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Why guiding and learning experiences are important in terms of: 1.

Making effective introduction and motivation Motivating students is one of the greatest challenges instructors face. While it is true that as instructors we have little, if any, control over external factors that influence our students behavior and engagement, we do play a vital role in shaping what occurs in our classroom. In fact, our instructional choices can make a positive impact on student motivation. . !iving clear directions and logical information It is important that teachers directions relating to academic activity and behaviour are clear, precise and effective. It goes without saying that the best activity in the world will turn into a disappointing failure if students dont understand the instructions. ". #as mastery of the sub$ect matter % good teacher must first possess a wide general knowledge and within the confines of this general knowledge, a sound understanding of the sub$ect he is to teach in the classroom. &uadri '. et al ( ))*+ corroborate that a good teacher must be well knowledge versed in his area of speciali,ation. #e must know which to teach, when to teach and how to teach. In the opinion of -banya ..%.I (1/01+ the 2uantity and 2uality of the teacher3s knowledge will give the teacher enough material and confidence to teach effectively. *. 4trategies well planned and well5executed 6he fundamental importance of teaching strategies is to make it easier to implement a variety of teaching methods and techni2ues. #ere you will find a variety of teaching strategies to help students take more responsibility for their own learning and enhance the process of teaching for learning. 6he key is to create learning environments that are more interactive, to integrate technology where applicable into the learning experience, and to use collaborative learning strategies when appropriate. 1. 7oard work is well done !ood boardwork encourages learner autonomy 8 if the board is the main area where new language is presented, and students have to record this information for themselves, they can take ownership of new language in a way that they might not if they were simply 9given it on a photocopied handout or worksheet. 6his constant noting and filing becomes part of the learning process in a materials5light learning environment. :. %sking appropriate 2uestions 4killful 2uestioning is really the key to successful appraisal discussions. the funnel techni2ue gives us a useful visual reference for thinking about 2uestioning skills. %t the mouth of the funnel we begin with an 9open 2uestion. 6his 2uestion is intended to give the appraisee the widest possible scope for responding. 4ometimes it may be necessary

to repeat or rephrase this 2uestion to give the appraisee more thinking time and further opportunities to raise information. ;. .roviding varied learning tasks It is important to provide varied learning tasks in order to measure the students capabilities. It will help teachers to identify the strenght and weakness of the students helping him to proide actiities appropriate to the learners. 0. .roviding appropriate reinforcement .rovision of recognition and effort reinforcement is a strategy that enables students to understand the link between effort and the recognition they expect. <ecognition provides the students with the motivation to continue adding efforts, ensuring that they are able to achieve their goals. /. !iving incidental teaching when necessary Incidental teaching can be used to teach new language as well as expand upon the language a child already uses. -ne way of setting up incidental teaching opportunities is to capture initiations that occur in the natural environment. When someone captures an initiation, they take advantage of opportunities that arise in the natural environment.

1). =ocusing students attention on important points in the lesson It is important to focus students attention so that they will be able to understand better the lesson. =ocusing students lesson regarding the important points in the lesson will help them to reali,e the main point of their topic. 11. !uiding students in summari,ing main ideas and concept learned >ote taking and summarising is a teaching strategy that enables the students to keep information for a long time while being able to use it for analysis and presentation purposes. 6his method of teaching encourages participation through 2uestions and other forms of clarification. 1 . #andling wrong answers tactfully >egative teaching attitudes tend to hurt into the long haul. #ow many times 8 as a learner 5 has one not been discounted and told flat out, ?>o, youre wrong@AB Cears back, it was a taboo to be wrong or to think differently. .upils were insulted or beaten on the head for giving wrong or stray answers.

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