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7 12 Option at Brennan

Pros 1) 7-12 model allows better retention in high school (Studies show more students graduate. May result in public system students to switch?) 2) Suggested to lose less students to public system compared to a JK12 option 3) Moving St. Jules to a brand new school JK-6 St. Bernard would encourage new families to attend (new schools more attractive) 4) 7-12 model may attract out of boundary students to Brennan (especially in comparison to JK-12 option) 5) Studies show calms school down (ie. less suspensions & bad behaviour) 6) Technology and programming available for 7/8 students 7) Helps transition to grade 9 (grade 7-8 will combine feeder schools earlier to help get to know peers) 8) No major additions required at Brennan (no or low capital reno building costs) 9) No outdoor space issues for 7/8s at Brennan (no capital reno for outdoor space) 10) Allows grade 6 to become mentors 11) Gives 7/8s co-op opportunities and increased programming options 12) 7/8 sports teams A and B division, similar to St. Vianney. 13) Helps St. Rose numbers as no boundary shift required for JK-6. 14) The new St. Bernard JK-6 (Jules, Lords, Bernard) would be closer to the suggested ministry standards of 600-800 students, rather than the 400 spaces currently approved. 15) Due to ministry funding requirements for adding 125 spaces to new St. Bernard, this option implementation may be delayed. The benefits of a six year delay following Watson data:

a. Allows most St. Alex to get through the St. Jules system without further transitions (better for 70+ students to have less transitions). b. Keeps St. Jules and Goretti communities together until the final end (both JK-12 and 7-12 options will be an end to St. Jules community) c. Avoids bussing 100% St. Jules community prematurely, until the end as 70%+ walkers. d. Cost per student to run St. Jules and Goretti is comparable to other schools (no extra expenses, status quo) e. No foreseen major capital costs to keep St. Jules or Goretti open for this timeframe. f. St. Jules JK-6 will fit into the new St. Bernard with just 125 additional spaces (according to Watson) and no more city property would be required to be obtained. Also, Goretti will fit into Rose and Vianney following appropriate feeder schools with no additions/capital costs. g. Works for the ministrys 2025 accessibility deadline (St. Jules) h. Works for maintaining NLT 85% capacity at St. Jules (according to Watson data St. Jules is good for at least 7 years). Also short term, St. Jules will no longer need portables in 1-2 years. i. Allows the board time to prepare this new 7/8 program and administration requirements. j. Allows everyone an appropriate transition timeframe to be well prepared. k. Board said dont need another ARC with St. Bernard and Lords to do this option, but this delay would help these communities prepare. Cons 1) Complete loss of St. Jules community. JK-12 option is partial loss (short term (loss students to public system) and long term (addition of more feeder schools and further ARCs). The 7-12 option would be a complete loss. St. Jules JK-6 will become the new St. Bernard (3 communities) and 7/8 will be a separate distinct community with all feeder schools. What happens to teachers from St. Jules community? 2) Requires ministry funding to add an additional 125 spaces to the new St. Bernard (however the additional 125 spaces are already built into the plan) 3) Requires more Brennan bus bays (5 buses required for the 7/8s) (current bus bay Brennan accommodates 2 or 3 plus on special education). Note: This option compared to JK-12 requires an expense of a total of 3 more buses. However, 7/8 bus at Brennan is safer than JK-6 given the Brennan current bus bay layout.

4) Additional Brennan traffic from 7/8 elementary drop offs and possible parking lot constraints. 5) 100% St. Jules community would require bussing due to railway hazard and distance to the new St. Bernard (1.9km from St. Jules). Lost benefit to St. Jules students as 70% are currently walkers and many students may miss out on after school community events and extracurricular activities/sports due to transportation issues. If any St. Jules 7/8 student chooses to walk, railway crossing is a safety concern. Concern as bussing is the leading cause for fights between students. 6) Displaces 70+ St. Alex kids that were just displaced 1 year ago. Further loss of benefits to St. Alex students requiring further transitions and loss of transportation as many walk to St. Jules. Out of boundary students would not be eligible for bussing to Brennan following the Transportation policy. A delay in implementing this option would benefit St. Alex students. 7) Parents concern 7/8 early exposure to smoking, drug use, alcohol, and promiscuity. Concerned will grow up faster than in a JK-8 model. Would the 7/8 have a different entrance/dismissal times compared to high school? Would this be an issue for parent pick ups (if have kids in both 7/8 and high school)? But different times may be better for traffic pick ups in the area? 8) Parents concerned 7/8s no longer mentor younger siblings. However, opposite applies as high school siblings may be able to mentor 7/8s. Recommendation Notes 1) MUST wait until ALL feeder schools ready to implement. Implement all at same time. Request long transition period before implementation. 2) Need to split Goretti to appropriate feeder school St. Vianney (St. Jos) or Rose (Brennan). 3) Provide bus to grandfathered St. Alex students (to JK-6 St. Bernard and 7/8 to Brennan), even if stop must be in St. Jules boundaries. 4) Ensure 7/8 option allows for transportation to existing Brennan boundaries (however not OPEN boundaries as transportation would not be able to accommodate). This would allow St. Vianney students in Brennan boundaries to leave Vianney early to attend Brennan for 7/8 if they choose to do so.

5) Implement marketing strategy for Brennan high school. Need a plan to attract secondary students and create specialized programming. What is threshold # to keep Brennan open? Ministry would like to see minimum 1000. Suggestion of a presentation to board and community on the highlights of current Brennan and what Brennan could be. 6) Consider changing feeder school boundaries to increase high school numbers at Brennan (ie. WJ Langois). 7) Expand parking to accommodate extra traffic that will come with an elementary student community. 8) MUST have separate elementary principle and separate elementary programming for ensuring the 7/8 elementary program is successful. 9) MUST have a dedicated team of 7/8 teachers for ensuring the 7/8 elementary program is successful. 10) Ensure St. Joseph does not get OPEN boundaries, which would affect Brennan numbers further. 11) IF St. Rose JK-6 numbers drop, consider boundary shift of St. Jules area. Grandfather all families at St. Jules to move to new St. Bernard (less transition for current kids to keep community together), however, going forward new families either attend St. Rose or the new St. Bernard? This may however increase buses to St. Rose? 12) Explain to public can still have grade 8 graduation, intramural sports, etc. 13) No uniforms for elementary 7/8 students 14) Require same daycare set up (YMCA) at new St. Bernard JK-6. 15) St. Jules Bingo suggested to go to new St. Bernard JK-6.

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