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LESSON PLAN Teacher: Ms.

Mandeep Kaur Subject: Science Class: VII Topic: Indicators

General Aim: 1) To develop the four basic skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. ) To develop scientific skills and knowledge. Specific Aim: 1) To !ake students understand the properties of indicators. ) "ive knowledge about different t#pes of indicators and their effects. $) "ive knowledge about testing of acids, bases and neutral solutions with the help of indicators. Previous Kno le!"e Test: 1) %ow we can check whether a given substance is acid or a base& ) 'ithout taste can we check the nature of an# substance& $) 'hat we can use to check the nature of substance& () 'hat are indicators& Announcement of the topic: )inding the students are unable to answer properl#, teacher will sa#, *well students we will discuss about the *Indicators+. Subject #atter: Teacher$s Activit%: Teacher will use ,uestion answer techni,ue and e-planation !ethod to e-plain the topic. .a!e few acidic substances. Stu!ent$s Activit%: Students will listen carefull#, and will tr# to answer the ,uestions. &se Of Ai!: Teachin"

'n!icators: Substances which show a change in colour when brought in contact with acids and bases are called indicators.

/lackboard and 012 will be used to !ake the concepts clear to the students.

() litmus paper: lit!us is e-tracted fro! lichens lit!us paper is either red or blue. /lue lit!us paper turns red under acidic conditions, and red lit!us paper turns blue under basic conditions. *) p+ paper: it is also called universal indicator. It is a !i-ture of indicators so chosen that it gives a different colour for different p% values 3141(). p% values shows whether a given substance is strong or weak, acid or base. The acids are represented b# nu!bers lower than 5 and bases b# nu!bers above 5. ,)Natural in!icators: Indicators which can be prepared ver# easil# fro! brightl# coloured parts of plants and fro! natural substances are called natural indicators. )or e-a!ple6 tur!eric and china rose.

.a!e few basic 2e!on, substances. orange, curd etc. .a!e few acidic Soap, substances. detergent, li!e water, baking soda etc.

'hat are these nu!bers fro! 1 to 1( are .o answer representing&

a) 'e can prepare tur!eric indicator. Make the paste of tur!eric in water and then put this paste on a paper and dr# it. 'hen we put an# basic substance on it, it will give brown red colour, but it re!ain #ellow with acid substances. b) 0hina rose flower is also used as indicator, crush china rose and put into boiling water, pink colour solution is obtained. It acts as indicator. 'hen we put acid in this solution it will re!ain unchanged, but when we put a base in this solution, pink colour changes to green.

'hat happen It turns to when we wash a brown red. tur!eric stained cloth with soap& 'hat is the nature Soap of soap& base 'hat does indicates& is a

it Tur!eric give brown red colour with base.

'hat will happen when we put an# .o answer acid to this solution&

'hat will happen when we put an# It turnes to base to this green. solution&

-ecapitulation: 1) Toda# we have learnt about indicators, Substances which show a change in colour when brought in contact with acids and bases are called indicators. ) 7ifferent t#pes of indicators are6 lit!us papers, p% paper, natural indicators. $) p% paper is also called universal indicator.

+ome .or/: 1) 'hat are indicators& ) %ow we can prepare indicator at ho!e& $) 'hat happens when we put soap solution in china rose solution and wh#& () %ow we can check the nature of an# substance with the help of p% paper& 8) %ow we can check the nature of an# substance with the help of tur!eric&

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