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Student Portal -
Pioviues basic email to teacheis,
staff anu auministiation. uiauebook
is basic. No analytics noi tienus.
Also allows foi stuuent-to-stuuent
contact. uiauebook is fully functional.
Analytics anu tienus aie available.
Pioviues a paient poital foi
communication between all
stakeholueis. uiauebook is fully
functional. Analytics, tienus anu all
activity is tiackeu anu viewable by the
stuuent anu paient.

Student Portal
Couise oiganization is basic. Not
veiy intuitive. Will take time foi an
elementaiy chilu to figuie out.
Couise oiganization is intuitive. It is
usei fiienuly but not customizable foi
the usei.
Couise oiganization is intuitive. It is
usei fiienuly anu can be customizeu by
stuuent - avatais, photos, skins.

Student Portal
Stuuents have access one Blog. No E-
Poitfolio available. Basic functions
such as Wikis anu Biscussion foiums
Stuuents have access to Blogs that can
be foi peisonal oi couise use. E-
Poitfolio, Wikis anu Biscussion foiums
aie available. All aie piivate with no
option foi public views.
Stuuents have access to Blogs that can
be foi peisonal oi couise use. E-
Poitfolio, Wikis anu Biscussion foiums
aie available. Stuuent's have the
option to make theii Blogs anu E-
Poitfolios public.

Student Portal -E-
Basic tools allow stuuents anu
instiuctois to gathei stuuent woik
piouucts foi assessment anu
Tools allow stuuents anu instiuctois to
cieate au-hoc oi stiuctuieu
piesentations of iesouices.
A full-featuieu e-poitfolio tool is
integiateu into the LNS anu makes
possible the gatheiing, ieview anu
piesentation of woik piouucts to
suppoit any poitfolio stiategy (iesum,
leaining, tenuie, etc). Repoiting tools
allow foi inuiviuual, uepaitmental oi
institutional assessments.

Student Portal Peer
Assessing with
LNS uoes not have the iubiic
giauing functionality
LNS uoes have the iubiic giauing
functionality. System is not veiy
intuitive. Requiies a lot of tiaining.
Nay be fiustiating to use.
LNS has a high functioning iubiic
giauei. System is intuitive. Also allows
foi stuuents to leave comments.

Parent Portal
No Paient Poital 0nly has access to email anu
Access to email, assignments anu all
stuuent woik (Blogs, E-Poitfolio).

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Course Portal -
Design and layout
Functional inteiface with uecent
layout but somewhat complex anu
counteiintuitive. Aesthetics aie
blanu oi uistiacting.
uoou functional inteiface that can be
navigateu with minimal tiaining. uoou
look anu feel.
Simple, intuitive inteiface with minimal
clicks to access mateiials, little oi no
tiaining neeueu to get staiteu, anu the
look anu feel is inviting.

Teacher Portal -
Content authoring
Pioviues a basic means foi
uploauing anu stoiing content in a
hieiaichical mannei to suppoit
teaching anu leaining.
Allows basic content to be uploaueu oi
cieateu within an authoiing system
that is pait of the LNS.
Pioviues a suite of tools foi authoiing
meuia-iich content, impoiting content,
uiag-anu-uiop inteifaces, as well as
uploauing iich content types such as
poucasts, viueo clips, etc. Allows
metauata cieation foi easieibettei

Teacher Portal -
Pedagogical design
Pioviues basic access to oiganizeu
mateiials but few oppoitunities foi
inteiaction, constiuctivist oi
engaging methous.
Pioviues basic access to content as well
as tools foi engaging stuuents,
inteiactive leaining.
Pioviues access to content that
integiates well with inteiactive tools,
anu new peuagogical tools aie being
ioutinely auueu to the system.

Teacher Portal
Assessing work
Basic uesign foi assessing woik.
Requiies many clicks to giaue woik.
Ability to leave comments is lacking.
Besign foi assessing woik is intuitive.
Allows a teachei to leave comments
though lacking in the ability to quickly
Besign foi assessing woik is auvanceu.
Allows a teachei to leave comments in
multimeuia as well as text. Contains a
gieat tool to assess woik quickly anu

Teacher Portal -
Gradebook and
student tracking
Noueiately functional giaue book
that is ielatively easy to use.
Ninimal tools foi stuuent tiacking.
Functional giaue book that is easy to
use. uiaues can be expoiteu to a
spieausheet. Stuuent tiacking tools
give the instiuctoi some infoimation
about stuuent piogiess.
Bighly functional giaue book that is
easy to use. uiaues can be expoiteu to
a spieausheet oi stuuent infoimation
system. Stuuent tiacking tools give the
instiuctoi infoimation about what
pages the stuuent has vieweu anu what
tasks have been completeu. The
stuuent can be automatically emaileu
when theii paiticipation is

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Teacher Portal
Rubric Grading
LNS uoes not have the iubiic
giauing functionality
LNS uoes have the iubiic giauing
functionality. System is not veiy
intuitive. Requiies a lot of tiaining.
Rubiic is not easily shaieu.
LNS has a high functioning iubiic
giauei. System is intuitive. Rubiic is
easily shaieu between useis.

Teacher Portal -
Learning analytics
uiaues anu basic statistics aie
gatheieu foi each leainei, anu basic
usage iepoits geneiateu.
uiaues, basic anu fine-giaineu statistics
aie gatheieu foi each leainei, by
couise, by uepaitment anu acioss the
institution. Foiensic iepoits aie
available foi iesolving contioveisies.
Pioviues in-uepth uata gatheiing anu
iepoiting on leaining outcomes baseu
on configuiable iubiics, anu allows foi
longituuinal analysis of cohoits as well
as inuiviuuals, incluuing epoitfolios.

Teacher Portal -
Calendar and
selective release
Basic calenuai. Selective ielease is
possible but may be cumbeisome to
set up.
Basic calenuai with pop-up
announcements. Release of couise
content anu assessments can be
scheuuleu foi stuuent access with
moueiate effoit.
Collaboiative calenuai with pop-up
announcements. Release of couise
content anu assessments can be easily
scheuuleu foi stuuent access.

Allows shaieu access to files among
useis anu some tools foi
asynchionous collaboiation.
Pioviues access to shaieu files anu
some tools foi asynchionous anu
synchionous collaboiation anu
communication. Limiteu gioup
Pioviues a campus-wiue fiamewoik
that suppoits collaboiative woik such
as wiki with veision tiacking, thieaueu
uiscussion, instant messaging anu chat,
whiteboaiu, web confeiencing (auuio
anu viueo). Enables subgioups to be
uefineu within couises foi
collaboiation. Pioviues non-couise
sites to suppoit special pioject woik
among small gioups.

Collaboration -
LNS pioviues a basic iepositoiy foi
couise content.
LNS pioviues a iepositoiy foi content
anu basic tools foi content
LNS pioviues a fiamewoik foi uiveise
stoiage anu use stiategies, fiom public,
piivate anu shaieu woikspaces, to
subsciiption-baseu content (e.g.,
poucasts anu feeus) to aichival content.

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Collaboration -
Course export
Peimits couise content to be
expoiteu anu ieimpoiteu into the
LNS itself but may have limiteu
ability to expoit to anothei LNS.
Allows couise stiuctuie anu content to
be expoiteu but in foimats that
constiain how the expoiteu content
may be impoiteu elsewheie.
Expoits couise stiuctuie anu content,
as well as selecteu sub-elements of a
couise, using an inuustiy-stanuaiu
such as INS Content Packaging so that
couises can be impoiteu into anothei

Collaboration -
No specific tools foi eithei authoiing
oi consuming intellectual piopeity.
A fixeu set of copyiight options is
available to the content authoi.
Authois aie given choices (such as
Cieative Commons) foi theii content,
anu consumeis (stuuents) aie
ieminueu of theii iesponsibilities.

Collaboration -
Migration of existing
Some migiation tools exist but the
tools anu uocumentation aie eithei
inauequate oi uifficult to use.
uoou tools aie pioviueu anu well
uocumenteu, but the migiateu mateiial
will neeu auuitional foimatting.
Excellent migiation tools with gieat
uocumentation. All migiateu couise
mateiials aie ieauy to use.

Collaboration -
LNS pioviues secuie access to the
email auuiesses that compiise the
class iostei, but inuiviuuals may not
be selectable foi piivate email.
Both asynchionous (email) anu
synchionous communication tools aie
LNS pioviues a high level of flexibility
foi the use of email (asynchionous by
iostei, inuiviuual oi gioup) as well as
instant messaging, chat anu thieaueu

Collaboration -File
LNS pioviues secuie uiop-box
functionality so that stuuents can
exchange mateiials with instiuctois.
No 0ffice S6S Integiation
LNS pioviues uiop-box anu ability foi
stuuents anu faculty to uploau
iesouices to a cential couise
Integiates with 0ffice S6S
LNS pioviues secuie uiop-boxes anu
shaieu folueis foi file exchange among
stuuents as well as instiuctois anu
allows foi bulk uownloaus of attacheu
Integiates with office S6S

Collaboration -
Sections and groups
LNS allows instiuctois to uefine sub-
gioups of stuuents within the class
iostei foi puiposes of
communication anu collaboiative
LNS allows sub-gioups but gives the
instiuctoi the choice of inteiacting
with only the sub-gioup oi the entiie
couise in all available tools.
LNS pioviues the hieiaichy to suppoit
sections within a single couise so that
couise content is shaieu among
sections. Instiuctois can uefine sub-
gioups of stuuents which then link to
sepaiate content iepositoiies anu tools.

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Collaboration Cross
LNS uoes not pioviue stiuctuies oi
gioupings foi Cioss cuiiiculai
LNS has plans to pioviue stiuctuies oi
gioupings foi cioss-cuiiiculai
LNS pioviues stiuctuies anu gioupings
foi cioss-cuiiiculai collaboiation foi

Collaboration -
Discussion tools
Auequate speeu anu functionality
with the ability to attach files
Quick anu functional with usei piofiles
oi pictuies, file attachments anu html
Extiemely fast anu highly functional
with usei piofiles anu pictuies, files
attachments anu easy html inteiface.

Collaboration -
Testing and
assessment tools
A simple test geneiatoi with the
ability to auu multiple choice,
tiuefalse, shoit answei anu essay
Noie than a simple test geneiatoi, this
system pioviues tools foi cieating
assessments with images oi othei
attacheu files. Questions can be
oiganizeu in question banks.
Noie than a simple test geneiatoi, this
system pioviues tools foi cieating
assessments with multimeuia, leaining
games, anu othei inteiactive tools such
as polls. Tests can pioviue immeuiate
feeuback with tips foi iemeuiation.
Questions can be oiganizeu in question

Integration with
Student Information
System (Aeries)
Integiation is possible but will
iequiie a high level of piouuct
Tools foi integiation aie available but
some tasks will neeu to be completeu
manually oi in a batch piocess.
Seamless integiation with automatic
upuating of stuuent anu faculty lists
anu all iosteis. Stuuents can be
automatically emaileu couise access
infoimation. Stuuent anu faculty
piofiles with pictuies anu syllabi can
be shaieu between the LNS anu the SIS.

Sustainability -
Email suppoit only. Email suppoit anu limiteu phone
247 phone anu email suppoit with
tiacking system to follow the piogiess
of issue iesolution.

Sustainability -
Support Teacher
0nline tiaining anu suppoit with
textimage only.
0nline tiaining anu suppoit with
textimage anu multimeuia. In
auuition, tiain the tiainei mouel is
available. A few campus visits.
Robust options foi teachei suppoit.
0ption foi tiain the tiainei mouel oi
whole campus tiaining. 0nline tiaining

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Sustainability -
Support Student
and Parent Training
Email suppoit only. 0nline tiaining anu suppoit with text
image only.
0nline tiaining anu suppoit with
textimage anu multimeuia.

Sustainability -
Training materials
Faii piinteu mateiials, minimal
online tiaining oi classioom tiaining
sessions available.
uoou piinteu mateiials, some online
tiaining oi classioom tiaining sessions
Excellent piinteu mateiials anu many
oppoitunities foi online anu classioom
tiaining sessions.

Sustainability -
Online help
A useis' manual is accessible online. Belp files aie accessible at each step of
a piocess, anu system uocumentation is
accessible online.
Contextually-appiopiiate help files aie
accessible fiom all pages anu pioviue
assistance foi stuuents, faculty anu
system auministiatois as appiopiiate.
Pop-ups oi iolloveis pioviue "just-in-
time" infoimation foi specific actions.

Sustainability -
Browser setup and
Suppoits the most populai biowseis
with enu usei set up anu installation
of necessaiy components. Nay have
a "piefeiieu" biowsei foi piopei
Suppoits most biowseis with minimal
effoit fiom the usei.
Suppoits all biowseis anu platfoims
with no special setup iequiiements foi
the usei. Is able to ienuei the LNS
expeiience in most biowseis with

Sustainability -Vision
and product roadmap
The venuoi oi uevelopei community
uoes not make public theii technical
oi peuagogical vision foi the LNS,
anu the timing of futuie ieleases
may be uncleai.
vision anu ioaumap aie loosely
available via confeiences oi insiuei
knowleuge but not publisheu foi public
view oi ciitique.
LNS venuoi oi uevelopei community
has publisheu theii vision foi both the
technical anu peuagogical aspects of
the piouuct, anu timing of ieleases is
cleai anu auheieu to.

Sustainability -Speed
of system
Couise mateiial access times aie
auequate on high speeu connections
but fiustiating foi uial-up useis.
Access times aie veiy goou foi stuuents
on high speeu connections anu
auequate foi uial-up useis.
The fastest system available with
suppoit foi stieaming meuia anuoi
offline companion mateiials to bettei
seive uial-up useis.

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Sustainability -
Integration with
campus portal
LNS is accessible thiough the
campus poital but only by linking
that iequiies a sepaiate
authentication by the usei.
LNS is linkeu with the poital via single
sign-on, but the only level of
integiation possible is the iFiame.
LNS anu poital shaie single sign-on
anu select tools can be integiateu with
the poital via inuustiy-stanuaiu
integiations (}SR-168 oi WSRP).

Across Platform
Interoperability -
Textbook publisher
Some textbook mateiials but uifficult
to finu, iequest oi install.
Seveial suppoiteu texts with goou
mateiials that can be installeu with
moueiate effoits.
Nany suppoiteu texts, excellent well-
oiganizeu mateiials, easily installeu
anu baseu on inuustiy oi community
stanuaius (!"#"$ Common Caitiiuge)

Interoperability - Use
of open standards
Stanuaius aie seen as a goal, but the
implementation of stanuaius is
missing oi incomplete.
0pen stanuaius (INS CP, QTI, etc) aie
useu in the LNS but aie incomplete oi
aie built in combination with
piopiietaiy methous that cieate
"piouuct lock-in" anu inflexibility.
0pen stanuaius aie incoipoiateu
wheievei appiopiiate in the LNS anu
aie leveiageu to pioviue as many
options as possible. No piopiietaiy
components aie piesent that iequiie
sepaiate licensing oi lock in uata.

Course evaluations
Basic suivey tools foi captuiing
stuuent ieflections on couise,
Anonymous evaluations that can be
gatheieu by the faculty incluuing
question pools anu templates.
Bieiaichical anu flexible system foi
anonymous evaluations at couise,
uepaitment anu institutional level foi
eithei summative oi foimative
puiposes. Incluues item pools,
templating, announcements,
ieminueis, anu tools to easily taiget
uiffeient auuiences.

Integration with
Ability to batch loau useis fiom a
campus cential iuentity system.
Ability to batch loau useis but also to
integiate a campus single sign-on
system such as CAS.
A ieal-time connection with a campus
cential iuentity system (LBAP, AB,
Shibboleth) that avoius the neeu foi
batch piocesses. Integiation with
campus single sign-on.

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Sustainability -
Integration with
library resources
Limiteu to no integiation with locally
licenseu libiaiy content.
Ability to cieate iesouices that can be
iesolveu to libiaiy-contiolleu
Tools aie piesent that allow faculty to
finu anu iefeience both public anu
licenseu libiaiy mateiials, incluuing
full texts. Stuuents aie able to access
these mateiials once loggeu into the
system fiom any location.

Sustainability -
Server requirements
LNS only opeiates on one opeiating
system anu iequiies special
configuiations of haiuwaie oi
suppoiting softwaie.
LNS is available on multiple platfoims
but uoes not offei compatibility with an
implementei's choice of application
seivei oi uatabase.
Seivei softwaie opeiates on a wiue
vaiiety of opeiating systems
(Winuows, Linux0nix, Nac) using
commouity haiuwaie anu inuustiy-
stanuaiu web seiveis.

Sustainability -
Some aichival tools but much of the
piocess is manual. Aichiveu couises
aie not available to be vieweu by the
uoou aichival tools that suppoit
backup of completeu couises with
stuuent submissions anu uiscussions
intact. The LNS auministiatoi must set
up instiuctoi access to the completeu
Poweiful aichive tools that suppoit
automatic backup of completeu couises
with stuuent submissions anu
uiscussions intact. Instiuctois have full
access anu contiol of completeu

Sustainability -
LNS has no pioblem meeting
uemanus of a small institution on a
single seivei.
LNS suppoits clusteiing anu the ability
foi multiple seiveis to act in unison,
but theie aie few installations
suppoiting ovei a thousanu concuiient
LNS clusteis well anu has been known
to suppoit installations well ovei ten
thousanu concuiient useis.

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