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2013_XI I _Delhi_Biology_Set-2


9. Describe the gene therapy procedure for an ADA-deficient patient. 2

Ans. Gene therapy for ADA deficiency:
Lymphocytes isolated from patients blood are cultured in-vitro.
Functional ADA cDNA are then introduced into the cultured lymphocytes.
These lymphocytes are returned back to the patients body.
Lymphocytes are not immortal. Therefore, repeated infusion of genetically
engineered lymphocytes is required.
Permanent cure Introduction of gene isolated from bone marrow cells producing
ADA into cells at early embryonic stages

10. Expand the following and mention one application of each:
(i) PCR
(ii) ELISA


(a) Mention the difference in the mode of action of exonuclease and endonuclease.
(b) How does restriction endonuclease function? 2

Ans. (i) PCR- Polymerase chain reaction is a technique in molecular biology to amplify a
gene or a piece of DNA to obtain its several copies. Each cycle of PCR has three
a. Cenaturation
b. Primer annealing
c. Extension of primers
Use - It is extensively used in the process of gene manipulation.
(ii) ELISA (Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay) is a technique in molecular
biology which uses antigens and antibodies to identify infectious diseases. An
infection is identified by the presence of antigens like proteins or by the synthesis
of antibodies against the infection
Use - This technique is widely used for detecting AIDS.


(a) Exonuclease removes the nucleotides from the ends of the DNA chain while
endonuclease cuts the DNA at the specific positions within the DNA strand.
(b) Each restriction endonuclease finds its specific pallindromic nucleotide sequences
in the DNA and cut the DNA at these specific sites. It does so by binding to the
DNA at these sites and cutting both the strands at specific points in their sugar-
phosphate backbones.
2013_XI I _Delhi_Biology_Set-2

11. Name any two sources of e-Wastes and write two difference ways of their disposal. 2

Ans. Two sources of e-waste are:
a. Irreparable computers
b. Electronic items like mobile phones, television sets etc.
Two different ways of disposal of e-waste are:
a. Dumping the e-wastes into landfills.
b. Incinerating e-waste i.e. burning the e-wastes completely into ashes.
These ways of disposal pose threat to the environment by releasing toxic substances into
it. So, recycling of e-waste in an environment- friendly manner is the only solution its

12. Why the pyramid of energy is always upright? Explain. 2

Ans. The pyramid of energy represents the total amount of energy consumed by each trophic
level in a given food chain. An energy pyramid is always upright because the total
amount of energy available for utilization in the layers above is less than the energy
available in the lower levels. This happens because according to the 10% law of energy
transfer, only 10% of the total energy is transferred from one trophic level to another.

13. Explain why very small animals are rarely found in polar region. 2

Ans. Loss of body heat is directly proportional to the surface area. Since, small animals have
larger surface area relative to their volume. They tend to lose body heat at a very fast rate
in colder regions. Loss of body heat in colder regions could prove threat to their survival.
This is the reason why very small animals are rarely found in polar regions.

14. (a) How does cleistogamy ensure autogamy?
(b) State one advantage and one disadvantage of cleistogamy to the plant. 2
Ans. (a) Cleistogamous flowers are those which do not open at all and pollen from other plants
cannot land on the stigma of these flowers. Thus, in such plants cross pollination cannot
occur and only autogamy occurs. Therefore, clesistogamy ensures autogamy.
(b) Cleistogamy has this advantage that the plant can propagate itself under
unfavorable conditions and disadvantage is that self pollination occurs which
reduces the chances of variation and evolution of genetically superior progeny.

15. When and where do chorionic villi appear in humans? State their function. 2

Ans. Chorionic villi are finger like projections that arise from the trophoblast layer that
develops in the zygote after it has undergone implantation.
Function of Chorionic villi:
It interdigitates with projections from uterine tissue to form a structure called the
placenta, which is the connecting link between the mother and the foetus.
It facilitates the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the embryo.
2013_XI I _Delhi_Biology_Set-2

16. In a cross between two tall pea plants some of the offsprings produced were dwarf. Show
with the help of Punett square how this is possible. 2

Ans. In a cross between two phenotypically tall plants, some of the progeny may turn out to be
phenotypically dwarf. It means that both parents are heterozygous (Tt). The cross is
demonstrated below by a Punnett Square.

Genotype of Parents = Tt.

Genotypic ratios of progeny after F1 cross= TT, Tt, Tt, tt.

Phenotypic ratios= 1 TT+ 2 Tt: 1 tt or 3 Tall: 1 dwarf

2013_XI I _Delhi_Biology_Set-2

17. A young boy when brought a pet dog home started to complain of watery eyes and
running nose. The symptoms disappeared when the boy was kept away from the pet.
(a) Name of type of antibody and the chemicals responsible for such a response in the

(b) Mention the name of any one drug that could be given to the boy for immediate
relief from such a response. 2

Ans. (a) The IgE type of antibody and chemicals like histamine and serotonin released
from mast cells are responsible for this response.

(b) Drugs like anti histamine, adrenalin and steroids can be given to the boy for
immediate relief from such a response.

18. (a) Explain how to find whether an E. coli bacterium has transformed or not when a
recombinant DNA bearing ampicillin resistant gene is transferred into it.

(b) What does the ampicillin resistant gene act as in the above case? 2

Ans. (a) The successful transformation of E.coli with a recombinant DNA can be detected
by growing the E. coli cell on culture media having ampicillin. The transformed
cells will survive as they carry recombinant DNA with ampicillin resistance gene;
where as non transformed cells will die as they are ampicillin sensitive.

(b) Antibiotic resistance genes such as amp
(ampicillin resistant), serve as selectable
markers as in the above case.

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