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<body bgcolor="Add8E6" style="width: 1000px;"> <?php $commenturl="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQU EST_URI'];?> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s )[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "// /all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')) ;</script> <?php echo validation_errors(); ?> <?php echo form_open('wishlist/create_event'); ?> <p align="right" align="center"><input type="submit" name="submi t" value="Add To Event" /></p> <!-<input type="checkbox" name="item" value="1234" /> -->

<div id="sort" style=" float: left; background: 66CC99; width: 5 00px; height: 250px; "> <h1 align="center" style="color: WHITE"> MY WISHLIST </h 1> <br/> <h3 align="center" style="color: WHITE"> Sort By: <a href="<?php echo $this->config->base_url(); ?>index.p hp/wishlist/sort_by/original_price"><input type="button" value="Sort by Price" align="center"/></a> <a href="<?php echo $this->config->base_url(); ?>index.p hp/wishlist/sort_by/created_on"><input type="button" value="Sort by Date Added" align="center"/></a></h3> </div> <h2 style=" text-align: center; background-color:red;"> <?php if(isset($_SESSION['add_ item'])) {echo $_SESSION['add_it em']; unset($_SESSION['add_i tem']); } ?> </h2> <table style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td> <?php $i=0; foreach ($user_item as $somethinggood_item): $i= $i + 1; ?> <?php echo '<h2>'.$somethinggood_item['item_name'];?></h 2> <br/> <?php echo '<img src ="'.$somethinggood_item['image_url' ].'" alt="Upload Here!" width="150" height="150"/>'; ?> <br /> <a href="<?php echo $this->config->base_url(); ?>index.p hp/wishlist/upload_item_image/<?php echo $somethinggood_item['user_item_id'];?>/ 1/0" >Upload Image</a> <input type="button" onClick="javascript:loadBox (<?php echo $i; ?>);" value="Item Details"> <input type="checkbox" name="item[]" value="<?php echo $somethin ggood_item['user_item_id'] ; ?>"> Add To WishList </input>

<hr style="width: 25%" align="left" /> </form> <!--................... Div for the item details.... --> <div id="pop_box_<?php echo $i; ?>" class="myPopUp"> <?php echo form_open('main/add_to_pool') ?>

<h3>Item Details. </h3> <table> <input type="hid den" value="<?php echo $somethinggood_item['user_id']?>" name="searched_user_id" /> <input type="hid den" value="<?php echo $somethinggood_item['user_item_id'];?>" name="user_item_i d" /> <?php if( $somethinggood_item[ 'user_id'] == $this->session->userdata('user_id')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $thi s->config->base_url(); ?>index.php/wishlist/delete_item/<?php echo $somethinggoo d_item['user_item_id'];?>"> <input type="but ton" value="Delete" align="center"/></a> <?php } else { ?> <input type="su bmit" value="Add This To My Pool" align="right"> <br/> <?php } ?> <?php echo '<h2> '.'Your Product: ' . $somethinggood_item['item_name'] ?></h2> <br /> <?php echo '<img src ="'.$somethinggood_item['image_url'].'" alt="Upload Here!" width="150" hei ght="150"/>'; ?> <br /> <?php echo 'Product Url: <a href="'.$s

omethinggood_item['product_url'].'" target=_blank>' .'URL' . '</a>' .'<p><b> Product Price:</b> '.$s omethinggood_item['original_price'].'</p>'; ?> <a href="#" id="popupBoxClose" onCli ck="javascript:unloadBox(<?php echo $i; ?>);">Close</a> <fb:comments href="<?php echo $co mmenturl?>/<?php echo $somethinggood_item['user_item_id'];?>" num_posts="8" widt h="500"></fb:comments> </table> <br /> </form> </div>

<?php endforeach ?> </td> </tr> </table>

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</tr> <tr> <td><label for="text">Price</label></td> <td> <input type="number" name="price" required data-errormessage-value-missing="Please Enter the Price" placeholder="Price of t he product..." /></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align="center"> <input type="submit" name="s ubmit" value="Enter Values" align="center"/> </td> </tr> </table> <a href="#" id="popupBoxClose" onclick="javascript:unloadPopupBox_addmore();">Cl ose</a> </div> <!-- Closing the popup div --> <!-- Main Page --> <!--<div id="container"> <h1>sample</h1> -->

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