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REFINING AND STOCK PROPORTIONING Short Fibre Pulp Refining See Process Flow Diagram Stock Preparation



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The pumping consistency from the LBKP dump tower is controlled by Q !""#$ Dilution water to the tower bottom is controlled by flow ratio controller FF !""#% of stock flow F&!""#'( The pumping consistency is !"! )( From LBKP dump tower LBKP is pumped to LBKP pulp refiner feed chest "' *+ ,-, by pump "' *+ %,* at the consistency of %.%)( Le/el of the tank is controlled by L ! "",$( The consistency is controlled by Q !""#$( The /olume of LBKP pulp refiner feed chest "' *+ ,-, is *,, m" and it is e0uipped with agitator "' ** ',-( The short fibre pulp is pumped from the chest to refining by pump "' ** %+, and pump "' ** %,1 at the consistency of %., )( The consistency is controlled by Q !""1, and Q !""1+( &t is possible to control p2 in the LBKP refiner feed lines by adding sodium bicarbonate. 3a2 4". to LBKP refiner feed chest( The sodium bicarbonate proportioning is controlled by F !'#+, in ratio to total LBKP pulp flow( The short fibre pulp refining system consists of two e0ual lines which are both e0uipped with two refiners coupled in series5 %+ *+ ,"# and %+ *+ ,"- Line + %+ *+ ,"$ and %+ *+ ,"% Line * 6efiners are double disc refiners. type Beloit 7ones ",,, series( 8ach refiner can be by!passed by opening by!pass /al/es and closing line on!off /al/es accordingly( #hen refiner i electe$ to GS%% &Stoc' Proportioning( group t)rt" the refiner control )re ch)nge$ to A*TO )n$ +hen refiner t)rt ,)l,e )re in on-line po ition. 1/KP pulp refiner 1 1/KP pulp refiner 6 1/KP pulp refiner 4 1/KP pulp refiner 5 %+ *+ ,"# %+ *+ ,"%+ *+ ,"$ %+ *+ ,"% Inlet 234-45!4 234-4554 234-4544 234-4564 Open Outlet 236-45!4 236-4554 236-4544 236-4564 Open /0p) 231-45!4 231-4554 231-4544 231-4564 Clo e

8ach refiner can be bypassed by opening the bypass /al/e( 9fter the bypass /al/e is opened. inlet and outlet /al/es close(
Orig. Rev. A 19.08.08/YB Date/Author Date/Checked Date/Approved Date/ ssued Original issue !otes

YO"A!#$ BA%BA!& '

The pressures in the refining lines are kept constant by P !""-- and P !""#-. which gi/e set points to fre0uency controllers of the pumps( For the start!up of the refining lines and also for a situation when the pulp need in a refining line is small. the refining lines are e0uipped with recirculation lines( The recirculation flows are controlled by F& !"'++, and F& !"'+,-. which measure the flow in the main line but control the recirculation of the stock back to the LBKP pulp refiner feed chest( The set points of these flow controllers shall be set to a small flow :about %" l;s<. so that the recirculation is on at the start!up and the refiners can be loaded. but normally. when stock proportioning is started. the recirculation /al/e closes( 9fter the refining. short fibre pulp is proportioned to the LBKP pulp chest. "' ** $,$( The total flow to the chest is ad=usted by le/el controller L& !"'+,+( The proportioning of the short fibre pulp from separate refining lines are controlled by flow ratio controllers FF& !"'+,$ and FF& !"'+,"( Pre!dilution water to LBKP pulp chest is controlled by FF& !"'+,*( Flow controller gets its set point from LBKP pulp chest le/el control L& !"'+,+ The /olume of the LBKP pulp chest. "' ** $,$ is %, m " and it is e0uipped with agitator "' ** ',$( The short fibre pulp is pumped from the chest by pump "' ** %,# to proportioning at the consistency of "(* )( The consistency is controlled by Q ! "",-( 9ll short fibre refining lines are e0uipped with on!line beating degree measurements after refiners. 9& !"'+,# line + and 9& !"'+,% line *. type /TG. 6efining is controlled by the process control system( The following control strategies may be used5 7)nu)l control" in +hich c) e g)p bet+een filling i 'ept con t)nt 8controller i in 9 7o$e: refining power is controlled. in which case the refining power of each refiner is kept constant 8controller i in A 7o$e: specific energy consumption :S8 < of indi/idual refiners or refining lines is controlled. in which case the system calculates the refining power re0uired taking into consideration the flow through each line :controller i in R 7o$e:. Thi i nor7)ll0 the control 7o$e to be u e$. SEC i et b0 the oper)tor )n$ the proce control 0 te7 count refining po+er th)t )re nee$e$ for cert)in SEC. Proce control 0 te7 t)'e into )ccount ,)ri)tion in the pulp flo+ )n$ con i tencie )n$ 'eep the SEC con t)nt. Refiner h),e the )7e refining po+er in the beginning of the refining. SEC i c)lcul)te$ for e)ch refiner b0 the follo+ing 7)nner.
S8 = :P6 P, <k>h + :Flow onsistency< k


; ;

Specific energ0 con u7ption" '#h<t Refining po+er" '#

YO"A!#$ BA%BA!& (

P= Flo+

; ;

I$ling po+er +ith +)ter" '# > !== '# l< ? =.=4@ 8unit c)ling f)ctor:

Con i tenc0 ; ' ;

The po+er $i tribution r)tio of refiner in e)ch line c)n be )$Au te$ in c) e of $ifferent $i c con$ition etc. 6efiners are controlled by5 Position Line + %+ *+ ,"# %+ *+ ,"Line * %+ *+ ,"$ %+ *+ ,"% 1.1.6 LBKP pulp refiner " LBKP pulp refiner ' 86!"'+' 86!"'+" LBKP pulp refiner + LBKP pulp refiner * 86!"'+$ 86!"'+% 3ame Power ontrol

Control of Refiner St)rt-up of Refiner The refiner can be started up from the control system /ideo display( The start!up can be made if interlocking and start!up conditions are fulfilled( &nterlocking conditions of the refiner )re follo+ing 8po ition nu7ber )re ho+n onl0 for 1/KP refiner 1" !1 61 =4B:. stock inlet pressure PI-41@ is lower than ma? limit :$,, kPa< $el)0 4= stock outlet pressure PI-41C is lower than ma? limit :$,, kPa< $el)0 4= emergency stop circuit %%%%%% is 4K sealing water pressure PI-%%%% is o/er the low limit :",, kPa< ! $el)0 sealing water pressure difference :sealing water pressure @ stock discharge pressure< is o/er the low limit :+,, kPa< 1 $el)0 the main motor winding temperature TI-45=!@ is below the high limit( refiner selection /al/e 2S-45!4 is in operating position )n$ the refiner drain /al/e 23-45!! is in open position the AA :7otor control centre< of the main motor is ready to start Start!up condition of the refiner5 the plates are open 8E3-%%% OPEN: 68A4T8 is selected from local control bo? %%%%%% at least one minute has elapsed from the stopping of the main motor 6unning conditions of the refiner5

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interlocking conditions are fulfilled the stock flow is abo/e the low limit. delay " min &f any of the interlocking conditions is not fulfilled. the main motor of the refiner stops and the plates are opened with 0uick mo/ement( The stock flow is not allowed to be below the low limit for more than " minutes( :The plates are. howe/er. opened immediately when the low limit of stock flow has been passed<( Stopping the Refiner The refiner can be stopped from process control system according( Stopping the refiner line Broup stop stops refining( Flushing starts when refiner stops( During flashing inlet and outlet /al/e of refiner close. flashing water and drain /al/e of refiner open( 1o)$ing the Refiner The refiner is ready to be loaded when the following conditions are fulfilled5 stock flow FIC-4511= o/er the low limit :%* l;s< stock inlet pressure PI-41@ i o/er the low limit 8C= 'P): 1 $el)0 stock inlet pressure PI-41C is below the high limit 8@== 'P): 1= $el)0 stock outlet pressure PI-41C is below the high limit 8@== 'P): 1= $el)0 the main motor of the refiner 451@.A is running selection /al/e 2S-45!4 are in on!line position the refiner drain /al/e 23-45!! is closed the refiner flush /al/es 23-45!5 )re closed main motorCs power measurement ER-451@ circuit is 4K and below high limit stock pump 45 66 !1= is running the loading motor 86!"'+$(B current is below high limit fre0uency con/erter is ready for operation stock consistency DC-44E= is higher than low limit :*.*% )< 9ir pressure of spring is , bar :8D!EEEE lose< 9 further condition for control from the remote control place :automatic control< is that the remote operation mode is selected( &f ser/ice is selected. only local control is possible :maintenance etc<( 4pening and closing of the refiner plates during ser/ice operations is possible if operation mode is set to ser/ice( &n this case the following interlocks are o/erruled5 stock pressure below the low limit stock pressure abo/e the high limit stock flow below low limit the main motor of the refiner stopped

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stock pump stopped /al/e selection consistency too low Pl)te Control" Duic' 9o,e7ent Open The plates open automatically with fast mo/ement in the following cases5 refiner power abo/e PA9F limit refiner power abo/e PL4> limit when ser/ice operation mode is selected by the switch QG& K A4D8A83T 4P83 of the local control desk. irrespecti/e of the selected control position by the control QG& K A4D8A83T 4P83 of the remote control site. irrespecti/e of the selected control position if the position measurement HL&A,% and process disturbance signal is acti/e if )n0 of the refiner re)$ine con$ition )re not fulfille$ 8 ee lo)$ing the refiner : The plates cannot be dri/en open if the plates are in the open limit( The control IQuick Ao/ement 4penI by!passes all other plate controls( Power limit PA9F must always work regardless of the selected operating mode :3ormal;Ser/ice<( Pl)te Control" Duic' 9o,e7ent Clo e The loading motor can be dri/en to closed position from local control positions. if the following conditions are /alid5 ser/ice operation mode is selected power measurement is below PL4> limit open control is not /alid the position measurement is JL&A ,% limit main motor is not running

&n the ser/ice operation mode the Kmain motor runningL signal o/errides the L&A ,% limit. enabling the plates to be dri/en towards the closed position at slow speed far enough that they touch( It i not po ible to control the filling b0 f) t 7o,e7ent clo e fro7 the control roo7. Pl)te Control" Duic' 9o,e7ent Clo e The loading motor can be dri/en to closed position from the remote control positions. if the following conditions are /alid5 position measurement is in order :no analogue errors< power measurement is below PL4> limit rotor position is JL&A+, limit or the refiner is ready for loading 0uick open control is off operation mode is set to remote

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power control is in manual mode Pl)te Control" 1o)$ing 9o,e7ent Open The loading motor can be dri/en to open position in manual control both from the remote and local control positions. using the main motorCs power reading. if the following conditions are /alid5 IQuick Ao/ement 4penI is not on the plates are not in the open limit Pl)te Control" 1o)$ing 9o,e7ent Clo e The loading motor can be dri/en to closed position in manual control both from the remote and local control positions. using the main motorCs power reading. if the following conditions are /alid5 IQuick Ao/ement 4penI is not on ILoading Ao/ement 4penI is not on power measurement is below P2&B2 limit refiner is ready for loading

Auto7)tic Control ontrol can be set to automatic mode if the following conditions are met5 6emote operation mode is selected refiner is ready for loading >hen control is set to automatic mode. the plates are first dri/en close by 0uick mo/ement( The 0uick mo/ement must stop at Plow power limit. from which closing continues at /ariable speed that depends on the difference /alue between setpoint and measured /alue( &f any of the following conditions abo/e becomes in/alid. control must switch to manual mode( local fast open is on local mode selected remote 0uick open control open command from stop seguence touch point /ibration J22

Po+er 1i7it Plow limit :A<M Ppulse limit :9<M Phigh limit Pma? limit M M P, N ,(* ? :3ominal power @ P,< P, N ,(* ? :Pset ! P,< :4nly in 9GT4 mode< Dimensioned refining power :fi?ed<+*% k> +(,% ? dimensioned refining power +"+* k>

YO"A!#$ BA%BA!& ,

P, Pset


&dling power in water run :fi?ed< Power setpoint

Pre ure 1i7it Stock pressure

low high ma?


,(- bar %(, bar $(, bar

Sealing water :Sealing water @ stock discharge< Flo+ 1i7it Stock flow Sealing water Con i tenc0 1i7it low M high M

low ma? low


,(" bar +(, bar ,(+% bar

low low


%" l;s ,(," l;s

*(* ) @.= )

1ength of Control Pul e )n$ De)$ Fone of Control &n automatic control the loading mo/ement must be continuous up to the limit P low. when using 0uick mo/ement and up to Ppulse when using slow mo/ement( 9fter this the pulse controller is released to reach the desired set point( The durations of the control pulses shorten as follows5 ,(- ! *(, seconds :O+, k>< The k>!/alue after the seconds indicates the dead Pone of the control( Time between se0uential pulses must be appro?imately %!+, seconds(

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