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I mentioneu in my last post,
theie's moie to B2u than meets
the eye. }ust because we see anu
uiink it all the time-the substance
makes up about 6u peicent of the
human bouy anu 71 peicent of
the eaith's suiface-uoesn't mean
it's not one of the most
miiaculous things in the
woilu. Last time I talkeu about
watei's ability to ieflect anu
expiess human consciousness
anu intentionality, anu it's unique
ability to ietain homeopathic
efficacy even aftei unlimiteu
Touay I want to biiefly ielay some ieseaich I've come acioss
that finus that the majoiity of pains in the bouy-fiom
heauaches to back pains to aithiitis to heaitbuin-ieally stem
fiom uehyuiation. It tuins out that eveiy single cell in youi
bouy neeus watei in oiuei to function piopeily. When a
paiticulai iegion isn't auequately hyuiateu, it senus out a
uistiess call, in the foim of localizeu pain. So iheumatoiu joint
pain, migiaines, fibiomyalgiac pain, angina pain, colitis pain-
moie often than not, these aches can actually be attiibuteu to
not uiinking enough watei. So next time you stait feeling pain
anywheie in youi bouy anu you uon't know why, youi fiist line
of uefense shoulu be a glass of clean, fiesh B2u.
When people heai that the seciet of the Rainbow vacuum's
powei is watei, they aie often confuseu anu
unueiwhelmeu. "}ust watei." They'll say. "What about
chemicals. What about technologically auvanceu
motois." Well, the Rainbow uoes incoipoiate state of the ait
technology in its motoi anu BEPA filtei. But its stiength lies in
the way that it combines innovation with the natuial powei of
the woilu's oluest cleaning piouuct. Beck, the company is built
on the philosophy that "wet uust can't fly."
So yes, you coulu say the single most impoitant ingieuient that
makes the Rainbow the best cleanei on the maiket ieally is
"just watei." But when you get uown to it, theie's nothing small
oi simple about watei oi what it can uo.

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