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1) A 90 kg woman stands in an elevator. Find the force which the floor of the elevator exerts on the woman
a) when the elevator has an upward acceleration of 2 m/sec 2; b) when the elevator is rising at constant
speed; c) when the elevator has a downward acceleration of 2 m/sec2.
Solution: We have a simple application of Newton's 2nd Law of motion. We need only
draw the vector force diagram for all forces acting on the woman. There are only two
forces present, these are:

Fearth on woman = W = mg .
Ffloor on woman = N .

We select a CS with 'y' chosen upwards. The basic equation involved with the problem is
the 2nd law:
Fnet = m a .
a). ay > 0;

Fy = N - mg = m ay N = m(g + a) = (90)(9.8 + 2) = 1062 N.


b). a< 0;

Fy = N - mg = m ay N = m(g + a) = (90)(9.8 - 2) = 702 N.

Fy = N - mg = 0 N = mg = (90)(9.8) = 882 N.

a = 0 (equilibrium)

2) A Boeing 707 jet aircraft has a takeoff mass of 1.2 x 10 5 kg. Each of its four engines has a net thrust of
75 kN. Calculate the acceleration and the length of the runway needed to become airborne if the takeoff
speed is 73 m/s. (Neglect any frictional forces and air-resistance)
Solution: Neglecting air-resistance & frictional
forces then the net force acting is simply 4 times
the force produced by each engine. From the 2nd
law we then have:
Fnet = m ax
= (1.2 x 105) ax .


Hence the acceleration is:


(4)(75 x 103)


a x = (300 kN)/(120 k-kg) = 2.5 m/sec2

The equations of motion for constant acceleration (x-direction) are:

x(t) = (1/2) ax t2 + vox t + xo ;

vx(t) = ax t + vox .

The initial conditions are: x(t=0) = xo = 0; vx (t=0) = vox = 0. Thus the specific equations of motion are:
x(t) = (1/2)(2.5) t2 ;

vx (t) = (2.5) t .

If liftoff occurs at a time t', then we have: vx (t') = 73 = (2.5)t' t' = 29.2 sec.
The position of the plane at liftoff (= runway length) is:

x(t') = (1/2)(2.5)(29.2)2 = 1065.8 m .

3) Two carts are in contact on a horizontal frictionless surface. Cart 'A'

has a mass of 3 kg, and cart 'B' a mass of 2 kg. (a) Find the force F on
'A' needed to give the two carts an acceleration of 0.8 m/sec2 . What is
then the force exerted on 'B' by 'A'? (b) If the carts are given an equal
acceleration in the opposite direction by pushing on B, find the force
exerted on 'A' by 'B'. Explain why the force exerted on 'B' by 'A' in part
(a) is not equal to the force exerted by 'A' on 'B' in part (b).


Solution: In handling forces we should always be able to identify both

the agent and object for each force. If we do so, then the 'reaction' force
can be identified simply by reversing the 'agent' and 'object'.
Consider 'A' by itself. We draw all forces acting on 'A', and select a CS
as shown. Newton's 2nd law for object 'A' then becomes:
Fx = F - F B on A = mA a x (1) ;


F B on A

Fy = NA - WA = 0

The 'y' equation can be solved for NA ( = 29.4 N) which is numerically

equal to the weight of 'A'. The 'x' equation cannot be solved since we
have two 'unknowns' F and F B on A.

This is to be expected. Since we have two objects involved in the problem, then we will usually have to
consider both before a solution is possible.
Consider 'B' by itself. We draw all forces acting on 'B', and select a CS
as shown. Newton's 2nd law for object 'B' then becomes:
Fx = FA on B = mB a x


Fy = NB - WB = 0

F A on B

Again we can immediately determine that N B = WB = 19.6 N. If we count up the 'unknown' quantities in
equations (1) & (2) we find we have 3: F, FA on B, FB on A. The 3rd 'missing relation' is, of course Newton's 3rd
Law which tells us that:
FA on B = - FB on A.
From equation (2) we have: FA on B = mB ax = (2)(.8) = 1.6 N .
Then equation (1) gives: F - FB on A = mA a x or F = FB on A + mA a x = 1.6 + (3)(.8) = 4 N.

Note that this answer is obtainable by taking a 'systems' approach. If we treat the 2 objects as comprising a
'system' of mass 5 kg, then the only force acting in the x-direction is F, and we have:
(on system)

Fx = M a x = (5)(.8) = 4 N.

(b) We now reverse the problem by applying a force F' on B. In this

case there are 2 horizontal forces on B, and only 1 on A. Hence, the
2nd law for object A is now:


Fx = F'B on A = mA a x = (3)(.8) = 2.4 N.


The 2nd law applied to 'B' then gives:

Fx = F' - F'A on B = mB a x .
Solving for F' we have: F' = F'A on B + mB a x = 2.4 + (2)(.8) = 4

F A on B

Thus while the applied force must be the same since the system
acquires the same magnitude acceleration, the forces between the
objects are different in the two cases.


F B on A

4) The three bodies A, B, and C in the figure have masses of 6, 3, and 2 kg
respectively. If they are given a vertical acceleration upwards of 2 m/sec2 , find the
tensions in the ropes.



Solution: If the only quantity desired was the tension T 1, then we could take a
'systems' approach and immediately calculate T 1. As a system the only 'external'
forces acting are T1 and the pull of the earth on the system (the total weight). Hence:


Fy = T1 - W = M a y T1 = M(g + a y) = (11)(11.8) = 129.8 N.

In this approach the other tensions do not appear since they are 'internal' to the
system. Since we are asked to calculate these other tensions, then we must make them

We do this by treating each object separately. We

draw the forces acting on each of the 3 objects:
We choose the same CS for all 3 so that the
accelerations of all 3 will be the same. Applying
Newton's 2nd law to each gives us the following
set of equations:



For A:

F y = T1 - T2 - mA g

= mA



For B:

F y = T2 - T 3 -

= mB



For A:

F y = T3 -

mB g

mC g

= mC






Known quantities have been 'boxed'. We recognize that we have 3 equations in 3 unknowns, and hence are
guaranteed solutions for the 3 tensions. Equation (3) can be solved immediately for T 3 (ans. 23.6 N). This is
then inserted into equation (2). This permits determination of T 2 (ans. 59 N). In turn this is substituted into
equation (1) yielding T1 (ans. 129.8 N).
Note the relationship of the 3 equations for the individual objects above and the equation for the 'system'
which we introduced first. If we add the 3 equations above, we find that the tensions T 1 and T2 cancel giving
T1 - (mA + mB + mC) g = (mA + mB + mC) a y .
This is the 2nd law for the system.

5) An Atwood's machine consists of masses of 2 and 2.5 kg suspended from a massless, frictionless pulley.
When the system is released from rest, how long does it take for the larger mass to descend 1.6 m? What is
the tension in the cord connecting the two masses during the descent?


Solution: We note that since an answer for the tension in the connecting
rope is requested, the 'systems' approach is insufficient to solve the
complete problem. However, we will take this approach to solve the first
part of the problem.

Fig. 1 illustrates the 'system' which has a total mass of 4.5 kg. As a system
the only 'external' forces present are the weight of A, and the weight of B,
(as shown). The system accelerates in a 'counterclockwise sense', and the
2nd law gives us:



Fccw = WA - WB = M a x .
Hence, the acceleration of the system is:

ax =

{(2.5)(9.8) - (2)(9.8)}/(2 + 2.5) = 1.09 m/sec2 .

The equation of motion for 'A' would be: x(t) = (1/2) a x t2 . Thus, if it descends 1.6 m in a time t', we have:
x(t') = 1.6 = (1/2)(1.09) t'2 t' = 1.71 seconds.
As noted above, we cannot find the tension since the tension is 'internal' to the system, and hence doesn't
appear in the 2nd law. To have the tension appear we must consider the two masses individually.
The force diagram for A & B are drawn & coordinate systems are
chosen. (Note: 'x' is chosen upward for B so that the acceleration of B
will be the same as that for A.) Applying Newton's Law to each object,
we have:
For A:
For B:


Fx = WA - T = mA a x (1)
Fx = T - WB = mB a x (2)




We have a set of 2 equations in 2 unknowns (a & T). Solving, we find:

a x = 1.09 m/sec2 ; T = 21.8 N .
Note that the equation for the system is obtained if equations (1) & (2) above are added together.
6) A 5 kg block 'A' on a rough plane (angle of inclination = 30 o) is connected to a massless string which
passes over a frictionless pulley at the top of the plane, and is connected to a 4 kg block 'B' which hangs
vertically. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between 'A' and the plane is 0.25, find the acceleration of the
system when released, and the tension in the string.


Solution: The figure is shown. Since all forces present are

constants, then we know that the net force must be constant and
hence we have a constant acceleration problem. The only question
is, if it accelerates, in which direction does it go?

We will assume that 'A' slides down the plane. If this assumption is
wrong, then our answer will indicate this. When we solve for 'a', if
a > 0, then we guessed right! If a < 0, then 'A' slides up the plane.
We draw the force diagram for 'A' choosing a CS with 'x'
drawn down the plane. We apply Newton's 2nd Law (in
component form) to obtain:
For A: Fx = -

mA g

sin 30 + T + fk = m

a x (1)

Fy = N - mA g




cos 30 = 0 (2)

Since we have kinetic friction present then we have a 3rd

relation for 'A':
fk = k N

A g

mAg sin30

mAg cos30


Known quantities are 'boxed.' We see we have a total of 4 unknowns (a, T, fk, N). While we can solve for
some (e.g., N = 42.4 N, fk = 10.6 N) solution for all 4 is impossible at this stage. Hence, we consider object
'B', drawing the force diagram & choosing a CS with 'x' downwards.
Note, we choose 'x' down here so that the numerical value of the acceleration of 'B' will be identical to that
for 'A'. (If we had chosen 'x' up, then aB = - aA ).
For B:

Fx = - T + mB g

= mB



We now have 4 equations in 4 unknowns and can proceed with numerical solution. We add equ (4) and equ
(1) to eliminate T, and we have:
- mA g sin 30 + f + mB g = (mA + mB) a x


- (5)(9.8)(.5) + 10.6 + (4)(9.8) = (9) a x a x = + 2.81 m/sec2.

The positive answer indicates that we guessed wrong! 'A' slides up the plane, not down. Note that the
acceleration up the plane is not 2.81 m/sec2! If 'A' slides up the plane, then the frictional force on 'A' must be
down the plane. This means that we must change the sign of 'f' in equation (1). Then when we add to equ.
(4) we have:
- mA g sin 30 - f + mB g = (mA + mB) a x


- (5)(9.8)(.5) - 10.6 + (4)(9.8) = (9) a x a x = + 0.455 m/sec2.

Substituting this back into equation (4) gives: T = 37.4 N .
7) The driver of a 500 kg car, heading directly for a RR crossing 300 m away, applies the brakes in a panic
stop. The car is initially moving at 40 m/sec and the brakes are capable of producing a force of 1200 N. (a)

How fast will the car be moving when it reaches the crossing? (b) Will the driver escape collision with a
freight train that at the instant the brakes are applied is blocking the road, and still requires 11 seconds to
clear the crossing?
Solution: We have a 1-d motion problem with constant
acceleration. To find the acceleration we apply Newton's 2nd law
to the car. The force diagram is drawn, and CS chosen. We also
include the initial conditions in the figure since the 2nd part of the
problem will utilize the equations of motion of the car.


Fx = - F = m a x -1200 = (500) a x

Hence, the car's acceleration (x-direction) is: a x = - 2.4 m/sec2 .

Note that while we are not asked, we can calculate the normal
force N (4900 N), and assuming that the 1200 N force is due to
kinetic friction between the tires and the road, we could also find
the coefficient of kinetic friction (0.245).


Inserting initial conditions & acceleration into the general equations of motion for constant acceleration, we
arrive at the specific equations for the car:
x(t) = (1/2)(-2.4) t2 + (40) t ;

v x (t) = - 2.4 t + 40 .

To determine the time to reach the crossing, we solve x(t=t') = 300 m.

x(t') = 300 = - 1.2 t'2 + 40 t' .
This is a quadratic equation & yields two solutions for t': t' 1 = 11.4 sec; t'2 = 21.9 sec. (Can you explain
the meaning of the second time?)
v(t=11.4s) = -(2.4)(11.4) + (40) = 12.6 m/sec.
Clearly the driver escapes injury since his car arrives at the crossing 0.4 seconds after the train has cleared the
8) In the figure assume you are given values for:
mA, mB, mC, , B, C .
You are told that 'A' accelerates downward. Apply Newton's
2nd Law to each object in the system in order to develop a set
of equations which could be solved for the acceleration of the
system. (Identify your 'knowns' & 'unknowns'.)



We must construct a
force diagram for
each of the objects in
the problem.







For A: Force diagram & CS as shown:

Fx =

mA g

- T1 = m

a x (1)

For B: Force diagram & CS as shown:

mB g

Fx = T1 - T2 -

mB g

Fy = NB fB =



- fB = mB
= 0

a x (2)


For C: Force diagram & CS as shown:


Fx = T2 - fC =
Fy = NC - mC g
fC =




= 0


Note that we have selected the 'x' direction for all three objects in the same 'sense'. This means that we need
only one acceleration 'a' in our equations.
Known quantities are 'boxed'. The unknowns are:

T1, a, T2, fB, NB, fC, NC.

Thus we have 7 equations in 7 unknowns and are guaranteed a numerical solution for all 7.

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