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PARTY QUADRA EDA IN ORDER TO PROTECT OUR MEMBERS AND AGENTS FROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY BY COLLECTING AND REMITTING A SALES TA ON OUR GOODS AND SERVICES FROM! T"e M#$%&'#(# P#$)* Q'#+$# EDA ,E-e.)/$#- D%0)$%.) A00/.%#)%/(1 pressed by Marc Boyer, The CFO of this EDA and Party Whip for the Marijuana Party contact information increation!etrust"#mai$%com and or &''()'*')'+,-. /mmediate concerns that arise from openin# our ne! Party 0EAD1uarters '*( E 0astin#s, 2ancou3er BC%



TW/MC 4 We are for!ardin# this to 5is6 Mana#ement The Mayor7s Office and City Counci$ and 2ancou3er 8e#a$ Department City P$anners and City Fire Department Chief and the Chief of Po$ice, P$ease fee$ free to circu$ate and respond on short $ea3e% The initia$ function of this offer is to #et the City to appoint a ne#otiator or a #roup of ne#otiators in order to proceed 1uic6$y !ith fina$i9in# a short p$ain $an#ua#e contract that pro3ides a !ays and means to stop the 0arpster re#ime from ree6in# ha3oc on our community, from the rea$ imminent threats to a$$ our fundamenta$ Freedoms that are bein# attac6ed, by those o3ert po!ers contained in s):: of the CD;A%


ON THE ATTACHED 42PAGE OFFER AND THE ATTACHED 142PAGE ARTICLES OF OUR EDA T"e 3%$0) 424#5e0 #$e /')-%(%(5 )"e 3#.) )"#)! it7s 3ery easy to estab$ish the foundation to start payin# a sa$es ta<, and !e accept that short$y thereafter some pro3incia$ body $i6e a BC Cannabis Board, !i$$ be set up, and that7s because, once !e create 7a reco#ni9ed medica$ form7 means the pro3ince can no! underta6e the administration of !hat is an unfettered ri#ht to administer our hea$th issues% Fran6$y, !e accept this to be the ne<t $o#ica$ step in positi3e $a! and our basic function here is to acce$erate !hen this happens, by pushin# this en3e$op% O( /'$ EDA60 A$)%.-e0 /3 be-%e3! / accept that !e may share the same foe, and e1ua$$y so, i accept that my 3ie!s on se3era$ fronts are 3ery radica$ compared !ith any position the City can support and or endorse% B=T then these artic$es are tota$$y po$itica$ in nature therefore not re$e3ant to our abi$ity to contract !ith each other% These artic$es c$ear$y sho! that / simp$y ha3e no respect for Mr% 0arper, and as party !hip for the Marijuana Party, i simp$y can and do refuse to #i3e any impression that this man is nothin# but a per3ert of the $a!, !ho is at face 3a$ue repeatin# !hat 0it$er did in order to rid himse$f of his ad3ersaries, A>D that means i don7t care ho! po$itica$$y incorrect my opinions are, because e3eryone in our cannabis cu$ture is about to be made a s$a3e, if someone $i6e me does not act% One benefit of bein# the Party Whip is that it ma6es me into bein# the 7reco#ni9ed barrister7 for the Marijuana Party of Canada that can defend our 5=B5/C by standin# under these artic$es% This means there7s no e<cuse $a!yers can communicate !ith me in order to reach an understandin#


a% Our ?uadra EDA can and is formin# an A#ency in our EDA , and operate it under the E$ection Act% under federa$ jurisdiction, /n fact, our EDA itse$f is an umbre$$a A#ency that or#ani9es many pro3incia$ Co) op A#encies, and !ith this structure of ha3in# one centra$ federa$ A#ency &$i6e !e are structurin#. #reat$y simp$ifies the abi$ity of a City to ne#otiate a contract on beha$f of a$$ these City pro3incia$ Co)op A#encies% -% CA2EAT What7s a City pro3incia$ Co)op A#ency@ /t7s function is to pro3ide a $e#a$ !ays and means to or#ani9e the members of one dispensary, inside our EDA, Each participatin# Co)op dispensary !i$$ ha3e its o!n pro3incia$ Co)op A#ency that is formed for and by their pri3ate c$ub members, A>D this structure is necessary because these pro3incia$ Co)ops can on$y faci$itate a pri3ate members structure and it must $imit its membership to those !ho 1ua$ify to meet certain medica$ standards, A>D a federa$ Party simp$y cannot $imit its membership to just the sic6, so !e had to #et creati3e% A% The contract that the Co)op Dispensary si#ns is not direct$y !ith our EDA, it7s actua$$y !ith its o!n members !ho be$on# to this Pro3incia$ Co)op A#ency A>D these Co)op A#ency contract our EDA to be the Centra$ A#ency that is a basic accountin# office for these Co)op A#encies% To put in 3ery basic terms ) our EDA or#ani9es and protects rea$ human bein#s A>D the Co)op A#ency or#ani9es and protects the corporations that ser3ice the prescribed needs of our members !ho ho$d a prescription% B% When other nei#hbourin# Cities !ant dispensaries, means our EDA simp$y forms a >orth 2ancou3er co)op A#ency in our EDA &for e<amp$e. to accept simi$ar terms as 2ancou3er or the EDA for that City can ne#otiate their o!n set of contracts !ith any municipa$ity in that EDAs territoria$ boundaries 1. 0%+eb#$ /( )"e0e 4/%()0 2ancou3er has $ot of EDAs in it7s boundaries and >orth 2an EDA has $ots of sma$$ municipa$ities in its boundaries% Our EDA can accept to contract !ith a nei#hbourin# municipa$ity B=T fran6$y our EDA cannot &or is it !i$$ not. offer to be an A#ency in 2ictoria &for e<amp$e. because it7s too far a!ay to proper$y administer and protect security of transactions and rif$in# concerns, especia$$y% On this We !i$$ assist any EDA to set up their A#ency, but !e !i$$ not o3er)e<tend our EDAs rea$ inabi$ity to #et too bi# andCor proper$y mana#e at a distance% b% =pon readin# the attached artic$es of our EDA7s be$iefs, you !i$$ see that !e can do a$$ of this under Freedom of Contract, in order to offer a $e3e$ of protection that7s unheard of, by c$e3er$y app$yin# positi3e $a! -% /n the past, the CFO of our ?uadra EDA has been accused by the Cro!n many times of operatin# 3ery sophisticated operations A>D that7s a $e#a$ term for 7!e$$ thou#ht out, and structura$$y or#ani9ed A>D i 6eepin# $oosin# the batt$e% because of the tota$ abuse of ;ec -A, CC, and Orders in Counci$% -% / 6no! &that in theory. our EDA defence of attractin# socia$ and po$itica$ participation under Freedom of E<pression and Freedom of Contract is bu$$et)proof, but re#rettab$y, !e are not% -% / 6no! for a fact that this City and the Pro3ince of BC !ants a !ays and means to stop the 0arpster re#ime from ta6in# this hu#e po!er)#rab that s):: of the CD;A is underta6in# A% The beauty of this entire initiati3e is that !e find out !hether !e can do this BEFO5E !e start B% This path, !e are pursuin# is easi$y the most Peacefu$ !ay possib$e to affect #enuine reform% A% We are actua$$y actin# on ta6in# this #ood ad3ice% >AME8D 'if you can't beat them, then join them'% in order to belong in 'a legal entity' that stands before and under the ;upremacy of Par$iament% -% We can de$i3er rea$ Constitutiona$ benefits, for our a#ents and members, $i6e enter into contract !ith The City of 2ancou3er% We actua$$y can co$$ect and remit a sa$es ta< on our cannabis% A% This sa$es ta< that our A#ency is offerin# &a$$ by itse$f. is tens of mi$$ions of do$$ars of re3enue for this City, and mi$$ions more in $icense fees and permits for the City and pro3inces per year% B% A>D fran6$y e3en after this sa$es ta< and fees are $e3ied, shou$d sti$$ resu$t in no rea$ price increase on our medicine 4 in fact, there rea$$y is no reason for there not to be a $o!er price for our #oods and ser3ices than most members are present$y payin#, because the #ro!in# of cannabis can come out of under#round #ro! ops This !i$$ 1uic6$y resu$t !here the competiti3e ad3anta#es of ne! $e#itimate hi#h tech #reenhouses &that can #ro! better cannabis. !i$$ surface and rep$ace the ener#y intensi3e under#round #ro!)ops, but that7s another issue for another day B% BOTTOM LINE! We are offerin# a $e#a$ !ays and means for the cannabis industry to surface and be a si#nificant asset to any community that $e#itimi9es income rather than cost a fortune to po$ice

ON SHOWING HOW WE BUILT IN OUR CONTRACTS, CONSIDERATION THAT BENEFIT THE CITY +% /n order to faci$itate a contract !ith a City has resu$ted in p$acin# many thin#s in our set of contracts that are there to not create a conf$ict !ith !hat a City can do and shou$d not do in order to a3oid $iabi$ity% As i see it, our EDA cannot offer to pay ta<es to a City, if !e cannot reso$3e the issue of ha3in# a 7reco#ni9ed form7 that app$ies to a$$ our members, A>D e1ua$$y so, a City cannot enter into an a#reement !ith our EDA !ithout ha3in# a standardi9ed medica$ p$atform for a$$ our members% :% The $ac6 of a uniform standard in ho! the present dispensary had to set up their prescriptions, and this means the City simp$y cannot enter into a contract !ith our EDA !ithout a uniform standard that the City needs in order to be ab$e to confirm that they are #ettin# a ta< from someone !ho meets the criteria that is set by this City ) Fran6$y, it7s a$ready in p$aceE Coasta$ 0ea$th a$ready has a minimum standard set that they prescribe to fo$$o! before they si#n any dispensary7s documentation that the patients !ants them to si#n% A>D fran6$y, this 7reco#ni9ed medica$ standard7 is necessary in order to create the foundation to 'form this into a medical issue' that stops it from bein# a federa$ crime% -% As i see it, The City !i$$ #i3e us this form in order to #et tens of mi$$ions of ta< re3enue per year % A% Then there7s the practica$ity of ha3in# A*,*** e<istin# members of 2ancou3er Dispensaries a$$ needin# to #o to Coasta$ 0ea$th for a medica$ c$earance% This bott$e nec6 can be easi$y bypassed by inter3ie!in# the top A* doctors !ho si#ned off on (* to F*G of these Dispensary forms, and conc$ude that they met or e3en e<ceeded the standard set by Coasta$ 0ea$th therefore any and a$$ their past doctor7s notes !i$$ be automatica$$y accepted, and this bott$e nec6 e3aporates% B% And e3eryone !ho joins our EDA rea$$y benefits from stoppin# the immediate threat of the 0arpster re#ime from scre!in# us !ith their Martia$ 8a! tactics, by just 'recognizing this issue' ,% Our EDA7s contract !ith the City is actua$$y 3ery short BECA=;E our A#ency rea$$y on$y has one stipu$ation >AME8D Our EDA A#ency !i$$ #$ad$y co$$ect and remit a sa$es ta< on #oods and ser3ices, in return for reco#ni9in# and issuin# a standardi9ed form to our City pro3incia$ Co)op members, A>D in this !ay, the City !i$$ a#ree to chan#e nothin#, because !e actua$$y can $i3e !ith the po$itics of ho! the City re#u$ates these dispensaries, We basica$$y are respectin# ho! the City present$y treats our Dispensaries, !ho comp$y !ith the e<istin# status 1uo% ) E<cept the City can no! e<pect these Dispensaries to re#ister their members to conform !ith this prescribed infra)structure that protects e3eryone in3o$3ed from prosecution, by simp$y fo$$o!in# the ru$es and re#u$ations of these contracts% -% The City no! #ets tens of mi$$ions of do$$ars in sa$es ta<, instead of the present system that costs the City mi$$ions of do$$ars for City 0a$$ to administer% The po$ice sa3e mi$$ions in street costs and court costs, because it7s so easy to enforce the first A 1uestions any street cop as6s >AME8D Can you sho! me your membership card@ Then, sho! me your Co)op receipt for those #oods@ -% A$$ traffic6in# offences !i$$ essentia$$y become ta< e3asion char#es that are strai#ht for!ard and easy to prosecute and a#ain !ith rea$$y $o! court cost to administer, and these ta< court con3ictions a$ready ha3e stiffer sentence structures than the CD;A #ets no!% A% There are a$$ 6inds of benefits that come from this process that in $a! is ca$$ed C/2/8/HAT/O>% '% W"#) (ee+0 )/ be 4/%()e+ /') %0 )"%0! Our EDA contract structure in desi#ned to rea$$y protect human bein#s, because it can re#ister e3eryone in its contract structure &!ho 1ua$ify. to be $isted as registered federal agents. The 0arpster re#ime !i$$ simp$y find it ne<t to impossib$e to char#e anyone in a Co)op Dispensary andCor in their Iro!)ops, !hen they are our registered federal agents (% Our set of Contracts that the pro3incia$ A#ency prescribes to, rea$$y are desi#ned Cstructured to protect the corporation ca$$ed Co)op Dispensary and the Co)op Act has $ots of !ays and means to $e#a$$y protects a contract) #ro!erJsK by prescribin# to a basic contract that is 3ery easy to enforce% F% BOTTOM LINE! We can pro3e that the pen is mi#htier than the s!ord by bein# in a Ci3i$ ;ociety, and it a$$ renders do!n to Wi$$ the City act ci3i$$y &andCor. the courts act ci3i$$y, &andCor. the po$ice act ci3i$$y, when the Harpster acts uncivilly? We a$$ ha3e nothin# to $ose BECA=;E the 0arpster re#ime has a$ready assumed that they ha3e ta6en e3erythin# ca$$ed basic Freedom a!ay% Our ri#hts !ere incrementa$$y ta6en a!ay across a fe! #enerations and there rea$$y is no !ay to incrementa$$y restore them 4 It's a 'take it all or bust' satisfaction that evolves from a process called C/2/8/HAT/O>

ON PRESENTING MORE DETAIL ON OUR CONTRACT STRUCTURES7 PREAMBLE! This set of contracts that !e created adhere to the L/;; princip$e keep it simple stupid, ON OUR EDA CONTRACT WITH THE CITY! -% Our EDA is a Federa$ A#ency that is rea$$y pushin# the en3e$op, by enjoyin# rea$ Constitutiona$ benefits from Freedom of Contract% Our EDA has A functions J-K As a federa$ A#ency our EDA can ne#otiate a contract !ith any City, JAK because under Freedom of E<pression our EDA actua$$y has a duty that e<tends to protectin# our be$iefs that the majority in po!er thin6 are !ron# of fa$se A% /n order to rea$$y ma6e this easy, !e ha3e reduced the function of our EDA to bein# a basic sma$$ accountin# office that has basica$$y one main function >AME8D the co$$ectin# and remittin# of a sa$es ta<, for a hundred or so $oca$ dispensaries, !ith just a basic computer accountin# pro#ram -% S%+eb#$ /( )"%0 4/%()! A bi# security asset that our EDA A#ency is offerin# is to appoint a fu$$ time certified Cbonded accountant as our Chief a#ent, and in this !ay our EDA A#ency rea$$y can defend that e3eryone !ho operates under our EDA is protected because it7s 7prescribed by $a!%7 B% Our EDA has a simp$e contract !ith the City because !e on$y ha3e one function, A>D e1ua$$y so, the contract that the City dra!s up !ith our EDA cannot be comp$icated, because !e on$y ha3e one function, This contract !i$$ main$y be about !hen and ho! the payments are transferred% -% O( )"%0! Constitutiona$$y, the City cannot te$$ our EDA !hat to do, because !e are in different jurisdictions, and e1ua$$y so, !e actua$$y cannot te$$ the City ho! to run the affairs of the City% A% Our EDA7s mandate is to protect e3ery human bein# under our contracts, A>D this #oa$ does not conf$ict !ith this City7s desire to find a Peacefu$ so$ution to the 0arpster7s s):: po!er #rab% B% A>D fran6$y our offer to pay a City sa$es ta<, for#es friendships, and a$$ies in po!erfu$ p$aces% +% We respect that because !e ho$d simi$ar interests that a 3erba$ understandin# is a$$ our EDA needs and fran6$y a$$ this City Counci$ can offer, because 'it really is a political issue'% A>D :% Putting political issues in contract is a almost impossible, so, !e don7t !ant a codified code of po$itics, and therefor, the City does not need one, !hen the terms of our Contract are so easy Please take this money, and in return we give you better tools to properly administer what clearly falls in the ity's jurisdiction, >AME8D the day to day administrati3e duties that come a$on# !ith comp$yin# !ith the BC Co)op Act% We actua$$y can $i3e !ith ho! the City interprets its scope of duties and responsibi$ities, because they rea$$y appear to be !or6in#, and !e accept that !ith this City Ta<, the City is bein# Constitutiona$$y empo!ered by this mandate, to protect our ri#hts% ,% FRAN8LY %)60 #-- #b/') 4/-%)%.0! A$$ our EDA in essence can offer is to pro3ide happy 3oters and s!in# A* to +* thousand 3otes their !ay, in the ne<t e$ections, and everyone knows the only solution to this war on cannabis is a political solution &A>D that7s e<act$y !hat !e are offerin#. '% Our Federa$ A#ency can contract !ith the City in order to benefit the City pro3incia$ Co)op A#ency% Our contract !ith these pro3incia$ Co)op A#encies !i$$ be 3ery simi$ar to ho! the City dea$s !ith dispensaries &at arm7s $en#th. because a Federa$ A#ency simp$y cannot interfere !ith ho! a pro3incia$ Co)op A#ency or dispensary runs its day to day affairs% A88 !e need to 6no!n is that !e ha3e a basic contract that our Federa$ A#ency prescribes to, in order to ha3e a proper boo6 6eepin# structure that comp$ies !ith our contract !ith the City% &under the L/;; princip$e. (% This pro3incia$ Co)op A#ency &under Freedom of Contract. a#rees to contract !ith our EDA A#ency, because these Co)ops &under present $e#is$ation. cannot $e#a$$y pay a sa$es ta< direct$y% -% A>D, our EDA !i$$ #$ad$y step aside, !hen these dispensaries direct$y pay sa$es ta<, because this means our industry is ta6in# the ne<t $o#ica$ step to!ards fu$$ $e#a$i9ation A% F5A>L8D The on$y !ay around !hat !e are see6in# to do, is for the pro3ince to form a BC CA>>AB/; BOA5D, and f$at out rip us off of our abi$ity to #et a AG O55 transaction fee% -% B=T then a#ain, !e !ou$d #$ad$y accept that as the fu$fi$ment of our EDA7s mandate% A% B=T the po!er contained in bein# a 'recognized federal agent' of an EDA !i$$ create a $ife of its o!n% /t7s not just ta6in# a cat out of the ba#, it7s dra##in# out a Constitutiona$ $ion% -% i7m doin# my best to pro3e Mar#aret Meed !as ri#ht, by acceptin# that real change might only be possible, when Peacefully done by a small group of dedicated people%

ON OUR CONTRACT WITH THESE PROVINCIAL CO2OP AGENCIES +% Our EDA contract !ith the City is a$$ about remittin# and security concerns that arise from co$$ectin# a City sa$es Ta< that a pro3incia$ Co)op A#ency a#rees to transfers to our EDA poo$% &a#ain under a rea$$y basic one)function contract /t is easy to !rite and easy to fo$$o!, therefore easy to understand. :% This contract !ith the Co)op A#ency is a#ain another 3ery simp$e contract that 7prescribes a !ays and means7 to accept our standard computer pro#ram that operates a debit card accountin# system -% This contract !i$$ a$so e<press$y codify a$$ the imp$ied ri#hts that occur by combinin# the ;ocieties Act !ith the E$ection Act that protect the members, Co)op Dispensary emp$oyees and #ro!ers% A% On this point This A#ency can contract !ith their Dispensary, in order to enter into a ne! socio) po$itica$ e<periment that creates Cestab$ishes a structura$$y better infrastructure to do business% Forgive my bluntness BUT that7s e<act$y !hat the Co)op Act is supposed to offer and protect% B% Our federa$ A#ency is prescribin# a !ays and means for a pro3incia$ A#ency to pay sa$es ta< -% A$$ the acti3ity of administerin# our set of prescribed contracts are bein# underta6en by pro3incia$ Co)ops and fran6$y the City and the pro3ince are a$so under the BC ;ocieties Act ,% The City a$ready 6no!s ho! to administer Dispensaries, they 6no! ho! to dea$ !ith MMA5 and MMP5 #ro!ers, A>D fran6$y the reason !e are offerin# a ta< is because !e !ant to empo!er the City% We accept that the City a$ready is the best and most po!erfu$ a$$y our $oca$ industry can #et, in order to stop the 0arpster re#ime from imp$ementin# Martia$ 8a! &under s):: of the CD;A.% '% What !e are contractua$$y creatin# is a set of measures, !here the members of a Co)op Dispensary actua$$y are protected 7by ho$din#7 !hat amounts to 7prescribin#7 to fo$$o! our contract !ith this City, &under ;ec - of the Charter. Our EDA, the pro3ince and City are 7prescribed by $a!7 !ith the duty to protect our medica$ ri#hts, from this tota$ abuse of federa$ po!er contained in s):: of the CD;A% -% /t7s an offence un6no!n to man to benefit from Democracy in order to protect our erodin# ri#hts to fundamenta$ Freedoms that Mohn 8oc6e codified in order to abo$ish s$a3ery B** years a#o% (% As soon as our pro3incia$ A#ency accepts 'a recognized medical form from this City', means our a#ents and members are 'prescribed with rights' in a$$ B jurisdictions &federa$, pro3incia$ and city. -% A>D it rea$$y is 7the issuing of a recognized form from the ity' that actua$$y is the foundation of a $e#a$ !ays and means to protect our ina$ienab$e human ri#hts, under Freedom of Contract IN CONCLUSION! F% Our federa$ EDA is ci3i$$y creatin# a trap, !here the pro3ince can rec$aim the Constitutiona$ ri#hts to contro$ and treat our hea$th 7issues7 as an unfettered pro3ince matter, under the ru$e of $a! -% A>D in this !ay the CD;A simp$y must bac6 off from enforcin# cannabis issues as crimina$ federa$ matters, and that7s easi$y accomp$ished by endin# the root of a$$ this hypocrisy, !hich happens by simp$y ta6in# this p$ant off the CD;A7s ;chedu$e - >arcotics Contro$ 8ist, and $ea3e the prosecutions of traffic6ers of cannabis to be administered as a Ta< e3asion matter% A% Our pro3incia$ Co)ops ri#hts to re#u$ate and contro$ e<istin# pro3incia$ Constitutiona$ #uarantees to administer are a$ready enshrined as bein# Constitutiona$$y sound% This means the return to normati3e order, because it reco#ni9es this notion that the Feds ha3e #one !ay o3er board !ith !ith their crimina$ po!er)#rab, contained in those Martia$ 8a! pro3isions of s):: of the CD;A -*% /n our Canadian Constitution, 0ea$th 7issues7 ha3e a$!ays been pro3incia$ 7matters7% A>D 0ea$th Canada thru this corporation ca$$ed the CD;A ha3e #radua$$y stripped e3ery ordinary resident of our fundamenta$ Freedoms% /t7s se$f e3ident that the 0arpster re#ime has $ost a$$ respect for CanadaE by insistin# that he can start to se$ecti3e$y ens$a3e his o!n peop$e, $i6e 0it$er did, by definin# his ad3ersaries as 'those classes of persons7 in order to ser3e those bo#us internationa$ ob$i#ations to ser3e hypocritica$ $yin# corporate s$ime, !ho ha3e consciences as if seared !ith hot irons &-Tim+. --% BOTTOM LINE )/ )"%0! We are ta6in# care of business and !or6in# o3er 7time7 A>D after A* years of there on$y bein# a fe! 1uiet and discrete Compassion ;ocieties, means the time is ri#ht to ta6e this ne<t step &of payin# a sa$es ta<., !hich !i$$ ine3itab$e $ead to our #oa$ of fu$$ $e#a$i9ation% -% The 0arpster re#ime is ready to ta6e do!n a !ho$e #eneration of case $a!, !ith the po!ers contained in s)::, fran6$y it7s $i6e 0it$er did !hen his !! started co$$ectin# his po$itica$ opponents%

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