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Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 1 Computer Knowledge- 02 1. Programs stored in ROM are called A. Hardware B. Firmware C. Software D.

none of these 2. Primary memory is used by the A. I/O devices B. User C. Printer D. CPU 3. A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a A. Data B. Disk C. File D. Floppy 4. The secondary storage device that follows the sequential mode of access is A. Optical Disk B. Magnetic Disk C. Magnetic Tape D. None of these 5. The first computer mouse is built by A. Doughlas Engelbart B. Daniel Cougher C. William English D. Robert Zawecki 6. Which command can be used to copy files in UNIX? A. copy B. ncopy C. cp D. none of the above 7. This type of memory is commonly called temporary or volatile storage A. ROM B. Virtual Memory C. Ram

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 2 D. Flash Memory 8. The _________ of software contains lists of commands and options. A. Title bar B. Menu bar C. Formula bar D. Tool bar 9. Which of the following is used for number system for data storing and calculations? A. Binary B. Octal C. Decimal D. Hexadecimal 10. Main Memory is the working memory of the CPU with ________ access. A. Fastest B. Slower C. No D. None of these 11. In a Pascal procedure, the parameters are separated by A. Semicolon B. Comma C. Colon D. Blank space 12. The base of the hexadecimal number system is A. 2 B. 8 C. 16 D. 12 13. Information can be stored or retrieved from memory location through its A. Variable declaration B. Address C. Value D. Input 14. A long double data occupies A. 8 bits B. 16 bits

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 3 C. 32 bits D. 64 bits 15. An error is also known as A. Bug B. Debug C. Cursor D. Icon 16. A keyboard is this kind of device A. Output B. Input C. Black D. Word processing 17. A super VGA card displays A. 16 colours B. 64 colours C. 256 colours D. None of the above 18. Which one of the items given below is not an item of the Menu Bar? A. Root B. Tools C. Catalog D. Exit 19. Select the smallest memory size A. Terabyte B. Gigabyte C. Kilobyte D. Megabyte 20. A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document is called A. Anchor B. Hyperlink C. Reference D. URL 21. Scanner is an example of A. Output device B. Input device C. Music device

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 4 D. None of these 22. The term cursor is related to A. Printer B. Mouse C. Monitor D. None of these 23. Which of the memory is also known as main memory? A. Primary memory B. Secondary memory C. External memory D. None of these 24. The term computer program is synonymous with A. Hardware B. Data C. Software D. None of these 25. Which one of the following is not an internal DOS command? A. BREAK B. BACKUP C. COPY D. CLS 26. FPI stands for A. Figure per inch B. Frames per inch C. Film per inch D. Faults per inch 27. The process of starting the computer and loading of operating system programs for execution is known as A. Initialization B. Booting C. Loading D. Searching 28. What is the full form of IP? A. Internet program

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 5 B. Interface program C. Internet protocol D. Interface protocol 29. A spiral shape track formatting is present in A. Floppy Disk B. Optical Disk C. Hard Disk D. Halfinch Tape Cartridge 30. FoxPro is generally used for A. Business applications B. Engineering applications C. Scientific calculations D. All the above 31. An optical input device that is used to read documents printed in a special type font is known as A. Document reader B. Documentation C. Printer D. None of these 32. The interconnectivity of computers to a common server within a small area is known as A. WAN B. LAN C. WWW D. None of these 33. ___________ is not an example of centralized controlling topology. A. Star B. Tree C. Bus D. Loop 34. Which statement can be used to immediate exit from a loop construct? A. QUIT B. EXIT C. STOP D. Any of the above 35. Personal computers can be connected together to form a ________ A. Server

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 6 B. Supercomputer C. Enterprise D. Network 36. A snapshot type-recordset can contain fields from A. One table B. Two tables C. One or more tables D. Either one or two tables 37. Which part of the computer helps to store information? A. Disk drive B. Keyboard C. Monitor D. Printer 38. ___________ is not an example of centralized controlling topology. A. Star B. Tree C. Bus D. Loop 39. The character \n is known as A. Letter n B. String C. New line D. None of the above 40. A pictorial representation that uses predefined symbols to describe either the logic of a computer program or the data flow and processing steps of a system is referred as A. Flow chart B. Algorithm C. Program D. None of these 41. The first all electronic digital computer developed by Mauchly and Eckert around 1946 is A. Apple B. IBM pc C. ENIAC D. EDVAC 42. A number system with a base of 8 is referred as

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 7 A. Binary B. Decimal C. Octal D. None of these 43. The following is not a input devices A. Keyboard B. Optical scanners C. Printer D. Voice recognition devices 44. ________ is the process of carrying out commands. A. Fetching B. Storing C. Executing D. Decoding 45. CD ROM is a kind of A. Optical disk B. Magneto Optical disk C. Magnetic disk D. None of these 46. The process of starting the computer and loading of operating system programs for execution is known as A. Initialization B. Booting C. Loading D. Searching 47. Primary memory is used by the A. User B. I/O devices C. CPU D. None of these 48. Which one of the items given below is not an item of the Menu Bar? A. Root B. Tools C. Catalog

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 8 D. Exit 49. A secondary storage device that uses a long plastic strip coated with a magnetic material as a recording medium is A. Magnetic tape B. Compact disk C. Hard disk D. None of these 50. The following is computer software _____ A. Impact printer B. Console C. Payroll package D. OCR 51. The following is not an operating system _____ A. UNIX B. LINUX C. Window XP D. MS OFFICE 52. It provides visual display of data and is the output device A. Monitor B. Keyboard C. Mouse D. None of these 53. Devices required to receive data and instructions into the computer are called A. Input Unit B. Output unit C. Processing unit D. None of these 54. Which of the following is the most powerful type of computer? A. Supermicro B. Super conductor C. Super computer D. Megaframe 55. A spiral shape track formatting is present in A. Floppy Disk B. Optical Disk

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 9 C. Hard Disk D. HalfInch Tape Cartridge 56. An automatic machinc that is made toper forms routine human tasks is A. Tanker B. Computer C. Robot D. None of these 57. The ____________ is the administrative section of the computer system. A. Central Processing Unit B. Input Unit C. Control Unit D. Memory Unit 58. The computer that is not considered as a portable computer is A. Laptop computer B. Notebook computer C. Mini computer D. None of these 59. Java was originally invented by A. Microsoft B. Novell C. Sun D. Oracle 60. What is the primary requisite of a good computer programmer? A. Mathematical mind B. Artistic mind C. Logical mind D. Scientific knowledge 61. The parity bit is added for the purpose of A. Coding B. Indexing C. Errordetection D. Controlling 62. The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called A. Abacus B. Analytical Engine

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 10 C. Calculator D. Processor 63. Find the odd man out A. Altavista B. Google C. Java D. Lycos 64. Web pages are written using A. HTTP B. FTP C. HTML D. URL 65. ___________ is need to build dynamic web documents. A. HTML B. CGI C. Java D. All of the above 66. One byte is equivalent to A. 4 bits B. 16 bits C. 8 bits D. 32 bits 67. The following device allows the user to add external components to a computer system _____ A. Storage devices B. Ports/system boards C. Keyboards D. Diskettes 68. To display or hide the Slart menu A. Windows Logo + BREAK B. Windows Logo C. Windows Logo + D D. Windows Logo + M 69. Process of finding/correcting program errors is A. Bugs

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 11 B. Hacking C. Debugging D. Cracking 70. The first commercially available computer is A. APPPLE B. IBM C. MACK D. UNIVAC 71. ___________ provides a common address space and routes the packets of data across the entire Internet. A. TCP B. UDP C. IP D. None of these 72. _____ was the precursor to internet as we know it today. A. USENET B. ARPANET C. TELNET D. None of these 73. Choose the odd one out? A. Micro computer B. Super computer C. Mini computer D. Digital computer 74. The elements of graphical input devices are A. State B. Event C. Action D. All the above 75. In a COBOL program, the number of division is A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 12 76. Cyberspace is being governed by a system of law and regulation called ______ A. Civil law B. Criminal law C. Cyber law D. Electronic law 77. The _____ of software contains lists of commands and options. A. Title bar B. Menu bar C. Formula bar D. Tool bar 78. The number system on which the modern computers operate A. Decimal number system B. Octal number system C. Binary number system D. Hexadecimal number system 79. State the valid graphical input device? A. Light pen B. Mouse C. Joy stick D. All the above 80. The unit kilo instructions per second is used to measure the speed of A. Printer B. Disk drive C. Tape drive D. Processor 81. Visual Basic follows A. Structure programming B. An event-driven programming model C. An un-structured programming D. None of the above 82. Identify the correct integer types A. bit. short, int, byte B. byte, short, int, long C. bit. short, int D. short, int, long

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 13

83. BIND stands for A. Binary Internet Domain B. Binary Internet Domain C. Berkely Internet Name Domain D. None of the above 84. The core banking solutions are generally based on A. Closed system B. Open system C. Blind system D. None of these 85. When data is written and stored in two hard discs over the same channel and in two hard discs simultaneously over different channels, the system is known as A. Data mirroring B. Disc mirroring C. Data duplex D. Disc duplex 86. A piece of equipment that holds the screen A. Video B. Desktop C. Modem D. Monitor 87. The primary purpose of software is to turn data into A. Websites B. Information C. Programs D. Objects 88. A group of characters that have a predefined meaning A. File B. Database C. Field D. Keyboard 89. Which of the following represents 1 million byte? A. Gigabyte B. Megabyte

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 14 C. Kilobyte D. Terabyte 90. __________ is an error in computer programme. A. Crash B. Power failure C. Virus D. Bug 91. Which of the following is NOT a computer programming language? A. C B. C++ C. Java D. Microsoft 92. Junk email is also called A. Spam B. Spoof C. Sniffer script D. Spool 93. What is the default file extension for all Word documents? A. WRD B. DOC C. TXT D. FIL 94. A _______ is a unique name that you give to a file of information. A. Device letter B. Filename C. Folder D. Filename extension 95. The Computer keyboard in English normally uses A. QWERT base B. Asdfg base C. Abcdef base D. None of these 96. A spreadsheet, sometimes is called as A. Cells B. Menus

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 15 C. Notebook pages D. Worksheet 97. One or more identifying lines printed at the bottom of a page are referred as A. Footer B. Header C. Index D. None of these 98. This generation computing is based on artificial intelligence A. Second generation computers B. Third generation computers C. Fourth generation computer D. Fifth generation computers 99. A system software package that converts a high level language program to machine language is known as A. AmiPro B. Compiler C. Comment D. Collate 100. The finished result of processing by a system is A. Input B. Output C. Processing D. All the above 101. A device that converts digital computer signals into analog signals to enable transmission by the telephone system and back again A. Modem B. Monitor C. Digital camera D. Scanner 102. The unit of a computer system that supplies information and results after processing is called A. Output unit B. Input unit C. Processing unit D. All the above 103. A _______ is an example of an input device.

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 16 A. Keyboard B. Monitor C. Mouse D. Central processing unit 104. Following software cannot be categorized as application software A. Word processing B. MSDOS C. Spreadsheet D. Data base management(DBM) 105. Program promised by publisher but never released ___________ A. Shareware B. Vaporware C. Software D. Mind ware 106. It is a system program used to store the machine language program into the memory of the computer A. Loader B. Compilers C. Assemblers D. Interpreters 107. The alternative name for application software is A. Utility software B. Specific software C. Enduser software D. Practical software 108. A computer programmer is a person who A. Writes programs B. Use programs C. Sells program D. None of these 109. Software should be recommended to use if one often need to create, edit, and print document A. Word processing B. Spreadsheet C. UNIX D. Internet explorer 110. The following is computer software

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 17 A. Impact printer B. Console C. Payroll package D. OCR 111. Display capabilities of monitor are determined by A. Adapter card B. Motherboard C. Port D. None of these 112. Which of the following is NOT a famous operating system? A. Windows Vista B. Mac OS X C. Linux D. Virtual Box 113. Text and graphics that have been cut or copied are stored in an area called the A. Pasteboard B. Copyboard C. Clipboard D. Cutting board 114. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (M1CR) is an A. Input device B. Output device C. Processing device D. None of these 115. One can input data in computers to use using A. Keyboard B. Monitor C. Printer D. Scanner 116. Mouse in computers is used basically in A. Dos applications B. GUI application C. For printout D. For hearing music 117. Dot matrix, Inkjet are example of

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 18 A. Impact printer B. Nonimpact printer C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of these 118. Memory which is cheap and used for bulk usage A. Primary memory B. Secondary memory C. Register D. None of these 119. The time required to complete a single, continuous execution of a object program is called A. Run time B. Access time C. Random time D. Response time 120. Which of the following stores more data? A. DVD B. CD C. Floppy D. None of these 121. Which button is clicked to include the word to the dictionary? A. Move B. Replace C. Add D. Include 122. A computer that operates on data which is in the form of continuously variable physical quantities. A. Analog computer B. Digital computer C. Mechanical computer D. None of these 123. The shortcut key CTRL+P is used for A. Open the Print dialog box B. Update the current Web page C. Close the current window D. None of these

Computer Knowledge (Part Two)- 19 124. The following computers memory is characterized by low cost per bit stored A. Primary B. Secondary C. Hard disk D. All the above 125. C++ was developed by A. John Kemney B. James Goling C. Thomas Kushz D. Bjarne Stroutstrup

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