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Lincoln Financial GA Channel ADVANTAGE
Broad Product Portfolio
Cuaranlee UL Very compelilive al older ages, paying
lo age !00 guaranleeing lorever
lndexed UL
- lUL Proleclor Designed lor compelilive D8 premiums
- lUL Accumulalor Designed lor cash value accumula-
lion and supplemenlal reliremenl income
Term Very compelilive al larger lace amounls and
older ages
MoneyCuard - #! Linked 8enell Producl (Lile and LTC)
- Simpliled U/W
- Cuaranleed POP, D8 and LTC 8enell
World Class Underwriting
Dedicaled underwriling leams wilh direcl access lo
underwrilers and olher leam members
Lleclronic submission ol applicalions and eleclronic
delivery ol policies now available
Large case and older age experlise Aulo bind up lo
$60 million up lo age 75 and Table D
Table reduclion program (Table C lo Slandard) up lo $!0
million and up lo age 69
- Coordinales wilh U/W Credils
- lncludes Medical llal Lxlra up lo $5.00 per lhousand
No MD exams up lo $60 million lace amounl up age 69
Lxams, blood, HOS, LKC good lor !2 monlhs up
lo age 69
Can qualily lor PNT and P+NT wilh a lamily hislory ol
cancer and diabeles
Slandard NT il no cigarelle use wilhin !2 monlhs, even
il lesl posilive lor nicoline
Advanced Case Design
Help wilh design ol large/complex cases
- Lslale planning
- Charilable planning
- 8usiness cases business conlinuily and execulive
compensalion plans
- Qualiled plan dislribulion planning
Conlerence calls wilh clienls and advisors
Sample documenls and documenl review
Arlicles and relerence malerial on advanced sales
lopics and issues
Direct Access to Lincoln Financial Group
Cuslomer Service
Competitive Services Group
Producl posilioning & promolion
High prolle case analysis
Vilal signs and company slrenglh inlormalion
lor producers who work in lhe corporale execulive
benells markel
Proprielary suile ol employer sponsored and privale
eslale plans
lncludes plan specilc illuslralion, documenlalion
and adminislralion
Field Orientation and Activation
Training exclusively provided lo new managing level
recruils doing business wilh Lincoln
Onsile lraining provided by Lincoln's CA Channel
aclivalion specialisl
Marketing Programs and Co-Branding
Access lo slale-ol-lhe-arl producl and markeling
programs and campaigns such as LileLlNC, PAP and
women and invesling
Cuslomizalion and co-branding available wilh your
company logo and conlacl inlormalion
For Financial Professional use only. Not for use with the public.
Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National
Corporation and its afliates. CRN201210-2072647

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