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Appendix -- # - Indonesia

INDONESIA. Elucidation on Law of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 10/1992 on the De elopment of !opulation "ffairs and the #pbuildin$ of !rosperous %amilies&



'he main tar$et of the Lon$('erm De elopment is the reali)ation of the *ualit+ of Indonesian man and the *ualit+ of Indonesian

communit+, which is ad anced, in a spirituall+ and ph+sicall+ peaceful and prosperous atmosphere in the communit+ life s+stem, the nation life s+stem and the state life s+stem on the basis of !ancasila and the 19,- .onstitution in a life atmosphere of the Indonesian nation which is all harmonious, compatible and balance in human relationships, in the relationship between man and his societ+ and man and the en ironment as well obedient to /od the "lmi$ht+&


In the effort to attain the said main tar$et it is necessar+ to ma0e efforts to de elop population affairs and the upbuildin$ of

prosperous families with a iew to the reali)ation of harmon+, compatibilit+ and balance amon$ number, *ualit+ and spread of population and the reali)ation of the *ualit+ of prosperous families in de elopin$ the Indonesian man totall+&

!opulation lar$e in number and $ood in *ualit+ constitutes an asset for the implementation of de elopment and potenc+ for the impro ement of de elopment in e er+ field& 1owe er, a lar$e number of population if not coupled with *ualit+ de elopment ma+ become a burden to de elopment and ma+ reduce the results of de elopment which ma+ be en2o+ed b+ people& 'o control and at the same time utilise the lar$e number of population it is necessar+ to ma0e efforts to re$ulate the de elopment of the *ualit+ of the population and the *ualit+ of families the implementation of which is conducted comprehensi el+ and in an inte$rated manner amon$ all sectors of /o ernment and between the $o ernment and the communit+&


In iew of the polic+ of population affairs and prosperous families encompassin$ arious aspects, amon$ other thin$s, citi)enship,

population census, health, manpower, transmi$ration, marria$e, social welfare, children welfare, the en ironment, alread+ pro ided for in arious laws, this Law pro ides for the aspects of population affairs de elopment and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families&


!olicies in the de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families are $eared towards the control of

population *ualit+, the de elopment of population *ualit+ and famil+ *ualit+ and the orientation of population mobilit+ as human resources so that people shall become a force for the de elopment of the nation and shall be effecti e in an effort to reali)e the *ualit+ of communit+ life which is alwa+s on the increase in a more inte$rated manner& !olicies in the de elopment of population affairs and the

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upbuildin$ of prosperous families are implemented to attain harmon+, compatibilit+ and balance between *uantit+ and *ualit+, and between the spread of population and the supportin$ capacit+ and the accommodatin$ capacit+ of the en ironment&

Efforts to de elop prosperous families, includin$ planned parenthood, are intended not onl+ for the re$ulation of births but also for the creation of happ+ and prosperous families& Efforts to re$ulate births lead to the creation of small, health+, happ+ and prosperous families, and pro ide and foundation for the fulfillment of the norm re$ardin$ the ideal number of famil+ members, which enables the reali)ation of happiness and prosperit+ of families and communit+&

Efforts to de elop population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families are still based on awareness, a sense of responsibilit+ and oluntariness b+ ta0in$ into account the reli$ious alues and social norms as well as the norm of decenc+&


'he scope of re$ulation of this Law encompasses all people residin$ in the territor+ of the Republic of Indonesia& 4n the basis of

the pre ailin$ stipulations and laws, residents in Indonesia consist of citi)ens of the Republic of Indonesia, forei$n citi)ens and forei$n diplomats representin$ their respecti e countries& 'he Law applies to citi)ens of the Republic of Indonesia and to forei$n citi)ens who are stated as Indonesian residents b+ irtue of the laws, while forei$n diplomats as Indonesia residents shall be sub2ected to the pre ailin$ stipulation and laws and/or con entions&


In connection with the abo e, to pro ide fle6ibilit+ in the re$ulation of problems related to population affairs, in particular the

de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families throu$h the implementation of planned parenthood, this Law shall formulate thin$s which are $eneral in nature, thus ma0in$ it eas+ for ad2ustment in case of the de elopment of circumstances in future&

Article by Article

Article 1. re$ulations7

'he terms formulated in this "rticle are intended for uniformit+ in interpretation of this Law and its implementation


Referred to as a particular time is at least si6 months of residence or deliberatel+ residin$ in that place&


'he main feature of population affairs includes, amon$ others, structure, a$e, si6, education, profession, ethnic $roup and reli$ion&

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3& 8ufficientl+ clear&


8ufficientl+ clear&


8ufficientl+ clear&


8ufficientl+ clear&


'he term of spatial aspect is the same as spatial, namel+, bein$ concerned with space and place& Includin$ in the sense of mobilit+ is

mi$ration, which is a chan$e in people:s residence&


8ufficientl+ clear&


8ufficientl+ clear&

10& Referred to in this sense as a famil+ in a nucleus famil+&

In the famil+ s+stem in Indonesia a famil+ accommodates also

$randparents and relati es& 'hose famil+ members remain the responsibilit+ of the famil+ concerned&

11& 8ufficientl+ clear&

12& 8ufficientl+ clear&

13& 8ufficientl+ clear&

1,& 8ufficientl+ clear&

1-& 8piritual, mental and ps+cholo$ical abilit+ includes the comprehension of !ancasila ideolo$+, cultural stren$th and reli$ious con iction&

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15& 'he popularisation of the norm of a small, happ+ and prosperous famil+ in an indi idual, famil+ and communit+ is underta0en on the basis of awareness, oluntariness and a sense of responsibilit+ to the present $eneration and the $eneration to come, b+ ta0in$ into account reli$ious alues and socio(cultural alues&

" small famil+ is a famil+ consistin$ of an ideal number of member so that it enables the reali)ation of prosperit+ and happiness for both the famil+ and the communit+&

19& Included in the sense of the en ironment is a natural en ironment, a de elopment en ironment and a special en ironment& " de elopment en ironment is an en ironment made b+ man or a ph+sical en ironment alread+ chan$ed for the welfare of people with resort to science and technolo$+& " social en ironment encompasses the relationship between man and institutes and social institutions, culture and reli$ion&

1;& 8ufficientl+ clear&

19& 8ufficientl+ clear&

20& 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 2.

'he principle of li in$ in balance is intended to 0eep the balance between interests with re$ard to the efforts to de elop

population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families, namel+, between material and spiritual interests, and between the interests of each dimension of population affairs&

'he principle of benefit is the foundation so that all efforts referred to in this Law shall pro ide the $reatest benefits for the population in all their dimensions&

'he principle of sustainable de elopment is connected with the rele anc+ and sustainabilit+ of de elopment of $enerations in all aspects, includin$ the sustainabilit+ of the other principles of national de elopment such as 2ust and e en principle, the principle of law awareness and the principle of self(confidence& National de elopment, which encompasses efforts to de elop population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families ha e a lon$(term effect on the future $eneration of the Indonesian population as well as the supportin$ capacit+ and the accommodatin$ capacit+ of the en ironment which supports their life&

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8ustainable de elopment is de elopment which $uarantees harmon+, compatibilit+ and balance between population and the en ironment so that it can support the life of the nation from $eneration to $eneration at all times& 8uch de elopment constitutes conscious and planned efforts in usin$ and mana$in$ natural resources and human resources wisel+&

Article 3.

Sub-article (1). !opulation in all their dimensions constitutes one of the producti e basic assets and human resources for national de elopment in all fields, if population de elops in proper(*uantit+, hi$h(*ualit+, and spreads in 0eepin$ with the supportin$ capacit+ and the accommodatin$ capacit+ of the en ironment, the condition of such population shall become an element for national resilience which is stron$ and able to face and surmount all threats, challen$es, obstacles and disturbances for the continuit+ of the life of the nation and the state&

'herefore, efforts to de elop population affairs must be $eared towards the control of population number, the de elopment of population *ualit+ and the orientation of population mobilit+ to$ether with efforts for the upbuildin$ of prosperous families throu$h planned parenthood $eared towards the de elopment of famil+ *ualit+&

.ontrol of population number encompasses efforts connected with the $rowth, number and main characteristics of population& "part from planned parenthood, efforts to control population number is also supported b+ arious efforts in other fields, includin$ health, education, the impro ement of the role of women and the distribution of population&

Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 4.

Sub-article (1). 1armon+, compatibilit+ and balance between population number and the en ironment concerns the ideal ratio between the number of people and the supportin$ capacit+ as well the accommodatin$ capacit+ of the en ironment&

1armon+, compatibilit+ and balance between the *ualit+ of population and the en ironment concerns the capacit+ of population in utilisin$ and ma0in$ efficient use of the supportin$ capacit+ and the accommodatin$ capacit+ of the en ironment to fulfil their life needs without dama$in$ the continuit+ of the function of the en ironment&

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!opulation of hi$h *ualit+ can impro e the supportin$ capacit+ and the accommodatin$ capacit+ of the en ironment so that optimum benefits can be obtained& %or e6ample, throu$h the application of science and technolo$+ the producti it+ of land ma+ be impro ed for the construction of houses, the de elopment of a$riculture, industries and other thin$s so that more people ma+ benefit form the land&

1armon+, compatibilit+ and balance between the spread of population and the en ironment concerns the distribution of population number in the re$ions in accordance with the supportin$ capacit+ and the accommodatin$ capacit+ of the en ironment and population mobilit+&

Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 5.

Sub-article (1). E*ual ri$hts mean that e er+ resident irrespecti e of ethnic $roups, reli$ion, racial cate$or+ and tribe ha e ri$hts in the efforts to de elop population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families in 0eepin$ with the ri$hts of population connected with the dimension of population as pro ided for in this Law&

Sub-article (2). 'he $roup of *uantities is population as a macro number detailed into demo$raphic features, amon$ others, a$e and se6&

Article 6.

'he ri$hts in this article hold $ood also for forei$n citi)ens who are Indonesian residents with the pro isions as laid down in the e6istin$ laws&

Letter a:

'he ri$ht to de elop oneself includes choosin$ and ta0in$ education and trainin$ all life lon$ in accordance with talent abilit+

and ambition, ha in$ wor0 and professional field and a field of interest which ma+ be concentrated on in accordance with one:s abilit+ to reali)e one:s aspirations and obtain ph+sical and spiritual satisfaction in one:s life&

Letter b:

'he ri$ht to ma0e use of an area left b+ custom pro ides a $uarantee that a $roup of people who ha e for $enerations

culti ated an area accordin$ to custom will not lose their interests because of new(comers& for e6ample, se eral tribes or $roups with uni*ue life st+le cannot be forced to chan$e their wa+ of li in$ so that it shall be the same with the wa+ of li in$ of other people& 'he chan$e shall be in 0eepin$ with the chan$e the+ desire themsel es&

Appendix -- # - Indonesia

Letter c:

E er+ citi)en has standards and di$nit+ which are e*ual, re$ardless of status, education, economic abilit+ and conditions,

includin$ ph+sical or non(ph+sical disabilit+&

Indi$enous residents here are not onl+ in the sense of tribal, racial or reli$ious factor but also the factor of the time spent residin$ in a particular area in line with local socio(cultural life&

Letter d:

In de elopment plannin$, includin$ the plannin$ of the de elopment of population affairs, e er+ demo$raphic $roup must be

included as population in a macro wa+& %or e6ample, in the re$istration and census of population, the distribution of areas, the determination of the tar$et for the de elopment of population affairs, the determination of the number of representati es in $eneral election, the pro ision of illa$e assistance, and others re$ardless of tribe, reli$ion, racial $roup, a$e, and se6& 'he implementation of the e6ercise of ri$hts as $roup of *uantities has brou$ht in conformit+ with the pre ailin$ laws&

Article 7.

E er+ famil+ ma+ determine how man+ children the+ would li0e to ha e, in accordance with their condition and abilit+, b+

reali)in$ their responsibilit+ to the societ+ and the de elopment of children& 'he implementation of child adoption as referred to in this article is based on the pre ailin$ laws&

4ther ri$hts are mentioned to accommodate the ri$hts to de elop in the future in reali)in$ prosperous families as a result of the de elopment of the era& 'he success of de elopment in a certain period of time leads to the impro ement of famil+ aspirations to obtain better *ualit+ of life and e6tend the content of famil+ welfare&

Article 8.

Sub-article (1). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article (2). 'he re$ulation of the ideal si)e of famil+, famil+ education, de elopment of the *ualit+ of residential en ironment constitutes a need in an effort to de elop *ualit+& 'herefore, this obli$ation constitutes an obli$ation inseparable from the de elopment of population *ualit+ in all dimensions&

Appendix -- # - Indonesia

Sub-article (3). "part from the obli$ations as referred to in sub(article <2=, in the interest of data ta0in$ and plannin$ of the de elopment of population *ualit+, e er+ resident is obli$ated to ma0e records of births, deaths, chan$es of addresses, marria$e and other obli$ations in line with the e6istin$ laws for the recordin$ of e er+ acti it+ connected with population affairs&

Article 9.

Sub-article (1). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article (2). Efforts to upbuild prosperous families are implemented throu$h impro ement of 0nowled$e and a chan$e in attitude and beha iour b+ ta0in$ into account the pluralit+ of the Indonesian societ+&

Sub-article (3). 'he inte$ration of efforts to de elop population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families implemented b+ the /o ernment and the communit+ must be pro ided for to obtain optimum results&

'he inte$ration is hori)ontal and inter(sector in nature or ertical between central institutions and re$ional ones& 'he said inte$ration includes also the co(ordination between the /o ernment and the acti ities of the communit+& 'he supportin$ capacit+ of natural en ironment is reflected in the number of people which ma+ fulfil their basic life demand b+ the natural resources utilisable without disruptin$ the balance between the function of ecos+stem in the said area&

'he accommodatin$ of de elopment en ironment of an area is reflected in the ph+sical densit+ of population, that is the number of people whose life needs ma+ be ser ed properl+ b+ space, infrastructures, facilities, residential areas, facilities and ser ices a ailable& social en ironmental accommodatin$ capacit+ is reflected in the balance and spatial harmon+, that is the capacit+ to mana$e social densit+ and common life resources, and surmount differences between population $roups, such as between ethnic $roups, reli$ious $roups, economic $roups, residential areas and so forth&

Article 10.

Sub-article (1). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Appendix -- # - Indonesia
Sub-article (3). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article ( ). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 11.

Sub-article (1). 'he de elopment of the *ualit+ of population is in principle alread+ pro ided for in arious laws for e6ample the Law on Education, Law on 1ealth, Law on 'ransmi$ration, Law on >anpower and so forth& 'herefore in the determination of policies re$ardin$ the de elopment to population *ualit+, the stipulations mentioned abo e are inter(related and their implementation must be done in an inte$rated and comprehensi e manner&

Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article (3). !h+sical *ualit+ includes fitness related to ph+sical fitness, health, and ph+sical stamina so that one can underta0e producti e acti ities&

Non(ph+sical *ualit+ includes the *ualit+ of identit+7 intelli$ence, mental resilience and independence? *ualit+ in sociali)in$? social solidarit+ and the abilit+ to li e in a societ+? *ualit+ of wor07 producti it+, tenacit+ and wor0 achie ement? *ualit+ of en ironmental concept as well as the *ualit+ of reli$ion7 faith, stren$th of ethics and moralit+&

Article 12.

Sub-article (1). !opulation potential is different from one person to another& some people ha e a better potential in ph+sical *ualities while others ha e a better potential in non(ph+sical *ualities&

1owe er, e er+ person has his own potential, for e6ample a blind man ma+ ha e a better hearin$, a more sensiti e artistic feelin$ or a hi$her abilit+ for abstraction& 'herefore, *ualit+ de elopment must be done personall+ towards one:s optimum *ualit+ potential&

Sub-article (2). Referred to as education in this sub(article is education in a broad sense, includin$ life lon$ education to impro e capacit+ and fulfil communit+ aspirations& %acilities and means include, for e6ample, access b+ the communit+ to data base, and the pro ision of public sports fields in e er+ location of residence or for a certain number of people&

Appendix -- # - Indonesia


Sub-article (3). Ethical and reli$ious alues should ser e as a filter before appl+in$ or acceptin$ de elopment technolo$+, such as the use of medicine to form the abilit+ of the brains and muscles to $et the best achie ement in sports&

Article 13.

Sub-article (1). @ulnerable communit+ includes a $roup of people who do not ha e or do not ha e enou$h opportunities to de elop as a result of their ph+sical and non(ph+sical condition, for e6ample $roup of poor people, people in isolates areas and people in an area with critical en ironment, wor0in$ in a ulnerable position, ne$lected children and disabled people&

Sub-article 2. the form of facilities is, for e6ample, the suppl+ of special stairs for wheel(chairs in a buildin$, school and means of public transport si$n lan$ua$e as complement in a '@ educational pro$ram, the obli$ation to ma0e a ailable toilets for women in proper ratio with the number of wor0in$ women in a factor+&

'he t+pe of facilit+ is related to the t+pe of obstacle to be surmounted& the nature of facilit+ includes subsid+, lenienc+ in re*uirements, for e6ample with re$ard to entr+ to schools for children from areas whose *ualit+ must be impro ed, and forth&

Article 14.

Sub-article (1). !opulation mobilit+ and/or the distribution of population ma+ be in form of mi$ration, throu$h /o ernment:s polic+ such as transmi$ration or on one:s own free will& the polic+ re$ardin$ the orientation of population mobilit+ and or the distribution of population is closel+ lin0ed with the polic+ concernin$ the distribution of de elopment acti ities which encoura$e the occurrence of spatial mo ement between re$ions&

'herefore, de elopment policies must ta0e into account of the conse*uence of the spread of population in an optimum wa+& 'he $o ernment ma+ determine an area as a closed area if entr+ mi$ration is not compatible with the supportin$ capacit+ and the accommodatin$ capacit+ of the en ironment&

Article 15.

Sub-article (1). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Appendix -- # - Indonesia


Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article (3). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 16.

Sub-article (1). Referred to as the effort to set up planned parenthood is the effort to for a small prosperous famil+& the upbuildin$ of a small prosperous famil+ has sta$es, re$ardin$ tar$ets, acti ities and time dimension&

Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article (3). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article ( ). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 17.

Sub-article (1). 'he implementation of the re$ulation of births must alwa+s ta0e into account the standard and di$nit+ of man as well as pa+ heed to the reli$ious and socio(cultural alues e6istin$ in the communit+&

Sub-article (2). 'o a oid matters with a ne$ati e impact, all de ices, medicines and methods used to re$ulate pre$nanc+ must be medicall+ safe and must be 2ustified in terms of reli$ious, moralit+ and ethics&

Article 18.

Sub-article (1). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Appendix -- # - Indonesia
Article 19.


1usband and wife must be in a$reement as re$ards the re$ulation of births and the method adopted so that the ob2ecti e

shall be well reached& " decision or an action unilaterall+ ta0en ma+ lead to failure or ma+ cause a problem in future& E*ual obli$ation shared b+ both also means that if the wife cannot use the de ice, medicine and method to re$ulate pre$nanc+, for e6ample owin$ to health reasons, the husband shall use the de ice, medicine and method desi$nated for men&

Article 20.

Sub-article (1). "s the implementation of usin$ the de ice, medicine and method to re$ulate pre$nanc+ is related closel+ to health problems, the de ice, medicine and method to re$ulate pre$nanc+ must be used with ad ice from and or b+ health personnel in order to a oid dan$er to health& 'herefore, the human ri$ht of the participants of planned parenthood will remain $uaranteed with the

implementation of $ood and professional measures b+ health personnel&

1ealth personnel pro idin$ ser ices in planned parenthood shall obtain le$al protection in performin$ their tas0s in 0eepin$ with the professional standard alread+ set& E er+one ma+ obtain compensation as a result of ne$lect or error committed b+ health personnel in pro idin$ ser ices in planned parenthood&

Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 21.

'his article is intended to protect the communit+ a$ainst measures which ma+ lower the moralit+ of the Indonesian nation&

"lthou$h this Law allows the showin$ and or displa+ of de ices, medicine and method to re$ulate pre$nanc+, in its implementation this is limited onl+ for the purpose of planned parenthood performed b+ authorised personnel with due obser ance of the s+stem of alues of the Indonesian people in their life& !roper place and proper method mean that showin$ or displa+in$ de ices must be conducted at a proper place or a place assumed to be proper for this purpose with planned parenthood as the ob2ecti e, while the participants must be able to assume or should 0now or should practise planned parenthood usin$ the de ices, medicine and method to re$ulate pre$nanc+&

Article 22.

Sub-article (1). 'he re$ulation here is intended so that the need for de ices and medicine to re$ulate pre$nanc+ shall be fulfilled, both *uantitati el+ and *ualitati el+, so that the ob2ecti e of planned parenthood ma+ be attained&

Appendix -- # - Indonesia


8uppl+ encompasses also the production of de ices and medicine to re$ulate pre$nanc+ so that the suppl+ ma+ fulfil the need of the communit+ e enl+&

sub-article (2).

8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 23.

Sub-article (1). 'he ser ice $i en encompasses also the handlin$ of errors or complications arisin$ from the ser ices pro ided&

Sub-article (2). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 24.

Sub-article (1). 'he participation of the communit+ in de elopin$ population affairs and upbuildin$ prosperous families is er+ necessar+, in iew of the fact that efforts to de elop population affairs and upbuild prosperous families cannot be underta0en onl+ b+ the /o ernment& 'o this end the participation of the communit+ is needed so that the burden of implementin$ de elopment can be shouldered to$ether b+ the /o ernment and the communit+&

It is necessar+ to create an atmosphere which more and more increases the acti e role and the d+namic role of all people in an effort to implement national de elopment& 'he participation of the communit+ can be done oluntaril+ and independentl+ in line with the capacit+ of each&

Sub-article (2). 8elf(help institutions and social or$anisations referred to in this sub(article are those with acti ities in the de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families encompassin$7

a& b&

professional $roups, which on the basis of profession are mo ed to handle problems of population affairs and prosperous families? $roups of interest, which are interested to do somethin$ for the de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous


Appendix -- # - Indonesia


In performin$ their roles as au6iliaries, self(help institutions and social or$anisations shall ma0e efficient use of themsel es as means for the participation of as man+ members of the communit+ as possible to attain the ob2ecti e of the de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families&

Article 25.

Sub-article (1). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Sub-article (2). Referred to as efforts are amon$ others education for mothers, impro ement of the use of maternal mil0, impro ement of the de elopment of the welfare of babies and children under fi e +ears old, impro ement of families earnin$s, and impro ement of the role of women in $eneral&

Sub-article (3). 'he process of the de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families shall ta0e place naturall+ and will be influenced also b+ other factors outside efforts of de elopment so that the process can $o towards different conditions that what has pre iousl+ estimated& %or e6ample, the $rowth of population which far e6ceeds the tar$et, will disrupt the balance between man and the en ironment and will influence the tar$et to be attained b+ de elopment efforts& 'herefore, it is necessar+ to set the tar$et to be attained periodicall+&

'he de elopment of the ser ice for population affairs and prosperous families encompasses, amon$ others, clinics, impact clinics, consultations on mental resilience and so forth& Inter ention shall be conducted pre enti el+ if there is a tendenc+ leadin$ to a condition which does not support the implementation of the ob2ecti es of the de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families as referred to in "rticle ,, or which is repressi e if when there is re ision from the ob2ecti e set& .ontrol of impact does not concern onl+ impact on ph+sical en ironment but also impact on non(ph+sical en ironment, includin$ social and cultural aspects&

Sub-article ( ). Efforts of communication, information and education for people on the de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families include also information on the technolo$+ a ailable for the communit+, education and consultation on the upbuildin$ of famil+ life, includin$ education on se6 and the ser ice for the fulfillment of the needs of people and or families&

'his education includes the impro ement of 0nowled$e, chan$e in attitude and beha iour towards families and the communit+ re$ardin$ the si$nificance of reproduction in a health+ wa+ so that this shall become part of proper wa+ of li in$& 'he ser ice for the fulfillment of the need of people and or families includes, amon$ others, the ser ice of information, contraception de ices, includin$ ser ices of

Appendix -- # - Indonesia


reference in handlin$ the side(effects, complications, failures, medical $uidance, de elopment of under(fi e(+ear(old children and so forth&

Sub-article (!). 8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 26.

Sub-article (1). >easures and actions to stimulate and encoura$e efforts to de elop population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families shall be implemented with an incenti e s+stem and the awardin$ of appreciation& Incenti e stimulates the communit+ to practice efforts or beha iour of population which can be in arious forms, includin$ ta6 lenienc+, credit facilities and licensin$ for acti ities supportin$ policies in controllin$ the n umber of population, the de elopment of population:s *ualit+ and or the orientation of population mobilit+? for e6ample for the openin$ of new businesses in areas where there is potentiall+ hi$h supportin$ capacit+ so that this shall encoura$e mobilit+ of people from areas with low supportin$ capacit+&

"ctions and measures as mentioned in this article can also be $eared to the awardin$ of appreciation to e er+one with merit in the de elopment of population affairs and the upbuildin$ of prosperous families&

Article 27.

8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 28.

8ufficientl+ clear&

Article 29.

8ufficientl+ clear&

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