ord ,notion, is used )y )oth 'onHe and %sin! 7un )ut Jed Pine uses ,per&eption#,11 0an! explains saRj as, 4assi!nin! a meanin! to $hat is per&ei*ed in &on&eptualiHation#512 The Sans.rit $ord nimitta means either 4)utt , mar. , tar!et5, 4si!n , omen5 or 4&ause , moti*e , !round , reason#513 Many )ut not all o&&urren&es o" Bxian!C translate saRj )ut many instan&es translate la.MaPa, literally si!n or mar., as in the thirty t$o mar.s o" ex&ellen&e BC o" the (uddha, and some instan&es translate nimitta# +t does seem that Eum rajF*a has done some simpli"i&ation in o*erloadin! the meanin! o" Bxian!C as notions in some &ases and appearan&es or mar.s in other &ases )ut the o*erall meanin! does not


The la&. o" retention o" Sans.rit "or spe&ialised terms in all o" the /n!lish translations o)s&ures the meanin! o" the text &onsidera)ly and &ommentaries essential# Sor example, in Se&tion 8 the (uddha $arns a!ainst ,per&eptions, BsaRj C o" the "our mani"estations o" sel" Bsel", person, )ein!s, and li"eT tma, pud!ala, satt*a, jF*aC and in Se&tion 31 the (uddha $arns a!ainst the *ie$s BdUMNiC o" these same "our mani"estations# The Sans.rit $ord dUMNi has a parti&ular meanin! that in&ludes per&eption and mental interpretation o" the per&eption, so Se&tion 31 a&ts as )oth a rein"or&ement and deepenin! o" the tea&hin!#11 %o$e*er, in /n!lish the di""eren&e )et$een a per&eption B,notion, in some translationsC and a *ie$ is lost on the a*era!e reader! it seem that Se&tion 31 simply repeats Se&tion 8# This .ind o" repetition, $ith a su)tle *ariation and deepenin! o" &on&epts on su)se-uent repetitions, o&&urs throu!hout the stra and is hard to dis&o*er $ithout a &lose readin!#

+n summary, ea&h o" the three /n!lish translations is &onsistent )ut ea&h has pro)lems# 'onHe,s lan!ua!e is ar&hai&# Jed Pine,s is not )ased on a sin!le re&ension )ut "a&tors in multiple# Smitheram,s translation o" Eum rajF*a,s *ersion does not ha*e the extensi*e notes needed "or a&ademi& use or the depth o" dis&ussion that Jed Pine,s has# Additionally, 'onHe,s and Jed Pine,s *ersions seem to ha*e some additions, li.e the mention o" )odhisatt*a path in the example a)o*e, $hi&h is not present in Eum rajF*a,s and alters the meanin!#

!iterary Style and "nalysis of Concepts

0illiams states that the stra is a part o" a !enre o" Praj p ramit literature# 16 +t is in&luded in the Mah Praj p ramita Stra#18 0illiams also states that the Diamond Stra $as &reated sometime )et$een 100 ('/ and 800 '/#1: Jed Pine, &itin! analysis "rom 'onHe and others )elie*es that it is possi)le that this stra $as not in&luded in the re&itation at the Sirst 'oun&il )ut, rather, )e&ame part o" the &olle&tion o" tea&hin!s o" the Mah s R!hi.a s&hool#1=

As mentioned a)o*e, one understandin! o" the title o" the stra is diamond &uttin! $isdom1> destroyin! any delusions that the listener has o" the $orld# This &an )e -uali"ied )y! parallels )et$een the Diamond Stra and &ertain modern lines o" philosophi&al thou!ht, nota)ly Poststru&turalism and De&onstru&tion# /a&h &ontains ideas that are pro"ound in the sense that they o*erturn a "undamental understandin! o" the $orld, )ased on either o" the "alse understandin!s o" the sel" at the &enter o" the $orld or "ixed ideas a)solutely des&ri)in! the $orld# (ennett and Joyle $rite, 4Poststru&turalism demonstrates that the ,+, or human su)je&t is ne&essarily de&entred,560 $hi&h is &losely related to the &entral idea o" non9sel" in the stra#

De&onstru&tion &hallen!es the idea that a person or o)je&t has to )e either a somethin! or not that somethin!# 0an! &ompares Praj p ramit literature to the De&onstru&tion philosophy o" Derrida#61 (ennett and Joyle $rite, 4### de&onstru&tion in*ol*es the desedimentation o" those &on&eptual oppositions throu!h $hi&h essentialism operates#562 This is pro"ound idea )e&ause it remo*es our understandin! o" "ixed ideas des&ri)in! the $orld# The Diamond Stra does this too )ut there is an intuiti*e understandin! that repla&es the old "ixed ideas B,essentialism,C# The Diamond Stra reads,

@or, Su)hti, these "earless )odhisatt*as do not &reate the per&eption o" a dharma, mu&h less the per&eption o" a no dharma#63

Jed Pine !i*es an intuiti*e explanation, 4%ere, the (uddha ur!es )odhisatt*as to ta.e the Middle Path )et$een idealism B)elie" in dharmasC and nihilism B)elie" in no dharmasC#5 The pro"ound nature o" these statements and the possi)ility o" explainin! them in intuiti*e terms is an essential part o" the stra and, + )elie*e, an important reason "or the popularity o" the stra#

0an! proposes that the Praj p ramit treatises translated and $ritten )y Eum rajF*a, Guan Van!, and Param rtha $ere intended to de&onstru&t aspe&ts o" Thera* da analyti& dis&ourse#61 These treatises &ontain extensi*e dis&ussions o" emptiness, in&ludin! the ei!hteen points o" emptiness des&ri)ed in the Wreat Treatise on the Per"e&tion o" 0isdom attri)uted to @ ! rjuna#66

%o$e*er, + )elie*e that the Diamond Stra uses a repetiti*e, ne!atin! style in&ludin! dou)le ne!ati*es to de&onstru&t the duality o" sel" and other and "ixed ideas usin! per"ormati*e lan!ua!e $ithout an attempt to esta)lish a philosophy# This &an )e seen in the lar!e num)er o" o&&urren&es o" ne!ation o" sel" in the text#68

(ennett and Joyle des&ri)e the "oundin! &laim o" 0estern philosophy )y Aristotle as that, 4it is impossi)le "or anythin! at the same time to )e and not to )e#56: A&&ordin! to the Diamond Stra it is possi)le )e&ause the $ords used to des&ri)e thin!s in the $orld do not truly des&ri)e them# Su)hti says,

This dharma $hi&h the Tatha!ata has "ully .no$n or demonstrated it &annot )e !rasped, it &annot )e tal.ed a)out, it is neither a dharma nor a no9dharma#6=

So, the Diamond Stra &an )e &onsidered pro"ound# %o$e*er, rather than proposin! a theory the stra uses per"ormati*e lan!ua!e, li.e the repetiti*e ne!ation dis&ussed a)o*e, and analo!ies to hu!e -uantities dire&ted at! o"" the readers, atta&hment to sel" and "ixed ideas#

The prin&iple o" emptiness is an extension o" the (uddha,s ori!inal tea&hin! o" non9sel" to all phenomena and is &onsidered "undamental to Mah y na (uddhism#6> %o$e*er, emptiness is not mentioned in the Diamond Stra# This apparent in&onsisten&y, &om)ined $ith the "a&t that no !reat )odhisatt*as &on*ersin! $ith the (uddha in the stra and no !reat e*ent pla&e at the )e!innin! o" the stra, as happens in many other Praj p ramit stras, indi&ates that this stra may )e either in a di""erent &ate!ory or older than !enerally thou!ht )y s&holars su&h as 0illiams#80

#istoric Commentaries
The Diamond Stra has !i*en rise to many &ommentaries, art$or. and a $hole &ulture o" stra *eneration has e*ol*ed around it in 'hinese (uddhism#81 The "orth, "i"th, and sixth patriar&hs o" the 'han S&hool ad*o&ated the stra and the

Sixth Patriar&h %ui @en! $as enli!htened $hen hearin! it#82 'lassi&al &ommentaries on the Diamond Stra pro*ide a "oundation "or modern pra&titioners to understand the meanin! o" the stra# The "irst &ommentary $as $ritten )y Eum rajF*a,s dis&iple Sen! Vhao#83 7on! states that $ere o*er =00 &ommentaries on the Diamond Stra )y the end o" the Tan! B>0:C#81 Atta&hment 1 lists some o" the more prominent &ommentaries that are in&luded in the Taisho Tripita.a and the Manji &olle&tion#

The approa&hes o" &ommentators ha*e *aried $ith some ha*in! pra&ti&al explanations, some "indin! sym)olism, and some praisin! the sutra,s spiritual po$er# %ui @en!, the Sixth Patriar&h o" the 'han S&hool, has pra&ti&al interpretations "or apparently un"athoma)le paradoxi&al statements in the stra and uses little em)ellishment, $hi&h adds &redi)ility to his &omments# +n the Exegesis on the Diamond Stra, %ui @en! $rites,

0hen !i*in! one should ha*e a pure, unde"iled mind# Sirst, do not see. to di!ni"y your o$n appearan&e# Se&ond, do not see. the pleasures o" the "i*e desires# Wi*in! eliminates miserliness internally and )ene"its all li*in! )ein!s externally#86

The di*ision into 32 se&tions "ollo$ed in most translations $as introdu&ed later )y Prin&e Vhao Min! B601 X 631C "or Eum rajF*a,s translation#88 These di*isions, $hi&h may possi)ly )e a)le to )e tra&ed )a&. to +ndian &ommentaries, $ere applied )y MIller $hen he edited the Sans.rit *ersion#8: Vhao Min! $as the eldest son o" /mperor 0u o" ;ian! B181X61>C, a major patron o" (uddhism#8= The di*ision into 32 se&tions is also sym)oli& o" the (uddha,s )ody, $hi&h has 32 mar.s o" ex&ellen&e, $hi&h is a major point o" dis&ussion in the &ommentaries#8>

The popular appeal o" the Diamond Stra &an )e partly understood throu!h the rea&tion o" &ommentators to the &hara&ters in the stra# The t$o main &hara&ters in the stra are the (uddha and Su)hti# Althou!h he does ha*e some po$ers,:0 in this stra the (uddha )eha*es as a tea&her rather than a di*ine )ein!# Su)hti is presented as a .een and respe&t"ul student, "irst in his

understandin! o" emptiness#:1 The (odhisatt*a Path is also appealin! to &ommentators )e&ause o" emphasis on sel"lessness# AsaY!a $rites,

Z(odhisatt*as,[ thou!hts are *ast and no)le, deep and not mista.en# Standin! on !ood $or.s there path is "illed $ith *irtue#:2

$odern Commentaries
Modern &ommentaries &ontinue the tradition o" the histori& &ommentaries explainin! the )a&.!round o" the stra )ased on a &lose readin!, espe&ially the sym)olism used, the paradoxes in the stra text, and the essential points to )e dra$n "rom it# 'ompared $ith histori& &ommentaries, modern &ommentaries are a lot more a&&essi)le to modern readers#

%sin! 7un is a 'han (uddhist pra&titioner and "ounder o" the So Wuan! Shan order#:3 %sin! 7un,s approa&h in his &ommentary is to use the prin&iples as a !uide "or li*in! li"e# %e points out the sym)olism and !i*es explanations o" the &on&epts in the stra that are easy to understand# Sor example, he points out the Six 'onditions needed "or the tea&hin! to ta.e pla&e#:1 The Six 'onditions are, 4Thus ZSaith[ ha*e + heard Z;istenin![# At one time ZTime[, the (uddha ZTea&her[ $as in the &ity o" Sra*asti at the Deta Wro*e Monastery Z;o&ation[ $ith a !atherin! o" mon.s num)erin! 1,260 ZAudien&e[#5:6 The Six 'onditions are also explained )y Dian! 0ei @on!, $ho !i*es &onsidera)ly more detail on the stru&ture and sym)olism o" the stra#:8 %sin! 7un !i*es simple and ele!ant examples explainin! the paradoxi&al statements in Diamond Stra in the style o" %ui @en!# Sor example, to explain the statement emptiness o" phenomena Bdh\rmasC an analo!y o" a "ist is !i*en? the "ist &eases to exist $hen the hand is opened#::

Jed Pine is a monasti& in the 'han tradition# %e -uotes extensi*ely "rom the histori& 'hinese &ommentaries pro*idin! his o$n translations to these texts, $hi&h are not other$ise a*aila)le in /n!lish# Many o" Jed Pines o$n explanations are help"ul in illuminatin! di""i&ult statements in the stra, su&h as the explanation on Materialism and @ihilism a)o*e#

+ )elie*e that a major !ap in our &olle&ti*e understandin! is the nature o" )odhisatt*a path in relation to the Arhat path# The de"inition o" )odhisatt*a may not )e the same in this stra as the Mah y na do&trine, possi)ly de*eloped later# The ans$er to Su)huti,s -uestion in se&tion 2, des&ri)ed a)o*e, o" ho$ !ood men and $omen should &ontrol their minds is ans$ered )y the (uddha $ith a des&ription o" ho$ )odhisatt*as should &ondu&t themsel*es# This su!!ests to me a simpler de"inition o" $hat a )odhisatt*a is than Mah y na do&trine implies# +n Se&tion > o" the stra Su)huti is des&ri)ed as an Arhat and an Arhat $ill not return in another li"e# %o$e*er, in )oth Pali and Mah y na sour&es the (uddha )e&ame an Arhat himsel" in the li"etime that he met DFpaO.ara:= )ut that did not pre*ent him "ollo$in! the )odhisatt*a path# +nsertin! an interpretation that the Arhat path and )odhisatt*a path are in &on"li&t does not help explain the )odhisatt*a path in the &ontext o" this stra# A&tually, mentioned in 'onHe,s translation and the later Sans.rit, the )odhisatt*a path is not mentioned in the 'hinese text, $hi&h is an earlier translation#:> + )elie*e that this may ha*e )een an area o" &ontention and modi"i&ation or ex&lusion )y the early s&hools#

There are other promisin! modern &ommentaries that + do not ha*e time to resear&h or spa&e to dis&uss# @ota)le amon! those that + do not in&lude are &ommentaries )y %suan %ua=0, Thi&h @hat %anh=1, and Mu Soen!#=2 There are also many modern eminent 'hinese pra&titioners that ha*e $ritten or spo.en &ommentaries on the Diamond Stra in 'hinese )ut the /n!lish translations are not a*aila)le# A prominent example in this &ate!ory is 7in Shun B1>08 X 2006C#=3

+ ha*e in*esti!ated textual, lin!uisti& and literary aspe&ts o" the Diamond Stra and &ommentaries on it# Srom a textual perspe&ti*e + examined the main points in the &ontent o" the stra, in&ludin!, !i*in! $ithout atta&hment, ur!in! !ood men and $omen to "ollo$ the )odhisatt*a path to li)eratin! sentient )ein!s $ithout atta&hment to sel", and the unlimited merit o)tained "rom un&onditional !i*in!# Srom a lin!uisti& perspe&ti*e + examined the translations o" the stra, espe&ially, the di""i&ulties "a&ed )y translators in translatin! numerous paradoxi&al statements &ontained in the stra and terms $ith no

exa&t /n!lish e-ui*alent# + examined this throu!h the $ritin! o" histori& and modern &ommentators on the stra# + examined the literary style, in&ludin! the style o" Poststru&turalism in ne!atin! )elie" in sel", De&onstru&tion in the la&. o" an a)solute understandin! o" the $orld, and also the popular appeal o" the stra#

Than.s to 2enera)le Due$ei "or en&oura!in! me to !et restarted in my study o" the Diamond Stra and "or her Dharma &lasses on the Diamond Stra# %er presentation and mind maps lin.ed "rom the $e) pa!e http?KK&hinesenotes#&omKdiamond]sutra]to&#html#

Diamond Stra? Prajpramit Diamond Stra or Diamond Prajpramit Stra BSans.rit? 2ajra&&hedi. Praj p ramit StraC Manji? Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo T? Taisho Tripita.a 2ism#? 2isuddhima!!a 0? Taisho (uddhist Texts not &ontained in the Tripita.a #%&'() ^0est? ^ni*ersity o" the 0est Sans.rit (uddhist 'anon !"#$

1# The titles o" all stras and other texts are itali&iHed, ex&ept "or the Diamond Stra )e&ause its name is used so "re-uently in this paper# 2# %sin! 7un 2012, Pre"a&e pa!e +T 7on! 2010, p 1# 3# The Sans.rit title is 2ajra&&hedi. Praj p ramit Stra B0illiams 200=, p 208C# 1# 0illiams 200>, p 61# 6# %sin! 7un 2012, p :2# 8# %sin! 7un 2012, p =:# :# 2ism# ++ 31931#

=# 'onHe 1>==, se&tion 2# There is no mention o" )odhisatt*a *ehi&le in Eum rajF*a,s translation# The ar&hai& lan!ua!e is dis&ussed later# ># 0illiams 200>, p 66# @ote? this "ra!ment o" the Sans.rit does not use the term )odhisatt*a9mahasatt*a )ut it is used else$here in the stra# 10# 'onHe 1>==, Se&tion 3# 11# %sin! 7un 2012, p >2 uses the phrase ,!i*in! $ithout notions#, 12# 0illiams 200>, p 6=# 13# 'onHe 1>==, se&tion 3# 11# %sin! 7un 2013, p >19>2# 16# %sin! 7un 2013, p >2, 102T ,!i*in! $ithout notions, translates the 'hinese *T 'onHe translates this as ,$ithout )ein! supported )y the notion o" a si!n#, 18# %sin! 7un 2012, p >3# 1:# %sin! 7un 2012, p >39>6# 1=# (ritish ;i)raryT 7on! 2010, p 6:# 1># 7on! 2010, p 89:# 20# %arrison 200=, p 208920:# 21# %arrison 200=, p 2089216T 7on! 2010, p =# 22# +n addition to 'hinese, translations $ere also made to Ti)etan, Mon!olian, Ehotanese, So!dian, Man&hu, and other lan!ua!es# 7on! 2010, p 6# 23# %arrison 200=, p2109212# 21# %arrison 200=, p 211 26# %sin! 7un 2012, Pre"a&e, pa!e i# 28# %sin! 7un 200=, translators pre"a&e )y Tom WrahamT 7on! 2012, p 12# 2:# The *ersion in %sin! 7un B2012C is translated to /n!lish )y Jo)ert Smitheram# 2=# %arrison 200=, p 213#

2># 'onHe $as s.epti&al o" 'hinese translation, espe&ially Eum rajF*a,s, &laimin! that it $as not made dire&tly "rom a Sans.rit ori!inal# %arrison states that 'onHe 4pro*ides no e*iden&e "or this )lunt &laim#5 B%arrison 200=, p 21=C 30# %arrison 200=, p 21=, 211# 31# 'onHe 1>==, se&tion 1# 32# %sin! 7un 2012, p >2# 33# Eum rajF*a, T 236# 31# ^ni*ersity o" the 0est# Vajracchedik nma triatik prajpramit, BSans.rit *ersion o" the Diamond SutraC, The Sans.rit (uddhist 'anon, http?KK$$$#ds)&proje&t#or!#KnodeK831=# 36# To see the &orrelation, the Sans.rit $ord apratiMNha meanin! $ithout atta&hment or $ithout support mat&hes the 'hinese term $uHhu# Merit, Sans.rit puPya, is translated $ritten in 'hinese as "ude# See a "ull &omparison o" Eum rajF*a and ^ni*ersity o" the 0est San.srit )y Amies 2013# 38# %sin! 7un 2012, se&tion 1, p 226# 3:# Jed Pine 200>, p >1# 3=# %sin! 7un 2012, se&tion 1, p 226# 3># %sin! 7un 2012, se&tion 1, p 226# 10# %sin! 7un 2012, p >2# 11# Jed Pine 200>, p 13# 12# 0an! 2001, p 18# 13# Monier 0illiams Sans.rit9/n!lish Di&tionary 200= re*ision# 11# Jed Pine 200>, p 121# 16# 0illiams 200>, p 1:# 18# Jed Pine 200>, p 133# 1:# 0illiams 200>, p 1># 1=# Jed Pine, &itin! analysis "rom 'onHe and others )elie*es that it is possi)le that the (uddha did spea. this stra )ut that it $as not in&luded

in the re&itation at the Sirst 'oun&il and, rather, )e&ame part o" the &olle&tion o" tea&hin!s o" the Mah s R!hi.a s&hool# Jed Pine 200>, p 11# 1># Jed Pine 200>, p 38# 60# (ennett and Joyle 200>, p 138# 61# 0an! 2001, p 8# 62# (ennett and Joyle 200>, p 1=1# 63# Jed Pine 200>, p 112, translation o" a "ra!ment o" Se&tion 8 o" the Diamond Stra# 61# 0an! 2001, p 11911# 66# 0an! 2001, p 8398=T Great Treatise on the Per ection o !isdom +, - T 160># 68# The ^ni*ersity o" the 0est Sans.rit 'annon *ersion o" the stra &ontains the Sans.rit $ord "or person or soul pud!ala Btranslated as . or person in 'hinese )y Eum rajF*aC 18 times and the $ord "or sel" tma 31 times, ea&h time in a ne!ati*e &ontext# The 'hinese *ersion )y Eum rajF*a is 6181 &hara&ters lon!# +t &ontains 18 o&&urren&es o" the ne!atin! ad*er) / "ei, := o&&urren&es o" the ne!atin! ad*er) $u# 6:# (ennett and Joyle 200>, p 1=1# 6=# 'onHe 1>==, se&tion :# 6># 0illiams 200>, p 62# @either the /n!lish $ord emptiness, the San.srit $ord _nyat , nor the 'hinese $ord 0 in the sense o" emptiness o&&urs in the stra# 80# +n "a&t, 0illiams says, 4### it is not al$ays a)surd to su!!est that a Mah y na stra or tea&hin! may &ontain elements o" a tradition that !oes )a&. to the (uddha himsel", $hi&h $as played do$n or just possi)ly ex&luded "rom the &anoni&al "ormulations o" the early s&hools#5 B0illiams 200>, p 3>C 81# 7on! 2010, p 2# 82# 7on! 2010, p 22# 83# Jed Pine 200>, p 23=#

81# 7on! 2012, p 11# 86# %sin! 7un 2012, p 101 -uotin! %ui @en! T# 2ol 21, @o# 016># 88# %sin! 7un 200=, p 192T Prin&e Vhao Min! 1234 $as also .no$n as Giao Ton! 56# 8:# 7on! 2012, p 12913, and they also appear in the ^0est Sans.rit *ersion, 2aidya 1>81# 8=# Jed Pine 200>, p 10# 8># Jed Pine 200>, p 10# :0# Su&h as the (uddha eye, mentioned in Se&tion 1= o" the stra# :1# Jed Pine 200>, p 22># :2# Jed Pine 200>, p ::, -uotin! AsaY!a,s $or. "eng D#an $ingang %ore %o&#ome '#nsong. (3. )# *hi+ing ,--./ p (0. :1# %sin! 7un 2013, p 6=, 'hinese "or Six 'onditions or Six A&&omplishments is 789# :6# %sin! 7un 2013, p 223# :8# Dian! 0ei @on!# 'ect#res on the Diamond S#tra# +n 'hinese, :;<=> ?@$AB# Pu)lished 1>11# http?KK)oo.#)"nn#or!K)oo.s2K110=#htm# ::# %sin! 7un 2012, p ::# :=# Wethin 1>>=, p 228# :># Sear&hin! on the 'hinese "or )odhisatt*a path C Bpusa daoC in the Taisho text# =0# %suan %ua 2003# =1# Thi&h @hat %anh# The Diamond that 1#ts Thro#gh 2&&#sion3 1ommentaries on the Prajaparamita Diamond S#tra# (er.eley? Parallax Press, 1>>2# =2# Mu Soen!# The Diamond S#tra3 Trans orming the !a+ !e Percei4e the !or&d# (oston? 0isdom Pu)li&ations, 2000# =3# 7in Shun, ;e&tures on the Praj p ramit Diamond Stra, :;<=>? @$DEKFG#

Attachment 1 Selected Historic Commentaries on the Diamond Stra Author 2asu)andhu AsaY!a Sen! Vhao Gie 7in!lun Title Vajracchedika5 praj6aparamitopade7a "eng D#an $ingang %ore %o&#ome '#nsong $ingang $ing *h# $ingang %ore *h# :;<=H Date 1th &entury 1th &entury 3=1X111 3=69133 Din!!an! Din! 0ushisan Dia Vhu 0 002> T 18>= T 18>> T 1:01 T 1=18 Manji 016> Manji 0168 Manji 1830 Manji 0181 Manji 018: T 1:02 Manji 018= Manji 01:0 Manji 018> Reference T 1611 T 1611

%ui 7uan Vhiyi DiHan! Vhiyan Euiji %ui @en! %ui Din! Duan 'hen!shi Dao 'huan Von! Din! Vi Guan %on! ;ian Tu Wen %an, 7an

Din!an! (ore (oluomi Din! Shu $ingang %ore $ing Sh# $ingang %ore Sh# $ingang %ore %o&#omi '#esh# $ingang %ore '#n 8#ishi Exegesis on the Diamond Stra $ingang $ing *h# Sh# $ingang $ing *h# $i# 9i $ingang $ing *h# :iao Shi $ingang $ing ;e 9i 8#i 9ao *h#jie $ingang $ing *#an 9ao ;an Ding $i $ingang $ing *h# $ie $ingang $ing *h# $ie Tie 1#an :ian S#pp&ementar+ "otes on the Diamond Stra

331 ` 118 621X6>8 61>X823 802X88= 832X8=2 83=X:13 Tan! Tan! Son! Son! Son! Min! Min! Min!

Author 7uan Wao Wuan! Shen Ju Wuan 'un 0u 7u 7ue Pu 0an Gin! Min 0u Shi Dao Jen Gu Sa Gin! ai Di Shan Diu Su 7ou Di 0an! ai ;on! Gu %uai Tin! Gie 'hen! Mo Vhou Ee Ton! ;i

Title $ingang $ing 9in Shi *hi $ie $ingang $ing %i "otes on the Diamond Stra $ingang $ing 1han Sh#o $ingang $ing *h# <ind Sea& 1ommentar+ to the Diamond S#tra $ingang $ing *h# $iang $ingang $ing =#shi $ie $ingang $ing 9ing Sh#o $ingang $ing )a+an :#an Pan Sh# 1hao $ingang $ing *hi Sh#o $ingang $ing *h# $ie $ingang $ing Da+i $ingang $ing $ie 9i $ingang $ing 9i $ie $ingang $ing 1hi 9an $i $ingang :in 9an Sh# $ing $i 8e Shi Min! Min! Min! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain! ain!


Reference Manji 01=3 Manji 01:6 Manji 01:= Manji 060= Manji 0608 Manji 0606 Manji 0602 Manji 01=6 Manji 01== Manji 01>> Manji 01>8 Manji 0603 Manji 01=1 Manji 060> Manji 0610 Manji 1836 Manji 01=:

Sour&es? 7on! 2012, p 1191:T 'hen 2002, p 2:892:>T '(/TA B&)eta#or!C# See the Je"eren&e se&tion "or "ull re"eren&es#

Amies, Alex# Praj p ramit Diamond Stra? 'ommentary $ith /n!lish, 'hinese, and Sans.rit Text# http?KK&hinesenotes#&omKdiamond]sutra]to&#html#

AsaY!a# "eng D#an $ingang %ore %o&#ome '#nsong IJ:;<=>?@K$-L# Translated )y 7ijin! in the Tan!# Taisho Tripita.a, 2ol# 26, @o# 1611, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKT26n1611# (ritish ;i)rary# Sacred Texts3 Diamond Stra# http?KK$$$#)l#u.Konline!alleryKsa&redtextsKdiamondsutra#html# (ennett, Andre$ and Joyle, @i&holas# >n 2ntrod#ction to 'iterat#re/ 1riticism and Theor+# 1th edition# Pearson ;on!man? /n!land, 200># +S(@ >:=919 106=96>1191# (uddha!hosa, (hadanta&ariya# Vis#ddhimagga3 The Path o P#ri ication# /n!lish translation )y ( @anamoli# 0ashin!ton? (uddhist Pu)li&ation So&iety, 1>>1# 'hen, 7an Vhu B/d#C# :MNOP Bin simpli"ied 'hineseC, /ssentials o" the Diamond Stra# Q'(RSTUVWX BJeli!ion and 'ulture Pu)lishin!? (eijin!C, 2002# +S(@ :9=012393>:92# 'onHe, /d$ard# %#ddhist !isdom %ooks3 The Diamond S#tra and the 8eart S#tra. ^n$in %yman, 1>==# +S(@913? >:=900111026>8# The translation is also online at http?KK$$$#stiltij#nlKmeditatieK*erdiepin!K*isieK)oeddhistis&he9 soetrasKdiamond9sutra9&onHe# 'un 0u# $ingang $ing 1han Sh#o :;$YZ# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 060=, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n060=# Dao 'huan# $ingang $ing *h# :;$H# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 21, @o# 0181, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KenKG21n0181# Duan 'hen!shi# Din!an! Din! Vhu Diu 7i :;$[\# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# =:, @o# 1830, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KG=:n1830# Slores , Jalph# %#ddhist Script#res as 'iterat#re3 Sacred =hetoric and the ?ses o Theor+# State ^ni*ersity o" @e$ 7or. Press? Al)any, 200=# Su, 7ou Di# $ingang $ing *h# $ie :;$]^# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26,_@o# 0603, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n0603# Su, Vhi 7in!# %right Star '#mino#s 1&o#d# ;os An!eles? (uddha,s ;i!ht Pu)lishin!, 200=# +S(@ >:=919>322>392>98# Wethin, Jupert# The )o#ndations o %#ddhism# 3x"ord, 1>>=# +S(@? 01>2=>2231 Be9)oo.C#

Wuan! Shen# $ingang $ing %i :;$`# Min! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26,_@o# 01:6, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KG26n01:6# %an, 7an# S#pp&ementar+ "otes on the Diamond Stra :;$aH# Min! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 21, @o# 018>, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG21n018># %arrison, Paul# /xperimental &ore samples o" 'hinese translations o" t$o (uddhist stras analysed in the li!ht o" re&ent Sans.rit manus&ript dis&o*eries# $o#rna& o the 2nternationa& >ssociation o %#ddhist St#dies, 2ol# 31, @o 192, 200= B2010C, p 206921># +SS@ 01>39800GG# %on! ;ian# Din!an! Din! Vhu Die :;$H^# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 21, @o# 018=, '(/TA http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KG21n018=# %sin! 7un# Descri6ing the 2ndescri6a6&e3 > 1ommentar+ on the Diamond Stra# Translated )y Tom Wraham# 0isdom Pu)li&ations? (oston, 200=# +S(@ 09 =81:191=898# %sin! 7un# )o#r 2nsights or )inding )#& i&&ment3 > Practica& G#ide to the %#ddha@s Diamond Stra# (uddha,s ;i!ht Pu)lishin!? ;os An!eles, 2012# Translated to /n!lish )y Jo)ert Smitheram# +S(@ >:=919>322>39619=# %ui @en!# Exegesis on the Diamond S#tra :;$^B# Tan!# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol 21, @o# 016># '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KG21n016># %ui Din!# Din!an! Din! Vhu Shu :;$Hb# Tan! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 21, @o# 0168# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9 &nKG21n0168# %ui 7uan# $ingang %ore %o&#omi $ing Sh# :;<=>?@$b# ain! Dynasty# Taisho (uddhist Texts not &ontained in the Tripita.a, 2ol# 3, @o# 002>, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nK003n002># Di Shan Diu# Din!an! Din! Vhi Shuo :;$cZ# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 01>8, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n01>8# Dian! 0ei @on!# 'ect#res on the Diamond S#tra# +n 'hinese, :;<=>?@$A B# Pu)lished 1>11# http?KK)oo.#)"nn#or!K)oo.s2K110=#htm# DiHan!# $ingang %ore Sh# :;<=b# Taishb TripiNa.a 2olume 33, @o# 18>># Sui# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!K.oKT33n18>>#

Due$ei# Presentation and Mind Maps on the Diamond Stra# http?KK&hinesenotes#&omKdiamond]sutra]to&#html# Euiji# $ingang %ore '#n 8#ishi :;<=-de# Taishb TripiNa.a 2olume 10, @o# 1=18# Tan!# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKT10n1=18# Eum rajF*a# Prajpramit Diamond Stra :;<=>?@$# Taishb TripiNa.a *olume =, num)er 236# Translation &ompleted 103 '/# '(/TA, http?KK$$$#&)eta#or!KresultKnormalKT0=K0236]001#htm# @ ! rjuna# Great Treatise on the Per ection o !isdom +,-# Translated in the ;ater ain )y Eum rajF*a# Taisho Tripita.a 2ol# 26, @o# 160># '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KT26n160># Pu, 0an# <ind Sea& 1ommentar+ to the Diamond S#tra :;$fFb# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 0606, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KG26n0606# Jed Pine# The Diamond S#tra3 The Per ection o !isdom# Text and &ommentaries translated "rom the Sans.rit and 'hinese# 'ounterpoint? (er.eley, 200># +S(@ 16=2132682 Be9)oo.C# Ju, Wuan# "otes on the Diamond Stra :;$gh# Min! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 01:=# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n01:=# Sen! Vhao# $ingang %ore %or#omi $ing *h# :;<=>?@$]# Din Dynasty# Ton! ;i# Din!an! Gin 7an Shu Din! Di %e Shi :;ib$jke# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 01=:# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KenKG26n01=:# Tu Wen# $ingang $ing *h# $ie Tie 1#an :ian :;$H^lmn# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 21, @o# 01:0# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG21n01:0# ^ni*ersity o" the 0est# 2ajra&&hedi. n ma tri_ati. praj p ramit , BSans.rit *ersion o" the Diamond SutraC, The Sans.rit (uddhist 'anon, http?KK$$$#ds)&proje&t#or!#KnodeK831=# Sour&ed "rom 2aidya, P#;# B/dsC, 1>81# Mah y na9stra9saO!rahaL B part 1C# The Mithila +nstitute o" Post9 Wraduate Studies and Jesear&h in Sans.rit ;earnin!? Dar)han!a, +ndia# 0an!, ai ;on!# $ingang $ing Da+i :;$o# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 01=1# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n01=1#

0an!, 7ouxuan# %#ddhism and Deconstr#ction3 To7ards a 1omparati4e Semiotics# 'urHon Press? Surrey, 2001# +S(@ 09:00:913=89:# 0illiams, Paul# <ah+na %#ddhism3 The Doctrina& )o#ndations# Se&ond /dition, Joutled!e? ;ondon and @e$ 7or., 200># 0u, Shi Dao Jen# Din!an! Din! Jushi Die :;$^# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 01=6# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KG26n01=6# 2asa)andu# Vajracchedika5praj6aparamitopade7a :;<=>?@$-# Translated to 'hinese )y (odhiru&i# 1th &entury# Taisho Tripita.a, 2ol# 26, @o# 1611# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KT26n1611# Gie, 'hen! Mo# $ingang $ing 9i $ie :;$p^# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 0610# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n0610# Gin!, Min# $ingang $ing *h# $iang :;$HA# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 0602# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KenKG26n0602# Gin!, ai# Din!an! Din! Sayan Guan Pan Shu 'hao :;$qirsbt# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26_@o# 01>># '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n01>># Gu, Sa# $ingang $ing 9ing Sh#o :;$uZ# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 01==# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9 &nKG26n01==# Gu, %uai Tin!# $ingang $ing $ie 9i :;$^B# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 060># '(/TA# http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n060># 7on!, 7ou# The Diamond Stra in 1hinese 1#&t#re# (uddha,s ;i!ht Pu)lishin!? ;os An!eles, 2010# +S(@ >:=919>322>393:91# 7u, 7ue# $ingang $ing *h# :;$H# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26, @o# 0608, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KenKG26n0608# 7uan, Wao# Din!an! Din! 7in Shi Vhi Die :;$vec^# Min! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 26,_@o# 01=3, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG26n01=3# Vhiyan# $ingang %ore %o&#omi '#esh# :;<=>?@$wb# Tan! Dynasty# Taisho Tripita.a, 2ol# 33, @o# 1:01# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9 &nKT33n1:01# Vhiyi# $ingang %ore $ing Sh# :;<=$b# Sui Dynasty# Taisho Tripita.a, 2ol# 33,

@o# 18>=, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKT33n18>=# Vhou, Ee# $ingang $ing 1hi 9an $i :;$xyh# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# =:, @o# 1836# '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG=:n1836# Vi Guan# $ingang $ing *#an 9ao ;an Ding $i :;$Oz{h# Son! Dynasty# Taisho Tripita.a, 2ol# 33, @o# 1:02, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9 &nKT33n1:02# Von! Din!# :iao Shi $ingang $ing ;e 9i 8#i 9ao *h#jie |e:;$}~dOH^# ain! Dynasty# Manji Shinsan Dainihon Vo.uHo.yo, 2ol# 21, @o# 018:, '(/TA, http?KKtripita.a#&)eta#or!KHh9&nKG21n018:#

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