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Seora Conroy Course Statement and Classroom Guidelines GOALS Students will develop knowledge in the four language

acquisition skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking as well as cultural knowledge. EXPECTATIONS FOR SUCCESS Students are expected to exhibit behavior that is conductive to learning as follows (please refer to Student/Parent Handbook for more information): Be in class and on time (in seat when the bell rings) everyday. Follow classroom rules and procedures. Follow rules of courtesy and respect (Dont interrupt other students learning or my teaching) Participate actively and enthusiastically in all class activities. Bring all needed materials to class, and be prepared to work. Do homework daily. Take care of materials such as books and desk. Gum and food affect your accent and I dont like cleaning up after you. No food or gum is allowed in the classroom. That includes candy. You may have bottled water with a screw cap. Please do not bring toys, cell phones, hats, or make up to class. Your organized binder with all the materials should come everyday. If you cant find something when it is needed, you are wasting class time. Speak up for yourself. If you have troubles in my class let me know after school or in between classes. MATERIALS Students must bring the book and workbook to class as well as the following items: Binder with paper .(this will be collected periodically) Red pen, black or blue pen and pencil. Glue stick and scissors occasionally. Book and workbook. Plastic sheet protector, dry erase marker and paper napkin. GRADING All grades will be calculated into percentages and then translated into a letter grade. The quarter grades will be broken down as follows: Graded Assessments (Tests, quizzes and projects) 55% Homework 10% Class Participation (Individual, group and class work) 20%\ Final 15% The semester grade is cumulative. All scores and grades count. The grades you receive in the mail are progress reports that count toward the final semester grade. GRADE SCALE A+ A AB+ B B100 93-99 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 C+ C CD+ D D77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62

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EXAMS AND QUIZZES Exams and quizzes are done weekly. The content of the quiz or test is posted one week prior to the quiz on the board next to the door. Quizzes will be on Tuesdays. It is your responsibility to take any quiz or test missed. Make-ups for excused absences will be given at lunch when arranged or after school. You have a week to make up a test. Make-ups must be completed within one week of the excused absence. Make-ups will not be allowed for unexcused absences. Be aware that if the quiz is not taken in your progress report for that quiz will show a 0. EXTRA HELP Students are always encouraged to ask questions in class about anything they do not understand. If further individual help is needed it is best to ask after school. HOMEWOK Homework is important for success in this class!!! There will be assignments every day, and sometimes on Fridays. To receive credit for your work it must be ready and on your desk when the bell rings! Homework is to be done at home. Homework may include written exercises, making flashcards, conjugating verbs, preparing oral work, projects and the night before a quiz, study for the quiz. Homework is your responsibility!!! You should spend some time every night studying vocabulary. I will give credit for homework everyday but will collect it only on a random basis. You will receive a two week homework grade based on completing assignments and correcting them. No one is expected to do all the homework perfectly, but there is no excuse for leaving mistakes after we have corrected the assignment in class. Students are to use lined notebook paper. Paper torn from spiral bound notebooks is not acceptable for class work or homework. Students are responsible for correcting their own homework in class with a RED PEN ONLY. It is your responsibility to do any missing work and to be sure I have seen it and given you credit. Homework is extra important when you are absent! Late, illegible, and / or incomplete homework will not receive credit unless turned in again on the next day with a late homework pass. Look in the posted calendar for assignments when you are absent. Come to class with all possible make-up work done. If you miss class for field trips, athletics or other school activities, your work must be done on time!! It is a good idea to ask me for the work ahead of time or ask a friend to get it for you and/ or turn it in. When you return look in the back for any handouts you may have missed. They will be in the folders labeled with the name of your class. (ex. Sp 1) Study buddies ___________________ ___________________ Phone ________________ ________________ e-mail ____________ ____________

1. 2.

PARTICIPATION Your participation is a combination of class points, class work and class behavior. Students are assigned to new seats every three weeks. Every time you volunteer answers or participate in a positive way you get a point. Points are calculated at the end of every three week period. Every student is expected to have at minimum of 21 or a maximum of 30. Additional points can be earned at the end of the week with the raffle of boletos. Boletos are handed during each period for good behavior, dedication, good attitude towards peers, helpfulness towards others and willingness to do work. Anytime you are not on task you will lose points. This includes: not knowing where we are when called on, doing homework for another class, packing up early, and not working with your partner or group when appropriate, not having your books or materials. Other distractions which will be penalized are phones ringing, electronic games, etc. All should be well hidden in your backpack. Be a good partner! Complete all the partner and group activities to the best of your ability and help each other. Your classmates are one of your best sources. Put downs will result in loosing all your points. ATTENDANCE In order to be successful in learning Spanish, it is imperative that students attend every class and arrive promptly. Absences affect class participation and class work. Multiple absences will affect your participation and consequently lower your participation grade. Please be aware that taking off for a long period of time will cause you to miss the weekly quiz, the participation points and the homework. Extended vacations in the middle of the school year are not recommended. TARDIES A student is considered tardy if not inside the classroom when the bell rings. Only the students with passes will be allowed in once the door is closed. Students must take care of all personal business before the bell rings. (I.e. bathroom, counselors, pencil sharpening, etc.) MAKE-UP WORK Make-up is only available for EXCUSED absences. It is the students responsibility to obtain all needed handout as well as copy down missed homework assignments posted in the room. Please get assignments before class, after class so as not to interrupt teaching class time. Students will be given a number of days equal to their excused absence to turn in the assignment. If you are out on Wednesday your work should be done when you return on Friday.

CONSEQUENCES FOR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR Students are expected to behave in accordance to the school guidelines. Students that choose to disturb will be asked to come after school for detention or to leave the class. Some of the inappropriate behavior includes: Chewing gum, eating or drinking other than water. Yelling obscenities. Put downs Writing on desks, books, posters or walls and in general destroying school property. Throwing garbage on the floor. STUDENT MUST KEEP THIS COURSE STATEMENT AND CLASSROOM GUIDELINE IN THE FRONT OF THEIR SPANISH BINDER FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

In order to make your child success at school it is very important that parents/ guardians and teachers communicate when necessary. I read my email daily and reply to my emails. Please feel free to send emails if you want to inform me of anything regarding your child or if you have any questions. My email is Phone calls are Ok but they may disturb teaching time so if you prefer using the phone please call the main office and leave a message. (650) 550 74 00. I keep my grades updated weekly on Synergy.

Please sign and return: ________________________ Student signature __________________ Parent signature ___________ Date

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