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1.,No. 14 .



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Saturda;:--ilth-'-j'~i-;:---1948~ ",:,1


er oar




As in many previous -:rears, we again read. of

Unfortunately for

" . -~.,- - ~ the more ~cientific. team, : ,'0~

great credit in League games,but who have

gone "overboard" to a more lowly side in ,the Cup matGhes. rrhcis is not a new thing in Soccer, although everyone seems to express surprise whed it country produces surprIses, and there does not happens. The history ~f Cup football in every
seem to ~ any real standard reason why such results do happen. Look if you will at a long list of winners o} the _Enghsh Cup, and then

teams who have acquItted themselves wIth

they often have to reply by playmg the dIctated.

game, and the result is defeat, perhaps by a. ,-

very small margin.' The same thing applies. to the Dockerty Cup competition. t Some teams succee~ in carrying a game, :! not because they possess high grade ability or .~;j Cup fightmg SpIrIt, ;' '" experience., but .si.mply because they possess
A certain type of fighting spirit furnishes, one of the most powerful of all the qualifications which contribute to succe~s. There are


re.vie'!1 the relevant Leagu.e position of the Wll1mng team, and you will find the same r"-prising set of -circumstances that are occur~ annually in this Sta,te. Some people suggest that the condition 9:
th~ players' n.erves on ~he big day, has somethmg to do wIth the ultImate result of a game. I do not contribute wholly to that theory, although it may have some slight bearing on

players who o.v~rcome obstacles because th~y

~!,. .,~

possessthe spIrIt to do so. Whcat they lack m stature, they make up in spirit and dogged determination to win at a..ilcosts. Some sporting writers, too early in the
season, riskcthei: re.putati?n by reyiewing Cup matches and "tlppmg wmners" m the same fashion as racehorses - on form. Fancied candidates in a big r~~~ ~early always run

~I -.

A ~ I "!I~

pl3;yed ~ifferently.

the play. History shows that Cup matchesare

match~s IS often entIrely

The sci~ntific techn.ique ~y vlgor?US oppone?ts,

trueCto form, thoughtney do not always win.

venture a forecast yet, although there

Too many teams "go overbodrd" for me .to



""";~' evIdent. m League

absent m ~ Cup g~me. Hl'EJ;h grade teams are

"bustled out" .of !t

appearto me to be a "dark horse" still in the

competition, which, if it can induce the win?;



wQoses~le objectIve IS to drIve the StylISts from th"e:r usual form: . ..

There are some teams m BrItIsh football. ~hose pat~ern of play in. Cup games is of the bulldozer type. They sImply refuse to allow th~ more scientific side to settle down. . In short, they dictate the style of tJleit opponents.

forwards to adopt a style of play which is us.uallyshown ~y i,ts full back,~~they should
Win the Cup this year. ?~c .No~ you coaches aT)r<r'frainers of the teams still m the Docker,W' Cup -let'.s have some hard thinking - ~ forecast-,may indicate your team.

;4 1




SOCCER NEWS A BRIEF REVIEW OF LAST WEEK'S GAMES PosItIons on '.;he DIVISIon One ChampIonship Ladder were unchanged after last Saturday's League games, but Prahran's defeat of. the leader~,. Sunshine,. placed t~em in a faIrly safe posItion to avoId relegation. Sunshine however, are now only a poin.t i.n




. .

emminent, and it is possible that goal avera'i?e may decide the issue, which is very much :il Heidelberg's favor. . . . In the Reserve League, DIvIsIon One seems set for Brighton, whilst South Yarra shoul<l be successful on Division Two. Of the Junior League" it is t.oo early yet to forecast the possible WInners In the Under 19 Grade, but South Melbourne to

e~pects to win the premiership. B<?x HIll, ;,~. can now see that they have a good chance, and August 7, when these two teams. meet, should decide the premiership.. Sunshine have yet to meet Yallourn and Park Rangers, both at home, whilst Box Hill are to meet the same ., two teams, away. ::;c All three bottom teams, Y allou~n, More.: land and Western. ?uburbs lost aga!n o.n Sa.turday, so the posItIon as to relegatIon 1S stIll



frQnt, and will now have to go all out If,1t

haye a fairly firm grip on the two lower Jumor



. ..

NEXT SA TURDA Y' GAMES . First Division J Brighton v. Prahran, at Olympic Park Park Rangers v, Box Hill, at Middle Park Moreland v, Western Suburbs Sunshine U ni ted v. Ya.ilourn

Second Yaliourn


Second DIvIsIon In the Second Division, Bradfor,d went

;:. further aheadin the premiership race,through ~South Melbourne United's, defeat by Cobu~g.
; Bradford will now have to fall down to be beaten,. The interest now in division,. is, W?~ :vIlI accompany Bradford Into the FIr~ DIv1s10n. Both South "yarra and South Melbourne are level on pomts. for second place, but South Yarra has a .slightly better goal average. Coburg too, ~re not. out of .the race, as they are only one pOInt behInd agaIn, They, however, will,ha ve to beat South Yarra n.ext Saturday, to have any hopes for promotIon.

Third Division George Cross v. Brighton, at Royal Park Heidelberg "B" v. Woodlands Williamstown v. Yarraville, at Newport Regent v. Olympic Metters v, Melbourne University, at Footscray Macedonians v. Heidelberg " A." at Yarra Park Reserve -League Same draw as for First and Second Division,
but on opposite grounds.

N orthcote v. Hakoah J.R,C" at Merri Park Ringwood v. South Melbourne United

Coburg v. South Yarra Preston v. Bradford

S<;>uth M@lbourne, Sout~ Yarra and Coburg, WIll . be . all out now to gaIn that coveted second

.f f h . . t ' posIt10n, or 1 any 0 t em miss a pOIn In f

U nder 19 D IVlSIon ...




the remaining three League matches, they db th . tf th can say goo ye to e1r prospec s 0 e F. D '" f 1949 1rst IVISlon or season. 'S

Box H111 v. Preston Western Suburbs v, Park Rangers, at Sun.

Ringwood alld N orthcote cannot possIbly better themselves, and cannot fail to go to h. d D . , . T 1r IV1SIonnext season. Third Division It s'e;e~s improbable that a second round "' , I d . h Th . d D . . . of games w111 be p aye In t e Ir IVISIon and with,.. two games to .go t? complete the first round, ~bourne UnIVersIty appears safe for the premiers" and ultimate promotion to the higher divis, A race between Heidelberg "A," Olympic, eorge Cross and Yarraville, for the second te to go up, is ~

shme h Y H k h out arra v, a oa J.,., R C at Fawkner Ph ark B ' Pra ran v ht on at Como Park C b .y rig II ' 0 urg v. a ourn Under 17 Division . South Melbourne United v. Coburg, at MIddIe Park S h. U. d Bri hton uns Ine mte;i g Preston v. Box HI . . . . Under 15 DIvIsIon Preston v, RIngwoo? Brighton v. Box HIll, .' Sunshine United v, South Melbourne UnIted



~~ ~ ~~~--

Pa'Te 3 ~.,

First Division Brighton 4 d. Yallourn O. Prahran 4 d. -Sunshine United 2. Park Rangers 3 d. Moreland 1. B . H ' ll 4 d W t S b b '


up t IS matc ,an were uc y;

~ ~


es ern ...

u ur .,


Prahran Down The Division Leaders (By "Pommeygranite") .' An Insh professIonal soccer player summed h. hd h f h. .
t ese are some 0 uns me



d D.



IS lmf

pressions-"Prahran, ] k S h.

they h d stuck to f
a too many

and d ' t>rwar s.'


Coburg 2 d. South Melbourne Umte.d O. S<?~,th Yarra 8 d, Ringwood 1. Preston 4 d. Northcote O. ,


Prahran faced a stiff breeze at the kick-oft and pres~ed hard for an opening goal, which came within five minutes of the commencement. This seemed to galvanise Sunshine into action, and the hard pressed Prahran defenders were unfortunate, and being penalised.

4 d. Hakoah



J.R.C. 1. . ..

"'-n1acedonians 2 d. Brighton 1. Y ar~aville 11 d~ Heidelberg "B" O. Ol)tiQpic 2 d. Heidelberg ,.A" O. Melb. University 4 d. George Cross 1. Woodlands S.d. Metters 3.. W illiamstown, walk-over from Regent. , , . . FIrst DIVIsIon Reserves J Brighton v. Yallourn, no result. ~unshine United 3 d. Prahran 1. Park Rangers 5 d. Moreland .1, ':tBo~ HilL"3 d. Western Suburbs 1.


gave Drennan of Sunshine a goal from the penalty spot. Prahran, playing the third-back game, with centre-half Bird working very hard, and the goalkeeper excelling himself, kept qff a well co-ordiriated attack. Long, hard kicking gave, Prahran opportunities, with a Sunshine defence depending on their full backs and goalkeeper to ward off these surprise raids. One of Prahran's goals just trickled over the line, followed by another into all open goal, th~ Sunshi?e 'keeper being hard pressed
by L. BIrd, outstde-left for Prahr~n, who rob-

Second Div,ision Reserves C~South Melbourye United walk-over .~". Coburg.' South Yarra 2 d. Ringwood O. .J:t:estQn 5 d. N orthcote 1. -Bradford 3 d. Hakoah J,R.C. O. Under 19 Division '-rtahran 4 d. Preston 3. ~ark Rangers 11 d. South Yarra O. Yallourn 4 d. Box Hill O. Brighton 2 d. Hakoah J .R.C. O.
,. Cobur g 1 drew with

bed him of the ball, and placed it smartly. into the. open goal. . Outside-left, Jamieso~ made some constructlve centres, one cf w~ich scor:ed a goal, and yet another gave L.. BIrd a firs" class ~leanly
headed chance; WhiC~ had the g<;>alkeceper

beaten all the way. Fmal scores (~-2. m favour of Prahran. Goal scorers for the successful team wer.e-L. Bird 3 and Jamieson; and for Sunshi~e-Kyle and Dren!lan. A ~u?shme half-back unfortunately left the field l~Jured, and weakened the defence, but
th~ , remarked Agony Column-:-("Irish that he allowed too")


Suburbs 1.




m hiS "too many forwards." should try and play more as a team, not eleven men
Prahr ill

; ". ..

M lb U .t d 3 (Th 't 2 e wal es , d ourne S h. m U e. d O "leave) . uns me lite . "Er,ightpn 2 d. Presto~ O. ' Box Hill, walk-over (rom Coburg. S th ou G

Under 17 Division


. South YarraWms
teams-South Yarra:

Callander, G,


Under 15 Divisibn ,Sharp, Bradd, ~ll, Preston 3 drew with South MelbourneUnited puff, Friend, ~ddart,
3 (StIles 3). " Ring~ood 2 d., SunshIne U.mted 1,

T. Sharp, Cameron, Lott, Sharman. Ring"

wood: Drinfwater. Richards, Ramsay, Carroll, Walke~ MackIe, Pede~, Bray, Wheelan,

~~, ~,~j;;



Brighton 8 d. Northcote O.

Abberton, Hamilton.

" );




. ~,

.' V1EWS

Early exchanges in this match were pretty even both sides striving hard for the lead, ,Good work by South Yarra forwards, who keeping the ball m:oving from one to another resulted in Stoddart putting Yarra in front with a well placed shot, Yarra did not have their lead for long however, fo,r Ri~gwood
were awarded a penalty from WhiCh RIchards put Ringwood on level termS, ,

Social' . Visitors from Preston, Prahran and South Yarra, were present at a ball held in the Brighton 'fown Hall last Saturday night, All present appeared:to thorough)y enjoy them~ selves. The next dance of the Brighton Club will be held at the .1ocalTown 'Hall on Aug":t'
ust 6, ~,



Ring'wobd livened up after this, and" kept Yarra's defnce busy, but G. Sharp and Bradd.. were defending ,veIl, with Callander seeing them well and on the alert, Good work on Yarra's right wing saw them take the lead, when a well placed corner from Duff gave, Friend the oppo,rtunity to score with a neat

. Queen CarnIval. The various committ;ees ()( the Bright_o.n Club, sponsoring.,the three Queens, ,ar.t:,'~at out organising their ~r,ticular functio~$'he '" succes,sof the carnival ;;eems to be _as~ured, 'f:, j and t,he C.1ub should b'enefi\ consit1erab~ \

l\ingwood .1, Shortly after the resumption, Yarra's half








from the venture...





th . j ac... e ""

backs took a firm grip of the game, and their

forwards soon went ahead when goals came from Sharman and ft Duff T putting Y arrad Stoddart, 11In ' f d Sh we f ront,It an soon a er,. arP
, ,1

. Personal W ll M H d I ..'.. t + B . ht Cl b' , I St ' M A . rIg on \:1 s soClii ecre ary, rs, , .. nex t h orne B arr, on t he 'groun d a t th.eJ.f game. ..
' '
r, eft ee p east: con


R. mgwoo

rom d

pena I payers

y, d ma e severa I pOSl .t ' lona 1 He









advantage, '-


changes but it did not improve their play, and further goals hwere by Stoddart, who . added f . was m good s ootmg orm,. Final result was 8-1 in favour of StJuth \Tarra. Goal scorers fQr the winning team ",;,ere: Stoddart 4, Sharp, Duff, Sharman, FrIend, For Ringwood: Richards was their scorer, .. ,Bi

And Little "Hutch')

Several. changes were made l~ the Box HIll team whIch def~a~ed Western Subur~ last Saturday at Sunshme, !he game" was m the nature of a ~up t~y-:out for several pla~!~s, a!l o,f whom acqultt~d themselves wIth dlstlQS;;tion,,The Hutchl.n~ns were among the goatsag"a~,~~,?on securIng one, and Lester two. -'~'.'.. . '" Brighton's ~~Vf ArrIvals "From Overseas, Two recent a~tix.als to Australia, " . . Jack Glover and Reg Clark have been sIgned on. by Brighton, a,nd were gl ,?"a try-op~ in. the, first team agamst Yallourn. Both acquItted themselves fairly well, but wer .jbadlyin need. of a run.'" Glo.ver "in rarticular"shows pro... mise of becommg decIdedly useful to. the Club. J

Game At M oreIand N ot I mpressJve . The DIvIsIon One Leagu~!t game .betw~en, Moreland an~ Park Ran~er~; p~ayed at Camp-" bell, Re~erve last Saturday,. :n~ver reac9.e4..~ gr~a~,helghts 3:Sa specta.cle! and,the fi1)al :e--.; sult,1s a reasonaple reflectIon of the merIts i of both teams, Although kicking against the wind, More--# 1and scored ~rst, but Park: ~angers, equalised




before half time., In the s~cond half, Ranv


,/ t'

ers scored twice: Not one of, the ~ur goaJ scored in th~ match was from good shots,: each being the t~sult o a:... scramble in t4a goal mouth, In general, M~eland were 'as good as tReir, visitors, their goalkeeper geing the best man on the field, They ,were mllcp . quicker to the ball, "e!3peCfillfyduring the fjrst ~ half, but after the interval the Ran~ers improved in this matter and kept a consta~t pressttreon th~tiririg. home team, . Final result:. !{angetso;3, Mor~land 1. " ~c ...:, . . lBra9ford Takes Charge N ear Flm~h. ," The H,akoah v, Bradford'""Second ~ls10n ga.fDeplayed ,at Olymp,,~cPark !asf S!iL,t.urday, appe~red-t~, be a ver.,yeven c9rt~st untIl a~~u! 20 mmut~1rom tHe eq,q, , ' '"


, ",

For strengthening the ',Ankle and Knee

6/6 and 9,/6 each

Winning. Lead In the match, Presj;on versus Praht:an, Preston kicked off with . the wind but could not take advantage of It. The: Prahran defence safely held the Preston forwards. Two goals were ~coredin quick succession by Prahran's centre+c.orward.,Aust" before Preston could penetrB:teand score. After several miss-kicks,.' by the Preston backs Prahr~n netted' again. Ra,lfTime 3-1. ..
!, '.

The s'econd'half 9pened with mid-field play' anu continued until "Aust" broke away and scored his third goal for Prahran. Excellent feeding by the Prahrap half back line was a feature of the game. Preston was awarded a pena,lty and scored.. Result: Prahran 4, Prestoft3. B~st playtrs and "Aust." were~epper, Tate, Bailey


Mountford~Scores Hat-'.:rick For Box Hill ; W est~~n Suburbs Reserve team' ptt up a good show at ,Box Rij! oftSatur~ay, but the Hillm.en's defence was too strong to be br9k~n' do~n,. witho.uf a mqr,e, consistent battermg than It re~elved at Surr~y Park. MQuntford-'Or 'Box 'Rif! was on the spot, ~ith 'three shots which gave t~e goali~' no chance. A good, open;andsporhng game..

* .

Cup A~d Shield Finals Today The Mil~er Cup Final b~tween South Mel?ourne United and ~?~Htll Under 17 teams, aftern?on at' Campbell IS to be Playe th ~eserve, Mo.rela,n., commencm~ at 3 p.m. The curtaIn alser, commenc1ng at 1.10 p.m. will be the rDunkling Shield Final"' between South Mel>urne United anu Brighton Under 1'5 teams. ( ,~ ~


~ ,~

i!i \,;











Dockerty Cup reaches


interesting stage

strong the same

Coburg brand out of

of the


but football Cup,


they that turn



knclcked possibly













the With

semi-finals the final

of round two


1948 the

Dockerty semi-finals, being

Cup, 'be-








ing played to-day, and with the extraordinary

of the cup favourites


REFEREES Members to bring and we This ing

their feel

membe~, can only be

OFFER TO ' made possible




ed out by South Yarra and Western Suburbs, C;lubs now lower down ~n the premiership lls.ts have more thana fighti?g ch~n.c~ of quahfymg in Box for the Hill, final, Park Four Rangers, First DivIsion teams Suburbs., W es~e~~

CLUBS of my Association are endeavorabout closer co-operation with


and Y al~ourn, S~~th x arra, wIl.cont~st c~sl~ca.tion ~ear, I\'IS

and four Second DivIsion teams, Cobu~g, Preston an~ Bradford, the third round: ~ I~~ the r~,of the ~wo main d!vI~lons ~hl,s P?sslble that a Second Cup. are now DivIfirm could sttong

by a better understanding of the laws and general aspects of the game. Uniformity ip th.e app.lication of the l~w's b.y all concern: ~ will bring about a decided Improvement m the game. oT mt" Club-rooms a frie~ly . . prepared for the the Members to attend purpose in general. of Association are by appointment discussion re

;;;,: J '::i;':! ,',-':'~


slon teifl1 could wm the 1948 Box Hill (First Division) favorites, easily be but one South of the Yart:a, finalists, or

Bradford and are

. 1341's

enough to upset any First Division team,

especially Park teams their with way in a Cup fast into tie. Preston young the final, and Yallourn, could also all win players, and Rangers,

Any Club Secretarywishipg to take advantage hams of this St., offer Hampton. ~ :f ~ may do Mr. so by E, H. c~ntactin'i{ Low, the Association Secretary, fBack-.


Suburbs, SunsRine team with

who was buccessful in knocking United out of the Cup, is another

distinct possibilities.
Coburg, the remaining Second DIvision team



in the Cup,
opposition, at this stage,

and It

will be

a thorn clear that

ill the any

~c ~ ~

A L L EN '8
~ 33 SMITH

~ ~

against ,So,

side of any ,team tha~ c.omes. up against them. of the remaining eight teams left in the Cup
could. certaIn series be one of the fin,alists, this some 1948 more and it is almost Cup may before is that finishe~, Dockerty surprises IS quite


~.. ~~

~ ~!'I:~ ~


be"yet seen, .
DIvISion YaliourQ;'

wlnmng low

form. down on the First

~ ~

\,,111 have
ladder is 1s m pretty





th~r? .round, as ~~x H.ill, .second on the First'!:





Division ladder, some headaches, young, further trophy. SuburbS be hard South

this season. Botft teams are compris,'o of

kee? their players, chances ""\fho, of wi!l be ~ll out coveted to wl~mng this

but in

has caused Park League contests

Rangers played





25/ *






~ ~

Preston's style of football ~ay

team, to Yarra, but Suburbs their stron~efence ,'star penetrate. without

upset the
will man, ctntre

~ ~"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I'II"."I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I'!I"I"I"I"I'fl"IIIII'I"I"I"I"I"I"1

Phone: Warragul469









SOCCEI~ NE,WS & VIE'WS HOW THEY STAND Second Division Reserves


~~ :~;..

First Division Club Sunshine United. Box Hill. . . . . Brighton. . . , Park Rangers'. . Prahran. . . . . Yallourn . . . . . Moreland. . . . Western Suburbs. . . . . . . . . P. W. 11 8 11 7 11 6 11 5 11 4 11# 3 11 3 11 1 D. 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 3' L. 2 2 3 4 5 7 7 7 L 0 3 3 4 5 5 9 F. 39 37 29 19 26 33 20 12

Club A. Pt. 16 17 23 16 19 14 21 12 3210 39 7 27 7 38 5 South Melb. United Bradford. ..., Preston Hakoah] .R.C, . . . Coburg . . . . . . Ringwood.;... Northcote
South Yarra.

P.W. D. L. F. A. Pt.


II 11 11 11 11 11 11

11 11 0 0 38

9 8 4 4 2 2 1

0 2 52 12 18 0. 3 30 14 16 25 21 20 10 i 6 7 22 9 2 7 6 16 6 1 8 9 39 5 0 10 7 38 2

9 22

Under 19 Division Club P. W. Brighton, 10 10 Park Rangers. .. 11 9 Yallourn 11 8 Preston 11 5 Cobttrg 10 3 Western Suburbs. 11 4 Prahran 11 3 Box Hill. . . . . 10 3 Hakoah ].R.C. . . . 10 2 U d
17 D .

~ ub

SecondDivision P W D . '." Bradford.. . . . . 11 8 3 South Yarra.. .. ;. 11. 6 2 South Melb. United 11 6 2 Coburg . . . . . . 11 6 1 Hakoah ],R.C. . . . 11. 5' 1 Preston. . . . . . 11 5 1 Ringwood. . . . . 11 1 1 Northcote . . . . . 11 1 1 ..
M lb .. e..

F A Pt . . . 33 6 19 37 16 14 31 14 14 33 23 13 21 21 11 26 34 11 12 42 3

D. 0 0 1 1 4 2 2 1 1

L. 0 2 2 5 3 5 6 6 7

F. A. Pt. 48 4 20 57 10 18 34 10 17 29 23 11 17 20 10 22 .29 10 2.3" 35 8 22 27 7 14 33 .5

9 11 48 3

South Yarra. . . . 11 0 011

n er

2 77 0

Third Division
9 . .

L. F. A. Pt.



Heidelberg "A" George Cross. Olympic. . . Yarraville .. Woodlands. . .Williamstown

. .t mverSl y

P. W. D. L. F. A. Pt.
7 2 0 41 8 16


P. W. D.

. . . . . .

.. . .

. . . . . .

9 9 8 8 9 9

6 1 2 46 9 13 6 1 2 27 15 13 6 1 1 21 12 13 6 0 2 33 22 12 4 2 3 21 22 10 4 1 4 17 24 ~

South Melb. LTmted Pr~ston ~ . Brlgh~on ,.. Sunshme U mted '" . Box Hill. . . . . . Coburg

11 11 11 11 11 11

10 9 7 3 3 1

0 1 0 2 0 -10 8 0 8 010

42 39 34 18 14 4

9 14 15 33 32 48

20 18 14 6 6 2


(l }cedonians. ~ighton

. . .

Regent Heidelberg "B"

. . . . . .

9 1. 0 8 . . 9 1 0 8

9 3 1 5 14 25 7 9 3 0 6 23 28 6 9 1 1 7 14 27 3

Under 15 Division

7 29 2 6 49 2

First Division Reserves P.W.D. L. F. A.Pt. . . . . . 11 9 2 0 53 1020 P~rkRangers . . . 11 7 2 2 42 17 16 Club ~ighton

Club P. W. D. L. South Melb. tTnited 10 8 2 0 Preston. ;:.. . . . 9 6 3 0 Brighton. . . . . 9 6 1 2 Box Hill. . . . . . 9 4 0 5 Sunshine United. . 10 3 0 7 Ringwood 9 3 0 6 Northcote. c. . . . 10 0 0 10

F. 71 40 44 6 12 8 (0

A. Pt.' .8 18 7 - 15 11 13 31 8 50:6 40 6 34 0


Prahran . . . . . . 11 7 1 3 38 23 15
Box Hill. .


W estern Suburbs.

. .

11 5 1 5 41 24 11
30 49 10

. 11 5 0 6


Before ~r. {' The Crowd Starts

Yallourn . . ~. . ~ 11 3 1 7 28 47 7 Moreland. . . . . 11 3 1 7 21 42 7 SunshineUnited. . 11 1 0 10 12 53 2 " c, .,':

Selling '

A Yelling.






All should Let RON TODD supply when,

Clubs see

who that this

operate feature

Schoolboy is not as like

teams forgotten




el~e m life It IS eaSIer to learn when young. It might not be out of place to mention that in s;6me clubs, training by senior players is & B a 11 S ci-almost standard non-existent, of playas and this must a team towards where muscles the has open affect the the end

of a game. training to

Furthermore tune up the leave

required not been for pulled

If It IS





~portmg Gear, Footwear,

muscles, etc.., especiall grounds we have had this ly results in standing on

on the slippery season. This usualthe line for a couple

Clothing or ~eather <:oods you requIre fi d . You 11

n It at

of weeks
tors owmg

and increases
to mjUrleS

the problems
to payers. I

of sele('-/

During tion's cote screen Theatre," SCREEN the slide Retail MELBOURNE will

PUBLICITY be Northcote, and

week shown "Sun the at As!;'ocia"NorthTheatre,"



and ST.,

Wholesale 52 SWANSTON (2 doors



up from



Yarraville. 1

Ph::~~::_~~-~WHICH ARE YOU!

By A. Jarvis
In codes with ~ek

football to kick see each in the this right trainthe left much a.

,~ soccer either how foot, many who


so for yet in

than players the


other to learn we

is it essential

games are" kick

players naturally part of

efficient with

respect. " Players foot ing foot easier pass. should' routine 'an~ they The

devote to they will


weekly with how

practice will be

kicking surprised p' of and but natural most to put


receiYe:~ left-footers Club ,some Selectors players handicaps foo!.-}cick. in the game

percentage very small

i~. usually have , on the no left player

alternative wing which

immediately be have a right been in yet make ~

such We a long tions players



see pl~)',~,who time mairuy or the playing~ due to



wrong neither any

lJosithe syste:
.. fublishd by Presto P~hlici~y Service,

thi~lact, officia~

ma.tic effort to alter the Por;i't"!on

~ .



28 Grammar


Strathmore, for the Vlctorlan

Soccer Football ASsoclatlon

., '",!;!~

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