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" # $ % % & ( ) * +
WashlngLon u.C. ClLy Councll
8esponse Lo 8equesL for roposal: ConverLlng
vacanL roperLy Lo a valuable LnhancemenL
ln Lhe CommunlLy

,-*-./-" 01
"#$%& '( )'*"&*"+
%&""&, '( ",#*+-.""#% ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0
1,'2&)" 3&+),.1".'* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4
BACKuR00NB ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
F0C0S ANB P0RP0SE ............................................................................................................................................... 4
PR0CESS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Table 1: Top S Neighboihoous in B.C. with the uieatest Peicent Population Below Poveity ........................ S
ASS0NPTI0NS ANB LINITATI0NS .......................................................................................................................... 6
EvAL0ATI0N 0F TBE vARI00S SITES .................................................................................................................... 7
Site A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Site B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Site C: ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1u
,&)'--&*3#".'*+ #*3 )'*)%5+.'*+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 66
,&(&,&*)&+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 67
#11&*3.8 # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 60
Table 2: ueospatial Layeis ......................................................................................................................................................... 1S
#11&*3.8 $ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 69
STEPS F0R uE0SPATIAL ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 17
3-44-" 56 7"2)8.9442$

Beai B.C. City Council:

FiyLuu Consulting is pleaseu to iesponu to the Washington B.C. Request Foi
Pioposal. The contact foi this pioposal is:

Kelsey Fiyling, N0RP anu Tiffany Luu, N0RP
Fiyluu, Inc.
14S Clovei valley Ciicle
Blacksbuig, viiginia 24u6u
voice: 8u4-726-uuS

FiyLuu is an aichitectuial, engineeiing anu community planning consulting fiim
with a focus on constiucting community iecieation facilities. Fiyluu seeks to
facilitate the piocesses involveu in pioject management, aichitectuial uesign,
engineeiing, anu business planning seivices with an astute level of piofessionalism.
Although oui fiim was only iecently establisheu, we have hau moie than a uozen
successful piojects in vaiious communities. 0ui compiehensive appioach to
planning anu managing the builu out of community iecieation institutions ensuies
that the piocesses aie in place at the enu of the constiuction phase to iesult in a
successful community uevelopment centei.

We aie confiuent that Fiyluu will not only meet the basic iequiiements of
Washington, B.C.'s pioposal foi a nutiition anu fitness euucation centei, but will
exceeu youi expectations foi this pioject. Thank you foi extenuing the oppoitunity
to woik with you.

Kelsey Fiyling
CE0, Fiyluu, Inc
:"5;-*4 ,-8*"9<495)
0besity anu the illnesses that stem fiom pooi uietaiy anu seuentaiy habits aie
pieventable ("0besity Seconu Leauing Cause of Pieventable 0.S. Beaths, CBC Stuuy
Finus," 2uu4). In fact, obesity is the seconu leauing cause of pieventable ueath in the
0niteu States anu coulu conceivably become the leauing cause of ueath in the
foieseeable futuie ("0besity Seconu Leauing Cause of Pieventable 0.S. Beaths, CBC
Stuuy Finus," 2uu4). Neaily 4uu,uuu people uieu fiom causes ielateu to pooi eating
habits anu seuentaiy lifestyles in 2u11, which is a SS% inciease fiom 199u.
Bemogiaphically, low-income families anu inuiviuuals aie moie likely to become obese
than those with highei incomes. This is likely uue to the wiue availability of cheap
caloiie uense piocesseu foous that is wiuely available anu maiketeu. In auuition,
anothei ieason why low-income families anu inuiviuuals aie moie likely to be obese
anu suffei the illnesses fiom obesity is that they aie not euucateu on the types of foous
that aie healthy anu nutiitionally uense. They may also be unawaie of the suggesteu
amount of uaily physical activity, the types of physical activities, oi the benefits of
exeicise that helps inuiviuuals stay healthy.
!5*%8 2)@ :%"<58-
The main focus of this pioposal is to iuentify a vacant piece of lanu within a low-
income neighboihoou to builu a nutiition anu fitness euucation centei that will spui
community uevelopment anu inciease healthy awaieness in the B.C. aiea. The
puipose of the nutiition anu fitness euucation centei is to builu a welcoming facility
wheie community membeis can leain about the components of a healthy uiet, the
value in eating healthily, anu the impoitance of uaily exeicise. 0ltimately, the centei
seeks to fostei an enviionment that suppoits healthy choices.

The puipose of this pioposal is to explain the ciiteiia to select iueal locations foi the
constiuction site anu to uesciibe the analytical piocess of selecting the eligible
sites. Although the potential constiuction site must be in a low-income
neighboihoou, it must also meet vaiious ciiteiia.
The piocess to select the thiee optimal sites foi the nutiition anu fitness euucation
centei iequiieu eliminating sites caiefully that uiu not meet ceitain ciiteiia. Thiee
sites weie selecteu foi the potential constiuction in which some site owneis might
be unwilling to sell theii piopeity oi ceitain sites might be founu to neeu
consiueiable infiastiuctuie investment piioi to constiuction anu aie theiefoie

To begin, the vacant paicels in the five pooiest neighboihoou clusteis in B.C. weie
locateu anu highlighteu in ieu. The five pooiest neighboihoou clusteis weie founu
using the Neighboihoou Info BC website that containeu many uetaileu statistics
about each of BC's S9 neighboihoou gioupings (BC, 2u12). The "pooiest" labeling
was ueteimineu by peicentage of people below poveity. Below is a table showing
the five pooiest clusteis anu theii poveity level.

72/$- 0A 75< B C-9?D/5"D55@8 9) ,+E+ F94D 4D- G"-24-84 :-"*-)4 :5<%$2495)
=-$5F :5H-"4#
Cluster Name
Percent Population Below
28 Historic Anacostia 41%
29 Eastland Gardens, Kenilworth 47%
30 Mayfair, Hillbrook, Mahaning Heights 39%
Woodland/Fort Stanton, Garfield Heights,
Knox Hill
37 Sheridan, Barry Farm, Buena Vista 45%
Souice: Neighboihoou Info B.C.

Next, vacant paicels that weie locateu within paiks in these pooi neighboihoous
weie iemoveu fiom the list of potential sites. Paiks aie veiy impoitant to
community well-being anu help inciease public health by giving people a place to
iun anu play. Not only woulu it be unlikely that the city coulu be convinceu to sell
paik piopeity foi the puipose of constiucting a new builuing, but it woulu also be
contiaiy to the mission of a nutiition anu fitness euucation centei.

This non-piofit business woulu have to be built on lanu zoneu commeicially. The
city's zoning map was useu to fuithei eliminate sites that uiu not meet this zoning

Next, potential sites neeueu to meet a ceitain size ciiteiia. Paicels that weie less oi
equal to S,uuu squaie feet weie eliminateu. The uesiieu facility has been uesciibeu
as only being a few stoiies tall, so a laigei paicel footpiint will allow foi a laigei
flooi squaie footage anu an aiea foi paiking.

The puipose of this centei is to help lowei income inuiviuuals leain moie about
taking caie of theii bouies anu staying healthy. Nost lowei income inuiviuuals
cannot affoiu theii own piivate tianspoitation, so convenient locations of public
tiansit stops is anothei impoitant component to finuing the best location. Both the
city of B.C.'s bus system anu metio system weie examineu to ueteimine the vicinity
of those stops to potential sites. Theie weie fewei metio stops than bus stops.
0ptimally, potential sites woulu be within a half-mile of metio stops anu a fouith of
a mile fiom bus stops. All sites that uiu not meet this ciiteiion weie eliminateu.

Chiluien aie the futuie of the countiy. Teaching chiluien fiom a young age how to
take caie of themselves is a key to a healthiei B.C. futuie, anu will likely cieate a
moie significant impact than any othei uemogiaphic gioup. The centei may look
into some aftei-school euucational piogiams anu activities that coulu help to keep
chiluien off the stieets while teaching them about health at the same time. If
chiluien can safely walk fiom school to the centei, it will make it easiei foi them to
attenu these activities anu paients can have peace of minu that theii chiluien aie
not walking fai uistances to the centei. Baving the centei within a fouith mile of at
least one school was anothei piece of ciiteiia useu to eliminate some of the vacant
sites. At this point theie weie only 12 eligible vacant paicels iemaining.

Community gaiuens aie an effective methou to euucate the public about wheie theii
foou comes fiom anu what it takes to giow it. Baving a community gaiuen close to
the centei woulu allow the centei to cieate inteiactive piogiams to euucate people
about what foou they shoulu eat anu how they can possibly giow theii own. Being
able to walk to a gaiuen fiom the centei was anothei ciiteiia foi the site. Paicels
that weie ovei a half-mile fiom a community gaiuen weie eliminateu. This biought
the total numbei of eligible sites to 1u.

The last step was a visual inspection of sites. 0ne easy elimination ciiteiia was site
shape. 0veily long anu naiiow paicels weie eliminateu uue to the inability to
constiuct a builuing theie. Sites that weie moie squaie weie selecteu. The top S
potential nutiition anu fitness euucation sites aie uesciibeu below in the evaluation

#::;<;=>?@ $A>AB;<C
In auuition to ueveloping a facility that will piomote healthy nutiition anu
exeicising to combat obesity, the nutiition anu fitness centei also pievents chiluien
fiom engaging in ciime. Since the facility will be neai schools, chiluien can walk to
the centei once school enus to stay active in aftei-school activities. This piomotes
healthy habits as opposeu to becoming influenceu in uiug anu alcoholic behavioi
that tenu to occui moie fiequently in low-income neighboihoous.
I88%.<495)8 2)@ 39.942495)8
Although stuuies show that theie is a coiielation between obesity anu low-income
inuiviuuals anu families, FiyLuu uiu not have access to measuie how healthy oi
unhealthy each inuiviuual oi family was. This pioposal uoes not consiuei uata that
shows what families ate anu how much they exeiciseu baseu on wheie they liveu.
Auuitional infoimation on the numbei of illnesses ielateu to obesity neai oi within
each site woulu have impioveu this pioposal to taiget an exact aiea that iequiieu
moie attention than otheis.

In auuition, FiyLuu consiueieu the pioximity of the sites to hospitals. If a
community membei came into the facility anu the nutiition anu fitness centei
iuentifieu a piessing issue, a hospital neaiby woulu be beneficial to help the
community membei. Bowevei, theie weie no hospitals that weie close to the final
iounu of sites.
JH2$%2495) 56 4D- K2"95%8 L94-8

L94- IA

This site, locateu within the Sheiiuan, Baiiy Faim, anu Buena vista
neighboihoou clustei, is the most optimal site foi the location of a nutiition anu
fitness euucation centei. When compaieu to the othei two sites that also meet the
ciiteiia, this site is locateu within closei pioximity to bus stops, metio stops, a
school, anu a community gaiuen. The site is owneu by Bethlehem Baptist Chuich
anu is locateu at 24S8 Naitin Luthei King }i. Avenue. It coveis ovei 19,987 squaie
feet, which is ample ioom foi builuing a facility along with space foi a paiking lot.
The shape of the paicel is ielatively squaie which makes it easiei to uesign a facility.
As of Becembei 1
, 2u12 the cuiient use of the paicel is a paiking lot. This cuiient
usage woulu make it ielatively inexpensive to begin constiuction theie.

L94- =A

The seconu best location foi a nutiition anu fitness euucation centei is
locateu within the Bistoiic Anacostia neighboihoou. The site was chosen as the
seconu best choice to Site A because of the smallei squaie footage anu fuithei
uistance to many of the impoitant ciiteiia. It is supeiioi to Site C uue to its location
fuithei fiom the highway anu close to a bus stop. The site is owneu Cuitis
Piopeities, Inc. anu locateu at 22SS Naitin Luthei King }i. Avenue. The site is a
nicely squaie shape anu totals 7,1S9 squaie feet. As of Becembei 1
, 2u12 the
paicel appeais to be mostly abanuoneu with uebiis built up on the site.

L94- EA

This site woulu be the thiiu most optimal location foi a Nutiition anu Fitness
Euucation Centei. It is actually composeu of two sepaiately owneu paicels that sit
siue by siue. 0ne is owneu by B & 0 Railioau Company anu is locateu on v Stieet. It
is ielatively squaie in shape anu is 8,7u2 squaie feet. As of Becembei 1
, 2u12 it is
being useu as a paiking lot. The aujacent site is owneu by Cuitis Piopeities, Inc anu
is also locateu on v Stieet. The Cuitis Piopeities site is laigei at 2u,779 squaie feet.
As of Becembei 1
, 2u12, the site is an empty giass fielu. Both sites aie within the
Bistoiic Anacostia Neighboihoou. While these two sites coulu pioviue moie than
enough aiea foi the constiuction of a nutiition anu fitness euucation centei, the
location is not as piime as Sites A anu B. It is locateu veiy close to an inteistate anu
is the fuithest away fiom schools, a community gaiuen, bus stops, anu metio stops.
M-*5..-)@2495)8 2)@ E5)*$%895)8
Site A shoulu be obtaineu foi the site of constiuction foi the ieasons enumeiateu
above. All of the sites aie suitable locations, but auuitional consiueiations aie
whethei site owneis aie willing to sell the piopeity foi the constiuction of a
nutiition anu euucation facility. 0ltimately, the most impoitant ciiteiia foi the site
selection weie whethei the location was within a low-income neighboihoou,
pioximity to public tiansit, uistance fiom public schools, the size of the site anu
whethei a community gaiuen was close by.
3)D */ E7F67G/ *A;HIJ=KI==: 1K=B;@AC ,A<K;ALA: 67MND 7F67D BK=O
/ 'JAC;<P +AQ=>: %A?:;>H )?RCA =B 1KALA><?J@A 5/+/ 3A?<ICD )3) +<R:P (;>:C/

I<<-)@9N I
72/$- OA G-58<2492$ 32#-"8
(;@A *?OA 'T>AK1%U/CIV -A<K=&><1</CIV *JI)@RC1@P/CIV
Souice Bgususf BC uIS Bata
BC uIS Bata
BC uIS Bata
Besciiption This polygon layei uepicts
the status of paicels thiough
the city of BC. The main
puipose of this layei is to
inuicate paicel owneiship,
but a lot of othei infoimation
is also pioviueu.
This point layei shows the
entiance points foi BC metio
stops. The Washington
Netiopolitan Aiea Tiansit
Authoiity makes it possible foi
many people to get aiounu the
city who otheiwise might not
be able to.
This polygon layei uisplays the
uiffeient neighboihoou
clusteis within the city of BC.
Theie aie S9 polygons with the
neighboihoou names listeu in
the attiibute table.
Cieation Bate 0ctobei 12, 2u12 0ctobei 21, 2u11 Apiil 22, 2uuS
NAB 198S State Plane
Naiylanu FIPS 19uu
NAB 198S State Plane Naiylanu
FIPS 19uu
NAB 198S State Plane
Naiylanu FIPS 19uu
Piojection Lambeit Confoimal Conic Lambeit Confoimal Conic Lambeit Confoimal Conic
Bata Location http:ucatlas.ucgis.uc.govc
Novembei 29
, 2u12 Novembei 29
, 2u12 Novembei 29
, 2u12
Nouifications Last mouifieu on Novembei
28, 2u12. No listeu upuate
Bas not been mouifieu since the
uate ieceiveu. Supposeu to be
upuateu on a yeaily basis.
Last mouifieu on }anuaiy 12,
2uu4. Supposeu to be upuateu
on a yeaily basis.
Layei Image

(;@A *?OA 1?KW1%U/CIV +;:AT?@W1%U/CIV X=>;>H/CIV
Souice Bgususf BC uIS Bata
BC uIS Bata
BC uIS Bata
Besciiption This polygon layei uepicts
the paiks in the city of BC.
The National Paik Seivice
cieateu this map foi city of
BC usage. Theie aie S4S
sepaiate polygons in this
layei but each polygon uoes
not necessaiily inuicate an
inuiviuual paik as some
paiks have multiple
This polygon layei shows the
siuewalk locations in BC. It is
beneficial that this layei is
uepicteu as a polygon layei
insteau of a line layei to show
the exact aiea of siuewalks
insteau of just wheie they weie
This polygon layei shows the
zoning with the city of BC.
Theie aie ovei 2u uiffeient
zoning categoiies in BC as well
as unzoneu aieas.
Cieation Bate }une 1u, 2uu2 Apiil 29, 2u11 0ctobei 12, 2u12
NAB 198S State Plane
Naiylanu FIPS 19uu
NAB 198S State Plane Naiylanu
FIPS 19uu
NAB 198S State Plane
Naiylanu FIPS 19uu
Piojection Lambeit Confoimal Conic Lambeit Confoimal Conic Lambeit Confoimal Conic
Bata Location http:ucatlas.ucgis.uc.govc
Novembei 29
, 2u12 Novembei 29
, 2u12 Novembei 29
, 2u12
Nouifications Last mouifieu on }anuaiy 12,
2uu4. Supposeu to be
upuateu on a yeaily basis.
0puate fiequency is eveiy S
yeais. Bas not been upuateu
since cieation.
0puates aie to be uone at a
quaiteily fiequency. None
have been uone since cieation.
Layei Image

(;@A *?OA +<KAA<%;HI</CIV $RC+<=V1</CIV 1RJ@;Q+QI1</CIV
Souice Bgususf BC uIS Bata
BC uIS Bata
BC uIS Bata
Besciiption This point layei uisplays the
location of stieet lights in the
city of BC. It uoes not show
wheie the light is actually
hitting but just the point of
oiigin. Pole height anu type
This point layeis uepicts the
bus stop locations in BC. Theie
is one paiticulai point in this
layei that appeais to be an
outliei. The attiibute table
contains infoimation on each
This point layei uisplays all of
the public schools in the city of
BC. The attiibute table
incluues the school's name,
what level of school it is
(miuule, high, elementaiy),
aie incluueu in the attiibute
stop such as the ioutes that aie
on it.
anu the numbei of stuuents in
each giaue.
Cieation Bate }une 22, 2u12 August Su, 2u11 0ctobei 12, 2u12
NAB 198S State Plane
Naiylanu FIPS 19uu
NAB 198S State Plane Naiylanu
FIPS 19uu
NAB 198S State Plane
Naiylanu FIPS 19uu
Piojection Lambeit Confoimal Conic Lambeit Confoimal Conic Lambeit Confoimal Conic
Bata Location http:ucatlas.ucgis.uc.govc
Novembei 29
, 2u12 Novembei 29
, 2u12 Novembei 29
, 2u12
Nouifications No mouifications have been
maue since the cieation uate.
Supposeu to be upuateu on a
yeaily basis.
No mouifications have been
maue since it was ieceiveu.
Supposeu to be upuateu on a
yeaily basis.
Bas not been upuateu since its
cieation uate. Supposeu to be
upuateu on a yeaily basis.
Layei Image

(;@A *?OA )=OOR>;<PY?K:A>1@P/C
Souice Bgususf BC uIS Bata
Besciiption This polygon layei uisplays
the community gaiuens in
the city of BC. The attiibute
table lists contacts, name of
the gaiuen, anu the auuiess.
Cieation Bate 0ctobei 12, 2u12
NAB 198S State Plane
Naiylanu FIPS 19uu
Piojection Lambeit Confoimal Conic
Bata Location http:ucatlas.ucgis.uc.govc
Novembei 29
, 2u12
Nouifications Bas not been mouifieu since
it has been ieceiveu.
Supposeu to be upuateu on a
yeaily basis.
Layei Image

I<<-)@9N =
L4-<8 65" G-58<2492$ I)2$#898
Step 1: (P00R NEIuBB0RB00BS) 0sing a website, we founu the top S pooiest
neighboihoous baseu on peicentage of people below poveity. We selecteu these
neighboihoous out by name that was in the layei's attiibute table. Then we cieateu
a new layei fiom this shapefile by expoiting the selecteu neighboihoous. We calleu
this layei "Pooi Neighboihoous."

Step 2: (vACANT PARCELS) We selecteu the vacant paicels out of the 0wneiPLY
shapefile by using the "Select by Attiibutes" tool. The aieas that hau a "Y" in the
"vACLNB0SE" column in the 0wneiPLY shapefile weie selecteu using the "Select by
Attiibutes" tool. We labeleu this layei "0wneiPLY selection."

Step S: (CLIPPINu) 0ui fiist ciiteiia foi selecting potential locations was finuing
sites that weie locateu in pooi neighboihoou. To uo this we clippeu the "0wneiPLY
selection" layei by the "Pooi Neighboihoous" layei. This left us with vacant paicels
that weie within pooi neighboihoous. We labeleu this layei "Step1A."

Step 4: (PARKS) The next ciiteiia was locating vacant paicels that weie both within
pooi neighboihoous anu outsiue of paik aieas. To achieve this the "Select by
Location" tool was useu to iuentify vacant paicels within paiks. The taiget layei
was "Step1A" anu the souice layei was "PaikPly." The spatial selection methou was
"Taiget layei(s) featuies inteisect the Souice layei featuie." Next the selecteu
featuie weie ueleteu by using the euitoi tool bai.


Step S: The "Zoning" layei was auueu to the map anu all aieas zoneu commeicial
weie selecteu using the "Select by Attiibutes" tool. These selecteu paicels weie then
expoiteu into theii own layei titleu "Commeicial."

Step 6: (C0NNERCIAL) The next step was to finu all of the vacant paicels that weie
zoneu commeicially. The clipping tool was useu with the Input Featuies being the
"Step1A" layei anu the Clip Featuies was the "Commeicial" layei. This new layei
was titleu "Step2A"


Step 7: (S,uuu squaie feet oi moie) Aftei ueteimining all available commeicial
piopeities, theie weie S8 eligible paicels. The next ciiteiia was selecting eligible
vacant aieas that hau S,uuu squaie feet oi moie. This step iequiieu using the "Select
by Attiibutes" tool wheie the column labeleu "LANBAREA" was useu to ueteimine
which paicels hau S,uuu oi moie squaie feet. Afteiwaius, the selecteu paicels weie
expoiteu into a new layei titleu "StepSA."

Step 8: Aftei ueteimining all aieas with S,uuu squaie feet oi moie, theie weie S4
eligible paicels. "Select by location" tool was useu to ueteimine vacant paicel aieas
within .2S miles of bus stops. This ensuieu that all of the bus stops weie in oi within
.2S miles of the pooi neighboihoous. This was useu to cut uown on buffeiing
piocessing time. The selecteu bus stops that weie in oi within .2S miles of the pooi
neighboihoous weie subsequently expoiteu into theii own layei. This layei is
nameu "

Step 9: The "Buffei" tool was useu to cieate a giaphic of the eligible vacant paicel
aieas that hau busses as a means foi tianspoitation. The input was "Taiget Bus" anu
the lineai uistance unit was .2S miles. All of the fielus weie uissolveu. The buffeieu
bus aieas weie expoiteu into a new layei. All of the eligible vacant paicels at this
point aie within the .2S mile bus buffei.

Step 1u: The next step was to ueteimine eligible vacant paicel aieas that aie within
.S miles of a metio. The "Buffei" tool was useu to showeu that theie weie 8 metio
stops within the pooi neighboihoous oi within .S miles of the neighboihoous. The
input was "TaigetNetio" anu the lineai uistance unit was .S miles. All of the fielus
weie uissolveu. Aftei this step, the "select by location" tool was useu to ueteimine
the eligible vacant paicels that weie within the u.S mile metio buffei. This step was
labeleu "Step 4A."

Step 11: The next ciiteiia weie to ueteimine eligible vacant paicel aieas that aie in
oi within a .2S mile buffei fiom a school. The "Buffei" tool was useu. The input
featuies was "TaigetSchools" anu the lineai unit was .2S miles. All fielus weie
uissolveu. This buffei was titleu "TaigetBuffei." "TaigetBuffei" was expoiteu as a

Step 12: The next step was to use the "Select by Location" tool to ueteimine the
eligible vacant paicels that weie within .2S miles of the school. The taiget layei was
"Step4A" anu the souice layei was "TaigetBuffei." The spatial selection methou was
"taiget layei featuies inteisect the souice layei featuie anu within a .2S mile
uistance. Fiom this step, theie aie 12 eligible vacant paicels.

Step 1S: The next step was to use the "Select by Location" tool to ueteimine the
eligible vacant paicels that weie within .S miles of community gaiuens. The taiget
layei was "StepSA" anu the souice layei was "CommunityuaiuenPly." The spatial
selection methou was "taiget layei featuies inteisect the souice layei featuie anu
within a .S mile uistance. Fiom this step, theie aie 1u eligible vacant paicels.

Step 14: All of the eligible vacant paicels have stieetlights anu siuewalks neaiby.
The next step to eliminate fiom the iemaining eligible vacant paicels was baseu on
the paicel shape. If the paicel shape was oveily naiiow oi tiiangulai, then it was
eliminateu fiom the selection. This is because the shape was uifficult to builu on.

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