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Audience Worksheet: Job Application You may find answering these questions to be helpful in conducting an audience analysis of the

company to which you are applying. If a question does not fit the job you are analyzing, write in N !. 1. Employer/Company Name: 2. Address: 3. roducts and/or !er"ices: #. Job $itle: %. &esponsibilities o' position: (. Name and $itle o' person )ho )ould conduct an inter"ie) 'or this position: *. Are there opportunities 'or recent +raduates in your 'ield ,)ith this company-. /o) do you kno). 0. 1oes this company/employer ha"e any !2 connections. 3. What 4ualities does this company seem to uphold. /o) do you kno). 15. What 4ualities are the company/employer lookin+ 'or in an employee. 11. What issues/"alues are o' concern to the company ,mission statement.-. 12. What do others ha"e to say about this company ,re"ie)s6 employment +uides6 ne)spapers6 ma+a7ines-. 13. Why are you primarily interested in this company.

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