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Multiple Bifurcation Branches and Cusp Bifurcation in Power Systems

C.D. Vournas

B. M. Nomikos Electrical Energy Systems Lab. National Technical University of Athens P.O. Box 26137, Athens 10022 Greece e-mail:

M. E. Karystianos

Abstract: This paper investigates the existence of multiple branches of the bifurcation surface of a power system. At points where such brunches intersect we identify singular points of the bifurcation surface. Analyzing two simple power systems, we identify a cusp ,a pure fold and a codimension 3 bifurcation.

dimension-2 bifurcation as it requires simultaneous conditions for both (SNB) and (HB).


Keywords: Voltage stability, Saddle-Node Bifurcation, Cusp Bifurcation, Hopf Bifurcation, Fold Bifurcation, multiple load flow solutions.

In this section we investigate the bifurcation surface of a two load system. In the two-parameter space we identify 3 different branches of SNB points. Two of these branches intersect defining a codimension-2 bifurcation point which is a cusp bifurcation. By constraining the, two parameters to move along a particular direction we obtain a pitchfork bifurcation view of the cusp bifurcation.

The approximation of voltage instability phenomena using Bifurcation theory is limited in most cases to SaddleNode Bifurcations (SNB) which is a codimension- 1 bifurcation. In this paper we consider the existence of multiple branches of the bifurcation surface and we investigate its singular points, which correspond to bifurcations of higher codimension. Two simple test power systems are analyzed in the paper. The first system consists of two load buses fed in series from the same infinite bus. The dynamics of the system are those of load restoration. The second system has dynamics in both short and long-term time scales as it consists of a Load Tap Changer feeding a composite load, part of which is an induction motor.


In this section we investigate a two bus system with dynamics both in the short-term and the long-term time scale. In the two parameter space the bifurcation surface has a singular point where the long-term and the short-term bifurcation condition are met. Thus we have the emergence of a new static bifurcation branch. At this point, a sufficient condition for (FB) is violated. Thus this point is a higher co-dimension bifurcation, the nature of which is examined. Computing the eigenvalues of the state Jacobian of the system, a locus of (HB) points is found. This locus intersects the static bifurcation curve. At the point of intersection the state Jacobian is very close to the normal form expected at a pure fold bifurcation (that is not an SNB). The stability region of the system is bounded by the dashed line corresponding to HB points.


Static bifurcations occur at points in the parameter space where the number of solutions of the equilibrium equation of the system changes. At such points the determinant of the state Jacobian of the system becomes singular. The bifurcation surface C,consists of all points in the parameter space satisfying the above condition. Most points on C are SNB points. At an SNB the state Jacobian has a simple zero eigenvalue. The most generic dynamic bifurcation is the Hopf Bifurcation (HB) and is characterized by a pair of eigenvalues crossing the imaginary axis of the complex plane. A slightly more general case is the Fold Bifurcation (FB). At fold bifurcation the geometrical multiplicity of the system is 1, but the algebraic multiplicity can be higher. In such points one expects to find a branch of SNB points intersecting with a branch of dynamic bifurcations and in particular (HB) points. Thus a fold bifurcation that is not an SNB can be understood as a simultaneous occurrence of SNB and HB conditions. A pure fold (not SNB) bifurcation is a co-


Singular points on the bifurcation surface have been identified in this paper. At such points different branches of the bifurcation surface intersect. The following bifurcations of codimension larger than 1 have been identified: A purefold bifurcation that is not an SNB. At this point a branch of dynamic (Hopf) bifurcations intersect with the static bifurcation surface. Beyond this point stability is limited by the HB and not by the SNB branch. A cusp bifurcation, a cross section of which is a pitchfork bifurcation. A codimension-3 bifurcation at the point where the longterm and short-term bifurcations coincide. The stability region can be limited by an (HB) branch at a (FB) point and not by an (SNB) branch. When searching for the stability limit of a practical system, one should be always aware of the existence of multiple branches and singular points of C which complicate the overall solution process.


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