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50-FMC Draft Recommendation

D e t e r m i n a t i o n of t h e f r a c t u r e e n e r g y of m o r t a r and c o n c r e t e by m e a n s of t h r e e - p o i n t bend tests on n o t c h e d b e a m s

CONTENTS 1. Scope. 2. Specimens. 3. Conditions of storage. 4. Apparatus. 5. Procedure. 6. Test results. 7. Test report.

Horizontal ,~urfaceat castinq

l~notch depth L Fig. 1

1. S C O P E This Recommendation specifies a method for the determination of the fracture energy (GF) of mortar and concrete by means of stable three-point bend tests on notched beams. The fracture energy is defined as the amount of energy necessary to create one unit area of a crack. The area of a crack is defined as the projected area on a plane parallel to the main crack direction. This test method is not recommended for fibre-reinforced concrete.

recommended to make the insert in the mould wedgeshaped with an angle of 10-15 ~ in order to make it possible to loosen the mould w i t h o u t damaging the beam. If the notch is cast the beam must be handled very carefully during demoulding. The notch width at the tip should be less than 10 mm. If the fracture energy of concrete of an existing structure has to be determined, it is suggested that suitable specimens are cut from drilled cores. A notch has to be sawn and metal or concrete arms have to be glued to the specimen, so that the total specimen fulfils the geometrical conditions given in table I. The diameter of the core has to be adjusted to the maximum aggregate size.

2. S P E C I M E N S
The specimens shall be beams with a central notch according to figure 1. The depth of the beam as tested shall be horizontal during casting. The size of the beam shall depend on the maximum size of the aggregate, Dmax, according to table I. If the maximum aggregate size exceeds 64 mm the depth and width shall be increased proportional to this size and the length and span increased proportional to the square root of this size. The notch shall always have a depth which is equal to half the beam depth -I- 5 mm. It is recommended that it is sawn under wet conditions at least one day before the test. It may also be cast but this is only recommended if a suitable saw is not available. If the notch is cast it is

3. C O N D I T I O N S OF S T O R A G E During the period of curing the ambient temperature shall be 20 ___ 2~ The specimen shall remain in the mould, protected from shock, vibrations and drying, for at least 16 hours. After removal from the mould, the specimen shall be stored in lime-saturated water until less than 30 minutes before testing.

4. A P P A R A T U S

4.1. T e s t i n g m a c h i n e
The testing machine has to be stiff enough or furnished with a closed-loop serve control in order to make it possible to perform stable tests. A test can be regarded as stable in the load and the deformation change slowly during the w h o l e test, i.e. w i t h o u t any sudden jump. Unless the complete load-time curve is recorded the check of stability must be made visually during the test, as the load-deformation curve does not always reveal an instability. If the testing machine has no closed-loop serve control the required stiffness is about 10 kN/mm for the smallest standard beam. The corresponding stiffnesses of the larger


~)max __ (mm)
l 9I

Depth d (mm) 100 200 300 400 5 5 5 5

Width b (mm) 100 100 150 200 5 5 5 5

Length L (mm) 840 1,190 1,450 1,640 10 10 10 10

Span / (mm)
800 1,130 1,385 1,600 + -t+ -t5 5 5 5

I 1-16 . I 16.1-32 I :32.11-48



Vol. 18 - N~ 106 - Mat~riaux et Constructions Les rigidit~s correspondant aux plus grandes des poutres-type sont respectivement de I'ordre de 25,70 et 1 50 kN/mm. Ces nombres n'indiquent que I'ordre de grandeur des rigidit~s requises, d'importantes variations pouvant se produire selon les propri~t6s des b~tons ~tudi~s. Chaque fois qu'on rencontrera des difficult~s dans I'obtention de la stabilit6 de I'essai, il faudra utiliser le d~placement d'ouverture des I~vres de la fissure comme valeur de contr61e du taux de d(~formation. 4 . 2 . A p p u i s et d i s p o s i t i f de raise en c h a r g e Les appuis et le dispositif de mise en charge doivent ~tre tels que le syst~me m~canique soit isostatique, conform6ment ~ la figure 2. 4 . 3 . M e s u r e des d e f o r m a t i o n s La fl~che au centre de la poutre sera d6termin~e par rapport ~ une ligne d6finie par deux points de la poutre situ6s au-dessus des appuis. Le deplacement du point d'application de la charge peut ~galement ~tre mesur~ par rapport & la ligne d'appui si le dispositif d'application de la charge et les appuis sont con?us de telle sorte qu'en ces points les d~formations non 61astiques restent inf~rieures ~ 0,01 mm. Les d6placements seront mesur~s avec une precision de 0,01 mm au moins. avec : Wo=aire limit6e par la courbe (F, 6), cf, figure 3 (Nm); m = ml +2 m2 (kg) ; rnt=masse propre de la poutre entre appuis, calcul6e comme la masse totale multipli6e par le rapport IlL; m2=masse de la partie du dispositif de chargement non solidaire de la machine d'essais, mais suivant la poutre dans sa d6formation jusqu'~ la rupture; g=acc~l(~ration de la pesanteur, 9,81 m/s2; 5o=fl~che Iors de la rupture totale de la poutre (m); Aiig=aire du ligament, d~finie plus haut (m2). L'(~nergie de rupture sera d~duite de I'(~quation :

GF=(Wo+mgSo)/Aiig [N/m (Jim2)],

Articulation sp~riclue


Fig, 2

5. P R O C E D U R E E X P E R I M E N T A L E L'essai est effectu~ & une vitesse de d6formation approximativement constante, choisie de telle sorte que le maximum de charge soit atteint 30 ,~ 60 secondes environ apr~s le d~but de I'essai. La fl~che au centre de la poutre et la valeur correspondante de la charge sont enregistr~es jusqu'~ ce que la poutre soit compl~tement partag~e en deux. Dans le cas oe la d~formation n'est pas mesur~e directement sur I'~chantillon, il est recommand~ qu'avant I'enregistrement de la courbe effort-d~formation, la charge soit cycl~e trois fois entre 5 et 25% de la charge maximale escompt~e. La charge devra ~tre mesur~e avec une precision d'au moins 2% de la valeur maximale enregistr~e en cours d'essai. Dans le cadre de I'essai, le poids de la poutre, d'une part, et, d'autre part, celui du dispositif d'application de la charge non solidaire de la machine d'essai, seront d~termin@s. L'aire du ligament, Alig, sera 6galement mesur~e. Cette aire est d6finie comme la projection de la zone de rupture sur un plan perpendiculaire ~ la ligne moyenne de la poutre. La Iongueur L de la poutre, tout comme sa port~e/, seront mesur~es avec une pr6cision de 1 mm au moins.

7. C O M P T E R E N D U D ' E S S A I


7 . 1 . I n f o r m a t i o n s i n d i s p e n s a b l e s & m e n t i o n n e r sysd a n s le c o r n p t e r e n d u d ' e s s a i --

num6ro d'identification de I'@chantillon; dimensions de 1'6chantillon : b, d, L, /, Alig; m~thode de fabrication de I'encoche; poids de I'~chantillon; masse m l ; masse m2;
W0; 50;

- Fmax=charge maximale appliqu~e, m2 non comprise; - precision de la mesure des d~placements; - moyen de contrble de la stabilit~ de I'essai; F(char~e)

6. R ESU LTATS La courbe effort-d6formation sera corrig~e des ~ventuelles non lin(}arit6s aux faibles charges, comme le montre la figure 3 (trac(~ en tirets). L'~nergie W0, repr6sent6e par I'aire limit~e par la courbe F-6, ainsi que la valeur ultime de la fl~che 60 lots de la rupture complete, seront mesur6es.

~(fl~che) Fig. 3

50-FMC Draft Recommendation standard beams are about 25, 70, and 150 kN/mm respectively. These figures only indicate the order of magnitude of the required stiffnesses, and large variations may occur depending on the properties of the tested concrete. Whenever there are problems in running the test in a stable way, crack mouth opening displacement shall be used as the control value for deformation rate.


4.2. S u p p o r t s a n d l o a d i n g a r r a n g e m e n t The supports and loading arrangements shall be such that the forces acting on the beam are statically determinate, e. g. according to figure 2. where:
4.3. Deformation measurement

Fig. 2

The deformation of the center of the beam shall be determined with regard to a line between two points on the beam above the supports. Alternatively the deformation of the load-point with respect to the support may be measured if the load-application and supports are arranged in such a way that nonelastic deformations at these points are less than 0.01 ram. The deformation shall be measured with an accuracy of at least 0.01 mm.

Wo = area according to figure 3 (N/m); m = ml + 2m2 (kg); ml weight of the beam between the supports, calculated as the beam weight multiplied by//L;

m2 weight of the part of the loading arrangement which is not attached to the machine, but follows the beam until failure;

g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2; = deformation at the final failure of the beam (m); Allg = area of the ligament as defined above (m2).

5. PROCEDURE The test is performed with an approximately constant rate of deformation, which is chosen so that the maximum load is reached within about 30-60 seconds after the start of the test. The deformation of the center of the beam and the corresponding load are registered until the beam is completely separated into two halves. In case the deformation is not measured directly on the specimen it is recommended that before measuring the load-deformation curve the load is cycled 3 times between 5% and 25% of the expected maximum load. The load shall be measured with an accuracy of at least 2% of the maximum value in the test. In connection with the test, the weight of the beam and the weight of the part of the loading arrangement which is not attached to the testing machine shall be determined. The area of the ligament, AJig, shall be measured. It is defined as the projection of the fracture zone on a plane perpendicular to the beam axis. The length L of the beam as well as the span / during the test shall be measured with an accuracy of at least 1 mm.

7. TEST REPORT 7.1. Basic i n f o r m a t i o n , a l w a y s t o be m e n t i o n e d

the report


-identification number of specimen; - dimensions of the specimen: b, d, L,/, Azig; - m e t h o d of making the notch; - w e i g h t of the specimen; - weight /771; - weight m2;
- Wo;


--Fmax = maximum applied load, excluding m2; -accuracy of deformation measurements; - how the stability has been checked;


6. TEST RESULTS The load-deformation curve is corrected for eventual non-linearities at low loads, see dashed line in figure 3. The energy Wo, represented by the area under the curve, is measured as well as the deformation 8o at final fracture. The fracture energy is calculated from the equation: GF = (Wo + mgSo)/Alig [N/m (J/m2)], Fig. 3




V01. 18 - N~ 106 - Mat6riaux et Constructions -

observations sur la stabilit~ de I'essai;


- o b s e r v e d indications of instability;




7.2. A d d i t i o n a l -type


- Nature du b~ton; - Nature des granulats; - Quantit6 de ciment et c o m p o s i t i o n du b6ton; - Age du bdton au jour de I'essai; - R~sistance ~ la compression, avec indication de la m~thode d'(~valuation de cette r6sistance; - R 6 s i s t a n c e ~ la traction, avec indication m~thode d'~valuation de cette r~sistance; de la

of concrete;

-type of cement; -type of aggregate;


- c e m e n t content and mix p r o p o r t i o n s of concrete; age at testing;

- compressive strength, i n c l u d i n g m e t h o d of determination; - t e n s i l e strength, including m e t h o d of determination; - e l a s t i c modulus, including m e t h o d of determination; - density; -any unusual features or interesting observations.

- M o d u l e d'~lasticit6 Iongitudinale, avec indication de la m6thode d'~valuation; - Densit6; - Toute caract~ristique particuli~re ou observation int6ressante.


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