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DP Baral. Mathew Arndt: Instructor Health 1240 Feb. 22nd 2014

Meditation Helps To Reduce Stress. Meditation is fairly time consuming but good for health and mental stress. It is great way to get right off mental stress, worry and anxiety without the hassles and expenses of meditation. Meditation is good for health but we have to give time for it on regular basis (Kimmel,M). Just go out from and see peaceful place where we got fresh air to breathe or search suitable place where you feel good for meditation. If we are in the forest or in the top of the mountain, or rivers, or lakes sides that is the great place for mediation for good health. At the time of sunrise go near the forest or lake take a fresh air bath that is one kind of mediation. Just sit on one place that you feel better, sit down at least 15-20 minutes and meditate which is good for mental stress and anxiety. There are no any side effects while doing mediation like other medication. Meditation is a great for medication for stress relies every individual, than, why dont we do every day? In the mindful meditation practice that we do in still point, stretching a letting go occurs at physical level of tendons, muscles and joints with long breath. You take the stretch but then you have to release and let the tension go out with the breath out. This is an art of meditation. (The Optimst, 28 ). We have to feel our breath deeply inside and outside which gives freshness to our whole body part. The fresh air cleans our stress from the mind and brings into the fresh day. The thinking mid can at time be severely fragmented but awareness teased out of each

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moment with conscious intent, can help us to perceive that even in the midst of this fragmentation, our fundamental natures is already integrated and whole. The whole points of mindfulness-based stress reduction-and for that matter health promotion in its larges sense is to challenge and encourage people to become their own authorities to take more responsibility for their own lives, their own bodies, and their own health (Jon Kabat 192). A great deal of the information on each of us needs to learn more about ourselves and our health information we desperately need in order to grow and to heal to make effective life choices is ready at our fingertips a the tips of or rather, right beneath, our noses. Meditation is good for our health (Susan 52) recently is come to highlight that meditation is a great stress reduction tool. Neuroscientist, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals are now devoting considerable attention to measuring the results of meditation pinpoint the effect it has on the brain. In fact, small group of top scientist medical professional has been in serious dialogue for over a decade with his holiness the Dalai Lama and other who has devoted their lives to mediation practice. Meditation can help you relax, alter your mood and reduces your stress, but it is so much more than relaxation techniques. Its actually our minds natural state so, its not a something you learn, its something you return to and rediscover. A common misconception about meditation is that it involves emptying the mind of all thought; it scares people to think they might have to try not to think at all. Nobody has to do this. In fact, you cant empty the mind of thinking. The function of the mind to think, just the ways the function of the eyes is to see and function of the ear is to hear. Meditation is not about shutting thoughts off, its about learning how to relate to them in different ways. Mental health is not merely the absence of disorders but has been defined by the WHO as a state of wellbeing in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with

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the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community(Van Berkel, Jantien). In this business world it is difficult to get tress free from any work. Due to pressures, competition, work pace, and job instability, work has become more mentally and emotionally demanding. This increase in mental and emotional demands may impair mental health. The consequences of impaired mental health at the work place are serious for individual, organization, and society as a whole. Mediation does not mean it eradicates all the mental stress or impaired but it can help to reduce some mental disorders. Stress does not have to be caused by something negative. Any major change in human life events such as new job, making wedding plans, or having a baby can be equal stressful. There are many way to handle mental stress, but among them exercise deep breathing and meditation are good stress relievers. So if you feel any stress on you day to day life take few minutes to reduce that stress as meditation is medication for stress.

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Works Cited Van Berkel, Jantien, et al. "Effectiveness of a Worksite Mindfulness-Related MultiComponent Health Promotion Intervention On Work Engagement And Mental Health: Results Of A Randomized Controlled Trial." Plos ONE 9.1 (2014): 1-10. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.

Meditation helps you take the stress without snapping. (2002, Spring). The OptiMSt, 28, 11.ProQuest.web. 21Feb.20114.

Kimmel, Michael. "Meditation-Not Medication-made Easy." Out & About: 30. 09 2009. ProQuest. Web. 21 Feb. 2014 . Kabat-Zinn, Jon. Whenever You Go There You Are Mindfulness Meditation In everyday Life. (1994). Your Owne Authority. Pg 92. Piver, Susan. How Not To Be Afraid of Your Own Life. (2006). Meditation is Good For Your Health. Pg 52.

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