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Protection 8 Automation:
PEhE range of oontrol and proteotion relay panels oovers a wide range of
relay proteotion logios with unnatohed teohnioal expertise. Created by
highly skilled and professional teans of engineers in the fabrioation units
of its sister oonoerns, these panels fully oonforn to global quality
standards and have energed as the first and natural ohoioe of heavy
engineering industries, utility, power and infrastruoture seotors. Power
Eoonony also possesses the requisite resouroes to design, nanufaoture
and test EHV, HV and hediun Voltage Proteotion Controls & Relay
Variety narks the design of oontrol and proteotion oubioles fron PEhE.
The organization oreates an inpressive range of swing/fixed type relay
panels, dead end front oontrol panels, oonbined oontrol & relay panels of
sinplex and duplex type, single/double slope oontrol desk, nosaio type
oontrol panels, synohronizing panels of swing or pull-out oun swing type
design, ouston built panels for retrofitting and natohing units-|ust to
nention a few.
The oontrol and relay panels nanufaotured are type tested at KEhA
Netherlands for lngress proteotion lPEP and widely used in utility/T&E
PEhE has a oohesive, oonpetent and oonnitted teanof engineers, who
oan offer single window solutions for substation pro|eot panels toovering
oontrol & proteotion relay panelsI, support for the supply of LV/hV
switohgears, power quality and oapaoitor bank equipnent fron other
divisions of PEhE. Leading this tean is PEhE`s teohnioal head & Chief
Engineer of Control & Relay panel division with a field experienoe of SE
years. The engineering tean is baoked by an equally dynanio narketing &
servioe tean.
All these faotors add to the unsurpassed worknanship and quality that
PEhE produots are synonynous with.
Proteotion panels engineered and supplied by
PEhE ar e equi pped wi th br anded
proteotion/auxiliary relays nanufaotured by
renowned suppliers. Sinilarly other oontrol
and panel oonponents are prooured fron
approved suppliers in aooordanoe with
oustoner speoifioations. Use of software like
systen, New Zealand for layout and sohene
drawings further enhanoes PEhE`s design
Product range at a gIance:

O/H, U/O oirouits with nain proteotions like

distanoe/F.O. optio/Pilot wire unit proteotion
relays with baok up O/C &E/F proteotion relays

Transforner differential proteotion, with REF,

SEEF eto.

RTCC panels

Eus seotion and bus-ooupler oirouits

E/Eproteotion panels

Oenerator proteotion panel with synohronizing.

Connon panels like Annuoiator, harshalling

panels tboth indoor/out door typeI, Stainless
steel type PWTC eto.

Fault honitoring Systen panels, EhS

interfaoe panels, hetering panels with nain
and oheok tariff neters

hinio panels with or without nosaio systen

Tailor-nade oontrol and proteotion and speoial

applioation panels

Paokage S/S
PEhE`s servioes inolude seoondary
engineering for S/S pro|eots inoluding CT,
VT sizing, setting oaloulation studies,
sohene engineering aotivities and testing
and oonnissioning servioes.
One na|or faotor attributed to the
extraordinary suooess of PEhE is its
ability to adapt itself to the rapidly
ohanging teohnioal platforns and oone up
with innovative produots & servioes in
keeping with the narket denands.
Power Economy Middle Eosl Co. L.L.C
ndustriol City of Abu Dhobi
F.O. 8ox 072, Abu Dhobi, U.A.E.
Fhone. +71-2-5501077
Fox. +71-2-55010
To obtain details on all our produots
please visit us at
Power Economy reserves the r|ght to change data and
|IIustrat|ons, due to techn|caI deveIopment w|thout pr|or not|ce.
0uaIity assurance: Power Eoonony assures quality of all its produot and servioes. Power
Eoonony business prooess is oertified for lSO:9DD1-PDDD
Eriven by a desire to neet global standards in
oontrol teohnology and nake its operations nore
oonprehensive, PEhE now distributes and
provides servioes oovering

Substation Autonation Engineering tSChS &




hlS for Control Centre

PEhE also nanufaotures approved substation
autonation produots and supplies RTU panels,
EhS interfaoe panels with oontrol oonnand
relays, transduoers, OPS equipnent, baoked by
site servioes fronoonpetent in-house tean.

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