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Public Housing in Overcrowd Area

An Assessment and Approach through Urban Physics

Beta Paramita
*, Hiroatsu Fukuda
, endy Perdana !hidmat
Doctoral researcher,
Master Student
The University of Kitakyushu, 808-01!, 1-1 "ibikino #aka$atsu-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, %a&an
"ompact city is not a new concept, somehow in #outh$east Asia which contain many densely cities it had already become
a compact city which promotes relatively high residential density with mi%ed land uses, though rather only in its
population and density& 'he vertical housing then become a matter o( necessity in high density area which the building
groups itsel( at urban scales signi(icantly consume energy making building mass and (orm as a relevant research (ocus&
'he utopia o( compact city in the developing country brings (lats as a main actor to contribute its role to create living
com(ort in a dense area& 'he assessment o( (lats is going to give description o( building (orm typology o( its orientation,
building height, width and space between them& 'here(ore this paper addresses the role o( urban physics in the study o(
outdoor thermal com(ort with wind, temperature and humidity&
Key'ords( compact city, dense area, urban physics
1 Introduction
)n *+,+, it is predicted that -,&+,. o( total world population will inhabited in developing country& O( the
urban population, (or every one person now living in cities in developed countries, there are two in the cities
o( the developing world& /ithin 0+years this proportion is predicted to rise to 123, indicating that 4+. o( the
growth in urbanisation will be in developing countries& )ndonesia with *05&-31&0*- inhabitants placed the
(ourth populous country in the world, with total land 1&4+3&,-4km* and contain o( 15&,+6 islands bringing on
)ndonesia as the largest archipelago country in the world& 7istribution o( population in the 03 provinces is
spread unevenly, there are big gap in economic growth, education 8uality and (acilities between 9ava as a
main island in )ndonesia with other islands, its centrali:ation o( development in main cities cause migration
(rom rural to urban& )t led to a striking level o( population density between the cities on 9ava with the city
* "orresponding author
)-$ail address2 betaparamita;gmail&com< (ukuda;kitakyu$u&ac&=p
Presented at High 7ensity and >iving "om(ort<
an )nternational #ymposium on contemporary re8uirements o( dense housing areas
'echnische Universit?t @ra:, Austria *1$*0 Aarch *+10
outside 9ava, with only -&65. o( total )ndonesiaCs land mass, but ,5&*,. o( total population are live in this
area& 'he stacking o( population positively a((ect to urban congestion, most o( city in 9ava have density more
than 1+&+++ peoplesBkm*& Dertical settlement then become the necessity in the high and limited land price in
the downtown, surrounded by mi%ed land use, this settlement is possible to contribute its role as a main actor
to create compact city, by reducing movement between Elive and workC
)n a wider sense, sustainable cities are a matter o( density& 7ensity and dwelling type a((ect sustainability
through di((erences in the consumption o( energy< materials< and land (or housing, transportation, and urban
in(rastructure& "ompare to detached house, vertical house< such as (lats, apartment or condominium looks so
promising to answer the limited land, also mi% together with other (unction as a compact city& A((ordable high
rise settlement then becomes one o( the big pro=ect in many cities in )ndonesia, in order to replace overcrowd
area inside o( the ring o( down town& Based on previous research, overcrowd area in Bandung are congested
with inappropriate physical condition, in their si:e, shape, scale, density, land use, open space and lack o(
in(rastructure (acilities are easy to (ind in the pocket o( a central business district& Aeanwhile, in other
research it is (ound that high rise settlement consumes 1+ times energy compared to detached house, mid$rise
and low$rise settlement also town houseBvilla & @iven this conte%t, this paper will investigate the current
condition o( urban physics o( vertical settlement in Bandung by (ocusing on di((erent degree o( orientation,
building height and space between buildings& 'he discussion is limited to the daytime outdoor climatic
condition& Urban Physics is a well$established discipline, incorporating relevant branches o( physics,
environmental chemistry, aerodynamics, meteorology and statistics& 'here(ore, Urban Physics is well
positioned to provide key$contributions to the e%isting urban problems and challenges& 'he present paper
addresses the role o( Urban Physics in the study o( wind com(ort and thermal com(ort&
2 Object Study
Bandung is located in -F,3G,0&+6H# and 1+5F0-G0,&0*HI, 5-6 meters J*,,*+ (t&K above sea level< this geographical
position lies in tropical humid monsoon climate& 7ue to its elevation, climate in Bandung is cooler than
most )ndonesian cities and can be classi(ied as humid< the average temperature is *0&-F" J53&,FFK throughout the
year& 'he wet season con(orms with other )ndonesian regions, around Lovember to April
Bandung is chosen as a case study, this city is the second largest metropolitan area in )ndonesia, a(ter 9akarta&
'he population growth rate in Bandung (rom *++, to *+1+ are reported 1&1,. , the population, density and
overcrowd area could be seen as the (igure below 2

Fig 1& JaK and JbK 'he (inding didnCt meet correlation between population and densityBkm*< JcK but the amount o( population in one
area has signi(icant correlation with the physical condition Jurban (ormK o( area&

)n the previous research (ound there is no positive correlation between density and overcrowd area, as seen as
the (igure above, the most overcrowd village (ound in "ibeunying area, meanwhile the highest population is
in 'egal >ega area and the most densely area is in !arees& 'his condition occurred because "ibeunying is a
centre o( (acilities and in(rastructure o( Bandung< education, o((ice, healthcare and government in this area
Jsee >and use at (ig&*K& 'he ne%t picture is the governmentMs strategic plan to provide a((ordable, this is one o(
governmentMs medium$term program in , years J*+1+$*+1,K to relocate the overcrowd areas around
Fig *& JaK Bandung #patial >and$use plan *+1+$*+0+< JbK 'he spread o( (lats in Bandung
'he , (lats as sample had picked, namely2 usun #ari=adi< usun Pharmindo< usun UP)< usun "ingised and
usun "igugur&
ed planning
Sample (5)
3 Method
,1 -ssess$ent of Urban .or$
Building density has an intricate relationship with urban morphology< it plays an important role in the shaping
o( urban (orm& For instance, di((erent combinations o( plot ratio and site coverage will mani(est into a variety
o( di((erent built (orms& )n a similar vein, urban developments o( the same density can e%hibit very di((erent
urban (orms& )n the (ace o( rapid urbani:ation, the relationship between building density and urban (orm has
attracted wide interest& @rowing pressure o( land scarcity as a conse8uence o( increasing urban population has
initiated e%tensive investigation on the spatial bene(it o( multi$story buildings& Mathematical and geometrical
analyses have been conducted to address the issue, particularly concerning the relationships between building
height, plot ratio, site coverage and solar obstruction (Gropius, 1935; Becett, 19!"; #egal, 19$!; Martin and
March, 19%"; &vans, 19%3; 'avidovich, 19$() & 'he vary o( urban (orm o( vertical settlement in Bandung,
will be assessed through urban physics& 'he present paper addresses the role o( urban physics in the study o(
outdoor thermal com(ort& 'hus here, the (ollowing parameters o( urban spatial (orm were analysed2
,1,1 Urban /anyon
'he urban canyon, which is a simpli(ied rectangular vertical pro(ile o( in(inite length, has been widely
adopted in urban climatology as the basic structural unit (or describing a typical urban open space, i&e& (iltered
(rom irrelevant nonclimatic aspects& From these studies, basic knowledge on street microclimate was
gathered Je&g& Lune:, A& N Oke, '& 1455, Hussain, A& N >ee, B& I& 146+, Oke, '& 1461, Lakamura, O& N Oke,
'& 1466, Oke, '& 1466, 'odhunter, P& I& 144+, Ooshida, A& et al& 144+$1441, #antamouris, A& et al& 1444,
Asimakopoulos, 7& L& et al& *++1, Arn(ield, 9& *++0, Bourbia, F& N Awbi, H& B& *++3K
Urban canyon will calculate as the ratio o( building heightBstreet width, like the (igure shown below

Fig 0 urban canyon as the ratio o( HB/
T0 1 2 "1 3 4 # 516
T0 7 2 "* 3 4 # 5*6
,1,* Plot ratio or .loor -rea 8atio 5.-86
Plot ratio is the ratio o( total gross (loor area o( a development to its site area& 'he gross (loor area usually
takes into account the entire area within the perimeter o( the e%terior walls o( the building, which includes the
thickness o( internal and e%ternal walls, stairs, service ducts, li(t sha(ts, all circulation spaces, and so on &
FA will be calculated as2
Total floor area of the buildin0 56
Total -rea of urban block
,1, Site /overa0e
#ite coverage represents the ratio o( the building (ootprint area to its site area& 'here(ore, site coverage is
a measure o( the proportion o( the site area covered by the building &
#ite coverage will be calculated as2
Total base floor area 9 4 &ave covera0e : 100; 5+6
Total area of urban block
,1,+ <e0etation cover ratio
"over is an important vegetation and hydrologic characteristic& "over is generally re(erred to as the
percentage o( ground sur(ace covered by vegetation& However, numerous de(initions e%ist& )t can be e%pressed
in absolute terms Js8uare metersBhectaresK but is most o(ten e%pressed as a percentage& )n this paper, the
de(inition and type o( cover measures is de(inite as (oliar cover which is the area o( ground covered by the
vertical pro=ection o( the aerial portions o( the plants& Foliar cover measure a vertical pro=ection o( e%posed
lea( area& 'he cover would e8ual the shadow cast i( the sun was directly overhead& #ome condition remaining
about this coverage are 2
1& #mall openings in the canopy or overlap within the plant are e%cluded&
*& Highly susceptible to yearly (luctuations due to climatic or biotic (actors&
Plot Istimate 'echni8ues are using to get (oliar cover, and will be calculated as 2
Total &lot esti$ate foliar or cano&y cover : 100; 5!6
Total area of urban block
,1,! =uildin0 Surface -rea ratio
'he sur(ace area to volume J#BDK ratio Jthe three dimensional e%trapolation o( the perimeter to area ratioK is
an important (actor determining heat loss and gain& 'he greater the sur(ace area the more the heat gainB loss
through it, there(ore small #BD ratios imply minimum heat gain and minimum heat loss&
Building sur*ace area will calculate as +
Total surface area (6)
Fig& 3 Building sur(ace area ratio
,* Measure$ent
'he data collection (or the ob=ect study it sel( was done in 9une *+1*, this month is the highest o( sun position
toward earth, with the shortest daytime J11h 0+minK& Aeasurement per(ormed on three di((erent weather days
within cloudy, rainy and sunny at open space, shaded area and trasitional area& 'he obtained data are
temperature, humidity, and wind speed& esults o( these measurements will be used as an input data to
determine the PAD and 'mrt Jmean radiant temperatureK through ILD)$met simulation&
, Microcli$ate Si$ulation
A number o( simulations are using ILD)$met BI'A,, it revealed to be a good tool (or the prognosis o( the
urban microclimate changes within urban areas, and also in the assessment o( outdoor com(ort through a
satis(actory estimation o( the mean radiant temperature & 'he urban (orm o( the ob=ect study will be assessed
by this simulation, and reveal the value o( PAD and 'mrt which correspond to the levels o( thermal stress&
'he mean radiant temperature JA'K is de(ined as the uni(orm temperature o( an imaginary enclosure in
which the radiant heat trans(er (rom the human body is e8ual to the radiant heat trans(er in the actual non$
uni(orm enclosure& A' also has a strong in(luence on thermophysiological com(ort inde%es such as
predicted mean vote JPADK& Aeanwhile, the Predicted Aean Dote JPADK re(ers to a thermal scale that runs
(rom "old J$0K to Hot JS0K, originally developed by Fanger and later adopted as an )#O standard&
4 Result
+,1 Urban S&atial .or$
Based on the characteristic o( spatial (orm o( urban block this sampels are divided into 2
Paralel Plot )nterspersed Plot #8uare Plot
+,* Urban .or$ -ssess$ent
Flats H/W FAR
usun UP) 1&- 1&10 00. 15&*,. +&1,
usun "igugur ,&,, +&4* 1,&1,. 4&3-. +&035
usun "ingised 0&-5 +&5-, 15&45. 1&66. +&1*3
usun Pharmindo +&-1 1&1+0 **&63. +&-3. +&13*
usun P'7) *&50 1&+6 *6&44. 6&40. +&035
+, Microcli$ate at Street level
Fig& ,& 'he Field Aeasurement 7ata
'he measurement result above strengthened the previous study, that street geometry has an important e((ect
on the urban climate, modi(ying the ground sur(ace temperature as well as the temperature o( the air directly
above it & 'he Aean adiant 'emperature JA'K is one o( the key indices a((ecting thermal com(ort&
+,+ )A<B-$et Si$ulation
ILD)$met is used to calculate the microclimate and air 8uality in urban structure and open space which its
physical (undamentals are based on the principles o( (luid mechanics Jwind (ieldK, thermodynamics
Jcalculation o( temperatureK and the laws o( atmospheric physics Je&g& prognosis o( turbulenceK, and taken
during the hottest day
& 'he pattern o( 'mrt and PAD (rom ILD)$met simulation are choosen by the highest
air temperature (or each location and shown at (igure below 2
Fig& -& ILD)$met simulation reveal the 'mrt and PAD value at the critical hours on the highest temperature
% &onclusion
From the simulation, the critical hours, date, temperature, humidity and wind speed, the mean radian
temperature and PAD value shown at (ig&
Flat '(rt )M"
usun UP) 0+&-5 $ 5+&** T" 1&-1 N 3&30
usun "igugur 01&0 $50&*6 T" 1&56 N ,&-*
usun P'7) 0,&65 N 5+&0- T" 0&01 N 5&1+
usun Pharmindo 0*&,0 N -0&41 T" 0&4- N 5&,4
usun "ingised 0-&65 N 5*&10 T" 0&1- N ,&4-
Both o( 'mrt and PAD value shown, that urban (orm o( usun UP) has the range o( PAD value (rom slightly
warm until hot, this is (ollowed by usun "igugur with the wider range o( hot value& From ILD)$met
simulation, the urban (orm o( usun P'7), Pharmindo, these (lats do not meet the re8uirements o( thermal
com(ort o( outdoor space& Positive correlation between the value o( PAD and 'mrt with elements o( urban
(orm which is shown by the results o( measurement and simulation that vegetation ratio is the most signi(icant
role in shaping the thermal com(ort& 'he high o( (loor area ratio signi(icantly in(luence the sur(ace area ratio
which is imply minimum heat gain and minimum heat loss
* Ac+no,led!(ent
Authors would like to thanks to #ustainable Use o( /ater and esources J#U/K o( !itakyushu University to
support the research and )ndonesian 7@HI J7irectorate @eneral o( Higher IducationK o( )ndonesia Ainister
o( Iducation (or the scholarship, also to )ndonesia University o( Iducation JUP)K where the (irst author work&
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