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A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09 2

! AuLhorlLy glven by law Lo a courL or Lrlbunal Lo hear and deLermlne cerLaln conLroversles
lnvolvlng rlghLs whlch are legally demandable and enforceable
! lL ls Lhe legal auLhorlLy Lo hear and deLermlne a cause or Lhe rlghL Lo acL ln a case.

! lL ls lmporLanL Lo know whlch courL has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe parLlcular case a lawyer ls handllng
ln order Lo deLermlne where proceedlngs should be lnlLlaLed.


!""#$%&'( *# +,-./ #0 12/./ +$&.%
! Ceneral [urlsdlcLlon - exLends Lo all conLroversles whlch may be broughL before a courL wlLhln
Lhe legal bounds of rlghLs and remedles
! LlmlLed or Speclal [urlsdlcLlon - conflned Lo parLlcular cases, and can be exerclsed only under Lhe
clrcumsLances prescrlbed by Lhe sLaLuLe

!""#$%&'( *# 3#4.$ #0 5.6&.4
! Crlglnal - exerclsed ln Lhe courL aL flrsL lnsLance
! AppellaLe - power and auLhorlLy conferred upon a superlor courL Lo re-hear and deLermlne
causes whlch have been Lrled ln lnferlor courLs

!""#$%&'( *# 78*.'* #0 78.$"&/.
! Lxcluslve - conflned Lo a parLlcular Lrlbunal or grade of courLs and possessed by lL Lo Lhe
excluslon of oLhers
! ConcurrenL - exerclse by dlfferenL courLs aL Lhe same Llme over Lhe same sub[ecL maLLer and
wlLhln Lhe same LerrlLory, and whereln llLlganLs may, ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance, resorL Lo one of Lhem
lndlfferenLly (buL Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe docLrlne of [udlclal hlerarchy)

!""#$%&'( *# 9&*:/
! 1errlLorlal !urlsdlcLlon- exerclsed wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhe place where Lhe courL ls locaLed
! LxLra-LerrlLorlal !urlsdlcLlon - exerclsed beyond Lhe conflnes of Lhe place where Lhe courL ls


;#"*$&'. #0 !'"&<<2$, =:$&/%&"*&#'
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09 3

! lnvolves Lhe lnherenL or lmplled powers of Lhe courL Lo deLermlne lssues lncldenLal Lo Lhe
exerclses of lLs prlmary [urlsdlcLlon
! under lLs anclllary [urlsdlcLlon Lhe courL may deLermlne all quesLlons relaLlve Lo Lhe maLLers
broughL before lL, regulaLe Lhe manner ln whlch a Lrlal shall be conducLed, deLermlne Lhe hours
aL whlch Lhe wlLnesses and lawyers may be heard, appolnL a recelver eLc.

3#<&", #0 =:%&"&2< >&.$2$"?,
! 1he hlgher courL wlll noL enLerLaln dlrecL resorL Lo lL unless Lhe redress deslred cannoL be
obLalned ln Lhe approprlaLe lower courLs. lor example, alLhough Lhe Supreme CourL, CourL of
Appeals and 8eglonal 1rlal CourLs have concurrenL orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue wrlLs of
cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon and mandamus, Lhe appllcaLlon should sLlll be flled wlLh Lhe lower courL
unless Lhe lmporLance of Lhe lssue lnvolved deserves acLlon of Lhe courL of hlgher level.

;#"*$&'. #0 3$&@2$, =:$&/%&"*&#'
! When an admlnlsLraLlve body ls Lasked wlLh Lhe deLermlnaLlon of facLs relaLlng Lo a speclal or
Lechnlcal flled, Lhe courLs musL glve such body Lhe opporLunlLy Lo do so before proceedlng wlLh
[udlclal acLlon.

;#"*$&'. #0 !%?.$.'". #0 =:$&/%&"*&#'
! Cnce [urlsdlcLlon ls vesLed ln a courL, lL ls reLalned by such unLll Lhe end of llLlgaLlon regardless
of clrcumsLances LhaL would have prevenLed Lhe conLlnued exerclse of [urlsdlcLlon by Lhe courL.
Pence, a law enacLed durlng Lhe pendency of a case whlch Lransfers [urlsdlcLlon Lo anoLher
courL does noL affecL cases already pendlng prlor Lo lLs enacLmenL.

1. When Lhe law expressly provldes for retroact|ve appllcaLlon
2. When Lhe change of [urlsdlcLlon ls curat|ve ln naLure
3. When Lhere ls a perfected appea|, here, [urlsdlcLlon ls Lransferred Lo Lhe appellaLe courL

78"<:/&#'2$, 3$&'"&-<.
! 1he courL flrsL acqulrlng [urlsdlcLlon exerclses lL Lo Lhe excluslon of all oLhers.


=:$&/%&"*&#' #6.$ 1&6&< 12/./

lerla noche, Clvll rocedure AnnoLaLed, volume 1, 2001 Ld. ALeneo 8emedlal Law 8ar 8evlewer 2007.
1987 ConsLlLuLlon.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09 4

C|v|| Cases Mun|c|pa| 1r|a| Courts keg|ona| 1r|a| Courts

Crlglnal &

1. Clvll acLlons and probaLe proceedlngs,
LesLaLe and lnLesLaLe, lncludlng Lhe
granL of provlslonal remedles ln proper
cases, where Lhe value of Lhe personal
properLy, esLaLe, or amounL of Lhe
demand does noL exceed 300,000, or
ln MeLro Manlla, where such personal
properLy, esLaLe or amounL of Lhe
demand does noL exceed 400,000

N.8.xcloslve of lotetest, Jomoqes of
wbotevet kloJ, ottotoey's fees, lltlqotloo
expeoses, ooJ costs, tbe omooot of
wblcb most be speclflcolly olleqeJ.
ltovlJeJ, 1bot wbete tbete ote sevetol
clolms ot cooses of octloo betweeo tbe
some ot Jlffeteot pottles emboJleJ lo
tbe some complolot, tbe omooot of tbe
JemooJ sboll be tbe totollty of tbe
clolms lo oll tbe cooses of octloo,
lttespectlve of wbetbet tbe cooses of
octloo otose oot of tbe some ot Jlffeteot

2. AdmlralLy and marlLlme cases where Lhe
demand or clalm does noL exceed
300,000, or ln MeLro Manlla, where
such demand does noL exceed
400,000. Where Lhere are several
clalms or causes of acLlon beLween Lhe
same or dlfferenL parLles embodled ln
Lhe same complalnL, Lhe amounL of Lhe
demand shall be Lhe LoLallLy of Lhe
clalms ln all Lhe causes of acLlon
lrrespecLlve of wheLher Lhe causes of
acLlon arose ouL of Lhe same or
dlfferenL LransacLlons

3. lorclble enLry and unlawful deLalner:
ltovlJeJ, 1haL when ln such cases, Lhe
defendanL ralses Lhe quesLlon of
ownershlp ln hls pleadlngs and Lhe
quesLlon of possesslon cannoL be
resolved wlLhouL decldlng Lhe lssue of
ownershlp, Lhe lssue of ownershlp shall

1. All clvll acLlons ln whlch Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe
llLlgaLlon ls lncapable of pecunlary

2. All clvll acLlons whlch lnvolve Lhe LlLle Lo,
or possesslon of, real properLy, or any
lnLeresL Lhereln, where Lhe assessed
value of Lhe properLy lnvolved exceeds
20,000, or for clvll acLlons ln MeLro
Manlla where such value exceeds
30,000, excepL acLlons for forclble enLry
lnLo and unlawful deLalner of lands or
bulldlngs, orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over whlch
ls conferred upon MeLropollLan 1rlal
CourLs, Munlclpal 1rlal CourLs, and
Munlclpal ClrculL 1rlal CourLs

3. All acLlons ln admlralLy and marlLlme
[urlsdlcLlon where Lhe demand or clalm
exceeds 300,000, or ln MeLro Manlla,
where such demand or clalm exceeds

4. All maLLers of probaLe, boLh LesLaLe and
lnLesLaLe, where Lhe gross value of Lhe
esLaLe exceeds 300,000, or ln probaLe
maLLers ln MeLro Manlla, where such
gross value exceeds 400,000

3. CorporaLe suspenslon of paymenLs and
rehablllLaLlon proceedlngs ln pursuance
of Lhe Securl Ll es 8egul aLl on Code

N.8. 1be 5ecotltles ooJ xcbooqe
commlssloo sboll tetolo jotlsJlctloo ovet
peoJloq sospeosloo of poymeot coses ot
tebobllltotloo coses flleJ oo ot befote
Iooe J0, 2000 ootll floolly JlsposeJ of ot
ootll tbe tetmlootloo of tbe llpolJotloo
ptoceeJloqs. (k.A. No. 8799)

6. All cases noL wlLhln Lhe excluslve
[urlsdlcLlon of any courL, Lrlbunal, person
or body exerclslng [urlsdlcLlon, or any
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09 S

Crlglnal &

1. Clvll acLlons and probaLe proceedlngs,
LesLaLe and lnLesLaLe, lncludlng Lhe
granL of provlslonal remedles ln proper
cases, where Lhe value of Lhe personal
properLy, esLaLe, or amounL of Lhe
demand does noL exceed 300,000, or
ln MeLro Manlla, where such personal
properLy, esLaLe or amounL of Lhe
demand does noL exceed 400,000

N.8.xcloslve of lotetest, Jomoqes of
wbotevet kloJ, ottotoey's fees, lltlqotloo
expeoses, ooJ costs, tbe omooot of
wblcb most be speclflcolly olleqeJ.
ltovlJeJ, 1bot wbete tbete ote sevetol
clolms ot cooses of octloo betweeo tbe
some ot Jlffeteot pottles emboJleJ lo
tbe some complolot, tbe omooot of tbe
JemooJ sboll be tbe totollty of tbe
clolms lo oll tbe cooses of octloo,
lttespectlve of wbetbet tbe cooses of
octloo otose oot of tbe some ot Jlffeteot

2. AdmlralLy and marlLlme cases where Lhe
demand or clalm does noL exceed
300,000, or ln MeLro Manlla, where
such demand does noL exceed
400,000. Where Lhere are several
clalms or causes of acLlon beLween Lhe
same or dlfferenL parLles embodled ln
Lhe same complalnL, Lhe amounL of Lhe
demand shall be Lhe LoLallLy of Lhe
clalms ln all Lhe causes of acLlon
lrrespecLlve of wheLher Lhe causes of
acLlon arose ouL of Lhe same or
dlfferenL LransacLlons

3. lorclble enLry and unlawful deLalner:
ltovlJeJ, 1haL when ln such cases, Lhe
defendanL ralses Lhe quesLlon of
ownershlp ln hls pleadlngs and Lhe
quesLlon of possesslon cannoL be
resolved wlLhouL decldlng Lhe lssue of
ownershlp, Lhe lssue of ownershlp shall
be resolved only Lo deLermlne Lhe lssue
of possesslon

4. Clvll acLlons whlch lnvolve LlLle Lo, or
possesslon of, real properLy, or any
lnLeresL Lhereln, where Lhe assessed
value of Lhe properLy or lnLeresL does
noL exceed 20,000, or ln clvll acLlons ln

1. All clvll acLlons ln whlch Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe
llLlgaLlon ls lncapable of pecunlary

2. All clvll acLlons whlch lnvolve Lhe LlLle Lo,
or possesslon of, real properLy, or any
lnLeresL Lhereln, where Lhe assessed
value of Lhe properLy lnvolved exceeds
20,000, or for clvll acLlons ln MeLro
Manlla where such value exceeds
30,000, excepL acLlons for forclble enLry
lnLo and unlawful deLalner of lands or
bulldlngs, orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over whlch
ls conferred upon MeLropollLan 1rlal
CourLs, Munlclpal 1rlal CourLs, and
Munlclpal ClrculL 1rlal CourLs

3. All acLlons ln admlralLy and marlLlme
[urlsdlcLlon where Lhe demand or clalm
exceeds 300,000, or ln MeLro Manlla,
where such demand or clalm exceeds

4. All maLLers of probaLe, boLh LesLaLe and
lnLesLaLe, where Lhe gross value of Lhe
esLaLe exceeds 300,000, or ln probaLe
maLLers ln MeLro Manlla, where such
gross value exceeds 400,000

3. CorporaLe suspenslon of paymenLs and
rehablllLaLlon proceedlngs ln pursuance
of Lhe Securl Ll es 8egul aLl on Code

N.8. 1be 5ecotltles ooJ xcbooqe
commlssloo sboll tetolo jotlsJlctloo ovet
peoJloq sospeosloo of poymeot coses ot
tebobllltotloo coses flleJ oo ot befote
Iooe J0, 2000 ootll floolly JlsposeJ of ot
ootll tbe tetmlootloo of tbe llpolJotloo
ptoceeJloqs. (k.A. No. 8799)

6. All cases noL wlLhln Lhe excluslve
[urlsdlcLlon of any courL, Lrlbunal, person
or body exerclslng [urlsdlcLlon, or any
Lrlbunal, person or body exerclslng
[udlclal or quasl-[udlclal

7. All oLher cases ln whlch Lhe demand,
excluslve of lnLeresL, damages of
whaLever klnd, aLLorney's fees, llLlgaLlon
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09 6

=:$&/%&"*&#' #6.$ 1$&@&'2< 12/./

Mun|c|pa| 1r|a| Court keg|ona| 1r|a| Court

and Lxcluslve

1. 1hose offenses punlshable wlLh
lmprlsonmenL noL exceedlng slx (6)
years regardless of Lhe flne, accessory
penalLles and clvll llablllLy

2. 1hose lnvolvlng crlmlnal negllgence
resulLlng Lo damage Lo properLy

3. 1hose offenses where a flne noL
exceedlng 4,000 ls Lhe only penalLy

4. 1hose offenses covered by Lhe 8ules on
Summary rocedure:
a. vlolaLlons of Lrafflc laws, rules
and regulaLlons
b. vlolaLlons of renLal laws
c. vlolaLlons of clLy or munlclpal
d. vlolaLlons of Lhe 8ounclng Check
Law (8.. 8lg. 22)
e. All oLher crlmlnal cases where
Lhe penalLy ls lmprlsonmenL noL
exceedlng slx (6) monLhs and/or
1,000 flne lrrespecLlve of oLher
penalLles or clvll llablllLles Lhere
from and offenses lnvolvlng
damage Lo properLy Lhrough
crlmlnal negllgence where Lhe

1. Crlmlnal cases noL wlLhln Lhe excluslve
[urlsdlcLlon of any courL, Lrlbunal or
body, more parLlcularly:
a. 1hose offenses punlshable by
lmprlsonmenL exceedlng slx (6)
years regardless of Lhe flne,
accessory penalLles and clvll llablllLy
b. Crlmlnal cases noL falllng wlLhln Lhe
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe 5ooJlqooboyoo where none of
Lhe accused are occupylng
poslLlons ln Lhe governmenL
correspondlng Lo salary grade 27

2. Cases where Lhe only penalLy ls a flne
exceedlng 4,000

3. CLher laws whlch speclflcally lodge
[urlsdlcLlon ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL,
more parLlcularly:
a. Law on wrlLLen defamaLlon or llbel
(8evlsed enal Code)
b. uecree on lnLellecLual roperLy
c. vlolaLlons of Lhe uangerous urug AcL
excepL when Lhe offenders are under
16 years of age and Lhere are
!uvenlle and uomesLlc 8elaLlons
CourLs ln Lhe provlnce


eLlLlon for Pabeas Corpus or appllcaLlon
for ball ln crlmlnal cases ln Lhe clLy or
provlnce where Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
[udge ls absenL

1he Supreme CourL may deslgnaLe cerLaln
branches of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL Lo Lry
excluslvely crlmlnal cases, [uvenlle and
domesLlc relaLlons cases, and agrarlan and
urban land reform cases noL falllng wlLhln
Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of any quasl-[udlclal body
and oLher speclal cases ln Lhe lnLeresL of


Cases declded by Lhe lower courLs ln Lhelr
respecLlve LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09 7

lmposable flne does noL exceed

4. Cases falllng under Lhe lamlly CourLs ln
areas where Lhere are no lamlly CourLs

AppellaLe All cases declded by lower courLs ln Lhelr
respecLlve LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlons

=:$&/%&"*&#' #0 *?. 1#:$* #0 !--.2</ 2'% *?. 9:-$.@. 1#:$*

Court of Appea|s Supreme Court

Lxcluslve and
AcLlons for annulmenL of [udgmenL of
Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL

eLlLlons for cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon or
mandamus agalnsL:
a. CourL of Appeals
b. Commlsslon on LlecLlons
c. Commlsslon on AudlL
d. Sandlganbayan

B&*? *?. 9:-$.@. 1#:$*
1. eLlLlons for cerLlorarl,
mandamus or prohlblLlon
agalnsL Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
2. eLlLlons for cerLlorarl,
mandamus or prohlblLlon
agalnsL Lhe naLlonal Labor
8elaLlons Commlsslon buL lL
should be flled wlLh Lhe CourL of
Appeals flrsL (SL. MarLln luneral
Pome vs. CA, C8 no. 130866,
SepL. 16, 1998)
3. eLlLlons for cerLlorarl,
mandamus or prohlblLlon
agalnsL Lhe Clvll Servlce
Commlsslon, CenLral 8oard of
AssessmenL Appeals, CourL of
1ax Appeals and quasl-[udlclal
agencles, buL lL should be flled
wlLh Lhe CourL of Appeals flrsL

B&*? *?. 9:-$.@. 1#:$* 2'% 5.(&#'2<
+$&2< 1#:$*/
1. eLlLlons for cerLlorarl,
mandamus or prohlblLlon
agalnsL lower courLs and oLher
2. eLlLlons for Cuo WarranL Lo
and habeas corpus
B&*? *?. 1#:$* #0 !--.2</
1. eLlLlons for cerLlorarl, mandamus
or prohlblLlon agalnsL Lhe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL
2. eLlLlons for cerLlorarl, mandamus
or prohlblLlon agalnsL Lhe naLlonal
Labor 8elaLlons Commlsslon buL lL
should be flled wlLh Lhe CourL of
Appeals flrsL (SL. MarLln luneral
Pome vs. CA, C8 no. 130866, SepL.
16, 1998)
3. eLlLlons for cerLlorarl, mandamus
or prohlblLlon agalnsL Lhe Clvll
Servlce Commlsslon, CenLral 8oard
of AssessmenL Appeals, CourL of 1ax
Appeals and quasl-[udlclal agencles,
buL lL should be flled wlLh Lhe CourL
of Appeals flrsL

B&*? *?. 1#:$* #0 !--.2</ 2'% 5.(&#'2<
+$&2< 1#:$*/
1. eLlLlons for cerLlorarl, mandamus
or prohlblLlon agalnsL lower courLs
and oLher bodles
2. eLlLlons for Cuo WarranL Lo and
habeas corpus

B&*? *?. 5.(&#'2< +$&2< 1#:$*/
AcLlons affecLlng ambassadors, publlc
mlnlsLers and consuls
C$%&'2$, !--.2< D, E#*&". #0 !--.2< F, E#*&". #0 !--.2<
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09 8

1. Appeals from Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL excepL Lhose appealable
Lo Lhe Supreme CourL or
2. Appeals from Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL on consLlLuLlonal, Lax and
[urlsdlcLlonal quesLlons lnvolvlng
quesLlons of facL whlch should
be appealed flrsL Lo Lhe CA
3. Appeals from declslons and flnal
orders of Lhe lamlly CourLs

3.*&*&#' 0#$ 5.6&.4
1. Appeals from Lhe Clvll Servlce
2. Appeals from Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL ln Lhe exerclse of lLs
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon whlch are
noL a maLLer of rlghL
3. Appeals from Lhe CourL of 1ax
Appeals and quasl-[udlclal
4. Appeal from Lhe naLlonal
Commlsslon on lndlgenous
3. Appeals from Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman ln admlnlsLraLlve
dlsclpllnary cases
1. lrom Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or
Sandlganbayan ln all crlmlnal cases
lnvolvlng offenses for whlch Lhe
penalLy lmposed ls teclosloo
petpetoo or llfe lmprlsonmenL, and
Lhose lnvolvlng oLher offenses,
alLhough noL so punlshed, arose ouL
of Lhe same occurrence or were
commlLLed by Lhe offender on Lhe
same occaslon
2. AuLomaLlc 8evlew ln crlmlnal cases
where deaLh penalLy ls lmposed by
Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or Lhe

3.*&*&#' 0#$ 5.6&.4 #' 1.$*&#$2$&
1. Appeals from Lhe CourL of Appeals
2. Appeals from Lhe Sandlganbayan on
pure quesLlons of law excepL where
Lhe penalLy lmposed ls teclosloo
petpetoo, llfe lmprlsonmenL or
3. Appeals from Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL exerclslng orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon
ln Lhe followlng cases:
a. All cases ln whlch Lhe
consLlLuLlonallLy or valldlLy of
any LreaLy, agreemenL, law,
presldenLlal decree,
proclamaLlon, order, lnsLrucLlon
or regulaLlon ls ln quesLlon
b. All cases lnvolvlng Lhe legallLy of
any Lax, lmposlLlon, assessmenL,
or Loll, or any penalLy lmposed
ln relaLlon LhereLo
c. All cases ln whlch Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of any lower courLs
ls ln lssue
d. Cases lnvolvlng only an error or
quesLlon of law

9-."&2< 1&6&< !"*&#' #0 1.$*&#$2$& 4&*?&' GH
1. AgalnsL Lhe Commlsslon on
2. AgalnsL Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09 9

=:$&/%&"*&#' #0 *?. 92'%&(2'D2,2'


Lxcluslve and
Crlglnal !urlsdlcLlon

1. vlolaLlons of Lhe AnLl-CrafL and CorrupL racLlces AcL (8.A. no. 3019)

2. roceedlngs for Lhe lorfelLure of lll CoLLen WealLh ( 1379)

3. vlolaLlons of ChapLer 2, SecLlon 2, 1lLle 7, 8ook 2 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code
(Crlmes CommlLLed by ubllc Cfflcers ln 8elaLlon Lo Lhelr Cfflce)

4. Clvll and crlmlnal cases flled pursuanL Lo and ln connecLlon wlLh LC nos. 1,
2, 14 and 14-A (SequesLraLlon Cases)

3. CLher offenses commlLLed by publlc offlclals and employees ln relaLlon Lo
Lhelr offlce

ltovlJeJ. 1haL Lhe offended ls a publlc offlclal occupylng a poslLlon classlfled as
salary grade 27 or hlgher and Lhe offense was commlLLed ln connecLlon wlLh
hls offlce

AppellaLe AppellaLe [urlsdlcLlon over appeals from flnal [udgmenLs, resoluLlons and
orders of regular courLs where all Lhe accused are occupylng poslLlons lower
Lhan salary grade 27 or noL oLherwlse covered by Lhe precedlng enumeraLlon

=:$&/%&"*&#' #0 *?. 1#:$* #0 +28 !--.2</

Court of 1ax Appea|s


1. ueclslons of Lhe 8ureau of lnLernal 8evenue ln cases lnvolvlng dlspuLed
assessmenLs, refunds of lnLernal revenue Laxes, fees or oLher charges,
penalLles lmposed ln relaLlon LhereLo, and oLher maLLers arlslng under
Lhe naLlonal lnLernal 8evenue Code or oLher laws or parL of law
admlnlsLered by Lhe 8ureau of lnLernal 8evenue

2. ueclslons of Lhe Commlssloner of CusLoms ln cases lnvolvlng llablllLy for
cusLoms duLles, fees or oLher money charges, selzure, deLenLlon, release
of properLy affecLed, flnes, forfelLures or oLher penalLles lmposed ln
relaLlon LhereLo, or oLher maLLers arlslng under Lhe 1arlff and CusLoms
Code or oLher laws or parL of law admlnlsLered by Lhe 8ureau of

3. ueclslons of Lhe SecreLary of llnance ln auLomaLlc revlew of Lhe
declslons of Lhe Commlssloner of CusLoms LhaL are adverse Lo Lhe
governmenL ln cases lnvolvlng Lhe assessmenL of duLles and maLLers of
lmposlLlon of anLl-dumplng duLles.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

=:$&/%&"*&#' #0 *?. I2@&<, 1#:$*/

Iam||y Courts C|v|| Cases Cr|m|na| Cases

and Crlglnal

1. eLlLlons for Cuardlanshlp, CusLody of
Chlldren and Pabeas Corpus ln relaLlon
Lo Lhe laLLer

2. eLlLlons for AdopLlon of Chlldren and
Lhe 8evocaLlon Lhereof

3. AnnulmenL and ueclaraLlon of nulllLy of
Marrlage and Lhose relaLlng Lo marlLal
sLaLus and properLy relaLlons of
husband and wlfe and of Lhose llvlng
LogeLher under dlfferenL sLaLus and

4. eLlLlons for SupporL and/or

3. Summary [udlclal proceedlngs under
Lhe lamlly Code

6. ueclaraLlon of SLaLus of Chlldren as
Abandoned, uependenL, or neglecLed,
eLlLlons for volunLary or lnvolunLary
CommlLmenL of Chlldren, maLLers
relaLlng Lo arenLal AuLhorlLy and oLher
cases under .u. no. 603 and oLher
relaLed laws

7. ulspuLes arlslng from Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
of a lamlly Pome

1. Cne or more of Lhe accused ls below 18
years old buL noL less Lhan 13 years old

2. Cne of Lhe vlcLlms ls a mlnor aL Lhe Llme
of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme

3. Cases agalnsL mlnors under Lhe
uangerous urugs AcL

4. vlolaLlons of Lhe Speclal roLecLlon of
Chlldren AgalnsL Chlld Abuse,
LxplolLaLlon and ulscrlmlnaLlon AcL,
8.A. no. 7610, as amended by 8.A. no.

3. Cases of domesLlc vlolence agalnsL
women and chlldren

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

! lL ls LhaL parL of an affldavlL where Lhe offlcer cerLlfles LhaL Lhe same was sworn" before hlm. lL
ls used ln affldavlLs, cerLlflcaLlons, verlflcaLlons or whenever Lhe person execuLlng a documenL
or lnsLrumenL makes a sLaLemenL of facLs or aLLesLs Lo Lhe LruLh of an occurrence of an evenL
under oaLh.
! lL refers Lo an acL ln whlch an lndlvldual on a slngle occaslon (a) appears ln person before Lhe
noLary publlc and presenLs an lnsLrumenL or documenL, (b) ls personally known Lo Lhe noLary
publlc or ldenLlfled by Lhe noLary publlc Lhrough compeLenL evldence of ldenLlLy, (c) slgns Lhe
lnsLrumenL or documenL ln Lhe presence of Lhe noLary, and (d) Lakes an oaLh or afflrmaLlon
before Lhe noLary publlc as Lo such lnsLrumenL or documenL.
8rlefly, lL ls LhaL parL of Lhe
affldavlL ln whlch Lhe noLary publlc cerLlfles LhaL Lhe lnsLrumenL was sworn Lo before hlm.
! Sec. 163 (a) of Lhe Local CovernmenL requlres Lhe presenLaLlon of Lhe communlLy Lax cerLlflcaLe
on cerLaln occaslons. Accordlng Lo Lhe law, Lhese occaslons are[w]hen an lndlvldual sub[ecL Lo
Lhe communlLy Lax acknowledges any documenL before a noLary publlc, Lakes Lhe oaLh of offlce
upon elecLlon or appolnLmenL Lo any poslLlon ln Lhe governmenL servlce, recelves any llcense,
cerLlflcaLe, or permlL from any publlc auLhorlLy, pays any Lax or fee, recelves any money from
any publlc fund, LransacLs oLher offlclal buslness, or recelves any salary or wage from any person
or corporaLlon."
! AddlLlonally, Lhe communlLy Lax cerLlflcaLe ls requlred for Lransfer of land, or for Lhe reglsLraLlon
of any LransacLlon affecLlng land, ln Lhe clvll reglsLrar of a glven local governmenL unlL.
! When Lhe Local CovernmenL Code and Lhe 2004 noLarlal 8ules are Laken LogeLher, Lhere ls a
requlremenL for Lhe communlLy Lax cerLlflcaLe Lo be presenLed Lo Lhe noLary publlc, especlally ln
documenLs affecLlng land, Lhe LlLle LhereLo or any lnLeresL Lhereln.

9!K3L7A =:$2*

SU8SCkI8LD AND SWCkN Lo before me Lhls day of ____, 2009 Lhe afflanL [ls personally known
Lo me and exhlblLlng Lo me hls assporL no.(compeLenL proof of ldenLlLy) _____________________
lssued aL _________________ on __________ and hls C1C no. __________lssued aL __________ on

nAML Cl nC1A8? u8LlC
noLary ubllc for Lhe rovlnce/ClLy of ____
AppolnLmenL no. ___ unLll uecember ___
8oll of ALLorney no. ________

SecLlon 6, 8ule ll of Lhe noLarlal 8ules.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

18 no.________,
l8 no. ________,
MCLL Compllance no. _________
uoc no. ___,
age no. ___,
8ook no. __,
Serles of 20__.

! lL ls Lhe acL of one who has execuLed a deed, ln golng before some compeLenL offlcer or courL
and declarlng lL Lo be hls acL or deed. An acknowledgemenL ls Lo auLhenLlcaLe an agreemenL
beLween Lwo or more persons, or where Lhe documenL conLalns a dlsposlLlon of properLy.
! lL refers Lo an acL ln whlch an lndlvldual on a slngle occaslon (a) appears ln person before Lhe
noLary publlc and presenLs an lnLegrally compleLe lnsLrumenL or documenL, (b) ls personally
known Lo Lhe noLary publlc or ldenLlfled by Lhe noLary publlc Lhrough compeLenL evldence of
ldenLlLy, and (c) represenLs Lo Lhe noLary publlc LhaL Lhe slgnaLure on Lhe lnsLrumenL or
documenL was volunLarlly afflxed by hlm for Lhe purposes sLaLed ln Lhe lnsLrumenL or
documenL, declares LhaL he has execuLed Lhe lnsLrumenL or documenL as hls free and volunLary
acL and deed, and lf he acLs ln a parLlcular represenLaLlve capaclLy, LhaL he has auLhorlLy Lo slgn
ln LhaL capaclLy.
Slmply, lL Lhe acL of one who has execuLed a deed ln golng before some
compeLenL offlcer or courL and declarlng lL Lo be hls acL or deed.

! 1wo-fold funcLlon of an acknowledgmenL: (1) 1o auLhorlze Lhe deed Lo be glven ln evldence
wlLhouL furLher proof of lLs execuLlon, and (2) 1o enLlLle lL Lo be recorded. 1he same purposes
may be accompllshed by a subscrlblng wlLness golng before Lhe offlcer or courL and maklng oaLh
Lo Lhe facL of Lhe execuLlon, whlch ls cerLlfled ln Lhe same manner.

9!K3L7A !"O'#4<.%(.@.'*

8LICkL ML, Lhls ___ day of ___________, 20__ ln Lhe MunlclpallLy/ClLy of _________,
hlllpplnes, personally appeared ____________________, wlLh assporL no.(compeLenL proof of
ldenLlLy) _______________ lssued aL ______________________, on _________ and hls CommunlLy 1ax
CerLlflcaLe no. __________ lssued aL ______________________, on _________, known Lo me Lo be Lhe
same person who execuLed Lhe foregolng lnsLrumenL, and he acknowledged Lo me LhaL Lhe same ls hls
free acL and deed.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, l have hereunLo seL my hand and afflxed my noLarlal seal, Lhe day and
place above wrlLLen.

nAML Cl nC1A8? u8LlC
noLary ubllc for Lhe rovlnce/ClLy of ____

SecLlon 1, 8ule ll of Lhe noLarlal 8ules.
1lqoo, et ol. v. 5pooses Apoloo, et ol., C.8. no. 129416, 23 november 2004.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

AppolnLmenL no. ___ unLll uecember, ___
8oll of ALLorney no. ________
18 no.________,
l8 no. ________,
MCLL Compllance no. _________

uoc no. ___,
age no. ___,
8ook no. __,
Serles of 20__.

! A deed ls a legal lnsLrumenL used Lo granL a rlghL. ueeds are parL of Lhe broader caLegory of
documenLs under seal. ueeds can be descrlbed as conLracL-llke as Lhey requlre Lhe muLual
agreemenL of more Lhan one person.
! 5ee ChapLer 6 on ConLracL urafLlng for an ln-depLh dlscusslon and for samples of ueeds.

! An affldavlL ls a formal sworn sLaLemenL of facL, slgned by Lhe declaranL called an offloot and
wlLnessed by a Laker of oaLhs such as a noLary publlc. 1he name ls Medleval LaLln for he has
declared upon oaLh.
! uses of affldavlLs lnclude: (1) 1o allow evldence Lo be gaLhered from wlLnesses or parLlclpanLs
who may noL be avallable Lo LesLlfy ln person before Lhe courL, or who may oLherwlse fear for
Lhelr safeLy lf Lhelr Lrue ldenLlLles are revealed ln courL, and (2) 1o obLaln a declaraLlon on a legal
documenL LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon provlded by Lhe appllcanL ls LruLhful Lo Lhe besL of Lhe
appllcanL's knowledge. lf, afLer slgnlng such a declaraLlon, Lhe lnformaLlon ls found Lo be
dellberaLely unLrue wlLh Lhe lnLenL Lo decelve, Lhe appllcanL may face per[ury charges.
! lf an affldavlL ls noLarlzed or auLhenLlcaLed, lL wlll also lnclude a capLlon wlLh a venue and LlLle ln
reference Lo [udlclal proceedlngs.
! AffldavlLs may be wrlLLen ln Lhe flrsL or Lhlrd person, dependlng on who drafLed Lhe documenL.
lf ln Lhe flrsL person, Lhe documenL's componenL parLs are:
1. A commencemenL whlch ldenLlfles Lhe afflanL,
2. 1he lndlvldual avermenLs, almosL always numbered as mandaLed by law, each one
maklng a separaLe clalm,
3. A concluslon generally sLaLlng LhaL everyLhlng ls Lrue, under penalLy of per[ury, flne, or
lmprlsonmenL, and
4. An aLLesLaLlon, usually a [uraL, aL Lhe end cerLlfylng Lhe afflanL made oaLh and Lhe daLe.
P@-#$*2'*RRR 32$*/ #0 2' !00&%26&*S
1he vLnuL ls Lhe deslgnaLlon of Lhe place where Lhe affldavlL was Laken Lo show wheLher Lhe noLary
publlc has acLed wlLhln hls [urlsdlcLlon.

SecLlon 2, 8ule lv of A.M. no. 02-8-13-SC (2004 8ules on noLarlal racLlce, herelnafLer noLarlal 8ules")
sLaLes: A noLary publlc shall noL perform a noLarlal acL ouLslde hls regular place of work or buslness x x
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1he SClLlCL1/Su8SC8lSl (SS) ls used Lo parLlcularlze a general sLaLemenL, l.e. 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes, SS, ClLy of aslg means: ln Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes, more parLlcularly ln Lhe ClLy of

1he 8Cu? conslsLs of Lhe facLs aLLesLed Lo by Lhe afflanL, who should have acLual knowledge of Lhe same
and noL merely a bellef Lhereof.

1he allegaLlons Lhereln should be full, cerLaln and exacL. ln shorL, accuracy of Lhe sLaLemenLs ln
Lhe affldavlL ls lndlspensable.

urafLlng an affldavlL ls [usL llke sLory-Lelllng, maklng a narraLlon of Lhe evenLs LhaL Lransplred.

1he body of an affldavlL may be ln Lhe form of: (a) a narraLlon or (b) quesLlon and answer.

1he SlCnA1u8L Cl 1PL AlllAn1 whlch ls found below Lhe body of Lhe affldavlL.

1he !u8A1 (as abovedeflned).

9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 C'. 2'% *?. 92@. 3.$/#'

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

!Cln1 AllluAvl1

We, Mc SLeamy and Lrlc CarLman, boLh llllplnos, of legal ages, and resldenLs of no. 1 8ockwell
urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy and no. 2 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, respecLlvely,
havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL we have personally known Lhe person of MA8lA CLA8A for a long perlod of Llme
havlng been her long Llme frlend,
2. 1haL we know for a facL LhaL Lhe person by Lhe name of "MA8lA CLA8A" appearlng ln
some documenLs and records or speclflcally ln her CerLlflcaLe of Llve 8lrLh and Lhe
name "MA8A CLA8A" as appearlng ln Lhe records of Lhe Soclal SecurlLy SysLem (SSS),

x" whlle SecLlon 11, 8ule ll of Lhe noLarlal 8ules reads: 1he Lerm regular place of work or buslness
refers Lo a sLaLlonary offlce ln Lhe clLy or provlnce whereln Lhe noLary publlc renders legal and noLarlal
Supra noLe 2 aL p. 771.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

refer Lo one and Lhe same person and LhaL her Lrue and correcL name ls MA8lA CLA8A,
3. As such, we execuLe Lhls AffldavlL or aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng facLs and for
whaLever legal purpose LhaL Lhls AffldavlL may serve.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, we have seL our hands Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009 aL MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* !**./*&'( *# *?. ;.2*? #0 2 3.$/#'

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

!Cln1 AllluAvl1

We, Mc SLeamy and Lrlc CarLman, boLh llllplnos, of legal ages, and resldenLs of no. 1 8ockwell
urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, 8arangay oblaclon, MakaLl ClLy and no. 2 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer,
8arangay oblaclon, MakaLl ClLy, respecLlvely, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby
depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL we are 8arangay Cfflclals of Lhe aforemenLloned 8arangay belng Lhe
barangay chalrman and barangay Lanod, respecLlvely,
2. 1haL we know Lhe person of Marla Clara because she was a resldenL of Lhe
aforemenLloned 8arangay of whlch we are offlclals,
3. 1haL we know for a facL sald Marla Clara dled on Aprll 12, 2009 aL owerplanL
Mall, 8ockwell CenLer, 8arangay oblaclon, MakaLl ClLy due Lo hearL aLLack, and
4. 1haL we are execuLlng Lhls affldavlL Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLhfulness of Lhe facL of
deaLh of Lhe person of Marla Clara and for whaLever legal purposes LhaL Lhls
sLaLemenL may serve.
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, we have hereunLo seL our hands Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln Lhe ClLy of
MakaLl, MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Affloot Affloot


9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 ;#"*#$ *# 7/*2D<&/? *?. F&$*? #0 2 3.$/#' 0#$ L2*. 5.(&/*$2*&#' 4&*?
*?. 1&6&< 5.(&/*$2$

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.


l, ur. Lrlc CarLman, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, and a resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and

1. 1haL l am a duly-llcensed medlcal docLor, pracLlclng aL Lhe MakaLl Medlcal
CenLer wlLh rofesslonal Llcense no. 122333 lssued on !anuary 1, 2009 aL
2. 1haL on or abouL 12:00 noon of lebruary 1, 2009, l personally aLLended Lo a
paLlenL named Marla Clara ln glvlng blrLh by normal dellvery Lo a baby glrl
whom Lhey named as Mara Clara, and
3. 1haL l execuLe Lhls AffldavlL Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng facLs and for
any oLher legal purpose LhaL Lhls AffldavlL may serve.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009 aL MakaLl ClLy,
MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 P<<.(&*&@2", #0 2 1?&<%

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

AllluAvl1 Cl lLLLCl1lMAC?

l, Marla Clara, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, and a resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and

1. 1haL l am Lhe moLher of Mara Clara who was born on lebruary 1, 2009 aL Lhe
MakaLl Medlcal CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes,
2. 1haL as appearlng ln Lhe records of Cfflce of Lhe Clvll 8eglsLrar of Lhe ClLy of
MakaLl, hlllpplnes, Lhe faLher of Lhe sald chlld ls Lrlc CarLman, who ls an
Amerlcan clLlzen. 1he same ls cerLlfled by Lhe aLLached CerLlflcaLe of Llve 8lrLh
of Lhe sald chlld,
3. 1haL l hereby afflrm and aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe facL LhaL Lhe faLher of Lhe
above-menLloned chlld ls lndeed Lrlc CarLman,
4. 1haL l also declare LhaL under Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes or of Lhe unlLed SLaLes
of Amerlca, l and Lrlc CarLman were noL lncapaclLaLed Lo marry each oLher aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe concepLlon or blrLh of Lhe sald chlld, nor are we lncapaclLaLed
Lo marry each oLher now or ln Lhe fuLure, and
3. 1haL l am execuLlng Lhls affldavlL Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng facLs.
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009 aL MakaLl ClLy,
MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 L2*. 5.(&/*$2*&#' #0 K2$$&2(. 1#'*$2"*

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

!Cln1 AllluAvl1

We, Mc SLeamy and Lrlc CarLman, boLh llllplnos, of legal ages, boLh slngle, and resldenLs of no.
1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy and no. 2 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy,
respecLlvely, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1. 1haL we know Lhe person of Mara Clara as Lhe same has been a close
acqualnLance for a long perlod of Llme,
2. 1haL we know for a facL LhaL Mara Clara and !uan de ulos were lawfully [olned
LogeLher on Aprll 1, 2009 ln a marrlage ceremony solemnlzed by 8ev. lr.
!oaquln C. 8ernas, S!,
3. 1haL we are llkewlse aware LhaL Lhe daLe of marrlage appearlng ln Lhe
CerLlflcaLe of Llve 8lrLh lssued for Lhelr chlld, March 28, 2009, ls noL Lhe Lrue
and correcL one as Lhey have noL yeL Laken each oLher as husband and wlfe aL
Lhe Llme of hls blrLh,
4. 1haL lL was dlscovered buL recenLly when Mara Clara requesLed for a copy of
Lhelr Marrlage ConLracL from Lhe Clvll 8eglsLrar LhaL Lhe sald documenL has noL
yeL been reglsLered probably Lhrough overslghL and so Lhe sald Marrlage
ConLracL was only reglsLered lasL Aprll 10, 2009, and
3. As such, we execuLe Lhls AffldavlL Lo cerLlfy or aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe
foregolng facLs and for whaLever any and all legal purposes LhaL Lhls AffldavlL
may serve.
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, we have seL our hands Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009aL MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 L.(&*&@2*&#' #0 2 1?&<%

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

!Cln1 AllluAvl1 Cl LLCl1lMA1lCn

We, Lrlc CarLman and Marla Clara CarLman, boLh llllplnos, of legal ages, spouses, and resldenLs
of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law,
hereby depose and sLaLe:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1. 1haL we have been legally marrled Lo each oLher on Aprll 1, 2009aL a weddlng
ceremony solemnlzed by 8ev. lr. !oaquln C. 8ernas, S!. A copy of our marrlage
cerLlflcaLe ls aLLached hereLo and made an lnLegral parL of Lhls affldavlL,
2. 1haL prlor Lo our marrlage and ouLslde of wedlock, a chlld, named Mara Clara,
was concelved and born on March 28, 2009 aL MakaLl ClLy,
3. 1haL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe concepLlon of sald chlld, we were noL dlsquallfled by
any lmpedlmenL Lo marry each oLher, and, Lherefore, by vlrLue of our
subsequenL marrlage, Lhe sald chlld ls now leglLlmaLed by operaLlon of law,
parLlcularly ArLlcle 177 of Lhe lamlly Code, and
4. 1haL we execuLe Lhls affldavlL Lo declare Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng facLs.
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, we have hereunLo seL our hands Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009 aL MakaLl
ClLy, MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 9:--<.@.'*2< 5.-#$* 0#$ *?. C00&". #0 *?. 1&6&<

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

AllluAvl1 Cl SuLLMLn1AL 8LC81

l, edro CarLman, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, and resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL l was born on Aprll 1, 1983 aL MakaLl ClLy Lo spouses Marla Clara CarLman
and Larl CarLman,
2. 1haL slnce l was young, l have always been known and called by Lhe flrsL name
"Lu8C" and LhaL lL ls Lhe same flrsL name LhaL l have been uslng ln all my
documenLs and ldenLlflcaLlon papers,
3. Powever, lL appears from Lhe records of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Clvll 8eglsLrar of
MakaLl ClLy LhaL l was reglsLered Lhereln wlLhouL a glven flrsL name,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4. 1haL lL ls my deslre Lo be reglsLered wlLh Lhe sald Cfflce of Lhe Clvll 8eglsLrar of
MakaLl ClLy wlLh Lhe flrsL name "Lu8C",
5. 1haL Lhe fallure Lo sLaLe my flrsL name was purely Lhe lnadverLence of my
parenLs who falled Lo do so because of Lhelr uncerLalnLy aL flrsL as Lo whaL name
would be glven me aL Lhe Llme of Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lhe facLs of my blrLh wlLh
Lhe sald offlce, and
6. As such, l execuLe Lhls AffldavlL Lo cerLlfy or aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng
facLs and for whaLever legal purpose LhaL Lhls AffldavlL may serve.
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009 aL MakaLl ClLy,
MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* &' 9:--#$* #0 5."O<.// P@-$:%.'".
1#@-<2&'* 0#$ ;2@2(. *# Q.?&"<.

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.


l, edro CarLman, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, and resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL l am a duly llcensed drlver wlLh urlver's Llcense no. 1223333, whlch ls valld
unLll Lhe year 2011 and LhaL l usually drlve a vehlcle ln brlnglng my son Lo school
aL ALeneo de Manlla unlverslLy ln Loyola PelghLs, Cuezon ClLy, whlch vehlcle ls
speclflcally descrlbed as a Mercedes 8enz kompressor wlLh MoLor no. 12222,
Chassls no. 12222 and wlLh laLe no. xxx 123 lssued by Lhe Land 1ransporLaLlon
Cfflce of Lhe ClLy of MakaLl and ls reglsLered ln my name, wlLh CerLlflcaLe of
8eglsLraLlon no. 122222 lssued on Aprll 1, 2009 and wlLh MvM88 no. 122223
daLed March 11, 2009,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

2. 1haL on Aprll 10, 2009 aL around Lwo o'clock ln Lhe afLernoon, when l broughL
my son Lo school and when Lhe sald vehlcle was parked aL Lhe Crade School
parklng loL of Lhe school, anoLher vehlcle, ldenLlfled as a lord LxpedlLlon wlLh
laLe no. xxx 124 and red ln color, sLopped ln fronL of my vehlcle Lo also brlng
an a sLudenL Lo school,
3. 1haL afLer Lhe sLudenL who allghLed from Lhe sald lord LxpedlLlon had enLered
Lhe school gaLe, Lhe drlver of Lhe sald lord LxpedlLlon, recklessly and
lmpudenLly, Lrled Lo make a u-1urn and hlL/bumped my vehlcle and LhaL when l
lnsLanLaneously blew my horn, Lhe drlver of Lhe sald lord LxpedlLlon qulckly
acceleraLed and felonlously fled away ln Lhe dlrecLlon golng Lo kaLlpunan
4. 1haL as a resulL of Lhe lncldenL, Lhe Mercedes 8enz LhaL l was drlvlng susLalned
damage ln lLs bumper,
3. 1haL Lhe sald lncldenL was wlLnessed by many persons, mosL of whom are also
parenLs of sLudenLs who were llkewlse brlnglng Lhelr chlldren Lo school, and has
been duly documenLed ln Lhe 8loLLer of Lhe 1rafflc ulvlslon of Cuezon ClLy,
6. 1haL upon lnqulry wlLh Lhe SecurlLy Cfflce of Lhe school, lL was dlscovered LhaL
Lhe sald lord LxpedlLlon has been lssued a Car ass by Lhe school upon
appllcaLlon of a cerLaln lan Cruz, a Crade 7 sLudenL of Lhe school, wlLh resldence
aL no. 23 uoroLhy SL., Loyola PelghLs, Cuezon ClLy, and
7. 1haL l am execuLlng Lhls AffldavlL Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng and ln
supporL of charges for "8LCkLLSS lM8uuLnCL" agalnsL Lhe drlver of Lhe sald
lord LxpedlLlon or for whaLever oLher acLlon LhaL may be flled agalnsL Lhe drlver
and/or reglsLered owner of Lhe sald vehlcle and ln supporL of clalms agalnsL Lhe
lnsurer for Lhe repalr of Lhe damage caused Lo Lhe vehlcle l was drlvlng.
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009 ln MakaLl ClLy,
MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 ;.'&2< #0 1$&@&'2< 12/./

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


l, edro CarLman, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, and resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL l am nC1 Lhe same person as one edro CarLman a.k.a. edro enduko
who was charged under Crlmlnal Case no. 12333 before Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
of MakaLl ClLy for Lhe crlme of 8ape,
2. 1haL l have never been Lhe sub[ecL of any crlmlnal complalnL, charge or
proceedlng before any prosecuLor or courL, and
3. As such, l am execuLlng Lhls AffldavlL Lo cerLlfy or aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe
foregolng facLs and for purpose of denylng LhaL l am Lhe edro CarLman who ls
Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe aforemenLloned case and for whaLever legal purpose LhaL Lhls
AffldavlL may serve.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 ;2@2(. *# B2$.?#:/. F:&<%&'( D, I&$.
0#$ I&$. P'/:$2'". 1<2&@

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.


l, Larl CarLman, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, and resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL l am Lhe Manager of ColgaLe almollve, a domesLlc corporaLlon engaged ln
Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of a varleLy of commerclal producLs,
2. 1haL Lhe sald company malnLalns a warehouse for lLs producLs aL !.. 8lzal SL.,
oblaclon, MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

3. 1haL someLlme on Aprll 1, 2009 aL around Len o'clock ln Lhe evenlng, a blg flre
broke ouL ln Lhe sald warehouse whlch caused damage on lLs maln warehouse,
and desLroyed/damaged/spolled many of Lhe assorLed sLocks and merchandlse
sLored ln Lhe sald warehouse,
4. 1haL Lhe sald flre was conLrolled and puL off only abouL Len hours laLer by Lhe
efforLs of Lhe dlfferenL flre brlgades whlch responded Lo our call for asslsLance,
5. 1haL l am execuLlng Lhls AffldavlL Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng and ln
supporL of Lhe company's clalm on Lhe flre/bulldlng lnsurance of Lhe sald
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 ;.2*? ;:. *# Q.?&"<. !""&%.'* 0#$ P'/:$2'". 1<2&@

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.


l, Larl CarLman, llllplno, of legal age, wldower, and resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL l am Lhe wldower of Marla Clara CarLman,
2. 1haL my wlfe dled on Aprll 1, 2009 because of head ln[urles susLalned ln a
vehlcular accldenL as per Lhe resulLs of Lhe auLopsy conducLed by ur. vlckl 8elo,
3. 1haL per lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe MakaLl ollce SLaLlon, my wlfe dled as a resulL of a
vehlcular accldenL aL 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy.Whenshe was
drlvlng, she was bumped/hlL by a Lruck comlng from Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon,
4. 1haL my wlfe was a duly llcensed drlver aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lncldenL and was
carrylng urlver's Llcense no. 12333 and was rldlng on a 8MW, whlLe ln color and
wlLh laLe no. x?P 123 owned by me wlLh CerLlflcaLe of 8eglsLraLlon no. 12333,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

5. 1haL l am execuLlng Lhls affldavlL Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng and for
whaLever legal purposes LhaL Lhls sLaLemenL may serve.
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 L#// T!+K "2$%/ 2'% ;$&6.$U/ L&".'/.V

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

AllluAvl1 Cl LCSS

l, Larl CarLman, llllplno, of legal age, wldower, and resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL l am an employee of CMA neLwork, lnc. aL MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla,
hlllpplnes and aL Lhe same Llme a duly-llcensed drlver,
2. 1haL on Aprll 1, 2009 aL around seven o'clock ln Lhe evenlng, whlle l was aL Lhe
bus sLaLlon aL Cubao, l losL my walleL whlch l usually place ln my back pockeL,
3. 1haL lnslde Lhe sald walleL are my urlver's Llcense and A1M Card lssued by
Malayan 8ank, kamunlng 8ranch,
4. 1haL desplLe dlllgenL search and efforLs Lo locaLe Lhe sald walleL and my urlver's
Llcense and my A1M Card, l could noL flnd Lhem such LhaL l now belleve LhaL
Lhey are now losL beyond recovery,
5. 1haL my urlver's Llcense has noL been conflscaLed by Lhe L1C, ollce or oLher
1rafflc Lnforcers for any Lrafflc vlolaLlon, and
6. As such, l am execuLlng Lhls AffldavlL of Loss Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe
foregolng and Lo supporL my appllcaLlon for Lhe lssuance of a new urlver's
Llcense and a new A1M Card, ln lleu of Lhe ones LhaL were losL.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 L#// T32//-#$*V

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

AllluAvl1 Cl LCSS

l, Larl CarLman, llllplno, of legal age, wldower, and resldenL of no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL on Aprll 1, 2009, l was lssued a hlllpplne assporL by Lhe ueparLmenL of
lorelgn Affalrs ln Manlla,
2. 1haL recenLly l had Lrled Lo look for Lhe sald passporL buL Lhe same could noL be
3. 1haL desplLe dlllgenL search and efforLs Lo locaLe Lhe sald passporL, l could noL
flnd Lhe same such LhaL l now belleve LhaL lL ls now losL beyond recovery, and
4. As such, l am execuLlng Lhls AffldavlL of Loss Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe
foregolng and Lo supporL Lhe appllcaLlon for Lhe lssuance of new one ln lleu of
Lhe one whlch was losL.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A K2$&'. 3$#*./* T!' !00&%26&* :'%.$ *?. 1#%. #0 1#@@.$".V

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
rovlnce of Sulu ) S.S.
MunlclpallLy of !olo )

MA8lnL 8C1LS1

name: Marvln Lee Age: 30 Clvll SLaLus: Marrled
Address: no. 6 naranghlLa SL., ro[ecL 2, Cuezon ClLy, MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes
oslLlon: Shlp CapLaln 1ype/Cargo/8urden: 1una MeaL (goods)
Pome orL: Manlla
8eglsLry number: 123333332323232
Cross 1ons: 20.3 neL 1ons: 13.8

AfLer belng duly sworn Lo ln accordance wlLh law, do hereby declare and sLaLe on

1. 1haL on (conLlnue wlLh Lhe facLs and clrcumsLances LhaL Lransplred ln
2. 1haL l, as MasLer, (lndlcaLe whaL acLlons Lhe masLer lnlLlaLed),
3. 1haL l as MasLer (lndlcaLe Lhe respondenLs and Lhelr address lf any),
4. 1haL Lhe prevalllng weaLher aL Lhe Llme was as follows:
Ceneral uescrlpLlon: ____________________________
Wlnd ulrecLlon: _______veloclLy: ____ klLs: _________
PelghL of Seas: _________leeL: ____________
1lde: __________________ llood ____________
vlslblllLy: ___________________________
CLher 8emarks: _____________________
5. 1haL Lhe lncldenL resulLed ln[urles Lo ___________________ persons and deaLh
Lo _____________ persons, whose names are llsLed ln LxhlblL "A" of Lhls
6. 1haL Lhls lncldenL llkewlse resulLed Lo loss or sllghL damage Lo Lhe
_____________ belonglng Lo _____________ ln Lhe esLlmaLed amounL of
______________________________ (____________) and deLalled ln LxhlblL
"8" of Lhls 8C1LS1:
7. 1haL my organlzaLlon / shlpplng company ls as follows:
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Address: __________________________
1elephone(s): _______________________
lax: _____________________________
8. 1haL furLher/addlLlonal lnformaLlon/daLa ls appended hereLo as LxhlblL "1" of
Lhls 8C1LS1.

5blp coptolo


EC+7A B?.' 9JKK!5W CI 1!979 B>757 35C+79+ P9 57XJP57;
T"0S Code of Commerce)
1. under 612, when Lhe vessel makes an arrlval under sLress
2. under 612, 624 and 843, where Lhe vessel ls shlpwrecked
3. under 624, where Lhe vessel has gone Lhrough a hurrlcane or when Lhe capLaln belleves LhaL Lhe
cargo has suffered damages or averages
4. under 833, ln case of marlLlme colllslons

9!K3L7A =:%&"&2< !00&%26&*
T!/ 2' 2**2"?@.'* *# 2 3.*&*&#' 0#$ B$&* #0 !@-2$# 2'% >2D.2/ 1#$-:/V

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
Cuezon ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.


l, vlcenLe de 8amos, llllplno clLlzen, of legal age, marrled Lo Angellna de 8amos and a resldenL of
123 CoLabaLo SLreeL, new Manlla, Cuezon ClLy, afLer havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law,
hereby depose and say:

C: WhaL ls your name?

A: l am vlcenLe de 8amos.

C: Where do you llve?

A: l llve aL 123 CoLabaLo SLreeL, new Manlla, Cuezon ClLy.

C: Are you relaLed Lo uanlelle de 8amos?
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

A: ?es.

C: Pow are you relaLed Lo her?

A: She ls my daughLer.

C: Where does your daughLer llve?

A: She llves wlLh me.

C: WhaL ls Lhe naLure of work of your daughLer?

A:She ls acLlvely an offlcer of Lhe Puman 8lghLs CrganlzaLlon, an organlzaLlon engaged ln
advocaLlng human rlghLs.

C: Where ls Lhe Puman 8lghLs CrganlzaLlon locaLed?

A: lL ls locaLed ln unlL 201 SleLe 8emedlos 1ower, new Manlla, Cuezon ClLy.

C: Pow does your daughLer go Lo work?

A: She brlngs her own car Lo work. Cn seldom occaslons, especlally when she cannoL use her
own car, l brlng her Lo work.

C: 1hank you Mr. de 8amos. LeL's focus on Lhe daLe of your daughLer's alleged forced
dlsappearance. uo you remember Lhe happenlngs on 3 SepLember 2008?

A: ?es.

C: Cn 3 SepLember 2008, when dld you lasL see and Lalked Lo your daughLer?

A: l lasL saw her durlng breakfasL, before we headed Lo our respecLlve workplaces.

C: uld you brlng your daughLer Lo work LhaL day?

A: no, she drove herself Lo work.

C: Pow are you sure LhaL your daughLer was able Lo go Lo work LhaL day?

A: She called me up and Lold me LhaL she has already arrlved aL her offlce.

C: LeL us fasL forward Lo Lhe evenlng of Lhe same daLe. Can you narraLe your daughLer's regular
pracLlce when she goes home from work?

A: She regularly calls me or sends me a LexL message, lnformlng me LhaL she ls on her way home.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

C: Cn Lhe evenlng of 3 SepLember 2008, dld she conLacL you?

A: ?es, she dld.

C: WhaL Llme dld she conLacL you LhaL nlghL?

A: l recelved a LexL message aL around 8:00pm. She sald LhaL she was on her way home from

C: uld she arrlve home LhaL nlghL?

A: She dld noL.

C: WhaL dld you do when she dld noL go home afLer she conLacLed you?

A: l walLed for a few hours for her Lo go home. l Lrled Lo conLacL her buL she was noL answerlng
her phone. l really goL worrled. l declded Lo drlve down Lo her offlce Lo see lf she was Lhere.

C: When you arrlved aL her offlce, whaL happened?

A: l saw her car was sLlll parked ln Lhe parklng loL. l approached Lhe securlLy guard on duLy Lo
lnqulre abouL Lhe whereabouLs of my daughLer.

C: uo you know Lhe name of Lhls securlLy guard?

A: ?es, he ls ChrlsLopher nepomuceno and was Lhe one on duLy LhaL nlghL.

C: WhaL dld Lhe securlLy guard Lell you?

A: Pe Lold me LhaL my daughLer was on her way Lo her car when a van blocked her way and
Lhree large-bullL men came down Lhe van and Look forclbly my daughLer lnslde. 1he men had
holsLered plsLons and one was wearlng faLlgue panLs. AfLer Laklng my daughLer, Lhe van swlfLly
drove away. My daughLer dropped her Lhlngs on Lhe parklng loL.

C: WhaL dld you do nexL afLer Lhe guard Lold you LhaL your daughLer was abducLed?

A: l lmmedlaLely conLacLed Lhe auLhorlLles and asked Lhem for help buL ChrlsLopher
nepomuceno prevlously have reporLed Lhe maLLer Lo Lhem rlghL afLer Lhe abducLlon of my

C: Were Lhey able Lo help you locaLe your daughLer?

A: no buL lL was found ouL LhaL a day before Lhe daLe of her dlsappearance, men who ldenLlfled
Lhemselves as lSAl agenLs had asked abouL my daughLer and has been noLlced Lo have been
conducLlng acLlvlLles ln her offlce premlses for weeks.

C: Why do you Lhlnk lSAl agenLs would be asklng abouL your daughLer?
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

A: My daughLer has recenLly Lold me LhaL she was currenLly worklng on an lnvesLlgaLlve pro[ecL
on cerLaln offlclals of Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe lSAl on alleged corrupLlon
and abuslve pracLlces.

C: AnoLher Lhlng, [usL Lo make lL clear. uld you have any alLercaLlon wlLh your daughLer lasL 3
SepLember 2008 or days before LhaL mlghL have caused her Lo run away or [usL spend Llme
somewhere else?

A: no. My daughLer and l dldn'L have any alLercaLlon. And knowlng my daughLer's personallLy
and belng close Lo her, she ls noL Lhe Lype Lo run away or go somewhere wlLhouL
communlcaLlng wlLh her famlly or frlends.

C: Pas your daughLer conLacLed you or any members of your lmmedlaLe famlly ever slnce her
forced abducLlon?

A: no.

C: Slnce her dlsappearance, and afLer searchlng Lhe usual places she vlslLs, were you able Lo
locaLe her whereabouLs?

A: no.

lurLher AfflanL sayeLh none.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln Cuezon ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 C4'.$/?&- #0 3.$/#'2< 3$#-.$*&./ 0#$ 1#'*$2"* #0 3<.%(.

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
Cuezon ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

AllluAvl1 Cl CWnL8SPl

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

l, vlcenLe de 8amos, llllplno clLlzen, of legal age, marrled Lo Angellna de 8amos and a resldenL of
123 CoLabaLo SLreeL, new Manlla, Cuezon ClLy, afLer havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law,
hereby depose and say:

1. 1haL l am Lhe Lrue and absoluLe owner of Lhe followlng personal properLles, Lo
2 leces of Cold 8lngs wlLh 18-karaL ulamond SLones
4 leces of laLlnum 8raceleLs
2. 1haL l lnLend Lo dellver Lhe sald personal properLles as a collaLeral Lo secure Lhe
loan LhaL l am applylng for from 8anco llllplno Cngpln 8ranch,
3. 1haL l hereby warranL LlLle and ownershlp over Lhe above-menLloned personal
properLles and l wlll defend Lhe possesslon of Lhe ledge from evlcLlon, and
4. 1haL l execuLe Lhls AffldavlL of Cwnershlp Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe
aforemenLloned facLs and ln supporL of my appllcaLlon for a loan and for any
oLher legal purposes LhaL Lhls AffldavlL could serve.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln Cuezon ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !%6.$/. 1<2&@ 0#$ ;..% #0 1#'%&*&#'2< 92<.

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
Cuezon ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

AllluAvl1 Cl AuvL8SL CLAlM

l, vlcenLe de 8amos, llllplno clLlzen, of legal age, marrled Lo Angellna de 8amos and a resldenL of
123 CoLabaLo SLreeL, new Manlla, Cuezon ClLy, afLer havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law,
hereby depose and say:

1. Cn Aprll 1, 2009, l have enLered lnLo a ueed of CondlLlonal Sale whlch was
acknowledged on Lhe same daLe before noLary ubllc 8oderlck aulaLe of
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

MakaLl ClLy and enLered ln hls noLarlal 8eglsLer as uoc. no. 1, age no. 1, 8ook
no. 1, Serles of 2009. A copy of Lhe sald ueed ls hereLo aLLached and made an
lnLegral parL of Lhls AffldavlL,
2. 1haL ln Lhe sald ueed of CondlLlonal Sale, l was Lhe vLnuLL of a cerLaln parcel of
land covered by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1-8911, more parLlcularly
descrlbed as follows:
1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1-8911
A A8CLL Cl LAnu (LoL 43 of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan
(L8C) cs-4111, belng a porLlon of Lhe consolldaLlon of LoLs 4 and 7,
su-112287 Amd., L8C (CL8C) 8ec. no. n-17311), slLuaLed ln Lhe
ulsL. Cf Concepclon, ClLy of SLa. 8osa, Laguna, lsland of Luzon.
8ounded on Lhe nL., polnLs 3 Lo 6, by LoL 93, on Lhe S., polnLs 6 Lo 1
by LoL 40, on Lhe SW., polnLs 1 Lo 2, by LoL 41, and on Lhe n., polnLs
2 Lo 3 by LoL 43, all of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan. 8eglnnlng
aL a polnL marked "1" on plan, belng n. 31 deg. 36' L., 1321.76 m.
from 8.L.L.M. no.1, SLa. 8osa, Laguna xxx conLalnlng an area of
2,000 square meLers, more or less (a copy of whlch LlLle ls hereLo
aLLached as Annex "A")
3. 1haL, because l sLlll have a balance on Lhe purchase prlce ln Lhe amounL of CnL
MlLLlCn LSCS (1,000,000.00) whlch ls payable wlLhln 1WC ?LA8S from Lhe
daLe of slgnlng Lhereof, lL was sLlpulaLed ln Lhe aforemenLloned ueed LhaL LlLle
and ownershlp over Lhe sub[ecL properLy wlll only be Lransferred upon full
paymenL of Lhe same,
4. 1haL Lhe vLnuC8 ln Lhe sald ueed of CondlLlonal Sale agreed LhaL upon lLs
execuLlon, sald ueed shall be annoLaLed ln Lhe 1lLle wlLh Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
8eglsLer of ueeds of SLa. 8osa, Laguna,
5. Powever, slnce Lhe sald ueed of CondlLlonal Sale per se could noL be annoLaLed
on Lhe 1lLle wlLh Lhe Cfflce of Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds, l am Lherefore execuLlng
Lhls AffldavlL for Lhe purpose of aLLesLlng Lo Lhe LruLhfulness of Lhe foregolng
allegaLlons and ln supporL of my requesL for Lhe annoLaLlon of an adverse clalm
over Lhe parcel of land covered by Lhe 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1-8911.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln Cuezon ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


9!K3L7A !00&%26&* 0#$ 12'".<<2*&#' #0 7'*$&./ &' *?. +1+

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
Cuezon ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.


l, vlcenLe de 8amos, llllplno clLlzen, of legal age, marrled Lo Angellna de 8amos and a resldenL of
123 CoLabaLo SLreeL, new Manlla, Cuezon ClLy, afLer havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law,
hereby depose and say:

1. 1haL l am Lhe Lrue and reglsLered owner of a cerLaln parcel of land whlch ls
covered by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no.1-8911, more parLlcularly descrlbed
as follows:
1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1-8911

A A8CLL Cl LAnu (LoL 43 of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan
(L8C) cs-4111, belng a porLlon of Lhe consolldaLlon of LoLs 4 and 7,
su-112287 Amd., L8C (CL8C) 8ec. no. n-17311), slLuaLed ln Lhe
ulsL. Cf Concepclon, ClLy of SLa. 8osa, Laguna, lsland of Luzon.
8ounded on Lhe nL., polnLs 3 Lo 6, by LoL 93, on Lhe S., polnLs 6 Lo 1
by LoL 40, on Lhe SW., polnLs 1 Lo 2, by LoL 41, and on Lhe n., polnLs
2 Lo 3 by LoL 43, all of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan. 8eglnnlng
aL a polnL marked "1" on plan, belng n. 31 deg. 36' L., 1321.76 m.
from 8.L.L.M. no.1, SLa. 8osa, Laguna xxx conLalnlng an area of
2,000 square meLers, more or less (a copy of whlch LlLle ls hereLo
aLLached as Annex "A")
2. 1haL annoLaLed on sald 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 8911 ls a noLlce of lls
pendens daLed March 18, 2008,
3. 1haL Lhe effecLlvlLy and efflcacy of sald enLrles have slnce explred as shown by
Lhe daLes Lhereon and/or were correspondlngly superseded by oLher enLrles
whlch are also belng caused Lo be cancelled ln vlew of Lhe facL LhaL Lhe parLy Lo
sald annoLaLlon has reglsLered no opposlLlon Lo lLs cancellaLlon, and
4. 1haL l am execuLlng Lhls affldavlL purposely requesLlng Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds Lo
cause Lhe cancellaLlon of Lhe above-menLloned enLrles ln Lhe aforemenLloned
1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln Cuezon ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 1#'/#<&%2*&#' #0 C4'.$/?&-

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
Cuezon ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

AllluAvl1 Cl CCnSCLluA1lCn Cl CWnL8SPl

l, vlcenLe de 8amos, llllplno clLlzen, of legal age, marrled Lo Angellna de 8amos and a resldenL of
123 CoLabaLo SLreeL, new Manlla, Cuezon ClLy, afLer havlng been duly sworn ln accordance wlLh law,
hereby depose and say:

1. 1haL ln Lhe publlc aucLlon sale conducLed by Lhe ClLy Sherlff of Cuezon ClLy
on Aprll 1, 2008 pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of AcL 3133 as amended, Lhe
underslgned AfflanL became Lhe purchaser of a cerLaln foreclosed properLy
wlLh all lLs lmprovemenLs, more parLlcularly descrlbed as follows:
1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1-8911

A A8CLL Cl LAnu (LoL 43 of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan
(L8C) cs-4111, belng a porLlon of Lhe consolldaLlon of LoLs 4 and
7, su-112287 Amd., L8C (CL8C) 8ec. no. n-17311), slLuaLed ln
Lhe ulsL. Cf Concepclon, ClLy of SLa. 8osa, Laguna, lsland of Luzon.
8ounded on Lhe nL., polnLs 3 Lo 6, by LoL 93, on Lhe S., polnLs 6 Lo
1 by LoL 40, on Lhe SW., polnLs 1 Lo 2, by LoL 41, and on Lhe n.,
polnLs 2 Lo 3 by LoL 43, all of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan.
8eglnnlng aL a polnL marked "1" on plan, belng n. 31 deg. 36' L.,
1321.76 m. from 8.L.L.M. no.1, SLa. 8osa, Laguna xxx conLalnlng
an area of 2,000 square meLers, more or less (a copy of whlch LlLle
ls hereLo aLLached as Annex "A")
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

2. 1haL Lhe sald Sherlff sold Lhe above-descrlbed properLy wlLh all Lhe
lmprovemenLs and bulldlngs Lhereon Lo Lhe underslgned AfflanL as Lhe
hlghesL bldder for Lhe sum of CnL MlLLlCn LSCS (1,000,000.00),
hlllpplne Currency,
3. 1haL a CerLlflcaLe of Sale aL ubllc AucLlon was lssued by Lhe sald Sherlff ln
favor of Lhe underslgned AfflanL and Lhe same was duly reglsLered wlLh Lhe
offlce of Lhe 8eglsLry of ueeds of Cuezon ClLy on Aprll 10, 2008 as LnLry no.
123 on Lhe aforemenLloned LlLle, and
4. 1haL Lhe one (1) year perlod for redempLlon has already explred wlLhouL Lhe
MorLgagor or any person ln hls represenLaLlon havlng exerclsed Lhelr rlghL
of redempLlon over Lhe sald properLy and Lherefore, Lhe consolldaLlon of
LlLle and ownershlp over Lhe sald properLy ln favor of Lhe underslgned
AfflanL ls proper and ln accordance wlLh law.
WPL8LlC8L, by fallure of Lhe MorLgagor Lo redeem Lhe sald properLy, l am execuLlng Lhls
AffldavlL for Lhe purpose of consolldaLlng LlLle and ownershlp over Lhe above-descrlbed properLy wlLh all
lmprovemenLs and bulldlngs Lhereon, as provlded for by law, and l hereby requesL Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
8eglsLer of ueeds Lo reglsLer Lhe same and lssue a new LlLle ln Lhe name of Lhe underslgned AfflanL.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln Cuezon ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 ;."<2$2*&#' #0 C4'.$/?&- #0 5.2< 3$#-.$*,

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.


l, LA8L CA81MAn, of legal age, llllplno, slngle, Manager of A8C CorporaLlon, afLer havlng been
duly sworn Lo ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1. 1haL Lhe sald CorporaLlon ls Lhe owner of cerLaln parcel of land, more
parLlcularly descrlbed as follows:

1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1-8911

A A8CLL Cl LAnu (LoL 43 of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan
(L8C) cs-4111, belng a porLlon of Lhe consolldaLlon of LoLs 4 and
7, su-112287 Amd., L8C (CL8C) 8ec. no. n-17311), slLuaLed ln
Lhe ulsL. Cf Concepclon, ClLy of SLa. 8osa, Laguna, lsland of Luzon.
8ounded on Lhe nL., polnLs 3 Lo 6, by LoL 93, on Lhe S., polnLs 6 Lo
1 by LoL 40, on Lhe SW., polnLs 1 Lo 2, by LoL 41, and on Lhe n.,
polnLs 2 Lo 3 by LoL 43, all of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan.
8eglnnlng aL a polnL marked "1" on plan, belng n. 31 deg. 36' L.,
1321.76 m. from 8.L.L.M. no.1, SLa. 8osa, Laguna xxx conLalnlng
an area of 2,000 square meLers, more or less (a copy of whlch LlLle
ls hereLo aLLached as Annex "A")

2. 1haL Lhe sald aforemenLloned 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle over sald properLy
lncludes and conLalns all Lhe permanenL lmprovemenLs and bulldlngs locaLed
and slLuaLed Lhereon, and
3. 1haL l execuLe Lhls AffldavlL Lo aLLesL and declare Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng facLs
and for whaLever legal purposes LhaL Lhls AffldavlL may serve.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, ln Cuezon ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 1#'/.'* 2'% 9:--#$* 0#$ +$26.< #0 2 K&'#$

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.

!Cln1 AllluAvl1 Cl SuC81

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

We, Marla Clara CarLmanand Lrlc CarLman, boLh llllplnos, of legal ages, and boLh resldenLs of
no. 1 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, wlLh 8esldenLlal 1elephone no. (632) 912332 and
wlLh 1ax ldenLlflcaLlon nos. (1.l.n.) 12343 and 67890, respecLlvely, afLer havlng been duly sworn ln
accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe:

1. 1haL we are Lhe parenLs of Mara Clara CarLman who ls of legal age and a clLlzen
of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes and a holder of valld hlllpplne assporL wlLh
no. 123436 and who ls golng for a Lrlp abroad speclflcally Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes
Lhls 20
day of Aprll 2009,
2. 1haL we are glvlng our full consenL Lo our sald daughLer Lo Lravel abroad or
speclflcally Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes,
3. 1haL for Lhls purpose, we have sufflclenL and adequaLe flnanclal capaclLy Lo
supporL and defray Lhe sald Lravel and do hereby underLake Lo flnance her Lrlp
abroad from Lhe appllcaLlon fees, alrllne LlckeLs, board and lodglng, pockeL
money and such oLher expenses LhaL she may lncur so LhaL she would nelLher
be a burden Lo Lhe sLaLe nor aL Lhelr place of desLlnaLlon aL any Llme durlng her
Lrlp abroad,
4. 1haL Lhere ls no crlmlnal case pendlng ln courL agalnsL her nor has she been
charged of subverslon, rebelllon, lnsurrecLlon or any crlme or offense lnvolvlng
moral LurplLude ln any courL of Lhe hlllpplnes, and
3. 1haL we are execuLlng Lhls affldavlL Lo declare Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng facLs
and for whaLever legal purpose lL may serve.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, we have seL our hands Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009aL MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.



9!K3L7A F:<O 92<./ !00&%26&*


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Note. A 8ulk Sales AffldavlL ls noL an agreemenL/conLracL, buL ls needed when a corporaLlon sells all or
subsLanLlally all of lLs asseLs.

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MAkA1l Cl1? ) S.S.


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1he underslgned lndlvldual, resldlng aL 234 8ockwell urlve, MakaLl ClLy, afLer belng duly
sworn, deposes:

1. l am Lhe resldenL of Lhe CorporaLlon known as SAn1C 8LAL1? lnC. herelnafLer referred Lo
as Lhe "CorporaLlon" and l am Lhe person who execuLed Lhe aLLached blll of sale on behalf of Lhe

2. 1he CorporaLlon ls Lhe sole owner of Lhe properLy descrlbed ln Lhe aLLached blll of sale and
has full rlghL Lo sell and Lransfer Lhe properLy lnvolved.

3. All of Lhe properLy descrlbed ln Lhe aLLached blll of sale ls free and clear of all obllgaLlons
and encumbrances.

4. 1here are no exlsLlng courL [udgmenLs, nor any llens, replevln, aLLachmenLs or execuLlons,
nor any peLlLlon ln bankrupLcy, nor has any arrangemenL proceedlng been flled by or agalnsL Lhe
CorporaLlon. ln addlLlon, Lhe CorporaLlon has noL Laken advanLage of any law relaLlng Lo lnsolvency.

1hls affldavlL ls made Lo lnduce Lhe urchaser Lo accepL Lhe Lransfer of Lhe goods descrlbed ln
Lhe aLLached lnvolce. lL ls also Lo assure compllance wlLh Lhe bulk Lransfer provlslons of Lhe AcL no. 3932
or 1he 8ulk Sales Law Lo assure Lhe urchaser LhaL Lhere are no credlLors of Lhe Company who are
enLlLled Lo Lhe sLaLuLory noLlce of sale.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 04
day of !anuary 2009 aL Lhe ClLy of
MakaLl, hlllpplnes.

!onaLhan lrancls nepomuceno
SAn1C 8LAL1? lnC.

Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n Lo before me Lhls 04
day of !anuary 2009 aL Lhe ClLy of MakaLl,
hlllpplnes afflanL exhlblLlng hls assporL wlLh number SSC 1234367 lssued on 01 CcLober 2008 aL Lhe
ClLy of Manlla, hlllpplnes.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


uoc. no. ______,
age no. ______,
8ook no. ______,
Serles of 2______

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

! A conLracL ls a meeLlng of mlnds beLween Lwo persons whereby one agrees Lo glve someLhlng or
render some servlce Lo anoLher for a conslderaLlon. (ArLlcle 1318, Clvll Code)

7L7K7E+9 CI ! 1CE+5!1+
! 1here ls no conLracL unless Lhe followlng requlslLes concur: (1) consenL of Lhe conLracLlng
parLles, (2) an ob[ecL cerLaln whlch ls Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe conLracL, and (3) Lhe cause of Lhe
obllgaLlon whlch ls esLabllshed. (A8S-C8n 8roadcasLlng Corp. v. CourL of Appeals, 301 SC8A 372)

JEPL!+75!L ;77;Y1CE+5!1+ T!33LP1!FL7 +C 9!L79V
! vendee assumes no obllgaLlon.
! no need for Lhe vendee or Lhe oLher parLy Lo slgn Lhe deed/conLracL or for an acknowledgmenL

FPL!+75!L ;77;Y1CE+5!1+ T!33LP1!FL7 +C 9!L79V
! vendee ls obllged Lo do someLhlng.
! vendee or Lhe oLher parLy musL slgn boLh Lhe deed and Lhe acknowledgmenL.

C375!+PQ7 BC5;9 +C 57K7KF75
! ueed of Sale: SLLL, 18AnSlL8 Anu CCnvL? (ln case of sale under pocto Je tetto, sLaLe such a
facL wlLh Lhe operaLlve words 8Lu8CPASL Anu 8LSLLL.)
! ueed of AsslgnmenL: ASSlCn, 18AnSlL8 Anu CCnvL?
! ueed of Lxchange: CLuL, 18AnSlL8 Anu CCnvL?
! ueed of uonaLlon: fot ooJ lo cooslJetotloo of love ooJ offectloo
! ower of ALLorney: oome, coostltote ooJ oppolot, PL8L8? ClvlnC Anu C8An1lnC

Card|na| ku|es |n Draft|ng Contracts as Lega| Documents

5:<. Z
1he usual commencemenL of a conLracL should be:

1bls Aqteemeot ot Ao Aqteemeot ot Attlcles of Aqteemeot

San 8eda College of Law 8evlewer 2008, clLlng Cuevara, 13
8evlsed LdlLlon.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

AlLhough lL ls beLLer Lo sLaLe Lhe parLlcular klnd of conLracL or agreemenL Lo be drafLed such as 1bls
Mottqoqe, 1bls coottoct of 5ole, 1bls coottoct of leose

5:<. [
1he luLL nAMLS of Lhe parLles, Lhelr capaclLy, clvll sLaLus, and Lhelr resldences, should come nexL.
1he loglcal order ln whlch Lhe parLles are Lo be named ln Lhe documenL musL be observed.

" ueed of Conveyance:
name of seller, morLgagor, or granLor musL flrsL be sLaLed

" LmploymenL ConLracL:
name of employer usually comes flrsL

5:<. G
1he prlnclpal or operaLlonal clauses of Lhe documenL should be sLaLed ln separaLe, numbered
paragraphs. 1he purpose ls Lo faclllLaLe ready reference LhereLo

5:<. \
verboslLy should be avolded.

5:<. ]
Speclflc or Lechnlcal Lerms, whlch have speclal meanlngs ln Lhe documenL, should be especlally

5:<. ^
names of parLles should be repeaLed. 1he use of 8CnCunS would glve rlse Lo AM8lCul1?.

5:<. _
1he documenL musL be nLA1, l8LL l8CM L8ASu8LS, ln1L8LlnLA1lCnS, or SuSlClCnS Cl

5:<. `
A clause may be lnserLed aL Lhe end of an agreemenL LhaL:

1bls coottoct sboll exteoJ ooJ be bloJloq opoo tbe pottles tbeteto, tbelt execotots, oJmlolsttotots,
ooJ osslqos

5:<. a
1he place and daLe of execuLlon of Lhe documenL usually come LAS1, and may be sLaLed Lhus:

5lqoeJ lo tbe clty of Moollo, lblllpploes, tbls Joy of , 20 .

Important kequ|rements for Spec|f|c Deeds]Contracts

;77; CI 9!L7
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

! 1he properLy musL be sLaLed ln lLs parLlcularlLy (re: Lechnlcal descrlpLlon)

1>!++7L KC5+!N7
! lL musL lnclude an affldavlL of good falLh.

9!L7 JE;75 +>7 FJLM 9!L79 L!B
! lL musL lnclude an affldavlL of vendor sLaLlng LhaL aL Lhe Llme of sale, he had no credlLors, or lf
Lhere was credlLor/s, copy of noLlce Lo Lhem regardlng Lhe sale. (Sec. 3, AcL. 3932, 1he 8ulk
Sales Law") 5ee affldavlL for bulks sales ln ChapLer 2 for a sample form.

B?2* /?2<< D. %..@.% *# D. 2 /2<. 2'% *$2'/0.$ &' D:<Ob
! A sale and Lransfer ln bulk ls any sale, Lransfer, morLgage or asslgnmenL:
1. Cf a sLock of goods, wares, merchandlse, provlslons, or maLerlals oLherwlse Lhan ln Lhe
ordlnary course of Lrade and Lhe regular prosecuLlon of Lhe buslness of Lhe vendor,
morLgagor, Lransferor, or asslgnor, or
2. Cf all, or subsLanLlally all, of Lhe buslness or Lrade LhereLofore conducLed by Lhe vendor,
morLgagor, Lransferor, or asslgnor, or
3. Cf all, or subsLanLlally all, of Lhe flxLures and equlpmenL used ln and abouL Lhe buslness of
Lhe vendor, morLgagor, Lransferor, or asslgnor. (Sec. 2, 8ulk Sales Law.)

B?2* 2$. *?. .8".-*&#'/ *# *?&/ $:<.b
! lL wlll noL be deemed a sale and Lransfer ln bulk ln conLemplaLlon of Lhe 8ulk Sales Law:
1. lf such vendor, morLgagor, Lransferor, or asslgnor produces and dellvers a wrlLLen walver of
Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL from hls credlLors as shown by verlfled sLaLemenLs (Sec. 2, 8ulk
Sales Law), or
2. lf such vendor, morLgagor, Lransferor, or asslgnor ls an execuLor, admlnlsLraLor, recelver
asslgnee ln lnsolvency, or publlc offlcer, acLlng under [udlclal process. (Sec. 8, 8ulk Sales


9!K3L7A F2/&" +.@-<2*. #0 2 1#'*$2"*Y!($..@.'*

N.8. 1hls ls a baslc LemplaLe. 1he sample forms presenLed afLer may vary ln form, buL should conLaln Lhe
same essenLlal elemenLs - parLles, ob[ecL, conslderaLlon, consenL. 1emplaLes for arLles 1 and 2 can be
lnLerchanged dependlng on Lhe role of each parLy ln Lhe conLracL/agreemenL. Also, lL ls posslble LhaL
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

boLh parLles are corporaLlons. lf Lhls ls Lhe case, apply Lhe LemplaLe of parLy 1 for boLh parLles. lL ls also
posslble LhaL Lhey are boLh naLural persons. ln LhaL case, apply Lhe LemplaLe of parLy 2 for boLh parLles.

[1l1LL Cl CCn18AC1/AC8LLMLn1]

knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:
1hls [Lype of conLracL/agreemenL], made and enLered lnLo Lhls [__] day of [MonLh], [?ear] ln
[lace], hlllpplnes, by and beLween:

[name of CorporaLlon] a corporaLlon duly organlzed and exlsLlng under
hlllpplne law wlLh offlces aL [osLal Address] herelnafLer collecLlvely referred Lo as Lhe
[lndlcaLe a label for parLy 1 for easy ldenLlflcaLlon, example vLnuC8"]"represenLed by
lLs [8epresenLaLlve's oslLlon], [8epresenLaLlve's name],

= and =

[lull name], [naLlonallLy}, of legal age, [Clvll SLaLus (lf marrled, lndlcaLe name of
spouse, lf properLy ls co-owned, lndlcaLe Lhe name of boLh spouses LogeLher under lull
name, example: SCuSLS 8ALP and AnCLLA CLLAnCnL)], wlLh posLal address and
presenLly resldlng aL [osLal Address] herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe [lndlcaLe a label for
parLy 2 for easy ldenLlflcaLlon, example vLnuLL"]",


WPL8LAS [1he WPL8LAS clauses conLaln Lhe ob[ecL and conslderaLlon/s of Lhe

1PL8LlC8L [1he 1PL8LlC8L clause conLalns Lhe consenL of boLh parLles].

[1erms and CondlLlons of Lhe ConLracL/AgreemenL]

day of [MonLh], [?ear] ln [lace], hlllpplnes.

[name of CorporaLe 8epresenLaLlve]
[name of CorporaLlon]

[name of arLy 2]

Wl1P MA8l1AL CCnSLn1: [When necessary]

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

[Spouse's name]

SlCnLu ln 1PL 8LSLnCL Cl:

[name of WlLness 1]

[name of WlLness 2]



9!K3L7A 1#'*$2"* #0 L.2/. T5.2< 3$#-.$*,V


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1hls CCn18AC1 LLASL, made and enLered lnLo, by and beLween -

Lolda 1. Carcla, of legal age, llllplno, marrled and wlLh resldence aL 218 8a[ah MaLanda
SL. ro[ecL 4 Cuezon ClLy, hlllpplnes, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lessor",

- and -

lernando . Zamora, of legal age, llllplno, marrled, and wlLh resldence aL 161 8osalla
Compound, 1andang Sora, Cuezon ClLy, hlllpplnes, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe


wbeteos, Lhe Lessor ls Lhe reglsLered owner of a cerLaln properLy locaLed aL 236 WhlLe lalns,
Cuezon ClLy, hlllpplnes wlLh 1C1 no. 437291 of Lhe roperLy of ueeds for Cuezon ClLy and Lhe bulldlng
Lhereon bullL, and

wbeteos, Lhe Lessor deslres Lo leL Lhe sald properLy and Lhe Lessee deslres Lo lease Lhe same.

nCW, 1PL8LlC8L, for and conslderaLlon of Lhe covenanLs and sLlpulaLlons hereln, Lhe Lessor
agrees Lo lease sald properLy Lo Lhe Lessee under Lhe followlng Lerms and condlLlons:
1. 1he Lerm of Lhe lease shall be for a perlod of flve (3) years, beglnnlng !anuary 1,
2009 and endlng on !anuary 1, 2014, unless sooner LermlnaLed as hereln provlded.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

2. 1he Lessee agrees Lo pay monLhly renLals of lorLy llve 1housand (43,000.00)
esos, payable ln Lhe flrsL week of Lhe monLh aL Lhe Lessor's resldence, sub[ecL Lo
yearly lncrease of 3 sLarLlng Lhe Lhlrd year of Lhe lease.
3. 1he Lessee shall make an advance deposlL equlvalenL Lo Lhe renLals for Lhree (3)
monLhs, wlLhouL lnLeresL, whlch shall answer for any damage Lo Lhe house resulLlng
from Lhe Lessee's use and occupancy Lhereof or from any cause whaLsoever by Lhe
members of hls famlly, hls household help and vlslLors, and lf no such ln[ury or
damage ls caused, Lhe same wlll be applled as renLals ln Lhe lasL Lhree monLhs of
4. Ma[or and mlnor repalrs of Lhe house, whlch Lhe Lessee may deslre Lo make, shall
be for Lhe accounL of Lhe Lessee.
3. 1he Lessee shall lnsure Lhe house agalnsL flre, ln Lhe amounL of Cne Mllllon llve
Pundred 1housand (1,300,000.00) esos aL hls expense, wlLh Lhe Lessor as
beneflclary, durlng Lhe perlod of Lhe Lease.
6. uurlng Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe lease, Lhe Lessee shall be responslble for Lhe paymenL of
all uLlllLy charges, such as elecLrlclLy, gas, waLer, Lelephone, garage, collecLlon fees
and grass cuLLlng charges and for oLher servlces.
7. 1he Lessee shall noL sublease Lhe premlses or asslgn Lhls lease, wlLhouL Lhe wrlLLen
consenL of Lhe Lessor.
8. 1he Lessee shall noL palnL, make any lmprovemenLs, parLlLlons wlLhouL Lhe prlor
consenL of Lhe Lessor, and lf Lhe same are made Lhey shall be for Lhe accounL of Lhe
Lessee and shall, aL Lhe end of Lhe lease, become Lhe properLy of Lhe Lessor,
wlLhouL any rlghL Lo seek relmbursemenL of Lhe cosLs Lhereof.
9. lf any renLal as sLlpulaLed, or any parL Lhereof, aL any Llme shall be ln arrears or
unpald, or lf Lhe Lessee shall aL any Llme fall Lo perform or comply wlLh any of Lhe
covenanLs and condlLlons hereln, Lhen and ln any such evenL, Lhls ConLracL of Lease
shall auLomaLlcally LermlnaLe, and Lhe Lessee shall peacefully surrender possesslon
of Lhe leased premlses Lo Lhe Lessor, ln Lhe same condlLlon as when he flrsL enLered
Lhe premlses.
10. 1haL Lhe Lessee shall noLlfy Lhe Lessor aL leasL LhlrLy (30) days ln advance should Lhe
Lessee declde Lo abandon Lhe leased premlses,
11. 1haL vlolaLlon of any of Lhe above Lerms and condlLlons wlll produce lpso facLo Lhe
resclsslon of Lhls conLracL of lease.
12. lallure of Lhe Lessor Lo lnslsL on any provlslons of Lhls lease shall noL be consLrued
as a walver Lhereof. no walver by Lhe Lessor of any rlghL hereln provlded and as
provlded by law shall be valld, unless made ln wrlLlng and duly slgned by Lhe Lessor.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, Lhe parLles hereLo have slgned Lhls conLracL of lease Lhls 28
day of
uecember, 2008, ln Lhe ClLy of Cuezon ClLy, hlllpplnes.

lessot lessee

Slgned ln Lhe resence of:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


9!K3L7A 1#'*$2"* #0 L.2/. T3.$/#'2< 3$#-.$*,V


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1hls CCn18AC1 Cl LLASL, made and enLered lnLo, by and beLween -

Lolda 1. Carcla, of legal age, llllplno, marrled and wlLh offlce address aL 218 8a[ah
MaLanda SL. ro[ecL 4 Cuezon ClLy, hlllpplnes, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lessor",

- and -

lernando . Zamora, of legal age, llllplno, marrled, and wlLh offlce address aL 161
8osalla Compound, 1andang Sora, Cuezon ClLy, hlllpplnes, herelnafLer referred Lo as
Lhe Lessee".


WnLkLAS, Lhe Lessor ls Lhe absoluLe owner of a cerLaln personal properLy, more parLlcularly
descrlbed as follows:

Make & 1ype Lssen Weldlng Machlne A8C 313
Serlal/Chassls no. A128930-394

WnLkLAS, Lhe Lessee deslres Lo lease Lhe sald properLy.

NCW, 1nLkLICkL, for and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe covenanLs and sLlpulaLlons of Lhe parLles, Lhe
Lessor agrees Lo lease sald properLy Lo Lhe Lessee under Lhe followlng Lerms and condlLlons:
1. 1he Lerm of Lhls lease shall be flve (3) monLhs, such Lerm Lo commence on May 01, 2009
and Lo LermlnaLe on CcLober 01, 2009, unless oLherwlse LermlnaLed as provlded ln Lhls
2. 1he monLhly renLal shall be llvL 1PCuSAnu LSCS (hp 3,000.00), hlllpplne Currency,
Lo be pald by Lessee aL Lhe offlce of Lessor on or before Lhe flrsL (1
) day of each and
every monLh,
3. Lessee shall exerclse due care ln Lhe use and malnLenance of Lhe leased properLy,
keeplng lL ln good repalr and ln a condlLlon equlvalenL ln all respecLs Lo LhaL ln whlch lL
was recelved by lessee, normal wear and Lear excepLed.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4. Lessee shall noL asslgn Lhls lease or subleL Lhe leased properLy unless Lhe wrlLLen
consenL of Lessor Lo such asslgnmenL or sublease ls flrsL obLalned.
3. lf Lhe Lessee shall be ln defaulL of any of Lhe renLal paymenLs, when Lhe paymenLs shall
become due and payable as provlded ln Lhls agreemenL, or shall remove or aLLempL Lo
remove Lhe leased properLy from 161 8osalla Compound, 1andang Sora, Cuezon ClLy
wlLhouL flrsL obLalnlng Lhe wrlLLen consenL of Lhe Lessor, Lhe Lessor shall, aL hls or her
opLlon, LermlnaLe Lhls lease and Lessee's rlghL Lo possesslon of Lhe leased properLy, and
Lhe Lessor shall Lhen wlLhouL demand on or noLlce Lo Lhe Lessee Lake possesslon of such
leased properLy.
6. Lessor shall aL all Llmes durlng Lessee's buslness hours have Lhe rlghL Lo enLer on Lhe
premlses where Lhe leased properLy ls locaLed for Lhe purpose of lnspecLlng Lhe
7. Cn explraLlon or earller LermlnaLlon of Lhls lease, Lhe Lessee shall reLurn, Lhe leased
properLy Lo Lessor ln good repalr, ordlnary wear and Lear resulLlng from proper use of
Lhe properLy excepLed.
8. Lessee wlll lndemnlfy Lessor agalnsL, and hold Lessor harmless from all clalms, acLlons,
proceedlngs, damages, and llablllLles, lncludlng aLLorney's fees, arlslng from or
connecLed wlLh Lessee's possesslon, use, and reLurn of Lhe leased properLy.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, Lhe parLles hereLo have slgned Lhls conLracL of lease Lhls 28
day of
uecember 2008, ln Lhe ClLy of Cuezon ClLy, hlllpplnes.

lessot lessee

Slgned ln Lhe resence of:



9!K3L7A 1?2**.< K#$*(2(.


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1hls CPA11LL MC81CACL, made and enLered lnLo, by and beLween -

SAn1C 8eal L y, l nc. , a corporaLlon duly organlzed under Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes,
wlLh prlnclpal offlce aL 123 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

represenLed by lLs presldenL, LrnesLo oglLo, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe

- and -

nlcholas LsLrada, of legal age, slngle,wlLh posLal address aL 1234 Cabrlelle Pomes, aslg ClLy,
herelnafLer known as Lhe MC81CACLL".

1haL Lhe MC81CACC8 ls lndebLed unLo Lhe MC81CACLL ln Lhe sum of nlne Pundred
1housand esos ( 900,000.00), hlllpplne Currency, recelpL of whlch ls acknowledged by Lhe
MC81CACC8 upon Lhe slgnlng of Lhls lnsLrumenL, payable wlLhln a perlod of 2 years, wlLh lnLeresL
Lhereon aL Lhe raLe of (12) per annum,
1haL for, and conslderaLlon of , Lhls lndebLedness, and Lo assure Lhe performance of sald
obllgaLlon Lo pay, Lhe MC81CACC8 hereby conveys by way of CPA11LL MC81CACL unLo Lhe
MC81CACLL, hls helrs and asslgns, Lhe followlng personallLy now ln Lhe possesslon of sald
MAkL : nlssan Cellca MC1C8 nC. : 1234367
SL8lLS : 78 SL8lAL/CPASSlS nC. :763432
1?L Cl 8Cu? : Coupe LA1L nC. : xxx-111
?LA8 MCuLL : 1999 llLL nC. : 789633

1haL Lhe condlLlon of Lhls obllgaLlon ls LhaL should Lhe MC81CACC8 perform Lhe obllgaLlon Lo
pay Lhe herelnabove clLed lndebLedness of nlne Pundred 1housand esos ( 900,000.00)
LogeLher wlLh accrued lnLeresL Lhereon, Lhls chaLLel morLgage shall aL once become null and vold and of
no effecL whaLsoever, oLherwlse, lL shall remaln ln full force and effecL.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, Lhe parLles have hereunLo seL Lhelr hands, Lhls 13 day of March
2009, aL MakaLl, hlllpplnes.

SlCnLu ln 1PL 8LSLnCL Cl:
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

We, Lhe underslgned MC81CACC8 Anu MC81CACLL hereby [olnLly and severally swear LhaL
we execuLed Lhe foregolng ChaLLel MorLgage ln order Lo secure Lhe lndebLedness Lhereln and for no
oLher purpose or purposes conLrary Lo law.


9!K3L7A 5.2< 7/*2*. K#$*(2(.


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1hls 8LAL LS1A1L MC81CACL, made and execuLed Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009, by and beLween:

C1v-Z neLwork, lnc., a corporaLlon duly organlzed under Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes,
wlLh prlnclpal offlce aL no. 1 SLraLa 2000 8ldg., Lmerald Ave, CrLlgas CenLer, aslg ClLy,
represenLed by lLs resldenL, lrancls 1om 1emprosa, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe


lLLlL CCZCn, of legal age, slngle, llllplno, and wlLh resldence and posLal address
aL no. 23 8osLon 1errler SL., 8eagle Subdlvlslon, uog 1own, MakaLl ClLy, herelnafLer
referred Lo as Lhe MCk1GAGLL.


1haL Lhe MC81CACC8 does hereby convey by way of 8LAL LS1A1L MC81CACL unLo Lhe
MC81CACLL Lhe followlng descrlbed real properLy, slLuaLed ln no. 23 SouLh Ave., Salcedo vlllage,
MakaLl ClLy, LogeLher wlLh all Lhe lmprovemenLs, Lo wlL:


A A8CLL Cl LAnu (LoL 10, 8lock 4 of Lhe Subdlvlslon plan (L8C) sd-1004, belng a
porLlon of Lhe consolldaLlon of LoLs 10-A and 10-8 (L8C) descrlbed on plan sd-1244,
L8C (CL8C) 8ecord no. n-23024, slLuaLed ln Lhe ulsLrlcL of Salcedo vlllage MakaLl.
8ounded on nL., polnL 4 Lo 1 by LoL 22, 8lock 4 of Lhe Subdlvlslon plan, on Lhe SL.,
polnLs 1 Lo 2 bu LoL 14, 8lock 4 of Lhe Subdlvlslon plan,, on Lhe SW. polnLs 2 Lo 3 by 8oad
LoL 12, sd-2434, and on Lhe SW., polnLs 3 Lo 4 by LoL 16, 8lock 4 of Lhe Subdlvlslon
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

plan. 8egglnglng aL a polnL marked 1" on Lhe plan, belng S. 41 deg 21'L., 4266.24 m.
from C8M 22, MakaLl CadasLre 10, Lhence S. 32 deg. 07'W., 14.33 m. Lo polnL 2, Lhence
n. 36 deg. 00'W., 12.33 m. Lo polnL 3, Lhence n. 21, 36'L., 33.22 m. Lo plnL 4, Lhence S.
67 deg. 03'L, 12.00 m. Lo Lhe polnL of beglnnlng, conLalnlng an area of 1WC PunuL8Lu
LlCP1? (280)SCuA8L ML1L8S, more or less."

of whlch real properLy Lhe MC81CACC8 ls Lhe reglsLered owner of a parcel of land wlLh lmprovemenLs
locaLed aL no. 23 SouLh Ave., Salcedo vlllage, MakaLl ClLy and covered by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no.
1111 conLalnlng a LoLal area of 1WLn1? 1PCuSAnu (20,000) SUAkL ML1LkS, more or less, 8CvluLu,
PCWLvL8, LhaL lf Lhe sald corporaLlon shall pay or cause Lo be pald Lo sald lLLlL CCZCn, hls helrs and
asslgns, Lhe sald amounL wlLhln Lhe perlod of 1WC (2) years from and afLer wlLh Lhe lnLeresL Lheron aL
Lhe raLe of (llvL) per cenLum (3) per annum, Lhen Lhls MC81CACL shall be dlscharged and shall be of
no effecL. C1PL8WlSL, lL shall remaln ln full force and effecL and shall be enforceable ln Lhe manner
provlded for by law.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009 ln MakaLl ClLy,
MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.

C1V-2 Network, Inc.

8epresenLed by:

Iranc|s 1om 1emprosa

Ie||pe Gozon


Sam M||by

|o|o ascua|


9!K3L7A 1#'*$2"* *# 9.<<


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1hls CCn18AC1 1C SLLL, made and execuLed Lhls 12
day of March, 2009, by and beLween:

8alph Cleanone, of legal age, marrled Lo Mary Angela Cleanone, llllplno, and wlLh
resldence and posLal address aL 38 Maple urlve, 8ockwell vlllage, MakaLl, herelnafLer
referred Lo as Lhe "SLLLLk]VLNDCk":


SAn1C 8ealLy lnc., a corporaLlon duly organlzed under Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes, wlLh
prlnclpal offlce aL 123 kockwe|| Dr|ve, kockwe|| Center, Makat| C|ty, h|||pp|nes,
represenLed by lLs resldenL, LrnesLo oglLo, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe 8ULk.


WPL8LAS, Lhe SLLLLk]VLNDCk ls Lhe absoluLe and reglsLered owner of a parcel of land,
lncludlng all sLrucLures and lmprovemenLs Lhereon, conslsLlng of Cne 1housand llve Pundred (1,300)
square meLers, more or less, locaLed aL 8o. Plnapao 2 (now San !ose), AnLlpolo, 8lzal, hase kvP 2, and
covered by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. -143, lssued by Lhe 8eglsLry of ueeds of Lhe rovlnce of
8lzal, and more parLlcularly descrlbed as follows:

"A parcel of land (LoL 23, 8lk. 30 of Lhe cons./subd. plan cs-04-003099, belng a
porLlon of Lhe cons. Cf LoL 8, sd-37723 & su-180896, L8C 8ec. no..), slLuaLed ln Lhe
8o. Cf Plnapao no. 2 (now San !ose), Mun. Cf AnLlpolo, rov. Cf 8lzal, ls. Cf Luzon.
8ounded on Lhe nL., along llne 1-2 by LoL 23, 8lk. 30 of Lhe subd. plan, along llne 2-3 by
!uan anganlban, on Lhe SW., along llne 3-4 by 8oad LoL 23 and on Lhe nW., along llne
4-1 by 8oad LoL 30, boLh of Lhe subd. plan. 8eglnnlng aL a polnL marked 1" on plan,
belng n. 86 deg. 46'L., 2310.30 m. lrom 8LLM no. 1, Mun. Cf AnLlpolo, 8lzal, Lhence S.
82 deg. 33'L., 10.00 m. Lo polnL 2, Lhence S. 10 deg. 32'L., 13.77 m. Lo polnL 3, Lhence n.
82 deg. 33'W., 14.88m. Lo polnL 4, Lhence n. 7 deg. 23'L., 13.00 m. Lo polnL of beglnnlng
conLalnlng an area of CnL 1PCuSAnu llvL Punu8Lu (1,300) SCuA8L ML1L8S..."

WPL8LAS, Lhe 8ULk]VLNDLL has offered Lo buy and Lhe SLLLLk]VLNDCk has agreed Lo sell
Lhe above-menLloned properLy under Lhe Lerms and condlLlons hereln below seL forLh:

nCW 1PL8LlC8L, for and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe LoLal sum of 1en Mllllon (hp10,000,000.00)
hlllpplne Currency, and of Lhe covenanLs hereln afLer seL forLh Lhe SLLLLk]VLNDCk agrees Lo sell and
Lhe 8ULk]VLNDLL agrees Lo buy Lhe aforesald properLy sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng Lerms and condlLlons:

1. 1he LoLal conslderaLlon shall be 1en Mllllon (hp 10,000,000.00) LSCS, hlllpplne
Currency, payable as follows:

a) 1he amounL of 1P8LL MlLLlCn (hp 3,000,000.00) LSCS, represenLlng earnesL
money shall be payable by Lhe 8ULk]VLNDLL Lo Lhe SLLLLk]VLNDCk upon slgnlng of
Lhls ConLracL Lo Sell,

b) 1he remalnlng balance ln Lhe amounL of SLvLn MlLLlCn(hp 7,000,000.00) LSCS,
shall be pald ln Cash on or before uecember 31, 2009,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

c) ln case Lhe check represenLlng Lhe paymenL for Lhe balance provlded ln paragraph (b)
hereof, ls dlshonored by Lhe drawee bank, Lhe earnesL money ln Lhe amounL of 1P8LL
MlLLlCn (hp 3,000,000.00) LSCS, shall be forfelLed ln favor of Lhe SLLLLk]VLNDCk,

2. CaplLal Calns 1ax and 8eal LsLaLe 1ax, shall be for Lhe accounL of Lhe SLLLLk]VLNDCk,

3. uocumenLary SLamps 1ax, 8eglsLraLlon lee, reglsLraLlon expenses, and all oLher
mlscellaneous fees and expenses shall be Lo Lhe accounL of Lhe 8ULk]VLNDLL,

4. ossesslon Lo Lhe sub[ecL properLy shall be dellvered by Lhe SLLLLk]VLNDCk Lo Lhe
8ULk]VLNDLL upon full paymenL of Lhe LoLal conslderaLlon,

3. upon full paymenL of Lhe LoLal prlce, Lhe SLLLLk]VLNDCk shall slgn and execuLe a DLLD CI
A8SCLU1L SALL ln favor of Lhe 8ULk]VLNDLL. 1he SLLLLk]VLNDCk shall llkewlse execuLe and/or
dellver any and all documenLs, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe orlglnal copy of 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of
1lLle, 1ax ueclaraLlon and all oLher documenLs necessary for Lhe Lransfer of ownershlp from

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, Lhe parLles have hereunLo afflxed Lhelr slgnaLures, Lhls 12
day of
March, 2009, aL MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes.

ka|ph C|eanone

Lrnesto og|to
SAn1C 8ealLy, lnc.

Wl1P MA8l1AL CCnSLn1:

SlCnLu ln 1PL 8LSLnCL Cl:

Ionathan Nepomuceno

Iohn au|o Sa|vahan


Mary Ange| C|eanone
93CJ97 CI 97LL75YQ7E;C5

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A =#&'* Q.'*:$. !($..@.'*


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1hls ICIN1 VLN1UkL AGkLLMLN1 made and execuLed Lhls 20
day of Aprll 1999 aL MakaLl ClLy,
MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes, by and among:

kUkAL IAkMING, INC., a corporaLlon duly organlzed and exlsLlng under Lhe laws of Lhe
hlllpplnes, wlLh offlce address aL 20 Cooper SL., San lranclsco del MonLe, Cuezon ClLy,
represenLed hereln by lLs resldenL, LAUkC CLLLS1INC, herelnafLer referred Lo as

- LogeLher wlLh -

LVA CLLLS1INC, of legal age, llllplno, and wlLh resldence address aL 20 Cooper SL., San
lranclsco del MonLe, Cuezon ClLy, for herself and as aLLorney-ln-facL, by vlrLue of a
Speclal ower of ALLorney execuLed ln her favor, a copy of whlch ls aLLached hereLo as
Annex A" and made an lnLegral parL hereof, of MAkIA kAIALL CLLLS1INC, AUkCkA
LU2 CLLLS1INC and kUIINC CLLLS1INC, all of legal age, llllplnos, and wlLh resldence
address aL 20 Cooper SL., San lranclsco del MonLe, Cuezon ClLy, and kLGINA SCnIA
CLLLS1INC, of legal age, llllplno, and wlLh resldence address aL 27-8 Angelo SL., La
Loma, Cuezon ClLy, referred Lo as SLCCND LANDCWNLk",

8oLh are herelnafLer referred collecLlvely as Lhe LANDCWNLkS",

- and -

MANCCN 8LknAD-C8DC ICIN1 VLN1UkL CCkCkA1ICN, a corporaLlon duly organlzed
and exlsLlng under Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes, wlLh offlce address aL 3
lloor l1S 8ldg.,
2308 asong 1amo LxLenslon, MakaLl ClLy, represenLed hereln by lLs resldenL and Chlef
LxecuLlve Cfflcer, MAkIC A. CkL1A, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe DLVLLCLk".

WI1NLSSL1n: 1hat-

WPL8LAS, LANDCWNLkS are Lhe reglsLered and lawful owners of a parcel of land locaLed ln Lhe
MunlclpallLy of Cen. 1rlas, rovlnce of CavlLe, wlLh an aggregaLe area of flve hundred slx Lhousand Lhree
hundred sevenLy (306,370) square meLers, more or less, and covered by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no.
1-276294 lssued by Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds of CavlLe, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe roperLy",

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

WPL8LAS, DLVLLCLk ls a corporaLlon engaged ln Lhe developmenL of agrlculLural, commerclal
and lndusLrlal loLs lnLo flrsL class agrlculLural, commerclal and lndusLrlal complexes,

WPL8LAS, DLVLLCLk has offered Lo LANDCWNLkS and LANDCWNLkS have accepLed Lhe
offer of DLVLLCLk Lo develop Lhe roperLy lnLo a farm loL ro[ecL, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe

WPL8LAS, LANDCWNLkS and DLVLLCLk wlll form a !olnL venLure Lo effecLlvely underLake Lhe

nCW, 1PL8LlC8L, for and ln conslderaLlon of Lhelr muLual promlses and covenanLs, arLles
agree Lo Lhe followlng Lerms and condlLlons:


1he perfecLlon of Lhls AgreemenL ls pre-condlLloned on Lhe followlng underLaklngs by Lhe

1.1 Lo dellver Lhe owner's copy of Lhe roperLy's 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle Lo DLVLLCLk,
accompanled by proof LhaL lL ls free from all llens and encumbrances whaLsoever, as
referred Lo ln clauses ll and lv hereunder,

1.2 Lo dellver any cerLlflcaLlons or documenLs showlng Lhe exempLlon of Lhe roperLy from
Lhe operaLlon of Lhe Comprehenslve Agrarlan 8eform rogram (CA8),

1.3 Lo clear Lhe roperLy from Lhe presence of LenanLs or occupanLs Lhereln as well as any
form of clalms lnvolvlng sald roperLy,

1.4 Lo reconsLlLuLe Lhe orlglnal copy of 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle of Lhe roperLy on flle
wlLh Lhe 8eglsLry ueeds,

1.3 Lo pay all real esLaLe Laxes due on Lhe roperLy up Lo Lhe lasL quarLer prlor Lo Lhe
execuLlon of Lhls AgreemenL, and

1.6 Lo secure auLhorlzaLlon from Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors of Lhe IIkS1LANDCWNLk Lo enLer
lnLo Lhls AgreemenL.

ll. 1nL kCLk1

2.0 1he roperLy ls composed of flve hundred slx Lhousand Lhree hundred sevenLy
(306,370) square meLers, more or less, covered by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1-276294 lssued by
Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds of CavlLe ln Lhe name of LANDCWNLkS, a cerLlfled Lrue copy of whlch ls aLLached
hereLo as Annex 8" and made an lnLegral parL of Lhls AgreemenL.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

2.1 LANDCWNLkS guaranLee LhaL Lhe enLlre roperLy ls an agrlculLural area, Lransferable,
and free from all llens and encumbrances whaLsoever.


3.0 Crgan|zat|on. WlLh Lhe slgnlng of Lhls AgreemenL, Lhe parLles shall form a !olnL venLure
wlLh equlLy parLlclpaLlon of SLvLn1? llvL L8CLn1 [73] Lo DLVLLCLk and 1WLn1? llvL L8CLn1

1he parLles shall conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe !olnL venLure Lhe followlng:

3.0.1 LANDCWNLkS shall conLrlbuLe Lhe roperLy, and

3.0.2 DLVLLCLk shall conLrlbuLe Lhe developmenL cosLs sufflclenL Lo develop Lhe roperLy
lnLo a larm LoL ro[ecL.

3.1 D|v|s|on of rof|ts. ln reLurn for Lhe conLrlbuLlon of boLh parLles, LANDCWNLkS shall
be alloLLed 1wenLy llve ercenL [23], and DLVLLCLk SevenLy llve ercenL [73], of Lhe neL proflLs of
Lhe !olnL venLure.

3.2 Computer of Net rof|ts. 1he neL proflLs earned by Lhe !olnL venLure shall be compuLed
by deducLlng all markeLlng and adverLlslng expenses, commlsslons, and any and all Laxes lncurred by and
as a consequence of Lhe !olnL venLure.

DLVLLCLk may advance Lhe paymenL, whlch shall Lhen be consldered as advances made on lLs
parL, of dlsLurbance compensaLlon Lo Lhe leglLlmaLe LenanLs of LANDCWNLkS. Powever, sald amounL
shall be deducLlble from Lhe laLLer's share ln Lhe neL proflL of Lhe !olnL venLure.

3.3 1|t|e over Sa|eab|e and Non-sa|eab|e Lots. As parL of DLVLLCLk's underLaklng ln Lhe
developmenL of Lhe roperLy lnLo a farm loL ro[ecL, Lhe !olnL venLure shall subdlvlde Lhe roperLles
lnLo saleable loLs.

8elng Lhe reglsLered owners of Lhe roperLy, LANDCWNLkS, upon Lhe execuLlon of Lhls
AgreemenL, shall execuLe and slgn a Speclal ower of ALLorney auLhorlzlng Lhe duly deslgnaLed ro[ecL
ulrecLor Lo offer, negoLlaLe, enLer lnLo, execuLe and slgn any and all documenLs, conLracLs, memoranda,
or papers Lransferrlng, conveylng, cedlng, asslgnlng or selllng any or all parL of Lhe developed porLlon of
Lhe roperLy, Lo be known as Lhe saleable farm loLs.

Correspondlngly, cerLlflcaLes of LlLle Lhereln shall be lssued ln Lhe names of Lhe buyers upon full
paymenL of Lhe purchase prlce. 1lLles Lo all road loLs, alleys, open spaces and oLher commonly used
areas shall, afLer Lhe compleLlon of Lhe ro[ecL and aL such Llme as agreed upon by Lhe arLles, be
asslgned Lo Lhe Munlclpal CovernmenL of Cen. 1rlas, CavlLe.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4.0 LANDCWNLkS warranL LhaL Lhey are Lhe lawful, reglsLered and Lrue owner of Lhe
roperLy, LhaL Lhe roperLy ls free and clear from any and all llens, encumbrances, charges, equlLles and
clalms of any klnd, naLure and descrlpLlon, and LhaL Lhe roperLy ls noL covered by an exlsLlng lease or
opLlon Lo purchase, lease or develop.

4.1 LANDCWNLkS shall cause Lhe relocaLlon survey of Lhe roperLy Lo deLermlne wlLh
deflnlLeness Lhe meLes and bounds Lhereof.

4.2 LANDCWNLkS shall conLrlbuLe Lhe roperLy Lo Lhe !olnL venLure. LANDCWNLkS shall
Lransfer, conslgn, and convey Lhe compleLe, full and excluslve possesslon, conLrol and managemenL of
Lhe roperLy Lo Lhe !olnL venLure. LANDCWNLkS shall llkewlse guaranLee Lo DLVLLCLk unlnLerrupLed
physlcal conLrol over Lhe roperLy and secure lLs premlses agalnsL unauLhorlzed persons.

4.3 LANDCWNLkS underLake Lo free Lhe roperLy from any LenanLs or occupanLs wlLhln Lhe
Llme seL forLh ln clause l hereof. LANDCWNLkS shall pay Lhe LenanLs ln Lhe roperLy Lhe necessary
dlsLurbance compensaLlon.

4.4 LANDCWNLkS shall cause Lhe annoLaLlon, before Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds of CavlLe, of Lhls
AgreemenL aL Lhe back of Lhe LlLle of Lhe roperLy.

4.3 LANDCWNLkS underLake Lo execuLe any and all documenLs necessary Lo obLaln and
asslsL Lhe DLVLLCLk ln Lhe procuremenL of Lhe perLlnenL permlLs, llcenses and converslon,
reclasslflcaLlon or exempLlon of Lhe roperLy for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe ro[ecL by DLVLLCLk.

4.6 LANDCWNLkS underLake noL Lo sell, Lransfer, asslgn, morLgage or ln any manner
dlspose of a porLlon of or all of Lhelr shares ln Lhe !olnL venLure or ln Lhe neL saleable loLs, wlLhouL flrsL
offerlng Lhe same Lo DLVLLCLk.


3.0 DLVLLCLk, as lLs conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe !olnL venLure, shall develop Lhe roperLy lnLo
farm loLs.

3.1 DLVLLCLk shall prepare Lhe plan for Lhe developmenL of Lhe roperLy, lncludlng
deLalled englneerlng sLudles and LlmeLable for compleLlon of each phase of Lhe ro[ecL. 1he
developmenL plan shall lnclude, buL noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe followlng:

a. maln road,
b. feeder roads leadlng Lo Lhe lndlvldual loLs,
c. unlnLerrupLed waLer and power supply,
d. clubhouse,
e. naLure preserve,
f. man-made lakes,
g. access plaza, and
h. oLher sLrucLural amenlLles
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

3.2 DLVLLCLk underLakes Lo compleLe Lhe ro[ecL wlLhln a perlod of Lhree (3) years from
Lhe commencemenL of consLrucLlon, whlch may be muLually exLended by Lhe arLles.

1he arLles may shorLen Lhe perlod of Lhree (3) years for Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe ro[ecL upon
Lhelr muLual agreemenL, should Lhe ro[ecL be earller accompllshed, among oLher reasons.

3.3 DLVLLCLk hereby agrees LhaL ouL of Lhe LoLal saleable loLs, an area coverlng Lhree (3)
hecLares shall be conveyed Lo SLCCND LANDCWNLk aL Lhe prevalllng selllng prlce less 20, Lhe
paymenL Lhereof shall be deducLed from Lhe laLLer's share ln Lhe neL proflLs of Lhe !olnL venLure.

3.4 DLVLCLk shall asslsL Lhe LANDCWNLkS flnanclally ln freelng Lhe roperLy from any
and all LenanLs or occupanLs. As such, DLVLLCLk may advance Lhe amounL necessary Lo pay Lhe sald
LenanLs Lhe agreed dlsLurbance compensaLlon sub[ecL Lo clause 3.2, second paragraph.

3.3 DLVLLCLk underLakes noL Lo sell, Lransfer, asslgn, morLgage or ln any manner dlspose
of lLs share ln Lhe !olnL venLure or ln Lhe neL saleable loLs, wlLhouL flrsL offerlng Lhe same Lo


6.0 Superv|s|on, Mon|tor|ng and Market|ng of the ro[ect. 1he lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
ro[ecL shall be dlrecLed and supervlsed by Lhe nomlnees delegaLed by Lhe arLles ln a seven-man
CverslghL CommlLLee, whlch shall acL on Lhelr behalf ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe ro[ecL. llve [3] nomlnees
shall be appolnLed by DLVLLCLk and Lwo [2] by LANDCWNLkS.

A ro[ecL ulrecLor shall be nomlnaLed by Lhe CommlLLee. All Lhe expenses lncurred ln Lhe hlrlng
of a ro[ecL ulrecLor as well as ln Lhe markeLlng and promoLlon of Lhe ro[ecL shall be deemed parL of
operaLlng expenses of Lhe !olnL venLure.

6.1 Co||ect|on and Management of kevenues. 1he CommlLLee shall appolnL a person or
persons who wlll oversee Lhe collecLlon, recelpL, dlsbursemenL and managemenL of Lhe revenues
recelved from Lhe ro[ecL. An esLabllshed banklng lnsLlLuLlon shall be nomlnaLed and approved by boLh
parLles wlLh whlch Lhe collecLlon shall be deposlLed and malnLalned.

6.2 1erm|nat|on of Io|nt Venture. 1wo (2) years afLer Lhe compleLlon of Lhe ro[ecL, Lhe
sale of all saleable loLs, Lhe Lurn-over of Lhe road loLs, alleys and oLher common areas Lo Lhe Munlclpal
CovernmenL of Cen. 1rlas, CavlLe, and Lhe flnal accounLlng of Lhe LoLal collecLlon and expenses, Lhe !olnL
venLure shall be deemed LermlnaLed.

ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhe arLles wlsh Lo conclude Lhls AgreemenL prlor Lo Lhe full developmenL of
Lhe roperLy and/or sale of all saleable farm loLs, Lhe !olnL venLure shall be llquldaLed and Lhe remalnlng
unsold loLs wlll be dlsLrlbuLed ln Lhe proporLlon agreed upon hereln.

6.3 Non-comp||ance of Cond|t|ons recedent. lf any of Lhe condlLlons precedenL
menLloned-above have noL been saLlsfled as soon as posslble from Lhe slgnlng of Lhls AgreemenL and ln
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

any evenL, wlLhln slx (6) monLhs afLer Lhe daLe hereof or such laLer perlod as muLually agreed upon by
Lhe parLles, Lhls AgreemenL shall have no effecL whaLsoever.

Accordlngly, DLVLLCLk may choose Lo be relmbursed by LANDCWNLkS of all expenses and
advances already lncurred by reason of Lhls AgreemenL elLher ln cash, wlLh lnLeresL Lherefrom aL LwenLy
one percenL [21] per annum, or ln klnd, wlLh a porLlon of Lhe roperLy chosen speclflcally by
DLVLLCLk valued aL hp230.00 per square meLer.

Powever, should DLVLLCLk sLlll opL Lo conLlnue wlLh Lhe ro[ecL, desplLe Lhe delay or Lhe non-
performance of any of Lhe condlLlons precedenL hereln seL forLh, LANDCWNLkS shall, afLer DLVLLCLk
slgnlfles lLs lnLenLlon Lo conLlnue, ln no Llme comply wlLh Lhe above condlLlons. Should LANDCWNLkS
sLlll fall Lo perform sald condlLlons, DLVLLCLk shall have Lhe rlghL Lo render Lhls AgreemenL lneffecLlve.

1he lmmedlaLely precedlng provlslon ls wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe rlghL of DLVLLCLk Lo perform
Lhe necessary condlLlons hereln seL forLh, however, all charges and expenses lncurred as a consequence
Lhereof shall be chargeable ln full Lo LANDCWNLkS.


7.0 1erm|nat|on of the Agreement. 1hls AgreemenL shall conLlnue unLll LermlnaLed (l) by
wrlLLen agreemenL of Lhe parLles, or (ll) by Lhe sale of all asseLs and dlsLrlbuLlon of all proflLs of Lhe !olnL
venLure as sLaLed ln clauses 6.2 and 6.3 hereof. 1he foregolng shall be wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe rlghL of
Lhe parLles aL any Llme Lo agree on oLher muLually saLlsfacLory arrangemenLs Lo equlLably llquldaLe any
remalnlng undlvlded lnLeresLs ln Lhe asseLs of Lhe !olnL venLure.

7.1 Mutua| Cooperat|on. 1he arLles shall perform all acLs and execuLe and dellver all
documenLs or lnsLrumenLs requlred or necessary Lo fully lmplemenL or consummaLe Lhe LransacLlons
conLemplaLed by and Lhe lnLenL underlylng Lhls AgreemenL.

7.2 Mater|a| Adverse Change. ln Lhe evenL LhaL, aL any Llme prlor Lo Lhe compleLe
performance by DLVLLCLk of lLs obllgaLlons under Lhls AgreemenL, Lhere shall occur an exLraordlnary
change ln clrcumsLances, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo, changes broughL abouL by caLasLrophes and
calamlLles or maLerlal changes ln Lhe pollLlcal and economlc condlLlons of Lhe counLry, adversely
affecLlng Lhe consLrucLlon and real esLaLe developmenL buslness ln Lhe counLry and Lhe ablllLy of
DLVLLCLk Lo perform lLs obllgaLlons under Lhls AgreemenL, and whlch change ls of such naLure or
magnlLude as Lo manlfesLly beyond Lhe conLemplaLlon of Lhe parLles when Lhey enLered lnLo Lhls
AgreemenL, Lhen and ln such evenL, Lhe perlod flxed for DLVLLCLk's performance of lLs obllgaLlons
hereunder shall be deemed exLended for such perlod and under such Lerms as may be equlLably agreed
upon beLween Lhe parLles. 1he foregolng shall be wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe parLles Lo
negoLlaLe ln good falLh for oLher muLually accepLable alLernaLlve arrangemenLs wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
sub[ecL of Lhls AgreemenL.

7.3 Amendment, Mod|f|cat|ons, or kev|s|on. nelLher parLy shall amend, modlfy, change or
ln any way alLer any provlslons of Lhls AgreemenL absenL any agreemenL ln wrlLlng Lo Lhls effecL.

7.4 Lnt|re Understand|ng. 1hls AgreemenL, and Lhe documenLs referred Lo hereln or
execuLed concurrenLly herewlLh, consLlLuLe Lhe enLlre undersLandlng beLween Lhe parLles and
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

supersede any prlor undersLandlng or agreemenL wlLh regard Lo Lhe sub[ecL maLLer hereof. 1here are
no represenLaLlons, agreemenLs, arrangemenLs or undersLandlngs, oral or wrlLLen, beLween Lhe parLles
hereLo relaLlng Lo Lhe sub[ecL maLLer hereof whlch are noL fully expressed hereln.

7.3 Lxpenses. All expenses lncurred by or on behalf of each parLy, lncludlng all fees and
expenses of agenLs, represenLaLlves, counsels, and accounLanLs employed by Lhem, ln connecLlon wlLh
Lhe negoLlaLlon, preparaLlon and execuLlon of Lhls AgreemenL shall be borne solely by Lhe parLy who
shall have lncurred Lhe same, and Lhe oLher parLy shall noL have any llablllLy ln respecL Lhereof.

7.6 Ass|gnment. 1hls AgreemenL shall noL be asslgnable by elLher parLy hereLo wlLhouL Lhe
prlor wrlLLen consenL of Lhe oLher parLy, excepL LhaL DLVLLCLk may, upon wrlLLen noLlce Lo
LANDCWNLkS, asslgn lLs rlghLs hereln Lo any corporaLlon or enLlLy ln whlch DLVLLCLk beneflclally
owns aL leasL 31 of Lhe voLlng sLock. Sub[ecL Lo Lhe foregolng resLrlcLlon, all Lhe Lerms and provlslons
of Lhls AgreemenL shall be blndlng upon and lnure Lo Lhe beneflL of and be enforceable by Lhe respecLlve
successors and asslgns of LANDCWNLkS and DLVLLCLk.

7.7 No Assumpt|on of L|ab|||ty. 1he DLVLLCLk shall noL be held answerable for any
obllgaLlons or llablllLles of Lhe LANDCWNLkS lnvolvlng Lhe roperLy and any obllgaLlons solely for Lhe
accounL or due Lo Lhe acLs of Lhe LANDCWNLkS relaLlve Lo Lhls AgreemenL.

7.8 Sett|ement of D|sputes. All dlspuLes, conLroversles or dlfferences arlslng ouL of or ln
connecLlon wlLh Lhls AgreemenL, lncludlng, wlLhouL llmlLaLlon, quesLlons of lnLerpreLaLlon of any of Lhe
provlslons of Lhls AgreemenL, shall be amlcably seLLled by muLual consulLaLlon wlLhln LhlrLy [30] days
afLer wrlLLen noLlce Lhereof has been glven by Lhe complalnlng parLy.

7.9 Venue of Act|on and Attorney's Iees. 1he venue of any acLlon/s, arlslng ouL of or ln
connecLlon wlLh Lhls AgreemenL afLer consulLaLlon for amlcably seLLlng Lhe dlspuLe, conLroversy or
dlfference of Lhe parLles, shall only be aL Lhe prlnclpal place of buslness of DLVLLCLk. 1he prevalllng
parLy shall be enLlLled Lo relmbursemenL from Lhe loslng parLy of all cosLs, expenses, fees and oLher
charges lncurred, lncludlng paymenL of aLLorney's fees, ln Lhe prosecuLlon or defense of such acLlon,
whlch shall noL be less Lhan llfLy 1housand esos (30,000.00).

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, Lhe arLles hereLo have caused Lhese presenLs Lo be slgned and
execuLed aL Lhe daLe and place above-sLaLed.

llrsL Landowner:


Second Landowner:
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

lot betself ooJ os Attotoey-lo-loct of
57NPE! 9C3>P!c K!5P! 5!I!7L!c !J5C5! LJd
2'% 5JIPECc 2<< /:$'2@.% 17L79+PEC


lteslJeot ooJ
cblef xecotlve Offlcet

Slgned ln Lhe resence:



9!K3L7A 9&@-<. L#2' !($..@.'*


1nIS LCAN AGkLLMLN1, made Lhls 3rd day of March, 2009, by and beLween SAn1C 8ealLy lnc.,
a corporaLlon duly organlzed under Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes, wlLh prlnclpal offlce aL 123 8ockwell
urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes, represenLed by lLs resldenL, LrnesLo oglLo,
herelnafLer referred Lo as 8C88CWL8, and Mlguel Ares, of legal age, llllplno, and wlLh resldence and
posLal address aL 38 Maple urlve, 8ockwell vlllage, MakaLl, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe LLnuL8.

WnLkLAS, 8orrower ls Lhe owner of cerLaln real properLy locaLed ln AnLlpolo, 8lzal, on whlch lL
ls consLrucLlng an offlce bulldlng, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe 8ulLulnC,

WnLkLAS, 8orrower ls Lhe owner of a parcel of land evldenced by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle
123436789 where Lhe 8ulldlng wlll be consLrucLed,

WnLkLAS, Lender ls a dlrecLor of Lhe sald corporaLlon,

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

WnLkLAS, 8orrower wlshes Lo borrow cerLaln monles from Lender, and Lender wlshes Lo lend
cerLaln monles Lo 8orrower, ln order for 8orrower Lo meeL cerLaln flnanclal obllgaLlons wlLh respecL Lo
8orrower's consLrucLlon of Lhe 8ulldlng

NCW, 1nLkLICkL, ln conslderaLlon of Lhe muLual convenanLs and promlses hereln, all of whlch
are deemed sufflclenL, lL ls hereby agreed Lo as follows:

1. lmmedlaLely upon Lhe full execuLlon hereof, Lender shall lend Lo 8orrower Lhe amounL of 1wo
Mllllon esos ( 2,000,000.00) herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe LCAn. 1he Loan shall be funded
lmmedlaLely upon Lhe full execuLlon hereof, by wlre Lransfer, cerLlfled check, or cash, as deLermlned ln
Lhe sole dlscreLlon of Lhe 8orrower.

2. 1he lnLeresL raLe on Lhe ouLsLandlng and unpald prlnclpal amounL of Lhe Loan shall be Lwelve
percenL (12) slmple lnLeresL, as calculaLed on an annual basls assumlng a 363-day year.

3. 1he Lerm of Lhe Loan shall be Lwelve (12) monLhs ln lengLh, beglnnlng on March 3, 2009 and
concludlng on March 3, 2010 herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe 1L8M.

4. 1he 8orrower shall make paymenLs of prlnclpal and lnLeresL Lo Lhe address of Lhe Lender seL
forLh herelnabove. 1he enLlre ouLsLandlng and unpald prlnclpal amounL of Lhe Loan, LogeLher wlLh any
lnLeresL and penalLles Lhereon, shall be due and payable aL Lhe end of Lhe 1erm.
3. 8orrower may prepay Lhe Loan wlLhouL premlum or penalLy aL any Llme durlng Lhe 1erm
upon no less Lhan flve (3) days prlor noLlce by 8orrower Lo Lender.

6. All oLher polnLs noL speclflcally agreed hereln shall, unless ln confllcL LherewlLh, be governed
by Lhe provlslons of Lhe new Clvll Code.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, Lhe parLles have hereunLo afflxed Lhelr slgnaLures Lhls 3
day of March,
2009, aL MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes.

Lrnesto og|to
8ottowet oo bebolf of 5AN1O keolty, loc.

M|gue| Ares

SlCnLu ln 1PL 8LSLnCL Cl:

Ionathan Nepomuceno

Iohn au|o Sa|vahan


9!K3L7A K2'2(.@.'* 1#'*$2"* T3$#-.$*,V

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1hls AgreemenL ls enLered by and beLween SAN1C kLAL1 MANAGLMLN1, INC. herelnafLer
called "AGLN1," and SAN1C kCLk1ILS, INC., herelnafLer called "CWNLk."


1haL, ln order Lo lnduce Lhe ACLn1 Lo enLer lnLo Lhls agreemenL, CWnL8 hereby represenLs Lo
ACLn1 LhaL lL ls Lhe CWnL8 of Lhe followlng descrlbed properLy:

Address of properLy:
SAN1C Cne r|me I|ats, 123 Shaw 8lvd., Mandaluyong ClLy, hlllpplnes

ln conslderaLlon of Lhls represenLaLlon and Lhe fees Lo be pald, ACLn1 agrees Lo acL as
managemenL ACLn1 wlLh respecL Lo Lhls properLy, Lo use due dlllgence ln Lhe managemenL of sald
premlses upon Lhe Lerms hereln provlded, and agrees Lo furnlsh Lhe servlces of hls organlzaLlon for Lhe
renLlng, leaslng, operaLlng and managlng of sald premlses sub[ecL Lo and ln accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms
and provlslons seL forLh below.


A. A monLhly managemenL fee shall be charged, f or Lhls condomlnlum properLy managed by
SAn1C 8LAL1? MAnACLMLn1 lnC., Len percenL (10) of Lhe agreed collecLed monLhly renL, buL noL
less Lhan 3,000.00, payable on Lhe flrsL day of each monLh.

8. CWnL8 shall deposlL wlLh ACLn1 a fundlng deposlL of 30,000.00 whlch shall be deposlLed Lo
CWnL8's accounL Lo pay bllls lncurred on Lhe properLy prlor Lo commencemenL of Lhe renLal lncome

C. Any lnLeresL earned on any LenanL's securlLy deposlL shall be reLalned by ACLn1 as an
addlLlonal fee.

u. Any laLe charge, [udlclal flne, penalLy, or mulLlple damage, or lnLeresL collecLed from Lhe
LenanL shall be reLalned by ACLn1 as an addlLlonal fee.

L. 1o granL Lhe ACLn1 Lhe excluslve rlghL Lo sell, should sald properLy be placed on Lhe markeL
or sold durlng Lhe perlod of Lhls AgreemenL, or wlLhln 6 monLhs afLer lLs LermlnaLlon, Lhe ACLn1 shall be
consldered Lhe procurlng ACLn1 and enLlLled Lo 6 of Lhe gross sales prlce as commlsslon.

II. DIS8UkSLMLN1S: ACLn1 shall pay Cu1 Cl CWnL8'S lunuS AvAlLA8LL Lhe followlng as Lhey shall
accrue and ln Lhe order here seL ouL:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

A. ACLn1's compensaLlon, as seL forLh ln aragraph l.

8. Such adverLlslng and uLlllLy bllls (lncludlng gas, elecLrlc, and waLer), necessary repalrs and/or
charges Lo malnLaln Lhe properLy, and cleanlng charges as shall accrue or be necessary Lo preserve Lhe
properLy durlng perlods of vacancy or occupancy, or Lo puL Lhe properLy ln a renLable condlLlon afLer
vacaLed, or expenses Lo regaln possesslon and/or Lo aLLempL Lo collecL dellnquenL renL sub[ecL Lo Lhe
provlslons seL forLh below, or necessary professlonal fees, or governmenLal assessmenLs.

C. roceeds Lo CWnL8. 1enancy revenues, refunds, ad[usLmenLs, or oLher funds due CWnL8.

u. l1 lS Lx8LSSL? AC8LLu 1PA1 nC1PlnC PL8Lln CCn1AlnLu SPALL 8L CCnS18uLu AS
8LCul8lnC ACLn1 1C AuvAnCL An? Cl l1S CWn MCnlLS lC8 An? u8CSL WPA1SCLvL8.


A. GkAN1 CI CWLk. Sub[ecL Lo Lhe llmlLaLlons seL ouL hereln, CWnL8 granLs ACLn1 full
power and auLhorlLy Lo lease, leL, renL and demlse Lhe real properLy descrlbed, or any parL Lhereof, ln lLs
own name as ACLn1 for CWnL8. ln order Lo effecLuaLe Lhe same, ACLn1 may enLer lnLo such wrlLLen
conLracLs and/or leases as ACLn1 deems necessary, ln lLs own name as ACLn1 for CWnL8. ACLn1 may
collecL and recelve all renLs arlslng as a resulL of ACLn1's managemenL of Lhe premlses. ACLn1 may use
such means as are ordlnary and cusLomary ln collecLlng or aLLempLlng Lo collecL any dellnquenL
accounLs. ACLn1 may, aL hls dlscreLlon evlcL any LenanL who vlolaLes any Lerm of Lhe lease. CWnL8
hereby asslgns Lo ACLn1 any and all dellnquenL renLs whlch may accrue from any LenanL for Lhe
purpose of credlLlng such renLs Lo CWnL8's operaLlng accounL for requlred dlsbursemenL.

8. CCLLLC1ICN CI kLN1. ACLn1 shall use such means as are ordlnary and cusLomary Lo collecL
or aLLempL Lo collecL any renL from any LenanL of Lhe premlses. ln Lhe evenL LhaL legal acLlon ls
necessary Lo obLaln [udgmenL for possesslon of Lhe premlses, dellnquenL renL, or damages upon oLher
causes of acLlon, ACLn1 ls auLhorlzed Lo employ aLLorneys, Lo sue ln lLs own name as ACLn1 for
CWnL8, and Lo expend Lhe sum of 20,000.00 from CWnL8's accounL for such purposes wlLhouL
CWnL8's prlor permlsslon. AddlLlonally, ACLn1 wlll, when requesLed by CWnL8, lnsLlgaLe acLlon, legal
or oLherwlse, for Lhe collecLlon of renLs whlch ls beyond Lhe dlscreLlon hereLofore allowed Lo ACLn1,
provlded such acLlon ls consldered reasonable by Lhe ACLn1.

ACLn1 SPALL nC1 8L PLLu MCnL1A8lL? 8LSCnSl8LL lC8 l1S lnA8lLl1? 1C CCLLLC1 8Ln1S.
ACLn1 SPALL nC1 8L PLLu 8LSCnSl8LL lC8 An? LxLnSLS lnCu88Lu lC8 LLCAL AC1lCn lnvCLvLu
ln 1PL CCLLLC1lCn Cl 8Ln1S Anu/C8 1PL LvlC1lCn Cl An? 1LnAn1 Anu/C8 uAMACLS lnCu88Lu
1C 1PL 8CL81?. All such expenses shall be pald by CWnL8, relmbursable ln Lhe evenL ACLn1 ls able
Lo collecL Lhe renLs, legal fees, or damages from Lhe LenanL.

C. MAIN1LNANCL. ACLn1 shall have full auLhorlLy Lo perform or Lo cause Lo be performed such
malnLenance of Lhe properLy as ls reasonable and necessary for Lhe safeLy of Lhe LenanLs and Lhe
preservaLlon of Lhe properLy.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

ACLn1 may, aL hls sole dlscreLlon, lnsLall flre/smoke deLecLors, carbon monoxlde deLecLors,
and/or flre exLlngulshers on Lhe properLy aL CWnL8's expense.

ln Lhe evenL malnLenance, repalrs, or consLrucLlon are requlred Lo be performed on Lhe
properLy ln excess of 30,000.00, ACLn1 shall be enLlLled Lo a fee of Len percenL (10) of Lhe LoLal for
sald expendlLures for Lhe supervlslon of same per lncldenL.

D. DISCkL1ICNAk AU1nCkI1. CWnL8 expressly granLs ACLn1 full power and auLhorlLy Lo
conLracL and pay for all repalrs and cleanlng cosLs, noL exceedlng Lhe amounL of 10,000.00, whlch ln lLs
dlscreLlon lL deems necessary or advlsable Lo malnLaln, or puL Lhe premlses ln a renLable condlLlon, or Lo
repalr Lhe same ln Lhe evenL of damage or desLrucLlon Lo Lhe premlses due Lo flre, wlndsLorm, hall,
flood, rloL, clvll commoLlon, LenanL abuse, or oLher causes resulLlng ln damage Lo Lhe premlses, all ouL of
Lhe CWnL8's funds on hand. Should Lhe esLlmaLe or conLemplaLed cosL exceed Lhe funds on hand, Lhe
CWnL8 shall prompLly remlL, upon ACLn1's requesL, Lhe necessary balance.

ln an emergency, as deLermlned ln ACLn1's dlscreLlon, Lhe CWnL8 auLhorlzes ACLn1's
expendlLure ln excess of funds on hand (above Lhe 10,000.00 llmlL) wlLhouL prlor auLhorlzaLlon.
CWnL8 shall LhereafLer prompLly remlL, upon ACLn1's requesL, Lhe necessary balance.

lallure of CWnL8 Lo remlL balances descrlbed ln Lhls subparagraph shall resulL ln ACLn1's
relmbursemenL Lherefor from subsequenL revenues ordlnarlly accrulng and payable Lo Lhe CWnL8.

L. INSUkANCL CCVLkAGL. CWnL8 ls obllgaLed, aL CWnL8's expense, Lo keep Lhe necessary
llre and LxLended Coverage and LlablllLy lnsurance currenL and renewed.

I. LIA8ILI1 CI AGLN1. lL ls agreed LhaL ACLn1 shall use reasonable and ordlnary care ln Lhe
selecLlon of LenanLs and all oLher acLs asslgned for performance by Lhls AgreemenL. When any acL ls
requlred of Lhe ACLn1, lL shall be done ln Lhe ordlnary course of Lhe ACLn1's buslness.

G. ACCCUN1ING ICk IUNDS. 1he ACLn1 shall furnlsh CWnL8 a monLhly accounLlng sLaLemenL
showlng Lhe recelpLs and expendlLures wlLh respecL Lo Lhe premlses, plus CWnL8's monLhly proceeds.

1he ACLn1 shall furnlsh a flnal accounLlng upon Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhls agreemenL wlLhln LhlrLy
(30) days from Lhe daLe of a wrlLLen requesL of managemenL LermlnaLlon.

n. SLCUkI1 AND DAMAGL DLCSI1S. All securlLy and damage deposlLs shall be reLurned Lo Lhe
LenanL by Lhe ACLn1 when Lhe LenanL vacaLes Lhe premlses, sub[ecL Lo ACLn1's deLermlnaLlon,
conslsLenL wlLh hlllpplne law, wheLher Lhe LenanL has damaged Lhe properLy ln excess of ordlnary wear
and Lear, wlLh Lhe excepLlon of accrued lnLeresL.

1he ACLn1 shall properly accounL for sums reLalned for Lhe purpose of off-seLLlng CWnL8's
expenses for unpald renL, uLlllLles, cleanlng charges or repalrs.

ln Lhe evenL llLlgaLlon shall occur concernlng securlLy deposlLs, Lhe ACLn1 shall defend Lhe same
ln lLs own name as ACLn1 for Lhe CWnL8 and aL Lhe CWnL8's expense.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Should ACLn1 and CWnL8 dlsagree on Lhe amounL of securlLy deposlL LhaL Lhe ACLn1 lnLends
Lo refund Lhe LenanL, Lhe ACLn1 may forward Lhe full amounL, less lnLeresL, Lo Lhe CWnL8 wlLhln flve
(3) days noLlce of dlspuLe. As of malllng, Lhe ACLn1 shall have no furLher obllgaLlon or llablllLy
whaLsoever concernlng Lhe securlLy deposlL Lo any person or enLlLy and Lhe CWnL8 shall hold ACLn1
harmless Lhere from.
Should Lhls AgreemenL LermlnaLe whlle an exlsLlng LenanL's securlLy deposlL ls ln Lhe ACLn1's
possesslon, Lhe ACLn1 shall forward LhaL amounL ln full, less lnLeresL, Lo Lhe CWnL8 wlLhln Len (10)
worklng days. As of malllng, ACLn1 shall have no furLher obllgaLlon or llablllLy whaLsoever concernlng
Lhe securlLy deposlL Lo any person or enLlLy, Lhe CWnL8 shall hold ACLn1 harmless Lherefrom.

I. 1LkMINA1ICN. 1hls agreemenL may be LermlnaLed by elLher parLy upon slxLy (60) day's
wrlLLen noLlce. lf so LermlnaLed, Lhe CWnL8 shall reLake possesslon of Lhe premlses, sub[ecL Lo Lhe
rlghLs of any LenanL rlghLfully ln possesslon. CWnL8's proceeds shall be dlsLrlbuLed by Lhe ACLn1 LhlrLy
(30) days afLer LermlnaLlon, unless ouLsLandlng ACLn1 or Lhlrd-parLy obllgaLlons remaln, ln whlch case
dlsLrlbuLlon shall be accompllshed lmmedlaLely afLer such lasL obllgaLlon ls saLlsfled.

I. Ak1IAL WAIVLk Ck ACUILSCLNCL NC 8Ak. ACLn1's walver, forbearance, or acqulescence
of any of lLs rlghLs or remedles, ln whole or ln parL, shall noL serve Lo walve, bar, or compromlse any
conLemporaneous or subsequenL rlghL or remedy.

k. WnCLL AGkLLMLN1. 1hls wrlLlng embodles Lhe enLlre agreemenL beLween Lhe parLles and ls
noL based upon any oLher represenLaLlon whaLsoever, expressed or lmplled, excepL as hereln conLalned.
1he AgreemenL cannoL be modlfled excepL ln wrlLlng and agreed Lo by Lhe parLles.

L. LIILC1IVL DA1L. ManagemenL by ACLn1 shall be effecLlve on 3 !anuary 2009 and shall be
effecLlve for a perlod of one year or endlng on 3 !anuary 2010.1hls agreemenL shall auLomaLlcally be
renewed for addlLlonal one year perlods from Lhe end daLe sLaLed as lLs endlng daLe unless wrlLLen
noLlce of lLs non-renewal ls glven.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, Lhe parLles hereLo have hereunLo seL Lhelr hands Lhls 4
day of !anuary
2009 aL Lhe ClLy of MakaLl, hlllpplnes.

5AN1O kAl1 MANACMN1 lNc.

5AN1O lkOlk1l5 lNc.



A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A 3<.%(. !($..@.'*


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1PlS LLDGL AGkLLMLN1 ls daLed March 29, 2002 (Lhls Agreement).


(1) Cuadalupe nuevo, llllplno, of legal age, wldow and resldlng aL 1 Maallndog SLreeL, Maasln,
SouLhern LeyLe, (Lhe ledgor")
(2) Meandred Zobel de Ayala, llllplno, of legal age, slngle and resldlng aL 1 Arlegul SLreeL, San
Mlguel, Manlla, (Lhe ledgee")


1he ledgor owes Lhe ledgee by way of promlssory noLe Lhe amounL of Cne Pundred 1housand
esos (100,000.00) wlLh 12 compounded lnLeresL per annum payable on uecember 31, 2002, and has
offered and agreed Lo secure Lhe repaymenL of sald loan, Lhe lnLeresLs accrulng Lhereon, Lhe cosLs of
collecLlng Lhe same, Lhe cosLs and charges of keeplng Lhe pledged properLy and all oLher expendlLures
whlch may be lncurred ln connecLlon herewlLh, by means of a good and valld flrsL pledge of [ewelrles.

NCW, 1nLkLICkL, ln conslderaLlon of Lhe foregolng, and for oLher good and valuable
conslderaLlon Lhe recelpL and sufflclency of whlch ls hereby acknowledged, Lhe parLles hereby agree as

1. ledgor hereby pledges, asslgns, Lransfers, dellvers, seLs over and granLs Lo Lhe ledgee as
securlLy for Lhe Llmely paymenL and dlscharge of Lhe loan, a conLlnulng securlLy lnLeresL of flrsL
prlorlLy ln all of such pledgor's rlghL, LlLle and lnLeresL ln and Lo Lhe ledged [ewelrles, whlch
pledgor owns for Lhe purpose of perfecLlng Lhe securlLy over Lhe ledged [ewelrles ln
accordance wlLh all legal requlremenLs, Lhe ledgor, havlng Lhe free dlsposal Lhereof, shall
dellver Lo Lhe ledgee:

1 set of ulomooJ jeweltles loJeo lo qolJ wottb Ooe nooJteJ 1boosooJ lesos
(ledged [ewelry)

2. 1he rlghLs of Lhe ledgee are as follows:
a. She has Lhe rlghL Lo relmbursemenL of Lhe expenses for lLs preservaLlon.
b. She has Lhe rlghL Lo brlng acLlons whlch perLaln Lo Lhe owner of Lhe Lhlng pledged ln
order Lo recover lL from, or defend lL agalnsL Lhlrd persons.
c. She has Lhe rlghL Lo possess and use Lhe ledged [ewelrles.
d. She has Lhe rlghL Lo bld aL Lhe publlc aucLlon and lf she ls Lhe only bldder, she wlll be
glven Lhe rlghL Lo approprlaLe Lhe Lhlng for fallure Lo sell on Lwo publlc aucLlon sales.

3. 1he obllgaLlons of Lhe ledgee are as follows:
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

a. She musL Lake care of Lhe ledged [ewelrles wlLh Lhe dlllgence of a good faLher of a
famlly oLherwlse she wlll be llable for lLs loss or deLerloraLlon.
b. She musL noL deposlL Lhe ledged [ewelrles Lo a Lhlrd person wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe
c. She musL lnform Lhe pledgor on Lhe effecL of Lhe aucLlon sale wheLher Lhe proceeds
were enough Lo cover Lhe prlnclpal obllgaLlon.
d. She has Lhe duLy Lo reLurn Lhe excess of Lhe proceeds from Lhe aucLlon sale Lo Lhe

4. 1he rlghLs of Lhe ledgor are as follows:
a. 1he ownershlp of Lhe ledged [ewelrles remalns wlLh Lhe pledgor.
b. She has Lhe rlghL of cholce as Lo whlch of Lhe ledged [ewelrles musL be sold ln a publlc
c. She has Lhe rlghL Lo bld aL Lhe publlc aucLlon and wlll be glven preference of buylng Lhe
ledged [ewelrles lf she ls one of Lhe several hlghesL bldders offerlng Lhe same Lerms.

3. lL ls Lhe obllgaLlon of Lhe ledgor, who knowlng Lhe flaws on Lhe ledged [ewelrles, Lo advlse Lhe
ledgee of Lhe same and she wlll be llable Lo Lhe laLLer for damages whlch she may suffer by
reason Lhereof.

6. 1he ledged [ewelrles can be allenaLed by Lhe ledgor wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe ledgee sub[ecL
Lo Lhe Lerms of Lhls pledge. Such ownershlp of Lhe ledged [ewelrles wlll only be LransmlLLed Lo
Lhe vendee as soon as Lhe ledgee consenLs Lo such allenaLlon buL Lhe laLLer shall conLlnue ln

7. When Lhe ledgor ls unable Lo comply wlLh hls obllgaLlon when lL becomes due and
demandable, Lhe ledgee has Lhe rlghL of reLenLlon and Lhe rlghL Lo sell Lhe ledged [ewelrles ln
a publlc aucLlon complylng wlLh ArLlcle 2112 of Lhe new Clvll Code.

8. 1hls agreemenL consLlLuLed wlll be exLlngulshed upon Lhe fulflllmenL of Lhe prlnclpal obllgaLlon
and Lhe ledged [ewelrles musL be reLurned Lo Lhe ledgor ln such evenL.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, Lhe ledgee and Lhe ledgor have caused Lhls AgreemenL Lo be
execuLed and dellvered as a deed as of Lhe day and year flrsL above wrlLLen.

Guada|upe Nuevo Meandred 2obe| de Aya|a
lleJqot lleJqee

Slgned ln Lhe presence of:

Azen|th C. V|o[an M||dred Ioy . ue


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A 9*#"O 3<.%(. !($..@.'*


1PlS S1CCk LLuCL AC8LLMLn1 (Lhe "S1CCk LLuCL AC8LLMLn1") ls enLered lnLo as of 23
lebruary 2009, by and beLween SAn1C 8LAL1? lnC., a hlllpplne corporaLlon, as pledge holder
("LLuCL PCLuL8") for SAn1C Ln1L88lSLS, lnC., a hlllpplne corporaLlon ("LLuCLL"), and LLWlS
PAMlL1Cn ("LLuCC8").


WPL8LAS, ledgor has deposlLed wlLh Lhe ledge Polder and has pledged Lo Lhe ledgee as
collaLeral securlLy for Lhe paymenL and full, falLhful, Lrue, and exacL performance and observance of all
of Lhe covenanLs and condlLlons of a cerLaln romlssory noLe daLed 20 lebruary 2009 ln Lhe orlglnal
prlnclpal amounL of 1,000,000.00 (Lhe "nC1L"), 1,000 shares of Class A Common SLock of ledgee,
represenLed by SLock CerLlflcaLe number A3.


nCW, 1PL8LlC8L, ln conslderaLlon of Lhe premlses seL forLh above and oLher good and
valuable conslderaLlon, Lhe recelpL of whlch ls hereby acknowledged, Lhe parLles hereLo agree Lo
execuLe Lhls SLock ledge AgreemenL as follows:

1. ledgor agrees LhaL lL ls Lhe lnLenL of ledgor and ledgee LhaL Lhe falr markeL value of Lhe
CollaLeral equal noL less Lhan LoLal prlnclpal and accrued lnLeresL owed pursuanL Lo Lhe noLe (Lhe
"1C1AL C8LlCA1lCnS") LhroughouL Lhe Lerm of Lhe noLe. lf, aL anyLlme durlng Lhe Lerm of Lhe noLe, Lhe
falr markeL value of Lhe CollaLeral drops below Lhe 1oLal CbllgaLlons, Lhen ledgor shall lmmedlaLely
granL Lo ledgee a securlLy lnLeresL ln oLher asseLs of ledgor accepLable Lo ledgee and sufflclenL ln
value Lo brlng Lhe LoLal falr markeL value of all Lhe CollaLeral up Lo Lhe 1oLal CbllgaLlons.

2. ledgor, upon any defaulL of Lhe ledgor ln Lhe prompL paymenL or due performance of any
of Lhe obllgaLlons menLloned ln sald noLe, hereby auLhorlzes and empowers ledge Polder on behalf of
ledgee, aL lLs opLlon and wlLhouL noLlce Lo ledgor, excepL as speclflcally hereln provlded, Lo collecL,
sell, asslgn, and dellver, Lhe whole or any parL of Lhe CollaLeral, or any subsLlLuLe Lherefor or addlLlon
LhereLo, aL publlc or prlvaLe sale, for cash, upon credlL, or for fuLure dellvery, wlLhouL Lhe necesslLy of
Lhe CollaLeral belng presenL aL any such sale, or ln vlew of prospecLlve purchasers Lhereof, and wlLhouL
any presenLmenL, demand for performance, proLesL, noLlce of proLesL, or noLlce of dlshonor, or
adverLlsemenL, any such demand or adverLlsemenL belng expressly walved.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

3. ln case of any such sale or dlsposal, Lhe proceeds Lhereof shall flrsL be applled Lo Lhe
paymenL of Lhe expenses of such sale, commlsslons, aLLorneys' fees, and all charges pald or lncurred by
ledge Polder and ledgee perLalnlng Lo sald sale, lncludlng any Laxes or oLher charges lmposed by law
upon Lhe CollaLeral and/or Lhe ownlng, holdlng, or Lransferrlng Lhereof, secondly, Lo pay, saLlsfy, and
dlscharge Lhe duLles and obllgaLlons of ledgor as seL forLh ln sald noLe, and Lhlrdly, Lo pay Lhe surplus,
lf any, Lo ledgor.

4. ln case of any such sale by ledgee or all or any of sald CollaLeral on credlL, or for fuLure
dellvery, such properLy so sold may be reLalned by ledgee or Lhe ledge Polder unLll Lhe selllng prlce ls
pald by Lhe purchaser. 1he ledge Polder and/or ledgee shall lncur no llablllLy ln case of Lhe fallure of
Lhe purchaser Lo Lake up and pay for Lhe properLy so sold. ln case of any such fallure, Lhe sald CollaLeral
may be agaln, from Llme Lo Llme, sold.

3. noLwlLhsLandlng any oLher provlslon of Lhls SLock ledge AgreemenL, ledgor shall have Lhe
rlghL Lo voLe Lhe CollaLeral durlng Lhe Lerm of Lhls SLock ledge AgreemenL unless ledgor defaulLs on
Lhe-prompL performance of lLs obllgaLlons under Lhe Lerms of Lhe noLe, ln whlch case Lhe rlghL Lo voLe
Lhe CollaLeral shall vesL ln Lhe ledgee.

6. Any sLock rlghLs, and rlghLs Lo subscrlbe, dlvldends pald ln sLock, new securlLles, or oLher
properLy, whlch ledgor may hereafLer become enLlLled Lo recelve on accounL of Lhe CollaLeral, shall be
and become a parL of Lhe CollaLeral, and ln Lhe evenL LhaL ledgor shall recelve any such properLy, lL wlll
lmmedlaLely dellver lL Lo Lhe ledge Polder Lo be held by lL ln Lhe-same manner as Lhe CollaLeral
orlglnally pledged hereunder.

7. 1he ledgor hereby lrrevocably appolnLs ledge Polder as lLs Lrue and lawful aLLorney for
purposes of Lhls SLock ledge AgreemenL, only unLll such Llme as Lhls SLock ledge AgreemenL shall be
cancelled by paymenL of Lhe noLe or as hereln provlded, ln order Lo Lransfer Lhe shares of sLock
deposlLed herewlLh as Lhe CollaLeral and has execuLed an AsslgnmenL SeparaLe lrom CerLlflcaLe ln order
Lo effecL Lhe same, and Lo Lake any and all acLlons auLhorlzed and provlded for hereln.

8. ln case of any adverse clalms ln respecL Lo Lhe CollaLeral or any porLlons Lhereof, arlslng ouL
of any acL done or suffered by ledgor, Lhe ledgor promlses and agrees Lo hold harmless and Lo
lndemnlfy ledgee from and agalnsL any losses, llablllLles, damages, expenses, cosLs, and reasonable
aLLorneys' fees lncurred ln or abouL defendlng, proLecLlng, or prosecuLlng Lhe securlLy lnLeresLs hereby

9. ledgor agrees Lo pay, prlor Lo dellnquency, all Laxes, llens, and assessmenLs agalnsL Lhe
CollaLeral, and upon lLs fallure Lo do so, ledgee, aL lLs opLlon, may pay any of Lhem, and shall be Lhe
sole [udge of Lhe legallLy or valldlLy Lhereof and Lhe amounL necessary Lo dlscharge same.

10. Any forbearance or fallure or delay by ledgee ln exerclslng any rlghL, power, or remedy
hereunder shall noL be deemed Lo be a walver of such rlghL, power, or remedy, and any slngle or parLlal
exerclse of any rlghL, power, or remedy of ledgee shall conLlnue ln full force and effecL unLll such rlghL,
power, or remedy ls speclflcally walved by an lnsLrumenL ln wrlLlng execuLed by ledgee.

11. 1he ledgee has Lhe rlghL Lo declare Lhe noLe dellvered Lo ledgee by ledgor whlch Lhls
pledge secures lmmedlaLely due and payable upon any sale, Lransfer, conveyance, or allenaLlon of any of
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Lhe CollaLeral by ledgor durlng lLs llfeLlme, or, upon Lhe deaLh of ledgor, by Lhe esLaLe or legal
represenLaLlve of ledgor. upon paymenL of Lhe unpald balance and all lnLeresL accrued Lhereon of sald
noLe, sald noLe shall be deemed fully performed and saLlsfled and Lhls SLock ledge AgreemenL shall be
cancelled and of no furLher force and effecL.

12. When sald noLe shall have been fully performed and saLlsfled and ledgee shall have
recelved from ledgor paymenL ln full of Lhe noLe, Lhen, and only Lhen, when Lhe foregolng shall have
occurred, Lhls SLock ledge AgreemenL shall be cancelled and of no furLher force and effecL, and ledge
Polder shall Lhereupon dellver Lo ledgor Lhe CollaLeral free and clear of Lhe llen of Lhls pledge.

13. All provlslons of law, ln equlLy, and by sLaLuLe provldlng for, relaLlng Lo, or perLalnlng Lo
pledges and Lhe sale of pledged properLy, or whlch prescrlbe, prohlblL, llmlL, or resLrlcL Lhe rlghL Lo, or
condlLlons, noLlce or manner of sale, LogeLher wlLh all llmlLaLlons of law, ln equlLy or by sLaLuLe on Lhe
rlghL of aLLachmenL ln Lhe case of secured obllgaLlons, are hereby expressly walved by ledgor.

14. ledgor and ledgee agree Lo and do hereby lndemnlfy and hold ledge Polder harmless
agalnsL any and all losses damages, clalms, and expenses, lncludlng reasonable aLLorneys' fees, LhaL may
be lncurred by lL by reason of lLs compllance wlLh Lhe Lerms hereof.

13. 1hls SLock ledge AgreemenL, and all of Lhe rlghLs and duLles ln connecLlon LherewlLh,
shall be governed by Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes.

16. Any noLlce or demand Lo be glven hereunder shall be ln wrlLlng and shall be served
personally or by reglsLered mall. lf served by reglsLered mall, lL shall be deemed glven or made Lhree (3)
days afLer Lhe deposlL Lhereof ln Lhe hlllpplne osLal mall, posLage prepald. Any noLlce or demand shall
be glven aL Lhe address seL forLh ln Lhe noLe.

17. 1hls SLock ledge AgreemenL and all of lLs Lerms and provlslons shall be blndlng upon Lhe
helrs, successors, Lransferees and asslgns of each of Lhe parLles hereLo.

18. 1hls Amended and 8esLaLed SLock ledge AgreemenL ls effecLlve as of Lhe daLe flrsL seL
forLh above.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, Lhe parLles hereLo have hereunLo seL Lhelr hands Lhls 23
day of
lebruary 2009 aL Lhe ClLy of MakaLl, hlllpplnes.


Lew|s nam||ton


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Ionathan Nepomuceno
5AN1O N1klkl55 lNc.

lleJqe nolJet.

Ma. Ange|a Agu|na|do
cblef lloooclol Offlcet
5AN1O kAl1 lNc.


____________________________ ____________________________
kyan Chr|stopher 1eehankee Ion au|o V. Sa|vahan


9!K3L7A ;..% #0 92<. TB&*? 32"*# %. 5.*$#V


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1hls uu Ol 5Al wl1n lAc1O u k1kO made and execuLed by and beLween:

GUDALUL NULVC, llllplno, of legal age, wldow, wlLh resldence and posL-offlce address
aL 1 Maallndog SLreeL Maasln SouLhern LeyLe, herelnafLer called Lhe SLLLL8",

- and -

MLANDkLD 2C8LL DL AALA, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, wlLh resldence and posL-
offlce address aL no. 1 Arlegul SLreeL, Culapo, Manlla, herelnafLer called Lhe 8u?L8".

-W I 1 N L S S L 1 n-

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1haL Lhe SLLLL8 ls Lhe absoluLe owner of a cerLaln parcel of land wlLh all Lhe bulldlngs and
lmprovemenLs Lhereon, slLuaLed aL 1 Maallndog SLreeL, Maasln, SouLhern LeyLe, and more parLlcularly
descrlbed as follows, Lo wlL:

A parcel of land descrlbed on plan su-36331 and L8C 8ec no. 16019, slLuaLed ln Lhe
MunlclpallLy of Maasln, rovlnce of SouLhern LeyLe. 8ounded on Lhe nL., pLs. 3 Lo 4 by
8oad LoL 3, on Lhe SL., pLs 4 Lo 1 by LoL 19m on Lhe SW., pLs 1 Lo 2 by loL 18, and on Lhe
nW., pLs 2 Lo 3 by LoL 13, all of Lhe subdlvlslon plan xx xxx conLalnlng an are of 1WC
Punu8Lu Slx1LLn (216) SCuA8L ML1L8S, more or less."

her LlLle LhereLo belng evldenced by 1ransfer Cert|f|cate of 1|t|e No. 1234S6 lssued by Lhe 8eglsLer of
ueeds of Maasln, SouLhern LeyLe,

1haL Lhe SLLLL8, for and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe sum of IIVL nUNDkLD 1nCUSAND LSCS
(S00,000), hlllpplne currency, Lo her ln hand pald and recelpL whereof ls hereby acknowledged does
hereby SLLL, 18AnSlL8, and CCnvL?, under AC1C uL 8L18C unLo Lhe sald 8u?L8, her helrs and
asslgns, Lhe above-descrlbed properLy wlLh all Lhe bulldlngs and lmprovemenLs Lhereon, free from all
llens and encumbrances whaLsoever,

1haL Lhe SLLLL8, ln execuLlng Lhls conveyance, hereby reserves Lhe rlghL Lo 8Lu8CPASL, and
Lhe 8u?L8, ln accepLlng Lhe same, hereby obllgaLes herself Lo 8LSLLL, Lhe properLy hereln conveyed
wlLhln a perlod of flve (3) years from and afLer Lhe daLe of Lhls lnsLrumenL, for Lhe same prlce of llvL
Punu8Lu 1PCuSAnu LSCS (300,000), hlllpplne currency: ltovlJeJ bowevet, LhaL lf Lhe SLLLL8 shall
fall Lo exerclse her rlghL Lo repurchase as hereln granLed wlLhln Lhe perlod sLlpulaLed, Lhen Lhls
conveyance shall become absoluLe and lrrevocable, wlLhouL Lhe necesslLy of drawlng up a new deed of
absoluLe sale, sub[ecL Lo Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe law regardlng consolldaLlon of ownershlp of real

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, Lhe parLles hereLo have hereunLo seL Lhelr hands Lhls 29
day of March
2003 ln Manlla, hlllpplnes.

5llk 8uk

Slgned ln Lhe presence of:



9!K3L7A ;..% #0 !D/#<:*. 92<.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09



l, !uan C. uela Cruz, of legal age, marrled Lo Marla C. uela Cruz, llllplno clLlzen, and a resldenL of
21 LsLeban Abada SL., Loyola PelghLs, Cuezon ClLy, ln conslderaLlon of Lhe sum of lour Mllllon llve
Pundred SlxLy 1housand esos (4,360,000.00), Lo me ln hand pald by Marlo C. lellclano, of legal age,
marrled Lo 8elen . lellclano, llllplno clLlzen, and resldenL of 129 !..8lzal SL., ro[ecL 4, Cuezon ClLy, do
hereby sell and convey unLo sald Marlo C. lellclano, hls helrs and asslgns, a parcel of land wlLh Lhe
lmprovemenLs Lhereof slLuaLed ln AnLlpolo, 8lzal, and more parLlcularly descrlbed as follows:

A A8CLL Cl LAnu (LoL 20 8lk 34 of consolldaLlon subdlvlslon plan (L8C)
cs-13263, belng a porLlon of Lhe consolldaLlon of LoLs 4731-A and
4731-8 (L8C) sd-30333, LoL 3, sd-100703, LoL 1, sd-130980, L8C 8ec.
nos. nos. n-27024, 31768, 89632, n-11782, n-13466, and 21071
slLuaLed ln MunlclpallLy of AnLlpolo, rovlnce of 8lzal, lsland of Luzon.
8ounded on nL., polnL 4 Lo 1 by 8oad LoL 22, on...Lo Lhe polnL of
beglnnlng, conLalnlng an area of (2,273)square meLers more or less."

of whlch l am Lhe reglsLered owner ln accordance wlLh Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon AcL, as amended, my LlLle
LhereLo belng evldenced by Crlglnal/1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1234S lssued by Lhe 8eglsLer of
ueeds of Ant|po|o, k|za|.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo slgned Lhese presenLs aL Lhe uezon C|ty Lhls 4
day of
Apr||, 2009.

Iuan G. De|a Cruz Mar|o C. Ie||c|ano
5ellet 8oyet

WlLh MarlLal ConsenL:

Mar|a C. De|a Cruz 8e|en . Ie||c|ano
5ellets 5poose 8oyets 5poose

Slgned ln Lhe resence of:

Lo|da 1. Garc|a Iernando G. 2amora


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A ;..% #0 !//&('@.'* 2'% +$2'/0.$ #0 5&(?*/


1hls deed, made and enLered lnLo Lhls 4
day of Apr|| 2009 aL Lhe ClLy of Manlla, by and beLween:

Iuan G. De|a Cruz, llllplno ClLlzen, of legal age, marrled Lo Marla C. uela Cruz wlLh
resldence and posLal address aL 21 Lsteban Abada St. Loyo|a ne|ghts uezon C|ty,
herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe "ASSlCnC8"
Mar|o C. Ie||c|ano, llllplno ClLlzen, of legal age, marrled Lo 8elen . lellclano wlLh
resldence and posLal address aL 129 I..k|za| St. ro[ect 4 uezon C|ty, herelnafLer
referred Lo as Lhe "ASSlCnLL".
WI1NLSSL1n: 1hat -
WnLkLAS, Lhe ASSlCnC8 ls Lhe buyer of a 2-bedroom condomlnlum unlL locaLed aL 18C Crand
1owers Condomlnlum, 178 1afL Avenue, Manlla, wlLh an area of nlneLy Seven (97) SCuA8L ML1L8S,
more or less, covered by Condomlnlum CerLlflcaLe 1lLle no. 97624 of Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds of Manlla,
reglsLered ln Lhe name of Lhe 8ank of Lhe hlllpplne lslands.,
WnLkLAS, Lhe ASSlCnC8 has offered Lo asslgn all hls rlghLs, LlLle and lnLeresL over Lhe above unlL,
as referred ln a ConLracL Lo Sell, and Lhe ASSlCnLL hereby accepLs Lhe asslgnmenL ln accordance wlLh
Lhe Lerms hereln seL forLh,
NCW, 1nLkLICkL, for and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe foregolng premlses and Lhe sum of 1WC
MlLLlCn LSCS (2,000,000.00), hlllpplne Currency, whlch Lhe ASSlCnC8 hereby acknowledged Lo
have recelved from Lhe ASSlCnLL, Lhe ASSlCnC8 hereby asslgns, Lransfers and conveys unLo Lhe
ASSlCnLL all hls rlghLs, LlLle and lnLeresLs Lo Lhe aforemenLloned properLy and appurLenanL lnLeresL ln
Lhe Condomlnlum pro[ecL pursuanL Lo Lhls AgreemenL and Lhe ASSlCnLL by Lhese presenLs hereby
accepLs Lhe asslgnmenL and agrees Lo be bound by Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhe ConLracL Lo Sell and
Lhe rules and regulaLlons, and resLrlcLlons perLalnlng Lo Lhe sald unlL.
IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, Lhe parLles have hereunLo seL Lhelr hands on Lhe daLe and place flrsL
above wrlLLen.

Iuan G. De|a Cruz Mar|o C. Ie||c|ano
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Asslqoot Asslqoee

WlLh our MarlLal ConsenLs:

Mar|a C. De|a Cruz 8e|en . Ie||c|ano
Asslqoots 5poose Asslqoees 5poose

Slgned ln Lhe resence of:

Lo|da 1. Garc|a Iernando G. 2amora


9!K3L7A ;..% #0 ;#'2*&#'



1hls uLLu Cl uCnA1lCn, enLered lnLo by and beLween:

Lo|da 1. Garc|a, uCnC8, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, wlLh posL offlce address aL 218
ka[ah Matanda St. ro[ect 4 uezon C|ty, h|||pp|nes,


Iernando . 2amora, uCnLL, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, wlLh posL-offlce address aL
161 kosa||a Compound, 1andang Sora, uezon C|ty, h|||pp|nes.


1haL Lhe uCnC8 ls Lhe absoluLe owner of LhaL cerLaln real properLy slLuaLed aL no. 1 Llno SL.,
Aqulno Subdlvlslon, ublhan, Cuezon ClLy and more parLlcularly descrlbed ln 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle
no. 1-4373 of Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds of Cuezon ClLy, as follows:

18AnSlL8 CL81lllCA1L Cl 1l1LL nC. 1-4373

A parcel of land, loL 3243-?, CSu-2281, slLuaLed ln Lhe 8arrlo of ublhan, Cuezon
ClLy. 8ounded on Lhe n.L., along llne 1-2, by properLy of Marlano 1anclnco (loL 1, psu-
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1111887), and along llne 2-3, by loL 2 of plan su-123948, on Lhe S., along llne 3-4, by
properLy of 1om 1lmpo, on Lhe S.W., along llne 4-3, by loL 1 of plan su-123948, and
along 3-6 by properLy of Marlano 1anclnco (LoL 2, su-1111887), and on Lhe n.W., along
llne 6-1, by properLy of !oaqulna SanLlago, conLalnlng an area of 1,093 square meLers
and covered by 1ax ueclaraLlon no. 3829.

nCW 1PL8LlC8L, for and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe love and affecLlon of Lhe uCnC8 for Lhe
uCnLL who has lovlngly dedlcaLed flve (3) years of her llfe as Lhe former's personal careglver, Lhe sald
uCnC8 by Lhese presenLs does hereby 18AnSlL8 Anu CCnvL? by way of uCnA1lCn, unLo Lhe sald
uCnLL, Lhe above-menLloned real properLy, free from all klnds of llens and encumbrances whaLsoever.

1haL Lhe uCnC8 hereby sLaLes LhaL, for Lhe purpose of glvlng effecL Lo Lhe donaLlon, she has
reserved for herself ln full ownershlp sufflclenL properLy Lo supporL hlm ln a manner approprlaLe Lo hls


1haL Lhe uCnLL does hereby accepLs Lhe foregolng donaLlon of Lhe above-descrlbed properLy
for whlch he expresses her slnceresL appreclaLlon and graLlLude for Lhe klndness and llberallLy shown by
Lhe uCnC8.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, Lhe parLles hereLo have slgned Lhese presenLs, aL Cuezon ClLy, Lhls 23

day of lebruary, 2009.

Lo|da 1. Garc|a Iernando . 2amora
uooot uooee

Slgned ln Lhe resence of:

Iuan C. De|a Cruz Mar|o C. Ie||c|ano


9!K3L7A F&<< #0 92<.



A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

l, Iuan G. De|a Cruz, of legal age, llllplno, slngle, resldlng aL 21 Lsteban Abada St., Loyo|a
ne|ghts, uezon C|ty, for and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe sum of Iour nundred Seventy I|ve 1housand
(47S,000.00), hlllpplne currency, Lo me pald by Mar|o C. Ie||c|ano, also of legal age, llllplno, slngle
and resldlng aL 129 I.. k|za| St., ro[ect 4, uezon C|ty, recelpL whereof ls hereby acknowledged, do
hereby SLLL and CCnvL? unLo Lhe sald (buyer), hls helrs and asslgns, a nonda Motorcyc|e more
parLlcularly descrlbed as follows:

MAkL: Ponda
SLkILS: Cold Wlng
1L CI 8CD: MoLorcycle
LAk CI MCDLL: 2009
MC1Ck NC.: 81-03-3467
SLkIAL]CnASSIS NC.: PZ-1234-09
LA1L NC.: !l 2110
IILL NC.: MC12901
C.k.NC.: 00978133

l furLher covenanL wlLh Lhe sald Mar|o C. Ie||c|ano LhaL l own and have Lhe rlghL Lo sell and
Lransfer Lhe LlLle and ownershlp of Lhe above-descrlbed properLy, l wlll defend Lhe same agalnsL Lhe
clalms of any and all persons whaLsoever.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 4
day of Apr||, 2009, uezon C|ty,

Iuan G. De|a Cruz

Slgned ln Lhe resence of:

_______________________ ___________________________
Lo|da 1. Garc|a Iernando G. 2amora


9!K3L7A L.(2< 5.*2&'.$ !($..@.'*


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

1hls 8L1AlnL8 AC8LLMLn1 ls enLered lnLo by and beLween:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

!AlML L. MLnuL!A8, of legal age, llllplno, slngle and wlLh buslness address aL
346 hllnaLlon 8ldg., MakaLl ClLy, herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe LAW?L8",

- and -

A8C Corp., a domesLlc corporaLlon duly organlzed and exlsLlng under Lhe laws of
Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes wlLh buslness address locaLed aL 90 L. 8odrlguez !r. Ave.,
Llbls, Cuezon ClLy hereln represenLed by lLs resldenL 8CMLC C. PLnSCn Lhe former
herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe CLlLn1".

w l 1 N 5 5 1 n .

WPL8LAS. Lhe CLlLn1 deslres Lo reLaln Lhe legal servlces of Lhe LAW?L8 Lo Lhe excluslon of Lhlrd
persons wlLh adverse lnLeresLs,

WPL8LAS, Lhe LAW?L8 agrees Lo provlde lLs legal servlces Lo Lhe CLlLn1 sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng
Lerms and condlLlons:

1. 1he LAW?L8 shall make hlmself avallable for consulLaLlon and advlce on legal maLLers
concernlng Lhe buslness operaLlons of Lhe CLlLn1 provlded LhaL a requesL for appolnLmenL ls glven a
reasonable amounL of Llme beforehand. 1he LAW?L8 shall llkewlse asslsL ln bulldlng and malnLalnlng
Lhe CLlLn1's goodwlll and buslness, economlc, and soclal relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher buslness enLerprlses
and slmllar enLlLles,

2. 1he LAW?L8 shall asslsL Lhe CLlLn1 ln Lhe preparaLlon and noLarlzaLlon of documenLs
whereln a slmple acknowledgmenL or [uraL ls requlred. Where large scale LransacLlons are lnvolved, such
as buL noL llmlLed Lo, deeds of conveyance or sale, or large scale preparaLlon of conLracLs and oLher
slmllar venLures, whereln Lhe conslderaLlon lnvolved amounLs Lo or ls greaLer Lhan CnL MlLLlCn LSCS
(1,000,000.00), Lhe LAW?L8 reserves Lhe rlghL Lo assess Lhe CLlLn1 for compensaLlon by way of
reasonable noLarlal fees,

3. 1he LAW?L8 shall prepare legal pleadlngs and moLlons, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
complalnLs, answers, brlefs, compromlse agreemenLs, eLc., as may be requlred for Lhe enforcemenL of
Lhe CLlLn1's rlghLs and Lhe proLecLlon of lLs lnLeresLs ln [udlclal acLlons flled for or agalnsL Lhe CLlLn1.
1he LAW?L8 walves any addlLlonal reLalner fee or accepLance fee for each and every case Lhe CLlLn1
flnds lLself lnvolved ln. 1he LAW?L8 reserves Lhe rlghL however Lo blll Lhe CLlLn1 for reasonable Legal
8esearch lees for pleadlngs requlrlng exLenslve research and conslderable Llme Lo compleLe such as, buL
noL llmlLed Lo, poslLlon papers, memoranda of law, appeal brlefs, eLc. 1he LAW?L8 llkewlse reserves Lhe
rlghL Lo blll Lhe CLlLn1 for Appearance lees for lLs presence durlng Lrlal hearlngs upon presenLmenL of
Lhe correspondlng bllllng sLaLemenL. 1he LAW?L8 shall charge appearance fees equlvalenL Lo 1LN
1nCUSAND LSCS (10,000.00) per appearance.

1he foregolng fees may also be assessed lf Lhe aLLendlng lawyer of Lhe LAW?L8 ls requlred Lo
aLLend conferences, meeLlngs, and negoLlaLlons ouLslde Lhe law offlce upon requesL of Lhe CLlLn1. lL ls
hereby agreed LhaL Lhe foregolng fee ls llmlLed Lo four (4) hours only. Should Lhe Llme glven by Lhe
aLLendlng lawyer exceed Lhe four-hour llmlL, Lhe LAW?L8 may assess appearance fees anew for Lhe nexL
four hours or a fracLlon LhereafLer.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhe CLlLn1 should requlre Lhe aLLendance of Lhe LAW?L8 ln any meeLlng
ouLslde of Lhe regular worklng hours of 8 am Lo 3 pm or durlng holldays and resL days Lhe appearance
fee due Lo Lhe LAW?L8 shall be double of Lhe raLe hereln menLloned,

4. 1he CLlLn1 underLakes Lo pay or cause Lo be pald aL Lhe beglnnlng of each monLh
accrulng Lhe sum of III1 1nCUSAND LSCS (S0,000.00) Lo Lhe LAW?L8 as regular monLhly 8eLalner
lee. 1he LAW?L8 reserves Lhe rlghL Lo lncrease Lhe raLe of Lhe 8eLalner lee afLer slxLy days from
execuLlon of Lhls AgreemenL upon consldered evaluaLlon LhaL Lhe volume of work requlred of lL by Lhe
CLlLn1 exceeds whaL was reasonably percelved by Lhe former upon slgnlng hereof. 1he raLe of Lhe
lncrease shall be commensuraLe Lo Lhe amounL of work requlred by Lhe CLlLn1. lL ls undersLood LhaL Lhe
8L1AlnL8 lLL hereln menLloned shall be pald ln advance aL leasL a day before Lhe monLh accrulng.
lu81PL8, all aLLorney's fees charged by Lhe LAW?L8 Lo Lhe cllenL shall be neL of wlLhholdlng Laxes,
value Added 1axes and Lhe llke,

3. 1he CLlLn1 underLakes Lo relmburse Lhe LAW?L8 any ouL of pockeL expenses whlch
lncludes documenLaLlon, loglsLlcal, and oLher mlscellaneous dlsbursemenLs requlred ln consequence of
maLLers handled by Lhe LAW?L8 for Lhe CLlLn1. 1he LAW?L8 agrees Lo advance reasonable amounLs for
Lhe CLlLn1's expenses from Llme Lo Llme for purposes of convenlence whlch Lhe laLLer hereby
underLakes Lo relmburse,

6. ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhe CLlLn1 deslres Lo reLaln Lhe servlces of oLher counsel and Lo
LermlnaLe Lhls 8eLalner AgreemenL, lL shall lnform Lhe LAW?L8 ln wrlLlng 30 days prlor Lo Lhe lnLended
daLe of LermlnaLlon of Lhls ConLracL ln order Lo allow Lhe laLLer ample Llme Lo make an accounLlng and
llquldaLlon of Lhe CLlLn1's concerns, ltovlJeJ. LhaL lf Lhe CLlLn1 deslres Lo engage Lhe servlces of oLher
counsel wlLhouL necessarlly LermlnaLlng Lhls AgreemenL, Lhen Lhe LAW?L8 ls hereby glven Lhe opLlon Lo
LermlnaLe Lhls ConLracL afLer due noLlce ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe CLlLn1. lL ls undersLood LhaL Lhe reLalner shall
commence from Aprll 1, 2009,

7. 1he LAW?L8 reserves Lhe rlghL Lo LermlnaLe Lhls 8eLalner AgreemenL should Lhe CLlLn1
be deemed by reasonable sLandards Lo be uncooperaLlve or oLherwlse lndlfferenL ln any maLLer handled
for lL by Lhe LAW?L8. 1he parLles agree LhaL Lhls AgreemenL serves as Lhe CLlLn1's consenL for Lhe
wlLhdrawal of Lhe LAW?L8 from any case or proceedlng pendlng before Lhe courLs or oLher Lrlbunal or
agency for all legal lnLenLs and purposes.

uone ln MakaLl ClLy, Lhls 1
day of Aprll, 2009.

CLlLn1: LAW?L8:

Slgned ln Lhe resence of:


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


What |s a CWLk CI A11CkNL?
! ln a power of aLLorney, you glve anoLher person (called your "agenL" or "aLLorney-ln-facL") Lhe legal
auLhorlLy Lo acL ln your place and on your behalf ln your absence. Lvery acL your agenL does wlLhln
Lhe auLhorlLy granLed ln Lhe documenL ls legally blndlng upon you.
! 1he power of aLLorney ls one of Lhe mosL versaLlle esLaLe plannlng Lools avallable. A power of
aLLorney ls a documenL whlch Lhe maker (known as Lhe "prlnclpal") glves auLhorlLy Lo an
"aLLorney-ln-facL" Lo acL on Lhe prlnclpal's behalf. 1he aLLorney-ln-facL does noL have Lo be an
acLual aLLorney, buL can be anyone you choose.

What |s the SCCL CI A CWLk CI A11CkNL?
! 1he prlnclpal decldes Lhe scope of Lhe power of aLLorney. lot exomple, you can glve an aLLorney-
ln-facL Lhe power of aLLorney for one slmple lnvesLmenL. Cn Lhe oLher hand, you can also make
Lhe power of aLLorney unllmlLed. Cne llmlL, however, ls LhaL you cannoL granL Lhe power Lo
make a wlll.
! 1here are several sLandard powers LhaL can be lncluded, such as Lhe ablllLy Lo pay bllls, Lransfer
funds, or compleLe buslness LransacLlons. Powever, Lhere may be more speclflc reasons you
wanL Lo execuLe a power of aLLorney.
! AlmosL any declslon you can lmaglne can be delegaLed by a power of aLLorney. 8lank forms
lnclude many sLandard powers, yeL lf Lhere ls a subsLanLlal amounL of money aL sLake, or lf lL ls
some oLher lmporLanL declslon, a speclflc power of aLLorney ls much more llkely Lo be accepLed
as valld.
! Any power of aLLorney ends wlLh Lhe deaLh of Lhe prlnclpal.

1ypes of ower of Attorney

A power of aLLorney ls usually glven by someone who wlll be unable Lo be presenL aL a parLlcular
Llme and/or place when lmporLanL LransacLlons musL be conducLed. 1he scope of a power of aLLorney may
be very broad or very narrow, dependlng on Lhe needs, facLs and clrcumsLances.

N7E75!L 3CB75 CI !++C5E7W
! A general power of aLLorney glves Lhe agenL all Lhe powers LhaL Lhe prlnclpal possesses Lo acL wlLh
respecL Lo any maLLer.
! lL allows Lhe agenL Lhe power Lo do all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL Lhe prlnclpal could do hlmself, such as sell or
morLgage a home, deposlL and wlLhdraw money from accounLs, borrow, and slgn conLracLs.

9!K3L7A N.'.$2< 3#4.$ #0 !**#$'.,

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

CLnL8AL CWL8 Cl A11C8nL?


l, kLLL?-kLLL? u. 1lnl18lM, of legal age, slngle, llllplno, a resldenL of 161 17
Avenue, Cubao,
Cuezon ClLy, do hereby name, consLlLuLe, and appolnL Lu8C LnuukC, Lo be my Lrue and lawful
aLLorney, for me and ln my name, place, and sLead, Lo do and perform Lhe followlng acLs and Lhlngs Lo

1o ask, demand, collecL any and all sums of money, sue Lo recover debLs, dues, accounLs,
dlvldends, legacles, bequesLs, lnLeresLs, and oLher Lhlngs of value of whaLever naLure or klnd as may
now be or may hereafLer become due owlng, payable or belonglng Lo me, and Lo have, sue, and Lo Lake
any and all lawful ways and means for Lhe recovery Lhereof by sulL, aLLachmenL, compromlse or

1o make, slgn, execuLe, and dellver conLracLs, agreemenLs, documenLs and oLher wrlLlngs of
whaLever naLure or klnd, wlLh any and all Lhlrd persons, enLlLles or concerns, upon Lerms and condlLlons
accepLable Lo my sald aLLorney, and

1o delegaLe ln whole or ln parL any and all of Lhe powers hereln granLed or conferred, by means
of an lnsLrumenL ln wrlLlng, ln favor of any Lhlrd persons whom my sald aLLorney may selecL.

PL8L8? ClvlnC Anu C8An1lnC unLo my sald aLLorney full power and auLhorlLy whaLsoever
requlslLe or necessary or proper Lo be done ln and abouL Lhe premlses as fully Lo all lnLenLs and
purposes as l mlghL and could lawfully do lf personally presenL, wlLh power of subsLlLuLlon and
revocaLlon, and hereby, raLlfylng and conflrmlng all LhaL my sald aLLorney or hls subsLlLuLe shall lawfully
do or cause Lo be done under and by vlrLue of Lhese presenLs.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, we have hereunLo afflxed our slgnaLures Lhls 26
day of lebruary 2009
ln Cuezon ClLy, hlllpplnes.

ltloclpol Attotoey-lo-loct

Slgned ln Lhe presence of:



9371P!L 3CB75 CI !++C5E7W
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

! A speclal, or llmlLed, power of aLLorney auLhorlzes your agenL Lo do a cerLaln speclfled acL, such as
shlp household goods, or sell an auLomoblle.
! ArLlcle 1878 of Lhe Clvll Code enumeraLes Lhe followlng cases where Speclal owers of ALLorney are
1. 1o make such paymenLs as are noL usually consldered as acLs of admlnlsLraLlon,
2. 1o effecL novaLlons whlch puL an end Lo obllgaLlons already ln exlsLence aL Lhe Llme Lhe agency
was consLlLuLed,
3. 1o compromlse, Lo submlL quesLlons Lo arblLraLlon, Lo renounce Lhe rlghL Lo appeal from a
[udgmenL, Lo walve ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe venue of an acLlon or Lo abandon a prescrlpLlon already
4. 1o walve any obllgaLlon graLulLously,
3. 1o enLer lnLo any conLracL by whlch Lhe ownershlp of an lmmovable ls LransmlLLed or acqulred
elLher graLulLously or for a valuable conslderaLlon,
6. 1o make glfLs excepL cusLomary ones for charlLy or Lhose made Lo employees ln Lhe buslness
managed by Lhe agenL,
7. 1o loan or borrow money, unless Lhe laLLer acL be urgenL and lndlspensable for Lhe
preservaLlon of Lhe Lhlngs whlch are under admlnlsLraLlon,
8. 1o lease any real properLy Lo anoLher person for more Lhan one year,
9. 1o blnd Lhe prlnclpal Lo render some servlce wlLhouL compensaLlon,
10. 1o blnd Lhe prlnclpal of parLnershlp,
11. 1o obllgaLe Lhe prlnclpal as a guaranLor or sureLy,
12. 1o creaLe or convey real rlghLs over lmmovable properLy,
13. 1o accepL or repudlaLe an lnherlLance,
14. 1o raLlfy or recognlze obllgaLlons conLracLed before Lhe agency, and
13. Any oLher acL of sLrlcL domlnlon.

9!K3L7A 9-."&2< 3#4.$ #0 !**#$'., T5.<2*.% *# K#$*(2(.V


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

l, kLLL?-kLLL? u. 1lnl18lM, of legal age, slngle, llllplno, wlLh resldence aL 123 Malago SL.,
ro[ecL 2, Cuezon ClLy, do hereby name, consLlLuLe and appolnL Lu8C LnuukC, of legal age, and wlLh
resldence aL 69 nallgaw SL., ro[ecL 4, Cuezon ClLy, Lo be my Lrue and lawful ALLorney-ln-lacL and ln my
name, place and sLead, do and perform Lhe followlng speclflc acL:

1o make, slgn, execuLe, and dellver and all documenLs and oLher wrlLlngs ln my name of
whaLever naLure or klnd, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo my morLgage or encumbrance, ln connecLlon wlLh
my auLo loan wlLh Lhe 8ank of Lhe hlllpplne lslands MakaLl 8ranch and/or any
bank or flnanclal lnsLlLuLlon.

PL8L8? ClvlnC Anu C8An1lnC unLo my sald aLLorney-ln-facL, or her subsLlLuLe full power and
auLhorlLy Lo do and perform every lawful acL and Lhlng whaLsoever requlslLe or necessary or proper Lo
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

be done ln Lhe premlses, as fully Lo all lnLenLs and purposes as we oughL or could lawfully do lf
personally presenL, and hereby raLlfylng and conformlng all our sald ALLorney-ln-facL shall do or cause Lo
be done under and by vlrLue of Lhese presenLs.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereLo seL my hand Lhls 26Lh day of lebruary 2009 aL Cuezon




Slgned ln Lhe presence of:



9!K3L7A 9-."&2< 3#4.$ #0 !**#$'., T!:*?#$&*, *# 9.<< L2'%V


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

l, MAnnlL S. ACulAC, of legal age, llllplno, slngle, resldenL of no. 23 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell
CenLer, MakaLl ClLy, do hereby name, consLlLuLe, and appolnL CLASA8 L. vlLLAnuLvA, Lo be my Lrue and
lawful aLLorney, for me and ln my name, place, and sLead, wlLhln a perlod of slx (6) monLhs, Lo SLLL,
18AnSlL8, and CCnvL?, for a prlce noL less Lhan CnL MlLLlCn LSCS (hp 1,000,000.00), Lo whosoever
may buy or purchase Lhe followlng descrlbed real properLy, Lo wlL:

A arcel of Land (LoL 43 of Lhe consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan (L8C) cs-4111, belng a
porLlon of Lhe consolldaLlon of LoLs 4 and 7, su-112287 Amd., L8C (CL8C) 8ec. no. n-
17311), slLuaLed ln Lhe ulsL. Cf Concepclon, ClLy of SLa. 8osa, Laguna, lsland of Luzon.
8ounded on Lhe nL., polnLs 3 Lo 6, by LoL 93, on Lhe S., polnLs 6 Lo 1 by LoL 40, on Lhe
SW., polnLs 1 Lo 2, by LoL 41, and on Lhe n., polnLs 2 Lo 3 by LoL 43, all of Lhe
consolldaLlon-subdlvlslon plan. 8eglnnlng aL a polnL marked "1" on plan, belng n. 31
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

deg. 36' L., 1321.76 m. from 8.L.L.M. no.1, SLa. 8osa, Laguna xxx (a copy of whlch LlLle ls
hereLo aLLached as Annex "A")

of whlch l am Lhe reglsLered owner as evldenced by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 1-8911 of Lhe
8eglsLry of ueeds of SLa. 8osa, Laguna, and

PL8L8? ClvlnC Anu C8An1lnC unLo my sald aLLorney full power and auLhorlLy Lo do and
perform all and every acL requlslLe or necessary Lo carry lnLo effecL Lhe foregolng auLhorlLy Lo sell, as
fully Lo all lnLenLs and purposes as l mlghL or could lawfully do lf personally presenL, wlLh full power of
subsLlLuLlon and revocaLlon, and hereby raLlfylng and conflrmlng all LhaL my sald aLLorney or hls
subsLlLuLe shall lawfully do or cause Lo be done under and by vlrLue hereof.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 9
day of March, 2009, ln MakaLl ClLy,
MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.


Slgned ln Lhe presence of:



57QC1!+PCE CI 3CB75 CI !++C5E7W
! 1he auLhorlLy granLed ln Lhe power of aLLorney ends wlLh Lhe deaLh of elLher Lhe prlnclpal of Lhe
agenL. 1he power also LermlnaLes aL Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Llme sLaLed, or may be revoked by
provldlng noLlce Lo Lhe agenL.
! 8evocaLlon wlll Lake effecL as soon as lL ls communlcaLed Lo Lhe agenL and Lo all persons who may
or have dealL wlLh Lhe agenL ln rellance on Lhe power of aLLorney.
! lf Lhe power of aLLorney has been recorded as parL of Lhe publlc records (fot exomple, wlLh respecL
Lo real esLaLe LransacLlons), a properly acknowledged revocaLlon should be recorded Lo ensure Lhe
revocaLlon of Lhe power of aLLorney ls made effecLlve.
! 8oLh Lhe general and speclal powers of aLLorney may be revoked.

9!K3L7A 5.6#"2*&#' #0 9-."&2< 3#4.$/ #0 !**#$'.,

8LvCCA1lCn Cl SLClAL CWL8 Cl A11C8nL?S

knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

WPL8LAS, l, Au8C8A . C8uZ, of legal age, slngle, llllplno, and a resldenL of 201 8roadway SL.,
MakaLl ClLy, by a cerLaln publlc lnsLrumenL made and execuLed ln MakaLl ClLy on 24
day of !anuary
2008 before noLary ubllc !oseph lnon of MakaLl ClLy, and reglsLered as uocumenL no. 168, age no.
33, 8ook no. 113, Serles of 2008 ln hls noLarlal reglsLer, dld name, consLlLuLe, and appolnL MA81PA A.
SALAZA8, a resldenL of 1 Leo SL., 8el-Alr Subdlvlslon, MakaLl ClLy, as my Lrue and lawful A11C8nL?-ln-
lAC1, for Lhe purpose and wlLh powers menLloned ln sald lnsLrumenL,

WPL8LAS, Lhe sald publlc lnsLrumenL or ower of ALLorney, was never reglsLered wlLh Lhe
8eglsLry of ueeds for Lhe rovlnce of ampanga,

nCW, 1PL8LlC8L, l, Au8C8A . C8uZ, by vlrLue Lhese presenLs, hereby 8LvCkL, AnnuL and
vClu Lhe sald power-of-aLLorney and all powers and auLhorlLy Lhereln or Lhereby glven or granLed or
lnLended Lo be glven or granLed Lo sald MA81PA A. SALAZA8.

lu81PL8, l, Au8C8A . C8uZ, hereby revoke all Speclal ower of ALLorneys LhaL l may have
execuLed before Lhe daLe of Lhls ueed wlLh respecL Lo my properLy reglsLered under 1C1 no. 8343303 of
Lhe 8eglsLry of ueeds for Lhe ClLy of MakaLl.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 10
day of Aprll, 2009 aL MakaLl ClLy,
MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes.

AUkCkA . CkU2

Slgned ln Lhe resence of:



Important r|nc|p|es to kemember

E2*:$. #0 3#4.$ #0 !**#$'.,
! Agency ls a relaLlonshlp of LrusL and ls flduclary ln naLure. A power of aLLorney, parLlcularly a
general power of aLLorney, should noL be granLed unless Lhe clrcumsLances requlre lL and Lhe agenL
ls a person whom Lhe prlnclpal ls sure wlll make wlse and honesL use of Lhe power.
! lf a speclal power of aLLorney can posslbly accompllsh your needs, lL ls advlsable Lo glve lL raLher
Lhan Lhe general power of aLLorney. A general power of aLLorney ls more dlfflculL Lo revoke Lhan a
speclal one.

B?.' 2 3#4.$ #0 !**#$'., &/ '..%.%
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

! 1hose persons who are abouL Lo become physlcally separaLed from Lhelr properLy or Lhelr affalrs,
and whose properLy or affalrs wlll be needlng aLLenLlon or managemenL durlng Lhelr absence, may
need a power of aLLorney.
! 1he documenL should granL no power greaLer Lhan LhaL whlch ls needed under Lhe
clrcumsLances. A power of aLLorney should be glven for a llmlLed Llme only. Ceneral powers of
aLLorney are usually wrlLLen for no more Lhan one year.

;:$2D&<&*, 1<2:/.
! normally a power of aLLorney becomes null and vold lf Lhe prlnclpal becomes dlsabled. A "durable"
power of aLLorney wlll allow Lhe agenL Lo conLlnue Lo acL even lf Lhe prlnclpal had become
! WheLher a power of aLLorney needs a durablllLy clause depends upon lLs naLure and purpose, Lhe
amounL of Llme lL ls needed for, Lhe degree of LrusL beLween Lhe prlnclpal and Lhe agenL, and Lhe
age and healLh of Lhe prlnclpal.



SecLlon 1. CapLlon. 1he capLlon seLs forLh Lhe name of Lhe courL, Lhe LlLle of Lhe acLlon, and
Lhe dockeL number lf asslgned.

1he LlLle of Lhe acLlon lndlcaLes Lhe names of Lhe parLles. 1hey shall all be named ln Lhe
orlglnal complalnL or peLlLlon, buL ln subsequenL pleadlngs, lL shall be sufflclenL lf Lhe name of
Lhe flrsL parLy on each slde be sLaLed wlLh an approprlaLe lndlcaLlon when Lhere are oLher

1helr respecLlve parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe case shall be lndlcaLed. (1a, 2a)


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
Su8LML CCu81
Ln 8AnC/_____ ulvlSlCn

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
____ ulvlSlCn

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
Ln 8AnC/_____ ulvlSlCn

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
CCu81 Cl 1Ax ALALS
Ln 8AnC/_____ ulvlSlCn

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
8LClCnAL 18lAL CCu81
nA1lCnAL CAl1AL !uulClAL 8LClCn
88AnCP ______

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
MunlClAL 18lAL CCu81
nA1lCnAL CAl1AL !uulClAL 8LClCn
88AnCP ______

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
ClllCL Cl 1PL 8CSLCu1C8
MAkA1l Cl1?



! 1?."O<&/*
! ln maklng a complalnL affldavlL, lL ls lmporLanL Lo have Lhe followlng as a checkllsL ln mlnd: (1)
ldenLlLy of afflanL and oLher personal clrcumsLances, (2) SLaLemenL of venue, (3) lacLual
allegaLlons Lo show vlolaLlon or defense, (4) SlgnaLure of afflanL, (3) verlflcaLlon, (6) CerLlflcaLlon
as Lo personal examlnaLlon of afflanL, and (7) SupporLlng documenLs or affldavlLs.
! SecLlon 3(a), 8ule 112 of Lhe 8ules on Crlmlnal rocedure sLaLes LhaL complalnL-affldavlLs shall
be subscrlbed or sworn Lo before any prosecuLor or governmenL offlclal auLhorlzed Lo
admlnlsLer oaLh, or, ln Lhelr absence or unavallablllLy, before a noLary publlc. 1hey musL cerLlfy
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

LhaL he personally examlned Lhe afflanLs and LhaL he ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhey volunLarlly execuLed
and undersLood Lhelr affldavlLs.

ESF. LxcepL when oLherwlse speclflcally requlred by law or rule, pleadlngs need noL be under oaLh,
verlfled or accompanled by affldavlL. A pleadlng ls verlfled by an affldavlL LhaL Lhe afflanL has read Lhe
pleadlng and LhaL Lhe allegaLlons Lhereln are Lrue and correcL of hls knowledge and bellef. (SecLlon 4,
8ule 7)

1he plalnLlff or prlnclpal parLy shall cerLlfy under oaLh ln Lhe complalnL or oLher lnlLlaLory pleadlng
asserLlng a clalm for rellef, or ln a sworn cerLlflcaLlon annexed LhereLo and slmulLaneously flled
LherewlLh: (a) LhaL he has noL LhereLofore commenced any acLlon or flled any clalm lnvolvlng Lhe same
lssues ln any courL, Lrlbunal or quasl-[udlclal agency and, Lo Lhe besL of hls knowledge, no such oLher
acLlon or clalm ls pendlng Lhereln, (b) lf Lhere ls such oLher pendlng acLlon or clalm, a compleLe
sLaLemenL of Lhe presenL sLaLus Lhereof, and (c) lf he should LhereafLer learn LhaL Lhe same or slmllar
acLlon or clalm has been flled or ls pendlng, he shall reporL LhaL facL wlLhln flve (3) days Lherefrom Lo Lhe
courL whereln hls aforesald complalnL or lnlLlaLory pleadlng has been flled. (SecLlon 3, 8ule 7)

5.e:&$.@.'* #0 F2$2'(2, 1#'"&<&2*&#'
! A case flled ln courL wlLhouL compllance wlLh Lhe prlor barangay conclllaLlon whlch ls a pre-
condlLlon for formal ad[udlcaLlon may be dlsmlssed upon moLlon of defendanL, noL for lack of
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courL buL for fallure Lo sLaLe a cause of acLlon or premaLurlLy, or Lhe courL
may suspend proceedlngs upon peLlLlon of any parLy under SecLlon 1 8ule 21 of Lhe 8ules of
CourL and refer Lhe case moto ptoptlo Lo Lhe approprlaLe barangay auLhorlLy.
! under Lhe SecLlons 399-422 of Lhe Local CovernmenL Code, lL ls sLaLed LhaL dlspuLes are
requlred Lo be sub[ecLed Lo barangay conclllaLlon as a pre-condlLlon before Lhe flllng of a
crlmlnal complaln ln any courL or governmenL offlce, excepL:

1. Where one parLy ls Lhe governmenL, or any subdlvlslon or lnsLrumenLallLy Lhereof,
2. Where one parLy ls a publlc offlcer or employee and Lhe dlspuLe relaLes Lo Lhe
performance of hls offlclal funcLlons,
3. Where Lhe dlspuLe lnvolves real properLles locaLed ln dlfferenL clLles and munlclpallLles,
unless Lhe parLles LhereLo agree Lo submlL Lhelr dlfference Lo amlcable seLLlemenL by an
approprlaLe Lupon,
4. Any complalnL by or agalnsL corporaLlons, parLnershlps or [udlclal enLlLles, slnce only
lndlvlduals shall be parLles Lo barangay conclllaLlon proceedlngs elLher as complalnanLs
or respondenLs,
3. ulspuLe lnvolvlng parLles who acLually reslde ln barangays of dlfferenL clLles or
munlclpallLles, excepL where such barangay unlLs ad[oln each oLher and Lhe parLles
LhereLo agree Lo submlL Lhelr dlfferences Lo amlcable seLLlemenL by an approprlaLe
6. Cffences whlch Lhe law prescrlbes a maxlmum penalLy of lmprlsonmenL exceedlng one
year or a flne of over flve Lhousand pesos,
7. Cffenses where Lhere ls no prlvaLe offended parLy,
8. ulspuLes where urgenL legal acLlon ls necessary Lo prevenL ln[usLlce from belng
commlLLed or furLher conLlnued, speclflcally Lhe followlng:
a. Crlmlnal cases where accused ls under pollce cusLody or deLenLlon,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

b. eLlLlon for habeas corpus by a person lllegally deprlved of hls rlghLful cusLody
over anoLher or a person lllegally deprlved of or on acLlng ln hls behalf, and
c. AcLlons whlch may be barred by SLaLuLe of LlmlLaLlons.
9. Any class of dlspuLes whlch Lhe resldenL may deLermlne ln Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce or
upon Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce,
10. Where Lhe dlspuLe arlses from Lhe Comprehenslve Agrarlan 8eform Law (CA8L),
11. Labor dlspuLes or conLroversles arlslng from employer-employee relaLlons, and
12. AcLlons Lo annul [udgmenL upon a compromlse whlch may be flled dlrecLly ln courL.

9!K3L7A 1#@-<2&'*f!00&%26&* T9&@-<. !00&%26&* I#$@2*V

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
MakaLl ClLy, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.


l, MA8lA M. LCLZ, of legal age, llllplno, wlLh home address aL 4 rlveL urlve, Poggy vlllage,
MakaLl ClLy, afLer belng sworn Lo ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe LhaL:
1. l am Lhe owner of a blue lloL ball pen as evldenced by an offlclal recelpL lssued by Lhe
Cfflce Warehouse hereln aLLached as Annex A",
2. 1he accused, 8AMCn A. SAn1AMA8lA ls my nelghbor, resldlng aL 3 rlveL urlve, Poggy
vlllage, MakaLl ClLy,
3. Cn Aprll 27, 2008, around 9 p.m., whlle looklng ouL from Lhe 2
floor wlndow, l noLlced
LhaL Lhe accused ls sneaklng ouL of our house Lhrough Lhe backdoor carrylng a blue lloL
ball pen,
4. Cn Aprll 28, 2008, around 8 a.m., l wenL Lo Lhe house of Lhe accused Lo confronL hlm of
Lhe lncldenL LhaL occurred ln Lhe prevlous nlghL,
5. l noLlced LhaL a blue lloL ball pen slmllar Lo mlne was belng used by 8AMCnA A.
SAn1AMA8lA, Lhe daughLer of Lhe accused, however, he vehemenLly clalmed LhaL he ls
Lhe owner of Lhe pen,
6. rlor resorL Lo Lhe 8arangay conclllaLlon sysLem proved frulLless as Lhe accused denled
Lhe allegaLlons, consequenLly, a CerLlflcaLlon Lo llle AcLlon" was lssued by Lhe 8arangay
SecreLary, a copy of whlch ls aLLached as Annex 8",
7. upon consulLaLlon wlLh my lawyer, l undersLand LhaL Lhe acLs of Lhe accused quallfy for
1PLl1 punlshable under ArLlcle 308 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code,
8. ArLlcle 308 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code provldes LhaL 1PLl1 ls commlLLed by any person
who, wlLh lnLenL Lo galn buL wlLhouL vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of persons nor
force upon Lhlngs, shall Lake personal properLy of anoLher wlLhouL Lhe laLLer's consenL,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9. l am execuLlng Lhls affldavlL Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng facLs and for Lhe
purpose of flllng a crlmlnal complalnL for 1PLl1 agalnsL Lhe accused.
lnWl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have hereunLo seL my hand Lhls 30
day of Aprll 2008 aL MakaLl ClLy.


9!K3L7A 1#@-<2&'*f!00&%26&* T3<.2%&'( I#$@2*V

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
ClllCL Cl 1PL 8CSLCu1C8
MakaLl ClLy


8AMCn A. SAn1AMA8lA,
l. S. no. _________
lor: 1hefL

xx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xx


l, MA8lA M. LCLZ, of legal age, llllplno, wlLh home address aL 4 rlveL urlve, Poggy vlllage,
MakaLl ClLy, afLer belng sworn Lo ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe LhaL:

1. l am Lhe owner of a blue lloL ball pen as evldenced by an offlclal recelpL lssued by Lhe Cfflce
Warehouse hereln aLLached as Annex A",
2. 1he accused, 8AMCn A. SAn1AMA8lA ls my nelghbor, resldlng aL 3 rlveL urlve, Poggy
vlllage, MakaLl ClLy,
3. Cn Aprll 27, 2008, around 9 p.m., whlle looklng ouL from Lhe 2
floor wlndow, l noLlced LhaL
Lhe accused ls sneaklng ouL of our house Lhrough Lhe backdoor carrylng a blue lloL ball pen,
4. Cn Aprll 28, 2008, around 8 a.m., l wenL Lo Lhe house of Lhe accused Lo confronL hlm of Lhe
lncldenL LhaL occurred ln Lhe prevlous nlghL,
3. l noLlced LhaL a blue lloL ball pen slmllar Lo mlne was belng used by 8AMCnA A.
SAn1AMA8lA, Lhe daughLer of Lhe accused, however, he vehemenLly clalmed LhaL he ls Lhe owner of Lhe
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

6. rlor resorL Lo Lhe 8arangay conclllaLlon sysLem proved frulLless as Lhe accused denled Lhe
allegaLlons, consequenLly, a CerLlflcaLlon Lo llle AcLlon" was lssued by Lhe 8arangay SecreLary, a copy of
whlch ls aLLached as Annex 8,
7. upon consulLaLlon wlLh my lawyer, l undersLand LhaL Lhe acLs of Lhe accused quallfy for 1PLl1
punlshable under ArLlcle 308 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code,
8. ArLlcle 308 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code provldes LhaL 1PLl1 ls commlLLed by any person who,
wlLh lnLenL Lo galn buL wlLhouL vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of persons nor force upon Lhlngs, shall
Lake personal properLy of anoLher wlLhouL Lhe laLLer's consenL,
9. l am execuLlng Lhls affldavlL Lo aLLesL Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe foregolng facLs and for Lhe purpose of
flllng a crlmlnal complalnL for 1PLl1 agalnsL Lhe accused.

1C 1PL 18u1P Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC, l have slgned Lhls ComplalnL-AffldavlL on Aprll 30, 2008.


Su8SC8l8Lu and SWC8n 1C 8LlC8L ML, Lhls 30
day of Aprll 2008 aL MakaLl ClLy.

lovestlqotloq ltosecotot


l hereby cerLlfy LhaL l have personally examlned Lhe AfflanL and LhaL l am saLlsfled LhaL she
volunLarlly execuLed and undersLood her AffldavlL.

lovestlqotloq ltosecotot


! 1?."O<&/*
! ln maklng a counLer-affldavlL, lL ls lmporLanL Lo have Lhe followlng as a checkllsL ln mlnd: (1)
ldenLlLy of afflanL and oLher personal clrcumsLances, (2) lacLual AllegaLlons, (3) uefenses
SlgnaLure of afflanL, (4) verlflcaLlon CerLlflcaLlon, and (3) SupporLlng documenLs or affldavlLs
! A counLer affldavlL should be flled wlLhln 10 days from recelpL of subpoena wlLh Lhe complalnL
and supporLlng affldavlLs.

5.e:&$.@.'* #0 1.$*&0&"2*&#' D, *?. 3$#/.":*#$
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

! SecLlon 3(c), 8ule 112 of Lhe 8ules of Crlmlnal rocedure sLaLes LhaL counLer-affldavlLs shall be
subscrlbed and cerLlfled ln Lhe same manner as complalnLs. 1hus, Lhey shall be subscrlbed
before any prosecuLor or governmenL offlclal auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer oaLhs, or, ln Lhelr
absence or unavallablllLy, before a noLary publlc.

9!K3L7A 1#:'*.$f!00&%26&*

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
ClllCL Cl 1PL 8CSLCu1C8
MakaLl ClLy



l. S. no. 11211
lor: 1hefL

xx ----------------------------- xx
CCun1L8 AllluAvl1

l, 8AMCn A. SAn1AMA8lA, of legal age, llllplno, wlLh home address aL 3 rlveL urlve, Poggy
vlllage, MakaLl ClLy, afLer belng sworn Lo ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose and sLaLe LhaL:

1. l am Lhe nelghbor of MA8lA M. LCLZ who resldes aL 4 rlveL urlve, Poggy vlllage, MakaLl
2. l recenLly learned LhaL l have been made a respondenL ln l.S. no. 11211, a charge for 1PLl1
flled by MA8lA M. LCLZ on Aprll 30, 2008 before Lhe Cfflce of Lhe ClLy rosecuLor of Cuezon ClLy,
3. Cn May 13, 2008, l recelved a Subpoena from sald Cfflce requlrlng me Lo submlL a CounLer-
AffldavlL wlLhln Len (10) days from such recelpL,
4. 1he charge ls based on Lhe allegaLlon LhaL l sneaked lnLo Lhe house of MA8lA M. LCLZ on
Aprll 28, 2008, 9 p.m., and sLeal her blue lloL ball pen,
3. 1o rebuL Lhe allegaLlons of MA8lA M. LCLZ, l hereby as Annex A and 8 respecLlvely, my
passporL and a plane LlckeL lssued by Lhe hlllpplne Alrllnes,
6. 1he aLLached passporL and plane LlckeL wlll lndlcaLe LhaL l lefL for Chlna on Aprll 20, 2008 only
Lo reLurn on Aprll 29, 2008, lL ls Lherefore, lmposslble for me Lo commlL Lhe acLs alleged by MA8lA M.
7. Conslderlng Lhe foregolng, l respecLfully pray LhaL l be acqulLLed of Lhe crlme of 1PLl1
wrongfully lmpuLed upon me by MA8lA M. LCLZ.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1C 1PL 18u1P Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC, l have slgned Lhls CounLer-AffldavlL on May 20, 2008.


Su8SC8l8Lu and SWC8n 1C 8LlC8L ML, Lhls 20
day of May 2008 aL MakaLl ClLy.

clty ltosecotot


l hereby cerLlfy LhaL l have personally examlned Lhe AfflanL and LhaL l am saLlsfled LhaL he
volunLarlly execuLed and undersLood hls AffldavlL.

clty ltosecotot


! 1?."O<&/*
! ln maklng an lnformaLlon, lL ls lmporLanL Lo have Lhe followlng as a checkllsL ln mlnd: (1) name
of parLles, (2) Cffense as deslgnaLed by sLaLuLe, (3) AcLs or omlsslons complalned of as
consLlLuLlng Lhe offense lncludlng a sLaLemenL of Lhe quallfylng or aggravaLlng clrcumsLances,
(4) 1lme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense, (3) lace of commlsslon, (6) SlgnaLure of rosecuLor
(for Lhe lnformaLlon), (7) SlgnaLure of Cffended arLy, eace offlcer or ubllc offlcer charged
wlLh enforcemenL of Lhe law (for Lhe ComplalnL), (8) verlflcaLlon, and (9) CerLlflcaLlon of
rellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon or lnquesL.
! lf Lhe lnformaLlon ls flled afLer lnquesL (and noL prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon), add Lhe followlng:
1. lace where accused ls acLually deLalned,
2. lull name and address of evldence cusLodlan, and
3. ueLalled descrlpLlon of recovered lLems, lf any.
! An lnformaLlon LhaL ls correcL ln form and subsLance ls lmporLanL Lo apprlse Lhe accused of hls
rlghL Lo be lnformed, as provlded under 8ule 110 of Lhe 8ules of CourL and Lhe 1987

9!K3L7A P'0#$@2*&#' 4&*? 1.$*&0&"2*. #0 P'e:./* T+?.0*V

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
nA1lCnAL CAl1AL !uulClAL 8LClCn
MAkA1l Cl1?, 88AnCP ________


- versus - Crlmlnal Case no. 80688-00
lor: 1hefL

x ============================== x


1he underslgned accuses WlLLlAM CCCCn of Lhe crlme of LhefL, commlLLed as follows:

1haL on or abouL Lhe monLh of Iooooty, 2008 ln Lhe ClLy of MakaLl, 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes
and wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhls Ponorable CourL, Lhe above named accused WlLLlAM CCCCn belng
Lhen an employee of SLAZLn8ALL lnC. ln charge of operaLlon of Lhe machlnes for Lhe producLlon of
Lennls balls wlLh lnLenL Lo galn, wltb qtove obose of cooflJeoce, dld Lhen and Lhere wlllfully, unlawfully
and felonlously Lake, sLeal and carry away slx Lhousand (6,000) pleces of Lennls balls produced by Lhe
machlnes valued aL 1hree Pundred llfLy Lhousand esos (330,000.00), wlLhouL Lhe knowledge and
consenL of SLAZLn8ALL lnC. Lo lLs damage and pre[udlce.

CCn18A8? 1C LAW.

Asslstoot clty ltosecotot

CL81lllCA1lCn AS 1C CCnuuC1 Cl lnCuLS1

l beteby cettlfy tbot tbe occoseJ wos lowfolly ottesteJ wltboot o wottoot ooJ tbot, opoo beloq
lofotmeJ of bls tlqbts, tefoseJ to wolve tbe ptovlsloos of Attlcle 125 of tbe kevlseJ leool coJe ooJ, fot
tbls teosoo, oo lopoest wos cooJocteJ, tbot boseJ oo tbe complolot ooJ tbe evlJeoce pteseoteJ befote
me wltboot ooy coootetvollloq evlJeoce sobmltteJ by tbe occoseJ, Jesplte oppottoolty to Jo so, tbete ls
teosoooble qtoooJ to belleve tbot tbe occoseJ bos commltteJ tbe ctlme of tbeft ooJ sboolJ, tbos, be
belJ fot solJ ctlme, tbot tbls lofotmotloo wos wltb tbe ptlot ootbotlty of tbe clty ltosecotot.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Asslstoot clty ltosecotot

Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n 1C 8LlC8L ML Lhls 17
day of lebruary 2009 ln MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.

clty ltosecotot

9!K3L7A P'0#$@2*&#' 4&*? 1.$*&0&"2*. #0 P'e:./* T9<2'%.$V

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
nA1lCnAL CAl1AL !uulClAL 8LClCn
MAkA1l Cl1?, 88AnCP ________


- versus - Crlmlnal Case no. 99688-00
lor: Slander

x =============================== x


1he underslgned accuses !Lnn? C8uZ of Lhe crlme of slander, commlLLed as follows:

1haL on or abouL !anuary 23, 2009, ln Lhe ClLy of MakaLl, hlllpplnes, and wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of Lhls Ponorable CourL, Lhe above-menLloned accused wlLh lnLenL Lo casL dlshonor, dlscredlL and
conLempL upon one M?LA CCnZALLS, wlllfully, unlawfully and felonlously uLLered publlcly ln Lhe
presence and ln fronL of and wlLhln Lhe hearlng of numerous people ln Lhe audlLorlum where Lhey were
Lhe followlng defamaLory words, Lo wlL: "?Cu A8L A CCnnlvlnC, AuuL1L8CuS and Mu8uL8CuS
8l1CP! ?Cu uSLLLSS lLCL Cl SPl1!" Lo Lhe dlshonor, dlscredlL and conLempL of sald M?LA CCnZALLS.

CCn18A8? 1C LAW.

Asslstoot clty ltosecotot
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

CL81lllCA1lCn AS 1C CCnuuC1 Cl lnCuLS1

l beteby cettlfy tbot tbe occoseJ wos lowfolly ottesteJ wltboot o wottoot ooJ tbot, opoo beloq
lofotmeJ of bls tlqbts, tefoseJ to wolve tbe ptovlsloos of Attlcle 125 of tbe kevlseJ leool coJe ooJ, fot
tbls teosoo, oo lopoest wos cooJocteJ, tbot boseJ oo tbe complolot ooJ tbe evlJeoce pteseoteJ befote
me wltboot ooy coootetvollloq evlJeoce sobmltteJ by tbe occoseJ, Jesplte oppottoolty to Jo so, tbete ls
teosoooble qtoooJ to belleve tbot tbe occoseJ bos commltteJ tbe ctlme of tbeft ooJ sboolJ, tbos, be
belJ fot solJ ctlme, tbot tbls lofotmotloo wos wltb tbe ptlot ootbotlty of tbe clty ltosecotot.

Asslstoot clty ltosecotot

Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n 1C 8LlC8L ML Lhls 17
day of lebruary 2009 ln MakaLl ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, hlllpplnes.

clty ltosecotot

9!K3L7A P'0#$@2*&#' 4&*? 1.$*&0&"2*. #0 3$.<&@&'2$, P'6./*&(2*&#'

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
nA1lCnAL CAl1AL !uulClAL 8LClCn
MAkA1l Cl1?, 88AnCP ________




Cr|m|na| Case No. _____________
lor: Murder
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1he underslgned accuses IUAN DLLA CkU2 of Lhe crlme of Murder, commlLLed as follows:

1haL on or abouL 2:00am, on 2 !anuary 2009, ln Lhe ClLy of MakaLl and wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhls Ponorable CourL, Lhe sald accused almed a loaded seml-auLomaLlc flrearm aL Lhe person of
An1CnlC 8ACuM8A?An and wlllfully, unlawfully and felonlously, wlLh lnLenL Lo klll and evldenL
premedlLaLlon, dlscharged Lhe sald flrearm ln Lhe dlrecLlon of 8ACuM8A?An, lnfllcLlng faLal wounds

CCn18A8? 1C LAW wlLh Lhe aggravaLlng clrcumsLances of evldenL premedlLaLlon, use of flrearm
and commlsslon durlng nlghLLlme.

Asslstoot clty ltosecotot

CL81lllCA1L Cl 8LLlMlnA8? lnvLS1lCA1lCn

l hereby cerLlfy LhaL a prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon ln Lhls case was conducLed by me ln accordance
wlLh law, LhaL l examlned Lhe pollce reporLs and Lhe LesLlmonles presenLed, LhaL Lhere ls reasonable
ground Lo belleve LhaL Lhe offense charged had been commlLLed and LhaL Lhe accused ls probably gullLy
Lhereof, LhaL Lhe accused was lnformed of Lhe ComplalnL and of Lhe evldence submlLLed agalnsL hlm and
was glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo submlL conLroverLlng evldence, and LhaL Lhe flllng of Lhls lnformaLlon ls
wlLh Lhe prlor auLhorlLy and approval of Lhe ClLy rosecuLor.

Asslstoot clty ltosecotot

Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n 1C 8LlC8L ML Lhls 23
of lebruary 2009 ln MakaLl ClLy.

clty ltosecotot

9!K3L7A P'0#$@2*&#' 4&*? 1.$*&0&"2*. #0 3$.<&@&'2$, P'6./*&(2*&#'
TX:2<&0&.% +?.0*V

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
nA1lCnAL CAl1AL !uulClAL 8LClCn
MAkA1l Cl1?, 88AnCP ________

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09



Cr|m|na| Case No. _____________
lor: Cuallfled 1hefL
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x


1he underslgned accuses AMANDA DLLA CkU2 of Lhe crlme of Cuallfled 1hefL, commlLLed as

1haL on or abouL 2 !anuary 2009, ln Lhe ClLy of MakaLl and wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhls
Ponorable CourL, Lhe sald accused, a person of legal age, resldlng aL 18 Manolo SL, oblaclon, MakaLl,
and aL Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, was employed as a cashler ln venus urug locaLed aL 12
MakaLl Avenue, MakaLl ClLy, dld Lhere and Lhen, wlllfully, unlawfully and felonlously, wlLh grave abuse of
confldence and wlLh lnLenL Lo galn, Look cash from Lhe reglsLer of Lhe sald esLabllshmenL ln Lhe amounL
of LhlrLy flve Lhousand pesos (33,000.00), wlLhouL Lhe knowledge and consenL of her employer.

CCn18A8? 1C LAW.

Asslstoot clty ltosecotot

CL81lllCA1L Cl 8LLlMlnA8? lnvLS1lCA1lCn

l hereby cerLlfy LhaL a prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon ln Lhls case was conducLed by me ln accordance
wlLh law, LhaL l examlned Lhe ComplalnanL, Lhe wlLnesses and oLher documenLs presenLed, LhaL Lhere ls
reasonable ground Lo belleve LhaL Lhe offense charged had been commlLLed and LhaL Lhe accused ls
probably gullLy Lhereof, LhaL Lhe accused was lnformed of Lhe ComplalnL and of Lhe evldence submlLLed
agalnsL hlm and was glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo submlL conLroverLlng evldence, and LhaL Lhe flllng of Lhls
lnformaLlon ls wlLh Lhe prlor auLhorlLy and approval of Lhe ClLy rosecuLor.

AsslsLanL ClLy rosecuLor

Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n Lo before me Lhls 23
of lebruary 2009 ln MakaLl ClLy< MeLro Manlla,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

ClLy rosecuLor



! 1?."O<&/*
! 1he complalnL ls Lhe pleadlng alleglng Lhe plalnLlff's cause or causes of acLlon. 1he names and
resldences of Lhe plalnLlff and defendanL musL be sLaLed ln Lhe complalnL. (SecLlon 3, 8ule 6,
8ules of CourL) lL ls Lhe lnlLlaLory pleadlng ln clvll cases.
! Lvery pleadlng shall conLaln ln a meLhodlcal and loglcal form, a plaln, conclse and dlrecL
sLaLemenL of Lhe ulLlmaLe facLs on whlch Lhe parLy pleadlng relles for hls clalm or defense, as
Lhe case may be, omlLLlng Lhe sLaLemenL of mere evldenLlary facLs. (SecLlon 1, 8ule 8)
! 1he pleadlng shall speclfy Lhe rellef soughL, buL lL may add a general prayer for such furLher or
oLher rellef as may be deemed [usL or equlLable. [SecLlon 2(c), 8ule 7]

B?.' *?. -<2&'*&00 &/ 2 "#$-#$2*&#'
! When Lhe lalnLlff ls a cotpototloo, a SecreLary's CerLlflcaLe musL be aLLached Lo Lhe ComplalnL
aslde from Lhe verlflcaLlon and CerLlflcaLlon agalnsL lorum Shopplng. Such SecreLary's
CerLlflcaLe shall sLaLe Lhe resoluLlons durlng Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors' meeLlng auLhorlzlng Lhe
resldenL of Lhe corporaLlon Lo: (1) cause Lhe preparaLlon and Lhe flllng of Lhe complalnL, (2)
engage Lhe servlces of counsel for Lhe purpose of preparlng and flllng Lhe sald ComplalnL on
behalf of Lhe corporaLlon, and (3) slgn under oaLh on behalf of Lhe corporaLlon Lhe requlslLe
verlflcaLlon and CerLlflcaLlon Lo be aLLached Lo Lhe ComplalnL.

9!K3L7A 1#@-<2&'* 0#$ 9:@ #0 K#'.,

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nat|ona| Cap|ta| Iud|c|a| keg|on
8ranch ___, Munt|n|upa C|ty

lsldore ?. Labrador,

Clvll Case no. ________
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

- versus - lor: Sum of Money

lrancls Arlspacochaga,
x ---------------------------------------------- x


LAln1lll, by counsel, respecLfully sLaLes LhaL:

1he art|es

1. lalnLlff ls a llllplno, of legal age, and resldenL of no. 123 Madrlgal Avenue, Ayala
Alabang vlllage, MunLlnlupa ClLy,

2. uefendanL ls also a llllplno, of legal age and resldenL of no. 432 uama de noche SLreeL,
Ayala Alabang vlllage, MunLlnlupa ClLy where he may be served wlLh summons and
oLher courL processes.

1he Iacts

3. SomeLlme ln March 13, 2004 and over a perlod of slx (6) monLhs, defendanL borrowed
cerLaln amounLs from plalnLlff. uefendanL promlsed Lo pay Lhese amounLs on an
lnsLallmenL basls monLhly. 1hese amounLs now LoLal lour Mllllon esos (4,000,000.00).

4. uesplLe repeaLed demands, boLh oral and wrlLLen, defendanL falled or has refused Lo
pay any amounL Lo plalnLlff as no lnsLallmenL paymenL has ever been made. A copy of
each of plalnLlff's Lwo (2) demand leLLers ls aLLached as AnnLx A" and 8" and made an
lnLegral parL of Lhls complalnL, respecLlvely.

5. 8esorL Lo Lhe 8arangay ConclllaLlon process proved frulLless as defendanL falled Lo
appear desplLe noLlce on hlm Lo appear. 1hus, a CerLlflcaLlon Lo llle AcLlon, a copy of
whlch ls aLLached as AnnLx C" and made an lnLegral parL of Lhls complalnL, was lssued
by Lhe 8arangay Chalrman.

6. uefendanL's obllgaLlon ls due and demandable and plalnLlff ls enLlLled Lo Lhe paymenL of
Lhe enLlre amounL of llve Mllllon Slx Pundred 1housand esos (3,600,000.00) plus
legal lnLeresLs.

7. 8y reason of defendanL's unreasonable fallure or refusal Lo pay hls due and demandable
obllgaLlon, plalnLlff was forced Lo engage Lhe servlces of counsel Lo vlndlcaLe hls rlghLs
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Lhereby commlLLlng hlmself Lo pay legal expenses amounLlng Lo nlneLy 1housand esos

WPL8LlC8L, plalnLlff respecLfully prays for [udgmenL ln hls favor Lhrough a ueclslon dlrecLlng
defendanL Lo pay hlm llvL MlLLlCn Slx Punu8Lu 1PCuSAnu LSCS (3,600,000.00), wlLh legal
lnLeresL as AC1uAL uAMACLS and nlnL1? 1PCuSAnu LSCS (90,000.00) as ALLorney's lees.

lalnLlff prays for such oLher and furLher rellefs as may be deemed [usL and equlLable ln Lhe
MunLlnlupa ClLy, !une 28, 2008.

Demetr|a Sandova|
cooosel fot llolotlff
lloor, Madrlgal 8uslness 1ower,
Madrlgal 8uslness CenLer, Alabang, MunLlnlupa ClLy
ALLorney's 8oll no. 34973
l8 no. 23633-01/03/08-MunLlnlupa
18 no. 43321-01/03/08-MunLlnlupa
MCLL Compllance no. ll-0008776-nov. 17, 2007


l, Is|dore . Labrador, of legal age, afLer havlng been duly sworn, depose and sLaLe LhaL:

l am Lhe lalnLlff ln Lhe foregolng 1#@-<2&'* for Sum of Money.

l caused Lhe preparaLlon of Lhe 1#@-<2&'*, whlch l have fully read and undersLood.

l hereby afflrm LhaL all facLual allegaLlons conLalned ln sald 1#@-<2&'* are Lrue and correcL of my
own personal knowledge and bellef, as well as Lrue and correcL on Lhe basls of auLhenLlc documenLs and
records ln my possesslon.

l cerLlfy LhaL l have noL hereLofore commenced any acLlon or flled any clalm lnvolvlng Lhe same
lssues ln any courL, Lrlbunal, or quasl-[udlclal agency.

lf l should hereafLer learn LhaL any oLher slmllar acLlon or clalm has been flled or ls pendlng, l
shall reporL LhaL facL wlLhln flve (3) days from knowledge Lhereof Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL.

P9P;C57 WS L!F5!;C5
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


9!K3L7A 1#@-<2&'* 0#$ 7g."*@.'*

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nat|ona| Cap|ta| Iud|c|a| keg|on
8ranch ___, Makat| C|ty

!effrey Salas,

Clvll Case no. ________
- versus - lor: L[ecLmenL

8usLlco de 8or[a,
xx ----------------------------- xx


LAln1lll, by counsel, respecLfully sLaLes LhaL:

1he art|es

1. lalnLlff ls a llllplno, of legal age, and resldenL of no. 10 Pldalgo SLreeL, San Lorenzo
vlllage, MakaLl ClLy,

2. uefendanL ls also a llllplno, of legal age and resldenL of no. 20 once SLreeL, San
Lorenzo vlllage, MakaLl ClLy, where he may be served wlLh summons and oLher courL

1he Iacts

3. lalnLlff owns LhaL properLy locaLed aL no. 20 once SLreeL, San Lorenzo vlllage, MakaLl
ClLy, whlch lL leased Lo defendanL under Lhe Lerms and condlLlons sLaLed ln Lhe ConLracL
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

of Lease daLed !anuary 31, 2003, whlch conLracL explred on !anuary 31, 2007. A copy of
Lhe conLracL ls aLLached as AnnLx A" and made an lnLegral parL of Lhls complalnL.

4. upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe conLracL, plalnLlff lnformed defendanL of hls lnLenLlon noL Lo
renew Lhe lease as he would use Lhe properLy Lo puL up hls own buslness. lalnLlff Lhen
asked defendanL Lo vacaLe Lhe premlses. A copy of plalnLlff's leLLer Lo defendanL ls
aLLached as AnnLx 8" and made an lnLegral parL of Lhls complalnL.

5. uesplLe demand duly made and recelved, defendanL has refused Lo vacaLe Lhe premlses
and conLlnues Lo occupy Lhe properLy wlLhouL plalnLlff's consenL. 8esorL Lo Lhe 8arangay
ConclllaLlon sysLem proved useless as defendanL refused Lo appear before Lhe Lupong
1agapamayapa. A CerLlflcaLlon Lo llle AcLlon ls aLLached as AnnLx C" and made an
lnLegral parL of Lhls complalnL.

6. uefendanL's acL of dlspossesslon has caused plalnLlff Lo suffer maLerlal ln[ury because
plalnLlff's buslness plans could noL be lmplemenLed desplLe Lhe arrlval of machlnerles
speclflcally leased for Lhls purpose aL Lhe renLal raLe of Cne Pundred llfLy 1housand
pesos (130,000.00) per monLh. uefendanL's conLlnued occupaLlon of Lhe premlses has
also forced plalnLlff Lo sue and Lo lncur legal expenses amounLlng Lo llfLy 1housand
esos ( 30,000.00).


WPL8LlC8L, plalnLlff respecLfully prays for [udgmenL ln hls favor by orderlng defendanL Lo
vacaLe Lhe properLy and peacefully Lurn over possesslon Lo plalnLlff and for defendanL Lo pay plalnLlff
Lhe amounL of Cne Mllllon 1wo Pundred 1housand esos (1,200,000.00) represenLlng renLals on Lhe
machlnerles for elghL (8) monLhs and llfLy 1housand esos (30,000.00) for ALLorney's fees.

CLher [usL and equlLable rellefs are also prayed for.

MunLlnlupa ClLy for MakaLl ClLy, SepLember 30, 2007.

Atty. Demetr|a Sandova|
cooosel fot llolotlff
lloor, Madrlgal 8uslness 1ower,
Madrlgal 8uslness CenLer, Alabang, MunLlnlupa ClLy
ALLorney's 8oll no. 34973
l8 C.8. no. 23633-01/03/08-MunLlnlupa
18 C.8. no. 43321-01/03/08-MunLlnlupa
MCLL Compllance no. ll-0008776-nov. 17, 2007
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

(verlflcaLlon and CerLlflcaLlon agalnsL lorum Shopplng,
see precedlng sample)

! An answer ls a pleadlng ln whlch a defendlng parLy seLs forLh hls defenses. (SecLlon 4, 8ule 6)
Meanwhlle, a counLerclalm ls any clalm whlch a defendlng parLy may have agalnsL an opposlng
parLy. (SecLlon 6, 8ule 6)
! A defendanL musL speclfy each maLerlal allegaLlon of facL Lhe LruLh of whlch he does noL admlL
and, whenever pracLlcable, shall seL forLh Lhe subsLance of Lhe maLLers upon whlch herelles Lo
supporL hls denlal. Where a defendanL deslres Lo deny only a parL of an avermenL, he shall
speclfy somuch of lL as ls Lrue and maLerlal and shalldeny only Lhe remalnder. Where a
defendanL ls wlLhouLknowledge or lnformaLlon sufflclenL Lo form a bellef as Lo Lhe LruLh of a
maLerlal avermenL made ln Lhe complalnL, he shall so sLaLe, andLhls shall have Lhe effecL of a
denlal. (SecLlon 10, 8ule 8)
! An afflrmaLlve defense ls an allegaLlon of a new maLLer whlch, whlle hypoLheLlcally admlLLlng
Lhe maLerlal allegaLlons ln Lhe pleadlng of Lhe clalmanL, would neverLheless prevenL or bar
recovery by hlm. 1he afflrmaLlve defenses lnclude fraud, sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons, release,
paymenL, lllegallLy, sLaLuLe of frauds, esLoppel, former recovery, dlscharge ln bankrupLcy, and
any oLher maLLer by way of confesslon and avoldance. [SecLlon 3(b), 8ule 6]
! A compulsory counLerclalm ls one whlch, belng cognlzable by Lhe regular courLs of [usLlce, arlses
ouL of or ls connecLed wlLh Lhe LransacLlon or occurrence consLlLuLlng Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe
opposlng parLy's clalm and does noL requlre for lLs ad[udlcaLlon Lhe presence of Lhlrd parLles of
whom Lhe courL cannoL acqulre [urlsdlcLlon. Such a counLerclalm musL be wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of Lhe courL boLh as Lo Lhe amounL and Lhe naLure Lhereof, excepL LhaL ln an orlglnal acLlon
before Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL, Lhe counLerclalm may be consldered compulsory regardless of
Lhe amounL. (SecLlon 7, 8ule 6)

9!K3L7A !'/4.$ TB&*? 1#:'*.$"<2&@V

8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes
naLlonal CaplLal !udlclal 8eglon
8LClCnAL 18lAL CCu81
8ranch 123, MunLlnlupa ClLy

1homas Cruz, !r.,
Clvll Case no. 09-12343
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

- versus - lor: Sum of Money

8randon eLey ablo,
x --------------------------------------- x


uLlLnuAn1, Lhrough counsel, by way of answer Lo plalnLlff's complalnL, respecLfully
sLaLes LhaL:

1. Pe admlLs Lhe allegaLlons ln paragraph 2 of Lhe ComplalnL regardlng hls personal clrcumsLances,

2. Pe ls wlLhouL knowledge or lnformaLlon Lo form a bellef as Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhe allegaLlons ln
paragraphs 1, 4, 3, and 6 of Lhe ComplalnL,

3. Pe speclflcally denles each and every maLerlal allegaLlon ln paragraph 3 of Lhe ComplalnL, slnce
such allegaLlons are mallclously false and meanL only Lo un[usLly enrlch lalnLlff aL uefendanL's
expense. 1he LruLh ls Lhe prlnclpal obllgaLlon amounLs Lo only Slx Pundred 1housand esos
(600,000.00), buL due Lo unconsclonable lnLeresLs, excesslve penalLles and oLher charges,
uefendanL was decelved lnLo slgnlng a recelpL LhaL showed, as uefendanL much laLer on learned,
Lhe aggregaLe amounL of lndebLedness Lo be nlne Pundred 1housand esos (900,000.00),
lncluslve of Lhe unconsclonable lnLeresLs, excesslve penalLles, and oLher charges,

Spec|a| and Aff|rmat|ve Defenses

4. 1he complalnL does noL sLaLe a cause of acLlon and ls a sham pleadlng,

4.1 Cn or abouL !une 28, 2003, uefendanLs lncurred an lndebLedness of 1hree Pundred llfLy
1housand esos (330,000.00) wlLh lalnLlff,

4.2 uue Lo a close and long relaLlonshlp wlLh lalnLlff, uefendanL was decelved lnLo slgnlng a recelpL
whlch he LhoughL conLalned only a reasonable raLe of lnLeresL per uefendanL's oral agreemenL
wlLh lalnLlff,
4.3 upon securlng a copy of Lhe recelpL much laLer, uefendanL dlscovered Lo hls uLLer surprlse LhaL
Lhe raLe of lnLeresL lndlcaLed on Lhe recelpL ls flve (3) percenL per monLh, or slxLy (60) percenL
per annum,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4.4 uefendanLs were perplexed LhaL Lhelr lndebLedness conLlnued Lo lncrease desplLe Lhe facL LhaL
Lhey had already pald lalnLlff Lhe followlng amounLs: 130,000.00 on !uly 12, 2003 and
230,000.00 on SepLember 8, 2008, more Lhan Lhe prlnclpal obllgaLlon of 330,000.00.
[hoLocoples of paymenL recelpLs are hereLo aLLached as Annexes A" Lo A-9" and are made an
lnLegral parL of Lhls Answer.]


3. uefendanL addlLlonally submlLs LhaL he ls enLlLled Lo rellef arlslng from Lhe flllng of Lhls mallclous
and baseless sulL, as follows:

3.1 Moral uamages amounLlng Lo llfLy 1housand esos (30,000.00) because hls name and
repuLaLlon were besmlrched by Lhls mallclous and baseless sulL.

3.2 uesplLe full paymenL by uefendanL of Lhe prlnclpal obllgaLlon, lalnLlff has lnsLlLuLed Lhe lnsLanL
mallclous sulL whlch compelled uefendanL Lo engage Lhe servlces of counsel, ln order Lo proLecL
uefendanL's lnLeresLs, for an agreed professlonal fee of 200,000.00, plus an appearance fee of
3,000.00 per hearlng.

3.3 uefendanLs also lncurred oLher llLlgaLlon expenses ln Lhe sum of 30,000.00. lor all of sald fees
and llLlgaLlon expenses, lalnLlff should be ad[udged llable Lo uefendanL.

WPL8LlC8L, uefendanL respecLfully prays LhaL [udgmenL be rendered ln hls favor by
dlsmlsslng Lhe ComplalnL and granLlng defendanL's counLerclalm by awardlng defendanL: (a) llfLy
1housand esos (30,000.00) as Moral uamages, and (b) 1wo Pundred 1housand esos
(200,000.00) plus llve 1housand esos (3,000.00) for every hearlng aLLended by uefendanL's
counsel as ALLorney's lees.

CLher [usL and equlLable rellefs are prayed for.

Cuezon ClLy for MunLlnlupa ClLy, CcLober 11, 2007.

cooosel fot uefeoJoot
89 Mlndanao Ave., Cuezon ClLy
ALLorney's 8oll no. 36247
l8 no. 013436/ !anuary 13, 2008/ Cuezon ClLy
18 no. 014323/ !anuary 20, 2008/ Cuezon ClLy
MCLL no. 834263/ !anuary 8, 2008

(verlflcaLlon and CerLlflcaLlon agalnsL lorum Shopplng)

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Copy furnlshed Lhrough personal servlce:

Atty. Demetr|a Sandova|
cooosel fot tbe llolotlff
lloor, Madrlgal 8uslness 1ower,
Madrlgal 8uslness CenLer,
Alabang, MunLlnlupa ClLy


l, r|m|t|vo Santos, messenger for ALLy. Marlcel 1olenLlno, hereln counsel for uefendanL
8randon eLey ablo, hereby cerLlfy LhaL l personally dellvered uefendanL's Answer daLed CcLober 11,
2007 Lo lalnLlff 1homas Cruz, !r. wlLh address aL no. 217 aclflc Avenue, aclflc vlllage, Alabang,
MunLlnlupa ClLy. 1he Answer was recelved by plalnLlff hlmself.

35PKP+PQC 9!E+C9


Copy furnlshed Lhrough reglsLered mall:

Atty. Demetr|a Sandova|
cooosel fot tbe llolotlff
lloor, Madrlgal 8uslness 1ower,
Madrlgal 8uslness CenLer,
Alabang, MunLlnlupa ClLy
8eglsLry 8ecelpL no. 1234
MunLlnlupa ClLy osL Cfflce
uaLe: CcLober 13, 2007

(lotsooot to 5ectloo 11, kole 1J, 1997 koles of clvll ltoceJote)

A copy of Lhe foregolng Answer was served on lalnLlff's counsel by reglsLered mall due Lo Llme
consLralnLs and lack of messenger Lo effecL personal servlce.

Atty. Mar|ce| 1o|ent|no
cooosel fot uefeoJoot
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

ESF. An explanaLlon ls needed only when servlce was made vla reglsLered mall.

357f+5P!L F5P7I
! 1he parLles shall flle wlLh Lhe courL and serve on Lhe adverse parLy, ln such manner as shall
ensure Lhelr recelpL Lhereof aL leasL Lhree (3) days before Lhe daLe of Lhe pre-Lrlal, Lhelr
respecLlve pre-Lrlal brlefs whlch shall conLaln, among oLhers:
1. A sLaLemenL of Lhelr wllllngness Lo enLer lnLo amlcable seLLlemenL or alLernaLlve modes
of dlspuLe resoluLlon, lndlcaLlng Lhe deslred Lerms Lhereof
2. A summary of admlLLed facLs andproposed sLlpulaLlon of facLs
3. 1he lssues Lo be Lrled or resolved
4. 1he documenLs or exhlblLs Lo be presenLed, sLaLlng Lhe purpose Lhereof
3. A manlfesLaLlon of Lhelr havlng avalled or Lhelr lnLenLlon Lo avall Lhemselves of
dlscovery procedures or referral Lo commlssloners
6. 1he number and names of Lhe wlLnesses, and Lhe subsLance of Lhelr respecLlve
! lallure Lo flle Lhe pre-Lrlal brlef shall have Lhe same effecL as fallure Lo appear aL Lhe pre-Lrlal.
(SecLlon 6, 8ule 18)

9!K3L7A 3$.f+$&2< F$&.0

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nat|ona| Cap|ta| Iud|c|a| keg|on
8ranch S3, as|g C|ty

kaLrlna Clmes,

Clvll Case no. 07-34367
- versus - lor: Sum of Money

Angellna !ollna Magdangal,
x --------------------------------------- x

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

kL-1kIAL 8kILI

uLlLnuAn1, Lhrough counsel, respecLfully submlLs her re-1rlal 8rlef, as follows:

l. WlLLlnCnLSS 1C Ln1L8 ln1C An AMlCA8LL SL11LLMLn1 Anu CSSl8LL 1L8MS Cl An? SuCP

1.1. Sub[ecL Lo a concreLe proposal LhaL ls falr and reasonable and a reclprocal manlfesLaLlon
of openness from plalnLlff, defendanL ls open Lo Lhe posslblllLy of amlcably seLLllng Lhls

1.2. ursuanL Lo 8ule 18 of Lhe 1997 8ules of Clvll rocedure, defendanL respecLfully submlLs
LhaL Lhe deslred Lerms of any amlcable seLLlemenL would lnvolve, flrsL, a clarlflcaLlon of
Lhe acLual exLenL of any obllgaLlon due and owlng Lo plalnLlff lnasmuch as Lhere ls
noLhlng Lo lndlcaLe defendanL's obllgaLlons Lo plalnLlff and, second, a schedule of

ll. 88lLl S1A1LMLn1 Cl CLAlMS Anu uLlLnSLS

1.1. lalnLlff seeks prlnclpally Lo recover Lhe amounL of Cne Mllllon esos (1,000,000.00)
wlLh lnLeresL aL Lwelve percenL (12) arlslng allegedly from unpald orders dellvered Lo

1.2. uefendanL reslsLs plalnLlff's clalms based on a fallure Lo sLaLe a cause of acLlon because

2.2.1. lalnLlff's lack of personallLy Lo sue and, Lherefore, noL belng Lhe real parLy ln
lnLeresL under 8ule 3, secLlon 2 of Lhe 1997 8ules of Clvll rocedure,

2.2.2. LxLlngulshmenL of Lhe alleged clalm made by Lhe defendanL on May 28, 2007.

2.3. uefendanL also lnLerposed a compulsory counLerclalm for llfLy 1housand esos
(30,000.00) for moral damages and 1wo Pundred 1housand esos (200,000.00) as
aLLorney's fees.

lll. lAC1S Anu C1PL8 MA11L8S AuMl11Lu 8? 1PL A81lLS
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

3.1. uefendanL admlLs only Lhose facLs sLaLed ln hls Answer, l.e., her personal clrcumsLances,
recelpL of Lhe demand leLLer daLed !anuary 10, 2007 and her reply Lo Lhe demand leLLer.

3.2. Sub[ecL Lo a concreLe proposal for sLlpulaLlon of addlLlonal facLs from plalnLlff durlng
pre-Lrlal or even LhereafLer, defendanL admlLs no oLher facLs sLaLed ln Lhe ComplalnL.

lv. lSSuLS 1C 8L 18lLu

4.1. uefendanL submlLs LhaL Lhe followlng lssues puL forward by plalnLlff are sub[ecL Lo

4.1.1. lalnLlff's personallLy Lo seek legal rellef,

4.1.2. lalnLlff's enLlLlemenL Lo Lhe amounL clalmed,

4.2. uefendanL submlLs LhaL Lhe followlng lssues she puL forward are sub[ecL Lo proof:

4.2.1. lalnLlff's bad falLh ln flllng Lhls sulL,

4.2.2. uefendanL's enLlLlemenL Lo Lhe clalms made ln her Compulsory CounLerclalm as
a resulL of plalnLlff's bad falLh,

v. LvluLnCL

3.1. uefendanL lnLends Lo presenL Lhe followlng wlLnesses:

3.1.1. uefendanL herself who wlll LesLlfy on Lhe Lrue clrcumsLances leadlng Lo Lhe flllng
of Lhls sulL agalnsL her,

3.1.2. An employee of defendanL wlLh personal knowledge as Lo Lhe Lrue
clrcumsLances behlnd Lhe alleged obllgaLlons due and owlng ln favor of plalnLlff.

3.2. uefendanL reserves Lhe rlghL Lo presenL any and all documenLary evldence whlch shall
become relevanL Lo rebuL plalnLlff's clalms ln Lhe course of Lrlal as well as any oLher
wlLnesses whose LesLlmony wlll become relevanL Lo belle plalnLlff's wlLnesses, lf

vl. 8LSC81 1C ulSCCvL8?

6.1. Conslderlng Lhe relaLlvely slmple lssues presenLed, defendanL does noL lnLend Lo avall of
dlscovery aL Lhls Llme.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

6.2. Sub[ecL, however, Lo a concreLe and reasonable requesL for dlscovery from plalnLlff,
defendanL reserves Lhe rlghL Lo resorL Lo dlscovery before Lrlal.

8LSLC1luLL? Su8Ml11Lu, Lhls 8
day of AugusL 2007, aslg ClLy.

cooosel fot uefeoJoot
89 Mlndanao Ave., Cuezon ClLy
ALLorney's 8oll no. 36247
l8 no. 013436/ !anuary 13, 2008/ Cuezon ClLy
18 no. 014323/ !anuary 20, 2008/ Cuezon ClLy
MCLL no. 834263/ !anuary 8, 2008


1PL 88AnCP CLL8k Cl CCu81
8eglonal 1rlal CourL
8ranch 33, aslgClLy

lease submlL Lhe foregolng MoLlon Lo Lhe CourL for lLs conslderaLlon and approval lmmedlaLely
upon recelpL hereof and klndly lnclude Lhe same ln Lhe courL's calendar for hearlng on AugusL 23, 2007
aL 8:30 ln Lhe mornlng.

Atty. Mar|ce| 1o|ent|no
cooosel fot uefeoJoot

ESFS1he noLlce of Pearlng ls acLually boLh a 8LCuLS1 and a nC1lCL, a 8LCuLS1 for Lhe 8ranch Clerk of
CourL Lo lnclude Lhe moLlon ln Lhe calendar for hearlng on a speclflc daLe and a nC1lCL Lo opposlng
counsel of Lhe hearlng daLe requesLed. ln non-llLlglous moLlons or ex parLe moLlons, lL ls sufflclenL LhaL
Lhe requesL noL conLaln a daLe, and for LhaL purpose, Lhe underllned porLlon ln Lhe 8equesL may be
omlLLed wlLh Lhe noLlce Lo opposlng counsel slmply sLaLlng LhaL "counsel wlll submlL Lhe moLlon Lo Lhe
courL for approval lmmedlaLely upon recelpL." [lrom rofessor 1heodore C. 1e's Pandbook on Legal

Copy lurnlshed:

Atty. Conrado Manue|
cooosel fot tbe llolotlff
lloor, !M1 1ower,
Au8 Avenue, aslg ClLy
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


! upon admlsslon of Lhe evldence, Lhe case shall be deemed submlLLed for declslon, unless Lhe
CourL dlrecLs Lhe parLles Lo argue or Lo submlL Lhelr respecLlve memoranda or any furLher
pleadlngs. (SecLlon 3[g], 8ule 30, 8ules of CourL) 1he raLlonale for Lhls rule ls because all Lhe
pleadlngs and Lhe evldence necessary for Lhe CourL Lo arrlve aL a ueclslon are already on Lhe
record. Pence, oral argumenLs and Lhe submlsslon of addlLlonal pleadlngs may be dlspensed
! Powever, as a maLLer of pracLlce, Lhe prevalllng Lrend among Lhe CourLs ls Lo requlre Lhe parLles
Lo submlL Lhelr respecLlve Memoranda Lo ald Lhe CourL ln arrlvlng aL a ueclslon of Lhe case.
! 1he Memorandum ls avallable for ready reference by Lhe Lrlal [udge. 8aLher Lhan go over Lhe
enLlre records of Lhe case, Lhe [udge can easlly read Lhe parLles' Memoranda.
B?2* &/ *?. P@-#$*2'". #0 2 K.@#$2'%:@
! 8elng parL of Lhe records of Lhe case, Lhe Memorandum ls avallable for perusal by Lhe appellaLe
courL. Pence, lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL lawyers should know how Lo wrlLe a c|ear, conc|se, comp|ete,
and persuas|ve Memorandum LhaL should express Lhe facLs of Lhe case, Lhe lssues of Lhe
conLroversy, and Lhe legal argumenLs ln supporL of your cllenL's clalms or defenses.
! 8ased on pracLlce, cases have been won and losL solely on Lhe basls of Lhe Memorandum.
3#&'*.$/ &' B$&*&'( *?. K.@#$2'%:@
1. 8ead and sLudy Lhe enLlre records of Lhe case, especlally Lhe varlous pleadlngs flled by Lhe
parLles. Look ouL for sLlpulaLlons and admlsslons of facL.
2. 8ead Lhe 1ranscrlpL of SLenographlc noLes ('1Sn") of Lhe wlLnesses and deLermlne Lhe perLlnenL
porLlons Lhereof LhaL are favorable for your cllenL's cause and Lhose whlch may be damaglng Lo
Lhe oLher parLy.
3. ScruLlnlze all Lhe documenLary evldence presenLed by Lhe parLles.
4. ConducL a sLudy and research of Lhe relevanL laws and [urlsprudence LhaL supporL your cllenL's
clalms and refuLes Lhe defenses of Lhe oLher parLy.

32$*/ #0 2 +$&2< K.@#$2'%:@
1. refaLory sLaLemenL
2. SLaLemenL of Lhe case
3. SLaLemenL of Lhe facLs
4. lssues Lo be resolved (facLual and legal)
3. ArgumenLs
6. 8ellef soughL

Ceneroso v. !aclnLo, An lnLroducLlon Lo 1rlal 1echnlque and racLlce, 1982 Ld., 8oberLo A. Abad, 1he
lundamenLals of Legal WrlLlng, 2004 Ld.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A K.@#$2'%:@

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
nA1lCnAL CAl1AL !uulClAL 8LClCn
8LClCnAL 18lAL CCu81
8ranch 236, MunLlnlupa ClLy


-versus- Spec|a| C|v|| Case No. 02-001
lor: Interp|eader w|th Damages


(Wl1P lC8MAL Ln18? Cl ALA8AnCL)

1he underslgned law flrm mosL respecLfully enLers lLs appearance as counsel for Lhe lalnLlff
AS1kC CnLMICAL CCUN1k, INC., (ACCl fot btevlty) ln Lhe above-enLlLled case. PenceforLh, lL ls mosL
respecLfully prayed LhaL all noLlces and oLher legal processes be senL Lo and furnlshed Lhe underslgned
aL Lhe address lndlcaLed hereln below.


lalnLlff ACCI, Lhru Lhe underslgned counsel and unLo Lhls Ponorable CourL, respecLfully submlLs
Lhls MLMC8AnuuM ln compllance wlLh Lhe 23 lebruary 2009 Crder of Lhls Ponorable CourL whlch was
recelved by plalnLlff on 06 March 2009, requlrlng Lhe parLles Lo flle Lhelr respecLlve Memoranda wlLhln
LhlrLy (30) days from recelpL or unLll 03 Aprll 2009 as for plalnLlff.

1nL Ak1ILS

lalnLlff AsLro Chemlcal CounLry lnc. (ACCl) ls a domesLlc, non-proflL corporaLlon wlLh prlnclpal
offlce aL CounLry Club urlve, Ayala Alabang vlllage, Alabang, MunLlnlupa ClLy. lL operaLes and malnLalns
a counLry club and varlous sporLs faclllLles for Lhe excluslve use of lLs members. lL may be served wlLh
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

noLlces and oLher legal processes of Lhls Ponorable CourL Lhrough Lhe underslgned counsel ln unlL 314,
ALeneo rofesslonal Schools 8ulldlng, 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy.

uefendanL 8ank of Amerlca, naLlonal AssoclaLlon (8ank of Amerlca) ls a naLlonal banklng
assoclaLlon organlzed and exlsLlng under and by vlrLue of Lhe laws of Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca, and
duly llcensed Lo do buslness ln Lhe hlllpplnes Lhrough lLs branch offlce aL hllamllfe 1ower 8ulldlng,
lloor, 8767 aseo de 8oxas, MakaLl ClLy.

uefendanL 8enedlcLlne Abbey Llm ls of legal age, llllplno and a resldenL of ClusLer L134,
Alexandrla, Meralco Avenue, aslg ClLy.

uefendanL 8lcardo M. de Mesa ls of legal age, llllplno and a resldenL of SulLe 1901, arc
ChaLeau, CrLlgas CenLer, aslg ClLy.


1hls ls a Speclal Clvll AcLlon for lnLerpleader wlLh uamages under 8ule 62 of Lhe 8ules of CourL.
Sald speclal clvll acLlon ls proper whenever Lhere are confllcLlng clalms upon Lhe same sub[ecL maLLer
agalnsL a person who clalms no lnLeresL ln Lhe same, or an lnLeresL whlch ln whole or ln parL ls noL
dlspuLed by Lhe clalmanLs, such person may brlng an acLlon agalnsL Lhe confllcLlng clalmanLs Lo compel
Lhem Lo lnLerplead and llLlgaLe Lhelr clalms among Lhemselves.

Cn 13 uecember 2001, plalnLlff ACCl flled a ComplalnL ln lnLerpleader wlLh uamages
by reason
of Lhe confllcLlng clalms beLween defendanL 8ank of Amerlca and defendanLs 8enedlcLlne Llm and
8lcardo de Mesa, as Lo Lhe ownershlp of ACCl Share nos. 8-0843 and 8-0844.uefendanL 8ank of Amerlca
susLalns Lhe vlew LhaL defendanLs Llm and de Mesa are noL Lhe owners of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares by
reason of Lhe nulllLy of Lhe levy and sale of Lhe sald shares. Whereas, defendanLs Llm and de Mesa are
of Lhe vlew LhaL Lhey are enLlLled Lo Lhe Lransfer of Lhe sub[ecL shares ln Lhelr names as Lhey are Lhe
legal owners of Lhe sub[ecL shares by reason of Lhe Sherlff's CerLlflcaLe of Sale lssued Lo Lhem.

Cn 11 March 2002, defendanL 8ank of Amerlca flled lLs Answer Lo Lhe ComplalnL flled by plalnLlff
ACCl. 1he bank conLended LhaL by reason of Lhe nulllLy of Lhe Crder under whlch Lhe wrlL of execuLlon
ln favor of Amerlcan 8ealLy CorporaLlon and dlrecLed agalnsL Lhe bank was lssued, Lhe sald wrlL, as well
as Lhe levy and sale of Lhe bank's personal properLles, lncludlng Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares are also null and
vold. lL furLher conLended LhaL Lhe sherlff's sale of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares was llkewlse null and vold
slnce Lhe [udgmenL soughL Lo be execuLed has already been fully pald and saLlsfled. ln facL, ln a leLLer
daLed 23 SepLember 2001 senL by 8ank of Amerlca Lhrough lLs counsel addressed Lo ACCl, lL was sLaLed
Lhereln LhaL by reason of Lhe Compromlse AgreemenL and SaLlsfacLlon of !udgmenL execuLed by and
beLween Amerlcan 8ealLy CorporaLlon and 8ank of Amerlca and flled wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL as well as
Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of aslg, 8ranch 139, 8ank of Amerlca requesLed ACCl noL Lo record any Lransfer
or dlsposlLlon of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares ln Lhe corporaLe books unLll afLer Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe MoLlon
Lo Cuash Lhe WrlL of LxecuLlon.

A copy of Lhe lalnLlff ACCl's ComplalnL ls aLLached hereLo as Annex A"
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Cn 22 May 2002, defendanL Llm flled hls Answer wlLh CounLerclalm and Crossclalm agalnsL
defendanL 8ank of Amerlca. Pe conLended LhaL an lnLerpleader ls an lmproper remedy Lo reslsL Lhe
Lransfer of Lhe share of sLock ln hls favor. Pe furLher conLended LhaL an lnLerpleader ls lmproper as Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe aucLlon and sherlff's cerLlflcaLe of sale was never assalled or lnvalldaLed. Accordlng Lo
hlm, Lhe conLlnued refusal of Lhe CorporaLe SecreLary Lo effecL Lhe Lransfer of one of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl
shares ln hls favor are clear lndlcaLlons of bad falLh of ACCl conslderlng Lhe facL LhaL Lhe 8oard of
ulrecLors of ACCl was sLrongly lnfluenced by lLs Lhen Chalrman, ALLy. MaesLro San lellpe- faLher of one
of Lhe handllng lawyers of Lhe defendanL 8ank of Amerlca.

Cn 17 !une 2002, defendanL 8ank of Amerlca flled lLs 8eply and Answer Lo defendanL Llm's
Crossclalm relLeraLlng lLs clalm LhaL Lhe sale and levy of Lhe ACCl share Lo defendanL Llm was null and

Cn 14 !uly 2004, defendanL 8ank of Amerlca flled lLs ManlfesLaLlon and urgenL MoLlon Lo
Suspend roceedlngs holdlng LhaL Lhe valldlLy of Lhe Compromlse AgreemenL be flrsL resolved before
Lhe presenL acLlon for lnLerpleader may proceed. Powever, Lhe sald moLlon was denled on Lhe ground
LhaL Lhe appellaLe courL has no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhls case as defendanLs Llm and de Mesa are noL prlvy
Lo Lhe proceedlngs before Lhe appellaLe courL.

Cn 12 november 2007, plalnLlff ACCl flled lLs Memorandum reafflrmlng lLs prevlous argumenL
LhaL Lhe presenL speclal clvll acLlon ln lnLerpleader ls proper as any declslon as Lo who beLween Lhe
defendanLs ls enLlLled Lo Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares ls besL lefL Lo Lhe sound dlscreLlon of Lhe courL.

Cn 03 uecember 2007, defendanL Llm llkewlse flled hls Memorandum relLeraLlng hls clalm LhaL
Lhere ls no reason for plalnLlff ACCl Lo wlLhhold Lhe Lransfer of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl share ln hls name as he
ls an lnnocenL purchaser for value of Lhe same.


As culled from Lhe lalnLlff ACCl's ComplalnL daLed 13 uecember 2001, Lhe followlng are Lhe
facLual anLecedenLs of Lhe case:

ACCl ls engaged ln Lhe operaLlon and malnLenance of a counLry club for Lhe excluslve use of lLs
members and Lhelr guesLs. lLs sLocks are dlvlded lnLo 1wo 1housand llve Pundred shares (2,300)
conslsLlng of nlne (9) lounder's shares and 1wo 1housand lour Pundred nlneLy-one (2,491) common
shares, whlch ls furLher dlvlded lnLo Cne 1housand Seven Pundred lorLy-one (1,741) class A" and
Seven Pundred llfLy (730) class 8" shares. 1wo of Lhese class 8" shares, namely Share nos. 8-0843 and
8-0844 acqulred for Lhe amounL of Cne Mllllon SlxLy Seven 1housand esos (hp1,067,000.00), were
allegedly owned by Lhe uefendanL 8ank of Amerlca.

Cn 24 AugusL 2001, ACCl recelved a noLlce of CarnlshmenL
daLed 21 AugusL 2001 lssued by
Lhe Sherlff of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL, 8ranch 139, aslg ClLy ln relaLlon wlLh Lhe WrlL of

A copy of Lhe noLlce of CarnlshmenL ls aLLached hereLo as Annex 8"
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

daLed 23 Aprll 2001 lssued by Lhe sald courL ln Clvll Case no. 62883 enLlLled, Ametlcoo
keolty cotpototloo vs. 8ook of Ametlco, N1 & 5A." Sald noLlce of CarnlshmenL advlsed ACCl noL Lo
dellver, Lransfer or oLherwlse dlspose of Lhe ACCl shares or sLocks whlch are under lLs conLrol and
possesslon belonglng Lo Lhe 8ank of Amerlca. 8y Lhe sald noLlce of CarnlshmenL, Lhe sald ACCl shares of
sLocks ln Lhe name of 8ank of Amerlca were garnlshed ln order Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL award agalnsL
Lhe laLLer ln favor of Amerlcan 8ealLy CorporaLlon. 1he noLlce of CarnlshmenL and Lhe WrlL of LxecuLlon
were boLh annoLaLed ln Lhe books of ACCl.

Cn 07 SepLember 2001, ACCl recelved a noLlce of Sherlff's Sale
daLed 03 SepLember 2001
noLlfylng ACCl LhaL defendanL 8ank of Amerlca's Lwo (2) ACCl Class 8 shares wlLh CerLlflcaLe nos. 8-0843
and 8-0844 wlll be sold aL a publlc aucLlon. 8y way of a CerLlflcaLe of Sale
daLed 14 SepLember 2001,
ACCl was lnformed LhaL ACCl Share nos. 8-0843 and 8-0844 were sold Lo defendanLs Llm and de Mesa,
respecLlvely. lollowlng Lhe sale, ACCl was requesLed by Llmln hls leLLer daLed 28 SepLember 2001 Lo
make Lhe necessary arrangemenLs for Lhe Lransfer of ACCl Share no. 8-0843 ln hls name as soon as
posslble. Llkewlse, a slmllar requesL Lo effecL Lhe Lransfer of Share no. 8-0844 ln de Mesa's name was
made by hlm.

Meanwhlle, ACCl recelved a leLLer from defendanL 8ank of Amerlca's counsel daLed 23
SepLember 2001 requesLlng ACCl noL Lo record any Lransfer perLalnlng Lo ACCl Share nos. 8-0843 and 8-
0844 unLll afLer Lhe MoLlon Lo Cuash Lhe WrlL of LxecuLlon
daLed 20 AugusL 2001 was resolved wlLh
flnallLy by Lhe Lrlal courL. lL ls provlded for ln sald leLLer LhaL Amerlcan 8ealLy CorporaLlon lLself caused
Lhe flllng of Lhe MoLlon Lo Cuash Lhe WrlL of LxecuLlon, Lhereby slgnlfylng lLs lack of lnLeresL Lo pursue
any execuLlon or garnlshmenL proceedlngs agalnsL 8ank of Amerlca ln vlew of Lhe full and flnal
seLLlemenL of 8ank of Amerlca's moneLary obllgaLlon by vlrLue of Lhe Compromlse AgreemenL
daLed 20
november 2000 enLered lnLo by and beLween 8ank of Amerlca and Amerlcan 8ealLy CorporaLlon, as
corroboraLed by Lhe SaLlsfacLlon of !udgmenL
daLed 21 november 2000 and approved by Lhe Supreme
CourL on 31 !anuary 2001.

ln anoLher leLLer daLed 03 CcLober 2001, counsel for 8ank of Amerlca relLeraLed lLs requesL Lo
hold ln abeyance Lhe recordaLlon of Lhe Lransfer of Lhe abovemenLloned ACCl Shares Lo defendanLs Llm
and de Mesa by vlrLue of Lhe Amended ueclslon
daLed 02 CcLober 2001 rendered by Lhe CourL of
Appeals ln CA-C8 S nos. 6419 and 6449 enLlLled, Ametlcoo keolty cotp. ooJ 8ook of Ametlco vs. noo.

A copy of Lhe WrlL of LxecuLlon ls aLLached hereLo as Annex C"
A copy of Lhe noLlce of Sherlff's Sale ls aLLached hereLo as Annex u"
Coples of Lhe CerLlflcaLe of Sale are aLLached hereLo as Annexes L-1" and L-2"
A copy of Lhe MoLlon Lo Cuash Lhe WrlL of LxecuLlon ls aLLached hereLo as Annex l"
A copy of Lhe Compromlse AgreemenL ls aLLached hereLo as Annex C"
A copy of Lhe SaLlsfacLlon of !udgmenL ls aLLached hereLo as Annex P"
A copy of Lhe Amended ueclslon ls aLLached hereLo as Annex l"
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

koJolfo k. 8oolfoclo, lteslJloq IoJqe 8t. 159, k1c, NcIk loslq, et. ol.," Lhe dlsposlLlve porLlon of whlch
reads as follows:
WPL8LlC8L, Lhe MoLlon for 8econslderaLlon ls hereby C8An1Lu. 1he
ueclslon of Lhls CourL promulgaLed on AugusL 7, 2001 ls SL1 ASluL.
8espondenL CourL or any of lLs agenLs ls en[olned from enforclng and
lmplemenLlng Lhe WrlL of LxecuLlon unLll lL shall have deLermlned Lhe
valldlLy and efflcacy of Lhe compromlse agreemenL."

ln llghL of Lhe sald Amended ueclslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals, ACCl lnformed defendanLs Llm
and de Mesa ln separaLe leLLers boLh daLed 02 november 2001 LhaL lL wlll be holdlng ln abeyance Lhe
recordaLlon of Lhe Lransfer of above ACCl Shares ln Lhelr names.

Powever, ln a leLLer daLed 03 november 2001, defendanL Llm relLeraLed hls demand for Lhe
recordaLlon of Lhe Lransfer of ACCl Share no. 8-0843 ln hls favor, argulng LhaL Lhe above-sLaLed
Amended ueclslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals dld noL lnvalldaLe Lhe sale of Lhe sald share of sLock ln hls
favor. A slmllar demand was made by defendanL de Mesa argulng LhaL Lhe ln[uncLlve wrlL lssued by Lhe
CourL of Appeals ln lLs Amended ueclslon dld noL affecL hls purchase of ACCl Share no. 8-0844 as Lhe
same was already folt occompll.

ln vlew of all Lhe foregolng, ACCl cannoL effecLlvely deLermlne who, as among Lhe defendanLs
hereln are enLlLled Lo be reglsLered as owners of ACCl Share nos. 8-0843 and 8-0844. Pence, ACCl was
consLralned Lo brlng Lhls Speclal Clvll AcLlon for lnLerpleader wlLh uamages Lo compel defendanLs Llm
and de Mesa on one hand and defendanL 8ank of Amerlca on Lhe oLher hand, Lo lnLerplead and llLlgaLe
Lhelr confllcLlng clalms among Lhemselves, pursuanL Lo 8ule 62 of Lhe 1997 8ules of Clvll rocedure.



ln1L8LLAuL8 lS 1PL 8CL8
8LMLu? AS 1PL8L A8L CCnlLlC1lnC


A CC8C8A1lCn CAnnC1 8L
1l1LL 1C SAlu SPA8LS PAS nC lklMA
lAcl vALlul1? C8 lS unCL81Aln


LAln1lll ACCl CAnnC1 8L PLLu
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09



LAln1lll ACCl lS Ln1l1LLu
1C 8LCCvL8 A11C8nL?'S lLLS Anu
Ll1lCA1lCn CCS1S AS A 8LSuL1
Cl 1PL llLlnC Cl 1PL lnS1An1 CASL




1he acLlon of lnLerpleader ls a remedy whereby a person who has properLy wheLher personal or
real, ln hls possesslon, or an obllgaLlon Lo render wholly or parLlally, wlLhouL clalmlng any rlghL ln boLh,
or clalms an lnLeresL whlch ln whole or ln parL ls noL dlspuLed by Lhe confllcLlng clalmanLs, comes Lo
courL and asks LhaL Lhe persons who clalm Lhe sald properLy or who conslder Lhemselves enLlLled Lo
demand compllance wlLh Lhe obllgaLlon, be requlred Lo llLlgaLe among Lhemselves, ln order Lo
deLermlne flnally who ls enLlLled Lo one or Lhe oLher Lhlng. 1he remedy ls afforded noL Lo proLecL a
person agalnsL a double llablllLy buL Lo proLecL hlm agalnsL double vexaLlon ln respecL of one llablllLy.
When Lhe courL orders LhaL Lhe clalmanLs llLlgaLe among Lhemselves, Lhere arlses ln reallLy a new acLlon
and Lhe former are sLyled lnLerpleaders, and ln such a case Lhe pleadlng whlch lnlLlaLes Lhe acLlon ls
called a complalnL of lnLerpleader and noL a cross-complalnL.

SecLlon 1 of 8ule 62 of Lhe 8ules of CourL provldes:

Whenever confllcLlng clalms upon Lhe same sub[ecL maLLer are or may
be made agalnsL a person who clalms no lnLeresL whaLever ln Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer, or an lnLeresL whlch ln whole or ln parL ls noL dlspuLed
by Lhe clalmanLs, he may brlng an acLlon agalnsL Lhe confllcLlng
clalmanLs to compe| them to |nterp|ead and ||t|gate the|r severa|
c|a|ms among themse|ves."

ConsequenLly, for an acLlon ln lnLerpleader Lo prosper, Lhe followlng requ|rements musL be
presenL: 1) 1he p|a|nt|ff c|a|ms no |nterest |n the sub[ect matter or h|s c|a|m thereto |s not d|sputed, 2)

raxedes Alvarez, eL. al. vs. 1he CommonwealLh of Lhe hlllpplnes, eL. al., 63 hll 302
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1here musL be at |east two or more conf||ct|ng c|a|mants, 3) 1he part|es to be |nterp|eaded must make
effect|ve c|a|ms, 4) 1he sub[ect matter musL be one and the same.

ln Lhe presenL case, plalnLlff ACCl clalms no lnLeresL ln Lhe ACCl shares sub[ecL of Lhe confllcLlng
clalms of defendanLs Llm and de Mesa and defendanL 8ank of Lhe Amerlca. lalnLlff ACCl ls merely
engaged ln Lhe operaLlon and malnLenance of Lhe counLry club ln order Lo serve lLs members and Lhelr
guesLs. lL clalms no lnLeresL on Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares excepL as Lo Lhe resoluLlon who beLween Lhe
defendanLs properly owns Lhe sald shares so LhaL lL can make Lhe proper reglsLraLlon ln lLs corporaLe

As earller menLloned, Lhere are Lwo confllcLlng clalmanLs ln Lhls case, to wlt: Llm and de Mesa,
and Lhe 8ank of Amerlca, each of whlch ls clalmlng as owner of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl Share nos. 8-0843 and
8-0844. uefendanLs Llm and de Mesa are esLabllshlng Lhelr rlghL Lo Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares by vlrLue of
Lhe levy and sale of Lhe sald shares and Lhe consequenL lssuance of Lhe CerLlflcaLes of Sherlff's Sale ln
Lhelr favor. uefendanL 8ank of Amerlca on Lhe oLher hand, ls clalmlng lLs rlghL Lo Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares
by vlrLue of Lhe Compromlse AgreemenL and Lhe SaLlsfacLlon of !udgmenL execuLed by and beLween Lhe
bank and Amerlcan 8ealLy CorporaLlon and laLer approved by Lhe Supreme CourL.

ln Lhe case of 5ypolo vs. 5betlff,
an acLlon for lnLerpleader was [usLlfled as Lhere were
confllcLlng clalms Lo Lhe sub[ecL properLy selzed by Lhe Sherlff. Slmllarly, under Lhe presenL
clrcumsLances, Lhe ACCl shares levled and sold durlng Lhe aucLlon sale Lo defendanLs Llm and de Mesa
are Lhe same shares belng clalmed by defendanL 8ank of Amerlca. lL bears repeaLlng LhaL plalnLlff ACCl
was requesLed by defendanL 8ank of Amerlca noL Lo make any Lransfer of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares as lL
clalms LhaL Lhe levy and sale of Lhe same was null and vold.

Pence, e|ements estab||shed, defendant L|mcannot ga|nsay that the present |nterp|eader
act|on |s |mproper. uefendanL Llm's clalm LhaL lf Lhe presenL case really calls for an lnLerpleader acLlon,
Lhen plalnLlff ACCl should lmpose Lhe condlLlon LhaL nelLher of Lhe parLles Lo Lhls dlspuLe should en[oy
Lhe use of Lhe shares unLll Lhelr ownershlp ls declared by Lhe CourL ls erroneous as Lhe same ls noL one
of Lhe requlslLes ln order LhaL an lnLerpleader acLlon may prosper. nelLher can lL be argued LhaL Lhe
presenL lnLerpleader acLlon ls lmproper as Lhe valldlLy of Lhe aucLlon sale, as well as Lhe sherlff's
cerLlflcaLe of sale, has never been assalled or lnvalldaLed. lL musL be noLed LhaL plalnLlff ACCl ls noL prlvy
Lo Lhe oLher proceedlngs pendlng beLween Lhe defendanLs. LxcepL for Lhe noLlces senL by Lhe sherlff of
8ranch 139 of aslg ClLy, plalnLlff ACCl does noL recelve orders, resoluLlons, moLlons or pleadlngs from
any of Lhe parLles or courLs where Lhe cases are pendlng. Accordlngly, plalnLlff ACCl has no ldea as Lo
Lhe sLaLus or condlLlon of any of Lhe cases pendlng beLween Lhe defendanLs. Powever, lL ls lmperaLlve
Lo deLermlne who beLween Lhe defendanLs ls Lhe valld and legal owner of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares ln
order Lo proLecL lLself from any unnecessary llLlgaLlon LhaL may arlse from recordlng or non-recordlng
Lhe Lransfer of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares. lnLerpleader ls a rule founded on [usLlce and equlLy: LhaL Lhe
plalnLlff may noL conLlnue Lo beneflL from Lhe properLy or funds ln llLlgaLlon durlng Lhe pendency of Lhe

8emedlal Law volume lll by Perrera [1999]
46 hll 400
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

sulL aL Lhe expense of whoever wlll ulLlmaLely be declded as enLlLled LhereLo."
Pence, Lhe present
|nterp|eader act|on |s proper for reasons above-sLaLed, as well as Lo apprlse plalnLlff ACCl who are lLs
acLual sLockholders so LhaL lL can ascerLaln Lhe persons enLlLled Lo Lhe rlghLs and Lhose sub[ecL Lo Lhe
llablllLles of a sLockholder.



SecLlon 63 of Lhe CorporaLlon Code provldes:

1he caplLal sLock of sLock corporaLlons shall be dlvlded lnLo shares for
whlch cerLlflcaLes slgned by Lhe presldenL or vlce-presldenL, counLer-
slgned by Lhe secreLary or asslsLanL secreLary, and sealed wlLh Lhe seal
of Lhe corporaLlon shall be lssued ln accordance wlLh Lhe by-laws.
Shares of sLock so lssued are personal properLy and may be Lransferred
by dellvery of Lhe cerLlflcaLe or cerLlflcaLes lndorsed by Lhe owner or hls
aLLorney-ln-facL or oLher person legally auLhorlzed Lo make Lhe Lransfer.
No transfer, however, sha|| be va||d, except as between the part|es,
unt|| the transfer |s recorded |n the books of the corporat|on showlng
Lhe names of Lhe parLles Lo Lhe LransacLlon, Lhe daLe of Lhe Lransfer, Lhe
number of Lhe cerLlflcaLe or cerLlflcaLes and Lhe number of shares

no shares of sLock agalnsL whlch Lhe corporaLlon holds any unpald clalm
shall be Lransferrable ln Lhe books of Lhe corporaLlon."

ursuanL Lo Lhe foregolng provlslon, a Lransfer of shares of sLock noL recorded ln Lhe sLock and
Lransfer book of Lhe corporaLlon ls non-exlsLenL as far as Lhe corporaLlon ls concerned.
As beLween
Lhe corporaLlon on Lhe one hand, and lLs shareholders and Lhlrd persons on Lhe oLher, Lhe corporaLlon
looks only Lo lLs books for Lhe purpose of deLermlnlng who lLs shareholders are.
lL ls only when Lhe
Lransfer has been recorded ln Lhe sLock and Lransfer book LhaL a corporaLlon may rlghLfully regard Lhe
Lransferee as one of lLs sLockholders. lrom Lhls Llme, Lhe consequenL obllgaLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe
corporaLlon Lo recognlze such rlghLs as lL ls mandaLed by law Lo recognlze arlses.
Pence, wlLhouL such

LLernal Cardens Memorlal arks Corp. vs. lAC, 163 SC8A 439
Carcla vs. !omouad, 323 SC8A 424, 428
Pager vs. 8ryan, 19 hll 138, 140-141
once vs. Alsons CemenL Corp., eL. al., C8 no. 139802, 10 uecember 2002
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

recordlng, Lhe Lransferee may noL be regarded by Lhe corporaLlon as one among lLs sLockholders and
Lhe corporaLlon may legally refuse Lhe lssuance of sLock cerLlflcaLes ln Lhe name of Lhe Lransferee even
when Lhere has been compllance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs of SecLlon 64 of Lhe CorporaLlon Code.

SecLlon 63 of Lhe CorporaLlon Code expressly auLhorlzes Lhe Lransfer of Lhe shares elLher by
|ndorsement of the stock cert|f|cate coup|ed w|th de||very Lhereof, or by a du|y notar|zed deed.
Where no cerLlflcaLe has as yeL been lssued or where for some reason lL ls noL ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe
sLockholder, fully (or parLlally) pald shares may be Lransferred by means of a deed of asslgnmenL duly
recorded ln Lhe books of Lhe corporaLlon. 8uL lf a sLock cerLlflcaLe has been lssued, Lhe Lransferee musL
presenL Lhe lndorsed sLock cerLlflcaLe Lo Lhe secreLary of Lhe corporaLlon who shall effecL Lhe Lransfer ln
Lhe corporaLe books, lssue a new sLock cerLlflcaLe ln favor of Lhe Lransferee, and cancel Lhe former
cerLlflcaLe. A corporaLlon has no auLhorlLy Lo cancel a cerLlflcaLe whlch ls noL ln lLs possesslon or Lo
whlch lL has no rlghL. lL wlll be llable Lo a booo flJe holder of Lhe old cerLlflcaLe lf, wlLhouL demandlng of
sald cerLlflcaLe, lL lssues a new one.

Whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhe duty of the corporate secretary to record the transfer ls mlnlsLerlal,

however, he cannot be compe||ed to do so when the transferee's t|t|e to sa|d shares has no pr|ma
fac|e va||d|ty or |s uncerta|n.
Mere lndorsemenL of sLock cerLlflcaLes does noL ln lLself glve Lo Lhe
lndorsee such a rlghL Lo have a Lransfer of Lhe shares of sLock on Lhe books of Lhe company as wlll enLlLle
hlm Lo Lhe wrlL of mandamus Lo compel Lhe company and lLs offlcers Lo make such Lransfer aL hls
demand, because, under such clrcumsLances Lhe duLy, Lhe legal obllgaLlon, ls noL so clear and
lndlspuLable as Lo [usLlfy Lhe lssuance of Lhe wrlL. As a general rule and especlally under Lhe above-clLed
sLaLuLe, as beLween Lhe corporaLlon on one hand, and lLs shareholders and Lhlrd persons on Lhe oLher,
Lhe corporaLlon looks only Lo lLs books for Lhe purpose of deLermlnlng who lLs shareholders are, so LhaL
a mere lndorsee of a sLock cerLlflcaLe, clalmlng Lo be Lhe owner, wlll noL necessarlly be recognlzed as
such by Lhe corporaLlon and lLs offlcers, |n the absence of express |nstruct|ons of the reg|stered owner
to make such transfer Lo Lhe lndorsee, or a power of aLLorney auLhorlzlng such Lransfer.

lL bears sLresslng under Lhe presenL clrcumsLances LhaL defendanLs Llm and de Mesa merely
requesLed Lhe Lransfer of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares ln Lhelr names Lhrough Lhelr leLLers addressed Lo Lhe
plalnLlff ACCl. Aslde from Lhe proof of paymenL for Lhe purchase of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares and Lhe
cerLlflcaLe of sale, Lhey dld noL presenL any oLher documenL showlng LhaL defendanL 8ank of Amerlca,
Lhe reglsLered owner of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares, has duly lndorsed Lhe sLock cerLlflcaLes ln Lhelr favor.
nelLher was Lhere any proof showlng LhaL defendanL 8ank of Amerlca has asslgned Lhe sub[ecL ACCl
shares ln Lhelr names. ln facL, defendanL 8ank of Amerlca lLself ordered plalnLlff ACCl noL Lo make any
Lransfer or dlsposlLlon of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares. Pence, ln Lhe absence of any express lnsLrucLlon of

1he CorporaLlon Code of Lhe hlllpplnes AnnoLaLed by PecLor S. de Leon, 2002 ed., pp. 336-337
8ural 8ank of Sallnas vs. CourL of Appeals, 210 SC8A 310
1ay vs. CourL of appeals, C8 no. 126891, 3 AugusL 1998
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Lhe reglsLered owner (defendanL 8ank of Amerlca ln Lhls case) Lo effecL Lhe Lransfer of Lhe shares ln Lhe
corporaLe books, no new sLock cerLlflcaLe can be lssued ln favor of Lhe supposed Lransferees
(defendanLs Llm and de Mesa ln Lhls case). lurLher, Lhe plalnLlff ACCl cannoL be compelled Lo effecL Lhe
Lransfer of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares prlmarlly because Lhe LlLles of defendanLs Llm and de Mesa Lo Lhe
sald shares are uncerLaln as Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL and all lLs agenLs whlch effecLed Lhe wrlL of
execuLlon under whlch Lhe levy and sale of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares lays lLs basls, were en[olned from
enforclng Lhe wrlL.

1here ls no doubL LhaL Lhe requlremenL for Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lransfers of shares ln Lhe
corporaLe books ls lnLended prlnclpally for Lhe beneflL and proLecLlon of Lhe corporaLlon so LhaL lL may
know who are lLs sLockholders Lo whom lL musL accord Lhe rlghL granLed Lo Lhem by law and agalnsL
whom lL can enforce any llablllLy LhaL may arlse from ownershlp of sLock. Powever, a corporaLlon
cannoL lnqulre lnLo Lhe legallLy or proprleLy of a Lransfer of lLs shares from one person Lo anoLher. ln
case of confllcLlng clalms, Lhe corporaLlon, for lLs proLecLlon, may demand securlLy or requlre all known
clalmanLs Lo lnLerplead.



Moral damages, Lhough lncapable of pecunlary esLlmaLlon, are ln Lhe caLegory of an award
deslgned Lo compensaLe Lhe clalmanL for acLual ln[ury suffered and noL Lo lmpose a penalLy on Lhe
under ArLlcle 2217 of Lhe new Clvll Code, moral damages lnclude physlcal sufferlng,
menLal angulsh, frlghL, serlous anxleLy, besmlrched repuLaLlon, wounded feellngs, moral shock, soclal
humlllaLlon, and slmllar ln[ury. Moral damages may be recovered lf Lhey are Lhe proxlmaLe resulL of Lhe
defendanL's wrongful acL or omlsslon. Conversely, mora| damages cannot be recovered from a person
who has f||ed a comp|a|nt aga|nst another |n good fa|th, or w|thout ma||ce or bad fa|th.
1he requ|s|tes
for award of mora| damages are: 1) Lhere musL be an |n[ury, wheLher physlcal, menLal or psychologlcal,
clearly susLalned by Lhe clalmanL, 2) Lhere musL be a cu|pab|e act or om|ss|on factua||y estab||shed, 3)
Lhe wrongful acL or omlsslon of Lhe defendanL ls Lhe prox|mate cause of the |n[ury susta|ned by the
c|a|mant, and 4) Lhe award of damages |s pred|cated on any of Lhe cases sLaLed ln Art|c|e 2219 of the
C|v|| Code.

uefendanL Llm ln Lhe presenL case clalms LhaL he ls enLlLled Lo moral damages, as well as
exemplary damages and aLLorney's fees. Powever, lL ls submlLLed LhaL such clalm ls erroneous. lL

1he CorporaLlon Code of Lhe hlllpplnes AnnoLaLed by PecLor S. de Leon, 2002 ed., p. 369
1orLs and uamages (AnnoLaLed) by uean LrnesLo L. lneda, 2004 ed., p. 180
Crapllon vs. Munlclpal Councll, 2 SC8A 103
lndusLrlal lnsurance Co., lnc. vs. 8ondoc, 330 SC8A 706
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

cannoL be galnsald LhaL an ln[ury was susLalned by defendanL Llm as a resulL of Lhe flllng of Lhe presenL
lnLerpleader acLlon by Lhe plalnLlff ACCl. nelLher ls Lhe presenL case aLLendanL of any of Lhe acLs
menLloned ln ArLlcle 2219 of Lhe new Clvll Code LhaL would [usLlfy Lhe award of moral damages ln favor
of defendanL Llm. 1o repeaL, Lhe presenL acLlon was lnsLlLuLed merely Lo deLermlne who beLween Lhe
defendanLs ls lawfully enLlLled Lo be recorded as Lhe reglsLered owner of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares and
consequenLly proLecL Lhe plalnLlff ACCl from any fuLure llLlgaLlon LhaL may arlse as a dlrecL resulL of Lhe
recordlng or non-recordlng of Lhe Lransfer of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares. ln facL, defendanL Llm sLands Lo
beneflL from Lhe declslon of Lhls Ponorable CourL as Lhe lssue on who ls Lhe legal and rlghLful owner of
Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares wlll be flnally puL Lo an end. lurLher, Lhe worrles and anxleLles of a defendanL ln
a llLlgaLlon LhaL was noL mallclously lnsLlLuLed are noL Lhe grounds for moral damages as conLemplaLed
ln Lhe law.
An award of moral damages ls noL warranLed when Lhere ls no proof of mallce or bad falLh
ln flllng Lhe acLlon.
1he presenL case was noL mallclously lnsLlLuLed by plalnLlff ACCl. 1he only purpose
for flllng Lhe lnsLanL acLlon for lnLerpleader ls, agaln, Lo deLermlne who ls enLlLled Lo be recorded ln Lhe
corporaLe books as Lhe club's sLockholder. 1hus, defendanL Llm's clalm LhaL Lhe flllng of Lhe lnsLanL sulL
has caused hlm Lo suffer sleepless nlghLs, embarrassmenL, menLal anxleLy and moral sufferlng for whlch
boLh plalnLlff ACCl, lLs 8oard Members, lncludlng Lhe CorporaLe SecreLary and defendanL 8ank of
Amerlca should be llable for moral damages, has no leg Lo sLand on. Corollary, defendanL Llm noL belng
enLlLled Lo any moral damages, he ls llkewlse noL enLlLled Lo any exemplary damages, as well as
aLLorney's fees. Whlle exemplary damages need noL be proved, lL musL be shown LhaL Lhe clalmanL ls
enLlLled Lo moral, LemperaLe or compensaLory damages before Lhe courL may conslder Lhe quesLlon of
wheLher or noL exemplary damages should be awarded.
As Lo Lhe aLLorney's fees, Lhe same cannoL be
consolldaLed wlLh moral damages for Lhey are dlfferenL ln naLure and each musL be separaLely



ArLlcle 2208 (2) of Lhe new Clvll Code preclsely allows for Lhe recovery of aLLorney's fees when
Lhe defendanL's acL or omlsslon has compelled Lhe plalnLlff Lo llLlgaLe wlLh Lhlrd persons or Lo lncur
expenses Lo proLecL hls lnLeresL.
ln Meozl ooJ co. vs. 8ostlJo,
lL was ruled LhaL Lhe cosLs, expenses

8amos vs. 8amos, 61 SC8A 284
8lcardo vs. SanLos, 338 SC8A 1
ArLlcle 2234, new Clvll Code
hlllpplne veLerans 8ank vs. nL8C, 317 SC8A 310
Lscano vs. CrLlgas, !r., 326 SC8A 26
63 hll 16
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

and aLLorney's fees lncurred by Lhe plalnLlff ln Lhe acLlon ls recoverable from Lhe defendanL who loses ln
Lhe acLlon and ls found by Lhe courL Lo have caused Lhe unnecessary llLlgaLlon.

1he clrcumsLances under Lhe presenL case calls for Lhe award of aLLorney's fees and llLlgaLlon
expenses as by reason of Lhe confllcLlng clalms on Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares of Lhe defendanLs Llm and de
Mesa on one hand and Lhe 8ank of Amerlca on Lhe oLher hand, plalnLlff ACCl was consLralned Lo flle Lhe
lnsLanL legal acLlon ln order Lo proLecL lLs lnLeresL agalnsL any fuLure llLlgaLlon LhaL may arlse from Lhe
recordlng or non-recordlng of Lhe Lransfer of Lhe sub[ecL ACCl shares, as well as Lo ulLlmaLely deLermlne
who beLween Lhe defendanLs ls Lhe rlghLful sLockholder of Lhe club.

WnLkLICkL, premlses consldered, lL ls mosL respecLfully prayed unLo Lhls Ponorable CourL LhaL
an Crder be lssued resolvlng Lhe confllcLlng clalms of hereln uefendanLs 8enedlcL Llm and 8lcardo de
Mesa on one hand and 8ank of Amerlca on Lhe oLher hand and LhaL Lhe loslng parLy be ordered Lo pay
lalnLlff ACCl 1WC Punu8Lu lll1? 1PCuSAnu LSCS (hp 230,000.00) as ALLorney's fees and LlLlgaLlon

CLher rellefs as may be deemed [usL and equlLable under Lhe premlses are llkewlse prayed for.

ClLy of MakaLl forMunLlnlupa, hlllpplnes, 03 Aprll 2009.

Counsel for lalnLlff
8m 314, ALeneo rofesslonals Schools 8ulldlng,
8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer,
MakaLl ClLy


18 no. 3111037
8oll no. 6337
l8 no. 12343
MCLL no. 1246

18 no. 8996383
8oll no. 6003
l8 no. 23436
MCLL no. 1233
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

18 no. 3387423
8oll no. 6123
l8 no. 34367
MCLL no. 1237

18 no. 8371333
8oll no. 6789
l8 no. 43678
MCLL no. 1279

copy lotolsbeJ.

Counsel for uefendanL 8ank of Amerlca, n1 & SA
8M 313 ALeneo rofesslonal Schools 8ulldlng
8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer,
1223 MakaLl ClLy

Counsel for uefendanL 8enedlcL Llm
n1 CenLer, Mandaluyong ClLy

Counsel for uefendanL 8lcardo de Mesa
Creenvlew CorporaLe 1owers, 1agulg ClLy


IC5K!L CII75 CI 7QP;7E17
! 1he courL shall conslder no evldence whlch has noL been formally offered. 1he purpose for
whlch Lhe evldence ls offered musL be speclfled. (SecLlon 34, 8ule 132)
! AlLhough evldence may be offered orally, lL has been a Lrlal pracLlce Lo requlre Lhe submlsslon of
a formal offer of evldence whlch ls acLually a wrlLLen offer ln place of Lhe oral offer as prescrlbed
ln Lhe 8ules.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A I#$@2< C00.$ #0 76&%.'".

8kANCn 49, CI1 CI MAkA1I

nott|e 1ab|e Inc. (n1I) represented by
|ts res|dent, Nancy M. kamsey
-versus- C|v|| Case No. 09-236S4
(lor: Sum of Money)
W||||am 1oh Go
xx- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -xx


lalnLlff, Lhrough counsel, respecLfully offers ln evldence Lhe followlng exhlblLs:
LxhlblL 1" 1he 8oard 8esoluLlon daLed 28
Aprll 2006 lndlcaLlng LhaL P1l's
resldenL, Mrs. nancy M. 8amsey,
ls auLhorlzed Lo represenL Lhe
peLlLloner CorporaLlon.
1hls wlll be used Lo show Lhe legal
sLandlng and capaclLy of Mrs. 8amsey
Lo brlng Lhe presenL sulL ln behalf of
LxhlblL 2" romlssory noLe daLed 11 March
2003 ln Lhe amounL of flve
hundred Lhousand flve hundred
and flfLy pesos (h 300,330.00)
Such promlssory noLe wlll be used as
evldence of Lhe lndebLedness of
hereln defendanL Mr. Wllllam 1oh
LxhlblL 2-A" SlgnaLure of Mr. Wllllam 1oh Co ln order Lo fully auLhenLlcaLe and
afflrm Lhe execuLlon and handwrlLlng
of Lhe defendanL ln Lhe aforesald
promlssory noLe.
LxhlblL 2-8" uemand leLLer daLed 13 May 2003
senL by lalnLlff P1l's counsel and
was duly recelved by Lhe
1hls ls Lo serve as proof of demand
on Lhe defendanL's obllgaLlon under
Lhe above-menLloned promlssory
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

LxhlblL 3" romlssory noLe daLed 16 !une
2003 ln Lhe amounL of Seven
Pundred llfLy 1housand esos
Such promlssory noLe wlll be used as
evldence of Lhe lndebLedness of
hereln defendanL Mr. Wllllam 1oh
LxhlblL 3-A" SlgnaLure of Mr. Wllllam 1oh Co ln order Lo fully auLhenLlcaLe and
afflrm Lhe execuLlon and handwrlLlng
of Lhe defendanL ln Lhe aforesald
promlssory noLe.
LxhlblL 3-8" uemand leLLer daLed 14 AugusL
2003 senL by lalnLlff P1l's
counsel and was duly recelved by
Lhe defendanL.
1hls ls Lo serve as proof of demand
on Lhe defendanL's obllgaLlon under
Lhe above-menLloned promlssory
LxhlblL 4" llnal demand leLLer daLed 13
uecember 2003 on all Lhe
promlssory noLes lssued by Lhe
1hls ls Lo serve as a proof of Lhe flnal
demand before resorL Lo courL acLlon
was made.
LxhlblL 3" 8eglsLry 8eLurn Card addressed Lo
uefendanL Wllllam 1oh Co.
1hls wlll show LhaL servlce of
summons was duly served upon Lhe
LxhlblL 3-A" 8eglsLry 8eLurn Card slgned by
Mr. edro uomlngo.
1hls wlll serve as an
acknowledgemenL of Lhe defendanL
of Lhe servlce of summons upon hlm
LxhlblL 6" LeLLer of Lhe defendanL Wllllam
1oh Co Lo lalnLlff P1l daLed 19
uecember 2003 Lhrough
reglsLered mall recognlzlng hls
lndebLedness under Lhe aforesald
promlssory noLes.
1hls wlll be used as evldence of Lhe
defendanL's admlsslon of
lndebLedness Lo Lhe lalnLlff.
LxhlblL 6-A" 8eglsLry reLurn card lndlcaLlng
LhaL such leLLer was duly recelved
by Lhe corporaLe secreLary of P1l.
1hls wlll be used Lo lndlcaLe Lhe
auLhenLlclLy of Lhe leLLer recelved by
Lhe lalnLlff.

WPL8LlC8L, lL ls mosL respecLfully prayed LhaL Lhe foregolng exhlblLs presenLed durlng Lhe Lrlal
of Lhe lnsLanL case be admlLLed ln evldence.
CLher rellefs [usL and equlLable are llkewlse prayed for.
MunLlnlupa ClLy for MakaLl ClLy, 30 !anuary 2009.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Demetr|a Sandova|
cooosel fot llolotlff
lloor, Madrlgal 8uslness 1ower,
Madrlgal 8uslness CenLer, Alabang, MunLlnlupa ClLy
l8 C.8. no. 23633-01/03/08-MunLlnlupa
18 C.8. no. 43321-01/03/08-MunLlnlupa
MCLL Compllance no. ll-0008776-nov. 17, 2007

(roof of Servlce)


9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ 9:@@2$, 9.**<.@.'* #0 7/*2*. #0 9@2<< Q2<:.

MAkA1I, 8kANCn _____

Spec roc Case no. __________
lor: Summary SeLLlemenL of LsLaLe of Small


L1l1lCnL8, by underslgned counsel, and Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL, respecLfully avers:

1. 1haL Lhe eLlLloner, of legal age, llllplno, marrled, and resldenL of no. 32 AraneLa SL. MakaLl
ClLy, ls Lhe faLher of recenLly deceased CA1nLkINL L. Ck1LGA, who dled lnLesLaLe ln MakaLl Medlcal
CenLer on 12 !anuary 2009,

2. 1haL Lhe decedenL ls an lnhablLanL of Lhe hlllpplnes and a resldenL of 32 AraneLa SL. MakaLl
ClLy aL Lhe Llme of her deaLh,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

3. 1haL Lhe helrs of Lhe decedenL conslsL only of her parenLs, Lo wlL:

Cara . Crtega MoLher 39 32 AraneLa SL., MakaLl ClLy
S||as 8. Crtega laLher 42 32 AraneLa SL., MakaLl ClLy

4. 1haL Lhe properLy lefL by Lhe decedenL conslsLs of personal properLy, Lhe gross value of whlch
ls S|x 1housand 1wo nundred 1wenty 1hree ( 6,223.00),

3. 1haL Lhe personal properLy abovemenLloned ls a Metropo||tan 8ank Sav|ngs Account
Number 089-1-089223408-1,

6. 1haL Lhe decedenL, belng merely flfLeen (13) years of age has lefL no debLs.

WnLkLICkL, lL ls respecLfully prayed LhaL upon proper noLlce and hearlng Lhe esLaLe of Lhe
decedenL be summarlly seLLled and dlsLrlbuLed Lo Lhe abovemenLloned helrs.

CLher rellef as may be deemed [usL and equlLable ls also prayed for.

MakaLl ClLy, 28 !anuary 2009.

Counsel for Lhe eLlLloner
8m. 210 Moreno 8ulldlng,
no. 8 Amorsolo SL., MakaLl ClLy
PlL. 8A8 8CLL nC. 36330
18 nC. A-7279012/01-19-06/C.C.
l8 nC. 643906/01-19-06/C.C.
MCLL Compllance CerL. no. 12343678

(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)

9!K3L7A E#*2$&2< B&<<


knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

l, MA8lvlC S. ?u, of legal age, marrled Lo 8CCL8 M. ?u, a naLlve of AnCLLLS, AMAnCA now
acLually resldlng aL no. 21 8ockwell Avenue, MakaLl ClLy, belng of sound and dlsposlng mlnd and
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

memory, and noL acLlng under lnfluence, vlolence, fraud or lnLlmldaLlon of whaLever klnd, declare Lhls Lo
be my LasL Wlll and 1esLamenL whlch l have caused Lo be wrlLLen ln Lngllsh, Lhe language whlch ls
known Lo me. And l hereby declare LhaL:

1. 1he followlng are my chlldren and Lhelr addresses:

MA8lC S. ?u 436 ?akal SL., MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes
!CPAnn S. ?u 637 Cllvla SL., MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes

2. l glve and bequeaLh Lo my chlldren MA8lC and !CPAnn ln equal shares, Lhe followlng
properLles, real and personal, whaLsoever and wheresoever locaLed:
a. A arcel of Land locaLed aL 23 San Mlguel Ave., MakaLl ClLy, covered by 1C1 no. 12344
b. A arcel of Land locaLed aL 236 San !uan Ave., MakaLl ClLy, covered by 1C1 no. 73839
c. 23 pleces of Cold [ewelry wlLh dlamond sLuds

3. l deslgnaLe MA8lC S. ?u as Lhe sole execuLor of Lhls LasL Wlll and 1esLamenL.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l have seL my hand Lhls 20
day of !anuary 2009 ln MakaLl ClLy.



WL, Lhe underslgned wlLnesses, whose resldences are sLaLed opposlLe our respecLlve names, do
hereby cerLlfy LhaL: Lhe LesLaLor MA8lvlC S. ?u has publlshed unLo us Lhe foregolng wlll conslsLlng of
Lwo (2) pages numbered correlaLlvely ln leLLers on Lhe upper parL of each page, as her lasL wlll and
LesLamenL and has slgned Lhe same and every page Lhereof, on Lhe lefL margln, ln our [olnL presence and
we, ln Lurn, aL her requesL have wlLnessed and slgned Lhe same and every page Lhereof, on Lhe lefL
margln, ln Lhe presence of Lhe LesLaLor and ln Lhe presence of each oLher.

!uan Alvarez
23 8ockwell urlve, MakaLl ClLy

!uan Alvarez, !r.
23 8ockwell urlve, MakaLl ClLy

!uan Alvarez lll
23 8ockwell urlve, MakaLl ClLy

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ 3$#D2*. #0 B&<<

8kANCn _____, MAkA1I CI1


Spec roc no. ___________
lC8: robaLe of Wlll



L1l1lCnL8, by underslgned counsel, and Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL respecLfully avers:

1. 1haL Lhe peLlLloner, of legal age, and resldenL of 70 Lorenzo SL., MakaLl ClLy, ls Lhe execuLor
named ln Lhe lasL wlll and LesLamenL of CAkA L. Ck1LGA, deceased, who dled ln Lhe MakaLl Medlcal
CenLer on !anuary 12, 2009,

2. 1haL a phoLosLaLlc copy of Lhe sald lasL wlll and LesLamenL ls hereLo aLLached as Annex A"
and made an lnLegral parL of Lhls peLlLlon, Lhe orlglnal Lhereof Lo be presenLed Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL
aL Lhe Llme of probaLe,

3. 1haL Lhe subscrlblng wlLnesses Lo sald wlll are: Sheena L. 1lng, aulo Z. velasco and uorallnda
C. CorLez, all of whom are resldenLs of MakaLl ClLy,

4. 1haL Lhe decedenL ls an lnhablLanL of Lhe hlllpplnes and a resldenL of 70 Lorenzo SL., MakaLl
ClLy aL Lhe Llme of her deaLh,

3. 1haL Lhe eLlLloner, named ln Lhe wlll as execuLor Lhereof, ls legally quallfled Lo acL as such
and hereby consenLs and agrees Lo accepL sald LrusL,

6. 1haL Lhe followlng persons, all of age, have been named ln Lhe sald wlll as devlsees of Lhe
deceased, Lo wlL:

Cather|ne L. Crtega uaughLer 24 70 Lorenzo SL., MakaLl ClLy
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

D|anne L. Crtega uaughLer 22 70 Lorenzo SL., MakaLl ClLy

S||as L. Crtega Pusband 31 70 Lorenzo SL., MakaLl ClLy

7. 1haL Lhe properLy lefL by Lhe decedenL conslsLs of real and personal properLy, Lhe gross value
of whlch ls S|x nundred I|fty 1housand Cne nundred 1h|rty I|ve esos (6S0,13S.00).


WnLkLICkL, lL ls respecLfully prayed:
1. 1haL, upon proper noLlce and hearlng, Lhe abovemenLloned LasL Wlll and 1esLamenL be
admlLLed Lo probaLe,
2. 1haL leLLers LesLamenLary be lssued Lo hereln peLlLloner,
3. 1haL such oLher rellef be granLed as may be deemed [usL and equlLable.
MakaLl ClLy, 28 !anuary 2009.

Counsel for Lhe eLlLloner
8m. 210 Moreno 8ulldlng,
no. 8 Amorsolo SL., MakaLl ClLy
PlL. 8A8 8CLL nC. 36330
18 nC. A-7279012/01-19-06/C.C.
l8 nC. 643906/01-19-06/C.C.
MCLL Compllance CerL. no. 12343678
(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ 7/"?.2*

8kANCn _____, SAN A8LC CI1

ln Lhe maLLer of escheaL proceedlngs
of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased
!uAn 8unCA?C
Spec roc no. ___________
lor: LscheaL
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


1he ClLy rosecuLor of SAn A8LC Cl1? and ln behalf of Lhe clLy of SAn A8LC, unLo Lhls
Ponorable CourL, respecLfully avers LhaL:

1. !uAn 8unCA?C, a llllplno clLlzen, and resldenL of Lhe ClLy of San ablo, rovlnce of Laguna,
dled lnLesLaLe ln Lhe sald clLy on March 1, 2009.

2. AL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh, he lefL real properLy ln Lhe ClLy of San ablo, rovlnce of Laguna, Lo

A parcel of land wlLh an area of 849,900 square meLers, locaLed aL 8arangay San !uan, San ablo
ClLy covered by 1ransfer CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle no. 313442.

3. Pe lefL no helr or helrs or persons who by law are enLlLled Lo lnherlL hls real properLy.

WPL8LlC8L, lL ls respecLfully prayed LhaL, upon due noLlce and hearlng, and afLer Lhe paymenL
of hls [usL debLs and charges, Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased !uAn 8unCA?C be declared escheaLed ln favor
of Lhe CovernmenL ln accordance wlLh law.

San ablo ClLy, Lhls 1
day of Aprll 2009.

clty ltosecotot

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ N:2$%&2'/?&- #0 2 K&'#$

8kANCn _____, MAkA1I CI1

Spec roc no. ___________
lC8: Cuardlanshlp of a Mlnor



A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

L1l1lCnL8, by underslgned counsel, and Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL respecLfully avers:

1. 1haL Lhe eLlLloner, of legal age, and resldenL of 23 uruguay SL. MakaLl ClLy, ls Lhe faLher of
Lhe mlnor CAkA L. Ck1LGA, (herelnafLer referred Lo as MINCk"),

2. 1haL Lhe MINCk ls presenLly a resldenL of Lhe ClLy of MakaLl,

3. 1haL Lhe MINCk ls Len (10) years of age,

4. 1haL Lhe MINCk ls Lhe owner of a parcel of land locaLed ln Lhe ClLy of MakaLl valued aL Cne
Mllllon esos ( 1,000,000.00) and as such mlnor can make no LransacLlons regardlng Lhe same,

3. 1haL Lhe nearesL of kln of Lhe MINCk are Lhe followlng:
Carlo L. CrLega

18 8roLher 23 uruguay SL. MakaLl ClLy
Carlssa L. CrLega

14 SlsLer 23 uruguay SL. MakaLl ClLy
Sllas 8. CrLega

42 laLher 23 uruguay SL. MakaLl ClLy
MorLezo C. Llm

70 MaLernal CrandfaLher 34 Aurora SL. Cuezon ClLy
SanLlsa . Llm 67 MaLernal CrandmoLher 34 Aurora SL. Cuezon ClLy

6. 1haL due Lo Lhe mlnorlLy of Lhe sald MINCk, lL ls necessary and convenlenL LhaL a guardlan
over her person and properLy be appolnLed,

7. 1haL, as above sLaLed, eLlLloner ls Lhe person havlng Lhe sald MINCk ln hls care, and LhaL he
possesses all quallflcaLlons of a person Lo who leLLers of guardlanshlp should lssue,

8. 1haL eLlLloner has furnlshed a bond amounLlng Lo Cne Pundred 1housand esos
(100,000.00) or 1en ercenL (10) of Lhe value of Lhe properLy owned by Lhe MINCk.

WPL8LlC8L, lL ls respecLfully prayed LhaL, afLer due noLlce and hearlng, peLlLloner be appolnLed
guardlan over Lhe esLaLe of Lhe MINCk.

MakaLl ClLy, 28 !anuary 2009.

Counsel for Lhe eLlLloner
8m. 210 Moreno 8ulldlng,
no. 8 Amorsolo SL., MakaLl ClLy
PlL. 8A8 8CLL nC. 36330
18 nC. A-7279012/01-19-06/C.C.
l8 nC. 643906/01-19-06/C.C.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

MCLL Compllance CerL. no. 12343678

(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ N:2$%&2'/?&- #0 2' P'"#@-.*.'*

8kANCn _____, MAkA1I CI1

Spec roc no. ___________
lC8: Cuardlanshlp of an lncompeLenL



L1l1lCnL8, by underslgned counsel, and Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL respecLfully avers:

1. 1haL Lhe eLlLloner, of legal age, and resldenL of 23 uruguay SL. MakaLl ClLy, ls Lhe faLher of
Lhe CAkA L. Ck1LGA, (herelnafLer referred Lo as WAkD"),

2. 1haL Lhe WAkD ls presenLly a resldenL of Lhe ClLy of MakaLl,

3. 1haL Lhe WAkD ls deaf and dumb who ls unable Lo read and wrlLe,

4. 1haL Lhe WAkD ls Lhe owner of a parcel of land locaLed ln Lhe ClLy of MakaLl valued aL Cne
Mllllon esos ( 1,000,000.00) and as such mlnor can make no LransacLlons regardlng Lhe same,

3. 1haL Lhe nearesL of kln of Lhe WAkD are Lhe followlng:

Carlo L. CrLega

18 8roLher 23 uruguay SL. MakaLl ClLy
Carlssa L. CrLega

14 SlsLer 23 uruguay SL. MakaLl ClLy
Sllas 8. CrLega 42 laLher 23 uruguay SL. MakaLl ClLy
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

MorLezo C. Llm

70 MaLernal CrandfaLher 34 Aurora SL. Cuezon ClLy
SanLlsa . Llm 67 MaLernal CrandmoLher 34 Aurora SL. Cuezon ClLy

6. 1haL due Lo Lhe sald WAkD belng lncompeLenL, lL ls necessary and convenlenL LhaL a guardlan
over her person and properLy be appolnLed,

7. 1haL, as above sLaLed, eLlLloner ls Lhe person havlng Lhe sald WAkD ln hls care, and LhaL he
possesses all quallflcaLlons of a person Lo who leLLers of guardlanshlp should lssue,

8. 1haL eLlLloner has furnlshed a bond amounLlng Lo Cne Pundred 1housand esos (
100,000.00) or 1en ercenL (10) of Lhe value of Lhe properLy owner by Lhe WAkD.


WPL8LlC8L, lL ls respecLfully prayed LhaL, afLer due noLlce and hearlng, peLlLloner be appolnLed
guardlan over Lhe esLaLe of Lhe WAkD.

MakaLl ClLy, 28 !anuary 2009.

Counsel for Lhe eLlLloner
8m. 210 Moreno 8ulldlng,
no. 8 Amorsolo SL., MakaLl ClLy
PlL. 8A8 8CLL nC. 36330
18 nC. A-7279012/01-19-06/C.C.
l8 nC. 643906/01-19-06/C.C.
MCLL Compllance CerL. no. 12343678
(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)

!;C3+PCE T;#@./*&" !%#-*&#' :'%.$ 5S!S E#S `]][V

! SLep-by-SLep rocedure for AdopLlon:
1. ueed of volunLary CommlLmenL or recelpL of enLry of [udgmenL ln case of lnvolunLary
commlLmenL: A chlld ls commlLLed volunLarlly or lnvolunLarlly for adopLlon.
2. Chlld SLudy 8eporL: repared by a duly llcensed and accredlLed soclal worker of Lhe uSWu
or of a chlld carlng agency recommends LhaL Lhe chlld's besL lnLeresLs wlll be served by
3. re- AdopLlon Semlnar: 1he uomesLlc AdopLlon AcL provldes LhaL lnLeresLed adopLlve
appllcanLs should flrsL aLLend Lhe AdopLlon lorum aL Lhe nearesL uSWu Cfflce or aL Lhe
kalsahang 8uhay loundaLlon (k8l).
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4. AppllcaLlon for AdopLlon: AfLer compleLlng Lhe requlred pre-adopLlon semlnars, Lhe
adopLlve parenLs flle Lhe adopLlon appllcaLlon wlLh Lhe uSWu, a soclal servlce offlce of a
local governmenL unlL, or a llcensed and accredlLed chlld-placlng agency. (Avallable onllne aL
3. Pome SLudy 8eporL: 1he adopLlve parenLs Lhen make arrangemenLs for a home sLudy Lo be
conducLed by Lhe uSWu or a chlld-placlng agency.
6. MaLchlng: MaLchlng of Lhe chlld Lo Lhe adopLlve parenLs ls conducLed by Lhe uSWu.
7. lacemenL: 1he chlld ls placed wlLh Lhe prospecLlve adopLlve parenLs once Lhe pre-adopLlon
placemenL auLhorlLy has been lssued. 1hls perlod of cusLody ls known as supervlsed Lrlal
8. ConsenL Lo AdopLlon: AL Lhe concluslon of Lhe Lrlal perlod, Lhe uSWu lssues lLs wrlLLen
consenL Lo adopLlon.
9. eLlLlon for adopLlon: Cnce Lhe adopLlve parenLs have recelved Lhe consenL Lo adopL, Lhey
musL flle an adopLlon peLlLlon wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL wlLhln LhlrLy days. upon
approval of Lhe adopLlon, Lhe courL lssues an adopLlon decree and enLers a [udgmenL.
10. AuLhorlzaLlon Lo Lravel abroad: Cnce Lhe adopLlon ls flnal, Lhe uSWu wlll lssue wrlLLen
auLhorlzaLlon for Lhe chlld Lo Lravel abroad. 1he blrLh cerLlflcaLe of Lhe chlld ls also amended
Lo reflecL Lhe names of Lhe adopLlve parenLs.

! uocumenLary 8equlremenLs:
lot u5wu Appllcotloo fot AJoptloo.

1. AuLhenLlcaLed 8lrLh CerLlflcaLe
2. Marrlage ConLracL or ulvorce, AnnulmenL, ueclaraLlon of nulllLy, or Legal SeparaLlon
3. WrlLLen consenL Lo Lhe adopLlon by Lhe leglLlmaLe and adopLed sons/daughLers, and
llleglLlmaLe sons/daughLers lf llvlng wlLh Lhe appllcanL, who are aL leasL Len (10) years old
4. hyslcal and medlcal evaluaLlon by a duly llcensed physlclan and when approprlaLe,
psychologlcal evaluaLlon
3. n8l/ollce Clearance
6. LaLesL lncome Lax reLurn or any oLher documenLs showlng flnanclal capablllLy, e.q.,
CerLlflcaLe of LmploymenL, 8ank CerLlflcaLe or SLaLemenL of AsseLs and LlablllLles
7. 1hree (3) characLer references, namely: Lhe local church/mlnlsLer, Lhe employer, and a non-
relaLlve member of Lhe lmmedlaLe communlLy who have known Lhe appllcanL(s) for aL leasL
Lhree (3) years
8. 3x3 slzed plcLures of Lhe appllcanL(s) and hls/her lmmedlaLe famlly Laken wlLhln Lhe lasL
Lhree (3) monLhs
9. CerLlflcaLe of aLLendance Lo pre-adopLlon fora or semlnars

lo oJJltloo, fotelqo ootloools sboll sobmlt tbe followloq.

10. CerLlflcaLlon LhaL Lhe appllcanL(s) have legal capaclLy Lo adopL ln hls/her counLry and LhaL
hls/her counLry has a pollcy, or ls a slgnaLory of an lnLernaLlonal agreemenL, whlch allows a
chlld adopLed ln Lhe hlllpplnes by lLs naLlonal Lo enLer hls/her counLry and permanenLly
reslde Lhereln as hls/her leglLlmaLe chlld whlch may be lssued by hls/her counLry's
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

dlplomaLlc or consular offlce or cenLral auLhorlLy ln lnLer-counLry adopLlon or any
governmenL agency whlch has [urlsdlcLlon over chlld and famlly maLLers, or ln Lhe absence
of any of Lhe foregolng, Lhe hlllpplne lnLer-counLry AdopLlon 8oard may also cerLlfy LhaL
Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe appllcanLs' counLry has an exlsLlng agreemenL or arrangemenL on
lnLer-counLry adopLlon whereby a chlld who has been adopLed ln Lhe hlllpplnes or has a
pre-adopLlon placemenL approved by Lhe 8oard ls allowed Lo enLer and remaln as
permanenL resldenL ln Lhe appllcanL's counLry as hls/her leglLlmaLe chlld
11. CerLlflcaLe of 8esldence ln Lhe hlllpplnes lssued by Lhe 8ureau of lmmlgraLlon or
ueparLmenL of lorelgn Affalrs, as approprlaLe
12. 1wo (2) characLer references from non-relaLlves who knew Lhe appllcanL(s) ln Lhe counLry of
whlch he/she ls a clLlzen or was a resldenL prlor Lo resldlng ln Lhe hlllpplnes, excepL for
Lhose who have reslded ln Lhe hlllpplnes for more Lhan flfLeen (13) years
13. ollce Clearance from all places of resldence ln Lhe pasL Lwo years lmmedlaLely prlor Lo
resldlng ln Lhe hlllpplnes

! 8equlremenLs of eLlLlon for AdopLlon
1. CerLlflcaLe of AvallablllLy of Chlld for AdopLlon from Lhe uSWu
2. eLlLlon for AdopLlon

(5ootce. lmplemeotloq koles ooJ keqolotloos of k.A. No. 8552, 1be uomestlc AJoptloo Act of 1998)

9!K3L7A ;..% #0 Q#<:'*2$, 1#@@&*@.'*


l, MAuCnnA ClCCCnL, of legal age, wldow, LemperaLe aL all Llmes and ln full possesslon of my
menLal powers, hereby declare:

1haL l am Lhe leglLlmaLe moLher of Lhe mlnor !LnnllL8 AnlS1Cn, flve (3) years old, whose
faLher ls now deceased,

1haL due Lo my lnablllLy Lo supporL sald chlld, and bellevlng lL would be for her own lnLeresL and
beneflL, l hereby glve my wrlLLen consenL, freely and volunLarlly, LhaL sald chlld be commlLLed Lo Lhe
ueparLmenL of Soclal Welfare and uevelopmenL for adopLlon, ln accordance wlLh law.

MakaLl ClLy, 1 Aprll 2008.



A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ ;#@./*&" !%#-*&#' #0 K&'#$

8kANCn _____, MAkA1I CI1

Spec roc no. ___________
lor: uomesLlc AdopLlon of a Mlnor
xx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xx


1he peLlLloners, Lhrough Lhe underslgned aLLorney, and unLo Lhls Ponorable CourL, respecLfully
avers LhaL:

1. 1he peLlLloners 88Au l11 and AnCLLlnA !CLlL are husband and wlfe, llllplnos, boLh of age,
and resldenLs of no. 33 8ockwell urlve, 8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy.

2. 1hey have no leglLlmaLe chlldren or descendanLs and hereby deslre Lo [olnLly adopL a mlnor,
named !LnnllL8 AnlS1Cn, flve (3) years of age, leglLlmaLe chlld of MAuCnnA ClCCCnL and !LSuS LuZ.

3. 1he faLher of Lhe sald mlnor ls now dead, and only her moLher, named MAuCnnA ClCCCnL,
ls allve.

4. 1he sald moLher, MAuCnnA ClCCCnL, ls noL lnsane, nor lnLemperaLe and has execuLed a
ueed of volunLary CommlLmenL, as evldenced by Annex A", hereLo aLLached and made an lnLegral parL
of Lhls peLlLlon.

3. 1he ueparLmenL of Soclal Welfare and uevelopmenL has lssued a CerLlflcaLe of AvallablllLy for
AdopLlon cerLlfylng LhaL Lhe mlnor !LnnllL8 AnlS1Cn ls avallable for adopLlon, as evldenced by Annex
8", hereLo aLLached and made an lnLegral parL of Lhls peLlLlon.

6. 1he peLlLloners are quallfled Lo adopL Lhe sald mlnor and have complled wlLh Lhe
requlremenLs under Lhe uomesLlc AdopLlon AcL of 1998 (8.A. no. 8332), and wlll be able Lo flnanclally
and morally brlng up and educaLe sald mlnor properly and adequaLely.

WPL8LlC8L, lL ls respecLfully prayed, LhaL upon due noLlce and hearlng, [udgmenL be enLered
ad[udglng LhaL Lhe mlnor chlld !LnnllL8 AnlS1Cn be declared Lo all legal lnLenLs and purposes, Lhe chlld
of Lhe hereln peLlLloners 88Au l11 and AnCLLlnA !CLlL, and LhaL her surname be changed Lo LhaL of
Lhe peLlLloners.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

MakaLl ClLy, 1
day of Aprll 2009.

Counsel for Lhe eLlLloner
8m. 210 Moreno 8ulldlng,
no. 8 Amorsolo SL., MakaLl ClLy
PlL. 8A8 8CLL nC. 36330
18 nC. A-7279012/01-19-06/C.C.
l8 nC. 643906/01-19-06/C.C.
MCLL Compllance CerL. no. 12343678

!;C3+PCE TP'*.$f1#:'*$, !%#-*&#' :'%.$ 5S!S E#S `H\GV

! An appllcaLlon Lo adopL a llllplno chlld shall be flled elLher wlLh Lhe hlllpplne 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe chlld, or wlLh Lhe 8oard, Lhrough an lnLermedlaLe agency,
wheLher governmenLal or an auLhorlzed and accredlLed agency, ln Lhe counLry of Lhe
prospecLlve adopLlve parenLs, whlch appllcaLlon shall be ln accordance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs as
seL forLh ln Lhe lmplemenLlng rules and regulaLlons Lo be promulgaLed by Lhe 8oard.

! uocomeototy kepoltemeots fot Appllcotloo wltb tbe lotet-coootty AJoptloo 8ootJ (lcA8).
1. AppllcaLlon lorm. An appllcaLlon form prescrlbed by Lhe 8oard, whlch lncludes Lhe
followlng, shall be accompllshed by Lhe husband and wlfe: underLaklng under oaLh
slgned by Lhe appllcanLs, and lnformaLlon and ersonal uaLa of Lhe AppllcanLs
2. Pome SLudy 8eporL Lo be prepared by Lhe CenLral AuLhorlLy or an lCA8 accredlLed
lorelgn AdopLlon Agency
3. SupporLlng uocumenLs. 1he supporLlng documenLs Lo be aLLached Lo Lhe AppllcaLlon
shall conslsL of Lhe followlng:
a. 8lrLh CerLlflcaLes of Lhe AppllcanLs and, ln cases of relaLlve adopLlon, such relevanL
documenLs LhaL esLabllsh Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe appllcanL clalmlng
relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe chlld Lo be adopLed
b. Marrlage ConLracL of Lhe appllcanLs, and ln Lhe proper case, uecree of ulvorce of all
Lhe prevlous marrlages of boLh spouses
c. WrlLLen consenL Lo Lhe adopLlon ln Lhe form of a sworn sLaLemenL by Lhe blologlcal
and/or adopLed chlldren of Lhe appllcanLs who are Len (10) years of age or over
d. hyslcal and medlcal evaluaLlon by a duly llcensed physlclan
e. sychologlcal evaluaLlon by a psychologlsL
f. LaLesL lncome Lax reLurn or oLher documenLs showlng Lhe flnanclal capablllLy of Lhe
g. Clearances lssued by Lhe ollce ueparLmenL or oLher proper governmenL agency of
Lhe place where Lhe appllcanLs reslde
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

h. CharacLer reference from Lhe local church/mlnlsLer, Lhe appllcanL's employer and a
member of Lhe lmmedlaLe communlLy who has known Lhe appllcanL(s) for aL leasL
flve (3) years
l. A CerLlflcaLlon from Lhe approprlaLe governmenL agency LhaL Lhe appllcanL ls
quallfled Lo adopL under hls/her naLlonal law and LhaL Lhe chlld Lo be adopLed ls
allowed Lo enLer Lhe counLry for Lrlal cusLody and reslde permanenLly ln Lhe sald
place once adopLed
[. 8ecenL posLcard slze plcLures of Lhe appllcanL, Lhelr lmmedlaLe famlly members and
Lhelr home
k. Self-8eporL CuesLlonnalre (requlred when Lhe sychologlcal LvaluaLlon ls
(5ootce. lmplemeotloq koles ooJ keqolotloos of k.A. No. 804J, 1be lotet-coootty AJoptloo Act of 1995)

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ !%#-*&#' #0 K&'#$ TP'*.$f1#:'*$,V

8kANCn _____, MAkA1I CI1

Spec roc no. ___________
lC8: uomesLlc AdopLlon of a Mlnor
xx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xx


1he peLlLloners, Lhrough Lhe underslgned aLLorney, and unLo Lhls Ponorable CourL, respecLfully
avers LhaL:

1. 1he peLlLloners 88Au l11 and AnCLLlnA !CLlL are husband and wlfe, forLy (40) years and
LhlrLy flve (33) years of age, respecLlvely, and resldenLs of new ?ork ClLy, unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca.

2. 1hey have no leglLlmaLe chlldren or descendanLs and hereby deslre Lo [olnLly adopL a mlnor,
named !LnnllL8 AnlS1Cn, llllplno, flve (3) years of age, leglLlmaLe chlld of MAuCnnA ClCCCnL and
!LSuS LuZ.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

3. 1he faLher of Lhe sald mlnor ls now dead, and only her moLher, named MAuCnnA ClCCCnL,
ls allve.

4. 1he sald moLher, MAuCnnA ClCCCnL, ls noL lnsane, nor lnLemperaLe and has execuLed a
ueed of volunLary CommlLmenL, as evldenced by Annex A", hereLo aLLached and made an lnLegral parL
of Lhls peLlLlon.

3. 1he ueparLmenL of Soclal Welfare and uevelopmenL has lssued a CerLlflcaLe of AvallablllLy for
AdopLlon cerLlfylng LhaL Lhe mlnor !LnnllL8 AnlS1Cn ls avallable for adopLlon, as evldenced by Annex
8", hereLo aLLached and made an lnLegral parL of Lhls peLlLlon.

6. All posslblllLles for adopLlon of Lhe chlld under Lhe lamlly Code have been exhausLed and LhaL
lnLer-counLry adopLlon ls ln Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe chlld.

7. 1he peLlLloners are quallfled Lo adopL Lhe sald mlnor and have complled wlLh Lhe
requlremenLs under Lhe lnLer-CounLry AdopLlon AcL of 1993 (8.A. no. 8043), and wlll be able Lo
flnanclally and morally brlng up and educaLe sald mlnor properly and adequaLely.

WPL8LlC8L, lL ls respecLfully prayed, LhaL upon due noLlce and hearlng, [udgmenL be enLered
ad[udglng LhaL Lhe mlnor chlld !LnnllL8 AnlS1Cn be declared Lo all legal lnLenLs and purposes, Lhe chlld
of Lhe hereln peLlLloners 88Au l11 and AnCLLlnA !CLlL, and LhaL her surname be changed Lo LhaL of
Lhe peLlLloners.

MakaLl ClLy, 1
day of Aprll 2009.

Counsel for Lhe eLlLloner
8m. 210 Moreno 8ulldlng,
no. 8 Amorsolo SL., MakaLl ClLy
PlL. 8A8 8CLL nC. 36330
18 nC. A-7279012/01-19-06/C.C.
l8 nC. 643906/01-19-06/C.C.
MCLL Compllance CerL. no. 12343678

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ >#/-&*2<&h2*&#' #0 P'/2'. 3.$/#'

8kANCn _____, MAkA1I CI1

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

eLlLloner, Spec roc no. ___________
lor: PosplLallzaLlon of lnsane erson
xx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xx


1he ulrecLor of PealLh, by Lhe underslgned ClLy rosecuLor of MakaLl ClLy, unLo Lhls Ponorable
CourL, respecLfully avers LhaL:

1. 1he peLlLloner ls Lhe duly appolnLed ulrecLor of PealLh of Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe hlllpplnes,
wlLh offlce ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla.

2. A person named LuulL ClL, presenLly resldlng aL 123 !.. 8lzal SL. MakaLl ClLy, ls lnsane and lL
would be for Lhe welfare and safeLy of Lhe publlc LhaL he be commlLLed Lo an lnsane asylum.

3. 1he relaLlves of Lhe sald lnsane and Lhose who have charge of hlm, parLlcularly, nlkkl ClL,
now resldlng aL 123 !.. 8lzal SL. MakaLl ClLy, are opposed Lo Lhe lnsane's belng Laken Lo a hosplLal or
oLher place for Lhe lnsane, and are, oLherwlse, unable Lo Lake proper cusLody and care of sald lnsane.

WPL8LlC8L, lL ls respecLfully prayed, LhaL afLer due hearlng, an order be lssued commlLLlng sald
LuulL ClL Lo an lnsane asylum ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla unLll such Llme as he may be cured of hls lnsanlLy
and released wlLhouL danger Lo Lhe communlLy.

MakaLl ClLy, 1
day of Aprll, 2009.

clty ltosecotot

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ >2D.2/ 1#$-:/

8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes

ln Lhe MaLLer of Lhe eLlLlon for
Pabeas Corpus ln favor of
GA8kILL GAkCIA MAkUL2 S Case No. ______

xx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -xx
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


eLlLloner, by counsel, Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL, respecLfully sLaLes:


1he peLlLloner ln Lhls case represenLs her faLher, Cabrlel Carcla Marquez who was
forclbly abducLed and arblLrarlly deLalned by Lhe respondenLs.

Cabrlel Carcla Marquez had been a physlclan slnce Lhe 1980's, seeklng Lo cure Lhe
dlseases ln rural poor communlLles before he was lllegally arresLed and abducLed. Pls
unlawful arresL and enforced dlsappearance happened on Lhe occaslon of Lhe
governmenL lnlLlaLlve Lo launch an all ouL war agalnsL Lhose crlLlcal of lLs pollcles, whlch
has resulLed ln unabaLed exLra[udlclal kllllngs, abducLlons, pollLlcal persecuLlon and
vlolaLlons of clvll and pollLlcal rlghLs of Lhe people.

Slnce hls fundamenLal rlghLs have been desecraLed, he, represenLed by peLlLloner, now
seeks Lhe proLecLlon and resLoraLlon of Lhelr rlghLs Lhrough Lhls peLlLlon.

1nL Ak1ILS

1. eLlLloner ISA8LL ALLLNDL MAkUL2 ls a resldenL llllplna, of legal age, and she represenLs hereln
her faLher, GA8kILL GAkCIA MAkUL2, 48 years old. 1he peLlLloner may be served wlLh all noLlces,
orders, resoluLlons and oLher legal processes of Lhls Ponorable CourL Lhrough Lhe offlce address of
Lhe underslgned counsel.

2. 1he followlng respondenLs are belng lmpleaded because of Lhelr parLlclpaLlon, role and poslLlon ln
Lhe formulaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe governmenL's all-ouL war pollcy agalnsL suspecLed rebels
and pollLlcal acLlvlsLs resulLlng ln varlous human rlghLs vlolaLlons, lncludlng Lhe forclble abducLlon,
lllegal arresL and deLenLlon of CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ.

3. 8espondenL Gen. nLkMCGLNLS LSLkCN ls Lhe currenL Chlef of SLaff of Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe
hlllpplnes (Al). Pe may be served wlLh noLlces, declslons and oLher legal processes of Lhls
Ponorable CourL aL Camp Agulnaldo, Cuezon ClLy.

4. 8espondenL Gen. ILSUS VLk2CSA ls of legal age and Lhe lncumbenL ulrecLor Ceneral of Lhe
hlllpplne naLlonal ollce (n). Pe may be served wlLh noLlces, declslons and oLher legal processes
of Lhls Ponorable CourL aL Lhe n PeadquarLers aL Camp Crame, Cuezon ClLy.

3. 8espondenL Lt. Gen. ALLkANDLk ANC ls Lhe currenL Chlef of Lhe hlllpplne Army (A). Pe may be
served wlLh noLlces, declslons and oLher legal processes of Lhls Ponorable CourL aL lorL 8onlfaclo,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1agulg ClLy.

6. 1he respondenL Co|. LDUAkDC AC ls of legal age and ls Lhe Pead of Lhe hlllpplne Army's
lnLelllgence and SecurlLy Croup (A-lSC). 1he processes of Lhls MosL Ponorable CourL may reach Lhe
respondenL ln hls offlce aL Lhe hlllpplne Army PeadquarLers aL lorL 8onlfaclo, 1agulg ClLy. Pls offlce
ls responslble for Lhe governmenL's lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe all-ouL war pollcy agalnsL suspecLed
rebels and pollLlcal acLlvlsLs.


7. CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ sLudled from 1978-1981 aL Lhe ALeneo ue Manlla unlverslLy. lnsplred
and encouraged by Lhe !esulL broLhers Lo serve Lhe poor and oppressed people ln Lhe rural areas,
CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ declded Lo work ln Lhe rural communlLles of Lhe Cordlllera 8eglon.

8. Pe conLlnued Lo work ln Lhe rural communlLles unLll hls forclble abducLlon and arblLrary deLenLlon
by Lhe respondenL mlllLary offlcers and pollce on Aprll 1, 2009.

9. 1he followlng are Lhe clrcumsLances behlnd Lhe abducLlon of GA8kILL GAkCIA MAkUL2 and hls
conLlnued unlawful and arblLrary deLenLlon, as well as Lhe efforLs of hls famlly and concerned
organlzaLlons Lo deLermlne hls whereabouLs.

10. Cn 1 Aprll 2009 ln SL. Luke's Medlcal CenLer, Cuezon ClLy, aL around 4 p.m. Lo 3 p.m., CA88lLL
CA8ClA MA8CuLZ was leavlng Lhe Medlcal ArLs 8ulldlng afLer he conducLed a lecLure.

11. LlghL (8) men wearlng black unlforms, who some wlLnesses clalm were emblazoned ollce" and
CluC," emerged from a black L-300 van LhaL was poslLloned aL Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhe cllnlc's enLrance.
1he men Lhen punched CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ and forclbly shoved hlm lnLo Lhe walLlng van.

12. 1he black van LhaL had a speclal number 8"plaLe number qulckly sped away ln Lhe dlrecLlon of
LuSA. 1he unlformed men experLly carrled ouL Lhe abducLlon of CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ ln less
Lhan Len (10) mlnuLes.

13. 1he capLors of CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ sub[ecLed hlm Lo sevenLy-Lwo (72) hours of physlcal and
psychologlcal LorLure as he was ln handcuffs, bllndfolded, LhreaLened wlLh bodlly harm Lo hlmself
and hls daughLer, llnked Lo llve elecLrlc wlres, burnL wlLh clgareLLes, forced Lo confess and ldenLlfy
her alleged subverslve acLlvlLles as well as sub[ecLed Lo exLremely hlgh volumes of Aptll 8oy keqloo,
5olbokoto and llto como [lngles.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

14. eLlLloner lSA8LL ALLLnuL MA8CuLZ learned of her faLher's lllegal abducLlon and Lhe governmenLal
agency LhaL held her capLlve whlle waLchlng CMA7's news updaLe aL around 8 p.m. of LhaL day.
Pere, Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes, Lhrough respondenL Cen. Permogenes Lsperon,
announced LhaL Lhe lnLelllgence and SecurlLy Croup of Lhe hlllpplne Army (A-lSC) have capLured
CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ and LhaL he was ln a deLenLlon faclllLy ln lorL 8onlfaclo.

13. 1he peLlLloner and members of Lhe human rlghLs organlzaLlon ALeneo Puman 8lghLs CenLer (AP8C)
Lhen wenL Lo lorL 8onlfaclo Lo ascerLaln Lhe condlLlon of CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ. upon reachlng
Lhls Army camp, Lhey were dlrecLed Lo Lhe offlce of LL. Cen. Alexander ?ano who lssued a
cerLlflcaLlon LhaL CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ was noL wlLhln Lhe conflnes of Lhe Army PeadquarLers
aL lorL 8onlfaclo. Pe encouraged Lhe peLlLloner Lo reLurn Lhe nexL day.

16. When peLlLloner and Lhe AP8C members arrlved aL around 11:00 a.m. on 3 Aprll 2009 aL lorL
8onlfaclo, Lhe LL. Cen. ?ano dlrecLed Lhem Lo Lhe Army Cfflcers' Clubhouse where ranklng offlclals
of Lhe pollce and mlllLary were Lo presenL CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ ln a press conference.

17. LL. Cen. Alexander ?ano and Cen. !esus verzosa sald ln Lhe press conference LhaL members of Lhe
lnfanLry ulvlslon of Lhe hlllpplne Army lawfully arresLed CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ ln SL.
Luke's Medlcal CenLer, Cuezon ClLy, allegedly on Lhe basls of a warranL of arresL for 8ebelllon LhaL
dlfferenL courLs from Lhe Cordlllera AuLonomous 8eglon allegedly lssued agalnsL hlm.

18. 1hough LL. Cen. Alexander ?ano sLaLed Lhe dockeL numbers for Lhe speclflc offense of 8ebelllon
durlng Lhe 3 Aprll 2009 press conference, Lhere was no menLlon of Lhe courL LhaL lssued Lhe arresL
warranLs LhaL valldaLed CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ's conLlnued conflnemenL.

19. Moreover, Lhe warranL LhaL Lhe n-CluC released appears dublous and hlghly lrregular. lL was
purporLedly lssued by !udge Lmlllo !aclnLo on 11 March 1999 ln Lhe case of rebelllon enLlLled 3.#-<.
6S M:$*&/ Q#''.(:* 2<&2/ Q#'6#'c .* 2<S, dockeLed as Crlm. Case no. 99-0311 flled before Lhe
Munlclpal 1rlal CourL of 8angued, Abra. CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ's name appears on Lhe llsL aL
number Lhree (3), wlLh ball recommended aL 1wenLy 1housand esos ( 20,000.00).

20. 1he AP8C dlscovered LhaL Lhe case was passed around ln dlfferenL courLs. Powever, upon
verlflcaLlon from Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Clerk of CourL of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lacub, Abra, Lhe
records of Lhls 8ebelllon case agalnsL CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ are noL ln Lhelr cusLody and could
noL be found.

21. CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ Lhrough counsel requesLed from Lhe respondenL n offlcers Lo furnlsh
coples of all Lhe documenLs LhaL would [usLlfy hls arresL and conLlnued deLenLlon. unforLunaLely, Lhe
respondenLs made no response Lo Lhls requesL.

22. All of Lhese evenLs polnL Lo Lhe obvlous facL LhaL CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ was abducLed wlLhouL
Lhe beneflL of a valld subslsLlng warranL and nelLher were hls rlghLs as a clLlzen respecLed when
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

SLaLe securlLy forces Look hlm lnLo cusLody on 1 Aprll 2009. lL ls llkewlse worLhwhlle Lo noLe LhaL
pollcemen ln plalncloLhes accosLed Lhe AP8C ln Lhe 8angued, Abra, who were Lrylng Lo conflrm Lhe
exlsLence of Lhe crlmlnal cases agalnsL CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ.

23. 1he foregolng clrcumsLances serve Lo engender Lhe well-founded bellef LhaL Lhe respondenLs and
Lhelr agenLs are responslble for Lhe abducLlon of CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ desplLe Lhe facL LhaL
he has noL commlLLed, was noL Lhen commlLLlng and was noL aLLempLlng Lo commlL any offense LhaL
called for hls arresL or deprlvaLlon of llberLy ln Lhe absence of any formal charge or valld [udlclal

24. AL no polnL ln Llme was CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ apprlsed of hls rlghLs lncldenL Lo an arresL as
enumeraLed ln Lhe landmark case of K&$2'%2 6S !$&h#'2, and embodled ln Lhe 8lll of 8lghLs under
Lhe hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon. 1he purporLed warranLs Lhemselves were never presenLed Lo CA88lLL
CA8ClA MA8CuLZ aL Lhe Llme of Lhe abducLlon.

23. As no courL of law has valldly lssued a warranL for Lhe arresL of CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ, for any
crlme whaLsoever, hls conflnemenL under Lhe clrcumsLances recounLed above ls Lherefore paLenLly

26. 1he peLlLloner, wlLh her famlly, AP8C, and counsel, have exhausLed all efforLs avallable aL law, and
she has no plaln, speedy and adequaLe remedy Lo proLecL Lhe fundamenLal rlghLs of her faLher
excepL Lhrough Lhls appllcaLlon for Lhe lssuance of a WrlL of Pabeas Corpus Lo requlre Lhe
respondenLs Lo brlng and presenL CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ before Lhls Ponorable CourL.

27. LL. Cen. Alexander ?ano announced durlng Lhe press conference LhaL Lhey would Lransfer hls
cusLody over Lo any of Lhe courLs ln Cordlllera 8eglon LhaL allegedly lssued Lhe warranLs of arresL.
Conslderlng LhaL Lhe warranL presenLed Lo Lhe peLlLloner are all lnvalld, dublous and non-exlsLenL,
Lhe declaraLlon of CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ's Lransfer Lo Cordlllera wlll puL her llfe ln morLal
danger slnce, ln Lhe unequlvocal pronouncemenL of Mr. hlllp AlsLon, Lhe unlLed naLlons Speclal
8apporLeur on exLra[udlclal kllllngs, Lhe Al has Lhe repuLaLlon of deallng severely wlLh percelved


WnLkLICkL, premlses consldered, Lhe peLlLloner respecLfully prays LhaL Lhls Ponorable CourL
lssue a WrlL of Pabeas Corpus dlrecLlng Lhe respondenLs, or whoever acLs ln Lhelr place or sLead, Lo
appear before Lhls Ponorable CourL and Lo produce CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ ln good healLh, and Lo
explaln forLhwlLh why Lhe respondenLs should noL seL CA88lLL CA8ClA MA8CuLZ aL llberLy wlLhouL

CLher forms of rellef [usL and equlLable under Lhe premlses are llkewlse prayed for.

MakaLl ClLy, Aprll 9, 2009.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Counsel for Lhe peLlLloner
1/l ALeneo rofesslonal Schools 8ldg., 20 8ockwell urlve,
8ockwell CenLer, MakaLl ClLy 1210
1elefax no. 1234367, Lmall: emall[


l8 no. 733286, 1-07-08, Marlklna
18 no. 0986236, 1-04-08, MakaLl
8oll no. 13366
MCLL Compllance no. 123434

l8 no. 733283, 1-07-08, MakaLl
18 no. 0986237, 1-04-08, MakaLl
8oll no. 39818
MCLL Compllance no. 123473

Copy furnlshed:

CPlLl Cl S1All Cl 1PL Al
Camp Agulnaldo, Cuezon ClLy

ul8LC1C8 CLnL8AL Cl 1PL n
n PeadquarLers,
Camp Crame, Cuezon ClLy

CPlLl Cl 1PL PlLllnL A8M?
lorL 8onlfaclo, 1agulg ClLy

PLAu A-ln1LLLlCLnCL Anu SLCu8l1? C8Cu
Army PeadquarLers
lorL 8onlfaclo, 1agulg ClLy

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

ursuanL Lo SecLlon 11, 8ule 13 of Lhe 1997 8ules of CourL, coples of Lhls eLlLlon were served
upon Lhe oLher parLles by reglsLered mall because of dlsLance and unavallablllLy of messengerlal servlces
Lo effecL personal servlce.

lor Lhe ALeneo
Puman 8lghLs CenLer:


(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ B$&* #0 !@-2$# 2'% B$&* #0 >2D.2/ 1#$-:/

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS

vlCLn1L uL 8AMCS,

-versus- C.A C.8 no. ______________
lor: WrlL of Amparo and WrlL of
Pabeas Corpus

ClL8L81C 1LCuC8C !8.,ln hls capaclLy as Lhe SLC8L1A8?
Cl nA1lCnAL uLlLnSL,L1. CLn. ALLxAnuL8 ?AnC, ln hls
capaclLy as Lhe CPlLl Cl S1All of Lhe A8MLu lC8CLS Cl
1PL PlLllnLS,88lC. CLn. 8CMLC 8LS1CZA, ln hls
capaclLy as Lhe CPlLl of Lhe ln1LLLlCLnCL SL8vlCL Cl
1PL A8MLu lC8CLS Cl 1PL PlLllnLS


(W|th App||cat|on Ior Inter|m ke||efs)


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1. 1hls ls a peLlLlon for Lhe WrlL of Amparo and Pabeas Corpus, flled under A.M no. 07-9-12-SC,
known as Lhe 8ule on Lhe WrlL of Amparo, promulgaLed on 23 SepLember 2007 and whlch Look
effecL on 24 CcLober 2007, and 8ule 102 of Lhe 8ules of CourL, respecLlvely.

2. 1he purpose of Lhe peLlLlon ls Lo requlre Lhe respondenLs Lo produce Lhe person of uanlelle de
8amos, as well as Lo dlsclose and explaln Lhelr parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe enforced dlsappearance
and/or exLra[udlclal kllllng of uanlelle de 8amos.

3. 1hls peLlLlon also seeks Lhe lssuance of a wlLness proLecLlon order, lnspecLlon order, producLlon
order, and Lemporary proLecLlon order, dlrecLed agalnsL respondenLs.


4. eLlLloner ls a llllplno, of legal age, and resldlng aL 123 CoLabaLo SLreeL, new Manlla, Cuezon
ClLy. Pe ls Lhe faLher of Lhe aggrleved parLy.

3. ubllc respondenL CllberLo 1eodoro !r., ls Lhe SecreLary of Lhe ueparmenL of naLlonal uefense,
responslble for guardlng agalnsL exLernal and lnLernal LhreaLs Lo peace and securlLy ln Lhe
counLry. lL exerclses execuLlve supervlslon over Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes (Al), Lhe
Cfflce of Clvll uefense (CCu), Lhe hlllpplne veLerans Affalrs Cfflce (vAC), Lhe naLlonal
uefense College of Lhe hlllpplnes (nuC), and Lhe CovernmenL Arsenal (CA). Pe may be served
wlLh orders and processes aL Camp Ceneral Lmlllo Agulnaldo, Cuezon ClLy.

6. ubllc respondenL LL. Cen. Alexander ?ano,ls Lhe Chlef of SLaff of Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe
hlllpplnes (Al), Lhe mlllLary defense organlzaLlon of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes. Pe may
be served wlLh orders and processes aL Al-CPC, Camp Ceneral Lmlllo Agulnaldo, Cuezon ClLy.

7. ubllc respondenL 8rlg. Cen. 8omeo resLoza, ls Lhe currenL chlef of Lhe lnLelllgence Servlce of
Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes ls a supporL unlL of Lhe Al engaged ln lnLelllgence and
lnformaLlon gaLherlng. Pe may be served wlLh orders and processes aL Al-CPC, Camp Ceneral
Lmlllo Agulnaldo, Cuezon ClLy.


8. 1he aggrleved parLy, uanlella de 8amos, ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual, resldlng aL 123 CoLabaLo SLreeL,
new Manlla, Cuezon ClLy and ls an execuLlve offlcer aL Lhe Puman 8lghLs CrganlzaLlon.

9. She regularly Lravels from her place of resldence Lo hls place of work by drlvlng her own car.

10. She ls regularly ln conLacL wlLh her parenLs especlally Lhe peLlLloner. lL ls her pracLlce Lo call or
send a LexL message Lo peLlLloner before she heads home from work.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

11. Per famlly lasL saw her durlng Lhe mornlng of 3 SepLember 2008 and by co-workers aL Lhe
evenlng of Lhe same daLe.

12. Cn 3 SepLember 2008, aL 8:00 ln Lhe evenlng, peLlLloner recelved a LexL message from her,
sLaLlng Lhereln LhaL she was on her way home from work.

13. AL 8:30p.m of Lhe same evenlng, Lhe securlLy guard on Lour of duLy ln her offlce bulldlng
wlLnessed her belng forclbly Laken by Lhree large-bullL men wlLh holsLered guns forclbly lnslde a
van and speedlly lefL. Cne of Lhe men was wearlng a faLlgue palr of panLs. 1hls was duly logged
by Lhe securlLy guard on Lhe logbook of Lhe bulldlng.

14. Slnce Lhen, no communlcaLlon has been made Lo her famlly, frlends, and co-workers.

13. She also owns a handbag wlLh personal properLy such as keys, walleL, eLc., whlch properLles
were uncharacLerlsLlcally lefL on Lhe parklng loL of her offlce, LogeLher wlLh her car, remaln
uncollecLed by Lhe aggrleved parLy slnce daLe of dlsappearance.

ln supporL of Lhe foregolng allegaLlons, Lhe affldavlLs of Lhe peLlLloner and of wlLnesses, namely
ChrlsLopher nepomuceno and !effrey llores, are hereLo aLLached and made lnLegral parL of Lhls
eLlLlon as Annexes A, 8, and C, respecLlvely.

16. Shewas known Lo be presenLly engaged ln an lnvesLlgaLlve pro[ecL agalnsL cerLaln offlcers of Lhe
Al and lSAl for alleged corrupLlon pracLlces and hlgh crlmes.

17. Slnce her dlsappearance, her relaLlves have Lrled Lo locaLe Lhe aggrleved parLy Lhrough lnqulrles
aL her usual places of desLlnaLlon.

18. lalllng Lo flnd her, peLlLloner soughL Lhe help of local auLhorlLles buL Lhey were noL able Lo
produce Lhe person of Lhe aggrleved parLy.

19. Powever, durlng Lhe course of lnvesLlgaLlon, lL was found ouL LhaL days before her
dlsappearance, mysLerlous men were noLlced Lo have been conducLlng operaLlons ln Lhe vlclnlLy
of Lhe aggrleved parLy's offlce.

20. lL was also found ouL LhaL on 4 SepLember 2008, day before daLe of dlsappearance, Lhe offlce
bulldlng's securlLy guard was asked by a mysLerlous man who ldenLlfled hlmself as an offlcer of
lSAl on wheLher aggrleved parLy holds offlce ln Lhe area.

21. eLlLloner now comes Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL Lo seek rellef for Lhe aggrleved parLy whose exacL
whereabouLs remaln unknown.

22. Conslderlng Lhe facL LhaL Lhe aggrleved parLy ls a prlvaLe lndlvldual and LhaL she has falled Lo
communlcaLe wlLh any of her famlly, frlends, and co-workers unLll Lhls Llme, aggrleved parLy's
remalnlng ln Lhe cusLody would have Lo be agalnsL her wlll and ln vlolaLlon of her rlghLs of
llberLy and securlLy.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


1. 1he wrlL of habeas corpus shall exLend Lo all cases of lllegal conflnemenL or deLenLlon by whlch
any person ls deprlved of hls llberLy, or by whlch Lhe rlghLful cusLody of any person ls wlLhheld
from Lhe person enLlLled LhereLo.

1he aggrleved parLy was wlLnessed by a securlLy guard Lo have been forclbly Laken by Lhree
large-bullL men lnLo a van whlch speedlly lefL LhereafLer lasL 3 SepLember 2008. Slnce Lhen, her
whereabouLs ls unknown noLwlLhsLandlng her relaLlves Lrylng Lo locaLe Lhe aggrleved parLy
Lhrough lnqulrles aL her usual places of desLlnaLlon buL falled Lo flnd her. no communlcaLlon has
been made Lo her famlly, frlends, or co-workers.

Should Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus be lssued?

2. A wlLness proLecLlon order ls lssued for Lhe proLecLlon and safeLy of Lhe wlLnesses who helped ln
Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon and wlLnessed Lhe enforced dlsappearance of Lhe vlcLlm.

Cne securlLy guard LesLlfled Lo belng quesLloned by an alleged lSAl offlcer abouL Lhe vlcLlm
whlle he was on Lour of duLy lasL 4 SepLember 2008. AnoLher securlLy guard wlLnessed on 3
SepLember 2008, Lhe abducLlon of Lhe vlcLlm by Lhree large-bullL men wlLh holsLered plsLons,
wlLh one wearlng faLlgue aLLlre. Clven Lhe power and resources avallable Lo Lhe respondenLs,
Lhe Lwo wlLnesses need proLecLlon and safeLy from Lhem.

Should Lhe wlLness proLecLlon order be lssued?

3. A Lemporary proLecLlon order ls lssued for Lhe safeLy and securlLy of Lhe peLlLloner, vlcLlm's
lmmedlaLe members of her famlly, and even Lhe co-offlcers of Lhe vlcLlm's organlzaLlon.
1he aggrleved parLy was known Lo be lnvolved ln an lnvesLlgaLlve pro[ecL wlLh respecL Lo cerLaln
anomalles and aLroclLles of offlclals of Lhe Al and lSAl. Cn 3 SepLember 2008, she was
sub[ecL Lo an enforced dlsappearance perpeLraLed allegedly by Lhe lSAl or Al. eLlLloner ls
Lhe faLher of Lhe aggrleved parLy who presenLly flled Lhls peLlLlon agalnsL Lhe sald organlzaLlons.
Clven Lhe power and resources of respondenLs, peLlLloner and Lhe resL of hls famlly are
vulnerable Lo harm and danger.

Should Lhe Lemporary proLecLlon order be lssued?

4. A producLlon order ls lssued for Lhe producLlon of deslgnaLed documenLs, leLLers, papers, books,
accounLs, phoLographs, ob[ecLs or Langlble Lhlngs, or ob[ecLs ln dlglLlzed or elecLronlc form,
whlch consLlLuLe evldence relevanL Lo Lhe peLlLlon.

lnvesLlgaLlon showed LhaL mysLerlous men, days before Lhe forced dlsappearance of Lhe
aggrleved parLy, conducLed survelllance on Lhe premlses of her offlce. Cn 4 SepLember 2008, a
man who lnLroduced hlmself as an lSAl agenL approached Lhe securlLy guard on duLy ln her
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

offlce and lnqulred abouL Lhe aggrleved parLy. 8ecords may have been kepL on Lhese
survelllance acLlvlLles.

Should Lhe producLlon order be lssued?

3. lnspecLlon Crder ls lssued for possesslon or conLrol of a deslgnaLed land or oLher properLy, Lo
permlL enLry for Lhe purpose of lnspecLlng, measurlng, surveylng, or phoLographlng Lhe properLy
or any relevanL ob[ecL or operaLlon Lhereon.
lnvesLlgaLlon showed LhaL mysLerlous men, days before Lhe forced dlsappearance of Lhe
aggrleved parLy, conducLed survelllance on Lhe premlses of her offlce. 8ecords may have been
kepL on Lhese survelllance acLlvlLles and lL mlghL be locaLed ln Lhe headquarLers of respondenLs
and Lhelr correspondlng organlzaLlons.

Should Lhe lnspecLlon order be lssued?


WPL8LlC8L, premlses consldered, Lhe peLlLloner prays LhaL Lhls Ponorable CourL:

A. lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe recelpL of Lhls peLlLlon
1. lssue Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus,
2. lssue Lhe wrlL of amparo,
3. ueclare all documenLs slgned by Lhe vlcLlm slnce Lhe Llme of dlsappearance unless proof
ls adduced LhaL Lhere has been compllance wlLh her consLlLuLlonal rlghLs,
4. 8equlre respondenL Lo dlsclose medlcal examlnaLlons conducLed on Lhe vlcLlm and
produce medlcal reporLs on such examlnaLlons,

3. 8equlre respondenL Lo produce all lnformaLlon hls offlce has perLalnlng Lo Lhe vlcLlm,
Lhe vlcLlm's home, Lhe vlcLlm's famlly, and vlcLlm's correspondence,
6. 8equlre respondenL Lo dlsclose why such lnformaLlon has been gaLhered and used,
7. lssue a Lemporary proLecLlon order ln favor of Lhe peLlLloner, hls famlly, and hls
wlLnesses by dlrecLlng an agency or lnsLlLuLlon Lo ensure Lhelr proLecLlon,
8. lssue a wlLness proLecLlon order ln favor of Lhe wlLnesses who helped ln Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon regardlng Lhe aggrleved parLy's forced dlsappearance.
8. upon noLlce and hearlng:
1. lssue a producLlon order Lo person who may be ln possesslon or cusLody of oLher
evldence ln Lhls case,
2. lssue an lnspecLlon order of properLles whlch may conLaln addlLlonal lnformaLlon or
evldence regardlng Lhe enforced dlsappearance and/or exLra[udlclal kllllng of Lhe
aggrleved parLy,
3. Crder respondenL Lo lmmedlaLely and wlLhouL delay release Lhe vlcLlm Lo Lhe care and
cusLody of Lhe peLlLloner.

CLher rellefs [usL and equlLable under Lhe premlses are llkewlse prayed for.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

SepLember 10, 2008, ClLy of Manlla.

Ma. Ange|a Leonor C. Agu|na|do
cooosel fot letltlooet
no. 23 Woodrose SL., MakaLl ClLy
1elefax no. 1234367, Lmall:
8oll of ALLorney no. 123436
l8 no. 78901
18 no. 23436
MCLL Compllance no. 7890

(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ B$&* #0 >2D.2/ ;2*2

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS
Su8LML CCu81

-versus- C.8. no. __________
lor: WrlL of Pabeas uaLa

Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes
xx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -xx


eLlLloner, by counsel, respecLfully sLaLes LhaL:

nA1u8L Cl 1PL L1l1lCn

1. 1hls ls a peLlLlon for Lhe wrlL of habeas daLa flled under A.M. no. 08-1-16-SC, also known as Lhe 8ule
on Lhe WrlL of Pabeas uaLa Lo requlre Lhe respondenL Lo produce and, lf necessary updaLe and
recLlfy, or, ln Lhe alLernaLlve, suppress or desLroy lnformaLlon wlLhln lLs conLrol and/or conLalned ln
lLs daLabase, whlch relaLes Lo peLlLloner, hls famlly, hls home and hls correspondence.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

2. eLlLloner respecLfully submlLs LhaL respondenL obLalned Lhe lnformaLlon Lhrough an unlawful acL,
has un[usLlflably falled Lo dlsclose Lhe lnformaLlon Lo peLlLloner, and/or has un[usLlflably refused Lo
updaLe, recLlfy, suppress or desLroy Lhe lnformaLlon.

3. 1hls acL or omlsslon of respondenL Lo comply wlLh peLlLloner's demand ls a vlolaLlon of, or poses a
LhreaL of vlolaLlon Lo, peLlLloner's rlghL Lo prlvacy ln llfe, llberLy and securlLy.

4. ln vlew of Lhe foregolng, peLlLloner brlngs Lhls peLlLlon before Lhls Ponorable CourL praylng LhaL Lhe
respondenL be requlred Lo cause Lhe lmmedlaLe producLlon of Lhe lnformaLlon requesLed so LhaL
Lhe same may be revealed Lo peLlLloner for proper updaLlng, recLlflcaLlon or, ln Lhe alLernaLlve, for
lLs suppresslon or desLrucLlon, whaLever may be necessary Lo proLecL peLlLloner's prlvacy.

3. llnally, peLlLloner respecLfully submlLs LhaL he ls an lndlgenL person and prays LhaL Lhls Ponorable
CourL exempL hlm from dockeL and oLher legal fees ln Lhls case, sub[ecL Lo Lhe submlsslon of proof
of hls lndlgency wlLhln flfLeen days from Lhe flllng of Lhls peLlLlon.

6. eLlLloner ls a llllplno, of legal age, and resldlng aL SlLlo uos, Smokey MounLaln, 1ondo, Manlla. Pe
may be served wlLh noLlces from Lhls Ponorable CourL Lhrough hls underslgned counsel.

7. 8espondenL ls belng lmpleaded ln her capaclLy as a publlc offlcer or employee, ln charge of Lhe
lnformaLlon or daLabase of Al CenLral lnLelllgence and SecurlLy Croup, whlch offlce ls engaged ln
Lhe gaLherlng, collecLlng, and sLorlng of daLa. She may be served summons and oLher processes of
Lhls Ponorable CourL aL Lhe lnLelllgence and SecurlLy ueparLmenL, Army PeadquarLers, lorL
8onlfaclo, 1agulg ClLy.


8. eLlLloner ls a clLlzen of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes whose rlghL Lo prlvacy ls proLecLed by Lhe 8lll
of 8lghLs found ln ArLlcle lll of Lhe 1987 hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon, whlch provldes:

SecLlon 3. (1) 1he prlvacy of communlcaLlon and correspondence shall be lnvlolable excepL upon
lawful order of Lhe courL, or when publlc safeLy or order requlres oLherwlse as prescrlbed by law.
Any evldence obLalned ln vlolaLlon of Lhls or Lhe precedlng secLlon shall be lnadmlsslble for any
purpose ln any proceedlng."

- and -

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

SecLlon 7. 1he rlghL of Lhe people Lo lnformaLlon of maLLers of publlc concern shall be recognlzed.
Access Lo offlclal records and documenLs, and papers perLalnlng Lo offlclal acLs, LransacLlons, or
declslons as well as Lo governmenL research daLa used as basls for pollcy developmenL, shall be
afforded Lhe clLlzen, sub[ecL Lo such llmlLaLlons as may be provlded by law.

9. Cn March 20, 2009, peLlLloner requesLed access Lo all lnformaLlon held abouL hlm by Lhe
respondenL, wlLhln flfLeen days from respondenL's recelpL. A copy of Lhe wrlLLen requesL ls aLLached
as Annex "A".

10. 1he perlod glven Lo respondenL Lo allow peLlLloner access Lo lLs daLabase has already lapsed.

11. As a resulL of respondenL's fallure or un[usLlflable refusal Lo allow access Lo lLs daLabase, peLlLloner's
rlghL Lo prlvacy ls belng vlolaLed.

12. 1he use and posslble dlssemlnaLlon of Lhe lnformaLlon held by respondenL ls an unlawful lnLruslon
lnLo peLlLloner's prlvacy, whlch lnLruslon LhreaLens Lo ulLlmaLely vlolaLe peLlLloner's rlghL Lo llfe,
llberLy and securlLy.

13. 1he lnformaLlon whlch remalns hldden from peLlLloner ls ln Lhe daLabase of respondenL locaLed ln
Lhe Cfflce of Lhe lnLelllgence and SecurlLy Croup, Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes PeadquarLers,
lorL 8onlfaclo, 1agulg ClLy.


WPL8LlC8L, peLlLloner prays LhaL Lhls Ponorable CourL glve due course Lo Lhls peLlLlon and
lssue Lhe wrlL of habeas daLa and rule, as follows:
1. upon Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon, Ln!Cln respondenL from dlssemlnaLlng Lhe lnformaLlon,
2. upon noLlce and hearlng, C8uL8 respondenL Lo:
a. roduce Lhe lnformaLlon ln lLs possesslon regardlng peLlLloner's person, hls
famlly, home and correspondence,
b. CorrecL, suppress or desLroy Lhe lnformaLlon ln lLs daLabase, whaLever may be
appllcable as deLermlned by Lhls Ponorable CourL, and
c. 8ecLlfy Lhe damage caused Lo peLlLloner's repuLaLlon by maklng a publlc
apology Lo peLlLloner, whlch shall be clrculaLed ln Lhe manner and Lo such
persons as Lhe peLlLloner may deem approprlaLe.
CLher rellefs [usL and equlLable under Lhe premlses are llkewlse prayed for.

Aprll 9, 2009, ClLy of Manlla.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

cooosel of letltlooet
34C 1he Columns, Ayala Avenue, MakaLl ClLy
1elefax no. 1234367, Lmall: emall[
8oll of ALLorneys no. 9182736
l8 no. 6121824
18 no. 3101320
MCLL CerLlflcaLe of LxempLlon no. M-481216

(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ 1?2'(. #0 E2@.

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Iourth Iud|c|a| keg|on
8ranch ___, San ab|o C|ty, Laguna

S Case no._______
lor CPAnCL Cl nAML
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x


eLlLloner by Lhe underslgned aLLorney, and unLo Lhls honorable courL, respecLfully avers:

1. 1haL Lhe peLlLloner ls of age, slngle, and a resldenL of 8gy. San edro, San ablo ClLy, Laguna,

2. 1haL he has been a bonaflde resldenL of Lhe provlnce of Laguna slnce Lhe year 1974, or for aL
leasL Lhree (3) years prlor Lo Lhe daLe of Lhe flllng of Lhls peLlLlon,

3. 1haL hls presenL name ls U1U1INC 8AN1C1C C. 1INA,

4. 1haL such a name ls rldlculous and has caused embarrassmenL Lo peLlLloner Lhrough Lhe

3. 1haL peLlLloner requesLs LhaL hls presenL name be changed Lo 1INC 1C1C C. 1INA.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


WPL8LlC8L, lL ls respecLfully prayed LhaL, afLer due noLlce, publlcaLlon and hearlng ln
accordance wlLh Lhe 8ules of CourL, Lhls Ponorable CourL ad[udge LhaL Lhe peLlLloner's name of
U1U1INC 8AN1C1C C. 1INA be changed Lo 1INC 1C1C C. 1INA, Lhls 9
day of Aprll 2009.

Counsel for Lhe eLlLloner
8m. 210 Moreno 8ulldlng,
no. 8 Amorsolo SL., MakaLl ClLy
PlL. 8A8 8CLL nC. 36330
18 nC. A-7279012/01-19-06/C.C.
l8 nC. 643906/01-19-06/C.C.
MCLL Compllance CerL. no. 12343678
(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)

9!K3L7A 3.*&*&#' 0#$ Q#<:'*2$, ;&//#<:*&#' #0 9*#"O 1#$-#$2*&#'

8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes
naLlonal CaplLal !udlclal 8eglon
8LClCnAL 18lAL CCu81
8ranch __, Manlla

S.. no. ________
lor vCLun1A8? ulSSCLu1lCn Cl S1CCk
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x


SAkAC ILLNL MANUIAC1UkING CCkCkA1ICN Lhrough Lhe underslgned board of dlrecLors,
and unLo Lhls Ponorable CourL, respecLfully sLaLes:
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1. 1haL Lhe sald corporaLlon has been duly organlzed and exlsLlng under Lhe laws of Lhe
hlllpplnes, havlng lLs prlnclpal place of buslness aL !CSL 8lZAL CCMLLx, ln18AMu8CS, MAnlLA,

2. 1haL Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of sald corporaLlon ls CnL MlLLlCn LSCS (1,000,000.00)
hlllpplne currency, dlvlded lnLo 10, 000 shares of par value of CnL Punu8Lu LSCS (100) per share,

3. 1haL ln a meeLlng of Lhe sLockholders of Lhe corporaLlon held ln lnLramuros, Manlla on Aprll, 1
2009, Lhe dlssoluLlon of Lhe sald corporaLlon was resolved upon by Lhe afflrmaLlve voLe of Lhe
sLockholders holdlng or represenLlng aL leasL Lwo-Lhlrds (2/3) of all shares of sLock lssued or subscrlbed,

4. 1haL Lhe followlng are Lhe presenL clalms and demands agalnsL Lhe corporaLlon:

naLlonal SLeel CorporaLlon - 300, 000 romlssory noLe
8oysen alnL CorporaLlon - 30, 000 CompensaLlon for Servlce AgreemenL
lederaLlon of !eepney urlvers and CperaLors - 20, 000 SeLLlemenL for uamage Clalm
Cenerally MoLors CorporaLlon - 30, 000 urchase Crder of Supplles
SA8AC Lmployees unlon - 100, 000 13
MonLh ay
MeLro Manlla uesLrucLlon AuLhorlLy - 100, 000 enalLy lees
Land 1eleporLaLlon and lloLaLlon 8egulaLory 8oard - 100, 000 unpald Llcense lees

3. 1haL Lhe corporaLlon has presenL asseLs Lo Lhe value of CnL Punu8Lu 1PCuSAnu LSCS
(100, 000) over and above lLs [usL debLs and llablllLles.
WPL8LlC8L, lL ls respecLfully prayed LhaL upon prlor publlcaLlon of noLlce as requlred by law
and due hearlng on Lhls peLlLlon, Lhls Ponorable CourL ad[udge and declare Lhe above-named
corporaLlon dlssolved, and LhaL Lhe board of dlrecLors of sald corporaLlon be deslgnaLed llquldaLor Lo
Lake charge of wlndlng up Lhe affalrs of Lhe corporaLlon.

Manlla, Aprll 9, 2009.




cotpotote 5ectetoty

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

MACk 1kUCk



(verlflcaLlon wlLh CerLlflcaLlon of non-lorum Shopplng)


! A moLlon ls an appllcaLlon for rellef oLher Lhan by a pleadlng. (SecLlon 1, 8ule 13)
! All moLlons shall be ln wrlLlng excepL Lhose made ln open courL or ln Lhe course of a hearlng or
Lrlal. (SecLlon 2, 8ule 13)
! A moLlon shall sLaLe Lhe rellef soughL Lo be obLalned and Lhe grounds upon whlch lL ls based,
and lf requlred by Lhese 8ules or necessary Lo prove facLs alleged Lhereln, shall be accompanled
by supporLlng affldavlLs and oLher papers. (SecLlon 3, 8ule 13)
K#*&#' *# ;&/@&//
! SecLlon 1, 8ule 16 of Lhe 8ules of CourL enumeraLes Lhe grounds for flllng a moLlon Lo dlsmlss.
! A MoLlon Lo ulsmlss ls a llLlglous moLlon whereln boLh parLles musL be heard.
! 8elng a llLlglous moLlon, a requesL for and noLlce of hearlng ls requlred.

9!K3L7A K#*&#' *# ;&/@&//

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nat|ona| Cap|ta| Iud|c|a| keg|on
8ranch 91, Las |nas C|ty

Luzvlmlnda 1olenLlno,
Clvll Case no. 07-61334
- versus - lor: Sum of Money

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

8oberLo !uan,
x --------------------------------------------- x


uLlLnuAn1, by counsel, respecLfully moves Lo dlsmlss Lhe ComplalnL on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe
ComplalnL lAlLS 1C S1A1L A CAuSL Cl AC1lCn as 1PL C8LlCA1lCn SCuCP1 1C 8L LnlC8CLu 8?
LAln1lll lS nC1 ?L1 uuL Anu uLMAnuA8LL.

ln ampllflcaLlon of Lhe foregolng ground, uefendanL respecLfully submlLs Lhe followlng:


1. Allegedly, defendanL has falled Lo reach Lhe quoLas agreed upon under Lhe MarkeLlng
AgreemenL daLed Aprll 1, 2006. lalnLlff now seeks Lo collecL Lhe sum of llve Pundred
1housand pesos (300,000.00), represenLlng Lhe balance of Lhe proceeds due plalnLlff
under Lhe sald MarkeLlng AgreemenL.

2. 1he conLracL ls for Lwo (2) years and defendanL ls glven LhaL same perlod Lo reach Lhe
quoLa speclfled Lhereln, Lhe perlod of Lwo (2) years has noL yeL explred. ConsequenLly,
plalnLlff's clalm ls premaLure as Lhere ls yeL no breach of Lhe MarkeLlng AgreemenL unLll
Lhe perlod explres and Lhe quoLa ls noL aLLalned. lor Lhls reason, plalnLlff's ComplalnL
sLaLes no cause of acLlon and musL be dlsmlssed.

WPL8LlC8L, defendanL respecLfully prays LhaL Lhe ComplalnL be ulSMlSSLu for fallure Lo sLaLe
a cause of acLlon.

CLher [usL and equlLable rellefs are also prayed for.

MunLlnlupa ClLy for Las lnas ClLy, november 3, 2007.

Demetr|a Sandova|
cooosel fot uefeoJoot
lloor, Madrlgal 8uslness 1ower,
Madrlgal 8uslness CenLer, Alabang, MunLlnlupa ClLy
ALLorney's 8oll no. 34973
l8 C.8. no. 23633-01/03/08-MunLlnlupa
18 C.8. no. 43321-01/03/08-MunLlnlupa
MCLL Compllance no. ll-0008776-nov. 17, 2007


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1he 8ranch C|erk of Court
8eglonal 1rlal CourL
8ranch 91, Las lnas ClLy

lease submlL Lhe foregolng MoLlon Lo Lhe CourL for lLs conslderaLlon and approval lmmedlaLely
upon recelpL hereof and klndly lnclude Lhe same ln Lhe courL's calendar for hearlng on november 28,
2007 aL 8:30 ln Lhe mornlng.

Demetr|a Sandova|
cooosel fot uefeoJoot

Atty. Conrado Manue|
cooosel fot tbe llolotlff
2176 Alabang-ZapoLe 8oad,
Las lnas ClLy

lease Lake noLlce LhaL counsel has requesLed Lo be heard on november 28, 2007 aL 8:30ln Lhe

Demetr|a Sandova|
cooosel fot uefeoJoot

N.8. A kLULS1 ICk nLAkING ls a requesL for Lhe 8ranch Clerk of CourL Lo lnclude Lhe moLlon ln Lhe
calendar for hearlng on a speclflc daLe whlle a NC1ICL CI nLAkING ls a noLlce Lo opposlng counsel of
Lhe hearlng daLe requesLed. ln non-llLlglous moLlons or ex parLe moLlons, lL ls sufflclenL LhaL Lhere be
noLlce Lo opposlng counsel sLaLlng LhaL "counsel wlll submlL Lhe moLlon Lo Lhe courL for approval and
conslderaLlon lmmedlaLely upon recelpL." [lrom rofessor 1heodore C. 1e's Pandbook on Legal lorms]

(roof of Servlce)

K#*&#' 0#$ 3#/*-#'.@.'* 2'% K#*&#' 0#$ 78*.'/&#'
! A moLlon for posLponemenL asks for Lhe posLponemenL of a hearlng.
! A moLlon for exLenslon asks for an exLenslon of Lhe Llme wlLhln whlch Lo flle a pleadlng.
! 8elng non-llLlglous moLlons, a noLlce of hearlng ls only requlred.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A K#*&#' 0#$ 3#/*-#'.@.'*

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nat|ona| Cap|ta| Iud|c|a| keg|on
8ranch 91, Las |nas C|ty

Luzvlmlnda 1olenLlno,

Clvll Case no. 07-61334
- versus - lor: Sum of Money

8oberLo !uan,
x --------------------------------------------- x


LAln1lll, by counsel, respecLfully sLaLes LhaL:

1. 1hls case ls seL for Lrlal on !anuary 3, 2008 aL 8:30 ln Lhe mornlng.

2. Cn sald daLe and Llme, Lhe underslgned counsel wlll be unable Lo appear before Lhls
Ponorable CourL as he has also been dlrecLed Lo appear on Lhls daLe and Llme before
Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of MakaLl ClLy, 8ranch 213 for "eople of Lhe hlllpplnes v.
Ldgardo Mallarl", Crlmlnal Case no. 99-8746, where he ls scheduled Lo LermlnaLe cross-
examlnaLlon of Lhe prosecuLlon's experL wlLness who wlll be avallable only on sald daLe
and Llme.

3. WlLhouL lmpugnlng Lhe lmporLance of Lhese proceedlngs, plalnLlff respecLfully submlLs
LhaL hls aLLendance ln Lhe crlmlnal case becomes lndlspensable, oLherwlse, Lhe accused
ln sald case would be deprlved of Lhe opporLunlLy Lo confronL and cross-examlne a vlLal
wlLness agalnsL hlm.

4. 1hls moLlon ls prompLed only by Lhe foregolng reason and noL for delay.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

WPL8LlC8L, plalnLlff respecLfully prays LhaL Lhe Lrlal scheduled on !anuary 3, 2008 be
CS1CnLu Lo anoLher daLe convenlenL Lo Lhls Ponorable CourL.

Cuezon ClLy for Las lnas ClLy, uecember 22, 2007.

cooosel fot uefeoJoot
89 Mlndanao Ave., Cuezon ClLy
ALLorney's 8oll no. 36247
l8 no. 013436/ !anuary 13, 2008/ Cuezon ClLy
18 no. 014323/ !anuary 20, 2008/ Cuezon ClLy
MCLL no. 834263/ !anuary 8, 2008

(noLlce of Pearlng)
(roof of Servlce)

9!K3L7A K#*&#' 0#$ 78*.'/&#'

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nat|ona| Cap|ta| Iud|c|a| keg|on
8ranch 91, Las |nas C|ty

Luzvlmlnda 1olenLlno,

Clvll Case no. 07-61334
- versus - lor: Sum of Money

8oberLo !uan,
x -------------------------------------------- x

(1o I||e !'/4.$)

uLlLnuAn1, Lhrough underslgned counsel, respecLfully sLaLes LhaL:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1. Cn november 27, 2007, uefendanL was served wlLh summons and a copy of Lhe
complolot ln Lhe above-enLlLled case. Pence, uefendanL has a perlod of flfLeen (13) days
from sald daLe, or unLll uecember 12, 2007 Lo flle hls Aoswet.

2. 1he underslgned counsel, however, anLlclpaLes hls lnablllLy Lo flle Lhe Answer on or
before Lhe sald due daLe because of Lhe Lremendous pressure of oLher equally urgenL
professlonal work requlrlng Lhe preparaLlon of pleadlngs and almosL dally Lrlal
appearances before Lhe varlous courLs wlLhln and ouLslde MeLro Manlla.

3. ConsequenLly, counsel for uefendanL ls consLralned Lo requesL an exLenslon of Len (10)
days from uecember 12, 2007, or unLll uecember 22, 2007, wlLhln whlch Lo flle hls
Aoswet ln Lhe above-enLlLled case.

4. 1he lnsLanL MoLlon ls belng flled ln good falLh as dlcLaLed by Lhe exlgencles of Lhe
slLuaLlon and ls noL lnLended Lo delay Lhe proceedlngs ln Lhe case.

WPL8LlC8L, ln llghL of all Lhe foregolng conslderaLlons and ln Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce, lL ls
respecLfully prayed LhaL uefendanL be granLed an exLenslon of Len (10) days from uecember 12, 2007,
or unLll uecember 22, 2007, Lo flle hls Aoswet ln Lhe above-enLlLled case.

Cuezon ClLy for Las lnas ClLy, uecember 10, 2007.

cooosel fot uefeoJoot
89 Mlndanao Ave., Cuezon ClLy
ALLorney's 8oll no. 36247
l8 no. 013436/ !anuary 13, 2008/ Cuezon ClLy
18 no. 014323/ !anuary 20, 2008/ Cuezon ClLy
MCLL no. 834263/ !anuary 8, 2008

(noLlce of Pearlng)
(roof of Servlce)


MoLlon Lo ulsmlss
MoLlon for !udgmenL on Lhe leadlngs
MoLlon Lo ueclare uefendanL ln uefaulL
MoLlon Lo LlfL Crder ln uefaulL
MoLlon for Leave of CourL Lo llle leadlng
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

MoLlon for osLponemenL
MoLlon for LxLenslon of 1lme
Lx arLe MoLlon Lo SeL for 1rlal


!IIP;!QP+ CI 975QP17
! 1hls ls requlred as proof of servlce of a pleadlng lnvolved ln a case before Lhe appellaLe courLs
(e.g., CourL of Appeals and Supreme CourL).
! lL generally parLakes Lhe naLure of a sworn sLaLemenL or affldavlL.

9!K3L7A !00&%26&* #0 9.$6&".

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS ]
CuLZCn Cl1?, ML18C MAnlLA] SS.
l, MAnC S. 1C1C, as SecreLary of C1v-Z LAW ClllCL, wlLh offlce address aL 8m. 210 C1vZ Law
llrm 8ulldlng, no. 8 LuSA, Cuezon ClLy, afLer havlng duly swor Lo ln accordance wlLh law, hereby depose
and sLaLe LhaL:
Cn 28, 2007, l served a copy of Lhe followlng pleadlng/paper:
naLure of leadlng - ANSWLk
ln ClvlL CASL nC. 12343, lor: L!LC1MLn1 (lC8Cl8LL Ln18?), A8C 8LSC81 CC8C8A1lCn vs.
ALl8LuC 8. SAMSCn, pursuanL Lo SecLlons 3, 7, and 13, 8use of 13 of Lhe 1997 8ules of Clvll rocedure
as follows:
8y 8eglsLered Mall Lo :
(x)8y ueposlLlng a copy on Lhe daLe and ln Lhe posL offlce lndlcaLed
below, as evldenced by Lhe followlng 8eglsLry 8ecelpL(s) no.(s) hereLo
aLLached and lndlcaLed afLer Lhe name(s) of Lhe addressee(s), and wlLh
lnsLrucLlons Lo Lhe posLmasLer Lo reLurn mall Lo Lhe sender afLer Len(10)
days lf undellvered
ALLy. 8anllo 1alo 8eg. 8ecelpL no. 123
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Counsel for Lhe lalnLlff Cuezon ClLy CenLral osL Cfflce
123 8ockwell Ave., 8ockwell urlve 18 uecember 2008
8asllan, Sulu
ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, l hereunLo slgned Lhls 18
day of uecember 2008, aL Cuezon ClLy, MeLro
MANG S. 1C1CAffloot
Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n Lo before me Lhls 18
day of uecember 2008 aL Cuezon ClLy, MeLro
Manlla, afflanL, exhlblLed me Lo hls osLal lu Card no. 12334 lssued by Lhe Cuezon ClLy CenLral osL
Cfflce on !an 9, 2008 as compeLenL proof of ldenLlLy.

Nototy lobllc
Commlsslon Lxplres on 31 uec. 2008
PlL. 8A8 8CLL nC. 36330
18 nC. A-7279012/01-19-06/C.C.
l8 nC. 643906/01-19-06/C.C.
MCLL Compllance CerL. no. 12343678

uoc. no. 2
age no. 1
8ook no. 1
Serles of 2008.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


cotpototloo coJe, 5ec. 14. cooteots of tbe ottlcles of locotpototloo. - All corporaLlons organlzed under
Lhls code shall flle wlLh Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon arLlcles of lncorporaLlon ln any of Lhe
offlclal languages duly slgned and acknowledged by all of Lhe lncorporaLors, conLalnlng subsLanLlally Lhe
followlng maLLers, excepL as oLherwlse prescrlbed by Lhls Code or by speclal law:

1. 1he name of Lhe corporaLlon,

2. 1he speclflc purpose or purposes for whlch Lhe corporaLlon ls belng lncorporaLed. Where a
corporaLlon has more Lhan one sLaLed purpose, Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon shall sLaLe whlch ls Lhe
prlmary purpose and whlch ls/are Lhe secondary purpose or purposes: rovlded, 1haL a non-sLock
corporaLlon may noL lnclude a purpose whlch would change or conLradlcL lLs naLure as such,

3. 1he place where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls Lo be locaLed, whlch musL be wlLhln
Lhe hlllpplnes,

4. 1he Lerm for whlch Lhe corporaLlon ls Lo exlsL,

3. 1he names, naLlonallLles and resldences of Lhe lncorporaLors,

6. 1he number of dlrecLors or LrusLees, whlch shall noL be less Lhan flve (3) nor more Lhan flfLeen

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

7. 1he names, naLlonallLles and resldences of persons who shall acL as dlrecLors or LrusLees unLll
Lhe flrsL regular dlrecLors or LrusLees are duly elecLed and quallfled ln accordance wlLh Lhls Code,

8. lf lL be a sLock corporaLlon, Lhe amounL of lLs auLhorlzed caplLal sLock ln lawful money of Lhe
hlllpplnes, Lhe number of shares lnLo whlch lL ls dlvlded, and ln case Lhe share are par value shares, Lhe
par value of each, Lhe names, naLlonallLles and resldences of Lhe orlglnal subscrlbers, and Lhe amounL
subscrlbed and pald by each on hls subscrlpLlon, and lf some or all of Lhe shares are wlLhouL par value,
such facL musL be sLaLed,

9. lf lL be a non-sLock corporaLlon, Lhe amounL of lLs caplLal, Lhe names, naLlonallLles and
resldences of Lhe conLrlbuLors and Lhe amounL conLrlbuLed by each, and

10. Such oLher maLLers as are noL lnconslsLenL wlLh law and whlch Lhe lncorporaLors may deem
necessary and convenlenL.

1he SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon shall noL accepL Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon of any sLock
corporaLlon unless accompanled by a sworn sLaLemenL of Lhe 1reasurer elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers
showlng LhaL aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) percenL of Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon has
been subscrlbed, and aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) of Lhe LoLal subscrlpLlon has been fully pald Lo hlm ln
acLual cash and/or ln properLy Lhe falr valuaLlon of whlch ls equal Lo aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) percenL
of Lhe sald subscrlpLlon, such pald-up caplLal belng noL less Lhan flve Lhousand (3,000.00) pesos.

cotpototloo coJe, 5ec. 15. lotms of Attlcles of locotpototloo. - unless oLherwlse prescrlbed by speclal
law, arLlcles of lncorporaLlon of all domesLlc corporaLlons shall comply subsLanLlally wlLh Lhe followlng

A81lCLLS Cl lnCC8C8A1lCn
(name of CorporaLlon)

knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:
5ec. 18. cotpotote oome. - no corporaLe name
may be allowed by Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange
Commlsslon lf Lhe proposed name ls ldenLlcal or
decepLlvely or confuslngly slmllar Lo LhaL of any
exlsLlng corporaLlon or Lo any oLher name
already proLecLed by law or ls paLenLly
decepLlve, confuslng or conLrary Lo exlsLlng
laws. When a change ln Lhe corporaLe name ls
approved, Lhe Commlsslon shall lssue an
amended cerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon under Lhe
amended name.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1he underslgned lncorporaLors, all of legal age and a ma[orlLy of whom are resldenLs of Lhe hlllpplnes,
have Lhls day volunLarlly agreed Lo form a (sLock) (non-sLock) corporaLlon under Lhe laws of Lhe 8epubllc
of Lhe hlllpplnes,

Anu WL PL8L8? CL81ll?:

ll8S1: 1haL Lhe name of sald corporaLlon shall be

".............................................., lnC. or CC8C8A1lCn",

SLCCnu: 1haL Lhe purpose or purposes for whlch such corporaLlon ls lncorporaLed are: (lf Lhere ls more
Lhan one purpose, lndlcaLe prlmary and secondary purposes),

5ec. 10. Nombet ooJ poollflcotloos of locotpototots. - Any number of naLural persons
noL less Lhan flve (3) buL noL more Lhan flfLeen (13), all of legal age and a ma[orlLy of
whom are resldenLs of Lhe hlllpplnes, may form a prlvaLe corporaLlon for any lawful
purpose or purposes. Lach of Lhe lncorporaLors of s sLock corporaLlon musL own or be
a subscrlber Lo aL leasL one (1) share of Lhe caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon.

5ec. 18, cotpototloo coJe.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1Pl8u: 1haL Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls locaLed ln Lhe ClLy/MunlclpallLy of
............................................., rovlnce of .................................................., hlllpplnes,
5ec. 14. cooteots of tbe ottlcles of locotpototloo.

*** *** ***

2. 1he speclflc purpose or purposes for whlch Lhe corporaLlon ls belng
lncorporaLed. Where a corporaLlon has more Lhan one sLaLed purpose, Lhe arLlcles of
lncorporaLlon shall sLaLe whlch ls Lhe prlmary purpose and whlch ls/are he secondary
purpose or purposes: rovlded, 1haL a non-sLock corporaLlon may noL lnclude a purpose
whlch would change or conLradlcL lLs naLure as such,

*** *** ***

5ec. 17. CtoooJs wbeo ottlcles of locotpototloo ot omeoJmeot moy be tejecteJ ot
JlsopptoveJ. - 1he SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon may re[ecL Lhe arLlcles of
lncorporaLlon or dlsapprove any amendmenL LhereLo lf Lhe same ls noL ln compllance wlLh
Lhe requlremenLs of Lhls Code: rovlded, 1haL Lhe Commlsslon shall glve Lhe lncorporaLors
a reasonable Llme wlLhln whlch Lo correcL or modlfy Lhe ob[ecLlonable porLlons of Lhe
arLlcles or amendmenL. 1he followlng are grounds for such re[ecLlon or dlsapproval:

*** *** ***

2. 1haL Lhe purpose or purposes of Lhe corporaLlon are paLenLly unconsLlLuLlonal,
lllegal, lmmoral, or conLrary Lo governmenL rules and regulaLlons,

*** *** ***

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

lCu81P: 1haL Lhe Lerm for whlch sald corporaLlon ls Lo exlsL ls ................ years from and afLer Lhe daLe
of lssuance of Lhe cerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon,

lll1P: 1haL Lhe names, naLlonallLles and resldences of Lhe lncorporaLors of Lhe corporaLlon are as

nAML nA1lCnALl1? 8LSluLnCL

..................................... ..................................... .....................................
5ec. 51. lloce ooJ tlme of meetloqs of stockbolJets ot membets. - SLockholders' or
members' meeLlngs, wheLher regular or speclal, shall be held ln Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy
where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls locaLed, and lf pracLlcable ln Lhe prlnclpal
offlce of Lhe corporaLlon: rovlded, 1haL MeLro Manlla shall, for purposes of Lhls secLlon,
be consldered a clLy or munlclpallLy.
noLlce of meeLlngs shall be ln wrlLlng, and Lhe Llme and place Lhereof sLaLed Lhereln.
All proceedlngs had and any buslness LransacLed aL any meeLlng of Lhe sLockholders or
members, lf wlLhln Lhe powers or auLhorlLy of Lhe corporaLlon, shall be valld even lf Lhe
meeLlng be lmproperly held or called, provlded all Lhe sLockholders or members of Lhe
corporaLlon are presenL or duly represenLed aL Lhe meeLlng. (24 and 23)

*** *** ***

5ec. 5J. keqolot ooJ speclol meetloqs of Jltectots ot ttostees. - 8egular meeLlngs of Lhe
board of dlrecLors or LrusLees of every corporaLlon shall be held monLhly, unless Lhe by-
laws provlde oLherwlse.
Speclal meeLlngs of Lhe board of dlrecLors or LrusLees may be held aL any Llme upon Lhe
call of Lhe presldenL or as provlded ln Lhe by-laws.
MeeLlngs of dlrecLors or LrusLees of corporaLlons may be held anywhere ln or ouLslde of
Lhe hlllpplnes, unless Lhe by-laws provlde oLherwlse. noLlce of regular or speclal meeLlngs
sLaLlng Lhe daLe, Llme and place of Lhe meeLlng musL be senL Lo every dlrecLor or LrusLee aL
leasL one (1) day prlor Lo Lhe scheduled meeLlng, unless oLherwlse provlded by Lhe by-
laws. A dlrecLor or LrusLee may walve Lhls requlremenL, elLher expressly or lmplledly. (n)
5ec. 11. cotpotote tetm. - A corporaLlon shall exlsL for a perlod noL exceedlng flfLy
(30) years from Lhe daLe of lncorporaLlon unless sooner dlssolved or unless sald
perlod ls exLended. 1he corporaLe Lerm as orlglnally sLaLed ln Lhe arLlcles of
lncorporaLlon may be exLended for perlods noL exceedlng flfLy (30) years ln any slngle
lnsLance by an amendmenL of Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon, ln accordance wlLh Lhls
Code, rovlded, 1haL no exLenslon can be made earller Lhan flve (3) years prlor Lo Lhe
orlglnal or subsequenL explry daLe(s) unless Lhere are [usLlflable reasons for an earller
exLenslon as may be deLermlned by Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Slx1P: 1haL Lhe number of dlrecLors or LrusLees of Lhe corporaLlon shall be ............., and Lhe names,
naLlonallLles and resldences of Lhe flrsL dlrecLors or LrusLees of Lhe corporaLlon are as follows:

nAML nA1lCnALl1? 8LSluLnCL

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

..................................... ..................................... .....................................
5ec. 2J. 1be bootJ of Jltectots ot ttostees. - unless oLherwlse provlded ln Lhls Code, Lhe
corporaLe powers of all corporaLlons formed under Lhls Code shall be exerclsed, all
buslness conducLed and all properLy of such corporaLlons conLrolled and held by Lhe
board of dlrecLors or LrusLees Lo be elecLed from among Lhe holders of sLocks, or
where Lhere ls no sLock, from among Lhe members of Lhe corporaLlon, who shall hold
offlce for one (1) year unLll Lhelr successors are elecLed and quallfled.

Lvery dlrecLor musL own aL leasL one (1) share of Lhe caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon of
whlch he ls a dlrecLor, whlch share shall sLand ln hls name on Lhe books of Lhe
corporaLlon. Any dlrecLor who ceases Lo be Lhe owner of aL leasL one (1) share of Lhe
caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon of whlch he ls a dlrecLor shall Lhereby cease Lo be a
dlrecLor. 1rusLees of non-sLock corporaLlons musL be members Lhereof. a ma[orlLy of
Lhe dlrecLors or LrusLees of all corporaLlons organlzed under Lhls Code musL be
resldenLs of Lhe hlllpplnes.
5ec. 10. Nombet ooJ poollflcotloos of locotpototots. - Any number of naLural
persons noL less Lhan flve (3) buL noL more Lhan flfLeen (13), all of legal age and a
ma[orlLy of whom are resldenLs of Lhe hlllpplnes, may form a prlvaLe
corporaLlon for any lawful purpose or purposes. Lach of Lhe lncorporaLors of s
sLock corporaLlon musL own or be a subscrlber Lo aL leasL one (1) share of Lhe
caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

..................................... ..................................... .....................................

SLvLn1P: 1haL Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon ls .................................................
(......................) LSCS ln lawful money of Lhe hlllpplnes, dlvlded lnLo ............... shares wlLh Lhe par
value of ................................... (.......................) esos per share.

(ln case all Lhe share are wlLhouL par value):

1haL Lhe caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon ls ........................... shares wlLhouL par value. (ln case some
shares have par value and some are wlLhouL par value): 1haL Lhe caplLal sLock of sald corporaLlon
conslsLs of ........................ shares of whlch ....................... shares are of Lhe par value of
.............................. (.....................) LSCS each, and of whlch ................................ shares are wlLhouL
par value.

LlCP1P: 1haL aL leasL LwenLy flve (23) per cenL of Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock above sLaLed has been
subscrlbed as follows:

name of Subscrlber naLlonallLy no of Shares AmounL
Subscrlbed Subscrlbed

.................................. .................... ........................ .......................
5ec. 14. cooteots of tbe ottlcles of locotpototloo. - All corporaLlons organlzed under Lhls
code shall flle wlLh Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon arLlcles of lncorporaLlon ln
any of Lhe offlclal languages duly slgned and acknowledged by all of Lhe lncorporaLors,
conLalnlng subsLanLlally Lhe followlng maLLers, excepL as oLherwlse prescrlbed by Lhls
Code or by speclal law:
*** *** ***

8. lf lL be a sLock corporaLlon, Lhe amounL of lLs auLhorlzed caplLal sLock ln lawful
money of Lhe hlllpplnes, Lhe number of shares lnLo whlch lL ls dlvlded, and ln case Lhe
share are par value shares, Lhe par value of each, Lhe names, naLlonallLles and
resldences of Lhe orlglnal subscrlbers, and Lhe amounL subscrlbed and pald by each on
hls subscrlpLlon, and lf some or all of Lhe shares are wlLhouL par value, such facL musL be
*** *** ***

5ec. 12. Mlolmom copltol stock tepolteJ of stock cotpototloos. - SLock corporaLlons
lncorporaLed under Lhls Code shall noL be requlred Lo have any mlnlmum auLhorlzed
caplLal sLock excepL as oLherwlse speclflcally provlded for by speclal law, and sub[ecL Lo
Lhe provlslons of Lhe followlng secLlon.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

.................................. .................... ........................ .......................

.................................. .................... ........................ .......................

.................................. .................... ........................ .......................

nln1P: 1haL Lhe above-named subscrlbers have pald aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) percenL of Lhe LoLal
subscrlpLlon as follows:

name of Subscrlber AmounL Subscrlbed 1oLal ald-ln

................................... ...................................... ...............................

................................... ...................................... ...............................

................................... ...................................... ...............................

................................... ...................................... ...............................

(Modlfy nos. 8 and 9 lf shares are wlLh no par value. ln case Lhe corporaLlon ls non-sLock, nos. 7, 8 and 9
of Lhe above arLlcles may be modlfled accordlngly, and lL ls sufflclenL lf Lhe arLlcles sLaLe Lhe amounL of
caplLal or money conLrlbuLed or donaLed by speclfled persons, sLaLlng Lhe names, naLlonallLles and
resldences of Lhe conLrlbuLors or donors and Lhe respecLlve amounL glven by each.)

Sec. 13. Amooot of copltol stock to be sobsctlbeJ ooJ polJ fot tbe potposes of locotpototloo. -
AL leasL LwenLy-flve percenL (23) of Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock as sLaLed ln Lhe arLlcles of
lncorporaLlon musL be subscrlbed aL Lhe Llme of lncorporaLlon, and aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23)
per cenL of Lhe LoLal subscrlpLlon musL be pald upon subscrlpLlon, Lhe balance Lo be payable on
a daLe or daLes flxed ln Lhe conLracL of subscrlpLlon wlLhouL need of call, or ln Lhe absence of a
flxed daLe or daLes, upon call for paymenL by Lhe board of dlrecLors: rovlded, however, 1haL ln
no case shall Lhe pald-up caplLal be less Lhan flve 1housand (3,000.00) pesos. (n)
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1Ln1P: 1haL ....................................... has been elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers as 1reasurer of Lhe
CorporaLlon Lo acL as such unLll hls successor ls duly elecLed and quallfled ln accordance wlLh Lhe by-
laws, and LhaL as such 1reasurer, he has been auLhorlzed Lo recelve for and ln Lhe name and for Lhe
beneflL of Lhe corporaLlon, all subscrlpLlon (or fees) or conLrlbuLlons or donaLlons pald or glven by Lhe
subscrlbers or members.

LLLvLn1P: (CorporaLlons whlch wlll engage ln any buslness or acLlvlLy reserved for llllplno clLlzens shall
provlde Lhe followlng):

"no Lransfer of sLock or lnLeresL whlch shall reduce Lhe ownershlp of llllplno clLlzens Lo less Lhan Lhe
requlred percenLage of Lhe caplLal sLock as provlded by exlsLlng laws shall be allowed or permlLLed Lo
recorded ln Lhe proper books of Lhe corporaLlon and Lhls resLrlcLlon shall be lndlcaLed ln all sLock
cerLlflcaLes lssued by Lhe corporaLlon."
**Importance of the 1reasurer-|n-1rust: 1he person who w||| |ssue the 1reasurer's Aff|dav|t,
wh|ch |s requ|red under Sec. 14.

5ec. 14. cooteots of tbe ottlcles of locotpototloo. - All corporaLlons organlzed under Lhls code
shall flle wlLh Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon arLlcles of lncorporaLlon ln any of Lhe
offlclal languages duly slgned and acknowledged by all of Lhe lncorporaLors, conLalnlng
subsLanLlally Lhe followlng maLLers, excepL as oLherwlse prescrlbed by Lhls Code or by speclal

*** *** ***

1he SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon shall noL accepL Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon of any
sLock corporaLlon unless accompanled by a sworn sLaLemenL of Lhe 1reasurer elecLed by Lhe
subscrlbers showlng LhaL aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) percenL of Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of
Lhe corporaLlon has been subscrlbed, and aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) of Lhe LoLal subscrlpLlon
has been fully pald Lo hlm ln acLual cash and/or ln properLy Lhe falr valuaLlon of whlch ls
equal Lo aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) percenL of Lhe sald subscrlpLlon, such pald-up caplLal
belng noL less Lhan flve Lhousand (3,000.00) pesos.
1987 coostltotloo, Attlcle \ll, 5ectloo 2. All lands of Lhe publlc domaln, waLers, mlnerals, coal,
peLroleum, and oLher mlneral olls, all forces of poLenLlal energy, flsherles, foresLs or Llmber, wlldllfe,
flora and fauna, and oLher naLural resources are owned by Lhe SLaLe. WlLh Lhe excepLlon of
agrlculLural lands, all oLher naLural resources shall noL be allenaLed. 1he exploraLlon, developmenL,
and uLlllzaLlon of naLural resources shall be under Lhe full conLrol and supervlslon of Lhe SLaLe. 1he
SLaLe may dlrecLly underLake such acLlvlLles, or lL may enLer lnLo co-producLlon, [olnL venLure, or
producLlon-sharlng agreemenLs wlLh llllplno clLlzens, or corporaLlons or assoclaLlons aL leasL slxLy
per cenLum of whose caplLal ls owned by such clLlzens. Such agreemenLs may be for a perlod noL
exceedlng LwenLy-flve years, renewable for noL more Lhan LwenLy-flve years, and under such Lerms
and condlLlons as may be provlded by law. ln cases of waLer rlghLs for lrrlgaLlon, waLer supply
flsherles, or lndusLrlal uses oLher Lhan Lhe developmenL of waLer power, beneflclal use may be Lhe
measure and llmlL of Lhe granL. *** *** ***
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, we have hereunLo slgned Lhese ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon, Lhls ................... day of
.............................., 19 ........... ln Lhe ClLy/MunlclpallLy of ........................................, rovlnce of
................................................., 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes.

............................................ .............................................
1987 coostltotloo, Attlcle \ll, 5ectloo 10. 1he Congress shall, upon recommendaLlon of Lhe
economlc and plannlng agency, when Lhe naLlonal lnLeresL dlcLaLes, reserve Lo clLlzens of Lhe
hlllpplnes or Lo corporaLlons or assoclaLlons aL leasL slxLy per cenLum of whose caplLal ls owned
by such clLlzens, or such hlgher percenLage as Congress may prescrlbe, cerLaln areas of
lnvesLmenLs. 1he Congress shall enacL measures LhaL wlll encourage Lhe formaLlon and operaLlon
of enLerprlses whose caplLal ls wholly owned by llllplnos.
ln Lhe granL of rlghLs, prlvlleges, and concesslons coverlng Lhe naLlonal economy and paLrlmony,
Lhe SLaLe shall glve preference Lo quallfled llllplnos.
1he SLaLe shall regulaLe and exerclse auLhorlLy over forelgn lnvesLmenLs wlLhln lLs naLlonal
[urlsdlcLlon and ln accordance wlLh lLs naLlonal goals and prlorlLles.

1987 coostltotloo, Attlcle \ll, 5ectloo 11. no franchlse, cerLlflcaLe, or any oLher form of
auLhorlzaLlon for Lhe operaLlon of a publlc uLlllLy shall be granLed excepL Lo clLlzens of Lhe
hlllpplnes or Lo corporaLlons or assoclaLlons organlzed under Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes, aL leasL
slxLy per cenLum of whose caplLal ls owned by such clLlzens, nor shall such franchlse, cerLlflcaLe,
or auLhorlzaLlon be excluslve ln characLer or for a longer perlod Lhan flfLy years. nelLher shall any
such franchlse or rlghL be granLed excepL under Lhe condlLlon LhaL lL shall be sub[ecL Lo
amendmenL, alLeraLlon, or repeal by Lhe Congress when Lhe common good so requlres. 1he SLaLe
shall encourage equlLy parLlclpaLlon ln publlc uLlllLles by Lhe general publlc. 1he parLlclpaLlon of
forelgn lnvesLors ln Lhe governlng body of any publlc uLlllLy enLerprlse shall be llmlLed Lo Lhelr
proporLlonaLe share ln lLs caplLal, and all Lhe execuLlve and managlng offlcers of such corporaLlon
or assoclaLlon musL be clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes.

1987 coostltotloo, Attlcle \vl, 5ectloo 11. (1) 1he ownershlp and managemenL of mass medla shall
be llmlLed Lo clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes, or Lo corporaLlons, cooperaLlves or assoclaLlons, wholly-
owned and managed by such clLlzens.
1he Congress shall regulaLe or prohlblL monopolles ln commerclal mass medla when Lhe publlc
lnLeresL so requlres. no comblnaLlons ln resLralnL of Lrade or unfalr compeLlLlon Lhereln shall be
(2) 1he adverLlslng lndusLry ls lmpressed wlLh publlc lnLeresL, and shall be regulaLed by law for Lhe
proLecLlon of consumers and Lhe promoLlon of Lhe general welfare.
Cnly llllplno clLlzens or corporaLlons or assoclaLlons aL leasL sevenLy per cenLum of Lhe caplLal of
whlch ls owned by such clLlzens shall be allowed Lo engage ln Lhe adverLlslng lndusLry.
1he parLlclpaLlon of forelgn lnvesLors ln Lhe governlng body of enLlLles ln such lndusLry shall be
llmlLed Lo Lhelr proporLlonaLe share ln Lhe caplLal Lhereof, and all Lhe execuLlve and managlng
offlcers of such enLlLles musL be clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

............................................ .............................................


(names and slgnaLures of Lhe lncorporaLors)

SlCnLu ln 1PL 8LSLnCL Cl:

............................................ .............................................

(noLarlal AcknowledgmenL)

N.8. A stlpolotloo oot locloJeJ lo 5ec. 15, coo be oJJeJ to coofotm wltb tbe tepoltemeot of 5ec. 18,
losteoJ of sobmlttloq o sepotote offlJovlt.

1WLLv1P: 1haL Lhe corporaLlon manlfesLs lLs wllllngness Lo change lLs corporaLe name ln Lhe evenL
anoLher person, flrm or enLlLy has acqulred a prlor rlghL Lo use Lhe sald flrm name or one decepLlvely or
confuslngly slmllar Lo lL.

9!K3L7A !$*&"<./ #0 P'"#$-#$2*&#'

9!E+C 57!L+Wc PE1S

know A|| Men 8y 1hese resents:
1haL we, all of whom are of legal age and ma[orlLy are resldenLs of Lhe hlllpplnes, have on Lhls
day, volunLarlly assoclaLed ourselves LogeLher for Lhe purpose of formlng a sLock corporaLlon under Lhe
laws of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes:

!E; B7 ;C >757FW 175+PIWA
IIkS1: 1haL Lhe name of Lhe CorporaLlon shall be SAN1C kLAL1, INC.

SLCCND: 1haL Lhe speclflc purposes for whlch sald CorporaLlon ls formed are:
1o acqulre by purchase, lease, or oLherwlse, lands or lnLeresL ln lands and realLy, and Lo own,
hold, lmprove, develop, manage, and operaLe sald land or lands or real esLaLe so acqulred, and Lo erecL
or cause Lo be erecLed on any lands, owned, held, occupled, or acqulred by Lhe corporaLlon, bulldlngs
and oLher sLrucLures wlLh Lhelr appurLenances, and Lo rebulld, enlarge, alLer, lmprove, or remodel any
bulldlng or oLher sLrucLures now or hereafLer erecLed on any lands or real esLaLes so owned, held or
occupled, or oLherwlse dlspose of any lands or real esLaLe or lnLeresLs ln lands or real esLaLes and ln
bulldlngs and oLher sLrucLures aL anyLlme owned or held by Lhe corporaLlon.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1nIkD: 1haL Lhe place where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls Lo be esLabllshed or locaLed
ls aL 123 kockwe|| Dr|ve, kockwe|| Center, Makat| C|ty, h|||pp|nes.

ICUk1n: 1haL Lhe Lerm for whlch Lhe CorporaLlon ls Lo exlsL ls I|fty (S0) years from and afLer Lhe
daLe of lssuance of Lhe CerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon.

III1n: 1haL Lhe names, naLlonallLles and resldences of Lhe lncorporaLors are as follows:

nAML nA1lCnALl1? 8LSluLnCL
1. Dona|d 1rump
1rump 1owers, Manhattan C|ty,
New ork, U.S.A.
2. Ionathan Iranc|s Nepomuceno
123 Governor's |ace, Shaw 8|vd.,
Manda|uyong C|ty, h|||pp|nes
3. Ma. Ange|a Agu|na|do
4S6 Ap|tong St., Aya|a A|abang,
Munt|n|upa C|ty, h|||pp|nes
4. kyan Chr|stopher 1eehankee
789 1eehankee St., Mu|t|nat|ona|
V|||age, aranaque C|ty, h|||pp|nes
S. Ion au|o Sa|vahan
1001 Va||e[o St., Santa kosa,
Laguna, h|||pp|nes
6. Anderson Cooper
4S7 Ap|tong St., Aya|a A|abang,
Munt|n|upa C|ty, h|||pp|nes
7. Iranc|s 1om 1emprosa
124 Governor's |ace, Shaw 8|vd.,
Manda|uyong C|ty, h|||pp|nes

SIk1n: 1haL Lhe number of dlrecLors of Lhe CorporaLlon shall be flve (3) and LhaL Lhe names,
naLlonallLles and resldence of Lhe ulrecLors of sald CorporaLlon who shall acL as such unLll Lhelr
successors are elecLed and have quallfled as provlded for ln Lhe by-laws are as follows:

1. Dona|d 1rump Amer|can 1rump 1owers, Manhattan C|ty,
New ork, U.S.A.
2. Ionathan Iranc|s Nepomuceno I|||p|no 123 Governor's |ace, Shaw 8|vd.,
Manda|uyong C|ty, h|||pp|nes
3. Ma. Ange|a Agu|na|do
4S6 Ap|tong St., Aya|a A|abang,
Munt|n|upa C|ty, h|||pp|nes
4. kyan Chr|stopher 1eehankee
789 1eehankee St., Mu|t|nat|ona|
V|||age, aranaque C|ty, h|||pp|nes
S. Ion au|o Sa|vahan
1001 Va||e[o St., Santa kosa,
Laguna, h|||pp|nes

SLVLN1n: 1haL Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of Lhe CorporaLlon ls CNL nUNDkLD MILLICN LSCS
(100,000,000.00)ln lawful money of Lhe hlllpplnes, d|v|ded |ntoCNL MILLICN (1,000,000.00) shares
wlLh Lhe a par va|ue of CNL nUNDkLD LSCS ( 100.00) per share.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

LIGn1: 1haL Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon has been fully subscrlbed
represenLlng Lhe sum of CNL nUNDkLD MILLICN LSCS ( 100,000,000.00), hlllpplne Currency, and aL
leasL LwenLy (23) per cenL of Lhe LoLal subscrlpLlon has been pald as follows:

Name Nat|ona||ty No. Cf Shares
Amount a|d
1. Dona|d 1rump Amer|can 400,000 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00
2. Ionathan Iranc|s
I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
3. Ma. Ange|a Agu|na|do I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
4. kyan Chr|stopher
I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
S. Ion au|o Sa|vahan I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
6. Anderson Cooper I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
7. Iranc|s 1om 1emprosa I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
1C1AL 1,000,000 100,000,000.00

NIN1n: 1haL Mr. V|rg|||o Macasaet has been elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers as 1reasurer of Lhe
corporaLlon Lo acL as such unLll hls successor ls duly elecLed and quallfled ln accordance wlLh Lhe by-
laws, and LhaL as such 1reasurer, he has been auLhorlzed Lo recelve for and ln Lhe name and for Lhe
beneflL of Lhe corporaLlon, all subscrlpLlons pald by Lhe subscrlbers.

1LN1n: 1haL no Lransfer of sLocks or lnLeresL Lhereln whlch wlll reduce Lhe ownershlp of llllplno
clLlzens Lo less Lhan Lhe percenLage of Lhe caplLal sLock requlred by law shall be allowed or permlLLed Lo
be recorded ln Lhe CorporaLe 8ooks and Lhls resLrlcLlon shall be lndlcaLed ln all Lhe sLock cerLlflcaLes
lssued by Lhe corporaLlon.

LLLVLN1n: 1haL Lhe corporaLlon manlfesLs lLs wllllngness Lo change lLs corporaLe name ln Lhe
evenL anoLher person, flrm or enLlLy has acqulred a prlor rlghL Lo use Lhe sald flrm name or one
decepLlvely or confuslngly slmllar Lo lL.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, we have hereunLo afflxed our slgnaLures Lhls 19
day of lebruary 2009 aL
Lhe ClLy of MakaLl, hlllpplnes.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


1IN No. 23-S634-S324

1IN No. S4-6786-34S4

1IN No. S4-66S8-9087

1IN No. S4-6879-0987

1IN No. 46-0798-84S7

1IN No. 76-0978-9834

1IN No. S6-0987-7890

SlCnLu ln 1PL 8LSLnCL Cl:




CI1 CI MAkA1I ) S.S.

8LICkL ML, a noLary ubllc ln and for MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes, Lhls 19
day of lebruary 2009
personally appeared:

name roof of ldenLlflcaLlon uaLe and lace lssued
1. uonald 1rump assporL wlLh no. uS-1000234 01-01-2007 / n?, u.S.A.

2. !onaLhan nepomuceno urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
02-02-2008 / Mandaluyong
3. Ma. Angela Agulnaldo urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
03-03-2008 / MunLlnlupa ClLy
4. 8yan 1eehankee urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
04-04-2008 / aranaque ClLy
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

3. !on aulo Salvahan urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
03-03-2008 / SanLa 8osa ClLy
6. Anderson Cooper urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
06-06-2008 / MunLlnlupa ClLy
7. lrancls 1om 1emprosa urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
07-07-2008 / Mandaluyong

All known Lo me and Lo me known Lo be Lhe same persons who execuLed Lhe foregolng ArLlcles
of lncorporaLlon and Lhey acknowledged Lo me LhaL Lhe same ls Lhelr free and volunLary acL and deed.

IN 1LS1IMCN WnLkLCI, l have hereunLo seL my hand and afflxed my noLarlal seal on Lhe daLe
and Lhe place flrsL above wrlLLen.

E#*2$, 3:D<&"
8oll no. 1234
18 no. 2343
C1C no. 3436
MCLL no. 4367
My commlsslon explres on 31 uecember 2010

uoc. no. 1,
age no. 1,
8ook no. 1,
Serles of 2009.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

5ec. 47. cooteots of by-lows. - Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lhls Code, oLher speclal laws,
and Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon, a prlvaLe corporaLlon may provlde ln lLs by-laws for:
1. 1he Llme, place and manner of calllng and conducLlng regular or speclal meeLlngs of Lhe dlrecLors or
2. 1he Llme and manner of calllng and conducLlng regular or speclal meeLlngs of Lhe sLockholders or
3. 1he requlred quorum ln meeLlngs of sLockholders or members and Lhe manner of voLlng Lhereln,
4. 1he form for proxles of sLockholders and members and Lhe manner of voLlng Lhem,
3. 1he quallflcaLlons, duLles and compensaLlon of dlrecLors or LrusLees, offlcers and employees,
6. 1he Llme for holdlng Lhe annual elecLlon of dlrecLors of LrusLees and Lhe mode or manner of glvlng
noLlce Lhereof,
7. 1he manner of elecLlon or appolnLmenL and Lhe Lerm of offlce of all offlcers oLher Lhan dlrecLors or
8. 1he penalLles for vlolaLlon of Lhe by-laws,
9. ln Lhe case of sLock corporaLlons, Lhe manner of lssulng sLock cerLlflcaLes, and
10. Such oLher maLLers as may be necessary for Lhe proper or convenlenL LransacLlon of lLs corporaLe
buslness and affalrs. (21a)

9!K3L7A F,fL24/

Sect|on 1. Subscr|pt|ons - Subscrlbers Lo Lhe caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon shall pay Lo Lhe
corporaLlon Lhe subscrlpLlon value or prlce of Lhe sLock ln accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms and condlLlons
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

prescrlbed by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors. unpald subscrlpLlons shall noL earn lnLeresL unless deLermlned by
Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors.
Sect|on 2. Cert|f|cate - Lach sLockholder shall be enLlLled Lo one or more cerLlflcaLes for such fully
pald sLock subscrlpLlon ln hls name ln Lhe books of Lhe corporaLlon. 1he cerLlflcaLes shall conLaln Lhe
maLLers requlred by law and Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon. 1hey shall be ln such form and deslgn as may
be deLermlned by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors and numbered consecuLlvely. 1he cerLlflcaLes, whlch musL be
lssued ln consecuLlve order, shall bear Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe resldenL, muLually counLerslgned by Lhe
SecreLary or AsslsLanL SecreLary, and sealed wlLh Lhe corporaLe seal.
Sect|on 3. 1ransfer of Shares - Sub[ecL Lo Lhe resLrlcLlons, Lerms and condlLlons conLalned ln Lhe
ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon, shares may be Lransferred, sold, ceded, asslgned or pledged by dellvery of Lhe
cerLlflcaLes duly endorsed by Lhe sLockholder, hls aLLorney-ln-facL, or oLher legally auLhorlzed person.
1he Lransfer shall be valld and blndlng on Lhe corporaLlon only upon record Lhereof ln Lhe books of Lhe
corporaLlon, cancellaLlon of Lhe cerLlflcaLe surrendered Lo Lhe SecreLary, and lssuance of a new
cerLlflcaLe Lo Lhe Lransferee.
no shares of sLock agalnsL whlch Lhe corporaLlon holds unpald clalm shall be Lransferable ln Lhe
books of Lhe corporaLlon.
All cerLlflcaLes surrendered for Lransfer shall be sLamped "Canceled" on Lhe face Lhereof,
LogeLher wlLh Lhe daLe of cancellaLlon, and aLLached Lo Lhe correspondlng sLub wlLh Lhe cerLlflcaLe book.
Sect|on 4. Lost Cert|f|cates - ln case any cerLlflcaLe for Lhe caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon ls losL,
sLolen, or desLroyed, a new cerLlflcaLe may be lssued ln lleu Lhereof ln accordance wlLh Lhe procedure
prescrlbed under SecLlon 73 of Lhe CorporaLlon Code
Sect|on 1. kegu|ar Meet|ngs - 1he regular meeLlngs of sLockholders, for Lhe purpose of elecLlng
dlrecLors and for Lhe LransacLlon of such buslness as may properly come before Lhe meeLlng, shall be
held aL Lhe prlnclpal offlce on Lhe 30
day of !anuary of each year, lf a legal hollday, Lhen on Lhe
followlng day.
Sect|on 2. Spec|a| Meet|ng - 1he speclal meeLlngs of sLockholders, for any purpose or purposes,
may aL any Llme be called by any of Lhe followlng: (a) 8oard of ulrecLors, aL lLs own lnsLance, or aL Lhe
wrlLLen requesL of sLockholders represenLlng a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock, (b) resldenL.
Sect|on 3. |ace of Meet|ng - SLockholders' meeLlngs, wheLher regular or speclal, shall be held ln
Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon or aL any place deslgnaLed by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors ln Lhe clLy or
munlclpallLy where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls locaLed.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Sect|on 4. Not|ce of Meet|ng - noLlces for regular or speclal meeLlngs of sLockholders may be
senL by Lhe SecreLary by personal dellvery or by mall aL leasL Lwo (2) weeks prlor Lo Lhe daLe of Lhe
meeLlng Lo each sLockholder of record aL hls lasL known posL offlce address or by publlcaLlon ln a
newspaper of general clrculaLlon. 1he noLlce shall sLaLe Lhe place, daLe and hour of Lhe meeLlng, and Lhe
purpose or purposes for whlch Lhe meeLlng ls called. ln case of speclal meeLlngs, only maLLers sLaLed ln
Lhe noLlce can be sub[ecL of moLlons or dellberaLlons aL such meeLlng.
When Lhe meeLlng of sLockholders ls ad[ourned Lo anoLher Llme or place, lL shall noL be
necessary Lo glve any noLlce of Lhe ad[ourned meeLlng lf Lhe Llme and place Lo whlch Lhe meeLlng ls
ad[ourned are announced aL Lhe meeLlng aL whlch Lhe ad[ournmenL ls Laken. AL Lhe reconvened
meeLlng, any buslness may be LransacLed LhaL mlghL have been LransacLed on Lhe orlglnal daLe of Lhe
Sect|on S. uorum - unless oLherwlse provlded by law, ln all regular or speclal meeLlng of
sLockholders, a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock musL be presenL or represenLed ln order Lo
consLlLuLe a quorum. lf no quorum ls consLlLuLed, Lhe meeLlng shall be ad[ourned unLll Lhe requlslLe
amounL of sLock shall be presenL.
Sect|on 6. Conduct of Meet|ng - MeeLlng of Lhe sLockholders shall be preslded over by Lhe
Chalrman of Lhe 8oard, or ln hls absence, Lhe resldenL, or lf none of Lhe foregolng ls ln offlce and
presenL and acLlng, by a chalrman Lo be chosen by Lhe sLockholders. 1he SecreLary shall acL as SecreLary
of every meeLlng, buL lf noL presenL, Lhe chalrman of Lhe meeLlng shall appolnL a secreLary of Lhe
meeLlng. 1he chalrman of Lhe meeLlng may ad[ourn Lhe meeLlng from Llme Lo Llme, wlLhouL noLlce oLher
Lhan announced aL Lhe meeLlng.
Sect|on 7. Manner of Vot|ng - AL all meeLlngs of sLockholders, a sLockholder may voLe ln person
or by proxy execuLed ln wrlLlng by Lhe sLockholder or hls duly auLhorlzed aLLorney-ln-facL. unless
oLherwlse provlded ln Lhe proxy, lL shall be valld only for Lhe meeLlng aL whlch lL has been presenLed Lo
Lhe SecreLary.
All proxles musL be ln Lhe hands of Lhe SecreLary before Lhe Llme seL for Lhe meeLlng. Such
proxles flled wlLh Lhe SecreLary may be revoked by Lhe sLockholders elLher ln an lnsLrumenL ln wrlLlng
duly presenLed and recorded wlLh Lhe SecreLary prlor Lo a scheduled meeLlng or by Lhelr personal
presence aL Lhe meeLlng.
Sect|on 8. C|os|ng of 1ransfer 8ooks of I|x|ng of kecord Date - lor Lhe purpose of deLermlnlng
Lhe sLockholders enLlLled Lo noLlce of, or Lo voLe aL, any meeLlng of sLockholders or any ad[ournmenL
Lhereof or Lo recelve paymenL of any dlvldend, or of maklng a deLermlnaLlon of sLockholders for any
proper purpose, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors may provlde LhaL Lhe sLock and Lransfer books be closed for a
sLaLed perlod, buL noL Lo exceed, ln any case, LwenLy (20) days. lf Lhe sLock and Lransfer books be closed
for Lhe purpose of deLermlnlng sLockholders enLlLled Lo noLlce of, or Lo voLe aL, a meeLlng of
sLockholders, such books shall be closed for aL leasL Len (10) worklng days lmmedlaLely precedlng such
meeLlng. ln lleu of closlng Lhe sLock and Lransfer books, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors may flx ln advance a daLe
as Lhe record daLe whlch shall ln no case be more Lhan LwenLy (20) days prlor Lo Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe
parLlcular acLlon requlrlng such deLermlnaLlon of sLockholders ls Lo be Laken, excepL ln lnsLance where
appllcable rules and regulaLlons provlded oLherwlse.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Sect|on 1. owers of the 8oard - unless oLherwlse provlded by law, Lhe corporaLe powers of Lhe
corporaLlon shall be exerclsed, all buslness conducLed and all properLy of Lhe corporaLlon conLrolled and
held by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors Lo be elecLed by and from among Lhe sLockholders. WlLhouL pre[udlce Lo
such general powers and such oLher powers as may be granLed by law, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors shall have
Lhe followlng express powers:
a) lrom Llme Lo Llme, Lo make and change rules and regulaLlons noL lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhese by-
laws for Lhe managemenL of Lhe corporaLlon's buslness and affalrs,
b) 1o purchase, recelve, Lake or oLherwlse acqulre ln any lawful manner, for and ln Lhe name of
Lhe corporaLlon, any and all properLles, rlghLs, lnLeresL or prlvlleges, lncludlng securlLles and bonds of
oLher corporaLlons, as Lhe LransacLlon of Lhe buslness of Lhe corporaLlon may reasonably or necessarlly
requlre, for such conslderaLlon and upon such Lerms and condlLlons as Lhe 8oard may deem proper or
c) 1o lnvesL Lhe funds of Lhe corporaLlon ln anoLher corporaLlon or buslness or for any oLher
purposes oLher Lhan Lhose for whlch Lhe corporaLlon was organlzed, whenever ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe
8oard of ulrecLors Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe corporaLlon would Lhereby be promoLed, sub[ecL Lo such
sLockholders' approval as may be requlred by law,
d) 1o lncur such lndebLedness as Lhe 8oard may deem necessary and, for such purpose, Lo make
and lssue evldence of such lndebLedness lncludlng, wlLhouL llmlLaLlon, noLes, deeds of LrusL,
lnsLrumenLs, bonds, debenLures, or securlLles, sub[ecL Lo such sLockholders' approval as may be requlred
by law, and/or pledge, morLgage, or oLherwlse encumber all or parL of Lhe properLles and rlghLs of Lhe
corporaLlon, provlded LhaL Lhe borrowlng shall be sourced from noL more Lhan nlneLeen (19) lenders,
e) 1o guaranLee and secure paymenL of, for and ln behalf of Lhe obllgaLlons of oLher corporaLlons
or enLlLles ln whlch lL has lawful lnLeresL,
f) 1o make provlslons for Lhe dlscharge of Lhe obllgaLlons of Lhe corporaLlon as Lhey maLure,
lncludlng paymenL for any properLy, or ln sLocks, bonds, debenLures, or oLher securlLles of Lhe
corporaLlon lawfully lssued for Lhe purpose,
g) 1o sell, lease, exchange, asslgn, Lransfer or oLherwlse dlspose of any properLy, real or personal,
belonglng Lo Lhe corporaLlon whenever ln Lhe 8oard's [udgmenL, Lhe corporaLlon's lnLeresL would
Lhereby be promoLed,
h) 1o esLabllsh penslon, reLlremenL, bonus, proflL- sharlng, or oLher Lypes of lncenLlves or
compensaLlon plans for Lhe employees, lncludlng offlcers and dlrecLors of Lhe corporaLlon and Lo
deLermlne Lhe persons Lo parLlclpaLe ln any such plans and Lhe amounL of Lhelr respecLlve parLlclpaLlon,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

l) 1o prosecuLe, malnLaln, defend, compromlse or abandon any lawsulL ln whlch Lhe corporaLlon
or lLs offlcers are elLher plalnLlffs or defendanLs ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe buslness of Lhe corporaLlon, and
llkewlse, Lo granL lnsLallmenLs for Lhe paymenLs or seLLlemenL of whaLsoever debLs are payable Lo Lhe
[) 1o delegaLe, from Llme Lo Llme, any of Lhe powers of Lhe 8oard whlch may lawfully be
delegaLed ln Lhe course of Lhe currenL buslness or buslnesses of Lhe corporaLlon Lo any sLandlng or
speclal commlLLee or Lo any offlcer or agenL and Lo appolnL any persons Lo be agenLs of Lhe corporaLlon
wlLh such powers (lncludlng Lhe power Lo sub-delegaLe), and upon such Lerms, as may be deemed flL,
k) 1o lmplemenL Lhese by-laws and Lo acL on any maLLer noL covered by Lhese by-laws provlded
such maLLer does noL requlre Lhe approval or consenL of Lhe sLockholders under any exlsLlng law, rules
or regulaLlon.
Sect|on 2. L|ect|on and 1erm - 1he 8oard of ulrecLors shall be elecLed durlng each regular
meeLlng of sLockholders and shall hold offlce for one (1) year and unLll Lhelr successors are elecLed and
Sect|on 3. Vacanc|es - Any vacancy occurrlng ln Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors oLher Lhan by removal by
Lhe sLockholders or by explraLlon of Lerm, may be fllled by Lhe voLe of aL leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe
remalnlng dlrecLors, lf sLlll consLlLuLlng a quorum, oLherwlse, Lhe vacancy musL be fllled by Lhe
sLockholders aL a regular or aL any speclal meeLlng of sLockholders called for Lhe purpose. A dlrecLor so
elecLed Lo flll a vacancy shall be elecLed only for Lhe unexplred Lerm of hls predecessor ln offlce.
Any dlrecLorshlp Lo be fllled by reason of an lncrease ln Lhe number of dlrecLors shall be fllled
only by an elecLlon aL a regular or aL a speclal meeLlng of sLockholders duly called for Lhe purpose, or ln
Lhe same meeLlng auLhorlzlng Lhe lncrease of dlrecLors lf so sLaLed ln Lhe noLlce of Lhe meeLlng.
1he vacancy resulLlng from Lhe removal of a dlrecLor by Lhe sLockholders ln Lhe manner provlded
by law may be flled by elecLlon aL Lhe same meeLlng of sLockholders wlLhouL furLher noLlce, or aL any
regular or aL any speclal meeLlng of sLockholders called for Lhe purpose, afLer glvlng noLlce as prescrlbed
ln Lhls by-laws.
Sect|on 4. Meet|ngs - 8egular meeLlngs of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors shall be held once every quarLer
of Lhe year on such daLes and aL such Llmes and places as Lhe Chalrman of Lhe 8oard, or ln hls absence,
Lhe resldenL, or upon Lhe requesL of a ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors and shall be held aL such places as may
be deslgnaLed ln Lhe noLlce.
Sect|on S. Not|ce - noLlce of Lhe regular or speclal meeLlng of Lhe 8oard speclfylng Lhe daLe, Llme
and place of Lhe meeLlng, shall be communlcaLed by Lhe SecreLary Lo each dlrecLor personally, or by
Lelephone, Lelex, Lelegram, facslmlle or by wrlLLen or oral message. A dlrecLor may walve Lhls
requlremenL, elLher expressly or lmplledly.
Sect|on 6. uorum - A ma[orlLy of Lhe number of dlrecLors as flxed ln Lhe ArLlcles of
lncorporaLlon shall consLlLuLe a quorum for Lhe LransacLlon of corporaLe buslness and every declslon of
aL leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors presenL aL a meeLlng aL whlch Lhere ls a quorum shall be valld as a
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

corporaLe acL, excepL for Lhe elecLlon of offlcers whlch shall requlre Lhe voLe of a ma[orlLy of all Lhe
members of Lhe 8oard.
Sect|on 7. Conduct of the Meet|ngs - MeeLlngs of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors shall be preslded over
by Lhe Chalrman of Lhe 8oard, or ln hls absence, Lhe resldenL or lf none of Lhe foregolng ls ln offlce and
presenL and acLlng, by any oLher dlrecLor chosen by Lhe 8oard. 1he SecreLary shall acL as secreLary of
every meeLlng, lf noL presenL, Lhe Chalrman of Lhe meeLlng shall appolnL a secreLary of Lhe meeLlng.
Sect|on 8. Compensat|on - 8y resoluLlon of Lhe 8oard, each dlrecLor shall recelve a reasonable
per dlem allowance for Lhe aLLendance aL each meeLlng of Lhe 8oard. As compensaLlon, Lhe 8oard shall
recelve and allocaLe an amounL of noL more Lhan Len percenL (10) of Lhe neL lncome before lncome Lax
of Lhe corporaLlon durlng Lhe precedlng year. Such compensaLlon shall be deLermlned and apporLloned
among Lhe dlrecLors ln such manner as Lhe 8oard may deem proper, sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval of
sLockholders represenLlng aL leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock aL a regular or speclal
meeLlng of Lhe sLockholders.
Sect|on 1. L|ect|on]Appo|ntment - lmmedlaLely afLer Lhelr elecLlon, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors shall
formally organlze by elecLlng Lhe Chalrman, Lhe resldenL, one or more vlce- resldenL, Lhe 1reasurer,
and Lhe SecreLary, aL sald meeLlng.
1he 8oard may, from Llme Lo Llme, appolnL such oLher offlcers as lL may deLermlne Lo be
necessary or proper. Any Lwo (2) or more poslLlons may be held concurrenLly by Lhe same person,
excepL LhaL no one shall acL as resldenL and 1reasurer or SecreLary aL Lhe same Llme.
Sect|on 2. Cha|rman of the 8oard - 1he Chalrman of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors shall preslde aL Lhe
meeLlngs of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe sLockholders. Pe shall also exerclse such powers and perform such
duLles as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors may asslgn Lo hlm.
Sect|on 3. res|dent - 1he resldenL, who shall be a dlrecLor, shall be Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer
of Lhe corporaLlon and shall also have admlnlsLraLlon and dlrecLlon of Lhe day-Lo-day buslness affalrs of
Lhe corporaLlon. Pe shall exerclse Lhe followlng funcLlons:
a) 1o preslde aL Lhe meeLlngs of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors and of Lhe sLockholders ln Lhe absence of
Lhe Chalrman of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors,
b) 1o lnlLlaLe and develop corporaLe ob[ecLlves and pollcles and formulaLe long range pro[ecLs,
plans and programs for Lhe approval of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, lncludlng Lhose for execuLlve Lralnlng,
developmenL and compensaLlon,
c) 1o have general supervlslon and managemenL of Lhe buslness affalrs and properLy of Lhe
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

d) 1o ensure LhaL Lhe admlnlsLraLlve and operaLlonal pollcles of Lhe corporaLlon are carrled ouL
under hls supervlslon and conLrol,
e) Sub[ecL Lo guldellnes prescrlbed by law, Lo appolnL remove, suspend or dlsclpllne employees
of Lhe corporaLlon, prescrlbe Lhelr duLles and deLermlne Lhelr salarles,
f) 1o oversee Lhe preparaLlon of Lhe budgeLs and Lhe sLaLemenL of accounLs of Lhe corporaLlon,
g) 1o prepare such sLaLemenLs and reporLs of Lhe corporaLlon as may be requlred of hlm by law,
h) 1o represenL Lhe corporaLlon aL all funcLlons and proceedlngs,
l) 1o execuLe on behalf of Lhe corporaLlon all conLracLs, agreemenLs and oLher lnsLrumenLs
affecLlng Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe corporaLlon whlch requlre Lhe approval of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, excepL as
oLherwlse dlrecLed by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors,
[) 1o make reporLs Lo Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors and sLockholders,
k) 1o slgn cerLlflcaLes of sLock,
l) 1o perform such oLher duLles as are lncldenL Lo hls offlce or are enLrusLed Lo hlm by Lhe 8oard
of ulrecLors,
1he resldenL may asslgn Lhe exerclse or performance of any of Lhe foregolng powers, duLles and
funcLlons Lo any oLher offlcer(s), sub[ecL always Lo hls supervlslon and conLrol.
Sect|on 4. 1he V|ce-res|dent(s) - lf one or more vlce- resldenLs are appolnLed, he/Lhey shall
have such powers and shall perform such duLles as may from Llme Lo Llme be asslgned Lo hlm/Lhem by
Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors or by Lhe resldenL.
Sect|on S. 1he Secretary - 1he SecreLary musL be a resldenL and a clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes. Pe
shall be Lhe cusLodlan of and shall malnLaln Lhe corporaLe books and record and shall be Lhe recorder of
Lhe corporaLlon's formal acLlons and LransacLlons. Pe shall have Lhe followlng speclflc powers and
a) 1o record or see Lo Lhe proper recordlng of Lhe mlnuLes and LransacLlons of all meeLlngs of Lhe
dlrecLors and Lhe sLockholders and Lo malnLaln mlnuLe books of such meeLlngs ln Lhe form and manner
requlred by law,
b) 1o keep or cause Lo be kepL record books showlng Lhe deLalls requlred by law wlLh respecL Lo
Lhe sLock cerLlflcaLes of Lhe corporaLlon, lncludlng ledgers and Lransfer books showlng all shares of Lhe
corporaLlon subscrlbed, lssued and Lransferred,
c) 1o keep Lhe corporaLe seal and afflx lL Lo all papers and documenLs requlrlng a seal, and Lo
aLLesL by hls slgnaLure all corporaLe documenLs requlrlng Lhe same,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

d) 1o aLLend Lo Lhe glvlng and servlng of all noLlces of Lhe corporaLlon requlred by law or Lhese
by-laws Lo be glven,
e) 1o cerLlfy Lo such corporaLe acLs, counLerslgn corporaLe documenLs or cerLlflcaLes, and make
reporLs or sLaLemenLs as may be requlred of hlm by law or by governmenL rules and regulaLlons,
f) 1o acL as Lhe lnspecLor of Lhe elecLlon of dlrecLors and, as such, Lo deLermlne Lhe number of
shares of sLock ouLsLandlng and enLlLled Lo voLe, Lhe shares of sLock represenLed aL Lhe meeLlng, Lhe
evldence of a quorum, Lhe valldlLy and effecL of proxles, and Lo recelve voLes, balloLs or consenLs, hear
and deLermlne all challenges and quesLlons arlslng ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe rlghL Lo voLe, counL and
LabulaLe all voLes, balloLs or consenLs, deLermlne Lhe resulL, and do such acLs as are proper Lo conducL
Lhe elecLlon or voLe. 1he SecreLary may asslgn Lhe exerclse or performance of any or all Lhe foregolng
duLles, powers and funcLlons Lo any oLher person or persons, sub[ecL always Lo hls supervlslon and
g) 1o perform such oLher duLles as lncldenL Lo hls offlce or as may be asslgned Lo hlm by Lhe
8oard of ulrecLors or Lhe resldenL.
Sect|on 6. 1reasurer - 1he 1reasurer of Lhe corporaLlon shall be lLs chlef flscal offlcer and Lhe
cusLodlan of lLs funds, securlLles and properLy. 1he 1reasurer shall have Lhe followlng duLles:
a) 1o keep full and accuraLe accounLs of recelpLs and dlsbursemenLs ln Lhe books of Lhe
b) 1o have cusLody of, and be responslble for, all Lhe funds, securlLles and bonds of Lhe
c) 1o deposlL ln Lhe name and Lo Lhe credlL of Lhe corporaLlon, ln such bank as may be deslgnaLed
from Llme Lo Llme by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, all Lhe moneys, funds, securlLles, bonds and slmllar valuable
effecLs belonglng Lo Lhe corporaLlon whlch may come under hls conLrol,
d) 1o render an annual sLaLemenL showlng Lhe flnanclal condlLlon of Lhe corporaLlon and such
oLher flnanclal reporLs as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, Lhe Chalrman, or Lhe resldenL, may, from Llme Lo Llme
e) 1o prepare such flnanclal reporLs, sLaLemenLs, cerLlflcaLlons and oLher documenLs whlch may,
from Llme Lo Llme, be requlred by governmenL rules and regulaLlons and Lo submlL Lhe same Lo Lhe
proper governmenL agencles,
f) 1o exerclse such powers and perform such duLles and funcLlons as may be asslgned Lo hlm by
Lhe resldenL.
Sect|on 7. 1erm of Cff|ce - 1he Lerm of offlce of all offlcers shall be for a perlod of one (1) year
and unLll Lhelr successors are duly elecLed and quallfled. Such offlcers may however be sooner removed
for cause.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Sect|on 8. Vacanc|es - lf any poslLlon of Lhe offlcers becomes vacanL by reason of deaLh,
reslgnaLlon, dlsquallflcaLlon or for any oLher cause, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors by ma[orlLy voLe may elecL a
successor who shall hold offlce for Lhe unexplred Lerm.
Sect|on 9. Compensat|on - 1he by-laws offlcers shall recelve such remuneraLlon as Lhe 8oard of
ulrecLors may deLermlne. All oLher offlcers shall recelve such remuneraLlon as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
may deLermlne upon recommendaLlon of Lhe resldenL. A dlrecLor shall noL be precluded from servlng
Lhe corporaLlon ln any oLher capaclLy as an offlcer, agenL, or oLherwlse, and recelvlng compensaLlon
Sect|on 1. Cff|ce - 1he prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon shall be locaLed aL Lhe place sLaLed ln
ArLlcle lll of Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon. 1he corporaLlon may have such oLher branch offlces, elLher
wlLhln or ouLslde Lhe hlllpplnes, as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors may deslgnaLe or as Lhe buslness of Lhe
corporaLlon may, from Llme Lo Llme requlre.
Sect|on 1. Lxterna| Aud|tors - AL Lhe regular sLockholders' meeLlng, Lhe exLernal audlLor or
audlLors of Lhe corporaLlon for Lhe ensulng year shall be appolnLed. 1he exLernal audlLor or audlLors
shall examlne, verlfy and reporL on Lhe earnlngs and expenses of Lhe corporaLlon and shall cerLlfy Lhe
remuneraLlon of Lhe exLernal audlLor or audlLors as deLermlned by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors.
Sect|on 2. I|sca| ear - 1he flscal year of Lhe corporaLlon shall begln on Lhe flrsL day of !anuary
and end on Lhe lasL day of uecember of each year.
Sect|on 3. D|v|dends - ulvldends shall be declared and pald ouL of Lhe unresLrlcLed reLalned
earnlngs whlch shall be payable ln cash, properLy or sLock Lo all sLockholders on Lhe basls of ouLsLandlng
sLock held by Lhem, as ofLen and aL such Llmes as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors may deLermlne and ln
accordance wlLh law and appllcable rules and regulaLlons.
Sect|on 1. Amendments - 1hls by-laws may be amended or repealed by Lhe afflrmaLlve voLe of aL
leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors and Lhe sLockholders represenLlng a ma[orlLy of Lhe
ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock aL any sLockholders' meeLlng called for Lhe purpose. Powever, Lhe power Lo
amend, modlfy, repeal or adopL new by-laws may be delegaLed Lo Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors by Lhe
afflrmaLlve voLe of sLockholders represenLlng noL less Lhan Lwo-Lhlrds of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock,
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

provlded, however, LhaL any such delegaLlon of powers Lo Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors Lo amend, repeal or
adopL new by-laws may be revoked only by Lhe voLe of Lhe sLockholders represenLlng a ma[orlLy of Lhe
ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock aL a regular or speclal meeLlng.
Sect|on 1. Iorm and Inscr|pt|ons - 1he corporaLe seal shall be deLermlned by Lhe 8oard of
1he foregolng by-laws was adopLed by all Lhe sLockholders of Lhe corporaLlon on Aprll 12, 2009
aL Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, we, Lhe underslgned lncorporaLors presenL aL sald meeLlng and voLlng
LhereaL ln favor of Lhe adopLlon of sald by-laws, have hereunLo subscrlbed our names Lhls 12
day of
Aprll 2009 aL MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes.
SlCnA1u8LS Cl ALL lnCC8C8A1C8S

1IN No. 23-S634-S324

1IN No. S4-6786-34S4

1IN No. S4-66S8-9087

1IN No. S4-6879-0987

1IN No. 46-0798-84S7

1IN No. 76-0978-9834

1IN No. S6-0987-7890

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


Sec. 74. 8ooks to be kept, stock ttoosfet oqeot. - Lvery corporaLlon shall keep and carefully preserve aL
lLs prlnclpal offlce a record of all buslness LransacLlons and mlnuLes of all meeLlngs of sLockholders or
members, or of Lhe board of dlrecLors or LrusLees, ln whlch shall be seL forLh ln deLall Lhe Llme and place
of holdlng Lhe meeLlng, how auLhorlzed, Lhe noLlce glven, wheLher Lhe meeLlng was regular or speclal, lf
speclal lLs ob[ecL, Lhose presenL and absenL, and every acL done or ordered done aL Lhe meeLlng. upon
Lhe demand of any dlrecLor, LrusLee, sLockholder or member, Lhe Llme when any dlrecLor, LrusLee,
sLockholder or member enLered or lefL Lhe meeLlng musL be noLed ln Lhe mlnuLes, and on a slmllar
demand, Lhe yeas and nays musL be Laken on any moLlon or proposlLlon, and a record Lhereof carefully
made. 1he proLesL of any dlrecLor, LrusLee, sLockholder or member on any acLlon or proposed acLlon
musL be recorded ln full on hls demand.
1he records of all buslness LransacLlons of Lhe corporaLlon and Lhe mlnuLes of any meeLlngs shall be
open Lo lnspecLlon by any dlrecLor, LrusLee, sLockholder or member of Lhe corporaLlon aL reasonable
hours on buslness days and he may demand, wrlLlng, for a copy of excerpLs from sald records or
mlnuLes, aL hls expense.
Any offlcer or agenL of Lhe corporaLlon who shall refuse Lo allow any dlrecLor, LrusLees, sLockholder or
member of Lhe corporaLlon Lo examlne and copy excerpLs from lLs records or mlnuLes, ln accordance
wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls Code, shall be llable Lo such dlrecLor, LrusLee, sLockholder or member for
damages, and ln addlLlon, shall be gullLy of an offense whlch shall be punlshable under SecLlon 144 of
Lhls Code: rovlded, 1haL lf such refusal ls made pursuanL Lo a resoluLlon or order of Lhe board of
dlrecLors or LrusLees, Lhe llablllLy under Lhls secLlon for such acLlon shall be lmposed upon Lhe dlrecLors
or LrusLees who voLed for such refusal: and rovlded, furLher, 1haL lL shall be a defense Lo any acLlon
under Lhls secLlon LhaL Lhe person demandlng Lo examlne and copy excerpLs from Lhe corporaLlon's
records and mlnuLes has lmproperly used any lnformaLlon secured Lhrough any prlor examlnaLlon of Lhe
records or mlnuLes of such corporaLlon or of any oLher corporaLlon, or was noL acLlng ln good falLh or for
a leglLlmaLe purpose ln maklng hls demand.
*** *** ***

(nAML Cl CC8C8A1lCn)
(uA1L Cl MLL1lnC)

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09



I. Ca|| to Crder
Mr. __________________________, who was requesLed Lo acL as Chalrman of Lhe MeeLlng, called Lhe
meeLlng Lo order and preslded over Lhe same. 1he CorporaLe SecreLary,
__________________________, recorded Lhe mlnuLes of Lhe proceedlngs.

II. Cert|f|cat|on of uorum

1he CorporaLe SecreLary cerLlfled LhaL a quorum for Lhe LransacLlon of buslness exlsLed, Lhere
belng presenL a ma[orlLy of Lhe members of Lhe board of dlrecLors.

III. Agenda

[lnserL Lhe buslness LransacLlons, lncludlng resoluLlons approved by Lhe board.]

V. Ad[ournment

1here belng no furLher buslness Lo LransacL, Lhe meeLlng was Lhereupon ad[ourned.


Chalrman of Lhe MeeLlng/ulrecLor

_______________________ ___________________________
ulrecLor CorporaLe SecreLary/ulrecLor

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A K&':*./ #0 *?. K..*&'(

Cl 1PL 8CA8u Cl ul8LC1C8S


Peld aL Lhe 3
lloor, 1anduay Complex,
423 8rel SLreeL, MakaLl ClLy
14 lebruary 2009

xlLLA An1CnlC
AnnA uL CuZMAn
!uS1ln CuLvA88A


I. Ca|| to Crder
Mr. !usLln Cuevarra, who was requesLed Lo acL as Chalrman of Lhe MeeLlng, called Lhe meeLlng
Lo order and preslded over Lhe same. 1he CorporaLe SecreLary, ALLy. Anna de Cuzman, recorded Lhe
mlnuLes of Lhe proceedlngs.

II. Cert|f|cat|on of uorum

1he CorporaLe SecreLary cerLlfled LhaL a quorum for Lhe LransacLlon of buslness exlsLed, Lhere
belng presenL a ma[orlLy of Lhe members of Lhe board of dlrecLors.

III. 1ransact|on w|th Smart 1e|ecom, Inc.

1he Chalrman lnformed Lhe 8oard LhaL Lhe meeLlng was called Lo appolnL Ms. Ceorgla
Lagdameo as Lhe new auLhorlzed slgnaLory of Lhe CorporaLlon for LransacLlons wlLh SmarL 1elecom, lnc.
ln relaLlon Lo lLs Cversees Call CommunlcaLlon lncenLlves rogram.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

upon moLlon duly made and seconded, Lhe 8oard passed and approved Lhe followlng

8LSCLvLu, 1haL Lhe CorporaLlon hereby appolnLs lLs ulrecLor and 1reasurer,
Ms. Ceorgla Lagdameo, as Lhe CorporaLlon's auLhorlzed represenLaLlve for all
LransacLlons relaLlng Lo SmarL 1elecom, lnc.'s Cversees Call CommunlcaLlon lncenLlves

8LSCLvLu, lu81PL8, 1haL Ms. Ceorgla Lagdameo ls hereby auLhorlzed Lo slgn,
execuLe and dellver, for and ln behalf of Lhe CorporaLlon, all forms, papers and
documenLs requlred by SmarL 1elecom, lnc. and Lo do all acLs necessary for Lhe purpose,

8LSCLvLu, llnALL?, 1haL Lhls resoluLlon revokes all prlor resoluLlons on Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer."

IV. kenewa| of Lease Contract

1he 8oard was also requesLed Lo appolnL Mr. !usLln Cuevarra as Lhe CorporaLlon's auLhorlzed
represenLaLlve for Lhe renewal of Lhe lease conLracL over lLs offlce premlses locaLed aL 3
lloor, 1anduay
Complex, 423 8rel SLreeL, MakaLl ClLy.

AfLer dlscusslons and upon moLlon duly made and seconded, Lhe 8oard passed and approved
Lhe followlng resoluLlon:

8LSCLvLu, 1haL Lhe CorporaLlon ls hereby auLhorlzed Lo renew Lhe lease
conLracL over lLs offlce premlses locaLed aL Lhe 3
lloor, 1anduay Complex, 423 8rel
SLreeL, MakaLl ClLy havlng an area of Cne Pundred llfLy Square MeLers (130), more or
less, under such Lerms and condlLlons as managemenL may deem mosL beneflclal Lo Lhe

8LSCLvLu, lu81PL8, 1haL Lhe Ceneral Manager, Mr. !usLln Cuevarra, ls
hereby auLhorlzed and empowered Lo slgn, execuLe and dellver, for and ln behalf of Lhe
CorporaLlon, Lhe ConLracL of Lease and such oLher conLracLs and documenLs requlred
for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe auLhorlLy granLed hereln."

V. Ad[ournment

1here belng no furLher buslness Lo LransacL, Lhe meeLlng was Lhereupon ad[ourned.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


cboltmoo of tbe Meetloq/ultectot ultectot

ultectot cotpotote 5ectetoty/ultectot

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


When a SecreLary's CerLlflcaLe ls regular on lLs face, lL can be sufflclenLly relled on by a Lhlrd
parLy who does noL have Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe LruLh of Lhe facLs conLalned ln such cerLlflcaLlon, oLherwlse
buslness LransacLlon of corporaLlons would become LorLuously slow and unnecessarlly hampered.

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
rovlnce of ____________________) S.S.
ClLy/MunlclpallLy of _____________)
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
l, Lhe underslgned CorporaLe SecreLary of __name of CorporaLlon__, lnC., a domesLlc
corporaLlon duly organlzed and exlsLlng under and by vlrLue of Lhe laws of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes, uC PL8L8? CL81ll? LhaL aL a (regular/speclal) meeLlng of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors of sald
corporaLlon held aL lLs prlnclpal offlce ln _____________, hlllpplnes on _____________, duly called for
Lhe purpose, a quorum belng presenL and acLed LhroughouL, Lhe followlng resoluLlons were
unanlmously adopLed, and are now ln full force and effecL, Lo wlL:

"kLSCLVLD, LhaL [lnserL board resoluLlon]."

"kLSCLVLD, IUk1nLk, x x x."
I IUk1nLk CLk1II LhaL Lhe person hereln deslgnaLed as offlcer of Lhls CorporaLlon has been duly
elecLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe 8y-Laws and now hold Lhe offlce/LlLle ln Lhls CorporaLlon as sLaLed
IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, l have hereunLo afflxed my slgnaLure Lhls _____________ aL
_____________, hlllpplnes.

A11LS1LD 1C 8:

Lsguerra v. CourL of Appeals, 267 C8A 380 (1997).

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n before me Lhls........ day of ........................... 2008, by
............................................. who exhlblLed Lo me hls C1C no. ................................... lssued on
................................. aL ...........................................

uoc. no. .........:
age no. .........,
8ook no. .........,
Serles of 20___.

noLary ubllc

9!K3L7A 9."$.*2$,U/ 1.$*&0&"2*.

8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS)
ClLy of MakaLl ) S.S.
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
l, Lhe underslgned CorporaLe SecreLary of SAn1C 8LAL1? lnC., a domesLlc corporaLlon duly
organlzed and exlsLlng under and by vlrLue of Lhe laws of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes, uC PL8L8?
CL81ll? LhaL aL a SLClAL meeLlng of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors of sald corporaLlon held aL lLs prlnclpal
offlce ln 123 8ockwell urlve, MakaLl ClLy hlllpplnes on 01 Aprll 2009 duly called for Lhe purpose, a
quorum belng presenL and acLed LhroughouL, Lhe followlng resoluLlons were unanlmously adopLed, and
are now ln full force and effecL, Lo wlL:
"kLSCLVLD, LhaL Mt. Ioootboo ltoocls Nepomoceoo, resldenL of SAn1C 8ealLy lnc. be
auLhorlzed Lo acL for and ln behalf of Lhe corporaLlon Lo lnlLlaLe and malnLaln unLll
flnallLy any sulL or legal proceedlngs ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe collecLlon of a sum of money
owed by Mt. Iobo uoe Lo Lhls corporaLlon.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

"kLSCLVLD IUk1nLk, for Lhls purpose, Mt. Ioootboo ltoocls Nepomoceoo ls hereby
auLhorlzed Lo slgn, execuLe, dellver and recelve any documenLs, and Lo perform such
acLlons as may be necessary ln furLherance of Lhe power Lhus granLed."
IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, l have hereunLo afflxed my slgnaLure Lhls 2
day of Aprll 2009 aL MakaLl
ClLy, hlllpplnes.
A11LS1LD 1C 8:


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Sec. 13. Amooot of copltol stock to be sobsctlbeJ ooJ polJ fot tbe potposes of locotpototloo. - AL leasL
LwenLy-flve percenL (23) of Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock as sLaLed ln Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon musL
be subscrlbed aL Lhe Llme of lncorporaLlon, and aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) per cenL of Lhe LoLal
subscrlpLlon musL be pald upon subscrlpLlon, Lhe balance Lo be payable on a daLe or daLes flxed ln Lhe
conLracL of subscrlpLlon wlLhouL need of call, or ln Lhe absence of a flxed daLe or daLes, upon call for
paymenL by Lhe board of dlrecLors: rovlded, however, 1haL ln no case shall Lhe pald-up caplLal be less
Lhan flve 1housand (3,000.00) pesos.
Sec. 14. cooteots of tbe ottlcles of locotpototlooS - All corporaLlons organlzed under Lhls code shall flle
wlLh Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon arLlcles of lncorporaLlon ln any of Lhe offlclal languages
duly slgned and acknowledged by all of Lhe lncorporaLors, conLalnlng subsLanLlally Lhe followlng
maLLers, excepL as oLherwlse prescrlbed by Lhls Code or by speclal law:
*** *** ***

1he SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon shall noL accepL Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon of any sLock
corporaLlon unless accompanled by a sworn sLaLemenL of Lhe 1reasurer elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers
showlng LhaL aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) percenL of Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon has
been subscrlbed, and aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) of Lhe LoLal subscrlpLlon has been fully pald Lo hlm ln
acLual cash and/or ln properLy Lhe falr valuaLlon of whlch ls equal Lo aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) percenL
of Lhe sald subscrlpLlon, such pald-up caplLal belng noL less Lhan flve Lhousand (3,000.00) pesos.


8Lu8LlC Cl 1PL PlLllnLS )
Cl1?/MunlClALl1? Cl ) S.S.
8CvlnCL Cl )

l, __________________ belng duly sworn, depose and say:

1haL l have been elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers of Lhe corporaLlon as 1reasurer Lhereof, Lo acL as
such unLll my successor has been duly elecLed and quallfled ln accordance wlLh Lhe by-laws of Lhe
corporaLlon, and LhaL as such 1reasurer, l hereby cerLlfy under oaLh LhaL aL leasL 23 of Lhe auLhorlzed
caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon has been subscrlbed and aL leasL 23 of Lhe LoLal subscrlpLlon has been
pald, and recelved by me, ln cash or properLy, ln Lhe amounL of noL less Lhan 3,000.00, ln accordance
wlLh Lhe CorporaLlon Code.
1hls ls also Lo auLhorlze Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon and 8angko SenLral ng lllplnas
Lo examlne and verlfy Lhe deposlL ln Lhe _______________________ ln my name as 1reasurer-ln-1rusL
for ___(nAML Cl CC8C8A1lCn)___ ln Lhe amounL of 1wo Pundred llfLy 1housand esos (230,000)
represenLlng Lhe pald-up caplLal of Lhe sald corporaLlon whlch ls ln Lhe process of lncorporaLlon. 1hls
auLhorlLy ls valld and lnspecLlon of sald deposlL may be made even afLer Lhe lssuance of Lhe CerLlflcaLe
of lncorporaLlon Lo Lhe corporaLlon. Should Lhe deposlL be Lransferred Lo anoLher bank prlor Lo or afLer
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

lncorporaLlon, Lhls wlll also serve as auLhorlLy Lo examlne Lhe same. 1he represenLaLlve of Lhe SecurlLles
and Lxchange Commlsslon ls also auLhorlzed Lo examlne Lhe perLlnenL books and records of accounLs of
Lhe corporaLlon as well as supporLlng papers Lo deLermlne Lhe uLlllzaLlon and dlsbursemenL of Lhe sald
pald-up caplLal.
ln case Lhe sald pald-up caplLal ls noL deposlLed or wlLhdrawn prlor Lo Lhe approval of Lhe
arLlcles of lncorporaLlon, l, ln behalf of Lhe above-named corporaLlon, walve our rlghL Lo a noLlce and
hearlng ln Lhe revocaLlon of our CerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon.

(SlgnaLure of 1reasurer)

Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n Lo before me, a noLary ubllc, for and ln Lhe ClLy/MunlclpallLy of
______________ rovlnce of __________________, Lhls ___ day of _______, 20__, by
_________________ wlLh urlver's Llcense. no. ____________ lssued aL ________________ on
_______________, 20____.

noLary ubllc

uoc no.
age no.
8ook no.
Serles of 20___.

9!K3L7A +$.2/:$.$U/ !00&%26&*

8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes )
ClLy of MakaLl, MeLro Manlla ) S.S.
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x


l, 8onald Mcuonald, llllplno, of legal age, slngle, and a resldenL of unlL 2001 Manansala
Condomlnlums, 8ockwell urlve, MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes, afLer belng sworn Lo ln accordance wlLh law,
depose and sLaLe:

1haL l have been elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers of Lhe SanLo 8ealLy lnc. as 1reasurer-ln-1rusL Lhereof,
Lo acL as such unLll my successor has been duly elecLed and quallfled ln accordance wlLh Lhe by-laws of
Lhe corporaLlon, and LhaL as such 1reasurer, l hereby cerLlfy under oaLh LhaL aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23)
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

percenL of Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock has been subscrlbed and aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) percenL of
Lhe subscrlpLlon has been pald and recelved by me ln cash for Lhe beneflL and credlL of Lhe corporaLlon.

1hls ls also Lo auLhorlze Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon (SLC) and 8angko SenLral ng
lllplnas (8S) Lo examlne and verlfy Lhe deposlL ln Lhe 8ank of Lhe hlllpplne lslands, 8ockwell 8ranch,
ln my name as 1reasurer-ln-1rusL for SAn1C 8LAL1?, lnC. ln Lhe amounL of Cne Pundred Mllllon esos
(100,000,000.00) represenLlng Lhe pald-up caplLal of Lhe sald corporaLlon whlch ls ln Lhe process of
lncorporaLlon. 1hls auLhorlLy ls valld and lnspecLlon of sald deposlL may be made even afLer Lhe lssuance
of Lhe CerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon Lo Lhe corporaLlon. Should Lhe deposlL be Lransferred Lo anoLher bank
prlor Lo or afLer lncorporaLlon, Lhls wlll also serve as auLhorlLy Lo examlne Lhe perLlnenL books and
records of accounLs of Lhe corporaLlon as well as supporLlng papers Lo deLermlne Lhe uLlllzaLlon and
dlsbursemenL of Lhe sald pald-up caplLal.



Subscrlbed and sworn Lo before me, ln Lhe ClLy of MakaLl, Lhls 19
day of lebruary, 2009 by wlLh
urlver's Llcense number C10-09-000067 lssued by Lhe Land 1ransporLaLlon Cfflce, LasL Ave., Cuezon
ClLy on november 1, 2009, and explrlng on november 1, 2011.

Nototy lobllc
8oll no. 1234
18 no. 2343
C1C no. 3436
MCLL no. 4367
My commlsslon explres uecember 31, 2010

uoc. no. 3
age no. 1
8ook no. 1
Serles of 2009.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


(as of !uly 1, 2006)

- All appllcaLlons and supporLlng documenLs musL be ln slx (6) coples and havecover sheeLs.

- uocumenLs slgned abroad musL be auLhenLlcaLed by Lhe hlllpplne Lmbassy orConsulaLe ln Lhe
counLry where slgned.

- All audlLed llnanclal SLaLemenLs and speclal audlL reporLs musL be cerLlfled byan lndependenL
CerLlfled ubllc AccounLanL (CA), wlLh SLaLemenL of8epresenLaLlon flled wlLh Lhe SLC. Sald SLaLemenL
musL lndlcaLe Lhe CA, 8C/8CA no. and Lhe 18 no. of Lhe CA.

- All appllcaLlons musL lndlcaLe Lhe 1ax ldenLlflcaLlon number (1ln) of LheslgnaLorles.



F2/&" 5.e:&$.@.'*/

1. name verlflcaLlon Sllp (secure onllne or from SLC name verlflcaLlon unlL )
2. ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon and 8y-laws
3. 1reasurer's AffldavlL
4. AffldavlL of lncorporaLor or dlrecLor underLaklng Lo change corporaLe name (noL requlred lf
ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon has provlslon on Lhls commlLmenL)
3. 8eglsLraLlon uaLa SheeL

!%%&*&#'2< 5.e:&$.@.'*/

6. lndorsemenL/clearance from oLher governmenL agencles, lf appllcable.
7. lor corporaLlons wlLh forelgn equlLy: roof of remlLLance by non-resldenL allens and forelgn
corporaLe subscrlbers who wanL Lo reglsLer Lhelr lnvesLmenL wlLh Lhe 8angko SenLral ng
lllplnas ( 8S )
8. lor corporaLlons wlLh more Lhan 40 forelgn equlLy: SLC lorm no. l- 100
9. lor corporaLlons wlLh hlllpplne Lconomlc Zone AuLhorlLy (LZA), Sublc 8ay MeLropollLan
AuLhorlLy (S8MA) or oLher economlc zones appllcaLlon: CerLlflcaLe of AuLhorlLy or lndorsemenL
from sald governmenL agencles
10. lor call cenLers:
a. 8uslness lan/Modus Cperandl
b. LlsL of prospecLlve cllenLs
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

11. AddlLlonal requlremenLs based on klnd of paymenL of subscrlpLlon lndlcaLed hereunder

2S 12/?

1. 8ank CerLlflcaLe of deposlL of pald up caplLal noLarlzed ln place where slgned
2. lor corporaLlons wlLh forelgn subscrlbers who wanL Lo reglsLer Lhelr lnvesLmenL s wlLh Lhe
8S: roof of lnward remlLLance or bank cerLlflcaLe

DS L2'% 2'%Y F:&<%&'(Y1#'%#@&'&:@ J'&*

1. ueLalled schedule of Lhe properLy showlng lLs reglsLered owner, locaLlon, area, 1C1 no., Lax
declaraLlon number and Lhe basls of Lhe Lransfer value (markeL value/assessed value/ zonal
value or appralsed value )
2. Copy of 1C1/CC1 and Lax declaraLlon sheeL, cerLlfled by Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds and Lhe
Assessor's Cfflce, respecLlvely
3. lf Lransfer value ls based on zonal value: LaLesL zonal valuaLlon cerLlfled by Lhe 8ureau of
lnLernal 8evenue (8l8)
4. lf Lransfer value ls based on appralsed value: Appralsal reporL by a llcensed real esLaLe
appralser (noL more Lhan slx [6] monLhs old)
3. ueed of asslgnmenL wlLh prlmary enLry by Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds
6. lf properLy ls morLgaged: MorLgagee/credlLor's cerLlflcaLlon on Lhe ouLsLandlng loan
balance and hls consenL Lo Lhe Lransfer of properLy
7. lor asslgnmenL of a bulldlng where Lhe asslgnor ls noL Lhe owner of Lhe land: Lease conLracL
on Lhe land and consenL of Lhe land owner Lo Lhe Lransfer
8. AffldavlL of Lhe Lransferor LhaL Lhe bulldlng/condomlnlum unlL ls exlsLlng and ln good
9. AffldavlL of underLaklng by any lncorporaLor or dlrecLor Lo submlL Lhe proof of Lransfer of Lhe
properLy wlLhln Lhe prescrlbed perlod

"S P'6.'*#$&./ YI:$'&*:$.Y3.$/#'2< 3$#-.$*&./

1. ueLalled schedule of Lhe properLy showlng lLs descrlpLlon and Lhe basls of Lransfer value
(markeL value or book value)
2. Speclal audlL reporL by an lndependenL CA on Lhe verlflcaLlon and valuaLlon of Lhe properLy
3. ueed of asslgnmenL of Lhe properLy Lo Lhe corporaLlon
4. AffldavlL of Lhe Lransferor LhaL Lhe lnvenLorles/ furnlLure/personal properLles are exlsLlng
and ln good condlLlon

%S >.26, 7e:&-@.'* 2'% K2"?&'.$,

1. ueLalled schedule of Lhe properLy showlng lLs descrlpLlon and Lhe basls of Lransfer value
(book value or appralsed value)
2. Appralsal reporL by a llcensed mechanlcal englneer (noL more Lhan slx [6] monLhs old). lf Lhe
properLy ls lmporLed, submlL valuaLlon reporL by Lhe 8S lnsLead
3. ueed of asslgnmenL of Lhe properLy Lo Lhe corporaLlon
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4. AffldavlL of Lhe Lransferor LhaL Lhe heavy equlpmenL/machlnery ls exlsLlng and ln good

.S 9?2$./ #0 9*#"O

1. ueLalled schedule of Lhe shares of sLock lndlcaLlng Lhe sLockholder, sLock cerLlflcaLe number,
number of shares and Lhe basls of Lransfer value (markeL value or book value)
2. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs of Lhe lnvesLee company as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped
recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe 8l8
3. ueed of asslgnmenL of Lhe shares of sLock Lo Lhe corporaLlon
4. CerLlflcaLlon by Lhe corporaLe secreLary of Lhe lnvesLee company LhaL Lhe shares are
ouLsLandlng ln Lhe name of Lhe asslgnor
3. hoLocopy of Lhe sLock cerLlflcaLes (presenL orlglnal for verlflcaLlon)
6. lf shares of sLock are llsLed ln Lhe sLock exchange: LaLesL markeL quoLaLlon ln Lhenewspaper
or cerLlflcaLlon from Lhe sLock exchange/broker on Lhe laLesL markeL prlce of Lhe shares of sLock
7. AffldavlL of underLaklng by any lncorporaLor or dlrecLor Lo submlL Lhe proof of Lransfer
wlLhln Lhe prescrlbed perlod

0S K#*#$ Q.?&"<./

1. ueLalled lnvenLory of Lhe moLor vehlcles showlng Lhe reglsLered owner, make/model, plaLe
number, chassls number, moLor number, cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon number, and markeL value
2. hoLocopy of Lhe CerLlflcaLe of 8eglsLraLlon and offlclal recelpL of annual reglsLraLlon fee
(presenL orlglnal for verlflcaLlon)
3. Appralsal reporL by a llcensed mechanlcal englneer (noL more Lhan slx [6] monLhs old)
4. ueed of asslgnmenL of Lhe moLor vehlcle Lo Lhe corporaLlon
3. AffldavlL of Lhe Lrans feror LhaL Lhe moLor vehlcle ls exlsLlng and ln good condlLlon
6. AffldavlL of underLaklng by any lncorporaLor or dlrecLor Lo submlL Lhe proof of Lransfer
wlLhln Lhe prescrlbed perlod

(S 9.2 Q.//.<Y!&$"$20*

1. ueLalled lnvenLory of Lhe vessel/alrcrafL showlng Lhe reglsLered owner, reglsLry number,
Lechnlcal descrlpLlon, and appralsed value
2. CerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe cerLlflcaLe of ownershlp
3. CerLlflcaLe of seaworLhlness/alrworLhlness lssued by Lhe approprlaLe governmenL agency
4. Appralsal reporL by a llcensed mechanlcal englneer (noL more Lhan slx [6] monLhs old)
3. ueed of asslgnmenL of Lhe vessel/alrcrafL Lo Lhe corporaLlon
6. AffldavlL of Lhe Lransferor LhaL Lhe sea vessel/alrcrafL ls exlsLlng and ln good condlLlon
7. AffldavlL of underLaklng by any lncorporaLor/dlrecLor Lo submlL Lhe proof of Lransfer wlLhln
Lhe prescrlbed perlod

?S P'*2'(&D<./

1. hoLocopy of Lhe CerLlflcaLe of 8eglsLraLlon of lnLellecLual roperLy rlghLs, mlnlng permlL (for
mlnlng clalms/rlghLs)
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

2. Appralsal reporL by an accredlLed appralsal company (noL more Lhan slx [6] monLhs old)
3. ueed of asslgnmenL of lnLanglbles Lo Lhe corporaLlon

&S E.* !//.*/ TD, 42, #0 "#'6.$/&#' #0 /&'(<.
-$#-$&.*#$/?&-Y-2$*'.$/?&- &'*# "#$-#$2*&#' #$ D, 42, #0 /-&'f#00V

1. ArLlcles of ulssoluLlon of arLnershlp
2. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs of Lhe slngle proprleLorshlp/parLnershlp/dlvlslon of a
corporaLlon (for spln off) as of Lhe lasL flscal year
3. Long-form audlL reporL of lLem 2
4. ueed of asslgnmenL of Lhe asseLs and llablllLles Lo Lhe corporaLlon
3. SeparaLe deed of Lhe asslgnmenL for land wlLh prlmary enLry by Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds
6. LlsL of credlLors , wlLh Lhe amounL due Lo each credlLor and Lhe consenL of each credlLor,
cerLlfled by Lhe company accounLanL
7. ueLalled schedule of Lhe properLles wlLh cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon/LlLles and Lhelr respecLlve
book values
8. hoLocopy of Lhe CerLlflcaLe of 8eglsLraLlon of Lhe moLor vehlcle (presenL orlglnal for
9. hoLocopy of Lhe 1C1/CC1 and Lax declaraLlon sheeL, cerLlfled by Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds and Lhe
Assessor's Cfflce, respecLlvely
10. lor slngle proprleLorshlps: ueparLmenL of 1rade and lndusLry (u1l) CerLlflcaLe of 8eglsLraLlon

Notes :

1. lLems 3 Lo 10 shall be complled wlLh only lf appllcable
2. 1he corporaLlon should use Lhe name of Lhe parLnershlp dropplng only Lhe word company"
and addlng elLher Lhe word corporaLlon" or lncorporaLed", or lLs abbrevlaLlon
3. 1he flllng of Lhe ArLlcles of ulssoluLlon and ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon or lncrease of AuLhorlzed
CaplLal SLock should be slmulLaneous

*** *** ***


!S F5!E1> CIIP17 2'% 5735797E+!+PQ7 CIIP17

1. AppllcaLlon lorm
a) SLC lorm no. l-103 - for 8ranch Cfflce
b) SLC lorm no. l-104 - for 8epresenLaLlve Cfflce
c) SLC lorm no. l-108 - for non-sLock corporaLlons

2. name verlflcaLlon Sllp

3. AuLhenLlcaLed copy of Lhe 8oard 8esoluLlon auLhorlzlng Lhe esLabllshmenL of branch/
represenLaLlve offlce ln Lhe hlllpplnes, deslgnaLlng Lhe resldenL agenL Lo whom summons and
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

oLher legal processes may be served Lo Lhe forelgn corporaLlon, and sLlpulaLlng LhaL ln Lhe
absence of such agenL or upon cessaLlon of lLs operaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplnes, any summons or
legal processes may be served Lo SLC as lf Lhe same ls made upon Lhe corporaLlon aL lLs home

4. llnanclal SLaLemenLs as of a daLe noL exceedlng one (1) year lmmedlaLely prlor LoLhe
appllcaLlon, cerLlfled by an lndependenL CA of Lhe home counLry and auLhenLlcaLed before Lhe
hlllpplne ConsulaLe/Lmbassy

3. AuLhenLlcaLed copy of Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon wlLh an Lngllsh LranslaLlon lf ln forelgn
language oLher Lhan Lngllsh

6. roof of lnward 8emlLLance, such as bank cerLlflcaLe

7. 8eglsLraLlon uaLa SheeL

8. 8esldenL AgenL's accepLance of appolnLmenL (noL requlred lf Lhe resldenL agenL ls Lhe
slgnaLory ln Lhe appllcaLlon form)

9. lor 8epresenLaLlve Cfflce and 8ranch Cfflce of non-sLock corporaLlons: AffldavlL slgned by
Lhe resldenL agenL sLaLlng LhaL Lhe appllcanL ls solvenL and ln sound flnanclal condlLlon


1. AppllcaLlon lorm

2. name verlflcaLlon Sllp

3. A cerLlflcaLlon from Lhe hlllpplne ConsulaLe/Lmbassy or Lhe hlllpplne Commerclal Cfflce
or from Lhe equlvalenL offlce of Lhe hlllpplne u1l ln Lhe appllcanL's home counLry LhaL sald
forelgn flrm ls an enLlLy engaged ln lnLernaLlonal Lrade wlLh afflllaLes, subsldlarles or branch
offlces ln Lhe Asla aclflc and oLher forelgn markeLs, ln case Lhe cerLlflcaLlon ls lssued by Lhe
equlvalenL offlce of Lhe hlllpplne u1l, Lhe same shall be auLhenLlcaLed by Lhe hlllpplne

4. A cerLlflcaLlon from Lhe prlnclpal offlcer of Lhe forelgn enLlLy LhaL Lhe sald forelgn enLlLy has
been auLhorlzed by lLs board of dlrecLors or governlng body Lo esLabllsh lLs reglonal or area
headquarLers or reglonal operaLlng headquarLers ln Lhe hlllpplnes

6. lndorsemenL of Lhe 8oard of lnvesLmneLs (8Cl)

Notes: WlLhln 30 days from recelpL of llcense:

1. lor 8eglonal or Area PeadquarLers: proof of remlLLance of aL leasL uS$30,000
2. lor 8eglonal CperaLlng PeadquarLers: proof of remlLLance of aL leasL uS$200,000

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

*** *** ***

PQS C+>75 !33LP1!+PCE9

!S IC5 1C53C5!+PCE9

PS !K7E;7; !5+P1L79 CI PE1C53C5!+PCE
T0#$ /*#"O 2'% '#'f/*#"O %#@./*&" "#$-#$2*&#'/V

1. Amended ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon
2 ulrecLors '/1rusLees ' CerLlflcaLe - a noLarlzed documenL slgned by a ma[orlLy of Lhe
dlrecLors/LrusLees and Lhe corporaLe secreLary, cerLlfylng Lhe amendmenL of Lhe ArLlcles of
lncorporaLlon, lndlcaLlng Lhe amended provlslons, Lhe voLe of Lhe dlrecLors /LrusLees and
sLockholders /members, Lhe daLe and place of Lhe sLockholders' or members' meeLlng, Lhe 1ln
of Lhe slgnaLorles should be lndlcaLed below Lhelr names
3. Company uaLa MalnLenance lorm

!%%&*&#'2< 5.e:&$.@.'*/

4. lndorsemenL /clearance from oLher governmenL agencles, lf appllcable

lf tbe ptovlsloo to be omeoJeJ ls tbe cotpotote oome

3. name verlflcaLlon Sllp
6. AffldavlL of a dlrecLor/LrusLee or offlcer underLaklng Lo change corporaLe name

PPS !K7E;7; FWfL!B9
T0#$ /*#"O 2'% '#'f/*#"O %#@./*&" "#$-#$2*&#'/V

1. Amended 8y-laws
2. ulrecLors'/1rusLees' CerLlflcaLe - a noLarlzed documenL slgned by a ma[orlLy of Lhe
dlrecLors/LrusLees and Lhe corporaLe secreLary , cerLlfylng Lhe amendmenL of Lhe 8y-
laws, lndlcaLlng Lhe amended provlslons, Lhe voLe of Lhe dlrecLors /LrusLees and
sLockholders /members, Lhe daLe and place of Lhe sLockholders ' or members' meeLlng
3. Company uaLa MalnLenance lorm

PPPS PE157!97 CI !J+>C5Pd7; 1!3P+!L 9+C1M

F2/&" 5.e:&$.@.'*/

1. CerLlflcaLe of lncrease of CaplLal SLock
2. 1reasurer's AffldavlL cerLlfylng Lhe lncrease of caplLal sLock, Lhe amounL subscrlbed and Lhe
amounL recelved as paymenL
3. LlsL of sLockholders as of Lhe daLe of Lhe meeLlng approvlng Lhe lncrease, lndlcaLlng Lhe
naLlonallLles of Lhe subscrlbers and Lhelr respecLlve subscrlbed and pald-up caplLal on
Lhe presenL auLhorlzed caplLal sLock, cerLlfled by Lhe corporaLe secreLary
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4. Amended ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon
3. ulrecLors' CerLlflcaLe - a noLarlzed documenL slgned by a ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe
corporaLe secreLary , cerLlfylng Lhe amendmenL of Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon
lncreaslng Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock, Lhe voLes of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe sLockholders,
and Lhe daLe and place of Lhe sLockholders ' meeLlng
6. Company uaLa MalnLenance lorm
7. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe

!%%&*&#'2< $.e:&$.@.'*/ %.-.'%&'( #' *?. O&'% #0 -2,@.'* #' /:D/"$&-*&#'

2S 12/?

1. A reporL rendered by an lndependenL CA on Lhe verlflcaLlon of Lhe cash paymenL on
subscrlpLlon Lo Lhe lncrease
2. Copy of Lhe offlclal recelpL, deposlL sllp, bank sLaLemenL/passbook
3. 1rlal balance as of Lhe end of Lhe monLh lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe submlsslon of Lhe
requlremenLs, whlch lncludes Lhe addlLlonal caplLal lnfuslon, cerLlfled by Lhe company
4. WrlLLen walver of pre-empLlve rlghLs by non-subscrlblng sLockholders

Note: ulsregard lLem 1 lf paymenL on subscrlpLlon ls already reflecLed ln Lhe audlLed flnanclal
sLaLemenLs (lLem 7 of Lhe baslc requlremenLs), and sald addlLlonal caplLal lnfuslon ls
reflecLed ln Lhe Cash llow SLaLemenL

DS 1#'6.$/&#' #0 2%62'"./Y<&2D&<&*&./ *# .e:&*,

1. A reporL rendered by an lndependenL CA on Lhe verlflcaLlon of Lhe advances Lo be
converLed Lo equlLy
2. ueLalled schedule of Lhe llablllLles Lo be offseL , as of Lhe daLe of Lrlal balance, cerLlfled by Lhe
company accounLanL
3. 1rlal balance as of Lhe end of Lhe monLh lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe submlsslon of Lhe
requlremenLs, whlch lncludes Lhe sub[ecL advances/llablllLles, cerLlfled by Lhe company
4. ueed of AsslgnmenL slgned by Lhe credlLor/subscrlber asslgnlng Lhe advances as paymenL on
hls subscrlpLlon

Note: lf sub[ecL advances are reflecLed ln Lhe audlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs (lLem 7 of Lhe baslc
requlremenLs), submlL a cerLlflcaLlon from Lhe audlLor ldenLlfylng Lhe credlLors and Lhe
amounL owed Lo each, ln lleu of lLem 1

"S 9*#"O %&6&%.'%/

1. Long form audlL reporL on Lhe audlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs (lLem 7 of Lhe baslc
requlremenLs), whlch lncludes an analysls of Lhe reLalned earnlngs accounL for Lhe lasL flve (3)
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

2. LlsL of sLockholders enLlLled Lo Lhe sLock dlvldend wlLh Lhelr respecLlve ouLsLandlng shares
and Lhe allocaLlon of Lhe sLock dlvldend, cerLlfled by Lhe corporaLe secreLary
3. CerLlflcaLlon by Lhe corporaLe secreLary as Lo Lhe LreaLmenL of Lhe resulLlng fracLlonal shares,
lf any

%S I#$ #*?.$ 0#$@/ #0 -$#-.$*, 2/ -2,@.'*c /:D@&* *?. 2%%&*&#'2<
$.e:&$.@.'*/ .':@.$2*.% 0#$ $.(&/*$2*&#' #0 /*#"O "#$-#$2*&#'/

PQS ;7157!97 CI !J+>C5Pd7; 1!3P+!L 9+C1M

1. CerLlflcaLe of uecrease of AuLhorlzed CaplLal SLock
2. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe 8l8
3. lf lnvolvlng reLurn of caplLal: Long form audlL reporL and llsL of credlLors wlLh Lhe consenL of
each credlLor, cerLlfled by company accounLanL
4. LlsL of sLockholders before and afLer Lhe decrease, cerLlfled by Lhe corporaLe secreLary
3. Amended ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon
6. ulrecLors' CerLlflcaLe - a noLarlzed documenL slgned by a ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe
corporaLe secreLary , cerLlfylng Lhe amendmenL of Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon Lo decrease Lhe
auLhorlzed caplLal sLock, Lhe voLes of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe sLockholders, and Lhe daLe and place
of Lhe sLockholders ' meeLlng
7. ubllsher's affldavlL of Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe decrease of caplLal (once ln a newspaper of
general clrculaLlon)
8. Company uaLa MalnLenance lorm

QS 571L!99PIP1!+PCEY;71L!99PIP1!+PCEY1CEQ759PCE CI 9>!579

1. ulrecLors' CerLlflcaLe - a noLarlzed documenL slgned by a ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe
corporaLe secreLary, cerLlfylng Lhe amendmenL of Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon classlfylng Lhe
shares of sLock, Lhe voLes of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe sLockholders, and Lhe daLe and place of Lhe
sLockholders' meeLlng
2. Amended ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon
3. LlsL of sLockholders showlng Lhe names, naLlonallLles and sLockholdlngs before and afLer Lhe
reclasslflcaLlon/declasslflcaLlon/converslon, cerLlfled by Lhe corporaLe secreLary
4. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC andLhe


1. ArLlcles of Merger/ConsolldaLlon
2. lan of Merger
3. LlsL of sLockholders of Lhe consLlLuenL corporaLlons before Lhe merger/consolldaLlon, and llsL
of sLockholders of record of Lhe survlvlng corporaLlon afLer Lhe merger/consolldaLlon, cerLlfled
by Lhe corporaLe secreLary
4. CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe corporaLe secreLary , on Lhe meeLlngs of Lhe dlrecLors and
sLockholders of Lhe consLlLuenL corporaLlons approvlng Lhe merger/consolldaLlon
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs of Lhe consLlLuenL corporaLlons as of a daLe noL earller Lhan 120
days prlor Lo Lhe daLe of flllng of Lhe appllcaLlon ln accordance wlLh l8S 3 ( AccounLlng
SLandard on 8uslness ComblnaLlon)
6. lor absorbed corporaLlons: Long-form audlL reporL of lLem 3
7. LlsL of credlLors, lf any
8. Where boLh or all Lhe consLlLuenL corporaLlons are solvenL: CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe
presldenL, chlef flnance offlcer or Lreasurer, LhaL credlLors have been properly noLlfled of Lhe
proposed merger/consolldaLlon
9. Where aL leasL one of Lhe consLlLuenL corporaLlons ls lnsolvenL: AffldavlL of publlcaLlon ln a
newspaper of general clrculaLlon of Lhe proposed merger/consolldaLlon
10. Company uaLa MalnLenance lorm.

T0#$ "#$-#$2*&#'/ $.(&/*.$.% :'%.$ *?.I#$.&(' P'6./*@.'*/ !"* V

K#%. #0 -2,@.'*A

2S !//&('@.'* #0 I&<&-&'# /*#"O?#<%&'(/ *# '#'f3?&<&--&'. '2*&#'2</

1. SLC lorm no. l-101 or l-102
2. Crlglnal copy of Lhe ueed of AsslgnmenL

DS P//:2'". #0 '.4 /*#"O/ 0$#@ *?. :'/:D/"$&D.% "2-&*2< /*#"O

1. SLC lorm no. l-101 or l-102
2. lorm l-10-1

"S P'"$.2/. #$ ;."$.2/. #0 2:*?#$&h.% "2-&*2< /*#"O

1. SLC lorm no. l-101 or l-102
2. 8equlremenLs for lncrease/uecrease of CaplLal SLock

%S K.$(.$ #$ 1#'/#<&%2*&#'

1. SLC lorm no. l-101 or l-102
1. lf Lhe survlvlng corporaLlon wlll noL lssue shares of sLock or creaLe addlLlonal pald-ln
CaplLal: ulsregard lLem 6.
2. lf Lhe merger wlll be effecLed vlo lncrease of caplLal sLock, SubmlL also Lhe requlremenLs
for lncrease of AuLhorlzed CaplLal sLock
3. lor Lhe consolldaLlon of AuLhorlzed CaplLal SLock
4. lor consolldaLlon: SubmlL also Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lhe sLock
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

2. 8equlremenLs for merger or consolldaLlon

QPPPS ;P99CLJ+PCE TD, /?#$*.'&'( "#$-#$2*. *.$@ V

1. ulrecLors' CerLlflcaLe - a noLarlzed documenL slgned by a ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors
/LrusLees and Lhe corporaLe secreLary , cerLlfylng Lhe amendmenL of Lhe ArLlcles of
lncorporaLlon shorLenlng Lhe corporaLe Lerm, Lhe voLes of Lhe dlrecLors/LrusLees and
sLockholders /members, and Lhe daLe and place of Lhe sLockholders'/members' meeLlng
2. Amended ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of daLe of Lhe sLockholders ' meeLlng approvlng Lhe
dlssoluLlon or any daLe LhereafLer buL noL earller Lhan 60 days prlor Lo Lhe daLe of flllng of Lhe
4. LlsL of credlLors, lf any, and Lhe consenL of Lhe credlLors, or cerLlflcaLlon as Lo non- exlsLence
of credlLors
3. 8l8 Lax clearance
6. ubllsher's affldavlL of Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe noLlce of dlssoluLlon of Lhe corporaLlon (once a
week for Lhree [3] consecuLlve weeks)
7. lndorsemenL /clearance from oLher governmenL agencles, lf appllcable

Note: ln cases where Lhere are credlLors and Lhe consenL of Lhe credlLors was noL secured, Lhe
appllcaLlon should be ln Lhe form of a peLlLlon Lo be flled wlLh Cfflce of Ceneral Counsel
of Lhe SLC.

PiS XJ!9Pf57C5N!EPd!+PCE

1. LeLLer requesLlng approval Lo undergo quasl-reorganlzaLlon
2. CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe corporaLe secreLary , on Lhe board resoluLlon approvlng
Lhe quasl-reorganlzaLlon
3. Appralsal reporL of Lhe flxed asseLs (real properLles, permanenLly lnsLalled flxed asseLs and
machlnerles and equlpmenL dlrecLly needed and acLually used ln Lhe buslness)
4. Schedules showlng Lhe deLalls of Lhe appralsed properLles
3. LaLesL audlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs of Lhe corporaLlon, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe
6. Analysls of Lhe revaluaLlon lncremenL
7. ro[ecLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs for Lhe nexL flve (3) years

iS 7XJP+W 579+5J1+J5PEN

1. LeLLer requesLlng approval Lo undergo equlLy resLrucLurlng
2. CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe corporaLe secreLary, on Lhe board resoluLlon approvlng Lhe
equlLy resLrucLurlng plan
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe

iPS 157!+PCE CI !;;P+PCE!L 3!P;fPE 1!3P+!L
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1. LeLLer requesLlng approval for Lhe creaLlon of Lhe addlLlonal pald ln caplLal
2. CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe corporaLe secreLary, on Lhe board resoluLlon approvlng Lhe
creaLlon of Lhe addlLlonal pald-ln caplLal
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe

Note: lor addlLlonal requlremenLs: 8efer Lo Lhe addlLlonal requlremenLs for lncrease of Lhe
AuLhorlzed CaplLal SLock dependlng on Lhe klnd of paymenL on subscrlpLlon

iPPS 1!9> ;PQP;7E; ;71L!5!+PCE

1. CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe corporaLe secreLary , on Lhe board resoluLlon declarlng Lhe
cash dlvldends
2. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs used as Lhe basls for such declaraLlon sLamped recelved by Lhe
SLC and Lhe 8l8 (Lo be submlLLed also lf Lhe basls ls oLher Lhan lLem 2)

iPPPS 9+C1M ;PQP;7E; ;71L!5!+PCE

1. CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe corporaLe secreLary , on Lhe declaraLlon of sLock dlvldends
by ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe sLockholders represenLlng aL leasL 2/3 of Lhe ouLsLandlng
caplLal sLock
2. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC andLhe
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs used as Lhe basls for such declaraLlon, sLamped recelved byLhe
SLC and Lhe 8l8 (Lo be submlLLed also lf Lhe basls ls oLher Lhan lLem 2)
4. LlsL of sLockholders as of Lhe daLe of meeLlng approvlng Lhe declaraLlon, wlLh Lhe respecLlve
subscrlbed caplLal sLock of each sLockholder and wlLh Lhe allocaLlon of Lhe sLock dlvldend,
cerLlfled by Lhe corporaLe secreLary
3. Analysls of CaplLal SLrucLure, slgned by Lhe Lreasurer, under oaLh
6. Company uaLa MalnLenance lorm

iPQS 35C375+W ;PQP;7E; ;71L!5!+PCE

1. CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe corporaLe secreLary, on Lhe board resoluLlon declarlng Lhe
properLy dlvldends
2. LlsL of sLockholders and Lhe allocaLlon of Lhe properLy dlvldend, cerLlfled by Lhe corporaLe
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe
4. ueLalled schedule of Lhe properLy accounL appearlng ln Lhe audlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs
3. CerLlflcaLlon by Lhe presldenL LhaL Lhe properLy ls no longer needed ln Lhe operaLlon of Lhe
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

iQS 175+PIP1!+PCE CI 3!P;fJ3 1!3P+!LY1!3P+!L 9+5J1+J57

1. 8equesL for cerLlflcaLlon
2. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC andLhe
3. LlsL of sLockholders, showlng Lhe names and Lhe subscrlbed and pald-up caplLal of each
sLockholder, cerLlfled by Lhe corporaLe secreLary

Note: lor addlLlonal requlremenLs ln case Lhe paymenL Lo subscrlpLlon came ln afLer Lhe balance
sheeL daLe: 8efer Lo Lhe addlLlonal requlremenLs for lncrease of AuLhorlzed CaplLal
SLock dependlng on Lhe klnd of paymenL on subscrlpLlon

iQPS 175+PIP1!+PCE CI 37517E+!N7 CI CBE759>P3

1. 8equesL for cerLlflcaLlon
2. LlsL of sLockholders , showlng Lhe names, naLlonallLles, amounL subscrlbed and pald-up
caplLal of each sLockholder, cerLlfled by corporaLe secreLary
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe
4. SLock and Lransfer book of Lhe corporaLlon (Lo be presenLed for verlflcaLlon)

iQPPS 157!+PCE CI FCE;7; PE;7F+7;E799

1. CerLlflcaLe of creaLlon of bonded lndebLedness
2. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe
3. lf lLem 2 ls more Lhan slx (6) monLhs old: unaudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs for Lhe currenL year
perlod, cerLlfled by Lhe company accounLanL
4. LlsL of Lhe company's properLles , wlLh Lhe book, appralsed or bondable values of Lhe
properLles whlch wlll be used Lo secure Lhe pro[ecLed bond lssues, cerLlfled by Lhe company
accounLanL or compLroller
3. ro[ecLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs, showlng Lhe uLlllzaLlon of Lhe proceeds of Lhe bonds and Lhe
redempLlon of Lhe bond lssues, slgned by Lhe company accounLanL or compLroller
6. 1rusL lndenLure, slgned by Lhe corporaLlon and Lhe LrusLee
7. Sample form of Lhe morLgaged bond cerLlflcaLe Lo be lssued


1. SLC lorm 10-1/leLLer requesL conflrmlng Lhe valuaLlon
2. CerLlflcaLlon, under oaLh, by Lhe corporaLe secreLary, on Lhe board resoluLlon approvlng Lhe
addlLlonal lssuance of shares of sLock
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4. LlsL of sLockholders, wlLh Lhe naLlonallLles, amounL subscrlbed and pald up, and Lhe
subscrlbers Lo Lhe new shares, slgned by Lhe corporaLe secreLary, under oaLh

Note: lor addlLlonal requlremenLs: 8efer Lo Lhe addlLlonal requlremenLs for lncrease of
AuLhorlzed CaplLal SLock dependlng on klnd of paymenL

iPiS QC+PEN +5J9+ !N577K7E+9

1. voLlng 1rusL AgreemenL
2. CerLlflcaLlon on Lhe number of shares of LrusLees, slgned by Lhe corporaLe secreLary

*** *** ***

1S IC5 IC57PNE 1C53C5!+PCE9

PS ;73C9P+ C5 9JF9+P+J+PCE CI 971J5P+P79 ;73C9P+7; FW +>7 F5!E1>CIIP17

1. Cover leLLer requesLlng accepLance of Lhe securlLles deposlL
2. hoLocopy of Lhe conflrmaLlon of sale or orlglnal copy of Lhe governmenL bonds
3. LeLLer requesL for earmarklng of Lreasury bllls for SLC deposlL, sLamped recelved by Lhe
8ureau of 1reasury
4. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe

PPS BP+>;5!B!L CI LP17E97 CI IC57PNE 1C53C5!+PCE9

1. eLlLlon for wlLhdrawal of llcense
2. AuLhenLlcaLed copy of Lhe board resoluLlon approvlng Lhe wlLhdrawal
3. AudlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs as of Lhe lasL flscal year, sLamped recelved by Lhe SLC and Lhe
4. LlsL of credlLors, lf any, and consenL of each credlLor, or cerLlflcaLlon as Lo non-exlsLence of
3. Crlglnal llcense lssued by Lhe SLC
6. ubllsher's affldavlL evldenclng Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe noLlce of wlLhdrawal (once a week for
Lhree [3] consecuLlve weeks)
7. 8l8 Lax clearance

PPPS BP+>;5!B!L CI LP17E97 CI !57! C5 57NPCE!L >7!;XJ!5+7592'% 57NPCE!L C375!+PEN

1. eLlLlon for wlLhdrawal of llcense
2. AuLhenLlcaLed copy of Lhe board resoluLlon approvlng Lhe wlLhdrawal
3. Crlglnal llcense lssued by Lhe SLC
4. lndorsemenL by Lhe 8Cl

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

PQS !K7E;K7E+ CI LP17E97 CI IC57PNE 1C53C5!+PCE9

F2/&" 5.e:&$.@.'*/

1. eLlLlon for amendmenL of llcense
2. 8oard resoluLlon approvlng Lhe amendmenLs

!%%&*&#'2< $.e:&$.@.'*/

a. AmendmenL of corporaLe/parLnershlp name
a.1. name verlflcaLlon Sllp
a.2. AffldavlL of a dlrecLor/parLner underLaklng Lo change company name
b. Change/appolnLmenL of resldenL agenL
b.1. 8oard resoluLlon or leLLer of appolnLmenL
b.2. AccepLance by Lhe resldenL agenL

KPEPKJK 3!P;fJ3 1!3P+!L 57XJP57K7E+

F!97; CE PE;J9+5WA

8reak 8ulk AgenL 230,000.00
Cargo ConsolldaLor 400,000.00
llnanclng Company
MeLro Manlla and oLher 1sL class clLles 10,000,000.00
CLher classes of clLles 3,000,000.00
MunlclpallLles 2,300,000.00
lrelghL lorwarders
uomesLlc 230,000.00
lnLernaLlonal 2,000,000.00
PealLh MalnLenance CrganlzaLlon 10,000,000.00

lnsurance 8roker 20,000,000.00
8elnsurance 8roker 20,000,000.00
lnsurance 8roker and 8elnsurance 8roker 30,000,000.00
Llfe lnsurance Company 1,000,000,000.00
non-Llfe lnsurance Company 1,000,000,000.00
8elnsurance Company 2,000,000,000.00
lnvesLmenL Advlser/Manager 10,000,000.00
lnvesLmenL Company 30,000,000.00
lnvesLmenL Pouse 300,000,000.00
Mlnlng 2,300,000.00
non-vessel CperaLlng Common Carrler 4,000,000.00
awnshop 100,000.00
re-need lan lssuer 100,000,000.00
re-need lan AgenL 3,000,000.00
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

8ecrulLmenL for Local LmploymenL
CorporaLlon 300,000.00
arLnershlp 200,000.00
8ecrulLmenL for Cverseas LmploymenL 2,000,000.00
8eLall 1rade wlLh lorelgn LqulLy uS$2,300,000.00

School (for sLock corporaLlons)
LlemenLary LducaLlon 1,000,000.00
LlemenLary & Secondary LducaLlon 2,300,000.00
LlemenLary, Secondary, 1erLlary, osL/CraduaLe LducaLlon 3,000,000.00

SecurlLy Agency 300,000.00
SecurlLles 8roker/uealer 100,000,000.00
SecurlLles 8roker/uealer 10,000,000.00
SecurlLles 8roker/uealer ln roprleLary Shares 3,000,000.00
Speclal urpose vehlcle 31,230,000.00
Speclal urpose CorporaLlon 3,000,000.00
1ransfer AgenL 1,000,000.00


uomesLlc CorporaLlons wlLh more Lhan 40
forelgn equlLy
- uomesLlc MarkeL LnLerprlse uS$ 200,000.00
- LxporL MarkeL LnLerprlse 3,000.00
lorelgn 8ranch Cfflce
- uomesLlc markeL enLerprlse uS$ 200,000.00
- LxporL markeL enLerprlse 3,000.00
arLnershlp wlLh forelgn parLner
- uomesLlc markeL enLerprlse uS$ 200,000.00
- LxporL markeL enLerprlse 3,000.00
lorelgn 8epresenLaLlve Cfflce uS$ 30,000.00
8eglonal Area PeadquarLers (8PC) uS$ 30,000.00
8eglonal CperaLlng PeadquarLers (8CPC) uS$ 200,000.00

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

FJ9PE79979 57XJP5PEN 7E;C597K7E+9 I5CK C+>75 NCQ75EK7E+ !N7E1P79 j

Alr 1ransporL Clvll AeronauLlcs 8oard
8anks, awnshops or oLher llnanclal
lnLermedlarles wlLh Cuasl-8anklng luncLlons
8angko SenLral ng lllplnas
CharlLable lnsLlLuLlons ueparLmenL of Soclal Welfare and uevelopmenL
LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons (sLock and non-sLock) LlemenLary Lo Plgh School: ueparLmenL of
College, 1erLlary Course: Commlsslon of Plgher
1echnlcal vocaLlonal Course: 1echnlcal LducaLlon
Skllls and uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy
LlecLrlc ower lanLs ueparLmenL of Lnergy
PosplLals/ PealLh ueparLmenL of PealLh
lnsurance lnsurance Commlsslon
nelghborhood Pouslng and Land use 8egulaLory 8oard
rofesslonal AssoclaLlons rofesslonal 8egulaLlon Commlsslon
8adlo, 1v, 1elephone naLlonal 1elecommunlcaLlons Commlsslon
8ecrulLmenL for Cverseas LmploymenL hlllpplne Cverseas LmploymenL AdmlnlsLraLlon
SecurlLy Agency hlllpplne naLlonal ollce
WaLer 1ransporL/Shlpbulldlng/Shlp 8epalr MarlLlme lndusLry AuLhorlLy

lndorsemenLs, lf appllcable, shall form parL of Lhe reglsLraLlon papers

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09




1haL we, all of legal age, clLlzens and resldenLs of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes, have Lhls day
volunLarlly assoclaLed ourselves LogeLher for Lhe purpose of formlng a corporaLlon under Lhe laws of Lhe


IIkS1: 1haL Lhe name of Lhe sald corporaLlon shall be:

SLCCND: 1haL Lhe purposes for whlch sald corporaLlon ls formed are:

A. _______________________________________________________________
8. 1haL Lhe corporaLlon shall have all Lhe express powers of a corporaLlon as provlded for under
secLlon 36 of Lhe CorporaLlon Code of Lhe hlllpplnes.

1nIkD: 1haL Lhe place where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls Lo be esLabllshed ls aL:
ICUk1n: 1haL Lhe Lerm of for whlch Lhe corporaLlon ls Lo exlsL ls lll1? (30) years from and afLer
Lhe daLe of lssuance of Lhe cerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon.

III1n: 1haL Lhe names, naLlonallLles, and resldences of Lhe lncorporaLors are as follows,

name naLlonallLy Address

SIk1n: 1haL Lhe number of dlrecLors of Lhe corporaLlon ls flve (3) who are also Lhe lncorporaLors.

SLVLN1n: 1haL Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon ls
__________________________( )pesos ln lawful money of Lhe hlllpplnes, dlvlded lnLo
________________________shares wlLh a par value of ____________________pesos per share.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

LIGn1: 1haL Lhe subscrlbers Lo Lhe caplLal sLock and Lhe amounL pald-ln Lo Lhelr subscrlpLlon are
as follows.
Name Nat|ona||ty No. of shares
Amount a|d


NIN1n: 1haL no Lransfer of sLock or lnLeresL whlch would reduce Lhe ownershlp of llllplno
clLlzens Lo less Lhan Lhe requlred percenLage of Lhe caplLal sLock as provlded by exlsLlng laws shall be
allowed or permlLLed Lo be recorded ln Lhe proper books of Lhe corporaLlon and Lhls resLrlcLlon shall be
lndlcaLed ln all Lhe sLock cerLlflcaLes lssued by Lhe corporaLlon.

1LN1n: 1haL _______________________ has been elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers as Lreasurer of Lhe
corporaLlon Lo acL as such unLll hls successor ls duly elecLed and quallfled ln accordance wlLh Lhe by-
laws, and LhaL as such 1reasurer, he/she has been auLhorlzed Lo recelve for and ln Lhe name and for Lhe
beneflL of Lhe corporaLlon, all subscrlpLlons pald ln by Lhe subscrlbers.

LLLVLN1n: 1haL Lhe lncorporaLors underLake Lo change Lhe name of Lhe corporaLlon
lmmedlaLely upon recelpL of noLlce or dlrecLlve from Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon LhaL
anoLher corporaLlon, parLnershlp or person has acqulred a prlor rlghL Lo Lhe use of LhaL name or LhaL Lhe
name has been declared mlsleadlng, decepLlve, confuslngly slmllar Lo a reglsLered name, or conLrary Lo
publlc morals, good cusLoms or publlc pollcy.

ln wlLness whereof, we have seL our hands Lhls __________ of ___________, 200__ aL

1IN No. _____________

1IN No. _____________

1IN No. _____________

1IN No. _____________

1IN No. _____________

1IN No. _____________

1IN No. _____________

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

SlCnLu ln 1PL 8LSLnCL Cl:




8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes)
) S.S.

8LICkL ML, a noLary ubllc ln and for ___________________, hlllpplnes, Lhls __________ day
of __________________ personally appeared:


All known Lo me and Lo me known Lo be Lhe same persons who execuLed Lhe foregolng ArLlcles
of lncorporaLlon and Lhey acknowledged Lo me LhaL Lhe same ls Lhelr free and volunLary acL and deed.

IN 1LS1IMCN WnLkLCI, l have hereunLo seL my hand and afflxed my noLarlal seal on Lhe daLe
and aL Lhe place flrsL above wrlLLen.

unLll uecember 31, 20__

uoc. no. ________,
age no. ________,
8ook no. _______,
Serles of ________,


8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes}
ClLy of } S.S.
rovlnce of }

l, _______________________________, belng duly sworn, depose and say:

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

1haL l have been elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers of Lhe corporaLlon as 1reasurer Lhereof, Lo acL as
such unLll my successor has been duly elecLed and quallfled ln accordance wlLh Lhe by-laws of Lhe
corporaLlon, and LhaL as such 1reasurer, l hereby cerLlfy under oaLh LhaL aL leasL 23 of Lhe auLhorlzed
caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon has been subscrlbed and aL leasL 23 of Lhe subscrlpLlon has been pald,
and recelved by me ln cash for Lhe beneflL and credlL of Lhe corporaLlon.

1hls ls also Lo auLhorlze Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon and 8angko SenLral ng lllplnas
Lo examlne and verlfy Lhe deposlL ln Lhe ________________________, __________________ ln my
name as Lreasurer ln LrusL for ________________________________________________________ln Lhe
amounL of __________________________________(________ ___ ___ __)represenLlng Lhe pald up
caplLal of Lhe corporaLlon whlch ls ln Lhe process of lncorporaLlon. 1hls auLhorlLy ls valld and lnspecLlon
of sald deposlL may be made even afLer Lhe lssuance of Lhe CerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon Lo Lhe
corporaLlon. Should Lhe deposlL be Lransferred Lo anoLher bank prlor Lo or afLer lncorporaLlon, Lhls wlll
serve as auLhorlLy Lo verlfy and examlne Lhe same. 1he represenLaLlve of Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange
Commlsslon ls also auLhorlzed Lo examlne Lhe perLlnenL books and records of accounLs of Lhe
corporaLlon as well as all supporLlng papers Lo deLermlne Lhe uLlllzaLlon and dlsbursemenL of Lhe sald
pald up caplLal.

ln case Lhe sald pald up caplLal ls noL deposlLed or wlLhdrawn prlor Lo Lhe approval of Lhe
arLlcles of lncorporaLlon, l, on behalf of Lhe above named corporaLlon, walve our rlghL Lo a noLlce and
hearlng ln Lhe revocaLlon of our CerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon.


Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n Lo before me Lhls ____day of _____aL ________, hlllpplnes, afflanL
exhlblLlng Lo me hls CommunlLy 1ax CerLlflcaLe no.__________ lssued aL _ ___ ___, on

unLll uec. 31, 20__

uoc. no.________,
age no. ________,
8ook no. _______,
Serles of ________,

8 - LAWS


A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Sect|on 1. SubscrlpLlons - Subscrlbers Lo Lhe caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon shall pay Lhe value
of Lhe sLock ln accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms and condlLlons prescrlbed by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors. unpald
subscrlpLlons shall noL earn lnLeresL unless deLermlned by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors.

Sect|on 2. CerLlflcaLe - 1he sLockholder shall be enLlLled Lo one or more cerLlflcaLes for fully
pald sLock subscrlpLlon ln hls name ln Lhe books of Lhe corporaLlon.
1he cerLlflcaLes shall conLaln Lhe maLLers requlred by law and Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon. 1hey shall
be ln such form and deslgn as may be deLermlned by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors and numbered
consecuLlvely. 1he cerLlflcaLe shall be slgned by Lhe resldenL, counLerslgned by Lhe SecreLary or
AsslsLanL SecreLary, and sealed wlLh Lhe corporaLe seal.

Sect|on 3. 1ransfer of Shares - Sub[ecL Lo Lhe resLrlcLlons, Lerms and condlLlons conLalned ln
Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon, shares may be Lransferred, sold, asslgned or pledged by dellvery of Lhe
cerLlflcaLes duly lndorsed by Lhe sLockholder, hls aLLorney-ln-facL, or oLher legally auLhorlzed person.
1he Lransfer shall be valld and blndlng on Lhe corporaLlon only upon record Lhereof ln Lhe books of Lhe
corporaLlon. 1he SecreLary shall cancel Lhe sLock cerLlflcaLes and lssue new cerLlflcaLes Lo Lhe

no share of sLock agalnsL whlch Lhe corporaLlon holds unpald clalm shall be Lransferable ln Lhe
books of Lhe corporaLlon.

All cerLlflcaLes surrendered for Lransfer shall be sLamped Cancelled" on Lhe face Lhereof,
LogeLher wlLh Lhe daLe of cancellaLlon, and aLLached Lo Lhe correspondlng sLub wlLh Lhe cerLlflcaLe

Sect|on 4. LosL CerLlflcaLes - ln case any sLock cerLlflcaLe ls losL, sLolen, or desLroyed, a new
cerLlflcaLe may be lssued ln lleu Lhereof ln accordance wlLh Lhe procedure prescrlbed under SecLlon 73
of Lhe CorporaLlon Code.


Sect|on 1. Annual / 8egular MeeLlngs - 1he annual / regular meeLlngs of sLockholders shall be
held aL Lhe prlnclpal offlce on ____________of each year, lf a legal hollday, Lhen on Lhe day followlng.

Sect|on 2. Speclal MeeLlng - 1he speclal meeLlngs of sLockholders, for anypurpose or purposes,
may aL any Llme be called by any of Lhe followlng: (a) 8oard ofulrecLors, aL lLs own lnsLance, or aL Lhe
wrlLLen requesL of sLockholders represenLlng a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock, (b) resldenL.

Sect|on 3. lace of MeeLlng - SLockholders meeLlngs, wheLher regular or speclal, shall be held ln
Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon or aL any place deslgnaLed by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors ln Lhe clLy or
munlclpallLy where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls locaLed.

Sect|on 4. noLlce of MeeLlng - noLlces for regular or speclal meeLlngs of sLockholders may be
senL by Lhe SecreLary by personal dellvery or by mall aL leasL Lwo (2) weeks prlor Lo Lhe daLe of Lhe
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

meeLlng Lo each sLockholder of record aL hls lasL known address. 1he noLlce shall sLaLe Lhe place, daLe
and hour of Lhe meeLlng, and Lhe purpose or purposes for whlch Lhe meeLlng ls called.

When Lhe meeLlng of sLockholders ls ad[ourned Lo anoLher Llme or place, lL shall noL be
necessary Lo glve any noLlce of Lhe ad[ourned meeLlng lf Lhe Llme and place Lo whlch Lhe meeLlng ls
ad[ourned are announced aL Lhe meeLlng aL whlch Lhe ad[ournmenL ls Laken. AL Lhe reconvened
meeLlng, any buslness may be LransacLed LhaL mlghL have been LransacLed on Lhe orlglnal daLe of Lhe

Sect|on S. Cuorum - unless oLherwlse provlded by law, ln all regular or speclal meeLlng of
sLockholders, a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock musL be presenL or represenLed ln order Lo
consLlLuLe a quorum. lf no quorum ls consLlLuLed, Lhe meeLlng shall be ad[ourned unLll Lhe requlslLe
amounL of sLock shall be presenL.

Sect|on 6. ConducL of MeeLlng - MeeLlng of Lhe sLockholders shall be preslded over by Lhe
resldenL, or ln hls absence, by a chalrman Lo be chosen by Lhe sLockholders. 1he SecreLary, shall acL as
SecreLary of every meeLlngs, buL lf noL presenL, Lhe chalrman of Lhe meeLlng shall appolnL a secreLary of
Lhe meeLlng.

Sect|on 7. Manner of voLlng - AL all meeLlngs of sLockholders, a sLockholder may voLe ln person
or by proxy. unless oLherwlse provlded ln Lhe proxy, lL shall be valld only for Lhe meeLlng aL whlch lL
has been presenLed Lo Lhe SecreLary. All proxles musL be ln Lhe hands of Lhe SecreLary before Lhe Llme
seL for Lhe meeLlng. roxles flled wlLh Lhe SecreLary may be revoked by Lhe sLockholders elLher ln an
lnsLrumenL ln wrlLlng duly presenLed and recorded wlLh Lhe SecreLary, prlor Lo a scheduled meeLlng or
by Lhelr personal presence aL Lhe meeLlng.

Sect|on 8. Closlng of 1ransfer 8ooks or llxlng of 8ecord uaLe - lor Lhe purpose of deLermlnlng
Lhe sLockholders enLlLled Lo noLlce of, or Lo voLe aL, any meeLlng of sLockholders or any ad[ournmenL
Lhereof or Lo recelve paymenL of any dlvldend, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors may provlde LhaL Lhe sLock and
Lransfer books be closed for Len (10) worklng days lmmedlaLely precedlng such meeLlng.


Sect|on 1. owers of Lhe 8oard - unless oLherwlse provlded by law, Lhe corporaLe powers of
Lhe corporaLlon shall be exerclsed, all buslness conducLed and all properLy of Lhe corporaLlon conLrolled
and held by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors Lo be elecLed by and from among Lhe sLockholders. WlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo such powers as may be granLed by law, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors shall also have Lhe followlng

a.) lrom Llme Lo Llme, Lo make and change rules and regulaLlons noL lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhese
by-laws for Lhe managemenL of Lhe corporaLlon's buslness and affalrs,

b.) 1o purchase, recelve, Lake or oLherwlse acqulre for and ln Lhe name of Lhe corporaLlon, any
and all properLles, rlghLs, or prlvlleges, lncludlng securlLles and bonds of oLher corporaLlons, for
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

such conslderaLlon and upon such Lerms and condlLlons as Lhe 8oard may deem proper or

c.) 1o lnvesL Lhe funds of Lhe corporaLlon ln oLher corporaLlons or for purposes oLher Lhan
Lhose for whlch Lhe corporaLlon was organlzed, sub[ecL Lo such sLockholders' approval as may
be requlred by law,

d.) 1o lncur such lndebLedness as Lhe 8oard may deem necessary, Lo lssue evldence of
lndebLedness lncludlng wlLhouL llmlLaLlon, noLes, deeds of LrusL, bonds, debenLures, or
securlLles, sub[ecL Lo such sLockholders approval as may be requlred by law, and/or pledge,
morLgage, or oLherwlse encumber all or parL of Lhe properLles of Lhe corporaLlon,

e.) 1o esLabllsh penslon, reLlremenL, bonus, or oLher Lypes of lncenLlves or compensaLlon plans
for Lhe employees, lncludlng offlcers and dlrecLors of Lhe corporaLlon,

f.) 1o prosecuLe, malnLaln, defend, compromlse or abandon any lawsulL ln whlch Lhe
corporaLlon or lLs offlcer are elLher plalnLlffs or defendanLs ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe buslness of
Lhe corporaLlon,

g.) 1o delegaLe, from Llme Lo Llme, any of Lhe powers of Lhe 8oard whlch may lawfully be
delegaLed ln Lhe course of Lhe currenL buslness of Lhe corporaLlon Lo any sLandlng or speclal
commlLLee or Lo any offlcer or agenL and Lo appolnL any person Lo be agenL of Lhe corporaLlon
wlLh such powers and upon such Lerms as may be deemed flL,

h.) 1o lmplemenL Lhese by-laws and Lo acL on any maLLer noL covered by Lhese by-laws,
provlded such maLLer does noL requlre Lhe approval or consenL of Lhe sLockholders under Lhe
CorporaLlon Code.

Sect|on 2. LlecLlon and 1erm - 1he 8oard of ulrecLors shall be elecLed durlng each regular
meeLlng of sLockholders and shall hold offlce for one (1) year and unLll Lhelr successors are elecLed and

Sect|on 3. vacancles - Any vacancy occurrlng ln Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors oLher Lhan by removal
by Lhe sLockholders or by explraLlon of Lerm, may be fllled by Lhe voLe of aL leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe
remalnlng dlrecLors, lf sLlll consLlLuLlng a quorum, oLherwlse, Lhe vacancy musL be fllled by Lhe
sLockholders aL a regular or aL any speclal meeLlng of sLockholders called for Lhe purpose. A dlrecLor so
elecLed Lo flll a vacancy shall be elecLed only for Lhe unexplred Lerm of hls predecessor ln offlce.

1he vacancy resulLlng from Lhe removal of a dlrecLor by Lhe sLockholders ln Lhe manner
provlded by law may be fllled by elecLlon aL Lhe same meeLlng of sLockholders wlLhouL furLher noLlce,
or aL any regular or aL any speclal meeLlng of sLockholders called for Lhe purpose, afLer glvlng noLlce as
prescrlbed ln Lhese by-laws.

Sect|on 4. MeeLlngs - 8egular meeLlngs of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors shall be held once a monLh on
such daLes and aL places as may be called by Lhe Chalrman of Lhe 8oard, or upon Lhe requesL of a
ma[orlLy of Lhe ulrecLors.
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Sect|on S. noLlce - noLlce of Lhe regular or speclal meeLlng of Lhe 8oard, speclfylng Lhe daLe,
Llme and place of Lhe meeLlng, shall be communlcaLed by Lhe SecreLary Lo each dlrecLor personally, or
by Lelephone, Lelegram, or by wrlLLen message. A dlrecLor may walve Lhls requlremenL, elLher expressly
or lmplledly.

Sect|on 6. Cuorum - A ma[orlLy of Lhe number of dlrecLors as flxed ln Lhe ArLlcles of
lncorporaLlon shall consLlLuLe a quorum for Lhe LransacLlon of corporaLe buslness and every declslon of
aL leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors presenL aL a meeLlng aL whlch Lhere ls a quorum shall be valld as a
corporaLe acL, excepL for Lhe elecLlon of offlcers whlch shall requlre Lhe voLe of a ma[orlLy of all Lhe
members of Lhe 8oard.

Sect|on 7. ConducL of Lhe MeeLlngs - MeeLlngs of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors shall be preslded over
by Lhe Chalrman of Lhe 8oard, or ln hls absence, by any oLher dlrecLor chosen by Lhe 8oard. 1he
SecreLary, shall acL as secreLary of every meeLlng, lf noL presenL, Lhe Chalrman of Lhe meeLlng, shall
appolnL a secreLary of Lhe meeLlng.

Sect|on 8. CompensaLlon - 8y- resoluLlon of Lhe 8oard, each dlrecLor shall recelve a
reasonable per dlem allowance for hls aLLendance aL each meeLlng of Lhe 8oard. As compensaLlon, Lhe
8oard shall recelve and allocaLe an amounL of noL more Lhan Len percenL (10) of Lhe neL lncome
before lncome Lax of Lhe corporaLlon durlng Lhe precedlng year. Such compensaLlon shall be
deLermlned and apporLloned among Lhe dlrecLors ln such manner as Lhe 8oard may deem proper,
sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval of sLockholders represenLlng aL leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock
aL a regular or speclal meeLlng of Lhe sLockholders.


Sect|on 1. LlecLlon / AppolnLmenL - lmmedlaLely afLer Lhelr elecLlon, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors
shall formally organlze by elecLlng Lhe resldenL, Lhe vlce-resldenL, Lhe 1reasurer, and Lhe SecreLary
aL sald meeLlng.

1he 8oard may, from Llme Lo Llme, appolnL such oLher offlcers as lL may deLermlne Lo be
necessary or proper. Any Lwo (2) or more poslLlons may be held concurrenLly by Lhe same person,
excepL LhaL no one shall acL as resldenL and 1reasurer or SecreLary aL Lhe same Llme.

Sect|on 2. resldenL - 1he resldenL shall be Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer of Lhe corporaLlon and
shall exerclse Lhe followlng funcLlons:

a.) 1o preslde aL Lhe meeLlngs of Lhe sLockholders,

b.) 1o lnlLlaLe and develop corporaLe ob[ecLlves and pollcles and formulaLe long range pro[ecLs,
plans and programs for Lhe approval of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, lncludlng Lhose for execuLlve
Lralnlng, developmenL and compensaLlon,

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

c.) 1o supervlse and manage Lhe buslness affalrs of Lhe corporaLlon upon Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe
8oard of ulrecLors,

d.) 1o lmplemenL Lhe admlnlsLraLlve and operaLlonal pollcles of Lhe corporaLlon under hls
supervlslon and conLrol,

e.) 1o appolnL, remove, suspend or dlsclpllne employees of Lhe corporaLlon, prescrlbe Lhelr
duLles, and deLermlne Lhelr salarles,

f.) 1o oversee Lhe preparaLlon of Lhe budgeLs and Lhe sLaLemenLs of accounLs of Lhe

g.) 1o represenL Lhe corporaLlon aL all funcLlons and proceedlngs,

h.) 1o execuLe on behalf of Lhe corporaLlon all conLracLs, agreemenLs and oLher lnsLrumenLs
affecLlng Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe corporaLlon whlch requlre Lhe approval of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors.

l.) 1o make reporLs Lo Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors and sLockholders,

[.) 1o slgn cerLlflcaLes of sLock,

k.) 1o perform such oLher duLles as are lncldenL Lo hls offlce or are enLrusLed Lo hlm by Lhe
8oard of ulrecLors.

Sect|on 4. 1he vlce-resldenL - Pe shall, lf quallfled, acL as resldenL ln Lhe absence of Lhe
laLLer. Pe shall have such oLher powers and duLles as may from Llme Lo Llme be asslgned Lo hlm by Lhe
8oard of ulrecLors or by Lhe resldenL.

Sect|on S. 1he SecreLary - 1he SecreLary musL be a resldenL and a clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes. Pe
shall have Lhe followlng speclflc powers and duLles:

a.) 1o record Lhe mlnuLes and LransacLlons of all meeLlngs of Lhe dlrecLors and Lhe
sLockholders and Lo malnLaln mlnuLe books of such meeLlngs ln Lhe form and manner requlred
by law,

b.) 1o keep record books showlng Lhe deLalls requlred by law wlLh respecL Lo Lhe sLock
cerLlflcaLes of Lhe corporaLlon, lncludlng ledgers and Lransfer books showlng all shares of Lhe
corporaLlon subscrlbed, lssued and Lransferred,

c.) 1o keep Lhe corporaLe seal and afflx lL Lo all papers and documenLs requlrlng a seal, and Lo
aLLesL by hls slgnaLure all corporaLe documenLs requlrlng Lhe same,

d.) 1o aLLend Lo Lhe glvlng and servlng of all noLlces of Lhe corporaLlon requlred by law or Lhese
by-laws Lo be glven,

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

e.) 1o cerLlfy Lo such corporaLe acLs, counLerslgn corporaLe documenLs or cerLlflcaLes, and
make reporLs or sLaLemenLs as may be requlred of hlm by law or by governmenL rules and

f.) 1o acL as lnspecLor aL Lhe elecLlon of dlrecLors and, as such, Lo deLermlne Lhe number of
shares of sLock ouLsLandlng and enLlLled Lo voLe, Lhe shares of sLock represenLed aL Lhe
meeLlng, Lhe exlsLence of a quorum, Lhe valldlLy and effecL of proxles, and Lo recelve voLes,
balloLs or consenLs, hear and deLermlne quesLlons ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe rlghL Lo voLe, counL
and LabulaLe all voLes, deLermlne Lhe resulL, and do such acLs as are proper Lo conducL Lhe

g.) 1o perform such oLher duLles as are lncldenL Lo hls offlce or as may be asslgned Lo hlm by Lhe
8oard of ulrecLors or Lhe resldenL.

Sect|on 6. 1he 1reasurer - 1he 1reasurer of Lhe corporaLlon shall have Lhe followlng duLles:

a.) 1o keep full and accuraLe accounLs of recelpLs and dlsbursemenLs ln Lhe books of Lhe

b.) 1o have cusLody of, and be responslble for, all Lhe funds, securlLles and bonds of Lhe

c.) 1o deposlL ln Lhe name and Lo Lhe credlL of Lhe corporaLlon, ln such bank as may be
deslgnaLed from Llme Lo Llme by Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, all Lhe moneys, funds, securlLles,
bonds, and slmllar valuable effecLs belonglng Lo Lhe corporaLlon whlch may come under hls

d.) 1o render an annual sLaLemenL showlng Lhe flnanclal condlLlon of Lhe corporaLlon and such
oLher flnanclal reporLs as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, or Lhe resldenL may, from Llme Lo Llme

e.) 1o prepare such flnanclal reporLs, sLaLemenLs, cerLlflcaLlons and oLher documenLs whlch
may, from Llme Lo Llme, be requlred by governmenL rules and regulaLlons and Lo submlL Lhe
same Lo Lhe proper governmenL agencles,

f.) 1o exerclse such powers and perform such duLles and funcLlons as may be asslgned Lo hlm
by Lhe resldenL.

Sect|on 7. 1erm of Cfflce - 1he Lerm of offlce of all offlcers shall be one (1) year and unLll Lhelr
successors are duly elecLed and quallfled.

Sect|on 8. vacancles - lf any poslLlon of Lhe offlcers becomes vacanL by reason of deaLh,
reslgnaLlon, dlsquallflcaLlon or for any oLher cause, Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, by ma[orlLy voLe
may elecL a successor who shall hold offlce for Lhe unexplred Lerm.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Sect|on 9. CompensaLlon - 1he offlcers shall recelve such renumeraLlon as Lhe 8oard of
ulrecLors may deLermlne. A dlrecLor shall noL be precluded from servlng Lhe corporaLlon ln any
oLher capaclLy as an offlcer, agenL or oLherwlse, and recelvlng compensaLlon Lherefore.


Sect|on 1. 1he prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon shall be locaLed aL Lhe place sLaLed ln ArLlcle lll
of Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon. 1he corporaLlon may have such oLher branch offlces, elLher wlLhln or
ouLslde Lhe hlllpplnes as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors may deslgnaLe.


Sect|on 1. LxLernal AudlLor - AL Lhe regular sLockholders' meeLlng, Lhe exLernal audlLor of Lhe
corporaLlon for Lhe ensulng year shall be appolnLed. 1he exLernal audlLor shall examlne, verlfy and
reporL on Lhe earnlngs and expenses of Lhe corporaLlon.

Sect|on 2. llscal ?ear - 1he flscal year of Lhe corporaLlon shall begln on Lhe flrsL day of !anuary
and end on Lhe lasL day of uecember of each year.

Sect|on 3. ulvldends - ulvldends shall be declared and pald ouL of Lhe unresLrlcLed reLalned
earnlngs whlch shall be payable ln cash, properLy, or sLock Lo all sLockholders on Lhe basls of
ouLsLandlng sLock held by Lhem, as ofLen and aL such Llmes as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors may deLermlne and
ln accordance wlLh law.


Sect|on 1. lorm and lnscrlpLlons - 1he corporaLe seal shall be deLermlned by Lhe 8oard of


Sect|on 1. 1hese by-laws may be amended or repealed by Lhe afflrmaLlve voLe of aL leasL a
ma[orlLy of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLor s and Lhe sLockholders represenLlng a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng
caplLal sLock aL any sLockholders' meeLlng called for LhaL purpose. Powever, Lhe power Lo amend,
modlfy, repeal or adopL new by-laws may be delegaLed Lo Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors by Lhe afflrmaLlve voLe
of sLockholders represenLlng noL less Lhan Lwo-Lhlrds of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock, provlded,
however, LhaL any such delegaLlon of powers Lo Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors Lo amend, repeal or adopL new
by-laws may be revoked only by Lhe voLe of sLockholders represenLlng a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng
caplLal sLock aL a regular or speclal meeLlng.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, we, Lhe underslgned sLockholders have adopLed Lhe foregolng by-laws
and hereunLo afflxed our slgnaLures Lhls ________day of ____________, 20______ aL ____________,

___________________ ______________________


5ec. 100. Aqteemeots by stockbolJets. -

1. AgreemenLs by and among sLockholders execuLed before Lhe formaLlon and organlzaLlon of a
close corporaLlon, slgned by all sLockholders, shall survlve Lhe lncorporaLlon of such corporaLlon and
shall conLlnue Lo be valld and blndlng beLween and among such sLockholders, lf such be Lhelr lnLenL, Lo
Lhe exLenL LhaL such agreemenLs are noL lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon, lrrespecLlve of
where Lhe provlslons of such agreemenLs are conLalned, excepL Lhose requlred by Lhls 1lLle Lo be
embodled ln sald arLlcles of lncorporaLlon.

2. An agreemenL beLween Lwo or more sLockholders, lf ln wrlLlng and slgned by Lhe parLles
LhereLo, may provlde LhaL ln exerclslng any voLlng rlghLs, Lhe shares held by Lhem shall be voLed as
Lhereln provlded, or as Lhey may agree, or as deLermlned ln accordance wlLh a procedure agreed upon
by Lhem.

3. no provlslon ln any wrlLLen agreemenL slgned by Lhe sLockholders, relaLlng Lo any phase of Lhe
corporaLe affalrs, shall be lnvalldaLed as beLween Lhe parLles on Lhe ground LhaL lLs effecL ls Lo make
Lhem parLners among Lhemselves.

4. A wrlLLen agreemenL among some or all of Lhe sLockholders ln a close corporaLlon shall noL be
lnvalldaLed on Lhe ground LhaL lL so relaLes Lo Lhe conducL of Lhe buslness and affalrs of Lhe corporaLlon
as Lo resLrlcL or lnLerfere wlLh Lhe dlscreLlon or powers of Lhe board of dlrecLors: rovlded, 1haL such
agreemenL shall lmpose on Lhe sLockholders who are parLles LhereLo Lhe llablllLles for managerlal acLs
lmposed by Lhls Code on dlrecLors.

3. 1o Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhe sLockholders are acLlvely engaged ln Lhe managemenL or operaLlon of
Lhe buslness and affalrs of a close corporaLlon, Lhe sLockholders shall be held Lo sLrlcL flduclary duLles Lo
each oLher and among Lhemselves. Sald sLockholders shall be personally llable for corporaLe LorLs unless
Lhe corporaLlon has obLalned reasonably adequaLe llablllLy lnsurance.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09


!K7E;K7E+ CI +>7 !5+P1L79 CI PE1C53C5!+PCE

5ec. 16. AmeoJmeot of Attlcles of locotpototloo. - unless oLherwlse prescrlbed by Lhls Code or by speclal
law, and for leglLlmaLe purposes, any provlslon or maLLer sLaLed ln Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon may be
amended by a ma[orlLy voLe of Lhe board of dlrecLors or LrusLees and Lhe voLe or wrlLLen assenL of Lhe
sLockholders represenLlng aL leasL Lwo-Lhlrds (2/3) of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock, wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo
Lhe appralsal rlghL of dlssenLlng sLockholders ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls Code, or Lhe voLe
or wrlLLen assenL of aL leasL Lwo-Lhlrds (2/3) of Lhe members lf lL be a non-sLock corporaLlon.

1he orlglnal and amended arLlcles LogeLher shall conLaln all provlslons requlred by law Lo be seL ouL ln
Lhe arLlcles of lncorporaLlon. Such arLlcles, as amended shall be lndlcaLed by underscorlng Lhe change or
changes made, and a copy Lhereof duly cerLlfled under oaLh by Lhe corporaLe secreLary and a ma[orlLy of
Lhe dlrecLors or LrusLees sLaLlng Lhe facL LhaL sald amendmenL or amendmenLs have been duly approved
by Lhe requlred voLe of Lhe sLockholders or members, shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange

1he amendmenLs shall Lake effecL upon Lhelr approval by Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon or
from Lhe daLe of flllng wlLh Lhe sald Commlsslon lf noL acLed upon wlLhln slx (6) monLhs from Lhe daLe of
flllng for a cause noL aLLrlbuLable Lo Lhe corporaLlon.

971 5.e:&$.@.'*/ 0#$ *?. !@.'%@.'* #0 *?. !$*&"<./ #0 P'"#$-#$2*&#'

1. Amended ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon (fot stock ooJ ooo-stock cotpototloos)

2. ulrecLors'/1rusLees' CerLlflcaLe - a noLarlzed documenL slgned by a ma[orlLy of Lhe
dlrecLors/LrusLees and Lhe corporaLe secreLary, cerLlfylng Lhe amendmenL of Lhe ArLlcles of
lncorporaLlon, lndlcaLlng Lhe amended provlslons, Lhe voLe of Lhe dlrecLors/LrusLees and
sLockholders/members, Lhe daLe and place of Lhe sLockholders' or members' meeLlng, Lhe 1ln of Lhe
slgnaLorles should be lndlcaLed below Lhelr names

3. Company uaLa MalnLenance lorm

AJJltloool kepoltemeots

4. lndorsemenL/clearance from oLher governmenL agencles, lf appllcable

lf tbe ptovlsloo to be omeoJeJ ls tbe cotpotote oome

3. name verlflcaLlon Sllp

6. AffldavlL of a dlrecLor/LrusLee or offlcer underLaklng Lo change corporaLe name

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

9!K3L7A !@.'%.% !$*&"<./ #0 P'"#$-#$2*&#'

9!E+C 57!L+W !E; ;7Q7LC3K7E+ 1C53C5!+PCE
(As amended on Aprll 12, 2009)

know A|| Men 8y 1hese resents:

1haL we, all of whom are of legal age and ma[orlLy are resldenLs of Lhe hlllpplnes, have on Lhls
day, volunLarlly assoclaLed ourselves LogeLher for Lhe purpose of formlng a sLock corporaLlon under Lhe
laws of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes:

!E; B7 ;C >757FW 175+PIWA

IIkS1: 1haL Lhe name of Lhe CorporaLlon shall be SAN1C kLAL1 AND DLVLLCMLN1
CCkCkA1ICN (As amended on Aprll 12, 2009)

SLCCND: 1haL Lhe speclflc purposes for whlch sald CorporaLlon ls formed are:
1o acqulre by purchase, lease, or oLherwlse, lands or lnLeresL ln lands and realLy, and Lo own,
hold, lmprove, develop, manage, and operaLe sald land or lands or real esLaLe so acqulred, and Lo erecL
or cause Lo be erecLed on any lands, owned, held, occupled, or acqulred by Lhe corporaLlon, bulldlngs
and oLher sLrucLures wlLh Lhelr appurLenances, and Lo rebulld, enlarge, alLer, lmprove, or remodel any
bulldlng or oLher sLrucLures now or hereafLer erecLed on any lands or real esLaLes so owned, held or
occupled, or oLherwlse dlspose of any lands or real esLaLe or lnLeresLs ln lands or real esLaLes and ln
bulldlngs and oLher sLrucLures aL anyLlme owned or held by Lhe corporaLlon.

1nIkD: 1haL Lhe place where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls Lo be esLabllshed or locaLed
ls aL 1101 1
Ave., Iort 8on|fac|o, 1agu|g, h|||pp|nes. (As amended on Aprll 12, 2009)

ICUk1n: 1haL Lhe Lerm for whlch Lhe CorporaLlon ls Lo exlsL ls 1wenty I|ve (2S) years from and
afLer Lhe daLe of lssuance of Lhe CerLlflcaLe of lncorporaLlon. (As amended on Aprll 12, 2009)

III1n: 1haL Lhe names, naLlonallLles and resldences of Lhe lncorporaLors are as follows:

nAML nA1lCnALl1? 8LSluLnCL
1. Dona|d 1rump Amer|can
1rump 1owers, Manhattan C|ty,
New ork, U.S.A.
2. Ionathan Iranc|s Nepomuceno I|||p|no
123 Governor's |ace, Shaw 8|vd.,
Manda|uyong C|ty, h|||pp|nes
3. Ma. Ange|a Agu|na|do I|||p|no
4S6 Ap|tong St., Aya|a A|abang,
Munt|n|upa C|ty, h|||pp|nes
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

4. kyan Chr|stopher 1eehankee I|||p|no
789 1eehankee St., Mu|t|nat|ona|
V|||age, aranaque C|ty, h|||pp|nes
S. Ion au|o Sa|vahan I|||p|no
1001 Va||e[o St., Santa kosa,
Laguna, h|||pp|nes
6. Anderson Cooper I|||p|no
4S7 Ap|tong St., Aya|a A|abang,
Munt|n|upa C|ty, h|||pp|nes
7. Iranc|s 1om 1emprosa I|||p|no
124 Governor's |ace, Shaw 8|vd.,
Manda|uyong C|ty, h|||pp|nes

SIk1n: 1haL Lhe number of dlrecLors of Lhe CorporaLlon shall be flve (3) and LhaL Lhe names,
naLlonallLles and resldence of Lhe ulrecLors of sald CorporaLlon who shall acL as such unLll Lhelr
successors are elecLed and have quallfled as provlded for ln Lhe by-laws are as follows:

1. Dona|d 1rump Amer|can 1rump 1owers, Manhattan C|ty,
New ork, U.S.A.
2. Ionathan Iranc|s Nepomuceno I|||p|no 123 Governor's |ace, Shaw 8|vd.,
Manda|uyong C|ty, h|||pp|nes
3. Ma. Ange|a Agu|na|do I|||p|no
4S6 Ap|tong St., Aya|a A|abang,
Munt|n|upa C|ty, h|||pp|nes
4. kyan Chr|stopher 1eehankee I|||p|no
789 1eehankee St., Mu|t|nat|ona|
V|||age, aranaque C|ty, h|||pp|nes
S. Ion au|o Sa|vahan I|||p|no
1001 Va||e[o St., Santa kosa,
Laguna, h|||pp|nes

SLVLN1n: 1haL Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of Lhe CorporaLlon ls CNL nUNDkLD MILLICN LSCS
(100,000,000.00) ln lawful money of Lhe hlllpplnes, d|v|ded |nto CNL MILLICN (1,000,000.00) shares
wlLh Lhe a par va|ue of CNL nUNDkLD LSCS ( 100.00) per share.

LIGn1: 1haL Lhe auLhorlzed caplLal sLock of Lhe corporaLlon has been fully subscrlbed
represenLlng Lhe sum of CNL nUNDkLD MILLICN LSCS ( 100,000,000.00), hlllpplne Currency, and aL
leasL LwenLy (23) per cenL of Lhe LoLal subscrlpLlon has been pald as follows:

Name Nat|ona||ty No. Cf Shares
Amount a|d
1. Dona|d 1rump Amer|can 400,000 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00
2. Ionathan Iranc|s
I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
3. Ma. Ange|a Agu|na|do I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
4. kyan Chr|stopher
I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

S. Ion au|o Sa|vahan I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
6. Anderson Cooper I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
7. Iranc|s 1om 1emprosa I|||p|no 100,000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
1C1AL 1,000,000 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

NIN1n: 1haL Mr. V|rg|||o Macasaet has been elecLed by Lhe subscrlbers as 1reasurer of Lhe
corporaLlon Lo acL as such unLll hls successor ls duly elecLed and quallfled ln accordance wlLh Lhe by-
laws, and LhaL as such 1reasurer, he has been auLhorlzed Lo recelve for and ln Lhe name and for Lhe
beneflL of Lhe corporaLlon, all subscrlpLlons pald by Lhe subscrlbers.

1LN1n: 1haL no Lransfer of sLocks or lnLeresL Lhereln whlch wlll reduce Lhe ownershlp of llllplno
clLlzens Lo less Lhan Lhe percenLage of Lhe caplLal sLock requlred by law shall be allowed or permlLLed Lo
be recorded ln Lhe CorporaLe 8ooks and Lhls resLrlcLlon shall be lndlcaLed ln all Lhe sLock cerLlflcaLes
lssued by Lhe corporaLlon.

LLLVLN1n: 1haL Lhe corporaLlon manlfesLs lLs wllllngness Lo change lLs corporaLe name ln Lhe
evenL anoLher person, flrm or enLlLy has acqulred a prlor rlghL Lo use Lhe sald flrm name or one
decepLlvely or confuslngly slmllar Lo lL.

IN WI1NLSS WnLkLCI, we have hereunLo afflxed our slgnaLures Lhls 9
day of Aprll 2009 aL Lhe
ClLy of MakaLl, hlllpplnes.


1IN No. 23-S634-S324

1IN No. S4-6786-34S4

1IN No. S4-66S8-9087

1IN No. S4-6879-0987

1IN No. 46-0798-84S7

1IN No. 76-0978-9834

1IN No. S6-0987-7890

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

SlCnLu ln 1PL 8LSLnCL Cl:




CI1 CI MAkA1I ) S.S.

8LICkL ML, a noLary ubllc ln and for MakaLl ClLy, hlllpplnes, Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009
personally appeared:

name roof of ldenLlflcaLlon uaLe and lace lssued
1. uonald 1rump assporL wlLh no. uS-1000234 01-01-2007 / n?, u.S.A.

2. !onaLhan nepomuceno urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
02-02-2008 / Mandaluyong
3. Ma. Angela Agulnaldo urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
03-03-2008 / MunLlnlupa ClLy
4. 8yan 1eehankee urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
04-04-2008 / aranaque ClLy
3. !on aulo Salvahan urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
03-03-2008 / SanLa 8osa ClLy
6. Anderson Cooper urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
06-06-2008 / MunLlnlupa ClLy
7. lrancls 1om 1emprosa urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
07-07-2008 / Mandaluyong

All known Lo me and Lo me known Lo be Lhe same persons who execuLed Lhe foregolng ArLlcles
of lncorporaLlon and Lhey acknowledged Lo me LhaL Lhe same ls Lhelr free and volunLary acL and deed.

IN 1LS1IMCN WnLkLCI, l have hereunLo seL my hand and afflxed my noLarlal seal on Lhe daLe
and Lhe place flrsL above wrlLLen.

E#*2$, 3:D<&"
8oll no. 1234
18 no. 2343
C1C no. 3436
MCLL no. 4367
Commlsslon explres: 31 uecember 2010

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

uoc. no. 1,
age no. 1,
8ook no.1,
Serles of 2009.

9!K3L7A ;&$."*#$U/ 1.$*&0&"2*.

Santo kea|ty and Deve|opment Corporat|on

knCW ALL MLn 8? 1PLSL 8LSLn1S:

WL, Lhe underslgned ma[orlLy of Lhe ulrecLors and Lhe CorporaLe SecreLary of 8ockwell
CorporaLlon do hereby cerLlfy LhaL Lhe ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon of Lhe CorporaLlon was amended by a
ma[orlLy voLe of Lhe ulrecLors and Lhe voLe of sLockholders represenLlng aL leasL Lwo-Lhlrds (2/3) of Lhe
ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock aL separaLe meeLlngs on 12 Aprll 2009 aL 1101 1
Ave., lorL 8onlfaclo, 1agulg,

1he amended provlslons of Lhe aLLached Amended ArLlcles of lncorporaLlon refer Lo Lhe IIkS1,
1nIkD and ICUk1n ArLlcles. 1he IIkS1 ArLlcle was amended changlng Lhe corporaLe name from SAN1C
kLAL1, INC. Lo SAN1C kLAL1 AND DLVLLCMLN1 CCkCkA1ICN. 1he 1nIkD ArLlclewas amended,
Lransferrlng Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon from 123 kockwe|| Dr|ve, kockwe|| Center, Makat|
C|ty, h|||pp|nes Lo 1101 1
Ave., Iort 8on|fac|o, 1agu|g, h|||pp|nes. 1he ICUk1n ArLlcle was amended
changlng Lhe Lerm of Lhe corporaLlon from f|fty (S0) Lo twenty f|ve (2S) years.

ln Wl1nLSS WPL8LCl, we have execuLed Lhls ulrecLor's CerLlflcaLe Lhls 12
day of Aprll, aL Lhe
ClLy of MakaLl.

Ma. Ange|a Agu|na|do
cboltmoo of tbe Meetloq/ultectot
Ionathan Nepomuceno
5ectetoty of tbe Meetloq/ultectot
1ln: 66-8124-3778

Dona|d 1rump
1ln: 98-0004-7863

kyan Chr|stopher 1eehankee
1ln: 77-9087-6321

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

Ion au|o Sa|vahan
1ln: 76-8976-1324

Su8SC8l8Lu Anu SWC8n Lo before me Lhls 12
day of Aprll 2009 ln 1agulg ClLy, afflanLs
exhlblLlng Lo me Lhe followlng:

name roof of ldenLlflcaLlon uaLe and lace lssued
1. uonald 1rump assporL wlLh no. uS-1000234 01-01-2007 / n?, u.S.A.

2. !onaLhan nepomuceno urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
02-02-2008 / Mandaluyong
3. Ma. Angela Agulnaldo urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
03-03-2008 / MunLlnlupa ClLy
4. 8yan 1eehankee urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
04-04-2008 / aranaque ClLy
3. !on aulo Salvahan urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
03-03-2008 / SanLa 8osa ClLy
6. Anderson Cooper urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
06-06-2008 / MunLlnlupa ClLy
7. lrancls 1om 1emprosa urlver's Llcense wlLh no.
07-07-2008 / Mandaluyong

Iuan De|a Cruz
Nototy lobllc
8oll no. 1234
18 no. 2343
C1C no. 3436
MCLL no. 4367
My commlsslon explres uecember 31,

uoc. no. 1,
age no. 1,
8ook no. 1,
Serles of 2009.

A1LnLC LAW 3u '08-'09

!K7E;K7E+ CI +>7 FWfL!B9

5ec. 48. AmeoJmeots to by-lows. - 1he board of dlrecLors or LrusLees, by a ma[orlLy voLe Lhereof, and Lhe
owners of aL leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock, or aL leasL a ma[orlLy of Lhe members of a
non-sLock corporaLlon, aL a regular or speclal meeLlng duly called for Lhe purpose, may amend or repeal
any by-laws or adopL new by-laws. 1he owners of Lwo-Lhlrds (2/3) of Lhe ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock or
Lwo-Lhlrds (2/3) of Lhe members ln a non-sLock corporaLlon may delegaLe Lo Lhe board of dlrecLors or
LrusLees Lhe power Lo amend or repeal any by-laws or adopL new by-laws: rovlded, 1haL any power
delegaLed Lo Lhe board of dlrecLors or LrusLees Lo amend or repeal any by-laws or adopL new by-laws
shall be consldered as revoked whenever sLockholders ownlng or represenLlng a ma[orlLy of Lhe
ouLsLandlng caplLal sLock or a ma[orlLy of Lhe members ln non-sLock corporaLlons, shall so voLe aL a
regular or speclal meeLlng.

Whenever any amendmenL or new by-laws are adopLed, such amendmenL or new by-laws shall be
aLLached Lo Lhe orlglnal by-laws ln Lhe offlce of Lhe corporaLlon, and a copy Lhereof, duly cerLlfled under
oaLh by Lhe corporaLe secreLary and a ma[orlLy of Lhe dlrecLors or LrusLees, shall be flled wlLh Lhe
SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon Lhe same Lo be aLLached Lo Lhe orlglnal arLlcles of lncorporaLlon
and orlglnal by-laws.

1he amended or new by-laws shall only be effecLlve upon Lhe lssuance by Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange
Commlsslon of a cerLlflcaLlon LhaL Lhe same are noL lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhls Code. (22a and 23a)

971 5.e:&$.@.'*/ 0#$ *?. !@.'%@.'* #0 *?. F,fL24/

1. Amended 8y-laws (for sLock and non-sLock corporaLlons)
2. ulrecLors'/1rusLees' CerLlflcaLe - a noLarlzed documenL slgned by a ma[orlLy of Lhe
dlrecLors/LrusLees and Lhe corporaLe secreLary, cerLlfylng Lhe amendmenL of Lhe 8y-laws,
lndlcaLlng Lhe amended provlslons, Lhe voLe of Lhe dlrecLors/LrusLees and sLockholders/
members, Lhe daLe and place of Lhe sLockholders' or members' meeLlng
3. Company uaLa MalnLenance lorm

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