Anda di halaman 1dari 22

SECTION 03410 PLANT-PRECAST STRUCTURAL CONCRETE *************************************************************** This section includes pl nt p!ec st nd p!est!essed conc!ete "e"#e!

s$ used s #uildin% st!uctu! l &! "in% "e"#e!s$ o& st nd !d o! custo" si'e( )ith li&tin%$ suppo!tin%$ nd connection de*ices( st nd !d o! st!essin% !ein&o!ce"ent$ nd "ino! su!& ce &inish options+ This section includes p!o*ision &o! )o!, pe!&o!"ed usin% unit p!ice p -"ent "ethod$ )hen pplic #le+ . nu& ctu!e!s listed in this section )e!e identi&ied #A!chitects/ 0i!st Sou!ce$ Inc+ 1A0S2 s !ep!esent ti*e nd not s n endo!se"ent &o! "eetin% this speci&ic tion+ Cont ct A0S t 300-345-1433 &o! p!oduct listin%+ This section includes pe!&o!" nce$ p!op!iet !-$ nd desc!ipti*e t-pe speci&ic tions+ Edit to *oid con&lictin% !e6ui!e"ents+ *************************************************************** 7ENERAL

SU..AR8 Section includes colu"ns nd #e !in% s ddles( #e "s$ sp nd!els$ %i!de!s$ pu!lins( &loo! 99sin%le: 9dou#le: 96u d: tees: 9ch nnel sl #s: 9in*e!ted tee #e ":( %!out p c,in%( connection 9 nd suppo!tin%: de*ices( nd lintels 9 nd #ond #e "s:+ Rel ted Sections; Section 03300 - C st-in-Pl ce Conc!ete; Conc!ete toppin% 9 nd !ein&o!ce"ent:+ Section 03330 - Post Tensioned Conc!ete+ Section 03415 - P!ec st Conc!ete <ollo) Co!e Pl n,s+
** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 1 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

Section 03450 - Pl nt-P!ec st A!chitectu! l Conc!ete+ Section 034@0 - Tilt-up P!ec st Conc!ete+ Section 035A1 - Li%ht)ei%ht Insul tin% Conc!ete+ Section 03540 - Ce"entitious Unde!l -"ent+ Section 0@400 - ?oint Se le!s; C ul,in% o& #utt Boints o& p!ec st units t 9eCposed unde!side o& &loo! "e"#e!s: 9DDDDDDDD:+ Section 9DDDDD-DDDDDDDDDD:; conc!ete )o!,+ 0ound tion ECte!io!

Section 9DDDDDD-DDDDDDDDDDDD:; pplied &inish+

Section 9DDDDD-DDDDDDDDDD:; Pl ce"ent o& ncho! %e 9 nd connection: de*ices+ Section 9DDDDDD-DDDDDDDDDDDD:; lintels 9 nd #ond #e "s:+ Section 9DDDDD-DDDDDDDDDD:; &o! 9DDDDDDDD:+ Pl ce"ent o&

Ancho! %e de*ices Recessed


*************************************************************** Use this !ticle ONL8 )hen )o!, o& this section is pe!&o!"ed unde! unit p!ice p -"ent "ethod+ Eelete this !ticle )hen p -"ent is #- Stipul ted Su"FP!ice+ Identi&- in the &ollo)in% p ! %! phs$ listin% o& di&&e!ent p!ec st conc!ete "e"#e! t-pes$ )hethe! unit p!ice is pe! "e"#e! o! #- unit len%th+ Add "o!e p ! %! phs to identi&- othe! "e"#e! ** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - A Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

t-pes nd di&&e!in% &inishes+ ***************************************************************

P!ec st 9Colu"n: 9Ge ": 9DDDDDDDD: .e"#e!; G sis o& .e su!e"ent; G- the 9unit+: 9line ! 9&oot: 9DDDDDDDD: 1line ! 9"ete!: 9DDDDDDDD:2+: G sis o& P -"ent; nd ncho!ed+ Includes unit "e"#e! pl ced

0inish T-pe 9DDDDD: To P!ec st 9Colu"n: 9Ge ": 9DDDDDDDD: .e"#e!s; G sis o& .e su!e"ent; G- the s6u !e 9&oot: 9DDDDDDDD: 1s6u !e 9"ete!: 9DDDDDDDD:2+ G sis o& P -"ent; Includes unit "e"#e! &inished to speci&ied &inish+ RE0ERENCES
*************************************************************** List !e&e!ence st nd !ds included )ithin teCt o& this section+ Edit the &ollo)in% &o! P!oBect conditions+ ***************************************************************

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 3 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

ACI 301 1A"e!ic n Conc!ete Institute2 - St!uctu! l Conc!ete &o! Guildin%s+ ACI 313 1A"e!ic n Conc!ete Institute2 - Guildin% Code Re6ui!e"ents &o! St!uctu! l Conc!ete+ ANSIFAHS E1+1 1A"e!ic n Heldin% Societ-2 St!uctu! l Heldin% Code+ ANSIFAHS E1+4 1A"e!ic n Heldin% Societ-2 St!uctu! l Heldin% Code - Rein&o!cin% Steel+ AST. A135 - Helded Steel Hi!e 0 #!ic &o! Conc!ete Rein&o!ce"ent+ AST. A41I - Unco ted Se*en-Hi!e St!ess-Relie*ed St! nd &o! P!est!essed Conc!ete+ AST. A44@ - Helded Ee&o!"ed Steel Hi!e 0 #!ic &o! Conc!ete Rein&o!ce"ent+ AST. A3I - C !#on St!uctu! l Steel+ AST. A153 - Jinc Co tin% 1<ot-Eip2 on I!on Steel < !d) !e+ nd

AST. AI15 - Ee&o!"ed nd Pl in Gillet-Steel G !s &o! Conc!ete Rein&o!ce"ent+ AST. AIII - Austenitic St inless Steel$ Sheet$ St!ip$ Pl te$ nd 0l t G ! &o! St!uctu! l Applic tions+ AST. C150 - Po!tl nd Ce"ent+ PCI .NL-11I 1P!ec stFP!est!essed Conc!ete Institute2 - . nu l &o! Ku lit- Cont!ol &o! Pl nts nd P!oduction o& P!ec st nd P!est!essed Conc!ete P!oducts+

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 4 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

PCI .NL-1A0 1P!ec stFP!est!essed Conc!ete Institute2 - Eesi%n < nd#oo, - P!ec st P!est!essed Conc!ete+


PCI .NL-1A3 1P!ec stFP!est!essed Conc!ete Institute2 - . nu l on Eesi%n o& Connections &o! P!ec st P!est!essed Conc!ete+ PCI .NL-1A4 1P!ec stFP!est!essed Conc!ete Institute2 - PCI Eesi%n &o! 0i!e Resist nce o& P!ec st P!est!essed Conc!ete+ UL 1Unde!)!ite!s L #o! to!ies$ Inc+2 - 0i!e Resisti*e Ei!ecto!-+ EESI7N REKUIRE.ENTS
*************************************************************** Use this !ticle c !e&ull-( !est!ict st te"ents to identi&s-ste" desi%n !e6ui!e"ents onl-+ ***************************************************************

Si'e co"ponents to )ithst nd desi%n lo ds in 9!est! ined: 9un!est! ined: condition s &ollo)s; <o!i'ont l Asse"#l-; 9DDDDD: ps& 19DDDD: LP 2 li*e 9 nd de d: lo ds+ Me!tic l Asse"#l-; 9DDDDD: ps& 19DDDD: LP 2+
*************************************************************** Ee&lection li"its in the &ollo)in% p ! %! ph !el te di!ectl- to n tu!e$ t-pe$ nd eCposu!e o& &inish to #e inst lled on &! "in% "e"#e!s+ S"ooth &inish pl ste!s " - !e6ui!e de&lection li"it o& 1FA40 o! less+ ***************************************************************

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 5 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

. Ci"u" Allo) #le Ee&lection; 91F130: 91FA40: 91F3I0: 9DDDDD: sp n+ Seis"ic Eesi%n; Eesi%n nd det il ele"ents nd connections to !esist seis"ic &o!ce in cco!d nce )ith 9DDDDDDDDD: code !e6ui!e"ents nd ACI 313 &o! Seis"ic Jone 9DDD:$ Soil P!o&ile T-pe 9DDD:$ nd Seis"ic I"po!t nce 0 cto! 9DDDD:+ Eesi%n "e"#e!s eCposed to )e the! to llo) "o*e"ent o& co"ponents )ithout d " %e$ & ilu!e o& Boint se ls$ undue st!ess on & stene!s o! othe! det!i"ent l e&&ects$ )hen su#Bect to se son l o! c-clic d -Fni%ht te"pe! tu!e ! n%es+ Eesi%n s-ste" to cco""od te const!uction tole! nces$ de&lection o& othe! #uildin% st!uctu! l "e"#e!s nd cle ! nces o& intended openin%s+ C lcul te st!uctu! l p!ope!ties o& &! "in% "e"#e!s in cco!d nce )ith 9ACI 301: 9ANSIFACI 313:+ SUG.ITTALS
*************************************************************** Onl- !e6uest su#"itt ls needed to *e!i&- co"pli nce )ith P!oBect !e6ui!e"ents+ ***************************************************************

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - I Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

Section 01330 - Su#"itt l P!ocedu!es; Su#"itt l p!ocedu!es+ Shop E! )in%s; Indic te l -out$ unit loc tions$ & #!ic tion det ils$ 9unit identi&ic tion " !,s$: !ein&o!ce"ent$ connection det ils$ suppo!t ite"s$ di"ensions$ openin%s$ nd !el tionship to dB cent " te!i ls 9$ nd se led #- p!o&ession l en%inee!:+ P!oduct E t ; Indic te st nd !d co"ponent con&i%u! tions$ desi%n lo ds$ de&lections$ c "#e!s$ nd #e !in% !e6ui!e"ents+
*************************************************************** Hhen p!ec st units !e6ui!e &inish t!e t"ent$ include s "ple su#"ission illust! tin% colo! nd &inish+ Use the &ollo)in% p ! %! ph &o! su#"ission o& ph-sic l s "ples &o! selection+ ***************************************************************

S "ples; Su#"it 9t)o: 9DDDDDDD: s "ples 9DDDDDCDDDDD: inch 19DDDDCDDDD: ""2 in si'e illust! tin% su!& ce &inish t!e t"ent+
*************************************************************** Include the &ollo)in% p ! %! ph onl- )hen su#"ission is #solutel- !e6ui!ed( conside! potenti l &o! incu!!in% li #ilitin !e6uestin% su#"ission+ ***************************************************************

Eesi%n E t ; Su#"it desi%n d t !epo!ts indic tin% c lcul tions &o! lo din%s nd st!esses o& & #!ic ted$ desi%ned &! "in% nd connections+ KUALIT8 ASSURANCE Pe!&o!" Ho!, in cco!d nce )ith !e6ui!e"ents o& PCI .NL-11I$ PCI .NL-1A3$ PCI .NL-1A0+
*************************************************************** Include the &ollo)in% p ! %! ph onl- )hen cost o& c6ui!in% ** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - @ Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

speci&ied st nd !ds is Busti&ied+ ***************************************************************

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 3 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

. int in 9one cop-: 99DDDD: copies: o& 9e ch: docu"ent on site+ KUALI0ICATIONS 0 #!ic to!; Co"p n- speci li'in% in pe!&o!"in% Ho!, o& this section )ith "ini"u" 9th!ee: 9DDDDDDD: -e !s 9docu"ented: eCpe!ience+ E!ecto!; Co"p n- speci li'in% in e!ectin% Ho!, o& this section 9)ith 9DDDDDDDD: -e !s 9docu"ented: eCpe!ience: 9 pp!o*ed #" nu& ctu!e!:+ Eesi%n p!ec st conc!ete "e"#e!s unde! di!ect supe!*ision o& P!o&ession l En%inee! eCpe!ienced in desi%n o& this Ho!, nd licensed 9 t P!oBect loc tion+: 9in St te o& 9DDDDDDDD:+: Helde!; Ku li&ied )ithin p!e*ious 91A: 9DDDD: "onths &o! t-pes o& )elds indic ted$ in cco!d nce )ith ANSIFAHS E1+1 nd ANSIFAHS E1+4+ PRE-INSTALLATION .EETIN7 Section 01300 - Ad"inist! ti*e Re6ui!e"ents; P!einst ll tion "eetin%+ Con*ene "ini"u" one )ee, p!io! to co""encin% Ho!, o& this section+ Inst!uct othe!s )hen &ield cuttin% !e6ui!ed openin%s 910: 9DDDDD: inches 19A50: 9DDDD: ""2 nd s" lle!+ EELIMER8$ STORA7E$ ANE <ANELIN7 Section 01I00 - P!oduct Re6ui!e"ents; P!oduct sto! %e nd h ndlin% !e6ui!e"ents+
** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 4 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

< ndle p!ec st "e"#e!s in position consistent )ith thei! sh pe nd desi%n+ Li&t nd suppo!t onl&!o" suppo!t points+ Li&tin% o! < ndlin% Ee*ices; C p #le o& suppo!tin% "e"#e! in positions nticip ted du!in% " nu& ctu!e$ sto! %e$ t! nspo!t tion$ nd e!ection+ P!otect "e"#e!s to p!e*ent st inin%$ chippin%$ o! sp llin% o& conc!ete+ . !, e ch "e"#e! )ith d te o& p!oduction position in st!uctu!e+ COOREINATION Section 01300 - Ad"inist! ti*e Re6ui!e"ents; Coo!din tion nd p!oBect conditions+ Coo!din te the Ho!, o& &! "in% co"ponents not p!etensioned #ut ssoci ted )ith the Ho!, o& this section+ PROEUCTS 0AGRICATORS
*************************************************************** In this !ticle$ list & #!ic to!s ccept #le &o! this P!oBect+ ***************************************************************

nd &in l

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 10 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

0 #!ic to!s; 9DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: P!oduct 9DDDDDDDDD:+ 9DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: P!oduct 9DDDDDDDDD:+ 9DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: P!oduct 9DDDDDDDDD:+ Su#stitutions; 9Section 01I00 - P!oduct Re6ui!e"ent: 9Not Pe!"itted:+ .ATERIALS Ce"ent; 9Hhite: 97! -: 9Gu&&: Po!tl nd$ con&o!"in% to AST. C150 T-pe 9I: 9III:+
*************************************************************** Othe! conc!ete " te!i ls )ill * !- )ith p!ec st & #!ic to!+ Conc!ete st!en%th nd "iC desi%n !e no!" ll- dete!"ined #p!ec st & #!ic to!+ ***************************************************************

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 11 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

A%%!e% te$ S nd$ H te!$ Ad"iCtu!es; Eete!"ined #p!ec st & #!ic to!$ s pp!op!i te to desi%n !e6ui!e"ents 9 nd PCI .NL-11I:+ REIN0ORCE.ENT Tensionin% Steel Tendons; ANSIFAST. A41I 7! de 9A50L: 9A@0L: 9DDDD:$ o& su&&icient st!en%th co""ensu! te )ith "e"#e! desi%n+ Rein&o!cin% Steel; 9AST. AI15: 9AST. A@0I: 7! de 9DDDD:$ de&o!"ed steel # !s+ Helded Steel Hi!e 0 #!ic; 9AST. A135 Pl in T-pe: 9AST. A44@ Helded Ee&o!"ed T-pe: 9AST. A44@ Ee&o!"ed T-pe:( in 9&l t sheets: 9coiled !olls:( 9un&inished: 9% l* ni'ed:+
*************************************************************** The &ollo)in% p ! %! ph desc!i#es option o& co tin% !ein&o!ce"ent &o! lon% te!" p!otection+ This p!ocess !e6ui!es ddition l cost nd should #e conside!ed in conteCt )ith eCposu!e o& !ein&o!ce"ent to dest!ucti*e ele"ents+ ***************************************************************

9Co tin%; 97 l* ni'e: 9EpoC- co t: 9DDDDDDDD: !ein&o!ce"ent to !esist 9DDDDDDDD: co!!osion+: ACCESSORIES
*************************************************************** AST. A153 desc!i#es )ei%ht o& % l* ni'in% o& &e!!ous ite"s cco!din% to co"ponent t-pe nd si'e+ ***************************************************************

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 1A Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

Connectin% nd Suppo!tin% Ee*ices; 9AST. A3I c !#on steel: 9AST. AIII st inless steel: Pl tes$ n%les$ 9ite"s c st into conc!ete: 9o!: 9ite"s connected to steel &! "in% "e"#e!s$: inse!ts$ con&o!"in% to 9PCI .NL-1A3: 9DDDDDDDD:( 9p!i"e p inted: 9hot-dip % l* ni'ed in cco!d nce )ith AST. A153: 9elect!opl ted: 9un&inished:+ 9Eo not p int su!& ces in cont ct )ith conc!ete o! su!& ces !e6ui!in% &ield )eldin%+: 7!out; 99Non-sh!in,: 9Non-"et llic:$ 9&e!!ous: 9non-&e!!ous: "ini"u" -ield st!en%th o& 910$000: 9DDDD: psi 19I3+4: 9DDDD: "P 2 t A3 d -s: 9The!"osettin% epoC-:+
*************************************************************** One o! "o!e %!out t-pes c n #e used on P!oBect+ Conside! schedulin% di&&e!ent %!out t-pes t end o& this Section+ ***************************************************************

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 13 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

Ge !in% P ds; 9<i%h densit- pl stic$ 91F3: inch 193: 9DDDD: ""2 thic,$ s"ooth #oth 9Mulc ni'ed el sto"e!ic co"pound "olded si'e: 9Neop!ene 1Chlo!op!ene2: 9Tet! &luo!oeth-lene 1T0E2: 9DDDDDDDD:( Sho!e A Eu!o"ete! 9DDDD:+

9DDDD: sides: to to

Golts$ Nuts nd H she!s; 9<i%h st!en%th steel t-pe !eco""ended &o! st!uctu! l steel Boints: 9Kuenched nd te"pe!ed llo- steel t-pe: 9Co!!osion !esist nt ch!o"iu"-nic,el t-pe:+ P!i"e P int; 0AGRICATION 0 #!ic tion p!ocedu!e to con&o!" to PCI .NL-11I+ . int in pl nt !eco!ds nd 6u lit- cont!ol p!o%! " du!in% p!oduction o& p!ec st "e"#e!s+ . ,e !eco!ds * il #le upon !e6uest+ Ensu!e !ein&o!cin% steel$ ncho!s$ inse!ts$ pl tes$ n%les$ nd othe! c st-in ite"s !e e"#edded nd loc ted s indic ted on 9shop d! )in%s: 9E! )in%s:+ Tension !ein&o!ce"ent tendons s !e6ui!ed to chie*e desi%n lo d c!ite!i + 0 #!ic te !e6ui!ed openin%s )ith di"ension l !%e! th n 910: 93: inches 19A50: 9A00: ""2 nd e"#ed ccesso!ies p!o*ided #- othe! Sections$ t indic ted loc tions+ ECposed Ends t St!essin% Tendons; 0ill !ecess )ith 99non-sh!in,: 9DDDDDDDD:: 9epoC-: %!out$ t!o)el &lush+ Jinc !ich l,-d t-pe+

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 14 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

Held steel & #!ic tions in cco!d nce )ith ANSIFAHS E1+1 Held !ein&o!cin% steel in cco!d nce )ith ANSIFAHS E1+4+ Eo not t c, )eld !ein&o!cin%+ 0INIS<ES 0inish eCposed-to-*ie) &inish su!& ces o& p!ec st conc!ete "e"#e!s uni&o!" in colo! nd ppe ! nce+ Cu!e "e"#e!s unde! identic l conditions to de*elop !e6ui!ed conc!ete 6u lit-$ nd "ini"i'e ppe ! nce #le"ishes includin% non-uni&o!"it-$ st inin%$ o! su!& ce c! c,in%+
*************************************************************** Select &i!st p ! %! ph &o! speci&-in% &inishes identi&ied #- PCI .NL-11I+ Select one o& su#se6uent p ! %! phs &o! othe! &inishes+ Hhen eCposed to *ie) &inishes di&&e! &!o" conce led su!& ces$ schedule &inish t-pes nd loc tions t end o& this section+ ***************************************************************

0inish "e"#e!s to PCI .NL-11I 9Co""e!ci l: 9St nd !d: 90inish G: 90inish A: %! de+
****** 9OR: ******

Pl nt 0inish 10inish A2; No!" l pl nt &inish( su!& ce " - cont in s" ll su!& ce holes c used #- i! #u##les$ "ino! chips o! sp llin% t ed%es o! ends$ )ithout " Bo! discolo! tion+
****** 9OR: ******

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 15 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

ECposed-to-Mie) 0inish 10inish G2; No!" l pl nt &inish )ith &ins nd p!ot!usions !e"o*ed$ %!ound ed%es nd ends$ &l t & ce su!& ces+
****** 9OR: ******

A!chitectu! l 0inish 10inish C2; Su!& ce holes o! #u##les o*e! 1F4 inch 1I ""2 &illed )ith " tchin% ce"entitious p ste$ &ins o! p!ot!usions !e"o*ed nd su!& ce %!ound s"ooth+
****** 9OR: ******

Ru##ed 0inish 10inish E2; Su!& ce holes o! #u##les o*e! 1F4 inch 1I ""2 &illed )ith " tchin% ce"entitious p ste$ &ins o! p!ot!usions !e"o*ed nd su!& ce %!ound s"ooth$ su!& ce then !u##ed )ith ne t ce"entitious p ste to s"ooth nd e*en colo! nd teCtu!e+
****** 9OR: ******

S nd#l st 0inish 10inish E2; Li%htl- s nd#l st to chie*e 9DDDDDDDD: eCposu!e o& %%!e% te+ 0AGRICATION TOLERANCES
*************************************************************** Conside! ddin% & #!ic tion tole! nces &o! ho!i'ont l c "#e! nd i!!e%ul ! le*els o& dBoinin% units+ Conside! e&&ect on ssoci ted !oo& nd &loo! )o!,+ 0i!st p ! %! ph speci&ies PCI !eco""ended tole! nces( su#se6uent p ! %! phs desc!i#e "o!e st!in%ent tole! nces+ ***************************************************************

Con&o!" to 9PCI .NL-11I: 9DDDDDDDD:+

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 1I Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

****** 9OR: ******

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 1@ Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

. Ci"u" M !i tion 0!o" No"in l Ei"ension; 9DDDD: inch 19A5: 9DDDD: ""2+ . Ci"u" M !i tion 0!o" Intended C "#e!; 9DDDD: inch 1915: 9DDDD: ""2+

91: 95F3:

. Ci"u" Out o& S6u !e; 91F3: 9DDDD: inchF10 &eet 193: 9DDDD: ""F3 "2$ non-cu"ul ti*e+ . Ci"u" .is li%n"ent o& Ancho!s$ Inse!ts$ Openin%s; 91F3: 9DDDD: inch 193: 9DDDD: ""2+ . Ci"u" Go)in% o& .e"#e!s; 9DDDD:+ SOURCE KUALIT8 CONTROL ANE TESTS Section 901400 - Ku lit- Re6ui!e"ents; Testin% Inspection Se!*ices: 901@00 - ECecution Re6ui!e"ents; Testin%$ dBustin%$ nd # l ncin%:+ 9Test: 9 nd: 9 n l-'e: st!essin% tendons+ T ,e 9DDDD: conc!ete test c-linde!s &o! e*e!9DDDD: cu -ds 19DDDD: cu "2 o& conc!ete pl ced in cco!d nce )ith AST. C31+ T ,e 9DDDD: slu"p tests &o! e*e!- 9DDDD: test c-linde!s in cco!d nce )ith AST. C143+ T ,e 9one: 9DDDD: i! ent! in"ent test c-linde!s &o! e ch set o& eCte!io! conc!ete test c-linde!s t ,en+ E=ECUTION E=A.INATION Section 01300 - Ad"inist! ti*e Re6ui!e"ents; Coo!din tion nd p!oBect conditions+
** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 13 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

Len%th o& Go)F 93I0:


Me!i&- site conditions !e !e d- to !ecei*e )o!, nd &ield "e su!e"ents !e s 9sho)n on 9shop d! )in%s: 9E! )in%s: 9inst!ucted #& #!ic to!:+ PREPARATION P!ep !e suppo!t e6uip"ent &o! e!ection p!ocedu!e$ te"po! !- #! cin%$ nd induced lo ds du!in% e!ection+ ERECTION E!ect "e"#e!s )ithout d " %e to st!uctu! l c p cit-$ sh pe$ o! &inish+ Repl ce o! !ep i! d " %ed "e"#e!s+ Ali%n nd " int in uni&o!" ho!i'ont l Boints$ s e!ection p!o%!esses+ nd *e!tic l

. int in te"po! !- #! cin% in pl ce until &in l suppo!t is p!o*ided+ P!otect "e"#e!s &!o" st inin%+ P!o*ide te"po! !- l te! l suppo!t to p!e*ent #o)in%$ t)istin%$ o! ) !pin% o& "e"#e!s+ AdBust di&&e!enti l c "#e! #et)een p!ec st "e"#e!s to tole! nce #e&o!e &in l tt ch"ent+ 9Inst ll #e !in% p ds+: Le*el di&&e!enti l ele* tion o& dBoinin% ho!i'ont l "e"#e!s )ith %!out to " Ci"u" slope o& 91;1A: 9DDDD:+ Set *e!tic l units d!-$ )ithout %!out$ tt inin% Boint di"ension )ith le d o! pl stic sp ce!s+

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - 14 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

7!out 9unde!side o& 9colu"n: 9 nd: 9#e ": #e !in% pl tes: 9 nd: 9Boints #et)een "e"#e!s t 9!oo&: 9 nd: 9&loo!: loc tions:+ Held !ein&o!cin% steel in cco!d nce )ith ANSIFAHS E1+4+ Eo not t c, )eld !ein&o!cin%+ Secu!e units in pl ce+ Pe!&o!" )eldin% in cco!d nce )ith ANSIFAHS E1+1+ ERECTION TOLERANCES Section 01400 - Ku lit- Re6ui!e"ents; E!ect "e"#e!s le*el tole! nces+ nd plu"# )ithin Tole! nces+ llo) #le

*************************************************************** Tole! nces * !- dependin% on t-pe o& p!ec st "e"#e! nd its st!uctu! l &unction+ Edit c !e&ull-+ 0i!st p ! %! ph desc!i#es PCI st nd !d tole! nces( su#se6uent p ! %! phs !e "o!e st!in%ent+ ***************************************************************


****** 9OR: ******

** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - A0 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete


nd e!ect to the &ollo)in% tole! nces; !i tion &!o" Pl ne o! Loc tion ted on E! )in%s; 1F4 inch in 10 nd 3F3 inch in 100 &eet 1I ""F3 " "" in 30 ""2$ non-cu"ul ti*e+

. Ci"u" M Indic &eet nd 4

. Ci"u" O&&set &!o" Indic ted Ali%n"ent Get)een .e"#e!s; 91F4: 9DDDD: inch19I: 9DDDD: ""2+ . Ci"u" M !i tion 0!o" Ei"ensions 9Indic ted on Re*ie)ed 9Shop E! )in%s: 9E! )in%s::; Plus o! "inus 91F3: 9DDDD: inch 193: 9DDDD: ""2+ ECposed ?oint Ei"ension; 93F3: 9DDDD: inch 194: 9DDDD: ""2 plus o! "inus 1F4 inch 1I ""2+ Hhen "e"#e!s c nnot #e dBusted to con&o!" to desi%n o! tole! nce c!ite!i $ ce se )o!, nd d*ise A!chitectFEn%inee!+ ECecute "odi&ic tions s di!ected #A!chitectFEn%inee!+ PROTECTION O0 INSTALLEE CONSTRUCTION Section 01@00 - ECecution Re6ui!e"ents; P!otectin% inst lled const!uction+ P!otect "e"#e!s &!o" d " %e c used #- &ield )eldin% o! e!ection ope! tions+ Use non-co"#usti#le shields du!in% )eldin% ope! tions to p!otect dB cent Ho!,+ CLEANIN7 Section 01@00 - ECecution Re6ui!e"ents; 0in l cle nin%+
** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - A1 Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

Cle n )eld " !,s$ di!t$ o! #le"ishes &!o" su!& ce o& eCposed "e"#e!s+ SC<EEULE
*************************************************************** Include schedule )hen d! )in%s det ils !e "ini" l$ o! )hen pe!&o!" nce speci&-in% "ethod is utili'ed+ Conside! the &ollo)in% eC "ples )hen de*elopin% P!oBect schedule+ *************************************************************** ITE. LOCATION NO.INAL EEPT< 1in2 NO.INAL HIET< 1in2 0INIS<

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Penthouse Roo& . in Roo& T-pic l 0loo! As Eet iled 30

A0 A4 A4 10

A4 43 A4 G



** SPECTE=T> 44$ Cop-!i%ht 1444 ** ** The Const!uction Sciences Rese !ch 0ound tion ** Re*ised ? n+ 1444 Issued ? n+ 1444 03410 - AA Pl nt-p!ec st St!uctu! l Conc!ete

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