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Of physisorption or chemisorption, which has a higher enthalpy of adsorption? Define the term Tyndall effect. What is colloidion?

What is the difference between multimolecular and macromolecular colloids? Give one example of each. How are associated colloids different from these two types of colloids? What is an emulsion?

Why is ferric chloride preferred over potassium chloride in case of a cut leading to bleeding? Consider the adsorption isotherms given below and interpret the variation in the extent of adsorption (x/m) when

(a) (i) temperature increases at constant pressure (ii) pressure increases at constant temperature (b) Name the catalyst and the promoter used in Habers process for manufacture of ammonia What are the physical states of dispersed phase and dispersion medium of froth? Explain the following observations: (a) Ferric hydroxide sol gets coagulated on addition of sodium chloride solution (b) Cottrells smoke precipitator is fitted at the mouth of the chimney used in factories. (c) Physical adsorption is multilayered, while chemisorption is monolayered. A colloidal solution of AgI is prepared by two different methods shown below:-

Give a reason for the following: (i) Rough surface of catalyst is more effective than smooth surface. (ii) Smoke passed through charged plates before allowing it to come out of chimneys in factories. (iii) Ne gets easily absorbed over charcoal than He. Which of the following is most effective electrolyte in the coagulative of AgI/Ag+sol? K2SO4, MgCl2, K4[Fe(CN)6]

Define 'peptization'. Explain the followingterms giving a suitable example for each: 3 (i) Aerosol (ii) Emulsion (iii) Micelle What is meant by coagulation of a colloidal solution? Describe briefly any three methods by which coagulation of lyophobic sols can be carried out. Name the two groups into which phenomenon of catalysis can be divided. Give an example of each group with the chemical equation involved. What is meant by shape selective catalysis? Differentiate among a homogeneous solution, a suspension and a colloid al solution, given a suitable example of each Homogeneous Solution Colloidal Solution Suspension Particle size < 1nm Particle size between 1 and 1000 Particle size> 1000 nm nm Constituent particles are ions or Constituent particles are single Constituent particles are small molecules macromolecules or an molecules aggregates of many atoms, ions molecules Example: Sugar Example: paints Example: Sand solution Solution.

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