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Globetrotter Unit 14 Test

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Grade: ____________ / 100 points
Reading Strategy (25 points 5 each) (UFRJ -ADAPTED) What Is Time, Anyway? Saint Augustine of Hippo, the famous fifth-century theologian, remarked that he knew well what time is until somebody asked. Then he was at a loss for words. Because we sense time psychologically, definitions of time based on physics seem dry and inadequate. For the physicist, time is simply what (accurate) clocks measure. Mathematically, it is a one-dimensional space, usually assumed to be continuous, although it might be quantized into discrete chronons, like frames of a movie.
Scientific American, September 2002: 26

Responda s questes 1 e 2, com base no texto acima. 1. Como o conceito de tempo definido pela fsica? a) O tempo definido pela fsica como aquilo que registrado pelos relgios que marcam a hora corretamente; b) O tempo definido pela fsica como um espao unidimensional, geralmente considerado contnuo (embora possa ser quantizado em unidades discretas, denominadas "cronos", tal como os fotogramas de um filme); c) Atravs de nmeros e frmulas; d) Atravs de livros de pesquisa. 2. Por que as definies da Fsica e da Matemtica nos parecem ridas ou inadequadas? a) Porque sentimos o tempo psicologicamente; b) Porque o tempo vai alm de simples nmeros; c) Porque os cientistas ainda no encontraram explicaes plausveis para o tempo; d) Pois nada ainda parece concreto o suficiente quando se pensa em o que o tempo na verdade. As questes de nmeros 3 a 5 referem-se ao texto seguinte. (UFSCAR) The End of Evolution? The development of symbolic thought and complex communication did nothing less than alter human evolution. For one thing, high-tech transportation means that the world, though ethnically diverse, now really consists of a single, huge population. Everything we know about evolution suggests that to get true innovation, you need small, isolated populations, says Tattersall, which is now unthinkable.
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Not only is a new human species next to impossible, but technology has essentially eliminated natural selection as well. During prehistory, only the fittest individuals and species survived to reproduce. Now strong and weak alike have access to medicine, food and shelter of unprecedented quality and abundance. Poor peasants in the Third World, says University of Michigan anthropologist Milford Wolpoff, are better off than the Emperor of China was 1,000 years ago. And technology shows no signs of slowing down, which means that even dramatic changes in the natural world wont necessarily have evolutionary consequences. Argues Wolpoff: Were not going to adapt to the next ice age by changing our physical form. Well set off an atom bomb or set up a space mirror or whatever to control climate. Manipulation of the human genome, meanwhile, will eventually let us change the basic characteristics of our species to order. Evolution by natural selection could be replaced, perhaps chillingly, with evolution by human intervention. Thats not to say humanity cant become extinct. A 50-milewide asteroid crashing down from space would do it. So could a sudden and thorough collapse of earths ecosystem through pollution, deforestation and the like unless we establish some colonies in space beforehand. But, whatever happens, the long history of multiple hominid species struggling for supremacy on earth is over. After millions of years, evolution by natural selection, operating blindly and randomly, has produced a creature capable of overturning evolution itself. Where we go from here is now up to us.
From Up From The Apes in TIME Magazine, August 23, 1999, p.5.

3. Segundo o texto, o mundo atual: a) produzir inovaes que sero testadas em pequenas populaes isoladas; b) promove uma constante evoluo da espcie humana, nos moldes da teoria darwiniana; c) favorece o surgimento de novas espcies de homindeos, que aparecero por meio de uma seleo natural; d) consiste de uma nica populao imensa de etnias diferentes. 4. O texto afirma que: a) a evoluo humana est cada vez mais veloz, pois agora a seleo natural baseia-se na competitividade intelectual; b) durante a pr-histria, a evoluo humana ocorria por meio da seleo natural, onde os mais aptos sobreviviam; c) os atuais camponeses do Terceiro Mundo esto menos adaptados a seu meio que o Imperador da China h mil anos; d) a extino da espcie humana atualmente tornou-se impossvel.

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5. Segundo o texto, a tecnologia: a) promove o alargamento das fronteiras dos pases, formando um nico mundo globalizado; b) diminui a qualidade de vida dos seres humanos, pois somente o Primeiro Mundo tem acesso medicina e alimentao de alta qualidade; c) potencializa o impacto dos desastres naturais sobre a espcie humana, j que altera o equilbrio ecolgico; d) poder substituir a evoluo por meio da seleo natural, pela evoluo por meio de interveno gentica. Word Study (25 points 5 each) Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences below. 1. Where were you yesterday at midnight? At home. We saw a movie at the shopping mall and went home _________. a) afterwards b) before c) beforehand d) after 2. First we went to Ouro Preto and _______ we went to Belo Horizonte. a) before b) after c) beforehand d) then 3. Todays is my sisters birthday party. I cant wait to sing Happy Birthday and see her blow out the _______! a) witches b) mother c) candles d) evil 4. My little brother always sleeps with the lights on. Hes ________ the dark. a) friends with b) afraid of c) fear d) attached to 5. This neighbor of mine says she is a _________, but not an evil one. She makes potions for people who are single and want to get married. a) witch b) fairy godmother c) teacher d) doctor

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Using Grammar (25 points 5 each) 1. What is the only construction which can be substituted by used to + verb? a) He was a revolutionary student, but now hes a respectable businessman. b) Mark was here yesterday. c) I went to Portugal for my holidays last year. d) They didnt do their homework last week. 2. What games ________ you ________ when you were a child? a) do / played b) had / played c) did / use to play d) did / played Choose the best alternatives to complete the text. Last January, I (3) __________ to a soccer game with my friends. We were having a great time because Santos was winning 2 0 and we were all Santos supporters. Suddenly a chicken ran onto the field in front of one of the players! He tried to catch it but the chicken ran in the opposite direction. All the players (4) _________________ after the chicken when a dog (5) _________. The dog was more successful. He chased the chicken off the field, so the game started again. 3. a) go c) went 4. a) ran c) will run 5. a) didnt appear c) will appear Think and Write (25 points) Theres a competition on TV in which the winner gets to spend a weekend in New York for free. In order to participate you should write, in English, a funny situation which happened to you on your last vacation. You may use this structure if you like. One day last summer ___________ and I went to ___________. It was a ___________ day. My ____________ and I _________ ____________________________________________________ ______________________ . After that ____________________ ____________________________________________________ ______________________. The next day __________________ ____________________________________________________ ______________ . Finally _______________________________ _______________. I ________________ that summer. It was really ____________________. b) appear d) appeared b) were running d) run b) had gone d) will go

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Reading Strategy 1. a L-se a resposta a partir do seguinte trecho For the physicist, time is simply what (accurate) clocks measure. 2. a L-se no texto Because we sense time psychologically, definitions of time based on physics seem dry and inadequate. (Por sentirmos o tempo psicologicamente, as definies do tempo com base na Fsica parecem ridas e inadequadas.) 3. d A resposta encontra-se no 1 pargrafo no seguinte trecho: For one thing, hightech transportation means that the world, though ethnically diverse, now really consists of a single, huge population. (Em primeiro lugar, o transporte de alta tecnologia significa que o mundo, embora etnicamente diverso, agora consiste apenas de uma nica, enorme populao.) 4. b A resposta est no seguinte trecho do texto: ... During prehistory, only the fittest individuals and species survived to reproduce. (Durante a prhistria, somente os indivduos mais aptos sobreviviam para reproduzir.) 5. d A resposta est no final do terceiro pargrafo: Evolution by natural selection could be replaced, perhaps chillingly, with evolution by human intervention. (A evoluo por meio da seleo natural pode ser substituda, talvez de modo amedrontador pela evoluo por meio da interveno humana.) Word Study 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a d c b a a c c b d

Using Grammar

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