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American versus British English

English is English, right? If your answer is Yes, then why do we call some American English, others British English, and then more: Canadian English, Australian English, South African English, Indian English....? Simple answer. The difference lies in style of usage. You see, there are differences in the way some words are written, pronounced, and even in the meaning implied. Lets look at some of these differences below: Differences in Spelling 1. Word endings: -er versus -re American English:( -er) Fiber,Theater, Center, Meter, Liter, Caliber, Somber, Luster British English: (-re) Fibre, Theatre, Centre, Metre, Litre, Calibre, Sombre, Lustre 2. -ize (-ization) versus -ise (-isation American: Civilize, civilization, Realize, Organize, Recognize British: Civilise, civilisation, Realise, Organise, Recognise 3. -yze versus -yse American: Analyze, Paralyze, Catalyze, Hydrolyze British: Analyse, Paralyse, Catalyse, Hydrolyse 4. Single consonants (l, p, s, t) versus Double consonants American :(single) Traveling / Traveler, Canceled, Quarreling, Modeling British: (Double) Travelling / Traveller, Cancelled, Quarrelling, Modelling 5. Drop the e versus Retain the e American: Aging, Routing, Likable, Judgment, Unshakable, Usable British: Ageing, Routeing, Likeable, Judgement, Unshakeable, Useable 6. Simplification: e versus ae or oe American: Fetus,Maneuver, Encyclopedia, Feces, Gynecology, Anesthesia, Diarrhea, Ameba, Leuke mia British: Foetus ,Manoeuvre, Encyclopaedia, Faeces, Gynaecology, Anaesthesia, Diarrhoea, Amoeba, Leu kaemia 7. Past tense verbs: -ed versus -t American: Dreamed, Learned, Spoiled, Burned British: Dreamt, Learnt, Spoilt, Burnt 8. -or versus -our American: Honor, Labor, Endeavor, Color, Flavor, Rumor, Neighor, Humor, Harbor,Behavior British: Honour, Labour, Endeavour, Colour, Flavour, Rumour, Neighbour, Humour, Harb our,Behaviour 9. Others

American: Program, Catalog, Ton, Omelet, Check, Pajamas, Enroll, Fulfill, Dietitian, Draft, Donut (sometimes doughnut), Gray, Mold*, Skeptical, Smolder, Gelatin, Tire, Artifact, Cantaloupe, Yogurt, Ra ccoon, Mustache, Pygmy, Phony, Sulfur British: Programme, Catalogue, Tonne, Omelette, Cheque, Pyjamas, Enrol, Fulfil, Dietici an, Draught, Doughnut, Grey, Mould, Sceptical, Smoulder, Gelatine, Tyre, Artefact, Cantaloup, Yoghurt, Racoon, Moustache, Pigmy, Phoney, Sulphu r Different spelling, different pronunciation American: Aluminum, Jewelry, Ass, Airplane, Carburetor /'krbreitr/, Oriented, Quint (abbreviation of quintuplets), Sled, Specialty British: Aluminium, Jewellery, Arse, Aeroplane, Carburettor /krb'rtr/, Orientated, Quin, Sledge , Speciality Contracted words British: (No period) Dr, Mr, Mrs, Jr, Ave, St American:( Add period) Dr., Mr., Mrs. Jr. Ave. St. Style choice If you're asking yourself which style to adapt and adopt, you're not alone. Here are a few words of advice: 1. If you plan on taking the TOEFL or IELTS, it's important that you stick to the appropriate style. 2. When writing, be consistent in your spelling. 3. In countries such as Canada where both styles are accepted, you can use both of them. However, make sure you are consistent. For example, maintain the double L for "traveller" and "travelling" More and more of these variants are disappearing or becoming acceptable as the language and the world evolves. Who knows, one day, perhaps, we shall just have......ENGLISH. Have fun learning.

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