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Reporting period:

!!"# !1$

I% EXECUTI&E SUMMARY '1( p)ge *)+i*u*, According to the latest HDI, Mexico ranks 57 out of 187 countries, maintaining the same position o er the last ! "ears# $he countr"%s &D' gro(th )*+ in ,-11. surpassed that of man" /A0 and 120D partners, (ith !#8+ inflation# Although Mexico is still reco ering from the &D' falls in ,--3 and is facing increased criminal iolence, the countr" remained sta4le and 4oth economic and social indicators sho(ed impro ement, nota4l" on 5o4 creation )Mexico created additional formal 8--,--- 5o4s in ,-1- and 6--,--- in ,-11.# 7nemplo"ment is at *#5+, one of the lo(est of /A# According to the latest 8ational MD& report, Mexico has achie ed, or is on its (a" to achie ing, most MD&s (ith the exception of maternal mortalit" and (omen9s political participation# 'o ert" has remained at the same le el (hile se ere po ert" minimall" decreased mostl" due to Mexico:s counter;c"clical economic and social policies# Ho(e er, onl" 13+ of the Mexican population is free of all faces of the multi;dimensional po ert"# $he rest of the population lack access to <ualit" education, housing, 4asic ser ices, social securit", health ser ices or access to 4asic food# In ,-11, social programmes such as 1portunidades reached co erage of 5#8 million families supporting a <uarter of the national population (ith a 4udget of almost 58 4illion pesos, a4out half a percentage point of &D'# Mexico also achie ed uni ersal health co erage mostl" due to a successful implementation of =eguro 'opular, a free health co erage scheme for the uninsured poor# Ine<uities among states, gender and ethnic groups persist in Mexico# $he HDI in the most de eloped state )Distrito >ederal. is ,*+ higher than in the poorest state )0hiapas.# Among the Indigenous people, ! out of * are multi;dimensionall" poor# Municipalities that are predominantl" indigenous tend to achie e lo(er le els of HD and ha e higher gender ine<ualities: in such municipalities 5-#6+ of (omen do not complete primar" school, compared to *,#1+ for men# In ,--7, the &o ernment of Mexico )&oM. and 78D' Mexico signed a 0ountr" 'rogramme Document )0'D. for ,--8;,-1,, (hich is full" aligned (ith the 8ational De elopment 'lan# $he programme, de eloped through a process of dialogue and consensus 4uilding, aims to help reduce po ert" and economic, social, gender and ethnic ine<ualit", strengthen democratic go ernance, and increase s"stemic competiti eness and en ironmental sustaina4ilit"# $he programme strategies are 4ased on the 0ommon 0ountr" Assessment )00A. and full" aligned (ith the 78DA> ,--8;,-1, as (ell as 78D'%s &lo4al =trategic 'lan ,--8;,-11# =ince Mexico%s graduation as a 8et 0ontri4utor 0ountr" )800. in ,--8, 78D' has

$his assessment of results is to 4e prepared onl" in the a4sence of a completed Assessment of De elopment ?esults )AD?. for the c"cle#

maintained its presence in Mexico as a trusted partner to address the countr"9s de elopment challenges# In ,-11, Mexico passed International De elopment 0ooperation /a( )/0ID. and esta4lished Mexican Agenc" for International De elopment 0ooperation )AM2@0ID. adopting an inno ati e approach (ith a dual nature as an aid pro ider and recipient# $o strengthen its capacities to foster its international cooperation, Mexico and 78D' signed a =trategic 'artnership Agreement esta4lishing a =outh;=outh and $riangular cooperation d"namics in the region in =eptem4er ,-11# $he 0'D identifies 6 thematic priorities under (hich the 01 supports the adoption of pu4lic policies, pro ides technical assistance to support national actions, and promotes pu4lic a(areness of sustaina4le human de elopment and MD&s# $hese thematic priorities ha e 4een promoted through strengths national capacities, s"stematiAe and disseminate 4est practices, and transfers useful international experiences# $he ,-1, Bul" elections hold ke"s to shape the political agenda for the follo(ing "ears in Mexico# =e en state go ernments, fifteen local congresses, and nearl" a thousand municipal go ernments (ere elected together (ith 'resident and 0ongress# In addition to the importance in terms of Mexico:s democratic transition and the ne( go ernment:s polic" orientations, the elections ranked high on the 01:s agenda due to 78D':s direct responsi4ilities in the electoral o4ser ation process and the protection of federal social programmes against misuse of these resources during the run;up to the elections in Mexico# During the political transition from Bul" through Decem4er ,-1,, the 01 faced opportunities and potential challenges in its positioning and continuous inclusion of 78 alues such as human rights 4ased approach, protection and inclusion of ulnera4le groups into the national de elopment agenda of the ne( administration# In order to align the actions of the 7nited 8ations ="stem in Mexico (ith the 8ational De elopment 'lan for the no( current federal administration, and there4" impro e coordination among all national and international actors to address de elopment challenges in Mexico, 78DA>C0'D (ere extended for 1 "ear until !1 Decem4er ,-1!# 8e( process to formulate the next c"cle of 78DA> started in Decem4er ,-1,#

II: Country Progr)**e Per-or*)n.e Su**)ry

Country in-or*)tion Country n)*e: Me+i.o Current .ountry progr)**e period: !!"# !1$ Out.o*e/ Tot)0 1ey Indi.)tor/ o- out.o*e '1#2 per E+penditur out.o*e, e 'u4lic policies ha e had a a# &o ernment includes Human positi e impact on the D 6,33,,658 De elopment concept as a tool to achie ement of MD&9s, identif" possi4le polic" options# fostering human de elopment 4# 0hiapas go ernment incorporates and social responsi4ilit"# Human De elopment ?eport as a tool to implement pu4lic polic" facing population dispersion#

Progre// *)de )g)in/t 3ey indi.)tor/ a# >inal document of fourth Mexican HD? on pu4lic expenditure and 0hiapas HD? (ere released in ,-11, launch of document of (omen and the pu4lic expenditure on Banuar" 17th ,-11 at 78 House MExico# HDI Data4ase (ith information from the 8ational Household =ur e" from ,---; ,--8, completed# Ad ances in $echnical support pro ided to >ederal 'rogram 1portunidades )0onditional 0ash $ransfers 'rogram.# Also the HD? of 2stado de MExico (as launched# 4# 'u4lic policies oriented to human de elopment promotion and po ert" reduction in the =tate of 0hiapas#

UN4P Contri5ution: $he three national human de elopment reports that 78D' Mexico has deli ered to date all ha e a common focus on ine<ualit"# In ,-11, 78D' produced ! landmark HD?: one of pu4lic expenditure, sho(ing that there is fiscal space to pro ide direct 4enefits to the most ulnera4le groupsF another of indigenous peoples, sho(ing that the" are still one of the most 4ack(ard segment of Mexican societ" (ith high le els of po ert" and lo( le els of human de elopmentF and a final one on the =tate of Mexico, sho(ing that the second most d"namic local econom" is not achie ing the same pace in terms of HD success# 78D' also pu4lishes e er" , "ears the G=ocial 0ompetiti eness Index,G a multi;faceted index that collects and processes data on the length of the (orkda", child la4or, access to health care, po ert", (ages and the formal la4or market, pro iding ke" data on the (elfare of the population#

=ocial competiti eness policies are implemented for the progress of the econom" and producti e chains#


a. 2xternal e aluation of >I?A ; 78D' Microfinance pro5ect# 4. Assistance pro ided to >I?A on methodologies to integrate microcredit recipients into rural alue chains# c. 8um4er of enterprises that recei ed technical assistance (ith the Methodolog" for =upplier De elopment and num4er of enterprises that ha e registered in the portals# d. =uppl" De elopment 'rogramme methodolog" transferred to /atin America 78D' 01:s e. =M2:s ha e 4een certified and trained in 4usiness management techni<ues and processes as re<uired 4" the aerospace sector#

a. Microfinance institutions (ere diagnosed and impro ement programmes outlined# 4. >I?A, the largest funder of rural de elopment has no( a much stronger microfinance unit# $he issues of industrial polic" are much more (idel" accepted 4" federal and state authorities# c. 1 er ,-- companies, large and small (ill ha e 4enefited their sales and increased emplo"ment from the application of the =D' )=upplier De elopment 'rogramme.# Increasingl" the =M2= assisted are suppliers of large pu4lic companies in the energ" sector# d. At least , alue chains in Honduras recei e the =D'# e. ,8 aerospace industr" certification process, 8AD0A' or A=31-- (ere implemented in Mexico:s large, small and medium enterprises#

UN4P Contri5ution: 78D' has (orked (ith the >ederal &o ernment, the 0ongress, the =tate go ernments and pri ate sector to impro e the competiti eness of the producti e sector through the formulation of de elopment plans and policies# Anal"sis of alue chains and e aluation of cross;sectorial polic" application ha e contri4uted to impro e competiti eness across arious alue chains# =upplier De elopment 'rogram has integrated small and medium enterprises )=M2s. into large Mexican trade and financial flo(s, resulting in strengthening the national econom" through: 1. creation of ne( emplo"ment, ,. increasing indirect exports 4" raising the alue;added of local content, and !. the creation of competiti e local suppl" chains# 78D' also pro ided technical assistance to >I?A, the largest financial institution for rural de elopment to support =M2s in order to promote their producti e integration in the econom"# Management processes, policies and citiAenship are strengthen for sustaina4le de elopment D!,,35!,8-* a. 8um4er of participation enue created and operating at national, regional and state le els# 4. 8um4er of training and (orkshops for ci il participation c. 0ounsels acti el" participate in 00D= a. During ,-1- the 'ro5ect focused on strengthening ci il societ" participation in ! sectors: indigenous people, "oung people and gender oriented groups# $he ! groups de eloped statements regarding their position on climate change (hich (ere posted in the Minister of 2n ironment%s (e4page#

d. 8um4er of 0=1s that represent (omen, "outh, and indigenous communit" participate acti el" in the acti ities and pro5ects related to en ironmental polic"# e. He" meetings (ith stakeholders at the local carried out f. 0apacit" de elopment programme designed and ke" partners for implementation identified

4. Meetings of 0ouncils (ere held regularl" and in ol ing more counselors than in pre ious "ears, communication (as also strengthened# $he councils, through the pro5ect are producing their o(n products such as =tatistics 2n ironment Data4ase, and pu4lications such as the I2n ironment in num4ersJ# c. $he pro5ect carried out a num4er of meeting as (ell as pro5ect induction (orkshop (ith stakeholders that include local authorities, producers association, indigenous communities, and ci il societies# d. 0apacit" De elopment 'rogramme (as designed and (aiting to 4e implemented# e. Kaseline (as esta4lished during the process to define the '?1D10# $he 4aseline (as updated during the induction (orkshop in consultation (ith stakeholders#

UN4P Contri5ution: $he portfolio of 2n ironment and =ustaina4le De elopment has supported conser ation and sustaina4le use of 4iodi ersit", strengthening citiAens% participation in sustaina4le de elopment, and integration of the concept of sustaina4le resource management in po ert" reduction strategies and de elopment plans# It has strengthened local capacities to adopt effecti e en ironmental go ernance, inno ation and financial mechanisms for the distri4ution of en ironmentall" sustaina4le technologies# In the last fe( "ears, 78D' Mexico has focused on supporting the &oM to de elop sustaina4le de elopment path(a"s that (ill lead to lo(;emission de elopment and resilience to climate change# As a result of the intensi e colla4oration 4et(een the 0ongress and 78D' on 0limate 0hange, the =enate unanimousl" passed a comprehensi e 4ill on 0limate 0hange# 78D' additionall" pro ided support to the 8ational Adaptation =trateg" (hich outlines a (a" for(ard (ith respect to the institutional capacit" de elopment and concrete sectorial achie ements in the countr"%s long;term sustaina4le de elopment# /ocal and national capacities a. 'L grid connected pro5ects 4een a. $he pro5ect carried out its !nd international are strengthen for the D7,768,8,8 4eneficiated (ith economic 0ollo<uium on grid connected photo oltaic formulation and stimulus coming from the /a( of s"stems (ith the participation from ,-implementation of climate 7se of ?ene(a4le 2nerg" and participants among enterprises, go ernment change policies >inancing of the 2nerg" agencies, academics, and financial institutions, $ransition# (here all stakeholders exchanged and explored 4. $he pro5ect (ill continue (ith the different mechanisms to impro e the photo oltaic actions focused in foster the credit market in Mexico# $his e ent (as held 4" the






a aila4ilit" for grid connected s"stems# 1ne specific action is to carr" out of a one da" (orkshop (ith the participation of the 8ational De elopment Kank )8A>I8. , the 'L Industr" and the 0ommercial 4ank# A Diploma 0ourse on 'L &rid 0onnected ="stems in colla4oration (ith the Autonomous 7ni ersit" of Mucatan, A Diploma 0ourse in course in central Mexico to 4e terminated )Nueretaro or =an /uis 'otosi. $raining material for a short course on 'L &rid connected s"stems for technicians# $he course (ill 4e de eloped for , da"s duration (ith a lot high hands on content# =tud" report on electricit" cost for &rid 'L connected s"stems for high electricit" consumption users for Mexicali cit" area# K" the end of ,-1- it is planned to ha e at least 8,5 MOhC"ear generation (ith 'L grid connected s"stems# $he 2nerg" ?egulator" 0ommission could release the re ision of the Interconnection 0ontract Model for solar sources in (hich the maximum permissi4le s"stem siAe (ill 4e risen up to 5-- kO and





go ernment of Nueretaro (ho are highl" interested in the de elopment of this technolog" (ithin the state through the different industrial clusters# 1n the second <uarter ,-1-, the 2nerg" ?egulator" 0ommission issued the Model Interconnection Agreement for ?ene(a4le 2nerg" and 'o(er 0ogeneration ="stem in Medium =cale )5-- HO.# In the same resolution, it replaces the Model Interconnection Agreement for =olar 'o(er =ource for =mall =cale Model Interconnection Agreement for ?ene(a4le 2nerg" =ources and 0ogeneration ="stem in =mall =cale )!- HO.# In April ,-1- the 0?2 issued the ne( model of contract# In this ersion the allo(ed capacit" (as raised up to 5-- kO, and allo(ing the interconnection in medium oltage# During the first <uarter of ,-1-, 4egins the monitoring of the 'L s"stem installed at is installed in the ?egional Oind $echnolog" 0enter# $he real;time information is pu4lished on the pro5ect (e4site II2;78D'# $he grid;connected 'L s"stem Diploma course (as organiAed 5ointl" 4" the 2lectrical ?esearch institute )II2. and the Mucatan Autonomous 7ni ersit" )7ADM.# $he course (as held in the cit" of Merida# Among the participants, it outstands the attendance of three engineers of the >ederal 2lectricit" 0ommission )0>2. from the follo(ing areas: rural electrification, planning, and electric po(er distri4ution# >ollo(ing the interest this has generated a graduate, prepared the first draft ersion of the irtual diploma to allo( participation of national and 0entral America enterprises (ho ha e sho(n

medium oltage# h. $he first commercial s"stem partiall" financed 4" the &2>; '87D is in operation, and should moti ate another pri ate companies or go ernment institution to install 'L grid connected s"stems to generate partiall" their electricit" needs# i. Moti ation commercial 4anks read" to start (ith credit lines to finance home siAe grid connected 'L s"stems moti ated 4" the 'L s"stems price fall sho(ed during the last 18 months# 5. Heep monitoring the 'L&0= of the &reen 0orner, /as 'almas in /a 'aA Ka5a 0alifornia =ur, $he 15- kOp s"stem installed 4" &rupo 'ersal in Mexicali , and the that s"stems installed at the ?egional Oind 2nerg" 0enter at la Lentosa 1axaca# k. Interconnection guides de eloped and printed# $his material (ill 4e distri4uted in e ents such as conferences, 0ollo<uiums, and Diploma courses# Also the material (ill 4e a aila4le in electronic format through the pro5ect (e4 page# l. Diploma 0ourse G'L &rid 0onnected ="stemsG, on line trough the 'ro5ect Oe4 'age, (ith

interest in training# It continues (ith the adaptation of the diploma course on material formatted for 'L s"stems pro ided on a face to remo e to their use for a irtual diploma as part of strategies to increase the participation of technical staff of 0>2 in graduate courses# It has 4een $he contact (ith 78D'9s Lirtual =choll to explore the possi4ilit" of prepare the irtual diploma and to offer this training through its platform# $his (ill 4e decided during the first <uarter ,-11# g. A grid;connected 'L s"stem 7ser &uide for lo( scale applications has 4een de eloped# $he guide (ill pro ide residential and commercial consumers (ith 4asic information and a aila4le resources to lead them to the process of 4u"ing a grid;connected 'L s"stem# $his guide is not attempted to 4e a technical guide for designing o installing a s"stem# It (ill mainl" include the follo(ing topics: technolog" generalities, site and installation, costs, incenti es )net metering, tax 4enefits, and financial support., suppliers, and interconnection arrangement and contract# h. As result of damages suffered the 4uildings of Industrial 'ersal occurred in Mexicali 0it" In April ,-1-, declaimed its opportunit" to recei e the financial support &2>;'87D;II2 pro5ect to install a 15- kOp 'L s"stem#, that (as 4ecause their priorities (ere focused in repair all the damages caused during the earth<uake# $he pro5ect steering committee agreed to see for ne( partners# i. 7p to date, the pro5ect leader hold talks (ith /i estock 'roducers Association in /a /aguna ?egion 8orthern region of Mexico# Also some f.




p. <. r. s.

a promotional campaign to reach nation(ide generation and distri4ution offices of 0>2# $hird International 0ollo<uium for the 'romotion of the &rid 0onnected 'L ="stems to 4e held in )Nueretaro or =an /uis 'otosi.# If the interest on the theme remains it (ill 4e held the *th edition of the collo<uium in =an 0risto4al de las 0asas 0hiapas# Heep ali e the interest and participation of the 8ational 'L industr", and o erpass the 1-companies participation registered during the last collo<uium edition in Mexicali# If read" the training material for short course for technicians, carr" out a pilot course during the last part of ,-1-# Adoption and effecti e enforcement of ne( legal and regulator" pro isions promoting sustaina4le =OH market# Annual sales of =OH s"stem /e el of marketing, product and installation ser ices a aila4le in the market# =hare of suppl" side entities adopting the proposed <ualit" control schemes# /e el of customer satisfaction (ith the installed s"stems#

meetings ha e 4een held (ith the &o ernment of the =tate of NuerEtaro for the installation of 'L&0= s"stem at the international airport of Nueretaro cit"# $he counterpart on this is the =ecretar" of =ustaina4le De elopment )=2D7LI.# In this initiati e the proposed s"stem siAe is at least !5- kOp, the pro5ect (ill contri4ute (ith 5kOp, and also (ith the infrastructure and data ac<uisition s"stem needed for monitoring the s"stem# $he Nueretaro =tate go ernment and all the airport partners should contri4ute (ith at least !-- kOp# At this moment the" are exploring possi4ilities for this part of the pro5ect (ith national and international financing institutions# 5. 1ther alternati e for installing the 'L s"stems has 4een explored (ith the 8ational 7tilit" 0>2# $he application tough (as (ith the Distri4ution 4ranch and the s"stem could 4e installed (ithin a Distri4ution =u4;station reaching saturation le el# $his application could open a 4road niche market (ithin the electric compan"# $he financing of the s"stem in this alternati e could come from the financing mechanism used 4" the utilit"# k. In order to complete the result 1 outcome , of the pro5ect )15- kO grid 0onnected s"stem. (ill need to maintain acti e the pro5ect during 6 months extra to finish all the process of installing , incrementing, and s"stem follo( up# l. Approx# 1,5--,--- m, of =OH has 4een installed in ,-1- in the residential sector# $hese estimations are 4ased on information from suppliers, and program implementation from I8>18ALI$ I&reen mortgagesG# During 01'16, 'resent 0alderon declares that all mortgages gi en 4" I8>18ALI$ (ill 4e I&reenJ, (hich


n. o.


represents a huge opportunit" for the installation of =OH in the residential sector in the coming "ears# During the third <uarter of ,-1- some ke" studies ha e 4een de eloped for the anal"sis of the existing regulator" frame(ork# $he results indicates that e en (hen there is an existing ro4ust frame(ork, there is a lack of kno(ledge of the population as to the application of the la(s (hich needs to 4e addressed (ith municipal as (ell as state go ernments in order to esta4lish processes tending to the creation of regulator" frame(ork (hich has to 4e completed in order to implement existing federal la(s# 2xisting fiscal incenti es ha e 4een identified and anal"sis has 4egun (ith the colla4oration of mem4ers of '?10A/=1/:s 0oordination 7nit# Oorking groups (ere esta4lished (ith the participation of the pro5ect in order to ele ate the status of the DI$ to a oluntar" norm# 2 en though the scope of this norm is limited to the e aluation of gas consumption reductions, it (ill ser e as one of the milestones of =OH certification (hen pu4lished during the second <uarter ,-11# $he DI$ has 4een applied to roughl" 6- =OH suppliers and close to 3products# A (ork plan has 4een esta4lished (ith Mexico 0it":s go ernment in order to anal"Ae the implementation of the existing norm into 4uilding codes# =pecific (orkshops (ill 4e de eloped in order to promote the use of the norm and anal"Ae possi4le impro ements speciall" through o4ser ance of the norms, and the monitoring of the accomplishments of the regulations# Additional

municipalities ha e 4een identified and commitments ha e 4een esta4lished (ith the go ernment of Balisco and &uerrero in order to promote in an integral fashion the de elopment of local frame(orks and 4uilding codes, pertaining the use of =OH# <. A (e4 site (as de eloped for '?10A/=1/ (ith the support of the pro5ect (((#procalsol#go4#mx# $he Initiati e de eloped a 4log alidated 4" the =teering 0ommittee of the '?10A/=1/ and (ill 4e operational shortl"# r. $he initiati e has taken part in congresses de eloped 4" the 8ational 2nerg" 0ommission 8et(ork )?ed 8acional de 0omisiones de 2nergPa. in t(o seminars, promoting the de elopment of local legislation at 4oth state and municipal le el# s. A (orkshop (as carried out during the third <uarter ,-11 (ith the participation of rele ant associations (hich congregate =OH suppliers# 'reliminar" agreements (ere taken in order to de elop a campaign 4eginning in ,-11, (ith the support of rele ant pu4lic entities such as =2MA?8A$ and =282?# t. During ,-1-, meetings (ere carried out in preparation for a mission of 782' officials regarding the de elopment of financial mechanisms for the use of =OH# $hese meeting (ith institutions such as the Mexican Kanking Association, 8acional >inanciera, >I?A, and >I?01, ke" pu4lic financing institutions, presented =OH as a product (hich re<uires specific attention from the financial sector# 0ommitments (ere achie ed (ith >I?A, >I?01 and 8A>I8 for the de elopment of a risk

assessment tool to identif" potential in the =OH market# UN4P Contri5ution: $he 01 supported the Mexican go ernment to de elop national and institutional capacit" for climate change, (ith special emphasis on strengthening multi;stakeholder dialogue tools, monitoring and e aluation tools, as (ell as a strateg" in the forestr" sector agriculture# $his allo(ed facilitating the implementation of pu4lic polic" on climate change in order to meet the mitigation and adaptation goals defined in the =pecial 0limate 0hange 'rogram# $he 01 also supported the (orking group of the Inter;ministr" 0ommission on 0limate 0hange )0I00. to de elop adaptation polic" frame(ork# $he (orking group produced a document that reflect the adaptation efforts in different sectors and la"s the foundations for a ision on adaptation to climate change in Mexico# $his document also represents 78D'%= important contri4ution into the design process and implementation of 8ational Adaptation 'olic", (hich (as formulated during ,-11 and ,-1,# In terms of the disaster risk reduction, the com4ination of a polic" formulation and local action approach, (ith a multi;actor at the meso;le el methodolog", allo(ed creating crosscutting inclusion of D?? at the national; and state;le el de elopment policies, 4ut also enforcing changes through capacit" 4uilding, institutionaliAation and dialogue forum (ith different stakeholders all the (a" do(n from the >ederal sphere to the local# &ender e<ualit" policies ha e D!,365,868 a. $he esta4lishment of an ade<uate a. $he Indigenous 'eoples9 Human De elopment 4een strengthen pro5ect structure, including the Index has 4een launched in 1cto4er ,-11 # coordination team and specialiAed 4. A negotiation (ith 78I02> and =ecretarPa de consultants# 2ducaciQn 'R4lica is in progress in order to 4. Nuarter and annual reports# pu4lish the children9s ersion of c. 8um4er of designed specialiAed the Indigenous 'eoples Monographic# $he indicators# electronic ersion has 4een finished and the first d. 2 aluation of the existent chapters are a aila4le in 0DI and 78D' <uantitati e and <ualitati e data in (e4sites# order to esta4lish information c. 2ight protocols designed and presented regarding priorities# implementation of la(s for monitoring and e. At least one alternati e e aluation of the national legal frame(ork at the methodological proposal to >ederation, &uerrero, Sacatecas and 2stado de de elop information on different MExico# indigenous issues# d. 'rotocols designed and implemented regarding f. 8um4er of (orkshops and health and education at the >ederal /e el# seminars# e. /egal harmoniAation package and communication g. 8um4er of participants and strateg" de eloped to 4e implemented (ithin regions 4enefited 4" these e ents# pu4lic administration campaign through a h. 'rotocol of implementation of colla4oration agreement signed (ith the Ministr"



la(s, proposals for monitoring, monitoring and e aluation of /I&IMH# 'roposals for legislati e packages in the participating state# Lalidation meetings of the proposals in each participating states# 'rotocol of implementation of la(s in each participating state#

of Interior# *# 0oordination of an e aluation performed 4" 78D's regional center to social dependences in Sacatecas# 5# 2;Indicator ="stem de eloped and implemented in 0hiapas#

UN4P Contri5ution: 7D8' focused on mainstreaming gender perspecti es (ithin programmesCpro5ects in all of the thematic areas# $he (ork carried out on e<uit" has centered its anal"ses on indigenous peoples and its ad ocac" on (omen:s political representation# 78D' has pushed for indigenous political participation in the run;up to the ,-1, national elections# 1n (omen:s political representation, together (ith 78 Oomen and national counterparts, it ad ocated for parit", strengthening <uotas, and promoted the good use of (omen leadership training funds (ithin the political parties# 78D' also partnered (ith the &oM to anal"Ae sexist stereot"pes produced 4" institutional ad ertising, offering 4est international practices on gender;sensiti e pu4licit"# It also promoted a campaign on (ater as a )(omen:s. right, an important factor of non;discrimination, access to education and limitation of fatigue related to house chores# Democratic institutions are a. Indicators on institutionaliAation of a. Acti ities and monitoring of 738 social programs stronger D13,336,*1! social programs on construction (ithin the !, federal entities performed# 4. Accompaniment of federal and 4. =ur e" sent to crucial go ernmental actors to state authorities to re ise the update the information of social programmes# effecti eness of pu4lic ser ices 'ress conference held, in order to present and speciall" those related to preliminar" results of the platform and to highlight health and education the impact of this information on 1* states that c. 8um4er of cultural organiAations (ent through an electoral process in ,-1-# that assist to the participation c. 1n line platform launched and acti e, currentl" exercises# measuring indicators that cross;cut social d. 8um4er of cultural programs programs and the achie ement of the MD&s anal"Aed# locall" e. Academic acti ities and fora d. $he diagnosis to identif" indigenous social and organiAed to increase the political participation le el on three Mexican states dissemination of the Human )0hiapas, 1axaca and =an /uis 'otosP. is on De elopment Approach on cultural track# In the first draft )attach. there is pu4lic polic"# identification of lideraAgos medios and of

indigenous (omen as focal points# e. $he municipal agenda proposal Indigenous go ernment and pro ision of ser ices in indigenous municipalities in the =tate of 0hiapas, Mexico has 4een appro ed 4" the pro5ect 4oard and translated to 2nglish# 78D' is anal"Aing the 4est strateg" to implement some of the document 9s findings in 0hiapas or in other Mexican states# $he process has 4een de eloped from the indigenous people9s rights perspecti e# f. In order to create this proposal the pro5ect team prepared (orkshops in three municipalities in 0hiapas )=an Buan 0ancuc, HuixtTn and =italT. g. A proposal of the capacit" 4uilding process on indigenous (omen9s leadership is on track# $his document (ill taking into account the inputs of the diagnosis and the agenda proposal# $he (orkshops andCor seminars (ill 4e held during ,-11 in order to promote greater citiAen participation so as to 4uild citiAenship and impro e decision;making processes that (ould pro ide more inclusi e and effecti e municipal ser ices# h. $he International =eminar on indigenous (omen 9s political participation and leadership9s report is a aila4le at (((#undp#org#mx i. $he printing and editorial process to pu4lish fi e studies on political participation and leadership of indigenous (omen in the /atin American ?egion )&uatemala, Koli ia, 2cuador, 8icaragua and 'eru. in on track# $he editorial processed took more time than expected and the pro5ect 4oard appro ed the modification in the (ork plan# 5. A diagnosis document on conflict resolution 4et(een the indigenous s"stem and the Mexican =tate on electoral matter started in 8o em4er and

the first products (ill 4e deli ered on march ,-11# 0oncerning the legislati e harmoniAation process it (ill 4egan during the first <uarter of ,-11# $he negotiation process (ith the 2lectoral 0ourt of the >ederal Kranch and the ?egional Kranches (as difficult considering the electoral processes in ,-1-# k. Mexico 0it" 0ultural policies (ere anal"Aed and a &uide (as (ritten# 1--+ accomplished l. >i e papers di ided into t(o series (ere pu4lished# 1ne named I0ulture and Human De elopmentJ and the other one I2conomics and 0ultureJ# 2ach paper focuses on Mexico 0it"# 8-+ accomplished m. A seminar on Human De elopment and 0ulture (as carried out in the 8ational 7ni ersit" from Banuar" to Ma" ,-1-# 2ach panelist (rote a paper, in total 1, documents (ere (ritten and complied into a 4ook named I>reedom to choose: 0ulture, 0ommunication and sustaina4le Human De elopmentJ# 1--+ accomplished# UN4P Contri5ution: 78D' has pla"ed a ke" role in strengthening democrac" in Mexico through electoral o4ser ation and monitoring the operation of social programs in the electoral context# In recent "ears, 78D' has accompanied the Mexican electoral institutions in =outh;=outh cooperation, documenting Mexico:s experience as an international 4est practice in this sector# 78D' also has supported capacit" de elopment of ci il societ" to influence pu4lic polic" and strengthening pu4lic spaces for citiAens% participation in order for citiAens to increasingl" pla" their roles as protagonists of democrac" and central su45ects of political and social action# 78D' has focused part of its (ork on the su4;national le el as state policies matter increasingl" for the (ell;4eing of the population# 78D' supported the de elopment of t(o data4ases: one encompassing 1,1-- federalClocal social programmes to measure the multiple dimensions of social policies, and the other to measure local go ernments% performance in the accomplishment of MD&s# Koth data4ases are designed (ith an e idence;4ased approach focusing on the linkages 4et(een good go ernance and effecti e pro;poor policies# In addition, 78D' has signed agreements (ith 3 =tates (ith lo(er HDI# It has continued (orking in Mucatan on D?? among communitiesF in 0hiapas on peace and dialogue in post;conflict areasF (ater and sanitation )also in LeracruA and $a4asco.F in Sacatecas, &uerrero and 1axaca on transparenc" and accounta4ilit" of go ernmentF in Nuintana ?oo on rene(a4le energ" and resilience in the face of 0limate 0hange#

Mexico has impro ed his south;south cooperation mechanisms#


a. 8um4er of meetings, seminars and fora attended 4" regional authorities in the frame(ork of the MesoamErica 'ro5ect

a. A ne( strateg" for assistance to MesoamErica, strengthened 4" the =D' pro5ects alread" operating in 2l =al ador and in Honduras# 4. ?eplication of =D' in a third countr" in /atin America, and dissemination on information a4out it throughout other (orld regions, (ith the help of 78D'%s /A0 Kureau, the regional centre in 'anama, and the 'ri ate =ector Di ision in 78D' head<uarters in 8M# c. 'resentation launch of the 4ook of &ender and 0ompetiti eness ?egional 0onference in 'anama and at the Merida 78D' su4;national office in the MucatTn 'eninsula, and the proposal for follo( up pu4lication on the su45ect (ith I8M7B2?2= and the 2uropean 7nion#

UN4P Contri5ution: 78D' promoted a regional approach in its south;south cooperation# Mexico presented the MD&s monitoring s"stem during the regional summit GMechanism of Dialogue and 0oncentrationG in Decem4er ,-11 (hich generated great interest among participating countries represented 4" the 'residents of /A countries# $his resulted in a ne( pro5ect to replicate the M&D monitoring s"stem in /A countries (ith technical assistance from 78D', (as appro ed and 4egan its implementation throughout ,-1,# Oith the experience of electoral assistance since 133*, 78D' Mexico has pro ided technical assistance to the election process in 2g"pt, $unisia, and /i4"a, and in the negotiation (ith 78D' Haiti and AM2@0ID to strengthen the election process in Haiti# 7pon successful implementation in Mexico, =upplier De elopment 'rogramme (as replicated in 2l =al ador, and is 4eing implemented in Honduras# Additionall", 'eru, 0hina and 0olom4ia ha e sho(ed their interests in the future colla4oration replicating the 'rogramme%s methodolog"# 78D' 'ri ate =ector Di ision recogniAes this experience as good practice to assist =M2s to create inclusi e emplo"ment#

III% Country Progr)**e Re/our.e/ Fo.u/ Are)

'o ert" and MD&s

Progr)**e E+penditure '6,

?egular )$?A0. 1ther $otal

7 o- Tot)0



Democratic &o ernance 2n ironment and =ustaina4le De elopment U ?isk management =outh;south cooperation Tot)0

D13,336,*1! D58,*31,753 D!,!37,!75 D33,65*,67*

D13,336,*1! D58,*31,753 D!,!37,!75 D33,65*,67*

,-+ 53+ !+ 1!! 7

4)t) /our.e/: 'p0e)/e indi.)te t8e *)in /our.e/ -ro* 98i.8 d)t) 9ere o5t)ined -or t8i/ report%, &eneral /edger reports: 0=A and 0D? are the main sources# Mear ,-1, is alread" an estimated deli er"#

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