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CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Civil Engineering Dept. CE 201 Engineering Statics Dr. Rashid Allayla

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.ecture 1 $eneral /rinciples )1.101.1* Fundamentals:


+e%orma,le 'odies

(igid 'odies

Fluid 'odies

#t (est )Statics*

#t &otion )+ynamics*

Scalar versus Vector: Scalar quantity is a quantity that has magnitude only and is independent of direction . Examples include: Time Speed Volume and Temperature. !n t"e ot"er "and vector quantity has both magnitude and direction. Examples include: Force Velocity and #cceleration. $rap"ical representation o% a vector: q Vector q - )direction*

CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla T"e sym,ol 2 a,ove t"e letter q indicates t"at q is vector. T"e magnitude o% q is designated as ,y t"e sym,ol q. 'asic de%initions: .engt": +esignated ,y t"e letter . )cm mm m 3m inc" %t mile* &ass: +esignated ,y t"e letter & )3g l,* Force: +esignated ,y t"e letter F )4 54e6ton7 l,% 5pound %orce7* /article: # particle is a mass o% negligi,le si8e 6it" no particular geometry. (igid 'ody: 9t is a com,ination o% large num,er o% particles t"at occupy more t"an one point in space and located a %ixed distance %rom eac" ot"er ,ot" ,e%ore and a%ter applying a load. Concentrated Force: #ll loads are acting on a point on a very small ,ody. 4e6ton

4e6ton:s .a6s o% &otion:

"ttp:;;;,iograp"y;p"oto0credits."tml 0 4e6ton

First .a6:

5# particle in a state o% uni%orm motion or at rest tends to remain in t"at state unless su,<ected to an external %orce=.
'alanced Forces /article at (est /article in &otion )v A 0 a A 0* )v B 0 a A 0* Stay at rest Stay in motion

# 10 4 o,<ect is moving at constant speed o% 10 3m ; "r on a %riction %ree sur%ace. >"ic" one o% t"e "ori8ontal %orces is necessary to maintain t"is state o% motion? a* 0 4 ,* 1 4 c* 2 4 ? #ns6er: 9t does not ta3e any %orce to maintain t"e motion as long as t"e sur%ace is %riction %ree. #ny additional %orce 6ill accelerate or decelerate t"e motion depending on t"e %orce applied. @

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Second .a6:

5T"e acceleration o% a particle is proportional to t"e resultant %orce acting on it and moves in t"e same direction o% t"is %orce7 % A ma
>"ere 5%7 is t"e %orce 5m7 is t"e mass and 5a7 is t"e acceleration. 9n t"is notes instead o% placing arro6s a,ove %orces t"ey 6ill ,e 6ritten in ,old letters instead.

T"ird .a6:

5For every action t"ere is reaction. T"e mutual %orces o% action and reaction are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and collinear in orientation=.

F )#ction*

F )(eaction*

!nline Conversion Cnit: $o to "ttp:;;;

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

S9 Cnits:

S9 is 3no6n as t"e 9nternational System o% Cnits 6"ere .engt" is in meters (m) time is in seconds (s), and mass is in kilograms (kg) and %orce is in Newton (N) )1 4e6ton is t"e %orce required to give 1 3ilogram o% mass an acceleration o% 1 m;s 2*. CS Customary System o% Cnits )F/S*E is t"e system o% units 6"ere lengt" is in feet (ft) time is in seconds (s), and %orce is in pounds (lb*. T"e unit mass is called a slug )1 pound is t"e %orce required to give one slug o% mass an acceleration o% 1 %t;s 2*. Conversion o% Cnits:

ForceE &assE .engt"E


1 l, )F/S Cnit* A D.DDF2 4 )S9 Cnit* slug )F/S Cnit* A 1D.GH@F 3g )S9 Cnit* %t )F/S Cnit* A 0.@0D m )S9 Cnit*

$iga A $ A 10H A 1 000 000 000 &ega A & A 101 A 1 000 000 Jilo A 3 A 10@ A 1 000

&illi A m A 100@ A 0.001 &icro A I A 1001 A 0.000 001 4ano A K A 100H A 0.000 000 001

9% one l, o% an o,<ect "as a mass o% 0.DG@1 3g %ind t"e 6eig"t in 4e6tonLs. Solution: &ass #cceleration Force

>eig"t in 4e6tonLs: )0.DG@1 3g* )H.F0M m ; s2* A D.DDF 4

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Lecture 2 Force Vectors Vectors Vector !perations and Vector #ddition o% Forces (2 !, 2 2 " 2 #)
# %orce represents an action o% one ,ody on anot"er. # %orce is de%ined ,y t"e %ollo6ing components: a* /oint o% application ,* &agnitude c* +irection

Forces F1 and F2 acting on a particle may ,e replaced ,y a single )resultant* %orce ( 6"ic" 6ill "ave t"e same e%%ect on t"e particle. T"e resultant %orce ( can ,e %ound ,y constructing a parallelogram. So it is evident t"at vector addition does not o,ey ordinary arit"metic addition t"at is t6o %orces o% H and @ l, magnitudes do not add up to 12 l,. !n t"e ot"er "and i% t"e t6o vectors are collinear )i.e. acting on t"e same line* arit"metic addition )or scalar addition* 6ill apply. F1 F1 F2

( A 0 F1 N F2

Vector #ddition Csing Triangular Construction:

(equired: #dd t"e t6o vectors # and '

CE 201 Allayla #

Dr. Rashid




&et"od: >e can add t"e t6o vectors ,y connecting t"e tail o% ' to t"e "ead o% # or connecting t"e "ead o% ' to t"e tail

Vector Su,traction Csing Triangular Construction:

Vector su,traction is a special case o% vector addition. 9t is carried out ,y reversing t"e sign o% t"e vector to ,e su,tracted and per%orming t"e same rule o% vector addition (equired: Su,tract vector ' %rom # #



(esolution o% a Vector:
(esolution o% a vector into t6o vectors acting along any t6o given lines is carried out ,y constructing parallelogram as s"o6n in t"e illustration ,elo6: F a0a ,0, F Fa0a F,0,

Vector #ddition o% 4um,er o% Forces:

y #

Vector addition o% n %orces is accomplis"ed ,y successive application o% parallelogram la6 as descri,ed a,ove# and as in t"e %ollo6ing illustration: N )C N s"o6n '* ' CN' C M

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.a6 o% Sine and Cosine:

T"e magnitude o% t"e resultant %orce can ,e o,tained using t"e la6 o% cosines and t"e direction can ,e o,tained using t"e la6 o% sines. $iven: %orce # and Force ' as s"o6n ,elo6 (equired: T"e resultant %orce and its direction using Sine O Cosine la6s.

Cosine .a6: Sine .a6:

( A SP(T )#2 N '2 Q 2 #' Cos R* #;Sin A ' ; Sin S A (; Sin R #



(esolving (esultant to Components Csing .a6 o% Sine:



# #y: #

CE 201 Allayla #x A 0 # Cos S A # Cos )1F0 0 S* #y A # Sin S A # Sin )1F0 Q S*

Dr. Rashid

4ote t"at:

#x: U # Cos S

EV#&/.E: +etermine t"e magnitude and direction o% %orce / suc" t"at t"e resultant o% t"e t6o %orces on t"e pulling tug ,oat )/ O T* is equal to D.00 34. Solution: Csing Cosine .a6: / A SP(T W D2 N )2.1*2 0 2 x D x 2.1 cos 20oX $ives: / A 1.F 34 Csing Sine .a6: 2.1 ; Sin - A 1.F ; Sin 20o $ives: - A @0o

T"e resultant is %ound using triangular la6 )see %igure* ( A D.0 J4 / Tug 'oat

/ 2.1 4

2.1 4 D.0 J4

EV#&/.E: )'eer O Yo"nston* T6o %orces # A D04 and ' A 104 acting on ,olt C. +etermine t"e magnitude and t"e direction o% t"e resultant ( using la6 o% Cosine O Sine.
' A 10 4 2Go # A D0 4 20o

Solution: +ra6ing t"e system using triangular rule and applying t"e la6 o% cosine:
2G! # A D0 4

(2 A #2 N '2 Q 2 #' Cos W*X 'ut: A 1F002GA1GG

'A10 4

( H

A )D02* N )102* Q 2 )Cos 1GG*

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid S

A HM.M 4 #pplying t"e la6 o% Sines: # ; Sin S A ( ; Sin 1GG 6"ere S is t"e angle opposite to vector #. D0 ; Sin S A HM.M ; sin 1GGo t"en S A Sin01 )D0* Sin 1GG ; HM.M A 0.1M@ A 10o T"en - A )2GN20* Q 10 A @Go EV#&/.E: )'eer O Yo"nston) T6o %orces are applied as s"o6n to a "oo3 support. Csing trigonometry and 3no6ing t"at t"e magnitude o% $ is 1Dl, determine )a* t"e required angle % i% t"e resultant & o% t"e t6o %orces applied to t"e support to ,e "ori8ontal ),* t"e corresponding magnitude o% &.

Solution: Force Triangle:

20 l, / A 1D ( / A 1D l, S (

20 l, S / A1D l, R @0o S


Csing la6 o% sines: 20 ; Sin S A / ; Sin @0 A ( ; Sin R Since / A 1D l, t"en: Sin S A )20 ; 1D* Sin @0 A 0.M1D2F 2 S A DG.1o T"e value o% R: R N S N @0 A 1F0 2 R A 10D.D t"en 1D ; Sin @0 A ( ; Sin 10D.D $ives ( A 2M.1 l,


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.ecture @ Force Vectors #ddition o% System o% Coplanar Forces )2.D*

T"e successive application o% parallelogram met"od to %ind t"e resultant o% set o% %orces is o%ten tedious. 9nstead it 6ould ,e easier to %ind t"e components o% t"e %orces along speci%ied axis alge,raically and t"en %ind t"e resultant. 9t is o%ten desira,le to resolve a %orce into t6o components 6"ic" are perpendicular to eac" ot"er as s"o6n ,elo6.

Cnit Vector

9n order to o,tain t"e resultant o% a set o% coplanar %orces eac" %orce is resolved into x and y components and t"en added alge,raically to o,tain t"e resultant. 9n t"e %igure ,elo6 F 1 F2 and F@ are a set o% coplanar %orces. 9n Cartesian vector notation t"e %orces are 6ritten as F1 F@y F@ F1 A 0 F1x N F1y F2 A F2x N F2y F@ A F@x 0 F@y T"e resultant is: F( A F1 N F2 N F@
#ngle resultant ma3es 6it" N x axis

F2 F@x

F( A )0F1x N F2x N F@x* i N )F1y N F2y Q F@y* < O ZF( Z A SP(T ) F(x2 N F(y2 * - A Tan01 )ZF(y Z ; ZF(x Z* Cnit Vector: 11

CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla # unit vector is a vector directed along t"e positive x and y axis "aving dimensionless magnitude o% unity. #ny vector can ,e expressed in terms o% t"e unit vector as F A Fx i N Fy ' >"ere i and < are t"e unit vectors in x and y direction and F x and Fy are t"e 5scalar7 magnitudes o% F in x and y direction. T"e t6o magnitudes can ,e eit"er positive or negative depending on t"e sense o% Fx and Fy. 9% - is measured countercloc36ise %rom t"e positive x axis t"e magnitude o% t"e %orce is measured as Fx A F Cos - and Fy A F Sin -

EV#&/.E: )[i,,eler* +etermine t"e x and y components o% F1 and F2 acting on t"e ,oom and express eac" %orce as a Cartesian vector. 1* Scalar 4otation: F1 A2004
@0 !

G 12

F2 A 2104

F1x A 0200 Sin @0 A 0100 4 F1y A 200 Cos @0 A 1M@ 4 F2x ; 210 A 12;1@ $ives: F2x A 2D0 4 F2y ; 210 A G;1@ $ives: F2y A 100 4 2* Cartesian 4otation: [aving determined t"e magnitudes o% %orces and t"eir directions t"en: F1 A 00100 i N 1M@ < F2 A 2D0 i Q 100 < 12

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

EV#&/.E: )'eer O Yo"nston* Four %orces act on ,olt # determine t"e resultant o% t"e %orces on t"e ,olt.

F1 A 1G0 4 \ @0o F2 A F0 4 \110o F@ A 110 4 \ 0H0o FD A 100 4 \ 01Go

Force &agnitude 4 V0Component 4 T0Component


F1 F2 F@ FD

1G0 F0 110 100

N12H.H 02M.D 0.0 NH1.1

N MG.0 N MG.2 0 110.0 0 2G.H

FD F@ 0F2 Cos 20 i - A Tan01 ) 1D.@;1HH.H* A D.1o F1 Cos @0 i FD Cos 1G i

(x A N1HH.H

(y A N1D.@

EV#&/.E: +etermine magnitude and direction cosine o% resultant )(* o% t"e %ollo6ing %orce vectors: F1 A Gi N 1G ' N @0 k )4* F2 A 2Gi N @0 ' 0 D0 k )4* F@ A 0 2G' 0 G0 k )4* 1@

CE 201 Allayla Solution: ( A ] Fi A F 1 N F 2 N F @ ( A @0 i N 20 < 0 10 3 ( A SP(T W)@0*2 N )20*2 N )10*2X A M0 4

Dr. Rashid

Cos S A (x ; ^( ^ A @0 ; M0 A 0.D2FGM S A 1D.1o Cos R A (y ; ^( ^ A 20 ; M0 A 0. 2FGM1 R A M@.Do Cos A (8 ; ^( ^ A 010 ; M0 A 00.FGM1 _ A 1DH.0o C"ec3 t"e result Cos2 S N Cos2 R N Cos2 S A 1 )0.D2FGM*2 N )0.2FGM1*2 N )0.FGM1*2 A 1 !J


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.ecture D Force Vectors Cartesian Vectors )2.G 2.1* Cartesian Vectors

Cartesian vector is a set o% unit vectors i, ' and k t"at de%ines t"e direction o% a given vector. 9t locates a point in space relative to a second point. Cnit vector in t"e direction o% a given vector )suc" as t"e one s"o6n in t"e %igure* is o,tained ,y dividing t"e position vector r #' ,y t"e magnitude o% r#':

' )x' y' 8'*



r#' A )V' Q V#* i N )T' Q T#* < N )`' Q `#* 3 ^r#'^ A SP(T W )V' Q V#*2 N )T' Q T#*2 N )`' Q `#*2 X

Cnit Vector u#' A r#' ; ^r#'^ A )V' Q V#* i N )T' Q T#* < N )`' Q `#* 3 ; SP(T W )V' Q V#*2 N )T' Q T#*2 N )`# Q `'*2 X

Cnit vector is use%ul to express a %orce in a vector %orm. >"en a unit vector acting in t"e same direction o% t"e %orce is multiplied ,y t"e magnitude o% t"e %orce a vector representation o% t"e %orce is accomplis"ed. F A ^F^u#' and t"ere%ore ux A Fx ; F uy A Fx ; F ux A F8 ; F


Fx x



CF A )Fx ; ^F^* i ( (Fy ; ^F^* ' ( )F8 ; ^F^* k

T"en: C A Cos S i N Cos R ' ( Cos k

4ote t"at t"e sum o% squares o% direction cosines is unity ,ecause ^uF^ A 1 1G

CE 201 Allayla Cos S2 i N Cos2 R ' ( Cos2 k A 1 EV#&/.E: )From umr*

Dr. Rashid

+etermine t"e distance ,et6een point # and ' located as s"o6n using a position vector.
8 # @ 2m y 1m x x 12 m ' DD mm 2 m ' )D 12 02* ' # )02 01 @*

Solution: T"e position vector in t"e direction #' is r#' A )V' Q V# * i N ))T' Q T# * ' ( )`' Q `# * k A )D Q )02** i N)12 Q )01** ' N )02 Q @ * k A 1 i N 1F ' Q G k m T"e distance %rom # to ' is ^r ^ A SP(TW) 12 N1F2 N G2 *XA 1H.12 m

EV#&/.E: )From [i,,eler* +etermine t"e magnitude and t"e coordinate direction angle o% t"e resultant %orce acting on t"e ring.
F2 A G0 i 0 100 ' N 100 k lb 8
100 G0 100

A 1H.1

F1 A 10' N F0 k l,
R A 102! y S A MD.F!

T"e resultant %orce F( A )G0N0* i N )0100ND0* ' N )100NF0* k ) *+ i , -+ ' ( !.+ k 11

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

T"e magnitude A SP(T W )G0*2 N )0D0*2 N )1F0*2 X A 1H1.0 l, CF( A )G0 ; 1H1.0 i Q )D0 ; 1H1.0* i N ) 1F0 ; ) 1H1.0* k A 0.211M i Q 0.20HD ' N 0.HD22 k T"en Cos S A 0.211M S A MD.Fo and: Cos R A 0 0.20HD R A 102o and: Cos _ A 0.HD22 A 1H.1o

.ecture G Force Vectors /osition Vector Force alona .ine )2.M 2.F*
>e "ave s"o6n t"at t"e unit vector along a line #' is:
Called position vector r

u A )V' Q V# * i N ))T' Q T# * ' ( )`' Q `# * k ; SP(Ta)V' Q V# *2 N ))T' Q T# *2 ( )`' Q `# *2b or: u A r ; ^r^ 9% 6e "ave a %orce F 6it" magnitude o% ^F^acting along t"e line #' t"en t"e vector F is de%ined as: F A u ^F^ >"ere: u is t"e unit vector acting along t"e line #' as de%ined a,ove.

' r #

EV#&/.E: )From umr* >rite a unit vector in t"e direction %rom ' to #
8 # ) 0 1 F G*

r'# C'#
y ' )@ 0 D 0 2* x

Solution: T"e unit vector %rom ' to6ard # C'# A r'# ; ^ r'# ^ and t"e position vector is: r'# A )V# Q V'* i N )T# Q T'* < N )`# Q `'* 3 A )01 Q @* i N )F Q )0D** < N )G0 )02** 3 A 0H i N 12 < N M 3 m


CE 201 Allayla T"e magnitude o% t"e unit vector u'# is: C'# A r'# ; ^ r'# ^ >"ere r'# A SP(T W)H*2 N )12*2 N )M*2X A 11.GG@ T"en: C'# A )0H i N 12 < N M 3* ; 11.GG@ A 00.GD@M i N 0.M2DH < N 0.D22H 3

Dr. Rashid

EV#&/.E : )'eer O Yo"nston* # to6e guy 6ire is anc"ored ,y means o% ,olt at #. T"e reaction in t"e 6ire is 2G00 4. +etermine a* t"e components Fx Fy and F8 ,* T"e angles S R and _
' y D0 m F0 m FA2G00 4 < i 3 8 C # @0 & V

T"e distance %rom # to ' A SP(T W )D0*2 N )F0*2 N )@0*2X A HD.@ m T"en: /osition vector: r#' A 0 D0 i N F0 ' N @0 k T"e unit vector u#' A 0 )0.D2D2* i N )0.FDFD* < N )0.@1F1* 3 T"e vector #long #' A W )2G00* u#' X A 0 )1010.G 4* i N )2121 4* ' N )MHG.@@ 4* k +irection o% %orce: S A Cos01 W01010 ; 2G00X A 11G.1o R A Cos01 W2120 ; 2G00X A @2.0o _ A Cos01 WMHG ; 2G00X A M1.Go


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Example: )[i,,eler*
# roo% is supported ,y ca,les as s"o6n. 9% t"e ca,les exert %orces F #' A 100 4 and F#C 120 4 on t"e 6all "oo3 at # as s"o6n. +etermine t"e resultant %orce at # and its magnitude. ` F#' A 100 4 # Dm

F#C A 120 4

T Dm ' 2m V T"e position vector #': r#' A )D m Q 0* i N )0 Q 0* < N )0 Q D m* 3 A D i Q D 3 r#' A SP(T W )D*2 N )0D*2X A G.11 m T"en: F#' A )100 4* W r#' ; r#'100) = [ 4* W )D ; G.11* i Q )D ; G.11* 3 X F#' A WM0.M i Q M0.M 3X 4 T"e position vector #C r#' A )D m Q 0* i N )2 m Q 0* < N )0 Q D m* 3 A D i N 2< Q D 3 r#C A SP(T W )D*2 N )2*2 N )0D*2X A 1 m T"en: F#C A )120 4* W r#C ; r#C120) = [ 4* W )D ; 1* i N )2 ; 1* Q )D ; 1* 3 X F#C A WF0 i N D0 < Q F0 3X 4 T"e resultant %orce is: C


CE 201 Allayla F( A F#' N F#C A WM0.M i Q M0.M 3X N WF0 i N D0 < Q F0 3X A W1G0.M i N D0 < Q 1G0.M 3X 4 F( A SP(T W )1G0.M*2 N )D0*2 N )01G0.M*2 X A 21M 4

Dr. Rashid

.ecture 1 Force Vectors +ot /roduct )2.H*

+ot product o% t6o vectors / and P )ot"er6ise 3no6n as scalar product* is de%ined as t"e product o% t"e scalar magnitudes o% t"e t6o vectors and t"e cosine o% t"e angle %ormed ,y t"e vectors. +ot product is use%ul %or: a* +etermining t"e angle ,et6een t6o vectors and ,* +etermining t"e pro<ection o% a vector along a speci%ied line. .et: / A /x i N /y ' ( /8 k and: P A Px i N Py ' ( P8 k

T"en: /.P A ^/^^P^ cos - c /x Px N /yPy N /8 P8 (ules: 1* +ot product %ollo6s commutati/e law: 2* +ot /roduct %ollo6s distributi/e law: @* &ultiplication ,y a scalar:

P . / A /.P /. )P1 N P2* A /. P1 N /. P2 a )/.P* A )a /* . )P* A )/* . )a P* A )/.P* a u/ A / ;^/^

/ a

/ cos -A/aa a P

/.P A ^/^^P^ cos -

or: cos - A W/.P ; ^/^^P^X or:

- c cos01 )u/ . uP*

Since ^/a0a^ A ^/^cos - T"en: ^/a0a^ A /. ua0a and

/a0a A W / . ua0a X uaa Fd u F Fe

Cse%ulness o% +ot /roduct:

Vector %orm o% pro<ection o% F into x axis

0 #ngle ,et6een t6o intersecting vectors can ,e determined: - A cos01 W/.P ; ^/^^P^X


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

0 T"e component o% a vector parallel and perpendicular to a line can ,e determined i% t"e unit vector along t"is line is 3no6n: F e A F cos - A F. u Since F A F eN F d T"en: F d A F 0 F e

/ro<ecting a Force along a .ine:

$iven: (equired: &et"od o% solution: 1* Find t"e unit vector along t"e line #C
C#C A W)xC Q x#* i N )yC Q y#* < N )8C Q 8#*X ; SP(T WW)xCQx#*2NW)yC Q y#*2N W)8C Q 8#*2X

# %orce F#' A # i N ' < N C 3 along line #' T"e pro<ection o% t"is %orce along line #C

2* Cse t"e dot product to %ind t"e pro<ection o% t"e %orce along #C: F#C A C#C . F#'
F#C A a W)xC Q x#* i N )yC Q y#* < N )8C Q 8#*X ; SP(T WW)xCQx#*2NW)yC Q y#*2N W)8C Q 8#*2Xb . a # i N ' < N C 3 b

T"is is scalar value 6"ic" is t"e pro<ection o% %orce F into line #C T"e Cartesian vector o% t"e pro<ection o% F into #C is: F#C A C#C F#C

` # )x# y# 8#** u#C T V C )x C yC 8C*


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

EV#&/.E 1: )%rom umr* T"e %orce F A G0i N MG ' N 100 k acts on a pole #' as s"o6n. +etermine t"e pro<ected component o% F along #' and component o% t"e %orce perpendicular to #'.
8 F )G0i N MG ' N 100 k) '

)D D 1* )@ 02 0*
2 @ 1

T"e unit vector along #' A r#' ;^ r ^ A a)D0@* i N WD0)02*X ' N )100* kb ; SP(TW12 N 12 N 12 X T"en: u#' A )0.11M i N 0.M02 ' N 0.M02 k* )T"is is t"e unit vector along #'* F#' )t"e pro<ection o% F on #'* A F . u#' A ) G0i N MG ' N 100 k* . )0.11M i N 0.M02 ' N 0.M02 k* A 2@.D1 l, T"e Cartesian vector %rom t"e parallel component is F #' . u#' A 2@.D1 )0.11M i N 0.M02 ' N 0.M02 k* Fe A 2.MD i N 11.DD ' N 11.DD k l, T"e component o% t"e %orce perpendicular to #' is A F Q F#' A )G0i N MG ' N100 k* Q )2.MD i N 11.DD ' N 11.DD k* l, Fd A DM.@ 9 Q H1.D < N FG.1 3 l,


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

EV#&/.E 2: Find t"e a* angle ,et6een ca,le '+ and t"e ,oom #' and ,* t"e pro<ection on #' o% ca,le '+ at point '.
y +

Tension A 1F0 l, C'+ AA 00.1Mi N 0.@@< 00.1M 3

' D.G # 1: 8 x

Cnit vector in #' direction A ) 1 i N D.G ' * ; SP(T ) 12 N D.G2 * A 0.F 0 N 0.1 ' T"e angle ,et6een '+ and #' is A cos01 W u#' . u'+ X A cos01 W)0.Fi N0.1'* . )00.1Mi N0.@@' 00.1M k* X A cos01 W0 0.G@1 N 0.1HX A 110.2Do Force '+ A )1F0* )u'+* A )1F0* )00.1Mi N0.@@< 00.1M 3* A 0 120.1 i N GH.D ' N 120.1 k T"e pro<ection o% '+ on #' A u#' . F'+ A )00.Fi N0.1< *.)0 120.1 9 N GH.D < N 120.1 3* A 0 H1.DF N @G.1 A 10.FFf


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.ecture M Equili,rium o% /article Free 'ody +iagram )@.1 @.2* Conditions %or Equili,rium o% a /article:
# particle is said to ,e at equili,rium i% t"e resultant o% all %orces acting on it is 8ero. #not"er case o% equili,rium is illustrated in t"e %igure ,elo6. 9% t"e %our %orces acting on a particle at point ! are at equili,rium t"en starting %rom point ! 6it" F 1 and arranging t"e %orces in tip to tail %as"ion t"e tip o% F D 6ill coincide 6it" t"e tail o% %orce F 1 and t"e resultant o% t"e %our %orces 6ill ,e 8ero. T"e grap"ical representation is expressed mat"ematically as: ]FA0 FD FD: F2 F@ Equili,rium 4on Equili,rium F1

Free0'ody +iagram: >"at? 0 9t is a dra6ing t"at s"o6s all external %orces acting on t"e particle. >"y? 0 9t "elps you 6rite t"e equations o% equili,rium used to solve %or t"e
un3no6ns )usually %orces or angles* )[i,,eler* Free ,ody diagram is a met"od o% isolating all external %orces acting on a ,ody %rom its surroundings. /rocedure %or +ra6ing Free 'ody +iagram )F'+*: 1* 9solate t"e particle %rom its surroundings. 2D

T"ere%ore: 0

CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla 2* S3etc" all %orces t"at act on t"e particle 6"ile o,serving 4e6ton:s t"ird la6 6"ic" notes t"e existence o% equal and opposite reaction to every action. @* Jno6n %orces are la,eled 6it" t"eir magnitudes and directions. #ssign letters to t"e un3no6n %orces 6it" assumed directions. T"e ,ody:s 6eig"t must ,e included i% applica,le.

TA> -1 -2



EV#&/.E: +ra6 t"e %ree ,ody diagram o% t"e t6o structures s"o6n


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid



/ y

/x 2


Cy >

T D0o (




Cnde%ormed /osition s



T"e magnitude o% t"e %orce exerted on t"e linear elastic spring is: F A Js 21

CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla >"ere J is t"e sti%%ness o% t"e spring )measured in 4;m* s is t"e de%ormation )6"ic" is a measure o% t"e di%%erence ,et6een t"e de%ormed lengt" . and t"e unde%ormed lengt" . 0*. 4ote t"at i% s is negative F must pus" on t"e spring and i% s is positive F must pull on t"e spring to ,ring it to t"e desired lengt". J is also de%ined as t"e %orce required to de%orm t"e spring a unit distance.

EV#&/.E: # spring "as unde%ormed lengt" o% 0.D meters and sti%%ness 3 A G00 4;m. >"at is t"e %orce needed to stretc" t"e spring to a lengt" o% 0.1 m? and 6"at %orce is required to compress t"e spring to a lengt" A 0.2 m? S!.CT9!4: FAJs F A )G00 4;m* )0.1 m Q 0.D m* A 100 4 )s is positive %orce is pulling spring* F A )G00 4;m* )0.2 m Q 0.D m* A 0100 4 )s is negative %orce is pus"ing spring*

Ca,les and /ulleys:

>"en a ca,le is passing over a %rictionless pulley t"e %orce along t"e ca,le is al6ays in tension and constant in magnitude. T"is is necessary condition to 3eep t"e ca,le in equili,rium.


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

EV#&/.E: T"e springs "ave sti%%ness o% G00 4;m eac" and lengt" o% @ m eac". +etermine t"e "ori8ontal %orce F applied to t"e cord so t"at t"e displacement o% t"e pulley %rom t"e 6all is d A 1.G m.

# JAG00 4;m F C J A G00 4;m ' S!.CT9!4: #C A @.@GD1 m Fx A 0 9% t"e tension at eac" spring is T T"en: T"en 2)1.G ; @.@GD1* )T* Q F A 0 d A 1.G m F Tx A )1.G;@.@GD1* T T 2T Cos Tx T 1m

since: s A @.@GD10@A0.@GD1 m Then: F = 158 N

T A J S A )G00*) @.@GD1 0 @) = 177.05 N

.ecture F Equili,rium o% /article Coplanar Force System )@.@* /rocedure %or Solution o% /ro,lems in Equili,rium:
1stablish 23y 4oordinate system " 5raw free body diagram Label all known forces and unknown forces and assume the direction of unknown forces 6pply the equations of equilibrium 7 F2 ) + and 7 Fy ) + 4ompare the number of unknowns on the free body diagram with the number of independent equations of equilibrium a/ailable 0f there are more unknowns to be e/aluated than the number of equations, draw a free body diagram of another body and repeat the steps described abo/e 2F

CE 201 Allayla EV#&/.E : )From [igdon O Stiles*

Dr. Rashid

# G00 4 s"a%t # and @00 4 s"a%t ' are supported as s"o6n. 4eglecting %riction at all contact points %ind t"e reactions at points ( and S at s"a%t #.
1 m +iameter D0! F m +iameter ' # ( S > A G00 4 S P D0o > A @00 4 P (

T"e %irst F'+ ) S"a%t # * "as t"ree un3no6ns P ( and S and only t6o independent equations o% equili,rium. T"e next step is to dra6 F'+ o% s"a%t '. T"e %orce on s"a%t ' exerted ,y s"a%t # is P directed to t"e upper rig"t. >riting t"e equation: ] Fy A 0 t"en: P sin D0o Q @00 A 0 t"en P A D1M 4 on ' From t"e F'+ o% s"a%t #: ]Fy A 0 t"en: S Q G00 Q P sin D0o A 0 t"en S A F00 4 directed up6ard. ]Fx A 0 t"en: ( Q P cos D0o A 0 t"en: ( A D1M cos D0o A @GF 4 directed to t"e rig"t EV#&/.E: )From [i,,eler* +etermine t"e required lengt" o% cord #C so t"at t"e F 3g lamp is suspended in t"e position s"o6n. T"e unde%ormed lengt" o% t"e spring is .:#' A 0.D m and its sti%%ness is @00 4;m
C 2m


@0 0

T#C T#' MF.G MF.G 4


J A @00 >eig"t o% lamp > A F )H.F1* A MF.G 4


CE 201 Allayla ]Fx A 0 ]Fy A 0 T"en: T#' Q T#C cos @0o A 0 T#C sin @0o Q MF.G A 0

Dr. Rashid

T#C A 1GM.0 4 and T#' A 1@1.0 4 6"ic" is t"e stretc" o% spring #' T#' A J s or: 1@1.0 A @00 s T"en s A 0.DG@ m )t"is is t"e amount o% stretc" on t"e spring* T"e stretc" lengt" is .#' A .#': N S#' A 0.D N 0.DG@ A 0.FG@ m T"e "ori8ontal distance C' requires t"at 2 A .#C cos @0o N 0.FG@ T"en .#C A 1.@2.m

EV#&/.E: )%rom umr* T"e pulley system is used to rise a G0 l, 6eig"t. +etermine t"e tension T necessary to "old t"e 6eig"t in equili,rium.
T# # C T T T T T' T TC T T


T' G0 l,

G0 l,

] Fy A 0 T"en: %rom F'+ )@*: T N T Q T' A 0 !r: T' A 2 T F'+ )D* T' N T Q G0 A 0 or: T A G0 ; @ A 11.1M l,

Since: ] Fy A 0 T"en %rom t"e


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Calculate t"e tension T in t"e ca,le 6"ic" supports t"e 1000 l, load 6it" t"e system o% pulley s"o6n. 9gnore t"e 6eig"t o% t"e pulley. Find F at /ulley C.
T @0


CC Fy T@ ' ' T2 T1 # ! # T2 TD


1000 l,
1000 l,

Solution: Start 6it" t"e %ree ,ody diagram )pulley #* ,ecause it "as t"e only 3no6n %orce: Fy A 0 T"en: T1 N T2 A 1000

Since t"e cord around pulley # is continuous T1 A T2 T"en: T1 A T2 A G00 l, Since t"e cord around pulley ' is continuous T@ A TD A T2 ; 2 A 2G0 l, #gain since t"e cord around pulley C is continues T@ A T T"en: T A T@ A 2G0 l, Evaluation o% reaction %orces at pulley C: Fx A 0 2G0 cos @0o Q Fx A 0 T"en: Fx A 21M l, Fy A 0 0 Fy N 2G0 sin @0o 02G0 A 0 T"en Fy A 0 12G l, or: N12G l,

F A SP(T W )21M*2 N )12G*2 X A 2G0 l


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Example: )[e,,eler*
T"e sac3 at # 6eig"s 20 l, determine t"e 6eig"t o% t"e sac3 at ' and t"e %orce in eac" cord needed to "old t"e system in t"e equili,rium position s"o6n.

G @ D

@0 o E DGo C 20 l, ' #

TE$ @0! DGo TEC E 20 l, >' 1 TC+ @ D C

@F.1 l, DG o @F.1 l, @F.1 l, 2 @

T"ere are t"ree %orces acting on E: TE$ TEC and 20 l, and on C: TCE TC+ and >' From F'+ 4o. 1 ] FV A 0 T"en: TE$ sin @0! Q TEC cos DG! A 0 ] Fy A 0 T"en: TE$ cos @0! Q TEC sin DG! Q 20 l, A 0 T"en: TEC A @F.1 l, and TE$ A GD.1 l, From F'+ 4o. @: TEC A TCE A @F.1 l, From F'+ 4o. 2 ] FV A 0 T"en: @F.1 cos DG! Q )D;G* TC+ A 0 ] Fy A 0 T"en: )@;G* TC+ N @F.1 sin DG! Q >' A 0 T"en: TC+ A @D.2 l, and: >' A DM.F l, @2

CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.ecture H Equili,rium o% /article T"ree +imensional Force Systems )@.D*

T"e requirement %or equili,rium o% a particle is: ]F A 0 or: ]Fx N ]Fy N ]F8 A 0 T"e met"od o% solution is summari8ed as %ollo6s: +ra6 Free ,ody diagram and: 3 1stablish appropriate 2,y and 8 a2is 3 Label all known and unknown forces and assume the direction of unknown forces . 3 6pply the equations of equilibrium ]Fx A 0 ]Fy A 0 ]F8 A 0. 3 &e/erse the directions of unknown forces if solution yields negati/e result

Example: )From [i,,eler*

+etermine t"e magnitudes o% F1 F2 and F@ %or equili,rium o% t"e particle.

F2 .ies on V0T axis

F1 .ies on `0V axis \ @0o %rom Q x0axis

M 2D 2G


1G !

F.G J4 .ies on V0T axis \ 1Go %rom N y0axis



2.F J4

F8 A 0 F1 sin @0! Q 2.F A 0 T"en: F1 A G.1 J4 Fy A 0 0 F2 )2D;2G* N )F.G* cos 1G A 0 $ives: F2 A F.GG 3 F@ Q G.1 cos @0! Q F.GG )M;2G* Q F.G sin 1G! A 0 T"en: F@ A H.DD 3


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid


EV#&/.E: )From [i,,eler* T"e 100 3g crate is supported ,y t"ree cords one o% 6"ic" is connected to a spring. +etermine t"e tensions in #C and #+ and t"e stretc" o% t"e spring C FC


1@G 2m 2m

# F'



Spring J A 1.G

100 Jg

4ote: FC is directed in 0 x 0 y N8 8one F+ is directed in Qx Ny N8 8one and F' is directed in Nx 8one t"en: F' A F' i FC A FC cos 120 i N FC cos 1@G < N FC cos 10 3 A 00.G FC i 0 0.M0M FC < N 0.G FC 3 F+ A F+ ) 01 i N 2< N 23* ; SP(T )012 N22 N 22* A 00.@@@ F+ i N 0.11M F+ < N 0.11M F+ 3 > A 0 HF1 3 F A 0 T"en: F A 0 t"en: F' i 0 0.G FC i Q 0.M0M FC < N 0.G F+ i N 0.11M F+ < N 0.11M F+ 3 Q HF1 3 A 0 Fy A 0 F8 A 0 >e "ave t"ree un3no6ns and t"ree equations

Setting Fx A 0 t"en: FC A F1@ 4 F+ A F12 4 F' A 1H@.M 4

T"e stretc" o% t"e spring is F' A 3 s 1H@.M A 1G00 s T"en s A 0.D12 m

CE 201 Rashid Allayla


EV#&/.E: )From [i,,eler* # 200 l, ,ox is supported ,y ca,les +# +' and +C %ind t"e %orces in t"ese ca,les

2.G %t D.G %t
# F+#

@ %t T

@ %t

' F+'

1.G %t

1.G %t 20 l,

Fx A 0 T"en: )D.GQ1.G* i ; SP(TW) D.G01.G*2N)01.G*2N)@*2 X F+# N )01.G* i ; SP(TW )01.G*2 N )2.G01.G*2 N)@*2 X F+C A @ ; D.G F+# Q 1.G ; @.G F+C A 0.11M F+# 0 0.D2H F+C A 0 FyA0 T"en: )Q1.G* < ; SP(T W) D.G01.G*2N)01.G*2N)@*2 X F+# N )2.G01.G* < ; SP(T W)1.G*2N)@*2N)2.G01.G*2X F+C 2 N )01.G* < ; SP(TW) 1.G * N 0 N 0* X F+' A 01.G; D.G F+# N 1 ; @.G F+C 0 F+' A 0 0.@@ F+# N 0.2F1 F+C 0 F+' A 0 F8 A 0 t"en: )@* 3 ;SP(TW)D.G01.G*2N)1.G*2N)@*2X F+#N)@* 3 ;SP(TW)1.G*2N)@*2N)2.G01.G*2X F+C Q > 3 A @ ; D.G F+# N @ ; @.G F+C 0 200 A 0.11M F+# N 0.FGM F+C Q 200 A 0 T"e a,ove are t"ree equations and t"ree un3no6ns F+# F+' and F+C. Solving yields: F+# A 100 l, F+' A 11.1 l, and: F+C A 1GG.1 l,


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


.ecture 10 Force System (esultant &oment o% a Force0Scalar Formulation )D.1*

# moment o% a %orce around a point )say !* is a measure o% t"e tendency o% t"e %orce to rotate t"e ,ody around t"e point. T"e magnitude o% t"e moment is %ound ,y multiplying t"e magnitude o% t"e %orce 6it" t"e s"ortest distance %rom t"e %orce to t"at point. T"e sense t"e moment vector is determined ,y t"e rig"t0"and rule de%ined earlier. 9% F is a %orce along #0# line t"e magnitude o% t"e moment o% t"e %orce around point ! is: &o A ^F^ d A ^F^^r^sin >"ere - is t"e angle ,et6een t"e t6o vectors

[ere: d is t"e 5moment arm7 6"ic" is t"e perpendicular distance %rom ! to t"e line #0#.
! #

d # -


+irection o% &! ! y dy


+irection o% &! y !


&! A 0 ,ecause %orce passes t"roug" ! y ! dy F

F is parallel to x0y axis

F is parallel to 80y axis

F passes t"roug" 0

EV#&/.E )From [i,,eler* +etermine t"e magnitude and t"e directional sense o% t"e resultant moment o% t"e %orce a,out point /. Solution: N &/ A )210* )G;1@* W@X N)210* )12;1@* W2X Q )D00* )sin @0 o* WD02X N )D00* )cos @0o* W@NGX


CE 201 Rashid Allayla A @00 N DF0 Q D00 N 2MM1.2FA @1G1 4


y / Dm

210 4 @m
G 12

x ! Gm D00 4
2m A @0!


EV#&/.E: # 100 l, vertical %orce applied to t"e end o% a lever attac"ed to a s"a%t. +etermine 1* T"e moment a,out !E ,* T"e magnitude o% "ori8ontal %orce applied at # 6"ic" creates t"e same moment a,out !E c* T"e smallest %orce applied at # 6"ic" creates t"e same moment a,out !E d* [o6 %ar %rom t"e s"a%t a 2D0 l, vertical %orce must act to create t"e same & !

# 2D7

# F

# F

100 l,

&! ! d

&! !

&! !

&! ! d

a* d A 2D cos 10 A 12 in &! A )100 l,* )12 in* A 1200 l,0in /erpendicular to t"e paper and pointed into t"e paper. ,* d A )2D in* sin 10 A 20.F in T"en: &! A 1200 A )20.F* F or: F A GM.F l,


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


c* T"e smallest value o% F occurs 6"en d is maximum 6"ic" is 2D inc"es t"en 1200 A F )2D* T"en: F A G0 l, d* 1200 A )2D0* d T"en: d A G in

EV#&/.E: )From [i,,eler* +etermine t"e resultant moment o% t"e %our %orces acting on t"e rod s"o6n ,elo6. T G0 4 2m ! @0 @m 20 4 D0 4

2m 10 4 V

#ssuming t"at positive moment acts on t"e N3 direction )countercloc36ise* t"en: N& (0 A F d & (0 A 0 G0 4 )2 m* N 10 4 )0* N 20 4 )@ Sin @0o m* Q D0 4 )D m N @ Cos @0o m*


CE 201 Rashid Allayla A 0 @@D 4.m A @@D 4.m


Example: )From [i,,eler* T"e M0 4 %orce acts on t"e end o% t"e pipe at '. +etermine t"e angle )0o g B 1F0* o% t"e %orce t"at 6ill produce maximum moment a,out point #. >"at is t"e magnitude o% t"e moment? )a A 0.H m , A 0.@ m and c A 0.M m*

&# A F sin )) c

F c!" #) $

d%&'d = 0 = F cos )) c ( F ")n #) $ *$+ = $,$n #c'$) -).e": = /7.0! #70 N) c!" #/7.0!) #0.0 *)

%*$+ = #70 N) ")n #/7.0!) #0.7 *) %*$+ = 70.812 N.*


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


.ecture 11 Force System (esultant Cross /roduct )D.2*

+irection o% &oment: T"e direction o% moment is determined using t"e rig"tQ"and rule. Starting %rom t"e position r and curling %ingers into t"e %orce F t"e direction o% t"e moment is parallel to t"e direction o% t"e t"um, )i.e.: perpendicular to t"e plane %ormed ,y t"e vectors r and F*. >e can also use t"e principle o% scre6 6"ere t"e direction o% t"e movement o% t"e scre6 as it is driven is t"e same as t"e direction o% t"e moment 6"en t"e turning action o% t"e scre6 is directed %rom r to F.

+irection o% moment

+irection o% %ingers %rom r to F

x r

y F

Cross /roduct:

/osition Vector r

Cross product o% vectors P and / is a vector V A P V / directed perpendicular to t"e plane containing t"e t6o vectors. T"e magnitude o% t"e resulting vector is t"e product o% t"e magnitudes o% t"e t6o vectors multiplied ,y t"e sine o% t"e angle %ormed ,y P and /. T"e direction o% t"e resultant vector is determined using t"e rig"t0"and rule. T"is suggests t"at t"e commutative rule does not apply in cross products as: /VPUPV/ [o6ever distri,utive la6 can ,e applied as:



CE 201 Rashid Allayla # V )' N C* A )# V '* N )# V C* T"e cross product o% t6o vectors / V P in Cartesian coordinate system is:


/ V P A )/x i N /y < N /8 3 * V ) Px i N Py < N P8 3* A /x Px )i V i* N /x Py )i V <* N /x P8 )i V 3* N /y Px )< V i* N /y Py )< V <* N /y P8 )< V 3* N /8 Px )3 V i* N /8 Py )3 V <* N /8 P8 )3 V 3* 4oting t"at: )i V i* A )< V <* A )3 V 3* A 0 and: )i V <* A )< V 3* A )3 V i* A 1 )< V i* A )3 V <* A )i V 3* A 01 / V P A )/y P80 /8 Py* i Q )/x P8 Q /8 Px* ' N )/x Py Q /y Px* ki >"ere t"e sym,ol h is 3no6n as t"e determinant i ' k /x /y /8 Px Py P8


CE 201 Rashid Allayla EV#&/.E: # @00 l, %orce acts on ,rac3et as s"o6n. Find t"e moment & # a,out point # Fy A 1G0 H in # M in &# C
@0 o


F A @00 l, Fx A 2GH.F

1 in

T"e moment is t"e vector &# A r V F 6"ere r is t"e vector pointing %rom # to C &x A @00 cos @0!i)1* A1GGF.F in0l, &y A@00 sin @0! )M* A 10G0 T"en &# A 1GGF010G0 A G0F.F in0l, /ointing into paper i < 3 &# A r V F A i M 1 0 i A )Mx1G0 Q 1x2GH.F* 3 A Q G0F.F 3 )0* /ointing into t"e paper 2GH.F 1G0 0

Example: +etermine t"e direction - %or 0! j - k 1F0! o% t"e %orce F so t"at F produces a* t"e maximum moment a,out point # ,* t"e minimum moment a,out point #. F D00 4



T"e maximum moment produced 6"en F d '# &# A D00 W1 ) @2 N 22* X A 1DD2 40m Since: l A tan01 )2;@* A @@.1H! T"en - A H0! Q @@.1HA G1.@! ,* &# A 0 T"en: - A 1F0! Q @@.1H! A 1D1!


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


.ecture 12 1@ Force System (esultant &oment o% a Force0Vector Formulation )D.@ D.D*

/rinciple o% Transmissi,ility:


r2 r1 ! d F

T"e %orce applied at point # )s"o6n a,ove* produces a moment & a,out point ! at t"e direction s"o6n. T"e moment produced is: & A F x r1 A F x r2 A F r )" n = F d 9t is evident t"at t"e moment produced is t"e same as long as t"e position vector r is ta3en %rom point ! to any point along t"e line o% action o% %orce F )T"is is called principle o% transmissi,ility* (esultant &oment o% a Set o% Forces:

& T!T#. A &1 N &2 N &@



&x A Wry1 F81 Q r81Fy1 N ry2 F82 Q r82Fy2 N ry@ F8@ Q r8@Fy@ X i &y A 0 Wrx1 F81 Q r81Fx1 N rx2 F82 Q r82Fx2 N rx@ F8@ Q r8@Fx@ X ' &8 A Wrx1 Fy1 Q ry1Fx1 N rx2 Fy2 Q ry2Fx2 N rx@ Fy@ Q ry@Fx@ X k


T"e total moment a,ove is: )&(*! A ])r V F*


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


T"e moment & o% F a,out an axis t"roug" ! is a vector normal to a plane %ormed ,y F and r and is calculated as: i ' k & A ^ rx ry r8 ^A Wry F8 Q r8FyX i 0 Wrx F8 Q r8FxX ' N Wrx Fy Q ryFxX k c r V F Fx Fy F8 ^& ^ A ^r^ ^F^ sin - A ^F^d T"e moment a,out point ! in any given space can ,e interpreted as t"e moment a,out an axis passing t"roug" point ! and perpendicular to a plane containing point ! and %orce F. T"e Cartesian representation o% moment vector is: i ' k &! A r V F A ^ rx ry r8 ^A Wry F8 Q r8FyX i 0 Wrx F8 Q r8)0Fx*X ' N Wrx Fy Q ry)0Fx*X k 0Fx Fy F8 >"ere: r is t"e position vector connecting point ! to any point on t"e line o% action o% F. F 8 )&!*8
F8 Fx F Fy

r r8 rx ry x )&!*x )&!*y

9he i component of the moment is the result of three moments: one due to F2 about the 2 a2is (but producing no moment since F2 is parallel to 23a2is), the second is due to F8 about the 23a2is (; (ry F8 acts in the positi/e 23a2is), the third is due to Fy about the 23a2is (; 3 r8Fy acts in the negati/e 23a2is) Similarly: 9he ' component of the moment is the result of three moments: one due to Fy about the y a2is (but producing no moment since Fy is parallel to y3a2is), the second is due to F8 about the y3a2is (; 3 r2 F8 acts in the negati/e y3a2is), the third is due to F2 about the y3a2is (; 3 r8F2 acts in the negati/e y3a2is) 6lso: 9he k component of the moment is the result of three moments: one due to F8 about the 8 a2is (but producing no moment since F8 is parallel to 83a2is), the second is due to Fy about the 83a2is (; ( r2 Fy acts in the positi/e 83a2is), the third is due to F2 about the 83a2is (; ( ryF2 acts in the positi/e y3a2is)


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Example: # %orce / and P o% magnitude G0 4 and 100 4 act in t"e directions s"o6n. +etermine t"e moment o% / a,out point F.

y ' )0 H 0*


rF' + )0 0 0*





F )10 0 D* PA1004

C 8

2 i 0 )H0G* < N 1 3 / A G0 4 W 000000000000000000000000000X A G0 )0.21M i Q 0.G@G < N 0.F02 3* A 1@.@G i Q 21.MG < N D0.10 3 SP(T) DN11N@1* P A 0 100 4 < rF' A )0010* i N)H00* < N )00D* 3 A 0 10 i N H < Q D 3 rF+ A )0010* i N)000* < N)00D* 3 A 0 10 i Q D 3 i < 3 i &F A rF' x / N rF+ x P A i 010 NH 0 D i N i 010 1@.@G 021.MG D0.10 0 < 3 0 0D | 0100 0

A WHxD0.1 Q)0Dx)021.MG*XiQW010xD0.1Q)0Dx1@.G* X <NW010x)021.MG*0Hx1@.@GX NW0)0D*x)0100*X i N0 < NW010x)0100*X 3 A )@10.H 0 10M* i N)D00.1 0 GD* < N )21M.G Q 120.1G* 3 0 D00 i N 1000 3 A 2G@.H i N @D1.1 < N 1DM.@G 3 0 D00 i N 1000 3 A 0 1D1.1 iN@D1.1 <N11DM.D 3 #lternative 6ay: Csing rF' as an arm %or ,ot" %orces: i < 3 i &F A rF' x / N rF+ x P A i 010 NH 0D i N i 010 1@.@G 021.MG D0.10 0 < 3 NH 0D | 0100 0


CE 201 Rashid Allayla

Dr. A )@10.H 0 10M* i N)D00.1 0 GD* < N )21M.G Q 120.1G* 3 0 D00 i N 1000 3 A 0 1D1.1 iN@D1.1 <N11DM.D 3

.ecture 1D Force System (esultant &oment o% a Force a,out Speci%ied #xes )D.G* #pproac"es Csed to !,tain &oments a,out Speci%ied #xis:
Consider a %orce F acting on a rigid ,ody containing point ! as s"o6n. T"e moment o% t"is %orce a,out a given axis say a0a passing t"roug" point ! can ,e %ound ,y applying t"e cross product ,et6een t"e position vector !# 6it" t"e %orce F producing moment &! perpendicular to t"e plane %ormed ,y F and !# and pro<ecting t"e resulting moment into axis a0a. 1* Scalar #pproac": #lternatively t"e moment a,out t"e axis can ,e %ound ,y resolving F into its t"ree components %inding t"e individual moments a,out ! ,y multiplying t"e %orce components 6it" s"ortest distance ,et6een t"e %orce and t"e point in question. Finally t"e moment a,out t"e axis is computed ,y pro<ecting t"e moments into t"e axis in question and adding t"em alge,raically.


&! &aa r!#


F2 # Fy

x a y

2* Triple Scalar /roduct: 9t 6as pointed out earlier t"at t"e pro<ection o% any vector into a speci%ied axis is %ound ,y per%orming t"e dot product o% t"e vector 6it" a unit vector in t"e direction o% t"e axis. 9n t"e a,ove i% &! is t"e resulting moment o% F a,out point ! t"e moment o% F a,out t"e axis a0a is o,tained ,y per%orming t"e dot product o% t"e moment o% F a,out point ! 6it" u a0a 6"ere u a0a is t"e unit vector in t"e direction o% t"e line a0a. T"e magnitude o% &a0a is: &a0a A &! cos - 6"ic" in general can ,e 6ritten as: DM

CE 201 Rashid Allayla &aa A ua0a . &! A ua0a . )r x F*. >riting t"e equation in matrix %orm:


)ua0a *x )ua0a *y )ua0a *8 &a0a A u a0a . )r x F* c rx ry r8 T"is quantity 3no6n as t"e 5triple scalar product< Fx Fy F8 T"e vector %orm o% t"e moment a,out a0a is: &aa A Wua0a . )r x F*X uaa 9% t"ere is more t"an one %orce t"e moment a,out a0a: &a0a A ] Wua0a . )r x F*X A ua0a . ])r x F*X

Example: >"at is t"e moment o% t"e 100 4 %orce a,out t"e x axis
y 100 4 &x ! r )D 0 @* 8 x

1* Vector &et"od: Ta3ing r %rom any point in x 0 axis to any point in vector %orce F: r A Di N @3 F A )100* W < X A 100 < i < 3 &! A /00 ( = / 0 0 100 0 2) 200 3 200 3) = ( /00

%+ = 4+ . %5 = #)) . #( /00 ) &x A %+ 4+ A 0 @00 i 2* Triple Scalar /roduct &et"od:

T"e unit vector along x0 axis is i: t"en: %+ A W i . )r x F*X 1 0 0


CE 201 Rashid Allayla %+ /00 ( = / 0 0 100 0 &x A %+ 4+ A 0 @00 i 2=


Example: # cu,e o% sides @ meters is acted upon a %orce F A 1000 4. +etermine t"e moment a,out t"e diagonal #$. y


FA1000 4



E 8 .engt" o% CF A 1 W)@*2 N )@*2X A D.2D

T"e %orce F in rectangular components: )1000 ; D.2D* W @< Q @3X A M0M.1 < Q M0M.1 3 #nd: r#F A @i 0@< i < 3 T"e moment a,out # is: &# A r#F x F A @ 0@ 0 A 2121 i N 2121 < N 2121 3 0 NM0M.1 0M0M.1 &oment a,out #$ A u#$ . &# Cnit vector along #$ u#$ A )1;SP(T ) @2 N @2 N @2 *W @i 0 @< Q @3X A 0.GMM i 0 0.GMM < Q 0.GMM3 &#$ A u#$ . &# A W0.GMM i Q 0.GMM < Q 0.GMM 3 X . W 2121 i N 2121 < N 2121 3X A 122@.F 0 122@.F Q 122@.F m04 A Q 122@.F m04 #lternative met"od:


CE 201 Rashid Allayla T"e moment a,out #$ is: ux &#$ A rx M0M.1* Fx uy ry Fy


u8 0.GMM 00.GMM 00.GMM r8 A @ 0@ 0@ A W ) 0.GMM*)0@*)0M0M.1* Q )00.GMM*)@*)0 F8 0 M0M.1 0 M0M.1 N )00.GMM*)@*)0M0M.1*X

A Q 122@.F m04

Example: T"e <i, crane is oriented so t"at t"e ,oom +# is parallel to t"e x axis. #t t"e instant s"o6n t"e tension in t"e ca,le #' is 1G J4. +etermine t"e moment a,out eac" o% t"e coordinate axis o% t"e %orce exerted ,y t"e ca,le #'.
y + # G.2 m TA1GJ4 ! @.F m 8 ' @m x

T"e rectangular components o% T#' A )1G* a1; WG.22 N @2X1;2 ) 0 G.2 < N @ 3 X A )1G*)0 0.FM < N 0.G 3* A 0 1@.1 < N M.G 3 /osition vector !# A N @.F i N G.2 < 1 a* &oment a,out x Q axis A ux . )r!# x T* A @.F 0 0 ,* &oment a,out y Q axis A uy . )r!# x T* A @.F m 0 0 c* &oment a,out 8 Q axis A u8 . )r!# x T* A @.F m 0 0 G.2 01@.1 1 G.2 01@.1 0 G.2 01@.1 0 0 A W)G.2*)M.G* X A N@H J40m M.G 0 0 A 0 W)@.F*)M.G* X A 0 2F.G J40 M.G 1 0 A W)@.F*)01@.1* X A 0 DH.F J40 M.G


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nn


9he /ector representation of moment about a point is: = 6 ) r6 2 F and the /ector representation of the moment about the a2is is: =a3a ) >ua3a (r6 2 F)? ua3a

# )a1 ,1 c1* a Caa ' )a2 ,2 c2* a r#' A )a20a1*i N ),20,1*< N )c20c1*3 F A ^F^W)a@0a2*i N ),@0,2*< N )c@0c2*3X ; WSP(TW)a@0a2*2 N ),@0,2*2N )c@0c2*2X &a0a A Ca0a . &# A Ca0a . )r#' V F* or: Caa V Caa T Caa ` ) )a20a1* ),20,1* )c20c1* * Fx Fy F8 F C )a@ ,@ c@*

&a0a A


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


.ecture 1G Force System (esultant &oment o% a Couple )D.1* &oment o% a Couple:

9t 6as pointed out earlier t"at a %orce or a system o% %orces acting on a rigid ,ody produces t6o e%%ects: 9t moves t"e ,ody and rotates it a,out an axis. >"en t6o %orces t"at are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction act on a rigid ,ody t"ey tend to rotate t"e ,ody 6it"out moving it. T"e system o% %orces t"at produce rotation ,ut not displacement is called a couple. T"e moment produced ,y t"e couple is called couple moment.
F1 ( +isplacement O (otation &1 &( F2 &T (esultant couple (otation >;! # simple example o% a couple consists o%+isplacement t6o %orces F and QF separated ,y a %inite distance. T"e couple a,out point # is: # & &2


& A r# x ) 0 F* N r' x ) N F * A )r' Q r#* x F T"e a,ove equation is equivalent to: & A )r' Q r#* x F 6"ere t"e quantity )r' Q r#* is t"e vector directed %rom point o% action o% one %orce to t"e point o% action o% t"e ot"er. T"e e%%ect o% t"e couple is t"ere%ore a moment & t"at induces rotation ,ut not translation. 9t is G2

CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla important to note t"at & depends on position vector r A )r' Q r#* ,ut not on vector r# or vector r'. T"is means t"at t"e couple "as no %ixed point o% application and same result 6ould "ave ,een ac"ieved i% t"e moment "ad ,een computed a,out a di%%erent point.
r A r ' Q r# NF ' 0F

& A r# x )0F* N r' x )NF* A )r' Q r#* x F

r# r' !2 !1

&oment o% couple a,out !1 c a,out !2 &oment o% couple is 9ndependent o% position

Example: )[i,,eler* +etermine t"e couple moment acting on t"e pipe s"o6n. Segment #' is @0 ! ,elo6 x0y plane. 8 !
` V F in

2G l,

# r'
!1 2G l, @0! y

r#' '

1 in

T"e moment o% t"e t6o couple %orces is %ound a,out any point. Considering point ! 6e "ave: .ecture 11 & Equivalent A r# V )02G 3* Systems0 N r' V )2G 3*(esultant o% a Force and a Couple )D.M D.F* A ) F < * V ) 02G 3 * N ) 1 Cos @0! i N F < Q 1 Sin @0! 3 * V ) 2G 3 * A 0 1@0 < l,.in 9t is easier to ta3e moments o% t"e couple %orces a,out a point lying on t"e line o% action o% one o% t"e %orces )/oint #* . 9n t"is case t"e moment o% t"e %orce passing point # is 8ero so t"at: & A r#' V )2G 3* A )1 Cos @0! i Q 1 Sin @0! 3 * V )2G 3* A 0 1@0 < l,.in G@

Force System (esultant

CE 201 Rashid Allayla


.ecture 11 and 1M Equivalent System (esultant o% a Force O a Couple )D.M D.F* Equivalent System:
T"e c"aracteristics o% a couple stay t"e same i%: 0 T"e couple is moved to a position in its original plane )see a*. 0 T"e couple is moved to a plane parallel to its original plane )see ,*. 0 T"e magnitude o% t"e %orce and distance can ,e c"anged provided t"at t"e moment (emain t"e same.


CE 201 Rashid Allayla






& A )F* )d*


& AW)1;2*FX )2d* A Fd


F 1;2 F
)a* ),*

& A )1;@ F* )@d*

@;2 d & #ll /roduce same rotational e%%ect )c*

1l@ F @d

Equivalent System
# set o% %orces and couple moments acting on a ,ody can ,e simpli%ied and replaced ,y an equivalent single %orce and a single moment. Similarly a single %orce can ,e replaced ,y an equal parallel %orce t"roug" a di%%erent point. To compensate %or t"e move o% t"e %orce into di%%erent location it is necessary to add a couple. Consider a %orce F acting on a rigid ,ody at point #. 9t is desired t"at t"e %orce ,e moved to anot"er point say '. Since t"e concept o% transmissi,ility allo6s t"e %orce to slide any6"ere along its line o% action 6it"out altering t"e external e%%ects on t"e ,ody 6e can move a %orce equal to F to point ' and attac" equal ,ut opposite %orce at t"e same


CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla point. #s a result a %orce F is no6 applied to point ' along 6it" a couple %ormed ,y QF and F. T"us @any force acting on a body can be replaced by the same force at another arbitrary point, pro/ided that a couple of moment of F about 6 is added<. 4ote t"at since & is a %ree vector and can ,e applied any6"ere. F F # ' ' 0F F & F

&1 ! r F2 r2

&1 A r1xF1 &2 A r2xF2


&1 A r1xF1 &2 A r2xF2 F1 )c* &

F1 r1
F2 r2

)a* &
&1 &1 &2

),* & &! A & 1 N & 2 N & F( A F1 N F2



)d* )e*

)a* $iven a set o% %orces and a moment ),* Force F1 is trans%ormed into ! 6it" &1 Ar1xF1 )c* Force F2 is trans%ormed into ! 6it" &2 Ar2xF2 )d* Free moment & is trans%erred into ! 6it"out e%%ecting rotation )Free &oment* )e* (esult: F( and &o

Example 1:
(eplace t"e %orce FA100 4 acting on point # ,y a %orce acting on point ' and a vertical couple acting on C and + as s"o6n in t"e %igure.


CE 201 Rashid Allayla

/oint C /oint + C a ' , # # ' ' #


T6o equal and opposite %orces are placed at ' F A F A100 4

F A 100 4 /

(esulting Couple \ C + >"ere / A100 )2,;a*

(esulting moment due to t"e t6o t"e couple (esulting Force \ ' FA 100 4 &A )2,* )100*

(esultant o% a Force and Couple System:


CE 201 Rashid Allayla F1 r1


F2 r2


! &' &1Ar1xF1 &2Ar2xF2

F1 F2

&' &# &# and &' can ,e moved to ! 6it"out e%%ecting ,ody rotation ,ecause t"ey are %ree moments

F( A F1 N F2

&(! A &# N &' N )r1xF1* N r2xF2


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Example 1: )From [i,,eler* T6o couples act on t"e %rame. 9% d A D %t determine t"e resultant couple moment. Compute t"e result ,y )a* resolving eac" %orce into x and y components and ),* summing t"e moments o% all t"e %orce components a,out '.
y 2: ' 1

@: C



: 2

F1 A G0 l, r2
@: dA D:

F2 F0 l,
# x


F1 A 0 G0 sin @0 i 0 G0cos @0 < r1 A @i

F2 A )D;G*)F0* i N )@;G*)F0* < r2 A 0 D <

Since: &C A ] )r x F* &' i < A @ 0 0G0sin @0! 0G0cos @0!

A )01@0 N2G1*3

3 i < 0 N 0 0D 0 )D;G*)F0* )@;G*)F0*

3 0 0

A 121 3 l,0%t 4egative ,ecause it is opposite to N8 #xis ,* &' A F :1y )2* Q F1y )G* Q F :2x )1* N F2x )G* &' A G0 cos @0! )2* Q G0 cos @0! )G* 0 )D;@* )F0*)1* N )D;G* )F0*)1* N )D;@* )F0*)G* A 121 3 l,0%


CE 201 Allayla Example 2:

Dr. Rashid

# 100 m ,eam su,<ected to t"e %orces s"o6n. (educe t"e system o% %orces to )a* equivalent %orce0couple system at # ),* equivalent %orce0couple system at ' )0*
0100< 0F0< 100m
2G m G@m

&# A 0 @HG0 40m 0 G0 < ' N 1G0< 0 20< # 100m 10G040m '

&# A @HG0 40m #

)&(*' ' # '

a* ( A ] F A 0100 < 0 F0 < N 1G0 < Q 20 < A 0 G0 < )& (*# A )2Gi*x)0F0<*N)G@i*x)N1G0<*N)100i*x)020<* A 0 )@HG0 40m* 3 ,* Trans%erring t"e resultant ( to ' must ,e accompanied ,y a moment o% ( to ': )N* &oment at ' due to ( A )&(*' A )0100i* x )0 G0 <* A )G000 40&* 3 )0* Total moment at ' A )G000 3* N )0@HG03* A )10G0 40&* 3

Example )From &eriam*

+etermine t"e resultant o% t"e %our %orces at point ! and t"e couple acting on t"e plate s"o6n 10 4 DG! 2m 2m D0 4 1m o ! ( A 1DF.@ 4 - A 1@.2! & A 2@M 4.m (V A D0 N F0 cos @0! Q 10 cos DG! A 11.H 4 and: ( T A G0 N F0 sin @0! N 10 sin DG! A 1@2.D 4 F0 4 @0 ! x 2m G0 4 Gm y 1D0 4 .m )Couple*

( A o )(V2 N (T2* ( A o )11.H*2 N )1@2.D*2 A 1DF.@ 4 and: - A tan 01 )(V ; (T * A tan 01 )1@2.D ; 11.H* A 1@.2! &! A 1D0 Q G0 )G m* N 10 cos DG! )D m* Q 10 sin DG! )M* A 0 2@M 4.m .ocated at !


CE 201 Allayla Example:

Dr. Rashid

(eplace t"e %orces moment distri,uted %orce and couple ,y a %orce0couple system at #.
Equivalent %orce: p )20*)F* A F0 4 20 4;m # Gm Fm F A 10 4 Fm

F A 10 4 & A 200 4.m Gm D0! F A 100 4


Fx A 100 cos D0 i A M1.1 i Fy A 0 100 Sin D0 Q )1;2* )Fm* )20 4;m* A 01DD.2F < F( A SP(T )M1.12 N 1DD.2F2 * A 11@.@G 4 \ A tan01 )01DD.2F ; M1.1* A 012.0D! N &( A 200 4.m Q )10 4*WDmX Q )100* sin D0 WGNFNFNGX Q )F0* WF;@ N GX A 200 Q 2D0 Q 11M1.2G Q 11@.@@ A A 2@2D.GF 4 T"e equivalent Forces and moments are s"o6n ,elo6:

&( A 2@2D.GF 4

F( A 11@.@G 4

4ote t"at &( and F( act on # 6ill produce t"e same external e%%ects at t"e supports as t"ose produced ,y t"e original %orce and moment system.


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.ecture 1F Force System (esultant +istri,uted .oading )D.10* +istri,uted .oading:

!ccurrence: +istri,uted loading occur in various structures suc" as: ,ridges sla,s ,eams %or3 li%ts (etaining 6alls plat%orms and ot"er structures su,<ected to ,ody 6eig"t and;or loads. 9% t"e distri,uted load along t"e x0axis can ,e represented ,y a single %orce: F A #rea under t"e curve A . 6 dx A # d# .ocation o% t"e %orce: x0 A x 6 dx ; d#
T T Equivalent load: F( A 6 . )4*

6 )4;m*

x . V Force is located at t"e middle T T .;@ Equivalent load: V

F(1 A )61 ; @* . )4* F(2 A 62 . )4*

61 )4;m*

0 )4;m*

62 )4;m*


d# A 6 dx # A F( A 6)x* dx
C$ \ x0 x


CE 201 Allayla Example: )[i,,eler*

Dr. Rashid

(eplace t"e distri,uted loading ,y an equivalent resultant %orce and speci%y 6"ere its line o% action intersects mem,er #' measured %rom #.

200 n;m 200 4;m ' 1m Gm F( A 1@DG 4 200 4;m # y 100 4;m C

N q ] F( x A ] Fx A )G* )200 4* A 1000 4 and: N r ] F( y A ] Fy A W)200 N 100* ; 2X )1* A H00 4 F( A W)1000*2 N )H00*2X A 1@DG 4 - A tan01 )H00;1000* A D2! &(# A ]&# A 1@DG cos D2! )y* A 1000 )2.G* Q @00 )2* Q 100 )@* gives y A 0.1 m

F( A H00 4

F1 A @004 F2 A 1004
200 4;m ' x: 1m 100 4;m

Example 2:
Find t"e position o% t"e resultant d o% t"e loading s"o6n ,elo6.

d F)x* A ),;a2* x2 , x F A 6)x* dx A 02a ),;a2* x2 dx A )1;@*),;a2* a@ A 1;@ ,a & A )x* ) F * A 02a x),;a2* x2 dx A)1;D* ,a2 Since d A & ; F T"en: d A )1;D,a2* ; )1;@ ,a* A s a


CE 201 Allayla .ecture 1H Equili,rium o% a (igid 'ody 20+imensional Free 'ody +iagram )G.1 G.2*

Dr. Rashid

Conditions %or (igid 'ody:

T"e necessary conditions required to attain equili,rium in a rigid ,ody are: 1* T"e summation o% internal and external %orces must ,e 8ero. ] % i N ] Fi A 0 2* T"e summation o% all moments a,out a point must ,e 8ero. ] &%i N ] &Fi A 0 >"ere &%i and &Fi are t"e moment due to internal and external %orces respectively. 9nternal Forces: 0nternal forces are the forces that hold together the /arious particles forming the rigid body 9hey usually appear when a rigid body is dismembered and the free body diagram is drawn External Forces: 12ternal forces are the forces that act on the rigid body as a whole 9hey include: Aeight, tension and reaction forces

F1 T > F2

9nternal Forces
> #x


External Forces


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Equili,rium in T6o +imensions: Free0'ody +iagrams:

>"en a %ree ,ody diagram involves a set o% un3no6n reactive %orces acting at a point )For example: reactive %orces acting on ,all and soc3et t"rust ,earing "inges etc.*. To minimi8e t"e num,er o% t"e un3no6ns it is o%ten convenient to ta3e t"e moment a,out t"ese %orces. Support (eactions: (ule o% T"um,: 9% a support prevents translation )movement* o% an o,<ect in a given direction a %orce is developed on t"e ,ody in t"at direction. Examples are s"o6n ,elo6: # ,all prevents t"e movement o% t"e ,eam in t"e vertical do6n6ard direction t"e ,all exerts a %orce on t"e vertical direction to t"e contact sur%ace

# %ixed pin prevents t"e movement o% t"e ,eam in t"e vertical and "ori8ontal direction t"e pin exerts t6o un3no6n %orces in "ori8ontal and vertical directions. T"e pin 6ill allo6 t"e ,eam to s6ing any direction

T"e ,eam is %ixed to t"e 6all creating a moment and a %orce o% un3no6n direction

(ollers prevent vertical movement o% T"e ,eam. T"e reaction is a vertical Force perpendicular to t"e contact sur%ace


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Equations o% Equili,rium:
9% t"e %ree0,ody diagram o% t"e 6"ole rigid ,ody is ta3en 4e6ton:s la6 states t"at all internal %orces occur in equal and opposite in direction t"e a,ove equations ,ecome: ] Fi A 0 and: ] &! A 0 >"ic" states t"at i% t"e rigid ,ody is to ,e at equili,rium t"e sum all external %orces acting on t"e ,ody and t"e summation o% all t"e moments due external %orces a,out a point is 8ero &et"ods o% solution: 0 Esta,lis" x y coordinate system. 0 !utline t"e %ree0,ody diagram. 0 #ssume t"e directions o% t"e un3no6n %orces and moments. 0 6rite t"e equations o% equili,rium ] &# A 0 ,y c"oosing point # so t"at point o lies on line o% action o% t6o un3no6n %orces. T"is is done to ensure t"e direct solution o% t"e t"ird %orce )see %igure*. 0 >rite t"e equations o% %orces: ] Fx A 0 ] Fy A0 0 !rient x0y axis so as to minimi8e t"e num,er o% t"e un3no6ns )see %igure*. 0 i% t"e solution yields negative values reverse t"e assumed directions o% t"e un3no6n Forces and couple moments.


# /in


' 'all

#x #y 'y



# 'eam %ixed to 6all T T



11 6


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

(oc3er 9 9

Collar on smoot" rod

> > (1 (2



N ] &' A 0 t"en: )H* #x N )M*100 A 0 #x A 0MM.MF T"en #V

/in Hm

'all '


] Fx A 0 t"en ' A MM.MF 2 ] Fy A 0 t"en: #y A 100 4



CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Example: )[i,,eler*
T"e cord s"o6n supports a %orce o% 100 l, and 6raps over a %rictionless pulley. +etermine t"e tension in t"e cord at C and t"e "ori8ontal and vertical reaction at #.

0.G %t

- A @0!

100 l,
0.G %t

#x #y


100 l, T

Equations o% equili,rium &# A 0 T"en: 100 )0.G* Q T )0.G* A 0 T"en T A 100 l, F+ = 0 Then: &+ 100 ")n /0! A 0 2 #x A 0 G0 T"en: #x A G0 l, F: = 0 Then: &: ; 100 ; 100 c!" /0! = 0 Then: &:l, = 187 7< 100


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Example: )[i,,eler*
T"e ,ox 6renc" is used to tig"ten t"e ,olt at #. 9% t"e 6renc" does not turn 6"en t"e load is applied at ' and C determine t"e moment applied at t"e ,olt and t"e %orce at t"e 6renc"

0.@ m # '
12 G

0.D m C

G2 4 #y

@0 4


G2 4 @0 4

Solution: F+ = 0 F: = 0 %& = 0 Then: &+ ; 52 #5'1/) Then: &: ; 52 #12'1/) /0 c!" =0! = 0 /0 ")n =0! = 0 -).e": &+ = 5 N -).e": &: = 72 N -).e": %& = /2.= N(*

Then: %& ; 52 #12'1/) #0./) ( /0 ")n =0! #0.7) = 0

N!,e: 9e $dded ,he 4n3n!>n *!*en, % <ec$4"e ), )" ?8ee .ec,!8 $nd *4", <e )nc74ded.


CE 201 Allayla F& = @A6T[#52) #722)B = 72.1 N $nd = ,$n(1 #72'5) = 8=.1! 'C Dhec3)nE ,he c$7c47$,)!n: %D = 0 Then: 52 #12'1/ *) #0.2)

Dr. Rashid

/2.= N(* ; 72 #0.7 *) = 0 5F

&ost Common Support (eactions:

8 y

&A0 Fx F8 F8 /in (oller Single Yournal 'earing


&y O & 8 U 0 Fy F8 4o Fx

Fy F8 Fy 8 G 0 Example: )[i,,eler* Yoint 'earing Fx Fy F8 'all O Soc3et


Fx F8 &U0

Cantilever 'eam )Fixed Support*

+etermine t"e reactions at t"e pin support # and ,all support '

2G0 l,0%t



1 %t

1 %t

1 %t

#x 'y

@000 4

MG0 4

@000 4

MG0 4


CE 201 Allayla >e "ave t"ree un3no6ns O t"ree equations Fx A 0 Fy A 0 &# A 0 #x A 0

Dr. Rashid

T"en: #y N 'y Q )2G0* )12 %t* Q )1;2* )2G0* )1 %t* A 0 T"en: )1* 'y Q )2N1*)MG0* Q )0* )@000* A 0 T"en: 'y A 1000 l,

Su,stituting into t"e %irst equation: #y A 01000 N )2G0* )12* N )1;2* )2G0* )1* T"en: #y A 2MG0 l, #x A 0

T6o and T"ree Force &em,ers:

T6o Force &em,ers: 9% a ,ody is "eld ,y t6o %orces at equili,rium t"e %orces must ,e collinear equal and opposite in magnitudes. T"is requires t"at t"e resultant moment and resultant %orces are 8ero. T"ree Force &em,ers: >"en a ,ody is "eld ,y t"ree %orces at equili,rium t"e %orces must ,e concurrent and coplanar or t"ey must ,e parallel.
T6o Force &em,ers:

Equili,rium 4ot at equili,rium

4ot at equili,rium Equili,rium T"ree Force &em,ers:

9t is necessary t"at t"e t"ree %orces are concurrent and meet at one point.


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.ectures 20022 Equili,rium o% a (igid 'ody @0+imensional Free 'ody +iagram )G.@ G.2 G.@ G.D G.G*

Equili,rium in t"ree +imensions:

a* Vector Equations o% Equili,rium: T"e conditions are: F A 0 and: &o A 0 and moments o% all %orces a,out point !. ,* Scalar Equations o% Equili,rium: F = Fx ) Fy H Fz 3 = 0 !r: Fx = 0I Fy = 0 $nd: Fz = 0. %! = M+ ) M: H MJ 3 = 0 !r: M+ = 0I M: = 0 $nd: MJ = 0 &et"ods o% Solution: a* Example Csing Scalar Solution: >"ere &o is t"e sum o% couple moments

Example: )G.1G [i,,eler*

T"e "omogeneous plate s"o6n "as a mass o% 100 Jg is su,<ected to a %orce and a couple moment along its edges. 9% it is supported in t"e "ori8ontal plane ,y means o% a roller at # a ,all and soc3et at ' and a cord at C determine t"e components o% reaction at # ' O C.


CE 201 Allayla
8 @00 4 200 4.m C @004

Dr. Rashid

200 4.m

TC C y

HF1 4




'all0and soc3et Solution: Cn3no6ns: #8T"ree 'x 'un3no6n TC ]no Fxmoment A 0 T"en: y '8 and %orces;



'x A 0 ] Fy A 0


'y A 0 )1*

] F8 A 0


#8 N '8 N Tc Q @00 4 Q HF1 4 A 0

Summing t"e moments o% t"e %orces on t"e %ree0,ody diagram 6it" positive along x and y axis yields:

] &x A 0 TC )2m* Q HF1 4 )1m* N '8 )2m* A 0 N ] &y A 0 @00 4 )1.Gm* N HF1 4 )1.G m* Q '8 )@m* Q #8 )@m* Q 200 4.m A 0 Solving )1* )2* )@* $ives: #8 A MH0 4 '8 A 0 21M 4 and TC A M0M 4 )2* )@*

,* Example Csing Vector Solution: To determine t"e un3no6n %orces ta3e t"e summation o% moment ,out a line t"at passes as many un3no6ns as possi,le: EV#&/.E: )G.1M [i,,eler* .et F A 0 1000 < )in t"e opposite y direction*. +etermine t"e tension in ca,les 'C O '+ and t"e reactions at t"e ,all and0soc3et <oint #.


CE 201 Allayla F A 0 1000 <


Dr. Rashid

T 'C A 0 0.@@@ T'+ i N 0.111 T'+ < 0 0.111 T'+ 3


T'+ A 0.M0M T'C i Q 0.M0M T'C 3



'all O Soc3et



F# A #x i N #y < N #8 3

F# A #x i N #y < N #8 3 hhhhhhh.)reaction at ,all0and0soc3et un3no6n* T'C A T'C W 1i 0 13* ;SP(T )12N12* T'C A 0.M0M T'C i Q 0.M0M T'C 3 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)T'C un3no6n* T '+ A T '+ )0 @i N 1< Q 13* ; SP(T )@2 N 12 N 12* T '+ A 0 0.@@@ T'+ i N 0.111 T'+ < 0 0.111 T'+ 3 hhhhhhhh.) T'+ un3no6n* t Fx A 0 t Fy A 0 t F8 A 0 #x N 0.M0M T'C Q 0.@@@ T'+ A 0 #y 0 0.111 T'+ Q 1000 A 0 #8 0 0.M0M T'C Q 0.111 T'+ A 0 )1* )2* )@*

Summing moments a,out point #: &# A o !r: r '# V ) F N T'C N T'+ * A 0 )1 3* V )0 1000 < N 0.M0M T'C i Q 0.M0M T'C 3 0 0.@@@ T'+ i N 0.111 T'+ < 0 0.111 T'+ 3 A 0 Evaluating t"e cross products and equating components o% i A 0 components o% < A 0 )0D T'+ N 1000* i N ) D.2D T'C Q 2 T'+ * < A 0 )D G*

)4ote t"at components o% 3 =0* 6e "ave G equations and %ive un3no6ns: T'C T'+ #x #y and #8. T"en: T'C A M0M 4 T'+ A 1G00 4 #x A 0 4 #y A 0 and #8 A 1G00 4

EV#&/.E: )[i,,eler* T"e rod is supported at # ,y a <oint ,earing and at + ,y a ,all0and0soc3et <oint and at ' ,y a ca,le as s"o6n. Find t"e tension in ca,le 'C.


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Yournal 'earing
0.2 m 4ote: T"ere is no %orce in x0direction 1m 0.1 m 0.@ m 'all O Soc3et


0.G m 0.G m x >A y

100 3g #y


#8 T

r+' ' HF1 4 E r+E +x



+8 +y

Solution: T"ere are six un3no6ns including t"ree %orce components caused ,y t"e ,all0 and0soc3et at + )+x +y O +8* t6o caused ,y t"e <ournal ,earing at # )#8 O #y* and one tension caused ,y t"e ca,le )T*. !ne 6ay to solve t"e pro,lem is to solve %ive equations ) @ %rom t F x A 0 t Fy A 0 and t F8 A 0 and 2 %rom &# A o and &+ A o


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

#s an alternative t"e tension T at t"e ca,le can ,e o,tained ,y ta3ing t"e moment a,out t"e line passing t"roug" + and # 6"ic" 6ill eliminate un3no6n %orces #x #y +x +y and +8 t &+# A C+# . )r+' x T N r+E x >* A 0 C+# A r+# ; ir+#i A 0 1;o2 i Q 1;o2 < C+# A 0 0.M0M i Q 0.M0M < r+E A 0 0.G < > A 0 HF1 3 r+' A 0 < T A T) 0.2;0.M* i Q T)0.@;0.M* < N T)0.1;0.M* 3 or: T A 0.2F1 T i Q 0.D2H T < N 0.FGM T 3 t &+# A C+# . )r+' x T N r+E x >* A 0 )0 0.M0M i Q 0.M0M <* . W)0 <* x W0.2F1 T i Q 0.D2H T < N 0.FGM T 3X N )0 0.G<* x )0HF1 3*X A 0 )0 0.M0M i Q 0.M0M <* . < V W) 0 0.2F1* Ti N )0 0.FGM* T 3 N ) 0 0.G<* x )0HF1 3*X A 0 )0 0.M0M i Q 0.M0M <* . )0.2F1 T 3 0 0.FGM T i N DH0.G i * A 0 )0 0.M0M i Q 0.M0M <* . W)0 0.FGM T N DH0.G i* i N 0.2F1 T 3* A 0 )0 0.M0Mi* . )00.FGM1T N DH0.G * i N 0 N 0 0 0.M0M )00.FGM T N DH0.G* T"en: T A GM2 4 To Find +8 ta3e t"e moment a,out line #' ) +` A DH0.G 4* Similarly to %ind #` ta3e t"e moment a,out y axis )#8 A 0*


CE 201 Allayla SC&&#(T: # ' F' F8 C Fy Fx F# )Jno6n* 8

Dr. Rashid

+ +8


To %ind un3no6ns Fx Fy F8 F' +y +8: Esta,lis" x y 8 coordinate system Eliminate as many un3no6ns as possi,le ,y ta3ing t"e summation o% moments a,out an axis t"at passes t"roug" t"ese %orces: & +C A C+C . W F# x rC# N F' x rC' X hh Solving t"is equation 6ill yield t"e value o% F' To %ind +y and +8 ta3e t"e moment a,out point C )F# and F' are no6 3no6n* To %ind Fx Fy and F8 ta3e t"e summation o% all %orces and set eac" component A 0 T"is 6ill yield t"ree equations and t"ree un3no6ns.


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

.ecture 2@ Structural #nalysis Simple Trusses t"e &et"od o% Yoints )1.1 1.2*

Simple Trusses:
# truss is a %rame6or3 composed o% straig"t 6ooden or metal mem,ers <oined toget"er ,y riveted connections large ,olts or gusset plates to %orm a rigid structure 3no6n as truss. Simple Trusses: Trusses made up o% ,asic triangles put toget"er to %orm a truss.

/lanar Truss: Trusses t"at lie in a single plane. T"ey are used to support roo%s and ,ridges. T"ey start %rom a single triangular unit and <oined toget"er ,y additional units.

3 6ll members are 'oined together by pins to pre/ent bending of members 3 6ll loading is applied at the 'oints and weight of indi/idual members are negligible 36ll truss members are two3force members which makes them either in tension or in compression


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Tension &em,er Compression &em,er F# F' F' Since ] &# A 0 #nd ]&' A 0 #nd F# N F' A 0 F#


F # A 0 F'

&et"od o% Yoints:
&et"od o% <oints consists o% applying t"e condition o% equili,rium o% %orces at eac" point o% connecting pin in t"e truss. T"e met"od is summari8ed as %ollo6s: 3 5raw the free body diagram of any 'oint where at least one known load e2ists and no more than two unknowns are present 0f this point lies on one of the supports, it is necessary to find e2ternal reaction at this point by considering the entire truss as a free3body3diagram and using the equations of equilibrium of rigid body to sol/e for the e2ternal reactions of the truss 3 6ssume the member acting on the 'ointBs free3body3diagram to be in tension 0f the answer yields negati/e number, the member is in compression the correct sense is used for the analysis of the subsequent 'oint 3 6pply the two equilibrium equations 7 F2 ) + and 7 Fy ) + to sol/e for the unknown forces


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid
Find (# O (' ,y ta3ing t"e entire F'+ and applying t"e equations o% equili,rium o% rigid ,odies ]FA0 ]&A0




(# (# F#C # F#+ (# + F+' F1 mem,er +C is in tension mem,er #C is in compression



mem,er #+ is in tension

mem,er +' is in tension

Example :)1.@ [i,,eler*:

+etermine t"e %orce in eac" mem,er o% t"e truss s"o6n. 9ndicate 6"et"er t"e mem,ers are in tension or in compression.

C mem,er C' is in compression FC# FC' mem,er +C is in tension

' #ll %orces are 3no6n at t"is point a c"ec3 ]F xA 0 and ] Fy A 0 is made.

9ndicates %orces initially 3no6n

indicates %orces initially un3no6n

CE 201 Allayla
D00 4 ' D00 4 ' Cy @m C Cx

Dr. Rashid

Dm # )a*

100 4 # +

100 4 #y 1m ),*


F+' F+C 200 4 100 4 x F C' 200 4 F+C C 100 4 x F#+ x DG0 4 F+' )e* +

@ # 100 4

)d* To determine F+C )c* 6e can do one o% t"e %ollo6ing:

a* >e can retain t"e sense o% F+' and apply t"e equation: ] Fy A 0 0 F+C Q )D;G* )02G04* A 0 T"en: F+C A 200 4 )C*
DG0 4 100 4

,* >e can correct t"e sense o% F+' and apply t"e equation: From t"e %ree ,ody diagram o% t"e entire truss t"e support reactions can ,e determined ,y applying t"e equations o% equili,rium: ] Fx A 0 ] &C A 0 ]Fy A 0 100 4 Q Cx A 0 t"en: Cx A 100 4 0#y )1m* N D00 )@m* N 1004 )Dm* A 0 t"en: #y A 100 4 1004 Q D00 4 Q Cy A 0 t"en: Cy A 200 4

Yoint #: )see %ig. )c**: T"ree %orces acting on pin #: F#' is compressive )in order to ,alance t"e up6ard %orce 1004* F#+ is tensile )in order to ,alance t"e x coordinate o% F#'* ]Fy A 0 T"en: 1004 Q )D;G* F#' A 0 ] Fx A 0 T"en: F#+ Q )@;G* )MG0* A 0 T"en: F#' A MG0 4 )C* T"en: F#+ A DG0 4 )T*

Yoint +: )see %ig. )d**: T"e %orce in #+ is 3no6n and it is tensile )6"y?* so 6e only "ave t6o un3no6n %orces in <oint +. T"e t6o %orces can ,e determined ,y summing %orces in t"e "ori8ontal direction: ] Fx A 0 T"en: 0DG04 N )@;G* F +' N 1004 A 0 T"en: F +' A 02G0 4 6"ic" means it acts in t"e opposite sense to t"at s"o6n in %igure )d* T"en: F+' A 2G0 )T* ] Fy A 0 0 F+C Q )D;G* )2G04* A 0 T"en: F+C A 0200 4 )T* or: F+C A 200 4 )C* Yoint C: )see %ig. )d**: ] Fx A 0 T"en: FC' Q 1004 A 0 T"en: FC' A 100 4 )C*


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Example: )'eer O Yo"nston*

Csing t"e met"od o% <oints determine t"e %orces in eac" mem,er o% t"e truss s"o6n and determine 6"et"er t"e mem,er is in tension or in compression. 2000 l, 1000 l, 12 %t 2000 l, 12 %t 1000 l,


C Cx
F %t

12 %t

Cy A M000 l, E Ey A 10 000 l,

12 %t

]&C A 0 T"en: )2000 l,*)2D %t* N )1000 l,*)12 %t* Q Ey )1 %t* A 0 T"en: Ey A N 10 000 l, u ]Fx A 0 T"en: Cx A 0 ]Fy A 0 T"en: )020000 l,* 0 v1000 l, N 10 000 l, NCy A 0 T"en: Cy A 0M000 l, A M000 l,r Cx A 0
Yoint #: 2000 l, 2000 l,

D @ G

F#' F#+

# F#' F#+

F#' )D;G* A 2000 T"en: F#+ A 2G00 l, )C* Since: F#' A )@;G* F#+ T"en: F#' A 1G00 l, )T*

Yoint +:

F+# A 2G00 l, F+' F+# +

Yoint ':


F+' + D F+' A F+# T"en: F+' A 2G00 )T* @ F+E A )@;G* F+# N )@;G* F+' F+E T"en: F+E A @000 )c*

1000 l,

1G00 2G00



]FT A 0 01000 Q)D;G*)2G00* N )D;G* F'E A0 T"en: F'E A @MG0 l, or: F'E A @MG0 )C* ] Fx A 0 F'C 01G00 Q)@;G* )2G00* Q )@;G* )@M00* A 0 T"en: F'C A G2G0 l, or: F'C A G2G0 l, )T*

Yoint E:

F'E ' @MG0

C FEC E 10000 ] Fx A 0 )@;G* FEC N @000 N )@;G* )@MG0* A 0 T"en: FEC A 0FMG0 l, !r: FMG0 )C* C"ec3 (esult: 0)FMG0*)D;G*0)@MG0*)D;G*N10000 A 0 !J

+ @000


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


.ecture 2D Structural #nalysis `ero Force &em,ers )1.@* `ero %orce mem,ers are members in the truss that carry no forces t"ey are constructed to provide t"e %ollo6ing: 3 0ncrease stability and rigidity of trusses 3 $ro/ide support for future loading conditions if necessary. 3 Cupport the weight of the truss
# ' + E C F $ 'y applying t"e equations o% equili,rium 6e can easily prove t"at mem,ers #' #$ $' 'C +E O EF are 8ero mem,ers

#s a general rule:

)(ule 2*

)(ule 1*

@0f three members form a 'oint in a truss, two of which are collinear, and if there is no e2ternal load or reaction at the 'oint, then the third member must be 8ero force member (&ule !) 0f two members form a 'oint in a truss and there is no e2ternal force or reaction applied to the 'oint, the members must be 8ero force members (&ule 2) <


+etermine t"e 8ero %orce mem,ers in t"e truss s"o6n ,elo6.

(ule 2 (ule 2 (ule 1 (ule 1 (ule 1

(ule 2

(ule 2 (1
F1 FA0 FA0 F1




CE 201 Rashid Allayla

F2 F1 A F2 A 0 F1 A F (ule 2 F2 U 0


F2 F@ )4o external load applied at t"e <oint* T"en: F 1 A F2 A F@ A 0

+etermine t"e 8ero %orce mem,ers in t"e truss s"o6n ,elo6.

F' # F# + EE E F [ 9 Y 9 J J FJ F. . & F '


$ F / 4 !

`ero %orce mem,ers

9n t"e a,ove structure: 3 Doint 0, = and E carry three members, two of which lie in the same line Cince Doints 0, = and E carry no e2ternal loading, members 50, F= and FE are 8ero force members 3 6pplying the same reasoning to 'oint F and 5, we find that the two 'oints are in the Came situation as members E, = and 0 and, therefore, members FN and 5D must be


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


8ero force members 3 Forces 0G ) 0D, H0 ) HL, E$ ) EN, NE ) N=, F$ ) F4, F4 ) FL, 56 ) 5G, and =N ) =L 3 Cince no e2ternal force is applied at 'oints =, N, and E, the forces in members =L, =N, N=, NE, EN and E$ are all equal

+etermine t"e 8ero %orce mem,ers in t"e truss s"o6n.


(ule 1

9n t"e a,ove: 3 Doint F is has three members, two of its members lie in the same line Cince the 'oint has no e2ternal loading, member FD is a 8ero force member 3 Aith the elimination of member FD, 'oint D is practically a three member 'oint, therefore, member D1 is a 8ero force member 3 Cince member D1 is a 8ero force member, member 1I is a 8ero force member 0 Aith the elimination of member 1I, 'oint I is practically a three member 'oint, therefore, member I5 is a 8ero force member 3 Cince member I5 is a 8ero force member, member 5G is a 8ero force member


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


3 Aith the elimination of member 5G, 'oint Gis practically a three member 'oint, therefore, member G6 is a 8ero force member 3 Doint F has a hori8ontal reaction force, therefore, member D6 is a 8ero force member


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid .ecture 2G Structural #nalysis Simple Trusses t"e &et"od o% Sections )1.D*

&et"od o% sections is ,ased on t"e principle t"at @if a body is in equilibrium then any part of the body is also in equilibrium< . T"is met"od is most use%ul 6"en only select mem,er %orces are to ,e determined.

&et"od o% Solution:
1* +ra6 t"e Free0,ody diagram o% t"e 6"ole structure to %ind t"e external reactions F1
# F@ ' C


2* Cut t"e section so t"at it passes t"roug" t"e mem,ers 6"ic" are to ,e analy8ed. 9n t"is example t"e mem,ers to ,e analy8ed are 'C '$ and E$. F1
# '

C + (V+

F@ (y+
E $ ($

@* Since t"e isolated cuto%% ,ody is in equili,rium t"e t"ree equations o% equili,rium can ,e solved to determine t"e t"ree %orces in mem,ers 'C '$ and E$. 4ote t"at i% only t"e %orce in mem,er 'C is desired only one equation o% equili,rium is needed ) ]& E A 0 * to yield t"e value o% F'C. F1 F@
' F'C F'$ FE$ $ Solve %or F'C ,y ta3ing moment a,out $. Solve %or F'$ ,y ta3ing Fy A 0 Solve %or FE$ ,y ta3ing Fx A 0


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

+etermine t"e %orces in mem,ers Y9 +9 and +E o% t"e truss s"o6n. 200 4 G00 4 J . 1G m # ' C + E G F
21.1 10

100 4 200 4 9 [ S Atan01 G;10A 21.1o

1 mem,ers \ 10 m eac" >riting t"e equili,rium equation %or t"e 6"ole structure: ] &# A 0 t"en: )($* )10* A )G00*10* N )200* )20* N )100* )D0* N )200* )G0* T"en: ( $ A @F@.@@ 4


F9Y sin S
100 4 F9Y 9 F9+
10 m [

F9Y cos S 200 4 [ $

1G m

Y F9Y 9 F9+
10 m

100 4 200 4

[ $

S A 21.1o

FE+ FE+ E F @F@.@@ 4 2004 4 F9Y 100 200 4


10 m

10 m

F @F@.@@ 4

F9+ sin R

@F@.@@ 4

Force in mem,er E+: ]&9 A 0 T"en: 0 FE+ )10 m* 0 200 4 )10 m* N @F@.@@ 4 )20 m* A 0 T"en: FE+ A G11.11 4 )T* Force in mem,er 9Y: >e can evaluate t"e %orce F9 Y ,y ta3ing t"e moment ] &+ A 0 T"en: F9 Y cos )21.1!* )1G m* N @F@.@@ 4 )@0 m* Q 100 4 )10 m* Q 200 4 )20 m* A 0 T"en F 9Y A 0DFD.1@ 4 AF9Y A DFD.1@ )C* Force in mem,er 9+: >e can evaluate %orce F9+ ,y ta3ing t"e moment a,out point $: F9+ cos DG! )@0 m* N 200 4 )10 m* N 100 4 )20 m* A 0 T"en: F 9+ A 0 1FF.G1 4 or: F9+ A 1FF.G1 )C* FH

CE 201 Allayla .ecture 21 Structural #nalysis (evie6 o% Simple Trusses

Dr. Rashid

9..CST(#T9VE EV#&/.E: (eq:d: Cse t"e met"od o% <oints and t"e met"od o% sections to %ind t"e %orce and direction in
mem,er C'. C 100 4
10 m 10 m


100 4

20 m

' #V #T
20 m


#V A 0100

%& = 0 Then: 100 #10) ; KL #20) = 0 Then: KL = 50 NI &L = ( 50 N

Csing &et"od o% Yoints: 100 4 F#C G0 4 # 100 4 100 4 G0 4 Csing t"e &et"od o% Sections:

FC' ) C*

FC' )Sin 21.GM!* A G0 4 FC' A 111.F 4 )C*


' F#' )T* 100 4 G0 4

100 4

)10* Sin )H0021.GM*

N FC' )10 Sin 1@.D@! * N )100* )10* A 0


CE 201 Allayla FC' A 0 111.F 4 )T* or: 111.F )C* .ecture 2M 2F Structural #nalysis Frames O &ac"ines )1.1*

Dr. Rashid

Frames are structures composed o% <oined mem,ers t"at are loaded at any location along t"eir axis. Cnli3e simple trusses %rame mem,ers are multi %orce mem,ers t"at carry t"ree or more %orces and t"ey are not necessarily directed along t"e axis o% t"e mem,er. &et"od o% Solution:
!) Ctart by taking the whole frame as free3body diagram in order to sol/e for the e2ternal forces acting on the 'oints and supports 2) 0solate each part of the frame (dismember the frame), show all forces acting on the member and treat each component as rigid body under equilibrium and apply the equations of equilibrium to each component 5o not forget to take ad/antage of the moment equation to eliminate unknowns #)Cince it is not possible to assign proper sense to all forces, make an arbitrary assignment and re/erse the sense if it yields negati/e /alue 0t is /ery important, howe/er, that the sense of the force be properly represented in the interacting bodies as shown in the figure below T6o mem,er %rame connected ,y pin: /oint # #x #x



>"en assigning ar,itrary sense in one mem,er t"e contacting mem,er must "ave equal magnitudes and opposite sense.

C '

# MG l, MG l, 'y 'V 'y 'V MG l, #T

To solve %or t"e system o% %orces: 0 Tension T can ,e %ound ,y ta3ing t"e moment a,out # 0 #V and #T can ,e %ound ,y t"e summation o% Fx A 0 and FT A 0 0 T"e %orces 'V 'T CV and CT o% t"e pulleys can ,e %ound %rom F'+ o% t"e pulleys

Cy T CV T T #V Cy CV

MG l,


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

+etermine t"e %orces in mem,er #C.
D000 4 Dm D000 4 & A 1000 4.m



# #T







Ta3ing t"e F'+ o% t"e 6"ole %rame: ]&# A 0 )ET* )12m* Q )10004.m* Q )D0004*)@m* A 0 T"en: N ET A 1G00 4 ] Fy A 0 1G00 Q D0004 N #T A 0 T"en: #T A 2G00 4 9solating part #C: ] FT A 0 T"en: CT N 2G00 4 Q D000 4 A 0 2G00 T"en: CT A 1G00 u ] &C A 0 T"en: D000 )@m* N #V )F m* Q #T )1 m* A 0 N T"en: #V A @MG 4 2


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

Example: )'eer O Yo"nston*

9n a small %rame s"o6n mem,ers E'F and #'C+ are connected ,y a pin at ' and ,y ca,le at EC. # MG l, load is supported ,y a second ca,le 6"ic" passes over a pulley at F. +etermine t"e tension in ca,le EC and t"e components o% t"e pin reaction at '.
r A 2:


#x F F


MG l, C

MG l, Fx A
MG l,


Fy A MG l,

+x +T


#x A 10 l,
E 'V MG ' 'V 'V C

MG l, 'T FV A MG l,


FT A MG l,

+V A10 l,
External reactions on t"e + %rame involve t"ree un3no6n: + V +y and # + T

] Fy A 0 T"en: +y A MG l, u N ] &+ A 0 T"en: #x )1G* Q MG )12* A 0 T"en: #x A 10 l, ] FV A 0 T"en: +V A 10 l, 2 ] FT A ] FT A 0 in t"e F'+ o% t"e pulley. T"en Fx A MG l, 2 and: Fy A MG l, u
&em,er E'F and #'C+ are connected at ' so t"e %orces acting at point ' are equal and opposite as s"o6n. Similarly T"e %orces exerted at E and C are equal and opposite and t"eir direction is 3no6n. &em,er E'F:

N ] &E A 0 T"en: )'T* )D %t* Q )MG l,* )1D %t* A 0 T"en: 'T A 21@ l, N ] &' A 0 T"en: ) T cos @@.M!* )D %t* Q )MG l,* )10%t* A 0 T"en T A 22G l, ] FV A 0 T"en: ) T sin @@.M!* Q 'V Q MG l, A 0 T"en: 'V A G0 l,
Since t"e values are %ound to ,e positive t"e %orces are directed as s"o6n a,ove. T"e direction o% %orces on mem,er #'C+ are t"ere%ore opposite in sense to t"at o% mem,er E'F.


CE 201 Allayla

Dr. Rashid

C"ec3ing t"e calculation on mem,er #'C+: ] FV A 0 ? 0 10 l, N MG l, N G0 l, Q )22G l,* sin @@.M N 10 A !J

Example: )[i,,eler*
+etermine t"e "ori8ontal and t"e vertical component %orce 6"ic" t"e pin at C exerts on mem,er #'C+ o% t"e %rame s"o6n.

1.1 m + 0.D m C 1.1 m ' 0.F m #

0.Dm +V F 100 Jg 100 Jg A HF1 4 #V

#T +V CV CV F' HF1 4 CT F' ' DG! F' #V #T 9denti%y all t6o0%orce mem,ers )F' is a t6o0%orce mem,er >[T?* DG ! CT C F F F'

Step 1: +ra6 F'+ o% t"e entire %rame to %ind external reactions:

] &# A 0 T"en: 0 HF1 4 )2m* N +V )2.Fm* A 0 T"en: +V A M00.M 4 ] FV A 0 T"en: #V Q M00.M 4 A 0 T"en: #V A M00.M 4 ] FT A 0 T"en: #T Q HF1 4 A 0 T"en: #T A HF1 4

Step 2: 9solate &em,er CF:

] &C A 0 T"en: 0 HF1 4 )2m* Q F' sin DG! )1.1m* A 0 T"en: F' A 0 1M@D.2 4 !r: F' A N 1M@D.2 acting up6ard and to t"e rig"t.


CE 201 Allayla
] FV A 0 T"en: 0 CV N ) 1M@D.2 cos DG!* A 0 T"en: CV A 1221 4 to t"e le%t ] FT A 0 T"en:

Dr. Rashid

CT N 1M@D.2 sin DG!* Q HF1 4 A 0 T"en: CT A 0 2DG 4 !r: CT A N 2DG acting do6n6ard r


CE 201 Rashid Allayla EV#&/.E )From [i,,eler*

350 lb



F'+ o% t"e /ulley E T T

350 lb A FBD of pulley C

350 lb
BY 30 BX

E M00

350 lb A FBD of pulley R

@G0 l, C

T'+ #V # DGw ' 1MG l, #T @0@.11 l, D %t F'+ o% mem,er #'C D %t

M00 l,


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


+isassem,ling a Frame: )>"at i% t"e 6e cannot determine external %orces ,y using t"e F'+ o% t"e entire structure?* #n 9llustrative Example: $iven # Frame consisting o% mem,ers and pulley as s"o6n '
Ca,le FF F + E Ca,le

/in C Cy

Cy # /in #y

> a* T"ere are %ive un3no6ns FF Cx Cy #x # x and #y and only t"ree equations so t"e 6"ole F'+ cannot ,e used. ,* #s an alternative use t"e %orce system o% t"e pulley to determine T +x and +y T

FE +x N M: M: M+

D+ D: FF

c* 4o6 t"at +x and +y are determined %rom part , 6e can determine FE Cx and Cy ,y applying &C A 0 Fx A 0 and Fy A 0. d* 4o6 t"at FE is determined %rom part c FF #x and #y can ,e determined. FE

&+ &:


CE 201 Rashid Allayla



CE 201 Rashid Allayla


EV#&/.E )[i,,eler 1.20*: T"e "and exerts a %orce o% F l, on t"e grip o% t"e spring compressor. +etermine t"e %orce in t"e spring needed to maintain equili,rium o% t"e mec"anism. FE+ 'V E FEF FE# FE# FS + S


F l, $ #




&em,ers E# E+ and E$ are all t6o %orce mem,ers )>"y?* T"e %ree 'ody +iagram %or parts +C and #'$ are s"o6n and t"e t"ree %orces on pin E is also s"o6n. Solution: .ever #'$: &' A 0 FE# )1 in* Q F l, )D in* A 0 FE# A @2 l,

/in E: F: A 0 FE+ Sin 10o 0 FEF Sin 10o A 0 FE+ A FEF A F F+ A 0 2 FE+ cos 10 0 @2 A 0 FE+ A @2 l, #rm +C: &C A 0 0 FS )1 in* N @2 Cos @0o l, )@ in* A 0 FS A 1@.H l,

Civil Engineering Dept. CE 201 Engineering Statics


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Dr. Rashid Allayla

Internal Forces

M.1 9nternal Forces:

9nternal %orces are the forces that e2ist within the structure when an imaginary section is passed through the structure. >"en t"e internal %orces are exposed t"e %orces ,ecome external %orces.


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


T6o dimensional coplanar loading results in t"ree components: 4ormal %orce 4 S"ear %orce V and ,ending moment a,out 80axis.


T"ese are t"e couple moments acting at t"e cut section are developed to ,alance t"e moment produced ,y t"e external %orces. T"ese are a s"ear %orces tangent to t"e cut section developed to counter t"e vertical component o% t"e %orces and t"e vertical component o% t"e reaction %orces. T"ese are normal %orce acting at t"e cut section developed to counter t"e "ori8ontal components o% t"e %orces and t"e "ori8ontal component o% t"e reaction %orces.

Free 'ody +iagrams:

' F F V$ + [ $ C 4[ # &F V$ +V &$ V$ &$ 4$ V$ / +y E &[ V[ 4F VF &$ 4$ VF &F 4F

M.2* S"ear and &oment Equations:




CE 201 Rashid Allayla

Find internal %orces and ,ending moment at a section 2 m %rom #
20 4 ; m Cut


Step 1: Find external reactions ] &'A0 T"en: )(#* )G* Q )20 4;m* )Gm* )G;2*
# 2m C ' T"en: (# A G0 4 Step 2: Select a part o% sectioned mem,er )say #C* Step @: Find internal %orces: Gm

]Fy A 0 T"en: N G0 Q )2m*)20 4;m* Q VC A 0 T"en VC A 10 4 r ] &C A 0 T"en: & N )204;m*)2m*)1;2* 0 )G0*)2*A 0 T"en: &C A F0 40m

2m 20 4;m


4ote: >e 6ill get t"e same values i% 6e c"ose C' instead o% #C 6it" reverse directions

4C # 2m C


(# A G0 4


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Example: )[i,,eler*
+etermine t"e internal normal %orce s"ear %orce and t"e moment acting at point ' o% t"e %rame s"o6n.

D %t

D %t

D00 l, #V

G0 l,;%t

C '

#T F+C
G @


1 %t

200 l, #V 2 %t # #T


D;G F+C 4'

' V

Step 1: Find t"e external reactions: ] &# A 0 )0D00 l,* )D %t* N )D;G* F+C )1 %t* A 0 T"en: F+C A @@@.@@ l, ] FV A 0 0 #V N )D;G* )@@@.@@ l,* A 0 T"en: ] FT A 0 #T Q D00 l, N )@;G*)@@@.@@ l,* A 0 T"en:

#V A 211.M l, #T A 200 l,

Step 2: #pply t"e equation o% equili,rium to t"e sectioned mem,er #' ] FV A 0 T"en: 4' Q 211.M l, A 0 T"en: 4' A 21M l, ] FT A 0 T"en: 200 l, Q 200 l, Q V' A 0 T"en: V' A 0 ] &' A 0 T"en: &' Q )200 l,* )D %t* N )200 l,* )2 %t* A 0 T"en: &' A D00 l,0%t 10@

CE 201 Rashid Allayla EV#&/.E: )[i,,eler*


T"e ,eam supports t"e loading s"o6n. +etermine t"e internal %orce s"ear %orce and ,ending moment acting <ust to t"e le%t o% t"e external %orce and <ust to t"e rig"t o% it.

1 J4 # 'C
@m 1m

&+ A H J40m +

1 J4

H J40m


+T &' V' 4'

G J4 1 J4 V C &C G J4 External %orces: ] &+ A 0 T"en: H J40m N )1 J4* Q #T )H m* A 0 T"en: #T A G J4 Segment #': ] FV A 0 T"en: 4' A 0 ] FT A 0 G J4 Q V' A 0 T"en: V' A G J4 ] &' A 0 0 )G J4* )@ m* N &' A 0 T"en &' A 1G J4.m N Segment #C: ] FV A 0 T"en: 4C A 0 ] FT A 0 G J4 Q 1 J4 N VC A 0 T"en: VC A 1 J4 u ] &' A 0 0 )G J4* )@ m* N &C A 0 T"en &C A 1G J4.m N C 4C


CE 201 Rashid Allayla EV#&/.E:


Find t"e internal %orces and t"e moments at points ' and C %or t"e cantilever ,eam s"o6n. )G0*)1;2* G0 4 ; m ' # @m 1m
&# FEP A G0x1;2

+ C @m





)c* #T A1G0 4


#T A1G0 4 #nalysis o% External Forces and &oment: From F'+ ),*


] &# A 0 T"en: 0 W)G0*)1;2* 4X )10m* N &# A 0 T"en: &# A 1G00 40m

] FV A 0 T"en: #V A 0 and: ] FT A 0 T"en #T A )G0* )1;2* A 1G0 4 From F'+ )c*: ] FV A 0 T"en: 4' A 0 and: ] FT A 0 T"en: N 1G0 Q V' A 0 T"en: V' A 1G0 4 ] &' A 0 T"en: &# Q#y )1* N &' A 0 T"en: 1G00 Q )1G0*)1* 0 &' A 0 &' A 100 4.m From F'+ )d*: ] FT A 0 T"en: N 1G0 Q )G0;2* )@;2* Q VC A 0 T"en: VC A 112.G 4 ] &CA 0 T"en: &#Q#y)H*N)G0;2*)@;2*)1* N&CA0 T"en: 1G000)1G0*)H* N@M.GN&C A0 &C A 1FM.G 4.m C"ec3 t"e rig"t side:


CE 201 Rashid Allayla &C A 0 T"en: 0 )2G*)@* )1.G* Q )2G*)@;2*)2* N&C A 0 T"en &C A 1FM.G 4.m


M.2* S"ear and &oment +iagrams:

'eam: 9s a structural mem,er designed to carry loading perpendicular to t"e axis. Simply Supported 'eam: # ,eam t"at is pinned at one end and roller0supported at t"e ot"er. S"ear +iagram: # grap"ical representation o% s"ear as a %unction o% x0axis. &oment +iagram: # grap"ical representation o% moment as a %unction o% x0axis. Sign Convention:
& V V &

/ositive s"ear O positive ,ending moment

S"ear is positive 6"en external loads s"ear o%% t"e ,eam as s"o6n.
& &

&oment is positive 6"en t"e upper part o% t"e ,eam is under compression as s"o6n. )concave up6ard*

Construction o% t"e S"ear and &oment +iagrams: 0 +etermine t"e external reactions ,y applying t"e equili,rium equations on t"e entire F'+ o% t"e ,eam. 0 Cut t"e ,eam into various segments and dra6 t"e F'+ o% eac" segment. 0 Solve %or internal %orces at t"e cut sections ,y summing perpendicular %orces acting on eac" segment to determine s"ear %orce 0 +etermine t"e ,ending moment at t"e cut sections. 0 Follo6 positive sign convention as s"o6n earlier. 0 9% t"e computed values o% V and & are positive t"e values are plotted a,ove x axis and i% t"ey are negative t"ey are plotted ,elo6 x axis. 4ote: 0nternal normal forces are not considered since the applied loads are generally normal to the 23a2is producing only shear forces and bending moments 6nother reason for not 101

CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla considering the normal forces is that the beamBs resistance to shear is more important in design than the beamBs resistance to normal forces

Example : )[i,,eler*
+ra6 t"e s"ear and ,ending moment diagrams o% t"e ,eam s"o6n ,elo6.
G 34 CCT ' # 2m 2m C CCT

2.G 34

2.G 34

& A )2.G* )x*

V 2.G 34

V A )N*

V A 2.G J4
V G J4


N& 0)2.GJ4* x N ) G 34* )xQ2m*A 0 & A 10 Q 2.G x

x 2.G 34 2

V A 2.G J4

V A negative "ere x

V A 0 2.G J4

&A0 V A 2.G J4
2.G 34

x 0 2.G 34
&AG J4.m

& A 2.G x0

& A )10 0 2.Gx* x 10M


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


+ra6 t"e s"ear and ,ending moment diagrams t"e ,eam s"o6n ,elo6.

Cut 20 4;m

1m 120 4


Equivalent system (#

20 4;m &V 10 4

] &' A 0 T"en: (# A 10 4 O (' A 10 4 Section \ x ]Fy A 0 T"en: 10 Q 20 x Q V A 0 T"en: V A 10 Q 20 x A 0 ]& A 0 T"en: )x;2* )20x*Q10 xN&x A 0 T"en: &V A 10x Q 10 x2

10 4
V A 10 Q 20 V A )N*

#rea under t"e curve A &a

0 10 4
V A 10 Q 20 V A )0*

H0 4.m

&a a x


CE 201 Rashid Allayla



CE 201 Rashid Allayla


/ro,lem 2: )&eriam*
D00 l, 200 l,

Cut #

@: D00 l,
Cut '

Cut C

200 l,

(1 A FG.M l, &#

Step 1: +ra6 F'+ o% ,eam and solve %or t"e support reactions 2 (1 A FG.M l, (2 A G1D.@ l, (2 A G1D.@ Step 2: +ra6 F'+ %or eac" section .e%t o% section #: ] Fy A 0 T"en: V# A FG.M l, ] &# A 0 T"en: &# A FG.M x

FG.M l,

V# D00 l, .e%t o% section ': ] Fy A 0 0 V' 0 D00 N FG.M A 0 &' T"en: V' A 0 @1D.@ l, ] &' A 0 T"en: &' N D00 )x0D* 0 FG.M x A 0 T"en: &' A 1100 Q @1D.@ x &C .e%t o% section C: ] Fy A 0 0VC N FG.M Q D00 N G1D.@ A0 T"en: Vc A 200 l, VC ] &C A 0 T"en: &C 0 FG.M )x* 200 l, N D00 )x0D* 0 G1D.@)x0M* A 0 T"en: &C A 200 )10 Q x* (ig"t o% Section C: ]Fy A 0 VC Q 200 A 0 T"en: VC A 200 l, ] &C A 0 T"en Q &C 0 200 )10 Q x* T"en: &C A 0 200 )10 Q x*

FG.M l,

D00 l, V'

FG.M l, x
FG.M l,

G1D.@ l,


200 l,

0 @1D.@ l, N @D@ l,.%t )N* x )0* )0*

0 100 l,.%t

CE 201 Rashid Allayla Example @:

+ra6 t"e s"ear and moment diagrams %or t"e ,eams s"o6n ,elo6


G0 l, ; %t

F %t

&.A )G0*)F*)F;2*A1100 l,0%t &. A 1G00 l,0%t

Slope 0 G0

V A D00 l,
VA0 x

@ %t

VV A @ A N D00 Q )G0*)@* A 2G0 l,.%t

Equal to area o% trape8oid


d & ; d x A V A 2G0 l,

& A &. N O V dx A 01100 N#rea o% trape8oid A 0 1100 N HMG A 0 12G l,.%t

& A 0 1100 l,.%t

Slope A D00 l,


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


100 l, D0 l, ; %t &( A 1000 l,.%t

)$iven* 12 %t F %t

D0 l, ; %t 10F0 l, &. A 1G FF0 &(

100 l,

&( A 1000 l,.%t

Step 1: Find t"e support reactions

V. A 1 0F0 l,

T"en: V A N 10F0 l, O &. A N 1G FF0 l,.%t

Slope dV ; dV A 0 100 l, 100 l, x

Slope dV ; dV A 0 D0

V )l,*

Step 2: T"e s"ear at t"e end o% t"e ,eam VVA 0 A 10F0 l, O VV A 12 A 10F0 0 D0)12*A 100 l, O VVA2 0 A 100 l,
& )l,.%t*
12 %t F %t

)12* N )1;2* W )10F0 0 100* X )12*

0 1000 l,.%t &12 A 0GF00 d & ; dx A V A N 100 d & ; dx A V A N 10F0

0 1GFF0 l,.%t

Step @: & V A 0 A 0 1G FF0 l,.%t O & V A 20 A 01000 l,.%t & \ any point: &\ VA0 N T"e area under t"e s"ear curve [ere: & V A 12 0 & V A 0 A x & A y V d V A #rea o% trape8oid A 100 )12* N p W10F0 Q 100X )12* A 100F0 l,.%t

So: & V A 12 A & V A 0 N x& A 0 1GFF0 N 100F0 l,.%t A 0 GF00 l,.%t


CE 201 Rashid Allayla



20 4 ; m 0 4;m '

&' A )20*)1*)1;2*)2* A 120 4.m &' ] Fy A 0 T"en: (' A 10 4 (' A 10 4

Equivalent load A 10 4

.oad \ x A )20;1* x

VVA W)20x;1*XWx;2X ('A 10 4 VV &V x



V V [yper,ola

] &x A 0

T"en: &V N VV )x ;@ * A 0 T"en: &x A 0 aW)20x ; 1*X )x;2*b )x;@* A 0

T"en: & A 0 20 x@ ; @1

So: \ x A 1 & xA1 A 120

11@ S"ear \ V A 1 m A 10 )1*2 ; 1 A N 10 &oment \ V A 1 A 0 20 )1*@ ; @1

CE 201 Rashid Allayla


To Construct S"ear O &oment +iagrams: 3 Col/e for support reactions by taking the FI5 of the whole beam and applying the equations of equilibrium 3 Locate the discontinuities along the beam
10 4;m & A G00 4.m 100 4

10 m (1 A 10 4

2 (2 A 1D0 4

3 4ut the beam into sections between discontinuities 3 4onstruct the FI5 of the cut section and apply the equations of equilibrium
10 4;m G00 4.m 100 4

10 4


1D0 4

V A 10 Q 10V &010VN10V)V;2* A 0 &A 0GV2 N 10V


0VN100100A0 V A 10 Q 100 A 0D0 & N 100)V0G* 0 10V A 0 & A G00 Q D0V VA 0 D0 & N)100*)V0G* 010V Q G00 A 0 & A 0100VNG00 N10V NG00 & A 1000 Q D0V 0V Q 100 N 10 Q 100 A01D0 & N 100)2* 010V N N )100* )V0G* 0G00 A 0 &A F00 Q D0V

1 004



G00 4.m 100 4


3 $lot V /s = as function of 2


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Civil Engineering Dept. CE 201 Engineering Statics Dr. Rashid Allayla



CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Friction is t"e %orce t"at acts on a ,ody 6"en it comes into contact 6it" anot"er ,ody. T"is %orce 3no6n as t"e %rictional %orce acts tangent to t"e contacting sur%ace and directed in t"e opposite sense to motion or possi,le motion o% t"e ,ody. Types o% Friction: 0 +ry %riction: 0s the type of friction occurring between two unlubricated surfaces 9he direction of the friction force always opposes the motion or the impending motion 9his type of friction is called 4oulomb Friction 0 Fluid Friction: 9s t"e %riction t"at exists ,et6een t6o %luid elements moving at di%%erent velocities. >"en t"ere is no relative velocity ,et6een layers o% %luid %riction 6ill not develop 6it"in t"e %luid. F.1* C"aracteristics o% +ry Friction:


CE 201 Rashid Allayla

Stationary > / ! xF

9mpeding motion

/ " "

x41 4 x 4n


Frictional (elations"ip: Fs A Is 4 #lso: / " A 4 x

x Frictional %orce A Coe%%icient o% static %riction x 4ormal %orce #s / increases Fs increases until impending motion starts or t"e ,loc3 6ill tip. #s 4 marc"es to t"e rig"t as / and Fs increase one o% t"e %ollo6ing 6ill "appen: Fs reac"es t"e limit Fs A Is 4 ,e%ore 4 reac"es point ! )slide* Fs reac"es t"e limit Fs A Is 4 a%ter 4 reac"es point ! )Tips* #%ter impending motion Fs )Static Frictional Force* decreases to FJ )Jinetic Frictional Force* h See analysis ,elo6.

#nalysis: 9% t"e %orce / is increased t"e %riction %orce F also increase until it reac"es a maximum value equals FS. 9% / is %urt"er increased t"e ,loc3 starts to slide ,ecause t"e %rictional %orce can no longer 3eep t"e ,loc3 %rom sliding. >"en t"e ,loc3 starts to move t"e maximum %rictional %orce drops slig"tly to lo6er value FJ )called 3inetic %rictional %orce* and stays approximately constant. T"e reason %or t"e drop is t"at 6"en F2 FS t"e sur%ace pea3s s"ear o%% and s"ear %orce drops o%% slig"tly to FJ. Static Friction: T"e %rictional %orce F t"at can develop ,et6een t6o sur%aces 6it"out "aving t"e sur%aces slide relative to eac" ot"er is de%ined ,y t"e equation: FS A IS 4


CE 201 Rashid Allayla Jinetic %riction:


T"e %rictional %orce F t"at develops 6"en t6o sur%aces are sliding on eac" ot"er is proportional to t"e normal %orce applied on t"e sur%aces and is directed opposite to t"e relative motion o% t"e sur%aces. T"is is de%ined ,y t"e equation: FJ A IJ 4 >"ere IS and IJ are t"e coe%%icients o% static and 3inetic %rictions. 4o motion &otion: /ea3s s"ear o%%

Coe%%icient o% static %riction

Coe%%icient o% +ynamic Friction

(elates to t"e magnitude o% maximum Friction %orce t"at can ,e exerted ,y dry Sur%aces 6"en slip is impending: % A IS 4 6"ere IS is t"e coe%%icient o% static %riction.

(elates to t"e magnitude o% %riction %orce exerted ,y dry sur%aces 6"en sliding occur % A IJ 4 6"ere IJ is t"e coe%%icient o% 3inetic %riction.


CE 201 Rashid Allayla

&otion /


FJ )Jinetic Frictional Force* (J

9ncreasing / 2 increases FS <ust enoug" to prevent motion. 9ncreasing / %urt"er 2 FS reac"es maximum limit 2 +rops slig"tly to FJ ) Jinetic %rictional %orce* 2 'loc3 no longer in equili,rium 2 ,loc3 start sliding 6it" increasing speed. FJ A IJ 4 6"ere IJ is t"e coe%%icient o% 3inetic %riction.
4o motion

+iscontinuity 6"ic" drops Fs to F3 is due to 5s"earing o%% pea3s7 at t"e contact area

4o lateral Force applied

Static )4o motion*


F 4A>

4A> FA/ F j FS &otion

9mpending motion

Fs 4A> FA/ F A FS A IS 4 4o &otion: FA/ j Fs )AIS 4* 9mpending: F A FS A IS 4 hhh e j d ; 2 Tipping: F j FS hhhhhhhh. e k d;2 &oving: F A IJ 4

F3 4A> FA/ F A F3 A I3 4


CE 201 Rashid Allayla 4ote t"at:


0 T"e %rictional %orce F acts tangent to t"e sur%ace o% contact and directed opposite to t"e relative motion. 0 T"e static %rictional %orce Fs t"e coe%%icient o% static %riction Is and t"e coe%%icient o% t"e 3inetic %riction Is are independent o% t"e area o% t"e sur%ace o% contact. 3 'ot" coe%%icients strongly depend on t"e nature o% t"e contact sur%ace )see ta,le* 0 >"en slipping is a,out to occur ,et6een t6o sur%aces t"e maximum static %orce o% %riction Fs is proportional to t"e normal %orce so t"at: Fs A Is 4. 0 >"en slipping start to occur t"e 3inetic %rictional %orce is proportional to t"e normal %orce so t"at: F3 A I3 4. &aterial:
&etal on metal (u,,er on concrete 0.G0 >ood on 6ood #luminum on aluminum

0.1G 0 0 .11 0.10 0 0.H0 0.@0 0 0.M0 1.10 0 1.M0

Stone on stone &etal on stone

0.D0 0 0.M0 0.@0 0 0.M0

.eat"er on metal 0.@0 0 0.10 >ood on leat"er 0.2G 0

F.2* Solution o% /ro,lems 9nvolving +ry Friction: $roup 1: Equili,rium /ro,lems: T"is type o% pro,lems require t"at t"e total num,er o% un3no6ns must ,e less or equal to t"e independent equations o% equili,rium. Since t"e condition o% equili,rium requires t"at no slipping occur t"e solution o% Forces must satis%y t"e inequality FS j IS 4.

Is A 0.@ F# >1 >2 F'

4# 4' Six un3no6n %orces and 1 equations )@ %or eac" mem,er*

F# must ,e j 0.@ 4#

F' must ,e j 0.@4'

$roup 2: 9mpending &otion /ro,lems: T"is type o% pro,lems require t"at %orces in contact 6it" sur%aces satis%y t"e equation FS A IS 4. T"e total num,er o% un3no6ns A num,er o% equili,rium equations N Frictional t"e smallest angle S at 6"ic" 4' equations. Find ladder #' can ,e placed against
t"e 6all 6it"out slipping. 100 4

F' I' A 0.D



4# I# A 0.@ 120 Five un3no6ns: F# F' 4# 4' and S 4um,er o% equations A G: ]Fx A 0 ] Fy A 0 ] & A 0 F# A 0.@4# and F' A 0.D 4'

CE 201 Rashid Allayla


$roup @: 9mpending &otion at Some /oint: T"is type o% pro,lems require t"at %orces in contact 6it" sur%aces 6ill satis%y one o% t"e %ollo6ing conditions: 9mpending motion motion or tipping.
' / 'T # I# IC 4# C > F# FC 4C 'T > 'V 'V /

(equired: Value o% / needed to cause movement o% t"e %rame. 4um,er o% un3no6ns: Seven: 4# F# 4C FC 'V 'T O / &et"od o% Solution: Calculate / using six equili,rium equations and one o% t"e %riction %ormulas: F# A I# 4# or: FC A IC 4C and c"oose t"e smaller /. 9% t"ere is slipping in # and not in C: T"en: F# A I# 4# and FC g IC 4C. 9% t"ere is slipping in C and not in #: T"en: FC A IC 4C and F# g I# 4#. #nalysis o% t"e /ro,lem:

(esult: Seven un3no6ns 6ill satis%y eig"t equations

9n t"e a,ove pro,lem t"e num,er o% un3no6ns are: 4 # N F# N 4C N FC N 'V N 'T N / A M un3no6ns T"e num,er o% availa,le equations are: Equili,rium equations: ] FV A 0 ] FT A 0 ] & A 0 .e%t %rame: Friction equation: F# A I# 4# )one equation* and equili,rium equations: ]FV A 0 ]FT A 0 ]& A 0 )T"ree equations* (ig"t %rame: Friction equation: FC A IC 4C )one equation* and equili,rium equations :]FV A 0 ] FT A 0 ] & A 0 )T"ree equations*


CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla Total: A F equations. Cince impending motion for both frames occurring in the same time is highly unlikely t"e c"oice o% 6"ic" %rictional equation to ,e used depends on t"e 3ind o% motion 6"ic" actually occurs: #s / increases one o% t"e %ollo6ing possi,ilities 6ill occur: a* Slipping at # and no slipping at C: T"en F# A I# 4# and FC g IC 4C ,* Slipping at C and no slipping at #: T"en F# A I# 4# and F# g I# 4# #nd t"e actual situation can ,e determined ,y calculating / and c"oosing smaller value.

EV#&/.E: .et > A 100 4 I# A 0.@ and IC A 0.@G Find t"e value o% / t"at 6ill cause slipping o% t"e %rame s"o6n.
' 10 m / 100 4 100 4 'V 'T / 'V

# 10 m

C 4# F# FC 4C

T"e un3no6ns: 4# 4C F# FC 'V 'y and / A M un3no6ns a* #ssume Slipping at # and no slipping at C: T"en F# A I# 4# and FC g IC 4C F# A )0.@* 4# >riting t"e equation o% equili,rium %or t"e rig"t mem,er: ]FV A 0 T"en: / 0 'V Q FC A 0 ]Fy A 0 T"en: 4C Q 'T 0 100 A 0 ] &C A 0 T"en: N )'T* )G m* N )'V* )10 m* Q / )G* A 0 >riting t"e equation o% equili,rium %or t"e le%t mem,er: ]FV A 0 T"en: 'V Q F# A 0 ]Fy A 0 T"en: 4# Q 100 N 'T A 0 ] &# A 0 T"en: N )'T* )G m* 0 )'V* )10 m* Q )100* )2.G m* A 0 Solving equations 12M yield / A 1G1.2G 4 )G* )1* )M* )1* )2* )@* )D*

,* #ssume Slipping at C and no slipping at #: T"en FC A IC 4C and F# g I# 4# FC A )0.@G* 4C >riting t"e equation o% equili,rium %or t"e rig"t mem,er: ]FV A 0 T"en: / 0 'V Q FC A 0 )1* )2*


CE 201 Rashid Allayla ]Fy A 0 T"en: 4C Q 'T 0 100 A 0 ] &C A 0 T"en: N )'T* )G m* N )'V* )10 m* Q / )G* A 0 >riting t"e equation o% equili,rium %or t"e le%t mem,er: )@* )D*


]FV A 0 T"en: 'V Q F# A 0 )G* ]Fy A 0 T"en: 4# Q 100 N 'T A 0 )1* ] &# A 0 T"en: N )'T* )G m* 0 )'V* )10 m* Q )100* )2.G m* A 0 )M* Solving equations 12M yield: / A 12H.@ 4 P 1G1.2G h. T"en C 6ill slip ,e%ore #

Example: )[i,,eler*
T"e uni%orm crate "as a 6eig"t o% 1H1.2 4. 9% a %orce / A F0 4 is applied to t"e crate determine i% it remains in equili,rium. T"e coe%%icient o% static %riction is I A 0.@.

0.F m / A F0 4 @0! 0.2 m @0 !

0.2 m

1H1.2 4 0.D m

! !


4 must act a distance x %rom point ! in order to counteract t"e tipping e%%ect caused ,y /. 4um,er o% un3no6ns: T"ree: F 4C and x Equili,rium Equations: ] Fx A 0 F0 cos @0! Q F A 0 ] Fy A 0 0 F0 sin @0! N 4C Q 1H1.2 A 0 ] &!A0 F0 sin @0! )0.D* Q F0 cos @0! )0.2* N 4C )x* A 0 T"en: F A 1H.@ 4 4C A 2@1 4 x A 0 0.00H0F m Since x is negative it indicates normal %orce is to t"e le%t o% t"e center 6"ic" 6ill cause no tipping ) x g 0.D m*. 12@ F&ax A I 4C A 0.@ )2@1* A M0.F 4 B 1H.@ t"e crate 6ill not slip

CE 201 Rashid Allayla


# 1G0 l, man starts to clim, a 21 Q %t ladder t"at 6eig"s G0 l,s. T"e ladder is placed against smoot" 6all 6it" its lo6er end is 20 %t %rom t"e 6all. T"e coe%%icient o% %riction ,et6een t"e ladder and t"e %loor is 0.@. +etermine t"e distance x %rom t"e man to t"e 6all 6"en t"e ladder starts to slip.
x 1G0 l, ' 21: (

>AG0 l, #
10 f

>AG0 l, F

T"is pro,lem ,elongs to t"e second group )impending slipping o% t"e ladder* 4um,er o% un3no6n: Four : ( F 4 and V ] FT A 0 T"en: 4 Q G0 Q 1G0 A 0 T"en: 4 A 200 l,# u# / IS A 0.1 Frictional %orce: F A I 4 A 0.@ )200* A 10 l, 2 ] &' A 0 T"en x )1G0 l,* N G )G0 l,* Q 10 )200 l, * N 2D )10 l,* A 0 T"en: x A 2.0M %t

IS A 0.1


F0 4t"e top ,loc3 is su,<ected to a %orce 200 4 T6o ,loc3s are in top o% eac" ot"er /. 9% > # A F0 4 >' A 120 4 I ,et6een ,loc3 # and ' is I s A 0.G and ,et6een ' and t"e %loor is I s A 0.1. >"at 6ill "appen 6"en / increases? / 4 FS

#ssume # slides over ':

F0 4


] F V A 0 T"en: / A F A FS A IS 4 'ut: 4 A ># A F0 4 T"en: / A 0.G )F0* A D0 4

#ssume ,ot" ,oxes slide: 4 ] FV A 0 T"en: / A FS A IS 4 A 0.1 )120 N F0** A 20 4 hh. T"en: ,ot" ,loc3s 6ill slide


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


120 4

Example: )[i,,eler*
'eam #' is su,<ected to uni%orm load o% 200 4;m and is supported at ' ,y post 'C. 9% 'A0.2 and C A 0.G determine t"e %orce / needed to pull t"e post out %rom under t"e ,eam 200 4;m #

0.MG m

0.2G m

C F00 4 #V
2m 2m

F' #T F' FC 4' AD00 4 '

0.MG 0.2G

4' D00 /

From equili,rium equations: Fx A 0 FT A 0 &C A 0

4C / 0 F' Q FC A 0 hhhhhhhhhhhh. )1* 4C Q D00 A 0 hhhhhhhhhhh... )2* 0 / )0.2G* N F' )1* A 0 hhhhhhhhh. )@*

9% /ost slips at ': T"en FC j C 4C and: F' A ' 4' A 0.2 )D00 4* A F0 4 Csing t"is result solving equations 12 @ yields: / A @20 4


CE 201 Rashid Allayla FC A 2D0 4 4C A D00 4


Since FC A 2D0 4 B C 4C A 0.G )D004* A 200 4 t"e ot"er case must ,e investigated. 9% /ost slips at C: T"en F' j ' 4' and: FC A C 4C A 0.G )4C* )D* Solving equations 1 2 D yields: / A 21M 4 4C A D00 4 FC A 200 4 F' A 11.M 4 Since in t"is case / is smaller t"en post slips at C %irst.


# ,ox 1 meter 6ide and 2 meters "ig" 6eig"s 100 4. T"e coe%%icient o% static %riction ,et6een t"e ,ox and t"e %loor is I s A 0.G and t"e coe%%icient o% 3inetic %riction is I J A 0.@. >"at is t"e minimum %orce t"at 6ill cause impending motion o% t"e ,ox?


CE 201 Rashid Allayla




T"is is type @ pro,lem ,ecause t"ere are t6o possi,ilities t"at t"e impending motion may occur: T"e ,ox may slip or t"e ,ox may tip. /

: !

0.G 4 Tip 4


x Slip

#ssume slipping:

#ssume tipping:

] Fy A 0

T"en: 4 A 100 4

] &o A 0 )100* )0.G* Q / )2* A 0 T"en: / A 2G 4

FS A IS 4 A )0.G* )100* A G0 4 ] FV A 0 T"en: / A G0 4

Since t"e %orce o% t"e tip is smaller t"an t"e %orce o% slip t"e ,ox 6ill tip ,e%ore slip. #not"er 6ay: #ssume t"e ,ox 6ill slip ,e%ore it tips: FS A IS 4 A )0.G* )100* A G04 ] FV A 0 ] &!: A 0 T"en: 0 )G0* ) 2 * N 100 x A 0 T"en: x A 1 B distance %rom t"e center o% gravity to t"e rig"t0"and corner. T"ere%ore ,ox 6ill tip ,e%ore slip. T"en: / A G0 4

Example: )[igdon O Stiles*


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


# 1G0 l, man starts to clim, a 21 %t G0 l, ladder t"at is placed against a 6all and its lo6er end is 10 %t %rom t"e 6all. T"e ladder is placed on a 100 l, ,ox 6"ic" is 2 %t "ig". T"e coe%%icient o% %riction ,et6een t"e ladder and t"e 6all is 0.20 ,et6een t"e ladder and t"e ,ox is 0.@G %loor is 0.@ and ,et6een t"e ,ox and t"e %loor is 0.2G. +etermine "o6 %ar %rom t"e 6all can t"e man clim, ,e%ore t"e motion o% t"e ladder impends 1G0 l, ' 1G0 l, x ' 4' F' A 0.2 4' 21 %t IS A 0.2 IS A 0.@G # >AG0 l, # IS A 0.2G C 10 %t 4# 2D %t G0 l, F# A 0.@G 4#

T"is pro,lem ,elongs to type @ ,ecause t"e ladder 6ill eit"er slip on # ) t"e ,ox * or ,ot" ladder and ,ox 6ill slip on C ) t"e %loor * 4# F# #ssuming .adder slips o%% t"e ,ox: F# A 0.@G 4# F' A 0.20 4' From F.'.+. o% t"e ladder: ] Fx A 0 T"en: F# Q 4' A 0 T"en: 4' A F# A )0.@G* 4# ] Fy A 0 T"en: 4# N F' Q G0 Q 1G0 A 0 4# N )0.2 4'* 0200 A 0 !r: 4# N )0.2* )0.@G* 4# Q 200 A 0 T"en: 4# A 1F1.H l, T"en: F# A 0.@G )1F1.D* A 1G.D l, 'e%ore determining x 6e c"ec3 t"e assumption t"at motion does not impede at point C and t"e %loor. From F.'.+. o% t"e ,loc3: ] Fy A 4C Q 4# Q 100 A 0 !r: 4C Q 1F1.H Q 100 A 0 T"en: 4C A 2F1.H l, ] Fx A FC Q F# A 0 T"en: FC A 1G.D l, q T"is is t"e value o% FC 6"en ,ox is at

100 4

FC A 0.2G 4C

T"e limiting value o% FC is FC A IC 4C A 0.2G )2F1.H* A M1.M l, B 1G.D l, . T"is means t"at is required FC t"at causes t"e ,loc3 to move is greater t"an t"e actual FC 6"ic" means t"e ladder 6ill slip ,e%ore t"e ,loc3 moves. ] &' A 0 x )1G0* N G )G0* N 2D )1G.D* Q 10 )1F1.H* A 0 $ives x A 0.@2H %t. 12F

CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Civil Engineering Dept. CE 201 Engineering Statics Dr. Rashid Allayla

Center of Gravity & Centroid


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


H.1 H.2* Center o% $ravity Center o% &ass O Centroid %or a 'ody: Since a ,ody consists o% in%inite num,er o% particles t"e center o% gravity o% t"e ,ody is de%ined as t"e single equivalent 6eig"t t"at can represent all particles in t"e ,ody. 9% t"e ,ody is "omogeneous and gravity is constant in magnitude and direction t"e center o% gravity 6ould coincide 6it" t"e center o% mass.
` dV


8: `$

T x: y: > V$


Since t"e rigid ,ody consists o% in%inite num,er o% dV t"e center o% gravity o% t"e 6"ole ,ody is t"e integral o% t"e individual center o% gravies o% dV:s. 9% x : y: and 8: are t"e location o% t"e C!$ o% dV t"en: V$ ) >i * A ) x9 * ) >i * A d> x: dV V$ A nnnnnnnnn dV yf dV T$ A nnnnnnnn dV y: dV `$ A nnnnnnnnn dV

9he8e )" ,he "Qec)?)c >e)Eh, !? ,he <!d: #d9'dR). S? ,he den"),: !? ,he <!d: )" de?)ned $" z A ' E >he8e E )" ,he E8$.),:. The cen,e8 !? *$"" )" de?)ned $": x: z dV V$ A nnnnnnnnn z dV Centroid o% a 'ody: y: z dV T$ A nnnnnnnn z dV y: z dV `$ A nnnnnnnnn z dV


CE 201 Dr. Rashid Allayla Centroid is de%ined as t"e geometric center o% t"e ,ody. 9% t"e ,ody is uni%orm and "omogeneous in density t"e term d8!Q" !4, !? ,he eT4$,)!n. The eT4$,)!n !? ,he cen,8!)d )" de,e8*)ned <: "4**)nE ,he *!*en," !? ,he e7e*en," $<!4, ,he c!!8d)n$,e $+)".

Centroid o% a volume:
x: dV VV A nnnnnnnnn dV y f dV TV A nnnnnnnn dV y: dV `V A nnnnnnnnn dV

>"ere is ta3en over t"e volume V. Centroid o% an #rea:

x: d# V# A nnnnnnnnn d# y f d# T# A nnnnnnnn d# y: d# `# A nnnnnnnnn d#

>"ere is ta3en over t"e area # Centroid o% a .ine

x: d. V# A nnnnnnnnn d. y f d. T# A nnnnnnnn d. y: d. `# A nnnnnnnnn d.

>"ere is ta3en over t"e line . ` Volume

VV TV `V V. dV

T. V# d. T d# d# T#



.ine V 1@1

CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Example on Center o% $ravity o% an #rea: Example : )[i,,eler* .ocate t"e Centroid o% t"e area s"o6n.

y A x2
xi y;2
x dx 1m 1m

T"e area o% t"e element is d# A y dx and its Centroid is located at xi A x yi A y ; 2


xi d# xC A d# yi d# yC A d# A A

)x* )y dx* A y dx )y;2*)y dx* A y dx

x@ dx Evaluated %rom 0 to 1 A 0.2G ; 0.@@@ A 0.MG m x2 dx )x2;2* x2 dx Evaluated %rom 0 to 1 A 0.100 ; 0.@@@ A 0.@ m x2 dx

Example: )[i,,eler*
.ocate t"e V coordinate o% t"e s"aded area ,ounded ,y t"e t6o curves y A x O y A x 2.


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


xi 1 %t yAx y2 y1 1 %t y A x2 x



y# xi d# y x ) y2 Q y1* dx y x ) x Q x2* dx nnnnnnnn A nnnnnnnnnnnn A nnnnnnnnnnnnnn A 00.G %t y# d# y ) y2 Q y1 * dx y ) x Q x2* dx


CE 201 Rashid Allayla


Example on Center o% $ravity o% a .ine: Example: )[i,,eler*

.ocate t"e Centroid o% t"e rod ,ent into t"e s"ape o% para,olic arc.

xi A x

x A y2

yi A y




First 6e "ave to relate . to x and y in order to integrate t"e %unction: d. A W)dx*2 N )dy*2 X1;2 A W)dx;dy*2 N 1X dy dx;dy A 2 y T"en: d. A W)2y*2 N1X dy T"e Centroid is located at xi A x O yi A y y. xi d. nnnnnnnn y. d. y. yi d. nnnnnnnn y. d. y x W)2y*2 N1X dy A nnnnnnnnnnnn y W)2y*2 N1X dy y y W)2y*2 N1X dy A nnnnnnnnnnnn y W)2y*2 N1X dy y y2 WDy2 N 1X dy nnnnnnnnnnnnnn A 0.D10 m y WDy2 N 1X dy y y2 WDy2 N 1X dy nnnnnnnnnnnnnn A 0.GMD m y WDy2 N 1X dy

xC A

yC A


CE 201 Rashid Allayla H.@* Composite 'odies: Example:



CE 201 Rashid Allayla



Find t"e Centroid o% t"e composite section.

F cm

D cm G cm From Ta,le

Dr; @{ 1.011


] Vi #i GD.1F VC A nnnnnnnn A nnnnnnnn A 1.1Mcm

Semi circle

S;4 S"ape Circle 1 2 @ D T!T#.: (ectangle Semi QCircle Triangle Circle #rea cm2 D0 H.F2 11 0 1H.1@ D1.1H

] #i

D1.1H yi # cm@ 110 FF.HF D2.1M 0 DH.0H 2D2.G1

yC A 2D2.G1 ; D1.1H A G.2Gcm Vi yi Vi # cm cm cm@ 2.G 2.G 0 1.@@ 2.G D 1.011NFA H.011 2.1M 2.G 100 2D.GG 0 21.2F 0 DH.0H GD.1F


Example: )[i,,eler*
.ocate t"e Centroid o% t"e 6ire s"o6n:

8 . A1;2x 2r A 2xx60 A 1FF.G Segment 1

10 mm

D0 mm

20 mm

Segment 2 Segment @

T"e Centroid %or semi circle line segment is 2 r ; { A 0 @F.2 mm

4o 1 2 @ . 1FF.G D0 20 x 10 0 0 y 0 @F.2 20 D0 8 0 0 010 x. 11@10 0 0 y. 0 M200 F00 F00 8. 0 0 0 200

] . A 2DF.G VC A 11@10 ; 2DF.G A DG.G mm

]x. A 11@10 ]y. A 0 G100 ]8.A 0 200 yC$ A 0 G100 ; 2DF.G A 0 22.G mm 8C A 0 200 ; 2DF.G A 0 0.F0G mm


EV#&/.E: +etermine t"e y O 8 locations o% t"e center o% gravity o% t"e o,<ect s"o6n.


8 1 cm x 2 cm 1.G cm diameter @ cm Solid plate 2 cm 2 cm 1 cm 1 cm y

/art 1 )0.2F@4;cm@* /art 2 )0.0@G 4;cm * >eig"t o% part 1 A W{)1.G;2*2X )1* )0.2F@ 4;cm@* A >eig"t o% /art 2 A W)1* )1* X )0.0@G 4;cm2* A >eig"t o% part @ A 0 1;2)D* )@* )0.0@G 4;cm2* A >eig"t o% part D A W)1* )1*X ) .0GG 4;cm2* A @.00 4 1.21 4 0.21 4 1.HF 4

/art @ )0.0@G 4;cm@*

/art D )0.0GG 4;cm@*

T"e y and 8 components o% t"e center o% gravity: yC$ /art A 11.1@;1.0@ A 8y A 011.FF;1.0@ 01.HM > 1.H2H )4* cm )cm* 8i A )cm* C$ i `C$ A 0 10.F@ ; G.@M A 0 2.02 cm
1 2 @ D @.00 1.21 0 0.21 1.HF @ 0 0 2 0 0 @.00 0 D.00 0 1.00

> y )*

> 8 )*

H.00 0 0 @.H1

0 0 @.MG 0.FD 011.FF




0 1D.MH 1@H

Example on Center o% $ravity o% Volumes:

Example: )[i,,eler H.1* .ocate t"e y axis o% t"e centroid %or t"e para,oloid o% revolution 6"ic" is generated ,y revolving t"e s"aded area s"o6n: T"e equation o% t"e curve is: 82 A 100 y

C"oosing an element "aving t"e s"ape o% t"in dis3 6it" t"ic3ness )dy* and perpendicular to t"e axis o% revolution 6it" radius r A 8. T"e area o% t"e element is 82 and its t"ic3ness is dy. T"e elemental volume t"ere%ore is: dv A )82* )dy* and its centroid is located at y: A y 9ntegrating to %ind t"e centroid o% t"e para,oloid: y: dV y A 0 2 100 Wy )82 *X dy 100 y A 0 2 100 y2 dy yc A 00000000000000 A 0000000000000000000000000000000 000 A 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 A 11.M mm dV y A 0 2 100 W)82 *X dy y A 0 2 100 y dy


Example: T"e radius o% t"e truncated cone o% circular cross section is given as a %unction o% x ,y t"e equation r A 1 N0.2G x. +etermine t"e coordinate o% its centroid.

y r A 1 N 0.2G x dV = r 2 dx

8 dx D %t

'ecause o% axial symmetry s"ape t"e centroid lies on t"e x axis. >e 6ill determine t"e x coordinate o% t"e centroid using t"e elemental volume: r x dV A r2 dx = { W1 N 0.2G x X2 dx dx x dV 0 2 D { x W1 N 0.2G x X2 dx xc A nnnnnnn A nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn dV 0 2 D { W1 N 0.2G x X2 dx xc A 0 2 D W x N 0.G x2 N 0.01@ x@ X dx ; 0 2 D W1 N 0.G x N 0.01@ x2 X dx A ) 0.G x2 N 0.11M x@ N 0.011 xD * ; ) x N 0.2G x2 N 0.021 x@* A )F N 10.1FF N D.0H1* ; )D N D N 1.@DD* A 2.D@F %t

D %t


To locate t"e center o% gravity center o% mass Centroid o% volume Centroid o% area or Centroid o% lengt" o% composite section: 3 4alculate the respecti/e centers of gra/ity or 4entroid of indi/idual elements of the composite section 3 Find the components of center of gra/ity or the 4entroid of indi/idual elements of composite section 3 6ssign a negati/e sign to the area of the cut section 3 6pply the moment principle J4 N ) 2! N! ( 2n Nn where N represents gra/ity, mass /olume, area or length of composite section 3 9he J, K and L component 4 E F or 4entroid of the composite section calculated using the abo/e equations


Civil Engineering Dept. CE 201 Engineering Statics Dr. Rashid Allayla

Moments of Inertia

10.1* +e%inition:


$iven an area # t"e moment o% inertia o% t"e di%%erential area d# is de%ined as: 9x A # y2 d# or in general: 9x A # y2 %)x* dx >"ere %)x* is a %unction to ,e determined in terms o% x. 9y A # x2 d# or in general: 9y A # x2 %)y* dy >"ere %)y* is a %unction to ,e determined in terms o% y.

y d# x

y x

EV#&/.E: +etermine t"e moment o% inertia 9x and 9y o% t"e triangle s"o6n:


d# " A 10 cm x x dx , A 1G cm




y dy d# dy y x x , dx "

To evaluate 9x determine t"e moment o% inertia o% t"e small strip a,out x axis: )9x*element A element y2 d#

A 0 #:2) [d:d+B

9x A 0 1'/ :/ d+
h @

h 0

9x A 0 1;@ W)";,* xX dx A 1;12 )";,* xD ^A 1;12 , "@ To evaluate 9y determine t"e moment o% inertia o% t"e small strip a,out y axis: 9y A # x2 d# 9y A # x2 )ydx*
, 2 D 0

Since: d# A y dx and y;x A ";, or y A )";,* x


9y A 0 x W)";,* xXdx A | x )";,* ^A | " ,@

Example: [i,,eler


+etermine t"e moment o% inertia %or t"e area ,ounded ,y t"e t6o %unctions y A x and y A x 2 using: 1* "ori8ontal elemental area and 2* Vertical elemental area.

y 1m

y 1m dx yAx y A x2 x2 d# dy 1m d# x1 x y A x2 y1 x y2 yAx 1m

1* Csing "ori8ontal elemental area: d# A )x1 Q x2 * dy

2 2 2 M;2 D

1 0

9x A y d# A y )x1 Q x2 * dy A y )1y Q y * dy A 2;M y Q | y | A 0.0@GM mD


2* Csing vertical elemental area: d# A )y2 Q y1 * dx use t"e parallel0axis t"eorem )SEE 4EVT T!/9C*: d9x A W d9x:X N W d# ) y: *2X 6"ere: d9x: is t"e moment o% inertia a,out t"e center o% gravity o% t"e elemental area and y f is t"e distance o% t"e center o% gravity o% t"e elemental area %rom t"e x axis t"en: , "@ d9x A W1;12 dx ) y2 Q y1 *@X N W) y2 Q y1 * dxX W) y1 N ) y2 Q y1 * ; 2 *2X A 1;@ ) y2@ Q y1@ * dx " A 1;@ )x@ Q x1 * dx T"en:


9x A 1;@ )x@ Q x1 * dx A 1;12 xD Q 1;21 xM | A 0.0@GM mD


10.2* /arallel #xis T"eorem %or an area:

T"e moment o% inertia in terms o% x coordinate system 6as %ound to ,e: 9x A # y2 d# and: 9y A # x2 d# 9% y A y: N dy and x A x: N dx 6"ere y: and x: is t"e coordinates o% d# relative to t"e x:y: axis )passing t"roug" t"e center o% gravity o% t"e area #* t"en: 9y A # )x: N dx*2 d# A # )x:* 2 d# N2dx x: d# N dx2 # d# A 0 ,ecause x: d# A x$ d# A 0 )since x$ A 0* 9x A # )y: N dy*2 d# A # )y:* 2 d# N2dy# y: d# N dy2 # d# T"ere%ore: 9x A 9x: N # dy2 and: 9y A 9y: N # dx2 >"ic" states t"at t"e moment o% inertia %or an area a,out a given axis is equal to t"e moment o% inertia o% t"e area a,out an axis passing t"roug" its o6n centroid plus t"e product o% t"e area and t"e square o% t"e distance ,et6een t"e t6o axis.

y: C$ x:

y dx


dy x





10.G* &oment o% 9nertia %or Composite #reas: &et"od: 1* +ivide t"e composite area into parts o% easily determina,le moments o% inertia. 2* +etermine t"e moment o% inertia o% eac" mem,er and use t"e met"od o% parallel0axis t"eorem to determine t"e moment o% inertia a,out a given coordinate system. @* Sum t"e results. 9llustrative Example: +etermine t"e moment o% inertia %or t"e ,eam:s cross0sectional area s"o6n a,out t"e x and y centroidal axis.
100 mm

# @00 mm

' C 100 mm @00 mm

(ectangle #

## y2C$ 9x A 9:x N # d:y A 1;12 )100* )@00* N W)100* )@00*X )1G0NG0*2 A 1.D2G x 10H mmD

9y A 9:y N # d:x A 1;12 )@00* )100*@ N W)100* )@00*X W@000G0X2 A 1.H0 x 10H mmD (ectangle ' 9x A 1;12 )100* )100*@ A 0.0G )10*H mmD 9y A 1;12 )100* )100*@ A 1.F )10*H mmD (ectangle C 9x A 9:x N # d:y A 1;12 )100* )@00*@ N )100* )@00* )1G0NG0*2 A 1.D2G x 10H mmD 9y A 9:y N # d:x A 1;12 )@00* )100*@ N )100* )@00* )@000G0*2


A 1.H0 x 10H mmD Summation: 9x A 2.H x10H mmD 9y A G.1 x 10H Example: +etermine t"e moment o% inertia %or t"e composite s"ape s"o6n ,elo6 a,out t"e x and y centroidal axis. T"e radius o% t"e circle is 20 mm

F0 mm D0 mm y:: 120 mm y
10 mm




x x:

x x:

element #

element '

element C

1;F { rD )%rom ta,le* d A Dr;)@{* )%rom ta,le* T"e moment o% inertia o% element ' a,out y: 9y:A 9y:: 0 # d::2 A )1;F* { rD Q ){ r2;2* )11 r2 ; H {2 * A )1;F* { rD Q F rD ;H { T"e a,ove area can ,e divided into triangle )/art #* N Semi Circle )/art '* Q Circle )/art C* Element : Element # Element ' Element C dx )mm* 10
Dr;@ {

#)mm2* )120*)F0* p { )D0* 2 { )20*


9 y: p )F0*)120* @

9y A 9y: N dx2 # )mmD* D.10F x 10M D.MDD x 10M 1.F22 x 10M

120 N )DxD0*;@{ 120

W)1;F*{ Q F;)H {*X )D0*D

| { rD

| { )20*D

T"e moment o% inertia o% t"e composite area is 9y A )9y*# N )9y*' 0 )9y*C A M.G@ x 10D mmD



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