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4, APRIL 2006


Study and Suppression of Ripples in Passbands of Series/Parallel Loaded EBG Filters

Chu Gao, Zhi Ning Chen, Senior Member, IEEE, Yun Yi Wang, Senior Member, IEEE, Ning Yang, and Xian Ming Qing, Member, IEEE
AbstractThis paper presents a method to suppress the ripples in passbands of series/parallel loaded nite period electromagnetic-bandgap (EBG) lters. Based on the study of equivalent circuits, the ripples in passbands of EBG lters with different resonant loads are compared. A four-section resonant slot loaded microstrip EBG lter is exemplied to validate the proposed design method experimentally. Both simulation and measurement show 50-dB attenuation at the center of the rst stopband and less than 0.29-dB ripples in the adjacent passbands. Index TermsBandstop lters, electromagnetic bandgap (EBG), equivalent circuits, ripples.

Fig. 1. Section of symmetric lossless periodic structures.

I. INTRODUCTION LECTROMAGNETIC bandgap (EBG) is a terminology derived from photonic bandgap (PBG). The structures with bandgap characteristics operating at microwave frequency range are called EBG structures. Most of them are three-dimensional (3-D) periodic structures, which prevent the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a specied band of frequency for all angles and polarization states [1]. The solid-state bandgap concept of Bragg Law with traditional periodic structures brought about new structures of 3-D, two-dimensional (2-D), and one-dimensional (1-D) conguration in the microwave region [1][3]. The applications of EBG structures include resonator lters [4], resonators [5], articial magnetic conductor surfaces [6], and parallel mode reduction slot antennas [7]. EBG lters take the basic properties of the EBG structures and have articial periodic congurations and typical stopbands response at Bragg frequencies. Planar EBG lters can be realized by drilling holes in their substrate or etching patterns on ground planes [8], [9]. Since 1-D and 2-D EBG lters have similar performance, research studies of planer EBG lters can be simplied to the properties of 1-D etching [10]. Though many 1-D EBG lters have wide stopbands with great attenuation therein, they do have great ripples in adjacent passbands, which are more than 2 dB in many designs [11], [12]. The ripples in passbands deteriorate the characteristics of EBG bandstop lters. Effort has been devoted to reduce the ripples in passbands

using nonuniform elements whose dimensions vary in a tapered way, like Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming, Nuttall, Kaiser, etc. [13], [14]. However, this tapering technique needs a theory to predict the magnitude of ripples so as to nd the best way to design. In this paper, we aim at studying the magnitude of the ripples in passbands of series/parallel loaded EBG bandstop lters and present a method to design EBG lters with low ripples in passbands and great attenuation in the stopband in between. In Section II, an equivalent-circuit model, which composes half-wavelength transmission lines loaded by lumped lossless elements at the center, is proposed to represent a period of an EBG lter. This model can be applied to analyze EBG lters with lossless loads because of the generality of representation of lumped elements. An eigenvalue method is then employed to calculate -parameters of the EBG lters from the matrix of a period. Both locations and magnitudes of the ripples in passbands are estimated by the ratio of to . In Section III, the loaded element is simplied to parallel/series combination of lossless elements (inductors and capacitors) for design purposes, and periodic structures loaded by three kinds of resonant elements (resonance at zero, nite frequency and innite frequency) are studied in a graphic way. Moreover, periodic structures loaded by resonant elements with the same resonant frequency, but different 3-dB bandwidths are studied. Therefore, a design method for EBG lters with low ripples in passbands is developed. In Section IV, an EBG bandstop lter is designed, simulated, and measured so as to validate the proposed method. The analysis on effects of a fabrication error is carried out. Finally, a conclusion, which is based on the above research work, is drawn in Section V. II. RIPPLES IN PASSBANDS OF SYMMETRIC AND LOSSLESS PERIODIC STRUCTURES A section in periodic structures can be represented as a network of lumped elements with transmission lines cascaded at both ends, as shown in Fig. 1. The unloaded lines have characand propagation constant ; the lengths of teristic impedance and phase shifts both of the transmission-line sections are are . The characteristics of the lumped network and the sections in Fig. 1 are dened by their normalized -parame-

Manuscript received September 5, 2005; revised December 24, 2005. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60471018. C. Gao and Y. Y. Wang are with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Radio Engineering Department, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China (e-mail:; Z. N. Chen and X. M. Qing are with the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore 117674 (e-mail:; sg). N. Yang was with the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore 117674. He is now with Motorola Electronics, Singapore 569088 (e-mail: Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TMTT.2006.871925

0018-9480/$20.00 2006 IEEE




and , respectively. The -parameters of a periodic structure cascaded by sections are then expressed as follows:


and are Chebyshev polynomials of the rst where and second kinds, respectively. The derivation is based on an eigenvalue method and can be referred to in the Appendix. For a two-port symmetric and lossless structure, -parame-parameters in (2) [15] as ters can be generated from follows: (2) It shows that the ratio of to is determined by the -parameters and . If difference between normalized there is no difference between the parameters and , no energy is reected at port 1. Otherwise the structure suffers a rebetween and of a strucection loss. The difference ture with periods is (3) It is a product of two factors, namely, the unit factor (i.e., ) and the period factor . Note that is a real function, and and are pure imaginary functions because of the lossless nature of two-port networks. Ac, it has zeros cording to the characteristics of in an ascending sort) and critical points ( ( in an ascending sort) in the case that , and the zeros and critical points are interlaced. Beyond this ), increases monotonically range (i.e., with . satises the condition that If at a particular frequency, i.e., tends to 0, then and at this frequency because cannot approach in a passband. In another case, if at a particular frequency, will be at a critical point that has a value greater than or equal to 1. Since changes sharply between critical points and zeros for at least times (if has any zero in this passtimes occur) in a passband contrary band, more than never goes to innity in passbands, the poto the fact that (ripples of ) are dominated by sitions of the zeros of , except the zero of (if any). The magnitudes of . Therefore, the magnitudes of ripples are dominated by at ripples in a passband can be estimated by calculating . corresponding critical points of III. SERIES/PARALLEL LOADED LOSSLESS PERIODIC STRUCTURES Series and parallel loaded lossless periodic structures are shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively. They are special cases of loaded structures in Fig. 1.

Fig. 2. Two loaded lossless structures. (a) Section of series loaded structure. (b) Section of parallel loaded structure.

In Fig. 2(a) and (b), and are normalized impedance and conductance of arbitrary combination of lossless, passive, linear, and time-invariant elements (capacitors and inductors), and respectively. In the case of a series loaded structure, of in (3) are

(4) Since is a monotonically increasing function of in each passband of the periodic structure [16], the maximum value at critical points of can of be achieved at either or , and the maximum value of at critical points can be achieved at both and . Thus, at critical points reaches maximum at either or as well. Moreover, is a positive real function of and can be expressed as a sum of terms with minimal denominators in the real region, i.e., (5) where is the residue of at 0, and the rst item on the right-hand side of (5) denotes a capacitor, is the residue of at , and the last item at the right-hand side of (5) denotes an inductor, is the residue of at , and each of the middle items on the right-hand side of (5) denotes a parallel combination of an inductor and a capacitor. Therefore, the series loaded element is equivalent to the series combination of the above three types of elements. In order to show the effect of the three types of elements on ripples in passbands and bandwidths of passbands, the second equation in (4) is modied as follows: (6) The right-hand side of (6) gures typical positions in a passband supposing , and the left-hand side of this equation shows the imaginary part of at these positions. Since (7)



wherein is the permittivity of the transmission line, is the permeability of the transmission line, and is the transmissionis an increasing function line length dened in Fig. 1, of as well. By plotting the left- and the right-hand sides of (6) in a gure, ripples in passbands and bandwidths of passbands will be found. to 0.408 For a four-period structure, by setting and 0.408 , the lines of the centers of the rst ripples (dasheddotteddotted lines) and the last ripples (dashed lines) in passbands were drawn in Fig. 3(a), respectively. Meanwhile, to 0.707 and 0.707 , the lines of by setting the rst zeros (dasheddotteddotted lines) and the last zeros (dashed lines) were drawn in Fig. 3(b), respectively, and the of a capacitor, an inductor and a parallel variation of combination of a capacitor and an inductor was drawn via a solid line (with different marks) in Fig. 3(a) and (b). The ripples in passbands were estimated by the greater magnitudes of intercepts in corresponding passbands in Fig. 3(a); the bandwidths of passbands were estimated by the electrical lengths between the two intercepts in passbands in Fig. 3(b), as summarized in Table I. The characteristics of both inductor and capacitor loaded structures can be summarized as the same effect (increasing or decreasing) on both the ripples in passbands and the attenuation in stopbands simultaneously. These effects are undesirable in the design of bandstop lters. In the case of parallel combinations of inductor and capacitor as loads, the combination resembles an inductor below the resonant frequency, while a capacitor above the resonant frequency. Fig. 3(c) compares the effects of three kinds of parallel combination as loaded elements on ripples in passbands. If the resonant frequency was located at the Bragg frequency (labeled as Narrow and Broad), the stopband caused by the loaded elements coincides with the Bragg stopband. Thus, the Bragg stopband is enhanced by the loaded elements; otherwise a new stopband is introduced (labeled as Off). Moreover, conguration of coincident conguration of resonant frequencies will reduce the ripples in other passbands and attenuation in other petends to zero as the operating riodic stopbands because frequency goes off the resonant frequency. The magnitudes of the ripples in the adjacent passbands are determined by the 3-dB bandwidth of the loaded resonant elements. The susceptance of the resonant elements with small 3-dB bandwidths (labeled as Narrow) increases quickly off the resonant frequency. Thus, their effects on passbands are slighter than the elements with large 3-dB bandwidths (labeled as Broad). Thus, using loaded resonant elements with small 3-dB bandwidths (to reduce ripples in passbands) that resonant at the Bragg frequency (to increase attenuation in the rst stopband) is an effective method to design EBG lters with great attenuation in the stopband and low ripples in the adjacent passbands. Fig. 4 shows a comparison of of a four-section EBG bandstop lter loaded by capacitors, inductors, and nite frequency resonant combination of capacitors and inductors. These lters were designed to have a Bragg frequency at 2.44 GHz, and the loaded elements take the form in Fig. 2(a). The three loaded elements are a 1-pF capacitor, a 4.255-nH inductor, and a parallel combination of them, respectively. The attenuation at the center of the rst stopband of the resonant combination loaded lter is more than 50 dB at the center frequency, which is much

Fig. 3. Effects of loaded elements on ripples in passbands and bandwidths of passbands (four periods). (a) Effects of inductor, capacitor, and parallel combination on ripples in passbands. (b) Effects of inductor, capacitor, and parallel combination on bandwidths of passbands. (c) Effects of three kinds of parallel combination on ripples in passbands.

larger than that of capacitor loaded and inductor loaded lter, and the ripples in the adjacent passbands of the resonant combination loaded lter are 0.75 dB for the rst passband and 2 dB for the second passband, respectively. This result is better than that of the other two lters. Furthermore, the resonant combination loaded lter is observed to have a much wider stopband, which is more than twice of that of the other two lters. Fig. 5(a) compares of three resonant loads with different 3-dB bandwidths. Fig. 5(b) compares the ripples of four-section EBG lters with loaded elements that are shown in Fig. 5(a).




Fig. 5. jS j of EBG bandstop lters with resonant loads of different 3-dB bandwidths. (a) jS j of the resonant combinations. (b) jS j of the corresponding lters with four sections. TABLE II COMPARISON OF S -PARAMETERS IN FIG. 5(a) and (b)

Fig. 4.

of EBG bandstop lters with three types of loads.

Both the Bragg frequency of the lter and the resonant frequency of the loaded elements are 2.44 GHz. The parallel compF and nH has a 3-dB bandbination of width of 0.80 GHz, which is the smallest of three combinations. The ripples in the rst and second passband of this combination are the smallest, as summarized in Table II. Similar discussion can be applied to the case of parallel loaded structure in Fig. 2(b), and same conclusion can be drawn. IV. BANDSTOP FILTER DESIGN: SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENT RESULTS Based on theory in Sections II and III, a four-period structure using resonant loads at a nite frequency was designed. The EBG structure is designed with a Bragg frequency at 2.44 GHz,

and the resonant loads with a resonance at 2.44 GHz. The resonant loads has a 3-dB bandwidth of 0.475 GHz. This conguration satises the design guideline for EBG lters with low ripples. First, the microstrip transmission line was etched onto an RT Duriod 3010 dielectric substrate of a relative permittivity of 10.2 and a thickness of 1.27 mm. The strip width was chosen as mm. Thus, the characteristic impedance of the microstrip line is 50 at 2.44 GHz. The microstrip length was set to 92.4 mm, which is two wavelengths at 2.44 GHz. Four resonant elements were loaded evenly to create a Bragg frequency at 2.44 GHz. The spiral slots were etched onto the ground plane to form resonant loads to the microstrip line [17]. Two etched mm, which are symmetric to the spirals of width of strip conductor on the top side, are joined via a slot on the



Fig. 7. Ripple evaluation of the design.

Fig. 8. Simulated and measured S -parameters of the design.

Fig. 6. Layout of the design. (a) Top view. (b) Bottom view. (c) Half of an etched slot.

bottom side. The distance between the spirals is mm. The overall length and width of the spiral are mm and mm, respectively. Both of the spirals have 1.5 turns. The loaded spiral structure has a resonant frequency at 2.44 GHz. The top view, bottom view, and view of half of an etched slot of designed structure are shown in Fig. 6(a)(c), respectively. After deriving an equivalent circuit with parallel resonance ( pF, nH) shown in Fig. 2(a), the ripples in the rst two passbands were evaluated by the same method as that used in Fig. 3(a). at ripples can be read from Fig. 7. The ripples were calculated by using (2). The results are 0.12 dB for the rst passband and 0.27 dB for the second passband.

The simulated and measured -parameters were shown in Fig. 8. The simulation result by Ansoft Ensemble 8.0 indicates that the center frequency of the rst stopband is around 2.44 GHz, while the measured results by Agilent 8510 vector network analyzer show a smaller stopband center frequency 2.40 GHz with an error of 1.6%. The ripples in the rst passband are 0.13 dB (simulated) and 0.12 dB (measured). The ripples in the second passband are 0.29 dB (simulated) and 0.21 dB (measured). The simulated and measured attenuation in the rst stopband and adjacent passbands agrees well. Considering fabrication errors and losses, the results validate the proposed design method for EBG bandstop lters with low ripples in the passbands. Moreover, the ripples predicted from the derived theory agree with the simulated and measured result. Therefore, the theory can be used for preliminary design. Furthermore, two more structures with different loaded elements were simulated to learn the effects of errors in fabrication on the -parameters. They have the same parameters with the previous one, except the spiral width and distance between the spirals. These differences change the resonant frequency of the loaded elements. The simulated and measured results are compared with that of the previous one shown in Fig. 9. In the case of mm and mm, the resonant frequency of the loaded elements is 2.505 GHz. A different type of resonance occurs below the resonant frequency. As for mm and mm, the resonant frequency of the loaded elements is 2.385 GHz. A different kind of resonance occurs above the resonant frequency. The new resonance greatly reduces the stopband attenuation.



periods is a cascade of a structure A structure with with periods and a single section. By using the cascade formatrix, the relationship matrix between mula of the structures with periods and periods can be generated as follows:

Fig. 9. Inuence of slot fabrication errors on S -parameters.

V. CONCLUSIONS This paper has studied the ripples in the passbands of series/parallel loaded nite periodic EBG bandstop lter by means of an equivalent-circuit method. From the -parameters of the general equivalent circuit of the nite periodic structures, it has been found that loaded elements have a more signicant effects on the magnitude of the ripples in passbands than the periodicity of the structure. The subsequent investigation of three kinds of resonant loaded elements has shown that the ripples in the passbands and the attenuation in the stopbands of nite frequency resonant loaded elements increase toward the resonant frequency and decrease outward the resonant frequency in contrary to the monotone increasing characteristics of innite frequency resonant loaded elements. Resonant elements with narrow 3-dB bandwidths have little effects on the ripples in the passbands than the elements with wide 3-dB bandwidths. Therefore, resonant elements with narrow 3-dB bandwidths and resonant frequency at Bragg frequency are conducive to the design of the EBG lters with low ripples in the passbands. An EBG bandstop lter with spiral etches in the ground of a microstrip line has been designed, fabricated, and measured. The simulation and measurement have well validated the proposed design method. Moreover, an analysis of fabrication error in the loaded element has shown that excessive resonance has occurred in the rst stopband. APPENDIX Here, we calculate the -parameters dened in (1). From Fig. 1, we learn that the -parameters of a period can be calculated by cascade that of the loaded lumped-element and that of two transmission lines, network shown in (A.1) at the bottom of this page. (A.2)

( The eigenvalues ) of relationship matrix

) and eigenvectors is as follows:





is represented as the product of three matrices, including a diagonal matrix as follows:

(A.4) By substituting (A.4) into (A.2), is rep. In the case of a symmetric and resented by reciprocal network, i.e., (A.5) (A.6) The expression of is


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Zhi Ning Chen (M99SM05) received the B.Eng., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Institute of Communications Engineering (ICE), Nanjing, China, in 1993, and the Do.E. degree from the University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, in 2003. He was with the ICE as a Teaching Assistant, Lecturer, and Associate Professor. He then joined Southeast University, Nanjing, China, as Post-Doctoral Fellow and then an Associate Professor. In 1995, he pursued his research at the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. From 1997 to 1999, he was with the University of Tsukuba, as a Research Fellow. In 1999, he joined the Institute for Infocomm ) [formerly the Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) Research ( and Institute for Communications Research (ICR)], as a Member of Technical Staff (MTS) and then as a Principal MTS. In 2001 and 2004, he visited with the University of Tsukuba, under a senior-level invitation fellowship program of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS). In 2004, he conducted his research with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown, NY, as an Academic Visitor (Antenna Designer). He is now a Lead Scientist, the Head of the Antenna Laboratory, and the Manager for Department of Radio Systems with the Institute for Infocomm Research ( ). He concurrently holds appointments as an Adjunct Associate Professor with the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, and Nanyang Technologies University (NTU), Singapore, and Adjunct Professor with the Electromagnetics (EM) Academy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Since 1990, he has authored and coauthored over 150 technical papers published in international journals and presented at international conferences. He authored Broadband Planar Antennas (Wiley, 2006) and coedited UWB Communications (Wiley, 2005). He holds three patents with seven patents pending. His main research interests include applied electromagnetics, antenna theory and design. He is particularly focused on small and broad-band antennas and arrays for wireless communications systems such as multiinput multioutput systems and ultra-wideband systems, and RF imaging systems.



Dr. Chen was a member of Technical Program Committees or International Steering Committees for a variety of International Conferences. He founded the IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IEEE iWAT) and, as general chair, organized the IEEE iWAT: Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials, 2005, Singapore. He was the recipient of an award presented by the JSPS.

), Agency of Science Technology And Research (ASTAR), Singapore. He is currently with Motorola Electronics, Singapore. He has authored or coauthored 15 papers in international journals and conferences. His main research interests include ultra-wideband radio systems, applications of EBG structures in microwave circuits, small- and wide-band printed antennas, and RF identication antennas.

Yun Yi Wang (SM85) was born in Jiangsu Province, China, in 1936. She received the Radio Engineering degree from the Nanjing Institute of Technology (NIT) [now Southeast University (SEU)], Nanjing, China, in 1961. She then became a Teaching Assistant (1972), Lecturer (1978), Associate Professor (1983), and Full Professor (1986) at NIT and SEU. She has been a Visiting Professor with the Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zrich, Switzerland, and with Saga University, Saga, Japan. She authored Microwave Devices and Circuits (Jiangsu Publisher of Sci. Technol., 1981) and has authored or coauthored over 100 papers published in journals or presented in conferences. From 1961 to 1966, her teaching and research interests included microwave components, surface-wave transmission lines, microwave measurement, and microwave tunnel-diode ampliers. Since 1973, her main research interest has been microwave and millimeter wave solid-state devices and circuits. In addition, she has also been involved with nonlinear microwave networks, broad-band matching networks, and microwave superconductive devices and circuits. In recent years, her main research interest is the theoretical analysis and applications of EBG structures.

Xian Ming Qing (M90) was born in Sichuan province, China, in 1965. He received the B.E. degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, in 1985. In 1990, he became a Lecturer and then an Associate Professor (1995) with the Microwave Testing Center, UESTC. From January 1997 to March 1998, he was a Research Scientist with the Physics Department, National University of Singapore (NUS), where he focused on development of high-temperature superconductor (HTS) microwave devices. In April 1998, he joined the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, where he is focused on antenna design for wireless applications. He is currently an Associate Lead Scientist focused on the study of ultra-wideband antennas and RF identication (RFID) antennas. He has authored or coauthored 25 papers in international journals and conferences. Mr. Qing has been a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (IEEE AP-S) since 1990. He was the recipient of six Awards of Advancement of Science and Technology in China.

Ning Yang was born in Taixin, Jiangsu Province, China, in December 1976. He received the B.E.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in radio engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 1998 and 2003, respectively. In 1998, he was a Graduate Student with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Southeast University. Since 2001, he has been with the Center for Wireless Communications (CWC), Singapore, as a Visiting Student, where he became an Associate Scientist with the Institute for Infocomm Research

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