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Disease Trends and the Delivery of Health Care Services HCA/240 Athraa Tawfiq 2/16/14 Alexis Deaven ort!

Dr"H! #CH$S

D%S$AS$ T&$'DS A'D TH$ D$(%)$&* +, H$A(TH CA&$ S$&)%C$S Disease trends and the Delivery of Health Care Services The 2010 Cens-s reveals that the .nited States/ o -lation was a0o-t 10234 5illion as of 1 A ril! 2010! a rise of 6347 in the o -lation since 20003 There was a 6367 increase on 5ale now over 18132 5illion in the o -lation! as co5 ared to the fe5ale which is a0o-t 6387 or 184 5illion3 +f the 10234 5illion! 11232 of the5 are a9es 12 and -nder! 2138 are a9es 48:64! and 4031 are 68 years of a9e and over ;Howden! #eyer! 2014<3 A st-dy cond-cted 0y the .niversity of "hoenix entitled as Trends in a9in9:.nited States and =orldwide ;2001<! revealed that in 2010! the o -lation will a9ain increase for eo le a9es 68 and older 0y 16367 or 41 5illion! and those a9ed 20 and a0ove 0y 1638 5illion3 This will 5ean that the healthcare will also increase in its cost! as 5any will 0e de5andin9 of it3 The o -lation in the .nited States is definitely increasin9 in a9e and will contin-e to do so over the next several years and ossi0ly at a q-ic> ace3 This will create 5any chan9es for the health care field and the delivery of health care thro-9ho-t that ti5e eriod There are so 5any c-res for certain diseases that were not aro-nd at the 0e9innin9 of this cent-ry3 This 5ay ca-se so5e iss-es 0eca-se the3 $lderly will need 5ore 5edical care3 The elderly have lasted lon9er 0eca-se doctors >now what treat5ent is necessary for these eo le to >ee the5 alive lon9er3 $lderly livin9 lon9er and a new set of eo le rod-cin9 little ones3 The3 Then we will not have o tions for the doctor 0eca-se the elders are ta>in9 - 5ost of the Drs3 Ho e that will contin-e to 0e a 9rowin9 field of e5 loy5ent3 o-r o -lation a5on9 the elderly has increased over the years and is increasin9 even 5ore now3 %t is esti5ated

D%S$AS$ T&$'DS A'D TH$ D$(%)$&* +, H$A(TH CA&$ S$&)%C$S that the n-50er of those a9ed 68 and older is to increase 5ore than twenty ercent in the .3S3 0y the year 20103 Declinin9 fertility and the increase in life ex ectancy are the two 5ain factors that res-lt in the world/s o -lation of a9in93 There will 0e 5any chan9es over ti5e in health care delivery! 0-t one that will 0e 5ost definite will 0e health care cost3 The health care cost er erson a9ed 68 and older is three to five ti5es 9reater than those -nder the a9e of 68! so with the 9rowin9 n-50ers of those 68 and older co50ined with the advances in 5edical technolo9y! there is 9oin9 to 0e a very hi9h ress-re on health: and lon9:ter5:care s endin9 ;trends in a9in9:-nited states and worldwide3 2001<3 The way the health care is ex andin9 and the increasin9 n-50er of older eo le 68 and older it is 9oin9 to cost a lot to have services rendered! 5ore facilities 0-ilt etc A erson/s en9a9e5ent with ro er diet and a re9-lar exercise affects the trend in a9in9 5ore than 9enetics do3 Those who die earlier than the others of the sa5e a9e 0rac>et are eo le not into hysical activities and healthy diet3 S-ch can also ca-se i55o0ility ;=hich $nviron5ental ,actors Affect A9in9?! 2006:2014<3 @ein9 into a ro er diet and re9-lar exercise also red-ces the ro0a0ility of s-fferin9 fro5 health ro0le5s s-ch as stro>e and heart attac>! hy ertension which ca-ses the arteries of the heart to thic>en and harden and in t-rn slows down the flow of 0lood needed 0y all the or9ans in the 0ody! dia0etes! and hi9h cholesterol which ca-ses 0loc>a9e of the 0lood vessel >nown as atherosclerosis3 All of these can 0e revented 0y avoidin9 foods that are hi9h in cholesterol! sodi-5 and fat that are the 5ain ca-ses of heart disease3 A-ittin9 ci9arette s5o>in9 will also 0e of 9reat i5 rove5ent! as the che5icals contained therein da5a9es the heart/s f-nction ;Heart Disease! 2014<3

D%S$AS$ T&$'DS A'D TH$ D$(%)$&* +, H$A(TH CA&$ S$&)%C$S Stro>e occ-rs once oxy9en and 0lood sres-ltin9 to the death of 0rain cells3 +nce it ha ly does not reach the 0rain tiss-es ens! there is an -r9ent need of 5edical

assistance so as to revent the da5a9e it 5ay ca-se3 Stro>e is an exa5 le of the health iss-es connected with a9in93 This 5ay 0e avoided 0y controllin9 the rise of 0lood ress-re! cholesterol! and q-ittin9 s5o>in9 ;Stro>e! 2014<3 %t also hel s to 0e on yo-r to sha e 0y exercise and healthy diet! as it will also hel red-ce the ris> of other heart diseases! de ression! dia0etes! cancer! and osteoarthritis ;+0esity! 2014<3 To disc-ss each startin9 with s5o>in9! nothin9 is 0eneficial fro5 it3 %nstead! it r- t-res the 0ody/s cells and contri0-tes to visi0le si9ns of a9in9 s-ch as wrin>les3 %t also decreases the 0lood flow! slows down 5eta0olis5! and increases 0lood ress-re3 S5o>in9 act-ally shortens life 0y 10 years ;Cashin! 2014<3 +0esity is also a factor3 BThe c-rrent rate of o0esity in the .nited States is 11327 which eq-als to a0o-t one in three A5ericans3 So5e 9ro- s li>e non:His anic 0lac>s have 44317 o0esity and #exican A5ericans have a 16317while all His anics have 14367 o0esity and the 9ro- that has the lowest ercenta9e is the non:His anic white which is 123673C! as stated in C+verwei9ht and +0esityC ;2014<3 %t also ca-ses coronary artery disease wherein the 0lood vessels res onsi0le with the distri0-tion of the heart with 0lood! n-trients and oxy9en! 0eco5es thic> and hard! ca-sin9 the decrease of the needed co5 onents There is also the ris> of havin9 Ty e %% Dia0etes which is inc-ra0le 0-t reventa0le ;Ty e 2 Dia0etes! 2014<3 To revent ex eriencin9 these! the 5ost

ractical and advisa0le way is to have a re9-lar exercise and ro er diet 0y eatin9 5ore ve9eta0les and fr-its and less of D-n> ones ;+verwei9ht E +0esity! 2014<31 in 1 ad-lts

D%S$AS$ T&$'DS A'D TH$ D$(%)$&* +, H$A(TH CA&$ S$&)%C$S and 1 in 6 children are overwei9ht or o0ese! in the .nited States3 calories than they 0-rn and not doin9 any eo le eat 5ore

hysical activity3 Their also eatin9 5ore

rocessed foods! then n-tritional 5eals3 The environ5ent! d-e to not havin9 a 9rocery store in the nei9h0orhood! can ca-se wei9ht 9ain and there are 5ore fast foods resta-rants near0y3 =ei9ht 9ain can also 0e ca-sed 0y ener9y i50alance! 9enes 5eta0olis5! 0ehavior! c-lt-re and social econo5ics3 There are 5any health conseq-ences s-ch as Coronary Heart disease! ty e 2 Dia0etes! certain ty es of cancerFs!; endo5etrial! 0reast! and colon<! Hy ertension! ;hi9h 0lood ress-re<! Stro>e! (iver and Gall0ladder disease and etc33 Accordin9 to Clinical G-idelines on the %dentification! $val-ation! and Treat5ent of +verwei9ht and +0esity in Ad-lts! ;2014<3There are econo5ics conseq-ences s-ch as havin9 an si9nificant i5 act on the .3S3 health care syste53 #edical cost associated with overwei9ht and o0esity 5ay involve direct or indirect cost3 #ore eo le are choosin9 to drive instead of wal>in9! to the stores! wal>in9 >ids to school! ta>in9 wal>s to the ar>3 "eo le are not followin9 the daily reco55ended hysical activity charts3 They alle9e! however! that ex erts are

0lowin9 hot air when they warn that overwei9ht and o0esity are ca-sin9 a 5assive! and worsenin9! health crisis3 They scoff! for exa5 le! at the 2001 assertion 0y H-lie (3 Ger0erdin9! director of the Centers for Disease Control and "revention! that Cif yoloo>ed at any e ide5ic::whether itFs infl-enIa or la9-e fro5 the #iddle A9es::they are not as serio-s as the e ide5ic of o0esity in ter5s of the health i5 act on o-r co-ntry and o-r society3C ;An e ide5ic of infl-enIa >illed 40 5illion eo le worldwide 0etween 1612 and 1616! incl-din9 648!000 in the .3S3<

D%S$AS$ T&$'DS A'D TH$ D$(%)$&* +, H$A(TH CA&$ S$&)%C$S =hat is really 9oin9 on! asserts +liver! a olitical scientist at the .niversity of Chica9o! is that Ca relatively s5all 9ro- of scientists and doctors! 5any directly f-nded 0y the wei9ht loss ind-stry! have created an ar0itrary and -nscientific definition of overwei9ht and o0esity3 They have inflated clai5s and distorted statistics on the conseq-ences of o-r 9rowin9 wei9hts! and they have lar9ely i9nored the co5 licated health realities associated with 0ein9 fat3C

S-ch health iss-es will event-ally 0e treated 0y i5 roved roced-res and techniq-es in the 5edical as ect! with the hel of i5 rovin9 one/s own lifestyle! as stated 0y the .niversity of "hoenix Trends in A9in9:.nited States and =orldwide ;2001<3 $d-catin9 everyone how to avoid o0tainin9 said diseases 5-st 0e started as early as ossi0le! even to children 0y i5 artin9 to the5 n-tritio-s and healthy food3 This 5-st 0e done with the hel of different healthcare sectors 0eca-se they are 5ore >nowled9ea0le a0o-t said diseases and is ca a0le of 9ivin9 5ore thoro-9h infor5ation re9ardin9 the sa5e3 #any conditions can arise as a res-lt fro5 the e ide5ic of o0esity3 These conditions can 0e either short:ter5 or lon9:ter5! and they 5ay incl-de elevated cholesterol levels and 0lood ress-re! dia0etes! and vario-s ty es of cancer3 As well sycholo9ical and e5otion ro0le5s3 This can all event-ally lead to an earlier death3 +ther less co55on ca-ses are dr-9:ind-ced o0esity3 This incl-des! hor5onal a9ents! other 5ental health disorders! and those with dia0etes3 +0esity is a very serio-s ro0le5! and is the second leadin9 ca-se of reventa0le death next to ci9arette s5o>in93 Ad-lt A5ericans are

D%S$AS$ T&$'DS A'D TH$ D$(%)$&* +, H$A(TH CA&$ S$&)%C$S overwei9ht or o0ese 0y 60 ercent and children at 10 ercent3 +-r lifestyles are the 5ain ca-se of o0esity! d-e to o-r diet! and hysical inactivity3 % never >new that o0esity was a serio-s disease and didn/t realiIe this -ntil % had 5y two >ids % did so 5-ch research a0o-t healthy food and o0esity3 if eo le 0eco5e 5ore 5indf-l as children it wonFt affect the ad-lthood3The ro0le5 of o0esity in children has 0een hi9hli9hted for 5any years3 #others can hel her child to lose wei9ht in a healthy way witho-t 5a>in9 her child feel 0ad which is! coo> at ho5e or chan9e to 9l-ten free3%f yo-r ho-sehold 0eco5es CH-n> freeC then it wont >now how to 5oderate it in the Creal worldC there are so 5-ch ways 5others can tric> the her >ids3

,or those already s-fferin9 fro5 said diseases! they 5-st 0e ass-red that healthcare roviders are of hel 3 There are ills that will hel sas a etite sress said illness s-ch

ressors! 0-t has side effects that 5-st 0e o0served so as not to ca-se

additional ro0le5s3 Chan9in9 way of life is also a 9reat hel in fi9htin9 o0esity3 Si5 le ways s-ch as addin9 hysical activities! 5ornin9 or evenin9 wal>s! avoidin9 -nhealthy food! are so5e ways to do so3 ,at:red-ction s-r9eries 5ay also 0e an o tion 0-t is least advisa0le as it is costly3

D%S$AS$ T&$'DS A'D TH$ D$(%)$&* +, H$A(TH CA&$ S$&)%C$S &eferences Cashin! J3 ;2014<3 A9in9 E S5o>in93 &etrieved fro5 htt K//www3livestron93co5/article/224122:what:can:s5o>in9:do:to:yo-:after:40:years Heart disease3 ;2014<3 &etrieved fro5 htt K//www35ayoclinic3or9/diseases: conditions/heart:disease/0asics/ris>:factors/C+':20014086 Howden! (3! #eyer! H3! ;2014<3 A9e and Sex Co5 osition3 &etrieved fro5 htt K//www3cens-s39ov/ rod/cen2010/0riefs/c20100r:013 df +0esity3 ;2014<3 &etrieved fro5 htt K//www35ayoclinic3co5/health/o0esity/DS00114/DS$CT%+'Lco5 lications +verwei9ht and +0esity3 ;2014<3 &etrieved fro5 htt K//www3cdc39ov/o0esity/data/ad-lt3ht5l Stro>e3 ;2014<3 &etrieved fro5 htt K//www35ayoclinic3co5/health/stro>e/DS00180 Ty e 2 dia0etes3 ;2014<3 &etrieved fro5 htt K//www35ayoclinic3or9/diseases: conditions/ty e:2:dia0etes/0asics/ca-ses/C+':20011602 =hich environ5ental factors affect a9in9?3 ;2006:2014<3 &etrieved fro5 htt K//www3videoD-93co5/interview/all:a0o-t:a9in9:2Mwhich:environ5ental: factors:affect:a9in9

D%S$AS$ T&$'DS A'D TH$ D$(%)$&* +, H$A(TH CA&$ S$&)%C$S

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