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Bagi pemilik Acer Aspire One mungkin akan merasa kesulitan untuk menginstall ulang netbooknya.

Tapi tidak akan sulit jika punya CD Room external untuk melakukan misi install ulangnya. Tapi klo ga punya CD Room external gimana donk..??? Ya pake Flash Disk donk.. Ga tau flash disk..??? Keterlaluan.. SUNGGUH TERLALU. Mungkin langsung aja kali ya biar ga kebanyakan intro tar malah basi.. Yang harus/kudu/wajib dipersiapkan adalah : 1. USB Multiboot, bisa download disini : 2. USB Flash Disk, kalau bisa lebih dari 1 GB. 3. CD Master Windows XP. 4. Komputer yang sehat walafiat. Klo da lengkap, lakukan : 1. masukin master ke dalam computer yang sehat walafiat 2. extract file yang barusan di download 3. jalankan USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd

4. tekan ENTER untuk melanjutkan 5. akan nongol pilihan seperti ini :

6. Pilih yang H kemudian tekan ENTER akan muncul kotak seperti : format pada pilihan Fiel System pilih NTFS Mode dan centang Quick Format biar agak cepatan dikit,dan Start.

7. Setelah selesai melaksanakan tugas pembersihan pada flash disk (format) tutup Kotak Dialog Format 8. terus akan muncul menu dalam command

0> untuk merubah Tipe Driver , 1> Letak Source Setup XP, 2> Lokasi USB flash disk 3> Memulai mengkopy installasi xp ke USB Flash Disk. 9. Pilih no 1 dan tekan enter (tujukan dimana lokasi drive master Xp terletak) 10. setelah memilih source XP makan akan muncul kotak dialog

11. pilih NO makan akan diminta mengisi UsrXP, Serial Number, Nama Komputer dan lain sebagainya. 12. kemudian pilih nomor 2 dan tujuan ke drive USB 13. kemudian pili nomor 3 untuk mulai mengcopy instalasi XP ke USB 14. dalam proses copy akan muncul kotal dialog. Pilih YES

15. dan pada kotak dialog terakhir pilih NO

16. sekarang proses copy sudah selesai. Dan USB Flash Disk sudah bisa digunakan untuk melakukan misi install ulang dengan USB Flash Disk Proses Install 1. Arahkan booting ke USB Flash Disk (setting di BIOS, klo ga bisa bawa ke JK Computer. Tapi udah beda urusannya, bayar donk) 2. Saat computer booting dengan flash disk, akan terdapat pilihan, pilih No. 1 aja deh.. ( yang BEGIN TXT MODE SETUP WINDOWS XP ) 3. ya udahinstall seperti biasa aja.

Cara menginstal Windows 7 menggunakan Flash disk

November 29th, 2009 by zulvikar Leave a reply

Kamu punya netbook? tidak ada DVDdrivenya kan? terus pengen instal ulang nyobain windows 7 yang keren itu di netbook kamu? Ada cara mudah untuk menginstal Windows 7 menggunakan USB Flash disk di netbook kamu tanpa menggunakan program tambahan tapi hanya menggunakan perintah dari Command Prompt. Saya telah mencobanya dengan menggunakan flash disk 4 GB di netbook axioo pico milik adik saya. Berikut langkahlangkahnya : 1. Siapkan flash disk 4 GB, laptop atau PC yang ada DVD drivenya dan DVD windows 7 2. Masukkan flash disk ke colokan USB laptop kamu, flash disk ini nantinya akan diformat ulang, jadi backuplah dahulu isinya karena akan terhapus semua. 3. Buka jendela Command Prompt dengan menekan tombol di keyboard windows + R, ketik cmd lalu klik OK 4. Di jendela Command Prompt yang baru muncul, ketik DISKPART dan tekan enter

5. Ketik LIST DISK kemudian eneter, akan muncul semua drive dalam laptop kamu. Lihatlah ukuran dari masing-masing drive untuk mengenal yang mana flash disk dan hardisk kamu. Di laptop saya, Disk 0 ukurannya 111 GB dan Disk 1 ukurannya 3856 MB. Berarti, Disk 1 adalah flash disk 4 GB saya.

6. Ketik perintah berikut satu demi satu : SELECT DISK 1CLEAN CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY SELECT PARTITION 1 ACTIVE FORMAT FS=NTFS Tunggu sampai 100 completed, ketik EXIT dan tekan enter

7. Minimize jendela Command Prompt tadi 8. Masukkan DVD Windows 7 ke dalam DVD drive dan perhatikan drive letter DVD drive tadi (nama drive yang terbaca). Ingat drive letter DVD drive dan flash disk kamu. Pada laptop saya, drive F adalah DVD Windows 7 dan drive G adalah flash disk saya. 9. Maximize jendela Command Prompt yang tadi kamu minimized, ketik perintah berikut satu demi satu : F:CD BOOT dan tekan enter (F adalah drive DVD Windows 7 saya) CD BOOT tekan enter BOOTSECT.EXE/NT60 G: tekan enter (G adalah flash disk saya)

10. Tutup jendela Command Prompt 11. Copy semua file dari DVD Windows 7 ke dalam flash disk kamu, sekarang flash disk kamu siap digunakan untuk menginstal Windows 7 INSTALL WINDOWS 7 DI AXIOO PICO 1. Colok flash disk tadi ke netbook kamu 2. Hidupkan netbook kamu dan tekan DELETE segera ketika muncul logo axioo untuk masuk ke setup BIOS 3. Setelah masuk ke jendela BIOS, cari pilihan Boot dan ubahlah 1st boot device dari [SATA : PM ST91xxxx] to [Removable Dev.] tekan F10 kemudian enter. Netbook kamu otomatis akan diestart untuk kemudian masuk ke penginstalan Windows 7 4. Pada saat netbook kamu hidup kembali, biarkan saja sampai muncul jendela penginstalan Windows 7. Pilih bahasa penginstalan lalu klik next

5. Klik Accept the license terms, kemudian pilihlah installation type. Klik upgrade untuk menginstall Windows 7 menggantikan Windows yang sebelumnya telah


6. Klik advance, pilih partisi yang akan dijadikan tempat pengisntalan Windows 7, biasanya pada drive C (partition 1). Pilih partisi yang sebelumnya digunakan untuk menginstal Windows, klik Format, klik lagi partisi tadi lalu klik NEXT untuk memulai penginstalan

7. Setelah pengistalan selesai, masukkan account name dan serial number Windows 7 kamu, klik NEXT 8. Netbook kamu akan direstart otomatis dan Windows 7 siap dijalankan di netbook kamu.

Install windows 7 melalui flashdisk

16 12 2009

Setelah tahun lalu sukses install windows XP melalui flashdisk, akhirnya kemarin saya berhasil install windows 7 juga melalui flashdisk. Atas permintaan seorang teman, saya coba tulis ulang langkah-langkah install windows 7 dengan flashdisk. Semoga bermanfaat..terutama buat rekan-rekan yang akan install windows 7 di netbook mereka yang tidak memiliki optical drive built-in. Yang perlu disiapkan : - flashdisk 4GB (atau 2GB jika punya installer yg sudah di-sliming dengan vLite) - komputer/laptop dengan OS vista/Windows 7 (beta/RC juga bisa) - DVD installer windows 7 / ISO-nya Langkah-langkahnya sbb : 1. Colokkan flashdisk ke komputer/laptop ber-OS vista/win7 2. Buka command prompt (klik start, all program, accesories, klik kanan Command Prompt, Run as Administrator) 3. Ketik pada jendela command prompt perintah berikut :
diskpart list disk (lihat flashdisk pada disk nomor berapa) select disk x (dimana x=nomor urut disk, misal disk clean create partition primary select partition 1 active format quick fs=ntfs (jika tidak bisa, ganti : format quick fs=fat32 assign exit


4. Masukkan DVD installer ke DVD Rom. Atau extract isi file ISO installer ke satu folder, misal c:\win7 5. Buat flashdisk menjadi bootable dengan perintah berikut :
f: cd\boot bootsect /nt60 g:

(dimana f: adalah drive DVD Rom, dan g: adalah lokasi drive flashdisk) atau jika installer-nya dari file ISO, perintahnya diganti :
cd\win7 cd boot bootsect /nt60 g:

(dimana c:\win7 adalah folder tempat extract file ISO). 6. Copy File installer windows 7 ke flashdisk dengan perintah berikut :
xcopy f:*.* /s/e/f g:

(dimana f: adalah drive DVD Rom, dan g: adalah lokasi drive flashdisk) atau jika installer-

nya dari file ISO, perintahnya diganti :

xcopy c:\win7\*.* /s/e/f g:

(dimana c:\win7 adalah folder tempat extract file ISO). Tunggu sampai proses copy selesai. 7. Colokkan flashdisk ke netbook/laptop/pc yang akan diinstall. Pastikan booting dari flashdisk tsb (jika tidak bisa, masuk ke setting BIOS, ubah supaya priority boot pertama dari USB Flashdisk) 8. Selanjutnya tinggal mengikuti perintah installasi di layar. Selamat mencoba..

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Nokia 5310 XpressMusic

Develop for this Platform Announced Date 29 August 2007 Device Description: The Nokia 5310 XpressMusic is a tri-band music phone for GSM 900/1800/1900 or GSM 850/1800/1900 in some regions. In addition to a 2 megapixel camera, the Nokia 5310 XpressMusic supports 4GB microSD cards for AAC, AAC+, eAAC+ and WMA music files, pictures, video, contacts and more. Additional features include USB 2.0 , Bluetooth 2.0, Flash Lite 2.1 and MIDP Java 2.1 with additional Java APIs. Compare with other device(s) Expand All Groups Collapse All Groups Technical Specs Developer Platform Operating System Screen Resolution Series 40 5th Edition, Feature Pack 1 Nokia OS 240 x 320 General Screen Resolution Screen Color Depth 240 x 320 24 bit

Device Size Volume Weight Keypad

103.8 x 44.7 x 9.9 mm 44.8 cc 70.2 g Grid Key Mat 3 Labeled Soft Keys 5-way Scrolling Media Keys GSM 1800 GSM 1900 GSM 900 CSD EGPRS GPRS HSCSD Asia-Pacific, CHINA, Europe, Latin America, Middle East Profile Developer Home Page Extra Features Handsfree Speaker MP3 Ringtones Ovi Store PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) Stereo FM Radio Themes APIs JSR 139 Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.1 JSR 118 MIDP 2.1 JSR 248 Mobile Service Architecture for CLDC JSR 75 FileConnection and PIM API JSR 82 Bluetooth API JSR 135 Mobile Media API JSR 172 J2ME Web Services Specification JSR 177 Security and Trust Services API for J2ME JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME

Other Keys

Frequency Bands

Data Bearers

Regional Availability UAProfile Link Developer Page Link

Extra Features

Java Technology

JSR 205 Wireless Messaging API 2.0 JSR 211 Content Handler API JSR 226 Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API JSR 234 Advanced Multimedia Supplements Nokia UI API Java API Access Permissions Certificates Java API Access Permissions UTI Root Browser, Flash and Web Runtime Browser Details HTML over TCP/IP WAP 2.0 XHTML over TCP/IP Flash Lite 2.1 Screensaver Wall Paper Multimedia Camera Resolution CMOS Sensor Camera Digital Zoom 1600 x 1200 2.0 Megapixel 4x

Flash Technology Flash Lite Features

Camera Image Formats JPEG Camera Features Video Recording Resolution Self Timer 176 x 144

Video Recording Frame 7 fps Rate Video Recording Formats H.263, H.264/AVC Video Player Video Recorder Video Ringtones

Video Features

Video Streaming Video Playback Formats 3GPP formats (H.263), H.264/AVC, MPEG-4 Graphic Formats Theme Version Suggested Theme Template BMP, GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG, PNG, WBMP Series 40 Theme v3.0 Series 40 Blue Text Series 40 White Text Audio Equalizer Audio Recorder AMR Audio Streaming Music Player AAC, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, eAAC+, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, SP-MIDI, True tones, WMA Memory Functions Maximum User Storage 30 MB Maximum Heap Size Maximum JAR Size 2 MB 1 MB Connectivity Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR Bluetooth Stereo Audio Micro USB Nokia microUSB Cable CA-101 USB 2.0 USB Mass Storage A2DP, AVRCP, DUN, FTP, GAP, GAVDP, GOEP, HFP, HSP, OPP, PAN, SAP, SDAP, SPP Messaging Messaging Supported Email Protocols IM, MMS+SMIL, SMS IMAP4, POP3, SMTP

Audio Features

Audio Formats

Local Connectivity

Bluetooth Profiles

Power Management Power Management Battery model Talk Time up to Standby Time up to 2.0mm Charger Connector BL-4C 3.7V 860mAh 5.4 hours 12 days

Music Playback Time up 20.0 hours to Other OMA Device Management Synchronization Digital Rights Management OMA Client Provisioning v1.1 OMA Device Management v1.2 OMA Data Synchronization v1.1.2 SyncML OMA DRM Forward Lock OMA DRM v2.0 HTTP Download MMS OMA Download

DRM Delivery Method

Recommended SDK(s)
Series 40 Platform SDKs A beta version of the Series 40 5th Edition SDK, Feature Pack 1 Lite is now available, enabling applications to be tested against the feature set of compatible devices.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Nokia E65

Develop for this Platform Use this device to test your apps Announced Date 12 February 2007 Last updated 4 April 2007 Device Description: The Nokia E65 is a slim and stylish business phone with a 2 mega-pixel camera supporting EGSM 850/900/1800/1900, WCDMA 2100 and WLAN. The Nokia E65 is a slide format device with a 240 x 320, 16M color display. Use the Nokia E65 for E-mail, business, and taking pictures or videos. Additional features include support for video calls, Bluetooth, IR, MicroSD support, Java MIDP 2.0, messaging and web browsing. Compare with other device(s) Expand All Groups Collapse All Groups Technical Specs Developer Platform Operating System Screen Resolution S60 3rd Edition (initial release) Symbian OS v9.1 240 x 320

General Screen Resolution Screen Color Depth Device Size Weight Keypad Other Keys 240 x 320 24 bit 105 x 49 x 15.5 mm 115 g Side Key Mat 2 Labeled Soft Keys 5-way Scrolling GSM 1800 GSM 1900 GSM 850 GSM 900 WCDMA 2100 CSD EGPRS GPRS HSCSD WCDMA WLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East Dual CPU ARM 9 220 MHz Profile 1 Profile 2 Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.1; U; en-us) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413 es65 Device Home Page Developer Home Page

Frequency Bands

Data Bearers

Regional Availability CPU Count CPU Type CPU Clock Rate UAProfile Link Example User Agent header Consumer Link Developer Page Link

Remote Device Access Link to the Service

Service Extra Features Handsfree Speaker MP3 Ringtones Ovi Store PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) Presence SyncML Themes VoIP APIs JSR 139 Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.1 JSR 118 MIDP 2.0 JSR 185 Java Technology for Wireless Industry JSR 75 FileConnection and PIM API JSR 82 Bluetooth API JSR 135 Mobile Media API JSR 172 J2ME Web Services Specification JSR 177 Security and Trust Services API for J2ME JSR 179 Location API for J2ME 1.0 JSR 180 SIP API for J2ME JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME JSR 205 Wireless Messaging API 2.0 Nokia UI API Java API Access Permissions 0x20000604 Symbian A, Symbian B, Symbian C, Symbian D, UTI Root Browser, Flash and Web Runtime HTML over TCP/IP OSS Browser WAP 2.0 XHTML over TCP/IP Flash Lite 1.1

Extra Features

Java Technology

Java API Access Permissions Product ID Certificates

Browser Details

Flash Technology

Multimedia Multimedia Codecs in Detail Camera Resolution CMOS Sensor Camera Digital Zoom Camera Focal length Camera FStop/Aperture Camera Focus range Codec 1600 x 1200 2.0 Megapixel 4x 4.4 mm f/2.8 30 cm to infinity

Camera Image Formats JPEG/Exif Camera Features Video Recording Resolution Self Timer 352 x 288

Video Recording Frame 15 fps Rate Video Digital Zoom Video Recording Formats 4x H.263, MPEG-4 Video Call Video Player Video Recorder Video Sharing Video Streaming 3GPP formats (H.263), MPEG-4, RealVideo 7,8,9/10 BMP, GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, WBMP Audio Equalizer Audio Recorder AMR Audio Streaming

Video Features

Video Playback Formats Graphic Formats

Audio Features

Music Player Audio Formats AAC, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, eAAC+, M4A, MIDI Tones (poly 48), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, RealAudio 7, 8, 10, SP-MIDI, True tones Memory Functions Maximum User Storage 50 MB Free Executable RAM Memory NAND Memory SDRAM Memory Memory Card type 24 MB 128 MB 64 MB Micro SD

Memory Card Features Hot Swap Maximum Memory Card Size Maximum Heap Size Maximum JAR Size 2 GB Unlimited Unlimited Connectivity Bluetooth Bluetooth 1.2 Infrared USB USB Cable Nokia CA-53 USB Mass Storage BIP, DUN, FTP, GAP, GOEP, HFP, HID, HSP, OPP, SAP, SPP 802.11b/g Nokia VoIP 2.0 WPA WPA2 (AES/TKIP) Messaging Messaging IM, MMS+SMIL, SMS

Local Connectivity

Bluetooth Profiles

WLAN support

Supported Email Protocols Supported Document Formats


Excel, PDF, Powerpoint, Word, Zip

Power Management Power Management Battery model GSM Talk Time up to WCDMA Talk Time up to VoIP Talk Time up to 2.0mm Charger Connector BL-5F 3.7V 1100mAh 6.0 hours 2.5 hours 3.0 hours

GSM Standby Time up 11 days to WCDMA Standby Time 14 days up to Other OMA Device Management Synchronization Digital Rights Management OMA Client Provisioning v1.1 OMA Device Management v1.1.2 OMA Data Synchronization v1.2 OMA DRM Forward Lock

HTTP Download DRM Delivery Method MMS OMA Download

The main Tools & SDKs page provides all the tools & SDKs in an easy to access form. The page also includes Getting Started -articles giving an overview of the tools and SDKs. Carbide.ui Carbide.ui is a family of tools that enables the creation of themes for Symbian and Series 40

devices. Carbide.ui provides professionals and hobbyists alike with an easy to use tool that can customise almost every aspect of the look and feel of a device UI. Carbide.c++ The latest version of Carbide.c++ is now available for download from Forum Nokia. This version offers performance improvements and new tools to all Symbian C++, Open C/C++, and Qt developers.

Recommended SDK(s)
S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for C++ The S60 SDKs for Symbian OS enable application development for devices based on the S60 platform using C++. The SDK includes all key resources needed for application development, such as documentation, API reference, and an emulator. An IDE is not included; Carbide.c++ is recommended. S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for Java S60 Platform SDK for Symbian OS, for Java MIDP allows developers to quickly and efficiently run and test Java applications for devices built on the S60 platform. Using a Java IDE, development with the SDK is hosted on a PC.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Nokia N73

Develop for this Platform Use this device to test your apps Announced Date 25 April 2006 Last updated 7 December 2009 Device Description: The Nokia N73 is a stunning multimedia computer with powerful photography features and integrated stereo speakers with 3D sound. In addition to providing the standard range of Nokia Nseries multimedia experiences, the Nokia N73 includes a 3.2 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics, auto focus, two-way video call capability and MPEG-4 Video capture at 15 fps. Compare with other device(s) Expand All Groups Collapse All Groups Technical Specs Developer Platform Operating System Screen Resolution S60 3rd Edition (initial release) Symbian OS v9.1 240 x 320

General Screen Resolution Screen Color Depth Device Size Weight Keypad 240 x 320 18 bit 110 x 49 x 19 mm 116 g Grid Key Mat 2 Labeled Soft Keys 5-way Scrolling Camera Key Media Keys GSM 1800 GSM 1900 GSM 850 GSM 900 WCDMA 2100 CSD EGPRS GPRS HSCSD WCDMA Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America Dual CPU ARM 9 220 MHz Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3 Profile 4 NokiaN73-1/4.0839.42.3.1 Series60/3.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 Developer Home Page

Other Keys

Frequency Bands

Data Bearers

Regional Availability CPU Count CPU Type CPU Clock Rate

UAProfile Link

Example User Agent header Developer Page Link

Remote Device Access Service

Link to the Service

Extra Features Digital Recorder Front Facing Camera Ovi Store PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) Presence Stereo FM Radio Stereo Handsfree Speakers Still Image Editor SyncML Themes Visual Radio APIs JSR 139 Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.1 JSR 118 MIDP 2.0 JSR 185 Java Technology for Wireless Industry JSR 75 FileConnection and PIM API JSR 82 Bluetooth API JSR 135 Mobile Media API JSR 172 J2ME Web Services Specification JSR 177 Security and Trust Services API for J2ME JSR 179 Location API for J2ME 1.0 JSR 180 SIP API for J2ME JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME JSR 205 Wireless Messaging API 2.0 Nokia UI API

Extra Features

Java Technology

Java API Access Permissions Java API Access Permissions Product ID Certificates 0x200005FB Symbian A, Symbian B, Symbian C, Symbian D, UTI Root Browser, Flash and Web Runtime HTML over TCP/IP OSS Browser WAP 2.0 XHTML over TCP/IP

Browser Details

Flash Technology

Flash Lite 1.1 Multimedia

Multimedia Codecs in Detail Codec Camera Resolution Camera Digital Zoom Camera Focal length Camera F-Stop/Aperture Camera Focus range Camera Image Formats Camera Features 2048 x 1536 20 x 5.6 mm f/2.8 10 cm to infinity JPEG/Exif Auto Focus, Carl Zeiss Optics, Flash, Red-Eye Reduction, Self Timer

Video Recording Resolution 352 x 288 Video Recording Frame Rate 15 fps Video Digital Zoom Video Recording Formats 4x H.263, MPEG-4 Video Call Video Editor Video Player Video Recorder Video Sharing 3GPP formats (H.263), H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, RealVideo 7,8,9/10 BMP, EXIF, GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG, JPEG 2000, WBMP Audio Equalizer Audio Recorder AMR Audio Streaming Music Player Stereo AAC, AAC+, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, eAAC+, M4A, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, RealAudio 7, 8, 10, SP-MIDI, True tones, WAV, WMA

Video Features

Video Playback Formats Graphic Formats

Audio Features

Audio Formats

Secondary Camera Resolution Secondary Camera Digital Zoom Secondary Camera Image Formats Secondary Camera Video Recording Resolution Secondary Camera Video Recording Frame Rate Secondary Camera Video Zoom Secondary Camera Video Recording Format

640 x 480



176 x 144

15 fps



Memory Functions Maximum User Storage Free Executable RAM Memory NAND Memory SDRAM Memory Memory Card type Memory Card Features Maximum Memory Card Size Maximum Heap Size Maximum JAR Size 42 MB 14 MB 128 MB 64 MB Mini SD Hot Swap 2 GB Unlimited Unlimited Connectivity Local Connectivity Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR Infrared

USB 2.0 USB Cable Nokia CA-53 USB Mass Storage Bluetooth Profiles BIP, BPP, DUN, FTP, HFP, HSP, OPP, SAP, SYNC Messaging Messaging Supported Email Protocols Supported Document Formats IM, MMS, MMS+SMIL, SMS IMAP4, POP3, SMTP Excel, PDF, Powerpoint, Word, Zip

Power Management Power Management Battery model GSM Talk Time up to WCDMA Talk Time up to GSM Standby Time up to 2.0mm Charger Connector BP-6M 3.7V 1100mAh 4.1 hours 3.7 hours 15 days

WCDMA Standby Time up to 15 days Other OMA Device Management Synchronization OMA Client Provisioning v1.1 OMA Device Management v1.1.2 OMA Data Synchronization v1.2

OMA DRM Forward Lock Digital Rights Management OMA DRM v1.0 OMA DRM v2.0 HTTP Download MMS OMA Download

DRM Delivery Method

The main Tools & SDKs page provides all the tools & SDKs in an easy to access form. The page also includes Getting Started -articles giving an overview of the tools and SDKs. Carbide.ui Carbide.ui is a family of tools that enables the creation of themes for Symbian and Series 40 devices. Carbide.ui provides professionals and hobbyists alike with an easy to use tool that can customise almost every aspect of the look and feel of a device UI. Carbide.c++ The latest version of Carbide.c++ is now available for download from Forum Nokia. This version offers performance improvements and new tools to all Symbian C++, Open C/C++, and Qt developers.

Recommended SDK(s)
S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for C++ The S60 SDKs for Symbian OS enable application development for devices based on the S60 platform using C++. The SDK includes all key resources needed for application development, such as documentation, API reference, and an emulator. An IDE is not included; Carbide.c++ is recommended. S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for Java S60 Platform SDK for Symbian OS, for Java MIDP allows developers to quickly and efficiently run and test Java applications for devices built on the S60 platform. Using a Java IDE, development with the SDK is hosted on a PC.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Nokia 6300

Develop for this Platform Announced Date 28 November 2006 Last updated 15 February 2007 Device Description: The Nokia 6300 is a stylish compact device for GSM 900/1800/1900 or GSM 850/1800/1900 with a 240 x 320 pixel active TFT 16.7 million color display, integrated 2 Mega pixel digital camera and 3GPP video player/recorder, MicroSD card support, Bluetooth and MIDP Java 2.0 with additional Java APIs. The Nokia 6300 also features Macromedia Flash Lite 2.0 for interactive user experiences with video, audio and graphics. Compare with other device(s) Expand All Groups Collapse All Groups Technical Specs Developer Platform Operating System Screen Resolution Series 40 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2 Nokia OS 240 x 320

General Screen Resolution Screen Color Depth Device Size Weight 240 x 320 24 bit 107 x 44 x 13 mm 91 g GSM 1800 GSM 1900 GSM 900 CSD EGPRS GPRS HSCSD Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East Profile Developer Home Page Extra Features Handsfree Speaker MP3 Ringtones Ovi Store PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) Stereo FM Radio SyncML Themes Visual Radio APIs JSR 139 Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.1 JSR 118 MIDP 2.0 JSR 185 Java Technology for Wireless Industry JSR 75 FileConnection and PIM API JSR 82 Bluetooth API JSR 135 Mobile Media API JSR 172 J2ME Web Services Specification JSR 177 Security and Trust Services API for J2ME JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME

Frequency Bands

Data Bearers

Regional Availability UAProfile Link Developer Page Link

Extra Features

Java Technology

JSR 205 Wireless Messaging API 2.0 JSR 226 Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API Nokia UI API Java API Access Permissions Certificates Java API Access Permissions UTI Root Browser, Flash and Web Runtime Browser Details HTML over TCP/IP WAP 2.0 XHTML over TCP/IP Flash Lite 2.0 Screensaver Wall Paper Multimedia Camera Resolution Camera Digital Zoom 1600 x 1200 8x

Flash Technology Flash Lite Features

Camera Image Formats JPEG Video Recording Resolution 176 x 144

Video Recording Frame 15 fps Rate Video Recording Formats H.263 Video Player Video Recorder Video Ringtones Video Streaming

Video Features

Video Playback Formats 3GPP formats (H.263), H.264/AVC, MPEG-4 Graphic Formats Theme Version BMP, GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG, PNG, WBMP Series 40 Theme v2.0

Suggested Theme Template

Series 40 Blue Text Audio Recorder AMR Audio Streaming Music Player Stereo AAC, AAC+, AMR-NB, eAAC+, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, SP-MIDI, True tones, WMA Memory Functions

Audio Features

Audio Formats

Maximum User Storage 9 MB Memory Card type Micro SD

Memory Card Features Hot Swap Maximum Memory Card Size Maximum Heap Size Maximum JAR Size 2 GB 2 MB 1 MB Connectivity Local Connectivity Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR Mini USB Messaging Messaging Supported Email Protocols MMS+SMIL, SMS IMAP4, POP3, SMTP

Other Digital Rights Management OMA DRM Forward Lock OMA DRM v1.0 OMA DRM v2.0

HTTP Download DRM Delivery Method MMS OMA Download

Recommended SDK(s)
Series 40 Platform SDKs A beta version of the Series 40 5th Edition SDK, Feature Pack 1 Lite is now available, enabling applications to be tested against the feature set of compatible devices.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Nokia 5610 XpressMusic

Develop for this Platform Announced Date 29 August 2007 Device Description: The Nokia 5610 XpressMusic features dual band WCDMA 3G technology for fast and easy downloads and browsing, and quad band GSM capability for worldwide connectivity on GSM 850/900/1800/1900 and (WCDMA 850/2100) or (WCDMA 850/1900) for some regions. In addition to a 3.2 megapixel camera, the Nokia 5610 XpressMusic supports up to 4GB microSD cards for storing music, pictures, videos, contacts and more. Additional features include USB 2.0, Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR, Bluetooth stereo, Flash Lite 2.1 and MIDP Java 2.1 with additional Java APIs. Compare with other device(s) Expand All Groups Collapse All Groups Technical Specs Developer Platform Operating System Screen Resolution Series 40 5th Edition, Feature Pack 1 Nokia OS 240 x 320 General Screen Resolution 240 x 320

Screen Color Depth Device Size Weight Keypad Other Keys

24 bit 98.5 x 48.5 x 17 mm 111 g Grid Key Mat 3 Labeled Soft Keys 5-way Scrolling GSM 1800 GSM 1900 GSM 850 GSM 900 WCDMA 2100 WCDMA 850 CSD EGPRS GPRS HSCSD WCDMA Asia-Pacific, CHINA, Europe, Latin America, Middle East Profile 1 Profile 2 Developer Home Page Extra Features Handsfree Speaker MP3 Ringtones Ovi Store PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) Stereo FM Radio SyncML Themes APIs

Frequency Bands

Data Bearers

Regional Availability UAProfile Link Developer Page Link

Extra Features

Java Technology

JSR 139 Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.1 JSR 118 MIDP 2.1 JSR 248 Mobile Service Architecture for CLDC JSR 75 FileConnection and PIM API

JSR 82 Bluetooth API JSR 135 Mobile Media API JSR 172 J2ME Web Services Specification JSR 177 Security and Trust Services API for J2ME JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME JSR 205 Wireless Messaging API 2.0 JSR 211 Content Handler API JSR 226 Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API JSR 234 Advanced Multimedia Supplements Nokia UI API Java API Access Permissions Certificates Java API Access Permissions UTI Root Browser, Flash and Web Runtime Browser Details HTML over TCP/IP WAP 2.0 XHTML over TCP/IP Flash Lite 2.1 Screensaver Wall Paper Multimedia Camera Resolution Camera Digital Zoom Camera Image Formats Camera Features Video Recording Resolution Video Recording Frame Rate Video Digital Zoom Video Recording Formats 2048 x 1536 8x JPEG Auto Focus, Flash, Self Timer 640 x 480 15 fps 4x H.263, H.264/AVC Video Player Video Recorder Video Ringtones

Flash Technology Flash Lite Features

Video Features

Video Streaming Video Playback Formats Graphic Formats Theme Version Suggested Theme Template 3GPP formats (H.263), H.264/AVC, MPEG-4 BMP, GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG, PNG, WBMP Series 40 Theme v3.0 Series 40 Blue Text Series 40 White Text Audio Equalizer Audio Recorder AMR Audio Streaming Music Player AAC, AAC+, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, eAAC+, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, SP-MIDI, True tones, WMA 320 x 240 176 x 144

Audio Features

Audio Formats Secondary Camera Resolution Secondary Camera Video Recording Resolution Secondary Camera Video Recording Frame Rate Secondary Camera Video Recording Format

15 fps


Memory Functions Maximum User Storage Memory Card type Memory Card Features Maximum Memory Card Size Maximum Heap Size Maximum JAR Size 20 MB Micro SD Hot Swap 4 GB 2 MB 1 MB Connectivity Local Connectivity Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR Micro USB

Nokia AV 2.5mm Nokia microUSB Cable CA-101 USB 2.0 Bluetooth Profiles A2DP, AVRCP, DUN, FTP, GAP, GAVDP, GOEP, HFP, HSP, OPP, SAP, SDAP, SPP Messaging Messaging Supported Email Protocols IM, MMS+SMIL, SMS IMAP4, POP3, SMTP Power Management Power Management Battery model Talk Time up to Standby Time up to 2.0mm Charger Connector BP-5M 3.7V 900mAh 6.0 hours 13 days Other OMA Device Management Synchronization OMA Client Provisioning v1.1 OMA Device Management v1.2 OMA Data Synchronization v1.1.2 OMA DRM Forward Lock OMA DRM v2.0 Windows Media DRM 10 HTTP Download MMS OMA Download

Digital Rights Management

DRM Delivery Method

Recommended SDK(s)
Series 40 Platform SDKs A beta version of the Series 40 5th Edition SDK, Feature Pack 1 Lite is now available, enabling applications to be tested against the feature set of compatible devices.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Nokia N76

Develop for this Platform Announced Date 8 January 2007 Last updated 11 December 2009 Device Description: The Nokia N76 is a slim and stylish folding portable multimedia computer supporting WCDMA 2100/EGSM 850/900/1800/1900 or EGSM 850/900/1800/1900 for some regions. Take pictures with the 2 megapixel camera or play music without opening the phone using dedicated media keys and the external (128 x 160 pixels) 262k color display. Enjoy videos and graphics with crystal clarity on the 2.4 QVGA (240 x 320 pixels) 16M color main display in portrait or landscape mode and listen to music using stereo headphones with the built-in 3.5mm headphone jack. The Nokia N76 also features Java MIDP 2.0 support with additional Java APIs, USB 2.0, Bluetooth 2.0 and MicroSD memory card support. Compare with other device(s) Expand All Groups Collapse All Groups Technical Specs Developer Platform Operating System Screen Resolution S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1 Symbian OS v9.2 240 x 320

General Screen Resolution Screen Color Depth Secondary Screen Resolution Secondary Screen Color Depth Device Size Weight Keypad Other Keys 240 x 320 24 bit 128 x 160

18 bit 106.5 x 52 x 13.7 mm 115 g Grid Key Mat 2 Labeled Soft Keys 5-way Scrolling GSM 1800 GSM 1900 GSM 850 GSM 900 WCDMA 2100[1] CSD EGPRS GPRS HSCSD WCDMA Asia-Pacific, CHINA, Europe, Latin America, Middle East Single CPU ARM 11 369 MHz Profile Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaN76-1/31.0.014 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413

Frequency Bands

Data Bearers

Regional Availability CPU Count CPU Type CPU Clock Rate UAProfile Link Example User Agent header

Developer Page Link Notes

Developer Home Page


WCDMA 2100 not available in some regions. Extra Features

Extra Features

Ovi Store PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) Stereo FM Radio Still Image Editor Themes Visual Radio APIs JSR 139 Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.1 JSR 118 MIDP 2.0 JSR 185 Java Technology for Wireless Industry JSR 75 FileConnection and PIM API JSR 82 Bluetooth API JSR 135 Mobile Media API JSR 172 J2ME Web Services Specification JSR 177 Security and Trust Services API for J2ME JSR 179 Location API for J2ME 1.0 JSR 180 SIP API for J2ME JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME JSR 205 Wireless Messaging API 2.0 JSR 226 Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API JSR 234 Advanced Multimedia Supplements Nokia UI API Java API Access Permissions 0x2000060A Symbian A, Symbian B, Symbian C, Symbian D, UTI Root Browser, Flash and Web Runtime HTML over TCP/IP OSS Browser WAP 2.0 XHTML over TCP/IP Flash Lite 2.0

Java Technology

Java API Access Permissions Product ID Certificates

Browser Details

Flash Technology

Multimedia Multimedia Codecs in Detail Camera Resolution Camera Digital Zoom Camera Image Formats Camera Features Codec 1600 x 1200 20 x JPEG/Exif Flash, Red-Eye Reduction, Self Timer

Video Recording Resolution 320 x 240 Video Recording Frame Rate Video Recording Formats 15 fps H.263, MPEG-4 Video Call[1] Video Editor Video Player Video Recorder Video Sharing Video Streaming 3GPP formats (H.263), H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, RealVideo 7,8,9/10 BMP, EXIF, GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, WBMP AAC-LC Audio Recording Audio Streaming Music Player Stereo AAC, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, eAAC+, M4A, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, RealAudio 7, 8, 10, SP-MIDI, True tones, WAV, WMA 320 x 240

Video Features

Video Playback Formats Graphic Formats

Audio Features

Audio Formats Secondary Camera Resolution Secondary Camera Image Formats Secondary Camera Video

JPEG/Exif 176 x 144

Recording Resolution Secondary Camera Video Recording Frame Rate Secondary Camera Video Zoom Secondary Camera Video Recording Format Notes 15 fps



Video call available where supported by network and phone model. Memory Functions

Maximum User Storage Free Executable RAM Memory NAND Memory SDRAM Memory Memory Card type Memory Card Features Maximum Memory Card Size Maximum Heap Size Maximum JAR Size

26 MB 44 MB 128 MB 96 MB Micro SD Hot Swap 2 GB Unlimited Unlimited Connectivity Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR Mini Stereo Plug 3.5mm Mini USB USB 2.0 USB Cable Nokia DKE-2 AVRCP, BIP, BPP, DUN, FTP, GAVDP, GOEP, HFP, HSP, OPP, SAP

Local Connectivity

Bluetooth Profiles

Messaging Messaging MMS, MMS+SMIL, SMS

Supported Email Protocols IMAP4, POP3, SMTP Supported Document Formats Excel, PDF, Powerpoint, Word, Zip

Power Management Power Management Battery model GSM Talk Time up to WCDMA Talk Time up to GSM Standby Time up to WCDMA Standby Time up to 2.0mm Charger Connector BL-4B 3.7V 700mAh 2.75 hours 2.0 hours 8 days 8 days

Other OMA Device Management OMA Client Provisioning v1.1 OMA Device Management v1.1.2 OMA Data Synchronization v1.2 SyncML


OMA DRM Forward Lock Digital Rights Management OMA DRM v1.0 OMA DRM v2.0 HTTP Download MMS OMA Download

DRM Delivery Method

The main Tools & SDKs page provides all the tools & SDKs in an easy to access form. The page also includes Getting Started -articles giving an overview of the tools and SDKs.

Carbide.ui Carbide.ui is a family of tools that enables the creation of themes for Symbian and Series 40 devices. Carbide.ui provides professionals and hobbyists alike with an easy to use tool that can customise almost every aspect of the look and feel of a device UI. Carbide.c++ The latest version of Carbide.c++ is now available for download from Forum Nokia. This version offers performance improvements and new tools to all Symbian C++, Open C/C++, and Qt developers.

Recommended SDK(s)
S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for C++ The S60 SDKs for Symbian OS enable application development for devices based on the S60 platform using C++. The SDK includes all key resources needed for application development, such as documentation, API reference, and an emulator. An IDE is not included; Carbide.c++ is recommended. S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for Java S60 Platform SDK for Symbian OS, for Java MIDP allows developers to quickly and efficiently run and test Java applications for devices built on the S60 platform. Using a Java IDE, development with the SDK is hosted on a PC.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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