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Introduction a. Works with Nervous System i. Nervous and Endocrine Dual Regulation 1. Transmit messages . !orrelate "ody #unctions $. %aintain homeostasis

". !ontrast& !om'arison i. Nervous 1. Sends neural im'ulse over neurons to s'eci#ic e##ector cells . !asues contraction( secretion( conduction $. )uickly within a #ew milliseconds *. +rie# e##ect


Endocrine 1. Releases chemical called hormones into "loodstream . !hemical messages go to all "ody cells a. ,ormone is taken u' i# the organ has rece'tors #or that s'eci#ic hormone $. Induce changes inmeta"olic activites o# target organ *. Takes hours to initiate- "ut last longer

c. . categories o# ,ormone /ction- e##ects o# hormone on target organ i. !ontrol internal environment "y regulating its chemical com'osition and volume o# "ody #luids. E0am'les insulin( /D, ii. Res'ond to changes in environmental conditions in "ody to aid in co'ing with emergency demands such as trauma( emontional stress( dehydration( in#ection. E0am'le1 /drenalin( cortisol( /D,

iii. Involved in smooth& se2uential integration o# growth and develo'ment. E0am'les1 3rowth ,ormone( Estrogen( Testosterone( Thyrois ,ormone iv. !ontri"ute to coordination o# re'roductive 'rocess. E0am'le1 4S,( 5,( Estrogen( Testosterone( 6rogesterone( 70yto0in( ,!3( 6rolactin 1. 3ametogensis . 4ertili8ation $. Em"ryonic and #etal develo'ment *. Delivery and 5a"or .. 5actation v. Regulate organic meta"olism and enerddgy "alance. E01 Thyroid hormone( cortisol( insulin( glucagon

The 3lands1 Endocrine Ductless Secrete 'roduct into s'ace into s'ace around secretory cells1 ad9acent ca'illaries1 "lood circulation1 target cells :ERS;S E0ocrine& Non<endocrine( ther#ore not a 'art o# this system Secretes into ducts or E!41 target area E0am'les1 mucous( se"aceous( sudi#erous( digestive

%a9or endocrine glands and their signi#icant hormones1 1. 6ituitary& ,y'o'hysis< %aster 3land Sends its #our tro'ic hormones =/!T,( 5,( 4S,( TS,> to control hormone 'roduction in the starred glands? "elow. /lso 'roduces other non<tro'ic hormones1 3,( 'rolactin( %S,

6osterior 6ituitary1 Stores and releases two hormones( /D, and o0ytocin( that are actually made in the hy'othalamus . Thyroid ?1 T$( T*( calcitonin

$. 6arathyroid1 6T, *. /drenals ?1 a. !orte01 glucocortacoids =!ortisol>( mineralcortacoids =aldosterone>( testosterone =D,E/>( estrone( estradiol ". %edulla1 adrenalin( noradrenalin .. 6ineal "ody or gland& e'i'hysis& e'ithalamus1 melatonin @. Thymus1 thymosin( thymo'oietin A. 6ancreas1 insulin( glucagon B. Testes& 7varies ?1 testerone& estrogen( 'rogesterone ??Note1 there are other organs which contain small collections o# endocrine cells1 a. Digestive 7rgans such as duodenum and stomach1 secretin( !!C( gastrin ". Cidney1 erythro'oietin( rennin


Hypothalamus to Pituitary Connections 1. ,y'othalamic< ,y'o'hyseal Tract a. Neurons in the 'araventricular and su'rao'tic nuclei o# the hy'othalamus synthesi8e /D,( and o0ytocin ". /0ons o# these neurons run into 'osterior 'ituitary =neurohy'o'hysis> carrying these hormones to storage areas. c. /D, and o0ytocin are released #rom these a0onal terminal storage sites =o# 'osterior 'ituitary> into tissue #luid( which release it into "lood stream.

. ,y'o'hyseal 6ortal System a. Neurons in ventral hy'othalamus secrete Dreleasing hormones or releasing #actorsE and Dinhi"itory hormones or inhi"itory #actorsE into ca'illaries o# hy'o'hyseal 'ortal system. =s'ecial circulation vessels connect hy'othalamus to ant. 6it. 7nly> ". These Dreleasing #actorsE and Dinhi"itory #actorsE cause the anterior 'ituitary =adenohy'o'hyis> to release or sto' the release o# its hormones c. Initaites the Dhierachy o# controlE where"y the hy'othalamus =in the "rain> controls the anterior 'ituitary master gland- the anterior 'ituitary then controls #our other glands =testes(

ovaries( thyroid and adrenal corte0> through the tro'hic& tro'ic hormones it releases =4S,( 5,( TS,( /!T,>

II 6hysiology a. !hemical !lasses o# ,ormes i. 6rotein& Water Solu"le 1. /mines< modi#ications o# amino acid tyrosine a. Sim'lest hormone ". E0am'les1 thyro0in o# the thyroid( e'ine'hrine and nore'ine'hrine o# the adrenal medualla . 6e'tides and 'roteins a. !hains o# amino acids o# varying si8e ". 6roduced #rom gene code via ri"osomal 'rotein synthesis c. Water solu"le d. E0am'les1 o0ytocin o# the 'osterior 'ituitary( insulin o# the 'ancreas( 6T, o# the 'arathyroid ii. Steriods& 4at Solu"le 1. Derivatives o# cholesterol . 5i'id solu"le $. 6roduced "y smooth ER and mitochondria *. E0am'les1 aldosterone o# the adrenals( cortisol o# the adrenals( androgens o# the testes( estrogens and 'rogesterones o# ovary ". 6rinci'les o# ,ormone /ction1 i. 6rinci'al 7ne 1. E##ect o# hormone o#ten restricted to a target tissue whose cells 'osses rece'tor molecules #or the hormone- ,ormone Rece'tor S'eci#icity E0am'les1 osteo"lasts cells o# "one tissue res'ond to calcitonin ii. 6rici'al Two


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