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Ripley's Recapitulation of the Twelve Gates

George Ripley. English Adept of the 15th century and author of "The twelve doors of Alchemy".

CALCINATION - THE I!"T #ATE Calcination is the purgation of our stone$ And restoration also of its natural heat. Of radical hu%idity it looseth none$ Inducing solution into our stone %ost %ete. "ee& after philosophy I you ad'ise (ut not after the co%%on guise$ )ith sulphur and salts prepared in di'erse *ays. Neither *ith corrosi'es$ nor *ith fire alone$ Nor *ith 'inegar$ nor *ith ardent *ater$ Neither *ith the 'apour of lead$ Our stone is calcined according to our intent. All those *ho to calcining so +e +ent$ ro% this hard science *ithdra* their hand$ Till they our calcining +etter understand. or +y such calcining$ their +odies *ill +e spoiled$ or it di%inishes the %oisture of our stone. Therefore *hen +odies to po*der +e +urnt$ ,ry as ashes of tree or +one$ Of such cal-es then *ill *e *ill ha'e none$ or %oisture *e %ultiply radical$ In our calcining$ di%inishing none at all. And for a sure ground of our true calcination$ )or& *isely only &ind *ith &ind. or &ind to &ind has appetite and inclination. He *ho does not &no* this$ in &no*ledge is +lind$ And %ay *ander forth as %ist in the *ind$ .no*ing ne'er *ith profit *here to alight$ (ecause he concei'es not our *ords aright. /oin &ind to &ind therefore as reason is$ or as e'ery young shoot ans*ers its o*n seed$ 0an +egets %an$ a +east a +east$ li&e*ise$ urther to treat of this there is no need. (ut understand this point if you *ill succeed$ Each thing is first calcined in its o*n &ind$ This *ell concealed fruit therein shall you find. And *e %a&e cal- unctuous +oth *hite and red$ Of three degrees or our +ase +e perfect$ lu-i+le as *a-$ else stand they in little stead. (y right long process as philosophers do *rite$

A year *e ta&e or %ore for our respite. or in less space our cal-es *ill not +e %ade$ A+le to tinge *ith colour that *ill not fade. And for thy proportions you %ust +e*are$ or therein %ay you +e +eguiled. Therefore so that your *or& *ill not +e %arred$ Let your +ody +e su+tly filled *ith 0ercury$ As %uch then so su+tiled$ One of the "un$ t*o of the 0oon$ Till altogether li&e pap +e done. Then %a&e the 0ercury four to the "un$ T*o to the 0oon as it should +e$ And thus your *or& %ust +e +egun$ In figure of the Trinity$ Three of the +ody and of the spirit three$ And for the unity of the su+stance spiritual$ One %ore than of the su+stance corporeal. (y !ay%ond1s repertory this is true 2roportion$ There *ho choose to loo&. The sa%e %y ,octor did sho* to %e$ (ut three of the spirit (acon too&$ To one of the +ody$ or *hich I lay a*a&e %any a night +efore I &ne* it. And +oth +e true$ ta&e *hich you choose. If the *ater also +e e3ual in proportion to the earth$ )ith heat in due %easure$ ro% the% shall spring a ne* young shoot$ (oth *hite and red in pure tincture$ )hich in the fire shall e'er endure. .ill you the 3uic&$ the dead re'i'e4 0a&e trinity unity *ithout any strife. This is the surest and +est proportion$ or *here is least of the part spiritual$ The +etter therefore shall +e solution$ Than if you did it s*ell *ith *ater$ 5our earth o'erglutting *hich loses all$ Ta&e heed therefore to the potter1s loa%$ And %a&e you ne'er too *et your *o%+. That loa% +ehold ho* it is te%pered$ The %ean also ho* it is calcinated$ And e'er loo& you +ear this in %ind$ That ne'er your earth *ith *ater +e suffocated.

,ry up your %oisture *ith heat %ost te%perate$ Help ,issolution *ith %oisture of the 0oon$ And Congelation *ith the "un$ then you ha'e done. our natures into the fifth so shall you turn$ )hich is a nature %ost perfect and te%perate$ (ut hard it is *ith your +are foot to spurn$ Against a +ar of iron$ or steel ne*ly sharpened$ or %any do so *hich +e infatuated$ )hen they such high things ta&e in hand$ )hich they in no *ay do understand. In eggs$ in 'itriol$ or in +lood$ )hat riches they go there to find. If they 2hilosophy understood$ They *ould not in *or&ing +e so +lind$ To see& #old and "il'er out of their &ind. or li&e as fire is of the +urning principle$ "o is the principle of gilding li&e*ise. If you intend therefore to %a&e$ #old and "il'er +y craft of our philosophy$ Ta&e neither eggs nor +lood$ (ut #old and "il'er *hich naturally Calcined$ )isely and not %anually$ A ne* generation *ill +e +rought forth$ Increasing their &ind as does e'erything. And if it *ere true that profit %ight +e$ In things *hich are not %etalline$ In *hich +e colours pleasant to see$ As in +lood$ eggs$ hair$ urine or *ine$ Or in %ean %inerals dug out of the %ine$ 5et %ust that ele%ent +e putrefied and separated$ And *ith ele%ents of perfect +odies +e disposed. (ut first %a&e rotation of these ele%ents$ And into *ater your earth turn first of all$ Then of your *ater %a&e air +y le'itation$ And air %a&e fire$ then I *ill call you a 0aster$ Of all our secrets great and s%all. The *heel of Ele%ents then you can turn a+out$ Truly understanding our *ritings *ithout dou+t. This done$ go +ac&*ards$ turning the *heel again$ And presently turn your fire into *ater$ Air into earth$ else you *ill la+our in 'ain. or so to te%pera%ent is +rought our stone$

And Nature1s contractions$ four are %ade one$ After they ha'e three ti%es +een circulated$ And also your +ase is perfectly consu%%ated. This under the %oisture of the 0oon$ And under the te%perate heat of the "un$ 5our Ele%ents shall +e incinerated soon$ And then you ha'e the %astery *on. Than& #od your *or& *as then so +egun$ or there you ha'e one true to&en$ )hich first in +lac&ness *ill +e sho*n to you. That to&en *e call the Head of the Cro*$ And so%e %en call it the Cro*1s +ill$ "o%e call it the ashes of Her%es tree$ And thus they na%e it after their *ill$ Our Toad *hich eats his fill of the earth$ "o%e na%e it +y that *hich it is %ortified$ The spirit *ith 'eno% into-icated. (ut it has an infinity of na%es$ I say$ or it is na%ed after each thing that is seen to +e +lac&$ Till the ti%e it *a-es *hite$ Then it has na%es of %ore delight$ Called after all things that +e full *hite$ And the red li&e*ise after the sa%e$ Of all red things does ta&e the na%e$ 5ou are no* *ithin the first gate$ Of the Castle *here the 2hilosophers d*ell. 2roceed *isely that you %ay *in$ And go though %ore gates of that Castle. This Castle is round as any +ell$ And gates it has yet ele'en %ore$ One is con3uered$ no* to the second go. The end of the irst #ate. "OL6TION - THE "ECON, #ATE No* I *ill spea& a *ord or t*o of "olution$ )hich re'eals *hat ere *as hid fro% sight$ And %a&es thin$ things that *ere thic&$ (y 'irtue of our first %enstruu% clear and +right$ In *hich our +odies ha'e +een eclipsed fro% light$ And of their hard and dry co%paction su+tilated$ Into their o*n first %atter &indly retrogradated.

One in gender they +e$ and in nu%+er t*o$ )hose father is the "un$ the 0oon the %other$ 0ercury %o'es +et*een$ These and no %ore +e our 0agnesia$ our Adrop$ And no other things +e here$ +ut only sister and +rother$ That is to %ean$ agent and patient$ "ulphur and 0ercury$ co-essential to our intent. (et*i-t these t*o$ e3ually contrary$ Engendered is our %ean %ost %ar'ellous$ )hich is our 0ercury and unctuous %enstru%$ Our secret "ulphur *or&ing in'isi+ly$ 0ore fiercely than fire +urning the +ody$ ,issol'ing the +ody into %ineral *ater$ )hich *e do call night or dar&ness in the North. (ut yet I trust$ you understand not utterly$ The 'ery secret of the 2hilosopher1s ,issolution. Therefore understand %e$ I counsel you *isely$ or the truth I *ill tell you *ithout delusion$ Our "olution is cause of our Congelation$ or ,issolution on the one side corporeal$ Causes Congelation on the other side spiritual. And *e dissol'e into *ater *hich *ets no hand$ or *hen the earth is integrally incinerated$ Then is the *ater congealed4 this understand$ or the ele%ents +e so together concatenated$ That *hen the +ody is fro% his first for% altered$ A ne* for% is induced i%%ediately$ or nothing is *ithout for% utterly. And here a secret I *ill disclose to you$ )hich is the ground unto our secrets all$ )hich if you do not &no* you shall +ut lose$ Thy la+our and costs +oth great and s%all. Ta&e heed therefore that in error you not fall$ The %ore your earth$ and the less your *ater +e$ The rather and +etter solution shall you see. (ehold ho* ice to *ater does relent$ And so it %ust$ for *ater it *as +efore$ !ight so again to *ater our earth is gone$ And *ater there+y congealed for e'er%ore. or after all 2hilosophers that e'er *ere +orn$ Each %etal *as once %ineral *ater$ Therefore *ith *ater they turn to *ater all.

In *hich *ater of &ind occassionate$ Of 3ualities +een repugnant and di'ersity. Things into things %ust therefore +e rotated$ 6ntil di'ersity +e +rought to perfect unity. or "cripture records *hen the earth shall +e trou+led$ And into the deep sea shall +e cast$ 0ountains and +odies li&e*ise at the last. Our +odies +e li&ened con'eniently to %ountains$ )hich after high 2lanets *e na%e$ Into the deepness therefore of 0ercury$ Turn the%$ and &eep you out of +la%e$ or then you shall see a no+le ga%e$ Ho* all shall +eco%e po*der as soft as sil&$ "o does our rennet &indly curd our %il&. Then ha'e the +odies lost their first for%$ And others +een induced i%%ediately$ Then you ha'e *ell +esto*ed your cost$ )hereas others uncunningly %ust go +y$ Not &no*ing the secrets of our 2hilosophy. 5et one point %ore I %ust tell thee$ Ho* each +ody has di%ensions three. Altitude$ Latitude and also 2rofundity$ (y *hich al*ays *e %ust turn our *heel$ .no*ing that your entrance in the )est shall +e$ 5our passage forth to the North if you do *ell$ And there your lights lose their light each deal$ or there you %ust a+ide +y ninety nights$ In dar&ness of purgatory *ithout lights. Then ta&e your course up to the East anon$ (y colours 'aria+le$ passing in %anifold *ays$ And then +e *inter and spring nigh o'ergone$ To the East therefore de'ise your ascending$ or there the "un *ith daylight does uprise in su%%er$ And there disport you *ith delight$ or there your *or& shall +eco%e perfect *hite. orth fro% the East into the "outh ascend$ And sit you do*n there in the chair of fire$ or there is har'est$ that is to say an end Of all this *or& after your o*n desire$ There shines the "un up in his He%isphere$ And after the eclipse is in redness *ith glory$ To reign as .ing upon all %etals and 0ercury.

All in one glass %ust all this thing +e done$ Li&e to an egg in shape and closed *ell$ Then you %ust &no* the %easure of firing$ )hich if un&no*n your *or& is lost each deal. Ne'er let your glass +e hotter than you %ay feel$ And suffer still in your +are hand to hold$ or fear of losing$ as 2hilosophers ha'e told. 5et to %y doctrine futher%ore attend$ (e*are your glass you ne'er open nor %o'e$ ro% the +eginning until you ha'e %ade an end$ If you do other*ise$ your *or& %ay ne'er achie'e$ Thus in this Chapter$ *hich is +ut +rief$ I ha'e taught you your true "olution$ No* to the third gate go$ for this is *on. The end of the second gate.

"E2A!ATION - THE THI!, #ATE "eparation does each part fro% the other di'ide$ The su+tle fro% the gross$ the thic& fro% the thin$ (ut loo& you set aside %anual "eparation$ or that pertains to fools that little good do *in$ (ut in our "eparation Nature does not cease$ 0a&ing di'ision of 3ualities ele%ental$ Into a fifth degree till they +e turned all. Earth is turned into *ater +lac& and +lue$ And *ater after into air under 'ery *hite$ Then air into fire$ ele%ents there +e no %ore$ Of these is %ade our stone of great delight$ (ut of this "eparation %uch %ore %ust *e *rite$ And "eparation is called +y 2hilosophers definition$ Tetraptati'e dispersion of the said four ele%ents.

Of this "eparation I find a li&e figure$ "po&en +y the prophet in the psal%ody$ #od +rought out of a stone a flood of *ater pure$ And out of the hardest roc& oil a+undantly$ "o out of our precious stone if you +e *ise$ Oil inco%+usti+le and *ater you shall dra*$ And therea+outs you need not at the coals to +lo*. ,o this *ith heat easy and nourishing$ irst *ith %oist fire and after that *ith dry$ ,ra*ing out the phleg% *ith patience$ And after that the other Natures *isely$ ,ry up thine earth till it +e thirsty$ (y Calcination$ else you la+our in 'ain$ And then %a&e it drin& up the %oisture again. Thus you %ust oftenti%es %a&e "eparation$ ,i'iding your *aters into t*o parts$ "o that the su+tle fro% the gross you ta&e$ Till the earth re%ain +elo* in colour +lue$ That earth is fi-ed to a+ide all *oe$ The other part is spiritual and flying$ (ut you %ust turn the% all into one thing. Then oil and *ater *ith *ater shall distil$ And through its help recei'e %o'ing$ .eep *ell these t*o that you not spoil$ 5our *or& for lac& of due closing$ And %a&e your stopple of glass$ 0elting the top of your 'essel together *ith it$ Then 2hilosopher-li&e it is shut up. The *ater *here*ith you %ay re'i'e the stone$ Loo& you distil +efore you *or& *ith it$ Oftenti%es +y itself alone$ And +y this sight you shall *ell &no*$ )hen it is 3uit fro% feculent faeces$ or so%e %en can it *ith "aturn %ultiply$ And other su+stances *hich *e defy. ,istil it therefore till it +e clean$ And thin li&e *ater as it should +e$ As hea'en in colour +right and shine$ .eeping +oth figure and ponderosity$ There*ith did Her%es %oisten his tree$ )ithin his glass he %ade it gro* upright$ )ith flo*ers coloured +eautiful to sight.

This *ater is li&e to the 'eno%ous Tyre$ )here*ith the %ighty %iracle is *rought$ or it is a poison %ost strong of ire$ A stronger poison cannot +e thought$ At apothecaries therefore it is often sought$ (ut no %an shall +e into-icated +y it$ ro% the ti%e it is eli-erated into %edicine. or then it is the %iracle true$ It is of poison %ost e-pulsi'e$ And in its *or&ings does %ar'els sho*$ 2reser'ing %any fro% death to life$ (ut loo& you %eddle it *ith no corrosi'e$ (ut choose it pure and 3uic& running$ If thou there+y *ill ha'e *inning. It is a %ar'ellous thing in &ind$ And *ithout it nothing can +e done$ Therefore did Her%es call it his *ind$ or it flies up fro% "un and 0oon$ And %a&es our stone to fly *ith it soon$ !e'i'ing the dead and gi'ing life$ To "un and 0oon$ hus+and and *ife. )hich if they *ere not +y craft %ade 3uic&$ And their fatness *ith *ater dra*n out$ "o the thin *as se'ered fro% the thic&$ 5ou should ne'er +ring this *or& a+out$ If you *ill speed therefore *ithout dou+t$ !aise up the +irds out of their nest$ And after again +ring the% to rest. )ater *ith *ater *ill accord and ascend$ And spirit *ith spirit$ for they +e of one &ind$ )hich after they +e e-alted %a&e to descend$ "o shall you di'ide that *hich Nature for%erly did +ind$ 0ercury essential turning into *ind$ )ithout *hich natural and su+tle "eparation$ 0ay ne'er co%plete profita+le generation. No* to help you in at this gate$ The last secret I *ill tell to you$ 5our *ater %ust +e su+li%ated se'en ti%es$ Else no &indly ,issolution shall +e$ And you shall not see putrefying$ Li&e li3uid pitch$ nor colours appearing$ or lac& of fire *or&ing *ithin your glass.

There are four fires *hich you %ust understand$ Natural$ unnatural$ against Nature also$ And ele%ental *hich does +urn the +rand. These four fires *e use and no %ore$ ire against nature %ust do your +odily *oe$ This is our ,ragon as I you tell$ iercely +urning as the fire of hell. ire of nature is the third %enstrual$ That fire is natural in each thing$ (ut fire occasional$ *e call unnatural$ As heat of ashes$ and +aths for putrefying$ )ithout these fires you %ay nought +ring to 2utrefaction$ or to +e separate$ 5our %atters together proportionate. Therefore %a&e fire *ithin your glass$ )hich +urns the +ody %ore than fire Ele%ental$ If you *ill *in our secrets$ According to your desire. Then shall your seeds +oth rot and spire$ (y help of fire occasional$ That &indly after they %ay +e separated. Of "eparation the #ate %ust thus +e *on$ That further%ore yet you %ay proceed$ To*ards the #ate of secret Con7unction$ Into the inner Castle *hich *ill you lead$ ,o after %y counsel if you *ill speed$ )ith t*o strong loc&s this #ate is shut$ As conse3uently you shall *ell &no*. The end of the Third #ate.

THE O6!TH #ATE - CON/6NCTION After the chapter of natural "eparation$ (y *hich the ele%ents of our "tone +e disse'ered$ Here follo*s the chapter of secret Con7unction$ )hich Natures repugnant 7oins to perfect unity. And so the% &nitteth that none fro% the other %ay flee$ )hen they +y fire shall +e e-a%ined$ They +e together so surely con7ugated. And therefore 2hilosophers gi'e this definition$ "aying this Con7unction is nothing else$ (ut a copulation of disse'ered 3ualities$ Or a co-e3uation of principles$ as others tell$ (ut so%e %en *ith 0ercury that the Apothecary sells$ 0eld +odies *hich cannot di'ide their %atter$ And therefore they slip aside. or until the ti%e the soul +e separated$ And cleansed fro% its original sin *ith the *ater$ And thoroughly spiritualised$ The true Con7unction you %ay ne'er +egin. Therefore the soul first fro% the +ody t*in$ Then of the corporeal part and of the spiritual. The soul shall cause perpetual con7unction. Of t*o con7unctions the philosophers do %ention %a&e$ #ross *hen the +ody *ith 0ercury is reincrudate$ (ut let this pass$ and to the second ta&e heed$

)hich is as I ha'e said$ after separation cele+rated$ In *hich the parties +e left *ith least to colligate$ And so pro%oted unto a %ost perfect te%perance$ That ne'er after a%ongst the% %ay +e repugnance. Thus "eparation causes true Con7unction to +e had$ Of *ater and air$ *ith earth and fire$ (ut that each ele%ent into other %ay +e laid$ And so a+ide for e'er to your desire$ ,o as do dau+ers *ith clay or %ire$ Te%per the% thic& and %a&e the% not too thin$ "o do updrying$ you shall the rather *in. (ut %anners there +e of our Con7unction three$ The first is called ,iptati'e +y 2hilosophers$ )hich +et*een the agent and patient %ust +e$ 0ale and fe%ale$ 0ercury and "ulphur 'i'e$ 0atter and for%$ thin and thic& to thri'e$ This lesson *ill help thee *ithout any dou+t$ And our Con7unction truly to +ring a+out. The second %anner is called Triptati'e$ )hich is Con7unction$ %ade of things three$ Of +ody$ soul and spirit$ that they not stri'e$ )hich trinity you %ust +ring to unity$ or as the soul to the spirit %ust +onded +e$ "o the +ody %ust the soul to hi% &nit$ Out of thy %ind let not this lesson flit. The third %anner and also the last of all$ our Ele%ents together *hich 7oin to a+ide$ Tetraptati'e certainly the 2hilosophers do call it$ And especially #uido de 0ontano *hose fa%e goes *ide$ And therefore in %ost lauda+le %anner this tide$ In our Con7unction four ele%ents %ust aggregate in due proportion$ )hich first *ere separated asunder. Therefore li&e as the *o%an has 'eins fifteen$ And the %an has +ut fi'e to the act of their fecundity$ !e3uired in our Con7unction first I %ean$ "o %ust the %an our "un ha'e of his *ater three$ And nine his *ife$ *hich three to hi% %ust +e. Then li&e *ith li&e *ill 7oy ha'e for to d*ell$ 0ore of Con7unction I needeth not to tell. This chapter I *ill conclude right soon$ Therefore gross Con7unction charging thee to %a&e +ut one$ or seldo% ha'e stru%pets children of the% +ore$

And so you shall ne'er co%e +y our stone$ )ithout you let the *o%an lie alone$ That after she has once concei'ed of the %an$ Her %atri- +e shut up fro% all others then. or such as add e'er %ore crude to crude$ Opening their 'essel letting their %atters cool$ The sper% concei'ed they nourish not +ut delude the%sel'es$ And spoil their *or& each ti%e. If you therefore *ish to do *ell$ Close up your %atri- and nourish the seed$ )ith continual and te%perate heat if you *ill speed. And *hen your 'essel has stood +y fi'e %onths$ And clouds and eclipses +e passed each one$ The light appearing$ increase your heat$ then +elie'e$ 6ntil +right and shining in *hiteness +e your "tone. Then %ay you open your glass anon$ And feed your child *hich is +orn$ )ith %il& and %eat$ aye %ore and %ore. or no* +oth %oist and dry is so conte%perated$ That of the *ater earth has recei'ed i%pression$ )hich ne'er after that asunder %ay +e separate$ "o *ater to earth has gi'en ingression$ That +oth together to d*ell ha'e %ade profession$ And *ater of earth has purchased a retinue$ They four %ade one ne'er %ore to stri'e. Thus in t*o things all our intent does hang$ In dry and %oist$ *hich are t*o contraries. In dry$ that it +ring the %oist to fi-ing$ In %oist$ that it gi'e li3uefaction to the earth also$ That of the% a te%pera%ent %ay thus go forth$ A te%pera%ent not so thic& as the +ody is$ Neither so thin as *ater *ithout %iss. Loosing and &nitting thereof +e t*o principles$ Of this hard science$ and poles %ost principal$ Ho* +e it that other principles +e %any %ore$ As shining fanes *hich I shall sho*$ 2roceed therefore unto another *all$ Of this strong Castle of our )isdo%$ That in at the fifth #ate you %ay co%e. The end of the ourth #ate.

THE I TH #ATE - 26T!E ACTION No* *e +egin the chapter of 2utrefaction$ )ithout *hich pole no seed %ay %ultiply$ )hich %ust +e done only +y continual action$ Of heat in the +ody$ %oist not %anually. or +odies else %ay not +e altered naturally$ "ince Christ doth *itness$ unless the grain of *heat die in the ground$ Increase %ay thou not get. And li&e*ise unless the %atter putrefy$ It %ay in no *ay truly +e altered$ Neither %ay thy ele%ents +e di'ided &indly$ Nor the con7unction of the% perfectly cele+rated$ That thy la+our therefore +e not frustrated$ The pri'itie of our putrefying *ell understand$ (efore e'er you ta&e this *or& in hand. And 2utrefaction %ay thus +e defined$ after philosophers sayings$ To +e the slaying of +odies$ And in our co%pound a di'ision of things three$ Leading forth into the corruption of &illed +odies$ And after ena+ling the% unto regeneration$ or things +eing in the earth$ *ithout dou+t$ (e engendered of rotation in the hea'ens a+out. And therefore as I ha'e said +efore$ Thine ele%ents co%%i-ed and *isely coe3uate$ Thou &eep in te%perate heat$ Esche*ing e'er%ore that they +e not incinerate +y 'iolent heat$ To dry po*der$ unprofita+ly ru+ificated$ (ut into po*der +lac& as a cro*1s +ill$ )ith heat of the (ath or else of our dunghill. 6ntil the ti%e that ninety nights +e passed$ In %oist heat &eep the% for any thing$ "oon after +y +lac&ness you shall espy$ That they dra* close to putrefying$

)hich after %any colours you shall +ring$ )ith patience easily to perfect *hiteness$ And so thy seed in his nature *ill %ultiply. 0a&e each the other then to hug and &iss$ And li&e as children to play the% up and do*n$ And *hen their shirts are filled *ith piss$ Then let the *o%an to *ash +e +ound$ )hich often for faintness *ill fall in a s*oon$ And die at last *ith her children all$ And go to purgatory to purge their filth original. )hen they +e there$ +y little and little increase$ Their pains *ith heat$ aye$ %ore and %ore$ Ne'er let the fire fro% the% cease$ And see that thy furnace +e apt therefore$ )hich *ise %en call an Athanor$ Conser'ing heat re3uired %ost te%perately$ (y *hich thy %atter doth &indly putrefy. Of this principle spea&s *ise #uido$ And sayeth 8+y rotting dieth the co%pound corporeal8$ And then after 0orien and others %ore$ 6priseth again regenerated$ si%ple and spiritual$ And *ere not heat and %oisture continual$ "per% in the *o%+ %ight ha'e no a+iding$ And so there should +e no fruit thereof upspring. Therefore at the +eginning our stone thou ta&e$ And +ury each one in other *ithin their gra'e$ Then e3ually +et*een the% a %arriage %a&e$ To lie together si- *ee&s let the% ha'e their seed concei'ed$ .indly to nourish and sa'e$ ro% the ground of their gra'e not rising that *hile$ )hich secret point doth %any a one +eguile. This ti%e of conception *ith easy heat a+ide$ The +lac&ness sho*ing shall tell you *hen they die$ or they together li&e li3uid pitch that tide$ "hall s*ell and +u++le$ settle and putrefy$ "hining colours therein you shall espy$ Li&e to the rain+o* %ar'ellous to sight$ The )ater then +eginneth to dry upright. or in %oist +odies$ heat *or&ing te%perate$ Engenders +lac&ness first of all$ )hich is the assigned to&en of &indly Con7unction$ And of true 2utrefaction9 re%e%+er this$

or then perfectly to alter thou can not %iss$ And thus +y the gate of +lac&ness thou %ust co%e in$ To light of 2aradise in *hiteness if you *ilt *in. or first the "un in his uprising shall +e o+scured$ And pass the *aters of Noah1s flood on earth$ )hich *as continued a hundred and fifty days$ Ere this *ater *ent a*ay$ !ight so our *aters shall pass :as *ise %en understood;$ That you *ith ,a'id shall say$ 8A+ierunt in sicco flu%ina8 9 +ear this a*ay. "oon after that Noah planted his 'ineyard$ )hich royally flourished and +rought forth grapes$ After *hich space you shall not +e afraid$ or it li&e*ise shall follo* the nourishing of our stone$ And soon after that <= days +e gone$ 5ou shall ha'e grapes right as ru+y red$ )hich is our Adrop$ our 6cifer$ and our red lead. or li&e as souls after pains transitory$ (e +rought to 2aradise$ *hich e'er is 7oyful life$ "o shall our stone after his dar&ness in 2urgatory +e purged$ And 7oined in Ele%ents *ithout strife$ !e7oice the *hiteness and +eauty of his *ife$ And pass fro% dar&ness of purgatory to light of 2aradise$ In *hiteness Eli-ir of great %ight. And that you %ay the rather to putrefaction *in$ This e-a%ple ta&e you for a true conclusion$ or all the secret of 2utrefaction rests therein$ The heart of oa& that hath of *ater continual infusion$ )ill not soon putrefy$ I tell you *ithout delusion$ or though it lay in *ater a hundred years and %ore$ 5et should you find it sound as ere it *as +efore. (ut if you &eep it so%eti%es *et and so%eti%es dry$ As thou %ay see in ti%+er +y usual e-peri%ent$ (y process of ti%e that oa& shall utterly putrefy$ And so li&e*ise according to our intent$ "o%eti%es our tree %ust *ith the "un +e +urnt$ And then *ith *ater *e %ust %a&e it cool$ That +y this %eans to rotting *e %ay +ring it *ell. or no* in *et$ and no* again in dry$ And no* in heat$ and no* again to +e in cold$ "hall cause it soon to putrefy$ And so shall thou +ring to rotting your gold$

Treat thy +odies as I ha'e thee told$ And in thy putrefying *ith heat +e not too s*ift$ Lest in the ashes thou see& after your thrift. Therefore your *ater you dra* out of the earth$ And %a&e the soul there*ith to ascend$ Then do*n again into the earth it thro*$ That they oftenti%es so ascend and descend$ ro% 'iolent heat and sudden cold descend your glass$ And %a&e your fire so te%perate$ That +y the sides the %atter +e not 'itrified. And +e you *ise in choosing of the %atter$ 0eddle *ith no salts$ sulphurs nor %ean %inerals$ or *hatsoe'er any *or&er to thee does clatter$ Our "ulphur and 0ercury +e only in %etals$ )hich so%e %en call oils and *aters$ o*ls and +ird$ *ith %any other na%es$ "o that fools should ne'er &no* our stone. or of this *orld our stone is called the fer%ent$ )hich %o'ed +y craft as nature does re3uire$ In his increase shall +e full opulent$ And %ultiply his &ind after thine o*n desire$ Therefore is #od 'ouchsafe you to inspire$ To &no* the truth$ and fancies to esche*$ Li&e unto you in riches shall +e +ut fe*. (ut %any %en +e %o'ed to *or& after their fantasy$ In %any su+7ects in *hich +e tinctures gay$ (oth *hite and red di'ided %anually to sight$ (ut in the fire they fly a*ay$ "uch +rea& pots and glasses day +y day$ 2oisoning the%sel'es and losing their sight$ )ith odours$ s%o&es$ and *atching up +y nights. Their clothes +e +a*dy and *orn thread+are$ 0en %ay the% s%ell for %ultipliers *here they go$ To file their fingers *ith corrosi'es they do not spare$ Their eyes +e +leary$ their chee&s lean and +lue$ And thus I &no* they suffer loss and *oe$ And such *hen they ha'e lost that *as in their purse$ Then do they chide$ and 2hilosophers sore do curse. To see their houses is a no+le sport$ )hat furnaces$ *hat glasses there +e of di'erse shapes$ )hat salts$ *hat po*ders$ *hat oils$ or acids$ Ho* elo3uently of 0ateria 2ri%a their tongues do clap$

And yet to find the truth they ha'e no hope$ Of our 0ercury they %eddle and of our sulphur 'i'e$ )hereon they dote$ and %ore and %ore unthri'e. or all the *hile they ha'e 2hilosophers +een$ 5et could they ne'er &no* *hat *as our "tone$ "o%e sought it in dung$ in urine$ so%e in *ine$ "o%e in star sli%e :so%e thing it is +ut one;$ In +lood and eggs 9 so%e till their thrift *as gone$ ,i'iding ele%ents$ and +rea&ing %any a pot$ "hards %ultiplying$ +ut yet they hit it not. They tal& of the red %an and of his *hite *ife$ That is a special thing$ and of the Eli-irs t*o$ Of the >uintessence$ and of the Eli-ir of life$ Of honey$ Celidonie$ and of "econdines also$ These they di'ide into Ele%ents$ *ith others %ore$ No %ultipliers$ +ut *ill they +e called 2hilosophers$ )hich natural 2hilosophy did ne'er read or see. This fello*ship &no*s our "tone right *ell$ They thin& the% richer than is the .ing$ They *ill hi% help$ he shall not fail$ To *in for rance a *ondrous thing$ The holy Cross ho%e *ill they +ring$ And if the .ing *ere ta&en prisoner$ !ight soon his ranso% *ould they %a&e. A %ar'el it is that )est%inster .ir&$ )hich these 2hilosophers do %uch haunt$ "ince they can so %uch riches *or&$ As they %a&e +oast of and a'aunt$ ,rin&ing daily at the *ine due taunt$ Is not %ade up perfectly at once$ or truly it lac&eth yet %any stones. ools do follo* the% at their tail$ 2ro%oted to riches *ishing to +e$ (ut *ill you hear *hat *orship and a'ail$ They *in in London that no+le city ? )ith sil'er %aces :as you %ay see;$ "argents a*aiteth on the% each hour$ "o +e they %en of great honour. "argents see& the% fro% street to street$ 0erchants and #olds%iths lay after the% to *atch$ That *ell is hi% that *ith the% %ay %eet$ or the great ad'antage that they do catch$

They hunt a+out as does a dog$ E-pecting to *in so great treasure$ That e'er in riches they shall endure. "o%e *ould catch their goods again$ And so%e %ore good *ould ad'enture$ "o%e for to ha'e *ould +e full fain$ Of ten pounds one$ I you ensure$ "o%e *hich ha'e lent their goods *ithout %easure$ And are *ith po'erty clad$ To catch a no+le$ *ould +e full glad. (ut *hen the "argents do the% arrest$ Their poc&ets +e stuffed *ith 2aris +alls$ Or *ith signets of "t 0artin1s at the least$ (ut as for %oney it is pissed against the *alls$ Then they +e led :as *ell for the% +efalls;$ To Ne*gate or Ludgate as I you tell$ (ecause they shall in safeguard d*ell. )here is %y %oney +eco%e$ saith one ? And *here is %ine$ saith he and he ? (ut *ill you hear ho* su+tle they +e anon$ In ans*ering that they e-cused +e$ "aying of our Eli-irs *e *ere ro++ed$ Else %ight *e ha'e paid you all your gold$ Though it had +een %ore +y ten-fold. And then their creditors they flatter so$ 2ro%ising to *or& for the% again$ In right short space the t*o Eli-irs$ ,oting the 0erchants that they +e fain$ To let the% go$ +ut e'er in 'ain$ They *or& so long$ till at the last$ They +e again in prison cast. If any the% as& *hy they +e not rich ? They say that they can %a&e fine gold of tin$ (ut he :say they; %ay surely s*i% the ditch$ )hich is upholded +y the chin$ )e ha'e no stoc&$ therefore %ay *e not *in$ )hich if *e had$ *e *ould soon *or& enough$ To finish up )est%inster .ir&. And so%e of the% +e so de'out$ They *ill not d*ell out of that place$ or they %ay *ithout dou+t$ ,o *hat the% list to their solace$

The Archdeacon is so full of grace$ That if they +less hi% *ith their cross$ He forceth little of other %ens loss. And *hen they there sit at the *ine$ These %on&s they say ha'e %any a pound$ )ould #od :saith one; ha'e so%e *ere %ine$ 5et care a*ay$ let the cup go round$ ,rin& on saith another$ the %ean is found$ I a% a %aster of that Art$ I *arrant us *e shall ha'e part "uch causes 0on&s e'il to do$ To *aste their *ages through their dotage$ "o%e +ringeth a %a@er$ and so%e a spoon$ Their 2hilosophers gi'es the% such co%age$ (ehighting the% *inning *ith do%age$ A pound for a penny at the least again$ And so fair pro%ises %a&e fools fain. A !oyal %edicine one upon t*el'e$ They pro%ise the% thereof to ha'e$ )hich they could ne'er for the%sel'es$ 5et +ring a+out$ so #od %e sa'e$ (e*are such 2hilosophers no %an depra'e$ )hich help these 0on&s to riches so$ In thread+are coats that they %ust go. The A++ot ought *ell to cherish this co%pany$ or they can teach his 0on&s to li'e in po'erty$ And to go clothed and %onied religiously$ As did "aint (ennet$ esche*ing superfluity$ Easing the% also of the ponderosity of their purses$ )ith pounds so aggra'ated$ )hich +y 2hilosophy +e no* alle'iated. Lo *ho %eddles *ith this rich co%pany$ #reat +oast of their *inning they %ay %a&e$ or they shall reap as %uch +y their 2hilosophy$ As they of the tail of an ape can ta&e$ (e*are therefore for /esus1 sa&e$ And %eddle *ith nothing of great cost$ or if thou do$ it is +ut lost. These 2hilosophers :of *hich I spo&e +efore;$ 0eddle and +lunder *ith %any a thing$ !unning in errors e'er %ore and %ore$ or lac& of true understanding$

(ut li&e %ust al*ays +ring forth li&e$ "o hath #od ordained in e'ery &ind$ )ould /esus they *ould +ear this is %ind. They e-pect of a Nettle to ha'e a !ose$ Or of an Elder to ha'e an apple s*eet$ Alas$ that *ise%en their goods should lose$ Trusting such doctrines *hen they the% %eet$ )hich say our "tone is trodden under foot$ And %a&es the% 'ile things to distil$ Till all their houses *ith stench they fill. "o%e of the% ne'er learned a *ord in "chools$ "hould such +y reason understand 2hilosophy ? (e they 2hilosophers ? Nay$ they +e fools. or their *or&s pro'e the% *ithout *it$ 0eddle not *ith the%$ if you *ould +e happy$ Lest *ith their flattery they so thee till$ That you agree unto their *ill. "pend not thy %oney a*ay in *aste$ #i'e not to e'ery spirit credence$ (ut first e-a%ine$ grope and taste$ And as thou pro'est$ so put your confidence$ (ut e'er +e*are of great e-pense$ And if the 2hilosopher do li'e 'irtuously$ The +etter you %ay trust his 2hilosophy. 2ro'e hi% first$ and hi% appose$ Of all the secrets of our "tone$ )hich if he &no* not$ you need not to lose$ 0eddle you no further$ +ut let hi% +e gone$ Though he %a&e e'er so piteous a %oan$ or then the o- can fagg and faine$ )hen he *ould to his prey attain. If he can ans*er as a Cler&$ Ho* he has not pro'ed it indeed$ And you then help hi% to his *or&$ If he +e 'irtuous I hold it %erited$ or he *ill thee 3uite if e'er he speeds$ And thou shalt &no* +y a little anon$ If he ha'e &no*ledge of our "tone. One thing$ one glass$ one furnace$ and no %ore$ (ehold if he does hold this principle$ And if he do not$ then let hi% go$ or he shall ne'er %a&e thee a rich %an$

Ti%ely it is +etter you forsa&e hi%$ Than after *ith loss and 'ariance$ And other %anner of unpleasance. (ut if #od fortune you to ha'e$ This "cience +y doctrine *hich I ha'e told$ !e'eal it not to *hosoe'er it cra'es$ or fa'our$ fear$ sil'er or gold. (e no oppressor$ lecher not +oaster +old$ "er'e thy #od and help a%ong the poor$ If you *ish this life to continue long. 6nto thyself your secrets e'er &eep$ ro% sinners$ *ho ha'e not #od in dread$ (ut *ill cast you in prison deep$ Till you teach the% to do it indeed$ Then slander on you shall spring and spread$ That you do coin then *ill they say$ And so undo you for e'er and aye. And if you teach the% this cunning$ Their sinful li'ing for to %aintain$ In hell therefore shall +e your *inning$ or #od *ill ta&e disdain of you and the%$ As thou nought could therefore you faine$ That +ody and soul you %ay +oth sa'e$ And here in peace to ha'e your li'ing. No* in this Chapter I ha'e taught you$ Ho* you %ust putrefy your +ody$ And so to guide you that you +e not caught$ And put to durance loss and 'illany 0y doctrine therefore re%e%+er *isely$ And pass forth to*ards the si-th gate$ or thus the fifth is triu%phate. The end of the ifth #ate

THE "IATH #ATE - CON#ELATION Of Congelation I need not %uch to *rite$ (ut *hat it is$ I *ill to you declare. It is the induration of soft things of colour *hite$ And the fi-ation together of spirits *hich are flying$ Ho* to congeal$ you need not %uch to care$ or Ele%ents *ill &nit together soon$ "o that 2utrefaction +e &indly done. (ut Congelations +e %ade in di'ers *ays$ Of spirits and +odies dissol'ed to *ater clear$ Of salts also dissol'ed t*ice or thrice$ And then congealed into a flu-i+le %atter4 Of such congealing$ fools fast do clatter$ And so%e dissol'e$ di'iding the Ele%ents %anually$ And congealing the% after to a dry po*der. (ut such congealing is not to our desire$

or unto ours it is contrary$ Our congelation dreads not the fire 9 or it %ust e'er stand in it unctuous$ And so it is also a tincture so +ounteous$ )hich in the air congealed *ill not relent to *ater$ or then our *or& *ere spoiled. 0oreo'er congeal not into so hard a stone$ As glass or crystal$ *hich %elteth +y fusion$ (ut so that it li&e *a- *ill %elt anon )ithout +last9 and +e*are of delusion$ or such congealing accords not to our conclusion$ As *ill not flo*$ +ut run to *ater again$ Li&e salt congealed$ then la+our you in 'ain. )hich congelation a'ails us not a deal$ It longeth to %ultipliers$ congealing 'ulgarly$ If you therefore *ish to do *ell$ :"o that the %edicine shall ne'er flo* &indly$ Neither congeal$ *ithout you putrefy it first; irst purge$ and then fi- the ele%ents of our stone$ Till they together congeal and flo* anon. or *hen your %atter is %ade perfectly *hite$ Then *ill the spirit *ith the +ody +e congealed$ (ut of that ti%e you %ay ha'e long respite$ Or it congeal$ li&e pearls in your sight$ "uch congelation +e you glad to see$ And after li&e grains red as +lood$ !icher than any *orldly good. The earthly grossness therefore first %ortified$ In %oisture +lac&ness is engendered4 This principle %ay not +e denied$ or natural philosophers so say$ I declare$ )hich had$ of *hiteness you %ay not %iss4 And into *hiteness if thou congeal it once$ Then ha'e you a stone %ost precious of all stones. And li&e as the %oist did putrefy the dry$ )hich caused in colour +lac&ness to appear$ "o the %oist is congealed +y the dry$ Engendering *hiteness shining *ith %ight full clear$ And dryness proceeding as the %atter *hitens$ Li&e as in +lac&ness %oisture does hi% sho*$ (y colours 'ariant al*ays ne* and ne*. The cause of this is heat %ost te%perate$

)or&ing and %o'ing the %atter continually$ And there+y also the %atter is altered$ (oth in*ard and out*ard su+stantially$ Not as do fools to their sophistical sight4 (ut in e'ery part all fire to endure$ lu-i+le$ fi-ed and sta+le in tincture. As 2hysic deter%ines of each digestion$ irst done in the sto%ach in *hich is dryness$ Causing *hiteness *ithout 3uestion$ Li&e as the second digestion causes redness$ Co%pleted in the li'er +y te%perate heat$ !ight so our "tone +y dryness and +y heat$ Is digested to *hite and red co%plete. (ut here you %ust another secret &no*$ Ho* the 2hilosophers child in the air is +orn$ (usy you not to +lo* at the coal too fast$ And ta&e this neither for %oc&ery or scorn$ (ut trust %e truly$ else is all your *or& forlorn$ )ithout your earth *ith *ater +e re'i'ed$ Our true congealing you shall ne'er see. A soul it is$ +eing +et*i-t hea'en and earth$ Arising fro% the earth as air *ith *ater pure$ And causing life in e'ery li'ely thing$ Incessant running upon our four fold nature$ Enforcing to +etter the% *ith all its cure$ )hich air is the fire of our 2hilosophy$ Na%ed no* oil$ no* *ater %ystically. And +y this %eans air *hich *e call oil or *ater$ Our fire$ our oint%ent$ our spirit$ and our "tone$ In *hich one thing *e ground our *isdo%s all$ #oes neither in nor out alone$ Nor the fire +ut the *ater anon. irst it leads out$ and after it +rings in$ As *ater *ith *ater$ *hich *ill not lightly t*in. And so %ay *ater only our *ater %o'e$ )hich %o'ing causes +oth death and life And *ater to *ater doth &indly clea'e$ )ithout repugnance or any strife$ )hich *ater to fools is nothing rife$ (eing *ithout dou+t of the &ind of the "pirit$ Called *ater and that *hich leads out. And *ater is the secret and life of e'ery thing

Of su+stance found in this *orld$ or of *ater each thing has its +eginning$ As is sho*n in *o%en$ *hen they are un+ound$ Of *ater called Al+u%en$ *hich passes +efore if all +e sound$ irst fro% the% running$ )ith grie'ous throes +efore their childing. And truly that is the %ost principal cause$ )hy 2hilosophers charge us to +e patient$ Till in ti%e the *ater +e dried all to po*der$ )ith nourishing heat$ continual$ not 'iolent4 or 3ualities +e contrary of e'ery ele%ent$ Till after +lac& in *hite +e %ade a union$ Of the% for e'er$ congealed *ithout di'ision. And further%ore$ the preparation of this con'ersion$ ro% thing to thing$ fro% one state to another$ Is done only +y &indly and discrete operation of Nature$ As is of sper% *ithin the %other4 or sper% and heat$ are as sister and +rother$ )hich +e con'erted in the%sel'es as nature can$ (y action and passion at last to perfect %an. or as the +odily part +y nature *as co%+ined$ Into %an$ is such as the +eginner *as$ )hich though it thus fro% thing to thing *as altered$ Not out of &ind$ to %i- *ith other &ind did pass$ And so our %atter sper%atical *ithin our glass$ )ithin itself %ust turn fro% thing to thing$ (y %ost te%perate heat only nourishing it. Another natural e-a%ple I %ay tell you$ Ho* the su+stance of an egg +y nature is *rought Into a chic&en *ithout passing out of the shell$ A plainer e-a%ple I could not ha'e thought$ And their con'ersions +e %ade till forth +e +rought$ ro% state to state$ the li&e +y li&e in &ind$ )ith nourishing heat 9 only +ear this in %ind. Another e-a%ple here also you %ay read$ Of 'egeta+le things$ ta&ing consideration$ Ho* e'ery thing gro*s of its o*n seed$ Through heat and %oisture$ +y natural operation$ And therefore %inerals +e nourished +y the ad%inistration Of radical %oisture$ *hich *as their +eginning$ Not passing their &ind *ithin one glass. There *e turn the% fro% thing to thing again$

Into their %other the *ater *hen they go$ )hich principle un&no*n$ you la+ourest in 'ain. Then all is sper% 4 and things there +e no %ore$ (ut &ind *ith &ind in nu%+er t*o$ 0ale and fe%ale$ agent and patient$ )ithin the %atri- of the earth %ost orient. And these +e turned +y heat fro% thing to thing )ithin one glass$ and so fro% state to state$ 6ntil the ti%e that nature does +ring the%$ Into one su+stance of the *ater regenerate9 And so the sper% *ith his &ind is altered$ A+le in li&eness his &ind to %ultiply$ As does in &ind all other things naturally. In the ti%e of this said natural process$ )hile that the concei'ed sper% is gro*ing The su+stance is nourished *ith his o*n %enstrual$ )hich *ater only out of the earth did spring$ )hose colour is green in the first sho*ing4 And fro% that ti%e the "un hides his light$ Ta&ing his course throughout the North +y night. The said %enstrual :I say to you in counsel; The +lood of our green Lion and not of 'itriol$ ,a%e Benus can the truth of this tell to you$ At the +eginning$ to counsel if you call her$ The secret is hid +y 2hilosophers great and s%all$ )hich +lood dra*n out of our green Lion$ or lac& of heat had not perfect digestion. (ut this +lood called our secret %enstrual$ )here*ith our sper% is nourished te%perately$ )hen it is turned into the corporeal faeces$ And so +eco%e perfectly *hite and 'ery dry$ Congealed and fi-ed into his o*n +ody$ Then decocted +lood to sight it %ay *ell see%$ Of this *or& na%ed the %il& *hite diade%. 6nderstand no* that our fiery *ater thus sharp$ Is called our %enstrual *ater$ )herein our earth is loosed and naturally calcined$ (y congelation that they %ay ne'er t*ine$ (ut yet to congeal %ore *ater you %ay not hesitate$ Into three parts of the acuate *ater said +efore$ )ith the fourth part of the earth congealed and no %ore. 6nto that su+stance therefore so congelate$

The fourth part put of crystalline *ater$ And %a&e the% then together to +e disposed$ (y congelation into a %iner %etalline$ )hich li&e a ne* slipped s*ord *ill shine$ After the +lac&ness *hich first *ill sho*$ The fourth part then gi'e it of *ater ne*. 0any i%+i+itions it %ust ha'e yet$ #i'e it the second$ and after the third also$ The said proportion &eeping in your *it$ Then to another the fourth ti%e loo& you go$ Therefore pass not the fifth ti%e and the si-th$ (ut put t*o parts at each ti%e of the% three$ And at the se'enth ti%e fi'e parts %ust there +e. )hen you ha'e %ade i%+i+ition se'en ti%es$ Again you %ust turn your *heel$ And putrefy all that %atter *ithout addition$ irst a+iding +lac&ness if you *ill do *ell$ Then into *hiteness congeal it up each deal$ And after +y redness into the south ascend$ Then ha'e you +rought your +ase to an end. Thus is your *ater then di'ided into t*o parts$ )ith the first part the +odies +e putrefied$ And to your i%+i+itions the second part %ust go$ )ith *hich your %atter is after*ard denigrated$ And soon upon easy decoction al+ificated$ Then is it na%ed +y 2hilosophers our starry stone$ (ring that to redness$ then is the si-th gate *on. The end of the "i-th #ate.

THE "EBENTH #ATE - CI(ATION No* I turn %y pen to *rite of Ci+ation$ "ince it %ust here the se'enth place occupy9 (ut in fe* *ords it *ill +e e-pedited$ Ta&e heed therefore$ and understand %e *isely4 Ci+ation is called a feeding of our dry %atter$ )ith %il& and %eat$ *hich %oderately you do$ 6ntil it +e +rought unto the third order. (ut gi'e it ne'er so %uch$ that you it glut$ (e*are of dropsy$ and also of Noah1s flood9 (y little and little therefore you to it put Of %eat and drin&$ as see%s to do it good$ That *atery hu%ours not o'ergro* the +lood$ To drin& therefore let it +e %easured so$ That you ne'er 3uench it fro% that &indly appetite. or if it drin& too %uch$ then it %ust ha'e A 'o%it or else it *ill +e sic& too long fro% the dropsy Therefore thy *o%+ thou sa'e$ And fro% the flu-$ or else it *ill +e *rong$ (ut rather let it thirst for drin& along Than you should gi'e it o'er%uch at once. )hich %ust in youth +e dieted for the nonce. And if you diet it :as nature does re3uire; %oderately$ Till ti%e that it +e gro*n to age$ .eeping it fro% cold$ and nourishing it *ith %oist fire$ Then it shall gro*$ and *a- full of courage$ And do to you +oth pleasure and ad'antage4 or it shall %a&e dar& +odies *hole and +right$ Cleansing their leprosies through its %ight. Three ti%e %ust you also turn a+out your *heel$ "till &eeping the rule of the said Ci+ation$

And then as soon as it does feel the fire$ Li&e *a- it *ill +e ready unto li3uation9 This chapter needs no longer protestation$ or I ha'e told you the diet %ost con'enient$ After thine ele%ents +e %ade e3uipolent. And also ho* you shall +ring thy gold to *hiteness$ 0ost li&e in figure to lea'es of the ha*thorn tree$ Called 0agnesia$ as I ha'e told +efore$ And our )hite "ulphur *ithout co%+usti+ility$ )hich fro% the fire *ill ne'er fly a*ay. And thus the se'enth gate :as you desired; In the uprising of the "un is con3uered. The end of the se'enth gate

THE EI#HTH #ATE - "6(LI0ATION Here of our "u+li%ation a *ord or t*o I ha'e to spea&$ *hich is the eighth gate. ools do su+li%e$ +ut you do not su+li%e so$ or *e su+li%e not in the *ay they do$ To su+li%e truly therefore you shall not %iss$ If you can %a&e they +odies first spiritual$ And then your spirits :as I ha'e taught you; corporeal. "o%e do su+li%e 0ercury fro% 'itriol and salt$ And other spirits fro% scales of iron and steel$ Calcined fro% egg shells$ and fro% 3uic&li%e$ And in their %anner yet su+li%e they right *ell$ (ut such su+li%ing accords ne'er a deal$ To our intents$ for *e su+li%e not so$ To true su+li%ing therefore$ no* I *ill go. In "u+li%ation first +e*are of one thing$ That thou su+li%e to the top of the 'essel4 or *ithout 'iolence you shall not +ring it do*n again$ (ut there it *ill a+ide and d*ell. "o I tell you it re7oices *ith refrigeration$ .eep it do*n therefore *ith te%perate heat$ ull forty days$ till it *a- +lac& and +ro*n. or then the soul +egins to co%e out ro% his o*n 'eins$ for all that is su+tle$ )ill *ith the spirit ascend *ithout dou+t$ (ear in your %ind therefore$ and thin& on this$ Ho* here eclipsed +e your +odies$ As they do putrefy su+li%ing %ore and %ore into *ater 6ntil they +e all +orne up*ards. And thus *hen they ha'e spued out their 'eno%$ Into the *ater then it does appear +lac&$ (eco%ing spiritual each deal *ithout dou+t$ "u+li%ing easily in our %anner$ Into the *ater$ *hich does +ear it9 or in the air our child %ust thus +e +orn Of the *ater again$ as I ha'e said +efore.

(ut *hen these t*o +y continual "u+li%ation$ (e la+oured so *ith heat +oth %oist and te%perate$ That is all *hite and purely %ade spiritual$ Then hea'en upon earth %ust +e reiterated$ 6ntil the soul *ith the +ody +e incorporated$ That earth +eco%e all that +efore *as hea'en$ )hich *ill +e done in se'en "u+li%ations. And "u+li%ations *e %a&e for three causes$ The first cause is$ to %a&e the +ody spiritual$ The second is$ that the spirit %ay +e corporeal $ And +eco%e fi-ed *ith it and consu+stantial$ The third cause is$ that fro% its filthy original It %ay +e cleansed$ and its saltiness sulphurious$ 0ay +e di%inished in it$ *hich is infectious. Then *hen they thus together +e freed fro% i%purities$ They *ill su+li%e up *hiter than the sno*4 That sight *ill greatly co%fort you 9 or then anon perfectly you shalt &no*$ The spirits shall so +e thro*n do*n$ That this eighth gate shall to thee +e unloc&ed$ Out of *hich %any are shut and %oc&ed. The end of the eighth gate

THE NINTH #ATE - E!0ENTATION True er%entation fe* *or&ers understand$ That secret therefore I *ill e-pound to you. I tra'elled truly through %any a land$ Ere e'er I %ight find any that *ould tell it %e 9 5et as #od *ould$ e'er%ore +lessed +e he$ At at last I ca%e to the perfected &no*ledge thereof$ Ta&e heed therefore *hat I thereof do *rite. er%entations in di'ers %anners +e done$ (y *hich our %edicine %ust +e perpetuated$ Into clear *ater - so%e looseth "un and 0oon$ And *ith their %edicines %a&e the% to +e congealed4 )hich in the fire *hen they +e e-a%ined$ 0ay not a+ide$ nor alter *ith co%ple%ent9 or such fer%enting is not to our intent. (ut yet %ore &indly so%e other %en do$ er%enting their %edicines in this *ay In 0ercury dissol'ing +oth "un and 0oon$ Till ti%e *ith the spirit they *ill arise$ "u+li%ing the% together t*ice or thrice4 Then er%entation there*ith they %a&e4 That is a *ay$ +ut yet *e it forsa&e. "o%e others there +e *hich ha'e %ore sense$ To touch the truth in part of fer%enting They a%alga% their +odies *ith 0ercury li&e pap$ Then thereupon their %edicines relenting4 These of our secrets ha'e so%e hint$ (ut not the truth *ith perfect co%ple%ent (ecause they neither putrefy$ nor alter their er%ent. That point therefore I *ill disclose to you$ Loo& ho* you did *ith your i%perfect +ody ,o so *ith thy perfect +odies in each degree$ That is to say$ first you putrefy the%$ ,estroying their for%er 3ualities utterly$ or this is *holly to our intent$ That first you alter +efore you fer%ent. To your co%pound %a&e fer%ent the fourth part$ )hich fer%ents +e only of "un and 0oon$ If you therefore +e %aster of this art$ 5our fer%entation let thus +e done$

i- *ater and earth together soon$ And *hen your %edicine as *a- do flo*$ Then upon a%alga%s loo& you it thro*. And *hen all that together is %i-ed$ A+o'e the glass *ell closed %a&e your fire$ And so continue it till all +e fi-ed$ And *ell fer%ented to your desire$ Then %a&e 2ro7ection after thy pleasure or that is %edicine each deal perfected$ Thus %ust you fer%ent +oth red and *hite. or li&e as flour of *heat %ade into a paste$ !e3uires fer%ent$ *hich *e call lea'en of +read$ That it %ay ha'e the &indly taste$ And +eco%e cordial food to %an and *o%an$ "o you shall fer%ent your %edicine$ That it %ay taste of the er%ent pure$ At all assays for e'er to endure. And understand that there +e er%ents three$ T*o +e of +odies in nature clean$ )hich %ust +e altered as I ha'e told you4 The third %ost secret of *hich I %ean$ Is the first earth of his *ater green9 And therefore *hen the Lion does thirst$ 0a&e hi% to drin& till his +elly +urst. Of this a 3uestion if I should %o'e$ And as& of *or&ers$ *hat is this thing ? Anon there+y I should the% pro'e$ If they had &no*ledge of our fer%enting9 or %any a %an spea&s *ith *ondering$ Of !o+in Hood and of his +o*$ )hich ne'er shot therein I tro*. or true er%entation as I tell you$ Is the incorporation of the soul *ith the +odies$ !estoring to it the &indly s%ell$ )ith taste and colour +y natural co%pacting together$ Of things disse'ered$ a due re-integration$ )here+y the +ody of the spirit ta&es i%pression. That either the other %ay help to ha'e ingression. or li&e as +odies in their co%paction corporeal$ 0ay not sho* out their 3ualities effectually$ 6ntil the ti%e that they +eco%e spiritual$ No %ore %ay spirits a+ide *ith +odies steadfastly$

Till they +e fi-ed together *ith the% proportionally$ or then the +ody teaches the spirit to suffer fire$ And the spirit the +ody to enter to your desire. Therefore you %ust fer%ent your gold *ith gold$ 5our earth cleansed *ith his o*n *ater$ I %ean$ Nought else to say +ut ele%ent *ith ele%ent$ The spirit of life only going +et*een$ or li&e as an ada%ant as you ha'e seen ,ra*s iron to hi%$ so does our earth +y &ind$ ,ra* do*n to hi% his soul +orne up *ith *ind. )ith *ind therefore the soul lead out and in$ 0ingle gold *ith gold$ that is to say$ 0a&e Ele%ent *ith Ele%ent together run$ Till ti%e all fire they %ay suffer$ or earth is er%ent *ithout nay to *ater$ And *ater the earth unto$ Our er%entation in this *ay %ust +e done. Earth is gold$ and so is the soul also$ Not co%%on$ +ut ours thus ele%entary$ And yet thereto the "un %ust go$ That +y our *heel it %ay +e altered9 or so to fer%ent it %ust +e prepared$ That it profoundly %ay +e 7oined$ )ith other natures as I said to you. And *hatsoe'er I ha'e here said of gold$ The sa%e of sil'er I *ill you understand$ That you putrefy the% and alter :as I ha'e told; Ere you ta&e in hand to fer%ent your %edicine. orsooth I could ne'er find anyone in England )ho could teach %e to fer%ent in this *ay $ )ithout error$ +y practice or +y speech. No* of this chapter needs to treat no %ore$ "uch I intend proli-ity to esche*4 !e%e%+er *ell %y *ords therefore$ )hich you shall pro'e +y practice true$ And "un and 0oon loo& you rene*$ That they %ay hold of the fifth nature$ Then shall their tincture e'er%ore endure. And yet a *ay there is %ost e-cellent$ (elonging unto another *or&ing$ A *ater *e %a&e %ost redolent$ All +odies to oil *here*ith *e +ring$

)ith *hich our %edicine *e %a&e flo*ing$ A 3uintessence this *ater *e call$ )hich heals all diseases in %an. (ut *ith %y +ase$ after %y doctrine prepared$ )hich is our cal- this %ust +e done$ or *hen our +odies +e so calcined$ That *ater *ill to oil dissol'e the% soon 0a&e you therefore oil +oth of the "un and 0oon$ )hich is fer%ent %ost fragrant for to s%ell$ And so the ninth gate of this Castle is con3uered. The end of the Ninth #ate.

THE TENTH #ATE - EAALTATION )e proceed no* to the chapter of E-altation$ Of *hich truly you %ust ha'e pure &no*ledge$ (ut little is different fro% "u+li%ation$ If you concei'e it right I you ensure$ Hereto accords the holy scripture$

Christ saying thus - 8if I e-alted +e$ Then shall I dra* all things unto %e8. Our %edicine if *e e-alt so$ It shall +e there+y enno+led$ That %ust +e done in t*o %anners$ ro% ti%e the parties +e disposed$ )hich %ust +e crucified and e-a%ined$ And then +ury together +oth %an and *ife$ To +e after re'i'ed +y the spirit of life. Then up to hea'en they %ust +e e-alted$ There to +e in +ody and soul glorified$ or you %ust +ring the% to such su+tlety$ That they ascend together to enter$ In clouds of clearness uniting together *ith Angels$ Then shall they dra* as you shall see$ All other +odies to their o*n dignity. If you therefore *ill e-alt the +odies$ irst you aug%ent the% *ith the spirit of life$ Till in ti%e the earth +e *ell su+tili@ed$ (y natural rectifying of e'ery Ele%ent$ E-alting the% up into the fir%a%ent$ Then %uch %ore precious shall they +e than gold$ (ecause of the 3uintessence *hich they do hold. or *hen the cold has o'erco%e the heat$ Then into *ater the air shall +e turned$ And so t*o contraries together shall %eet$ Till either *ith the other right *ell agree$ "o into air the *ater as I tell thee$ )hen heat of cold has got do%ination$ "hall +e con'erted +y craft of our circulation. And of the air then fire you shall ha'e$ (y loosening$ putrefying and su+li%ing$ And fire you ha'e of the earth %aterial$ Thus +y craft disse'ering your ele%ents$ 0ost especially *ell calcining your earth$ And *hen they +e each one %ade pure$ Then do they hold all of the first nature. In this *ay therefore %a&e the% +e circulated$ Each into other e-alting +y and +y$ And all in this one glass surely sigillate$ Not *ith thine hands$ +ut as I teach you naturally$ ire into *ater$ then turn first hardly$

or fire is in Air$ *hich is in *ater e-istent$ And this con'ersion accords to our intent. Then further%ore turn on your *heel$ That into earth the air con'erted +e$ )hich *ill +e done also right *ell$ or Air is in *ater +eing earth$ trust %e$ The *ater into fire$ contrary in her 3uality$ "oon turn you %ay$ for *ater is in earth$ )hich is in fire$ con'ertion true is this. The *heel is no* near turned a+out$ Into air turn earth *hich is the proper nest$ Of other Ele%ents there is no dou+t$ or earth is in fire$ *hich in air ta&es rest$ This circulation +egin you in the *est$ Then into the south$ till they e-alted +e$ 2roceed duly$ as I ha'e taught you in the figure C. In *hich process clearly you %ay see$ ro% one e-tre%e ho* to another you %ay not go$ (ut +y a %ean$ since they in 3ualities contrary +e$ And reason *ill sho* that it +e so$ As heat into cold$ *ith other contraries %ore$ )ithout their %eans$ as %oist to heat and and cold$ E-a%ples sufficient +efore this I ha'e told. Thus I ha'e taught you ho* to %a&e$ Of all your Ele%ents a perfect circulation$ And at the figure e-a%ple to ta&e$ Ho* you shall %a&e this foresaid E-altation$ And of your %edicine in the Ele%ents true graduation$ Till it +e +rought to a generati'e te%perate$ And then you ha'e con3uered the tenth gate. The end of the tenth gate.

THE ELEBENTH #ATE - 06LTI2LICATION No* I proceed to declare 0ultiplication$ )hich is +y 2hilosophers in this *ay defined$ Aug%entation it is of the Eli-ir indeed$ In goodness and 3uantity +oth for *hite and red$ 0ultiplication is therefore as they do *rite$ That thing that does aug%ent %edicines in each degree$ In colour$ in odour$ in 'irtue$ and also in 3uantity. And *hy %ay you %ultiply this %edicine infinitely$ orsooth the cause is this$ or it is fire$ *hich &indled *ill ne'er die$ ,*elling *ith you$ as fire does in houses$ Of *hich one spar& %ay %a&e %ore fire this *ay$ As %us& in pig%ents and other spices %ore$ In 'irtue %ultiplied$ and our %edicine right so.

"o he$ *ho fire has less or %ore$ is rich$ (ecause he %ay %ultiply it so hugely$ And so is he rich$ *ho has in store any part$ Of our Eli-ir *hich can +e aug%ented infinitely One *ay if you dissol'e our po*ders dry$ And %a&e often ti%es of the% Congelation$ Thereof in goodness then you %a&e Aug%entation. The second *ay +oth in goodness and 3uantity$ It %ultiplies +y iterated er%entation$ As in that chapter I sho*ed plainly to thee$ (y di'erse %anners of natural operation$ And also in the chapter of our Ci+ation$ )here you %ay &no* ho* you shall %ultiply$ 5our %edicine *ith 0ercury infinitely. (ut if you *ill +oth loose and e&e fer%ent$ (oth %ore in 3uantity and +etter *ill it +e And in such *ays you %ay aug%ent it soon$ That in your glass it *ill gro* li&e a tree$ The tree of Her%es na%ed see%ly to see$ Of *hich one pip in a thousand *ill %ultiply$ If you can %a&e your pro7ection *isely. And 7ust as *ith "affron *hen it is pul'erised$ (y little and little if it +e te%pered *ith li3uor$ )hen *ith %uch %ore li3uor dilated$ Tinges %uch %ore of li3uor in 3uantity$ That +eing *hole in his gross nature 9 "o shall you see$ that our Eli-ir$ the %ore it is %ade thin$ The further in tincture it fastly *ill run. .eep in your fire therefore +oth %orning and e'ening$ "o that you do not need to run fro% house to house$ A%ong thy neigh+ours to see& or +orro* your fire $ The %ore you &eep$ the %ore good shall you *in$ 0ultiplying it al*ays %ore and %ore *ithin your glass$ (y feeding *ith 0ercury unto your li'es end$ "o shall you ha'e %ore than you need to spend. This %atter is plain$ thereof I *ill *rite no %ore$ Let reason guide you$ (e ne'er the +older to sin therefore$ (ut ser'e thy #od the +etter in each tide$ And *hile that you shall in this life a+ide$ (ear this in %ind$ forget not I thee pray$ As thou shalt appear +efore #od at do%esday.

His o*n great gifts therefore and his treasure$ ,ispose you 'irtuously$ helping the poor at need$ That in this *orld you %ay procure to yourself$ 0ercy and grace *ith hea'enly +liss to %erit$ And pray to #od de'outly that he lead you$ In at the t*elfth gate$ as he can +est$ "oon after then you shall end your con3uest. The end of the ele'enth gate.

THE T)EL TH #ATE - 2!O/ECTION In 2ro7ection it shall +e pro'ed if our practice +e profita+le$ Of *hich it +eho'es %e the secrets here to %o'e$ Therefore if your tincture +e sure and not 'aria+le$ (y a little of your %edicine thus you %ay pro'e$ )ith 0etal$ or *ith 0ercury as pitch it *ill clea'e$ And tinge in 2ro7ection all fires to a+ide$ And soon it *ill enter and spread full *ide. (ut %any +y ignorance do %ar *hat they %ade$ )hen they %a&e 2ro7ection on uncleansed %etals$ or +ecause of corruption their tinctures %ust fade$ )hich they *ould not first ta&e a*ay fro% the +ody$ )hich after 2ro7ection +e +rittle$ +lue and +lac&. That your tincture therefore %ay e'er%ore last$ irst see you cast your %edicine upon fer%ent. Then +rittle as glass *ill your fer%ent +e$ 6pon +odies cleansed and %ade 'ery pure$

Cast that +rittle su+stance and soon you shall see$ That they shall +e curiously coloured *ith tincture$ )ith all assays for e'er shall endure$ (ut profita+le 2ro7ection perfectly to %a&e$ At the 2sal%s of the 2salter e-a%ple thou ta&e. On 1 unda%enta1 cast this psal% 1Nunc di%ittis1$ 6pon 1'er+a %ea1$ then cast 1 unda%enta1 +elie'e$ Then 1Ber+a1 upon 1diliga%1$ concei'e %e *ith your *its$ And 1diliga%1 upon 1attendite1$ if you *ish to thri'e$ Thus %a&e you 2ro7ections$ three$ four$ or fi'e$ Till the tincture of the %edicine +egin to decrease$ And then it is ti%e for 2ro7ection to cease. (y this %isty tal&ing I %ean nothing else$ (ut that you %ust cast first the less on the %ore$ Increasing e'er the nu%+er as *ise %en tell you$ And &eep you this secret unto yourself in store$ (e co'etous of cunning it is no sore +urden$ or he that does not 7oin the Eli-ir *ith +odies %ade clean$ "urely does not &no* *hat pro7ection does %ean. Ten if thy %ultiply first into ten$ One hundred that nu%+er *ill assuredly %a&e$ If one hundred into an hundred +e %ultiplied$ Then ten thousand is that nu%+er if you count it *isely$ Then into as %uch %ore ten thousand to %ultiply$ Is a thousand thousand$ I say$ )hich %ultiplied into as %uch %ore$ is a hundred %illions. That hundred %illions +eing %ultiplied li&e*ise$ Into ten thousand %illions$ as I do say to you$ 0a&ing so great a nu%+er I &no* not *hat it is$ 5our nu%+er in 2ro7ection thus %ultiply al*ays. No* child through your courtesy for %e that you pray$ "ince I ha'e told you our secrets all and so%e$ To *hich I +eseech #O, +y grace you %ay co%e. No* you ha'e con3uered these t*el'e gates$ And all the Castle you hold at your *ill$ .eep your secrets in store to yourself$ And the co%%and%ents of #od loo& you fulfil$ "ee you continue your glasses still in fire$ And %ultiply your %edicines al*ays %ore and %ore$ or *ise %en do say$ that store is no sore. The end of the t*el'e gates

!ECA2IT6LATION "o to +ring this treatise to a final end$ And +riefly to conclude all these secrets here$ ,iligently loo& at$ and attend to your figure$ )hich contains in it all these secrets great and s%all$ And if you concei'e it$ +oth theoretically and practically$ (y figures and colours$ +y scripture plain$ It *isely concei'ed$ you %ay not *or& in 'ain. Consider first the latitude of this precious stone$ (eginning in the first side noted in the )est$ )here the red %an and the *hite *o%an +e %ade one$ Espoused *ith the spirit of life to li'e in rest$ Earth and *ater e3ually proportioned$ that is +est$ And one part of the earth is good$ and of the spirit three$ )hich t*el'e to four also of the earth %ay +e. Three of the *ife$ and one of the %an you ta&e$ And the less of the spirit in this dispousation$ The +etter your Calcination for certain you shall %a&e$ Then forth into the North proceed +y o+scuration$ Called the Eclipsing of the red %an and his *hite *ife$ Loosening the% and altering the% +et*een *inter and spring$ Turning earth into *ater$ dar& and nothing clear. ro% thence +y %any colours into the East ascend$

Then shall the 0oon +e full appearing +y day light$ Then is the purgatory passed$ and her course at an end$ There is the uprising of the "un appearing +right$ There is "u%%er after "pring$ and day after night9 The earth and *ater *hich *ere +lac& +e turned to air$ And clouds of dar&ness +lo*n o'er$ and all appears fair. And as the +eginning of your practice *as in the )est$ And in the North the perfect %ean of profound alteration$ "o in the East after the% is the +eginning of speculation$ (ut of this course the "un %a&es consu%%ation up in the "outh$ There the ele%ents are turned into fire +y circulation$ Then to *in your desire you need not +e in dou+t$ or the *heel of our philosophy you ha'e turned a+out. (ut turn your *heel a+out again t*o ti%es$ )hich +eing co%prehended all the secrets of our philosophy$ In t*el'e chapters %ade plain to you$ if you concei'e this *ell$ And all the secrets +y and +y of our lo*er Astrono%y$ Of ho* you shall calcine +odies$ perfect$ dissol'e$ di'ide$ and putrefy$ )ith perfect &no*ledge of all the poles *hich +e in our hea'en$ "hining *ith ine-plica+le colours$ ne'er *ere a scene %ore gay. And thus our secret conclusion &no* *ithout fail$ Our red %an tinges not$ nor his *ife$ until they +e tinged$ Therefore if you *ill lift yourself +y this craft to a'ail$ Hide the altitude of +odies$ and sho* out their profundity$ ,estroying the first 3uality in e'ery one of your %aterials$ And repair anon in the% secondary 3ualities %ore glorious$ And in one glass$ and *ith one rule$ turn four natures into one. 2ale and +lac& *ith false citrine$ i%perfect *hite and red$ The 2eacoc&1s feathers in gay colours$ the rain+o* *hich shall go o'er$ The spotted panther$ the lion green$ the Cro*s +ill +lue as lead. These shall appear +efore you perfect *hite$ and %any %ore others. And after the perfect *hite$ grey$ false citrine also$ And after these$ there shall appear the red +ody in'aria+le$ Then you ha'e a %edicine of the third order of his o*n &ind %ultiplia+le. 5ou %ust di'ide your *hite Eli-ir into t*o parts$ (efore you ru+ify$ and into t*o glasses let these +e done$ If you *ill ha'e your Eli-ir for "un and 0oon do +oth so$ And %ultiply these soon into 0ercury to great 3uantity$ And e'en if you had not at the +eginning enough to fill a spoon$ 5et %ay you so %ultiply +oth *hite and red$ That if you li'e a thousand years$ they shall stand you in stead. Therefore I counsel you ha'e recourse to your *heel$

And study *ell to &no* each chapter truly$ 0eddle *ith no phantastic %ultipliers$ +ut let the% +e$ )ho *ill flatter you$ feigning to +e cunning in 2hilosophy$ ,o as I +id you$ the% dissol'e these aforesaid +ases *isely$ And turn the% into perfect oils *ith our true ardent *ater$ (y circulation that %ust +e done according to our intent. These oils *ill fi- crude 0ercury and con'ert all +odies$ Into perfect "un and 0oon$ *hen you shall %a&e 2ro7ection$ That oily su+stance pure and fi-ed *hich !ai%und Lully did call$ His (asilis&$ of *hich he ne'er %ade so plain detection$ 2ray for %e to #od$ that I %ay +e one of his elect$ And that he *ill at do%esday &no* %e for one of his$ And grant %e his +liss to reign *ith hi% fore'er. A%en End of the !ecapituation.

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