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Y. S.

Jaganmohan Reddy
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Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy

Ys Jaganmohan reddy paying tribute to Sri Potti Sri Ramulu gaaru on Andhra Pradesh formation day. Member of Parliament - Lok Sabha Incumbent Assumed office ! "ay #$ % & Preceded by Y. S. 'i(ekananda Reddy onstituency )adapa Personal details # *ecember +,# -age . / !orn Puli(endula (illage of )adapa *istrict, Andhra Pradesh Political "arty YSR 0ongress S"ouse#s$ Y S 1harati Relations Y. S. Ra2asekhara Reddy -father/ hildren # daughters Residence 3yderabad41angalore Religion 0hristian Protestant Yeduguri Sandinti Jaganmohan Reddy -5elugu6 / -born *ecember # , +,#/,%#& also called Jagan is an 7ndian politician and is a member of the Parliament of 7ndia from )adapa constituency.% & 3e is the son of the former 0hief minister of Andhra Pradesh, Y.S. Ra2asekhara Reddy. From "ay #$ # till Sept #$ !, he 8as in 2ail%!& under the Pre(ention of 0orruption Act, +99 for amassing 8ealth at at an enormous scale by pro(iding :uid pro :uo%.&%;& fa(ours to businesses.%<& A series of bail applications 8ere repeatedly re2ected by three le(els of courts partly o8ing to =the serious nature of the offence=, 8ith estimated =amounts e>ceeding Rs. !$$$ crores.=%,& 5he YSR 0ongress and other opposition parties ha(e alleged that Jagan is being politically (ictimi?ed and the 017 is acting at the behest of the 0ongress and that this is a case of political (endetta.%9&%+&% $&% &% #&% !&% .& % ;& After < months, on September #!, #$ !, a special 017 court granted him bail,% <& but he is not permitted to lea(e Andhra Pradesh.% ,&


Personal life # Political life ! 0orruption 0harges o !. "odus operandi6 Suitcase companies o !.# @(idence for :uidAproA:uo and ButAofAnorm fa(ours . Arrest and < months in 2ail

.. 0harges of political (endetta ; Bther 0ongress ministers arrested for issuing orders < Bpposition to the formation of 5elengana , References 9 @>ternal links

Personal life
Jaganmohan Reddy 8as born *ecember # , +,# in Puli(endula (illage of )adapa *istrict, Andhra Pradesh. 3e recei(ed his early education from Puli(endula and 3yderabad Public School. 3e founded the daily 5elugu language ne8spaper Sakshi and the tele(ision channel Sakshi 5'.% 9& 3e is the chief promoter of 1harathi 0ements.% +& Reddy is a Protestant 0hristian.%#$& 3e has a younger sister, Y. S. Sharmila, a politician.

Political life
3e started his political career by campaigning for 0ongress party in #$$. elections in )adapa *istrict, and in the #$$+ elections he 8as elected as member of Parliament from )adapa constituency as a member of the 7ndian Cational 0ongress. 3o8e(er, his political career took a ne8 innings 8ith the demise of his father, 0hief "inister Y. S. Ra2asekhara Reddy -=YSR=/. 3is relationship 8ith the 7ndian Cational 0ongress -7C0/ continuously deteriorated after his fatherDs death%# & Si> months after his fatherDs death, he began an odarpu yatra -condolence tour/ as promised earlier to go and meet the families of those alleged to ha(e either committed suicide or suffered ill health on the ne8s of his fatherDs death. 5he 0ongress partyDs central leadership directed him to call off his odarpu yatra, and order 8hich he defied leading to a fallout bet8een the high command and himself. 3e 8ent ahead 8ith the yatra, stating that it 8as a personal matter.%##& Jagan as a president of YSR 0ongress faced byAelection from the )adapa constituency and 8on by the huge margin of ;.;,$.! (otes.%#!& Bn Co(ember #+, #$ $, he resigned, after a fallout 8ith the 0ongress party high command.%#.& 3e announced on , *ecember #$ $ from Puli(endula that he 8ould be starting a ne8 party 8ithin .; days. 7n February, #$ , he took o(er a party 8hich had e>isted on paper only since the prior July, and 8as officially recogni?ed on February < as president of the YSR 0ongress Party.%#;&

orru"tion harges
Y.S.R. ReddyDs election declaration of #$$. included ta> returns sho8ing JaganDs assets at Rs. +.# lakh, out of a total family assets of Rs. ;$ lakhs.%#<& 7n April #$$+, Jagan re(ealed total assets of Rs. ,, crores, and by #$ this has allegedly increased to amount Rs. !<; crore.%#,&

7n August #$ , the Andhra Pradesh 3igh 0ourt, based on preliminary report by the 017, ordered a thorough probe.%#9& 7n addition to the 017, the 0omptroller and Auditor Eeneral -0AE/%#+& and the 7ndian Re(enue Ser(ice -7RS/%!$& ha(e been probing the corruption charges.

Modus o"erandi% Suitcase com"anies

5he in(estigation by the 017 point out se(eral means by 8hich Jagan made money from political fa(ours, adopting ingenious 8ays to amass illegal 8ealth... Since "ay, #$$., he started floating a number of companies including Jagathi Publications %... 8ith himself operating& its 1ank accounts. As :uid pro :uo to in(esting in his companies, benefits 8ere recei(ed by in(estors ... in allotment of lands for Special @conomic Fones -S@Fs/, contracts for irrigation pro2ects, special rela>ations4permissions for real estate (entures, mines etc.%<& 5he facade companies floated by Jagan redddy are being called =suitcase companies= both in the media and court orders.%<& %! & 5his is an allusion to corruption models in 8hich suitcases of cash 8ould be deli(ered to politicians, but the amounts today are too large for suitcases. 5he 017 officials launched countryA8ide searches on ReddyDs offices and residences on 9 August #$ .%!#& %!!& "a2or in(estors in his companies 8ere also raided.%!.& 7n "arch #$ #, the 0omptroller and Auditor Eeneral -0AE/ noted that the state had lost Rs Gakh crore - trillion rupees/ re(enue through fa(ours granted to land and construction companies.%#+&%!;&

&'idence for (uid-"ro-(uo and )ut-of-norm fa'ours

5he e(idence unearthed includes direct fa(ours gi(en to companies 8ho in(ested 8ith Jagan ReddyDs companies. 017 *7E 3. 'enkatesh informed the Supreme 0ourt that H7ndia 0ements made illegal :uid pro :uo in(estments to the tune of Rs .$ crore into the group companies of Y.S. Jagan "ohan Reddy=. 7n return, they recei(ed benefits such as permission to dra8 e>tra outAofAnorm 8ater from ri(ers and lease of land.%!<& 3o8e(er, 7ndia cements 0@B C. Srini(asan, 8ho is also the 1007 chief, subse:uently stated that these in(estments had returned a profit 8hen Raghuram 0ements -later 1harti 0ement/ 8as purchased by French firm 'icat.%!,& *uring an 7ncome 5a> raid at the residence of a manager of *almia 0ement 8hich in(ested Rs. +; crore in the Jagan company Raghuram 0ements, 7RS official 'ikram Singh Sharma stated that they had reco(ered a pen dri(e containing the details of cash payments apparently made to "r. Jaganmohan Reddy in the acronyms of HJR a4c, Sh. JR, J. Reddy acct and J.R. A40I%!$&

5he chairman of the large construction firm Ramky Eroup, 8hich 8as de(eloping a large residential comple>, paid Rs $ crore to "s Jagathi Publications -a JaganAo8ned company 8hich prints the daily Sakshi/.%!9& 5he :uidAproA:uo allegedly in(ol(ed stamp duty and registration fee that 8ere 8ai(ed as per a Eo(ernment Brder in #$$9 . %!+& Ratna Prabha, an 7AS officer 8ho signed this order, later stated that she had initially opposed the e>emptions since it 8ould =ad(ersely affect the re(enue of the state=, but that she 8as o(erruled by the cabinet of Y.S.R. Reddy.%.$& 5he properties of Ramky @states, 8orth Rs. !; crores, has been fro?en.%. & 7n addition to the 017 and the 7ncome 5a> *epartment, the @nforcement *irectorate is also in(estigating ReddyDs assets. As of June #$ !, the *irectorate has attached Rs.##+.. crore from (arious firms associated 8ith him, based on e(idence that the money 8as obtained by gi(ing undue fa(ours.%.#&

Arrest and *+ months in ,ail

Jagan Reddy 8as arrested by the 0entral 1ureau of 7n(estigation on embe??lement charges and his Judicial custody 8as e>tended repeatedly as the in(estigation proceeded.%.!&%..&%.;& %.<& 5he Andhra Pradesh 3igh 0ourt, in re2ecting bail,%.,& obser(ed6 taking note of serious nature of the offence and ha(ing regard to personal and financial clout of the appellant and finding that it cannot be ruled out that 8itnesses cannot be influenced by him in case he is released on bail at this stage.%<& 5he Supreme 0ourt also dismissed his petition in . July #$ #,%,&%.9& + August #$ #,%.+& and on "ay !, #$ !.%<& "ean8hile, the 017 filed a further chargeAsheet against him , September, #$ !. 5he ne8 chargeAsheet relate to the Sandur po8er and Gepakshi kno8ledge hub 8hich 8ere floated by Jagan in 8hich the latter recei(ed huge in(estments on a :uid pro :uo arrangement 8hile his father 8as chief minister -#$$. to #$$+/.%;$& After the filing of this chargesheet, the court granted him bail on the grounds that most of the in(estigation in the case 8as completed.

harges of "olitical 'endetta

5he YSR 0ongress and JaganDs family ha(e been alleging a political conspiracy behind JaganDs in(estigations.%9&%; & 1JP has noted that 017 has been pursuing this case 8ith greater (igour than that of go(ernmentAaligned politicians 8ith similar charges such as Sushil )umar Shinde or 'ilasrao *eshmukh.% #& Bn the other side, the 017Js former 2oint director ' ' Ga>minaryana has stated in court that he 8as being targeted by the YSR0 leaders after JaganDs arrest, and that he 8as recei(ing calls threatening his life.%;$&

)ther ongress ministers arrested for issuing orders

7n "arch #$ #, the Supreme 0ourt directed the 017 to e>tend their in(estigations to si> ministers -)anna Gakshminarayana, "opide(i 'enkata Ramana Sabita 7ndra Reddy, Ponnala Gakshmaiah, J Eeetha Reddy and *harmana Prasada Rao/, and eight senior bureaucrats, 8ho 8ere implicated in issuing #< Eo(ernment orders that helped the companies in(esting in JaganDs firms.%;#& Andhra @>cise minister "opide(i 'enkataramana 8as arrested on #. "ay #$ #.%;!& 017 also summoned 1007 chief "r C Srini(asan on , June #$ #.%;.& As a se:uel to allegations that 017 had selecti(ely released information to the press to tarnish the image of Jaganmohan Reddy, the 0entral 'igilance 0ommissioner sought a report on the matter from the in(estigating agency. %;;&

)""osition to the formation of -elengana

@(en 8hile in 2ail, Reddy had started a hunger strike opposing the Knited Progressi(e AllianceDs decision to endorse the creation of a separate 5elangana state. After #; hours of indefinite hunger strike, his sugar le(els and 1P 8ere do8n. Gater 3e 8as shifted to Bsmania Eeneral 3ospital for treatment%;<& 3is mother, "GA '72ayamma, is also on hunger strike protesting the formation of 5elengana out of AP.%;,& After his release, Reddy has called for a ,#Ahour bandh protesting the formation of 5elengana. %;9& 1oth Jagan and his mother ha(e resigned from their legislatures opposing the 5elengana decision%;+&


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