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Table of Contents

Table of Contents Summary 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Aim & Ob e!ti"es of t#e Stu$y 1.2 Resear!# &roblem 1.3 Rele"an!e of t#e &ro'osal 2. )IT*RATUR* R*+I*, 3. .*T/ODO)O01 4. R*S*ARC/ &)AN 3. OUTCO.* O4 R*S*ARC/ R*4*R*NC*S

2 3 4 % % ( 12 11 12 13

T#e nee$ for a robust an$ inte5rate$ frame6or7 t#at in!or'orates all su''ly !#ain a!ti"ities an$ sta7e#ol$ers at t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry in t#e !onte9t of sustainability #as been i$entifie$ by many resear!#ers. T#is nee$ i$entifi!ation

#as forme$ t#e basis of t#e inten$e$ resear!# an$ by e9tension: t#is resear!# 'ro'osal. A met#o$olo5y to !arry out t#is resear!# 6or7 #as been i$entifie$ an$ in!lu$es t#e use of 5roun$e$ t#eory a''roa!#: t#e #euristi! fu;;y lo5i! met#o$ an$ t#e use of !ase stu$ies. T#e issue of multi8a!tor<sta7e#ol$er analysis "is8=8"is sustainability inte5ration in su''ly !#ain mana5ement<lo5isti!s >6#i!# is still lar5ely la!7in5 in t#e $omain? 6ill be e9tensi"ely in"esti5ate$ in t#is resear!# 6or7. It is en"isa5e$ t#at a 6or7in5 frame6or7 !an be establis#e$ for t#e in$ustry 6#ereby it is able to a!!urately fore!ast t#e "olatility an$ $ynami! be#a"iour of t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e.

T#e 'etroleum in$ustry is 7no6n to !onsist of t6o ma or se!tors: t#e u'stream an$ t#e $o6nstream se!tor. Central to t#ese se!tors is a '#ysi!al mana5ement interfa!e res'onsible for ta7in5 strate5i! an$ mana5ement $e!isions for bot# se!tors. T#e u'stream se!tor of t#e 'etroleum in$ustry is res'onsible for #an$lin5 strate5i! issues an$ $e!isions for t#e u'stream fun!tions of t#e in$ustry@ #en!e it is a!!ountable for t#e mobilisation of !a'ital an$ te!#nolo5y to6ar$s t#e e9'loration an$ 'ro$u!tion of !ru$e oil. T#e $o6nstream se!tor on

t#e ot#er #an$ is in !#ar5e of fun!tional an$ o'erational issues 'ertainin5 to t#e 'ro!essin5 of !ru$e oil: t#us it is in"ol"e$ in t#e refinin5 of !ru$e oil into a "ariety of $ifferent 'ro$u!ts: rea$y to be mar7ete$ an$ $istribute$ to !onsumers. A!!or$in5 to .orse >1AAA?: Bt6o !y!les $efine t#e intera!tion bet6een t#e u'stream an$ t#e $o6nstream se!tors@ one is t#e 'ro!ess by 6#i!# !ru$e oil su''lies are e9tra!te$: t#e se!on$ !y!le 6#i!# is $e'en$ent on refinerCs $eman$ for !ru$eD.

Upstream Sector


Downstream Sector

4i5.1E T#e Intera!tion bet6een t#e u'stream an$ $o6nstream se!tors of t#e &etroleum in$ustry T#e a!ti"ities at t#e u'stream se!tor #a"e an in$ire!t effe!t on t#e 'ubli! an$ t#e en"ironment 6#ile t#e $o6nstream se!tor #as a $ire!t effe!t on t#e 'ubli! an$ t#e en"ironment. /en!e: t#is brin5s to limeli5#t t#e issue of multi8a!tor analysis in bot# se!tors of t#e in$ustry as t#ese a!tors sometimes may #a"e "aryin5 but !onfli!tin5 ob e!ti"es. A ty'i!al e9am'le 6oul$ be t#e roles an$ a!ti"ities of t#ese a!tors as 'laye$ out in t#e F& in!i$ent in t#e 0ulf of .e9i!o. T#e oil lea7a5e !ause$ by a faile$ "al"e !an be attribute$ to t#e o'erational a!ti"ities of t#e !om'any. /o6e"er: t#e $e!ision to en5a5e in t#is a!ti"ity is as a result of t#e strate5i! $e!ision ma$e by t#e mana5ement. T#is em'#asi;es t#e inter$e'en$en!ies at t#e interfa!e bet6een t#e u'stream an$ t#e $o6nstream se!tor. T#e interfa!e bet6een t#ese se!tors is an interestin5 se!tion of t#e in$ustry: in relation to its influen!e an$ effe!ts to sta7e#ol$ers an$ t#e en"ironment in t#e !onte9t of sustainability. It is no ne6s t#at $e"elo'in5 a frame6or7 t#at in!or'orates all elements an$ $imensions of sustainability in SC. is !#allen5in5 an$ #as been Guite for some time. Numerous literature an$ resear!# on inte5ratin5 sustainable $e"elo'ment in t#e 5eneral su''ly !#ain: !ites t#e la!7 of an e9'li!it !onsi$eration of one or more of t#e sustainable $imensions >so!ial: en"ironmental e!onomi! & finan!ial? in !urrent frame6or7s an$ t#e failure to systemati!ally $efine sustainability an$ a''ly t#e !on!e'ts to SC.. T#ese fa!ts are un$er'inne$ by t#e t6o resear!# Guestions raise$ by Crai5 an$ Dale >222-?: as7in5 #o6 t#e term sustainability !an be $efine$ an$ a''lie$ to SC. an$ 6#at is t#e relations#i' bet6een t#e inte5ration of t#e !on!e'ts of sustainability an$ SC.: an$ lon58term e!onomi! su!!ess. In bot# t#e u' an$ $o6nstream se!tors of t#e 'etroleum in$ustry: t#e establis#e$ !ore fun!tional a!ti"ities in t#e in$ustry in!lu$e SC.<lo5isti!s: #uman resour!es: te!#nolo5y: IT: 4inan!e: an$ 5eneral mana5ement. At t#e interfa!e bet6een t#e u'stream an$ t#e $o6nstream se!tor: t#ere are "arious a!ti"ities an$ miti5atin5 fa!tors influen!in5 t#e su''ly !#ain in t#e !onte9t of sustainability. SC.<lo5isti!s is an im'ortant a!ti"ity as it influen!es t#e boun$ary an$ t#e !#an5es alon5 t#e boun$ary at t#e interfa!e bet6een t#e u'stream an$ t#e $o6nstream se!tors of t#e in$ustry. As im'ortant as sustainable SC. is: t#ere is an e"i$en!e$ s!ar!ity of substantial literature on frame6or7 for sustainability inte5ration in SC. in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry. T#e ma ority of t#e resear!#es on frame6or7 for inte5ratin5 sustainability in su''ly !#ain mana5ement >SC.? are 5eneri! an$ "ery fe6

are in$ustry an$ 'ro!ess s'e!ifi!. 4or e9am'le: as $is!usse$ in t#e 6or7s of Carter an$ Ro5ers >222-? an$ )inton et al. >222(?. T#e 'ur'ose of t#is resear!# is t#us: to $e"elo' a robust: "ersatile an$ easy to a$o't frame6or7 for sustainability inte5ration in t#e su''ly !#ain an$ lo5isti!s for ma or a!ti"ities an$ 'ro!esses in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry at t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e. T#is resear!# 6ill lay em'#asis on t#e im'lementation of sustainability in t#e su''ly !#ain 6it#in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry sub8se!tors. Sustainability is an im'ortant element t#at 'la5ues most 'etroleum !om'anies as t#ey are fa!e$ 6it# t#e !#allen5e of meetin5 ener5y $eman$s 6#ile also ensurin5 t#at t#eir a!tions an$ a!ti"ities at tryin5 to meet t#ese $eman$s #a"e little or no ne5ati"e effe!ts on t#e en"ironment an$ so!iety. T#e !#allen5in5 as'e!t of sustainable SC. be!omes e"en more 'roblemati! 6it#in an in$ustry 6it# numerous a!ti"ities: 'ro$u!ts: mar7ets an$ 6#en $ealin5 6it# an e9'ansi"e list of sta7e#ol$ers 6#i!# is e9'e!te$ in an in$ustry li7e t#e 'etroleum in$ustry. A!!or$in5 to /all an$ +re$enbur5 >!ite$ in .atos an$ /all: 222(? inno"atin5 for sustainable $e"elo'ment is usually more ambi5uous 6#en it is not 'ossible to i$entify 7ey 'arameters or 6#en !onfli!tin5 'ressures are $iffi!ult to i$entify. T#ey furt#er ar5ue$ t#at sustainability issues freGuently in"ol"e a 6i$er ran5e of sta7e#ol$ers resultin5 in sustainable $e"elo'ment be!omin5 an ar$uous tas7 for $e!ision8ma7ers. T#e 'etroleum in$ustry #as multi'le se!tors >!ru$e8e9tra!tion: refinin5: 'etro!#emi!al an$ $o6nstream !#emi!al se!tor? an$ multi'le a!tors: t#us: as is e9'e!te$: t#e in$ustry is fa!e$ 6it# more en"ironmental: so!ial: e!onomi! an$ internal fa!tors to !onten$ 6it# t#an a sin5le se!tor in$ustry. T#erefore: a frame6or7 suitable for su!# an in$ustry: 6#i!# ta7es into !onsi$eration: t#e a!ti"ities: sta7e#ol$ers: an$ 'ro!esses: lo!al an$ e9ternal fa!tors t#at 6oul$ influen!e t#e frame6or7 im'lementation 'ro!ess: is ne!essary.

1.1 Aim and Objectives of t e Study

T#e main aim of t#is resear!# is to $e"elo' a frame6or7 t#at 6ill e9amine t#e intera!tion bet6een sustainability an$ t#e su''ly !#ain at t#e interfa!e from initial e9tra!tion<'ro!essin5 of ra6 materials to $eli"ery to t#e !ustomer. T#is 6ill be a!#ie"e$ "ia t#e follo6in5 ob e!ti"esE

To in"esti5ate t#e intera!tin5 a!ti"ities at t#e interfa!e bet6een t#e u'stream an$ t#e $o6nstream se!tors of t#e 'etroleum in$ustry. To i$entify t#e e9ternal an$ internal fa!tors an$ a!tors t#at influen!es t#e interfa!e an$ t#e boun$ary an$ t#eir relations#i' 6it# ea!# ot#er an$ #o6 t#ey im'a!t sustainability in su''ly !#ain<lo5isti!s. To i$entify an$ in"esti5ate $ifferent s!enarios of most li7ely e"ents t#at !oul$ o!!ur at t#e interfa!e 6it# res'e!t to sustainability in su''ly !#ain<lo5isti!s. To !om'are t#e fin$in5s of t#e resear!# 6it# t#at of e9istin5 literature on inte5ration of sustainability in su''ly !#ain mana5ement in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry.


Also: t#e o'erational im'li!ations in or$er to im'lement t#e frame6or7 6ill be stu$ie$.

1.! Researc "roblem

T#e follo6in5 Guestions 6ill be a$$resse$ in t#e !ourse of t#e resear!#E

,#at are t#e intera!tin5 a!ti"ities an$ a!tors at t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e an$ #o6 t#ese intera!tions influen!e sustainability in SC.<lo5isti!sH ,#at are t#e transient an$ $ynami! "ariables at t#e boun$ary interfa!e an$ #o6 $o t#ey intera!tH /o6 !an sustainable SC.<lo5isti!s at t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e !ontribute to t#e o"erall 'erforman!e of t#e 'etroleum in$ustryH ,#at are t#e fa!tors t#at #in$er t#e su!!essful inte5ration of sustainability at t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e of su''ly !#ain<lo5isti!sH /o6 6ill t#e im'lementation of t#e frame6or7 brin5 about !om'etiti"e a$"anta5eH

1.# Relevance of t e "ro$osal

A!!or$in5 to Seurin5 an$ .uller >222-?: sustainable SC. $eals 6it# a 6i$er set of 'erforman!e ob e!ti"es an$ ta7es into a!!ount all t#ree $imensions of sustainability. T#is im'lies t#at an e9'ansi"e set of !riteria >$ottin5 t#e tri'le bottom line? #as to be met. T#e nee$ for t#is 'ro e!t to'i! is un$er'inne$ by Seurin5 an$ .uller >222-?: t#ey state$ t#at Bt#e $ebate on t#e interrelation of t#e t#ree $imensions #as !ontinue$ for some time for sin5le !om'anies: alt#ou5#: t#e im'li!ations for su''ly !#ain mana5ement #as not been fully e9'lore$D. Also: t#ey 'ointe$ out t#at t#e inte5ration of sustainability in SC. is limite$ an$ raise$ t#e Guestion: #o6 !om'anies mi5#t use su''ly !#ain inte5ration to rea!# a sustainable 'erforman!e. De"elo'in5 a stru!ture for sustainability in SC. an$ its im'lementation 6#i!# is in$ustry s'e!ifi! 6ill yiel$ a $etaile$ an$ !om're#ensi"e a''roa!# to sustainability in SC. an$ a means of measurin5 sustainable 'erforman!e for t#e in$ustry in Guestion >'etroleum in$ustry?. T#is 6ill assist mana5ers in i$entifyin5 a!ti"ities an$ 'ro!esses 6#i!# im'ro"e e!onomi! 'erforman!e an$ t#e a"oi$an!e of so!ial an$ en"ironmental a!ti"ities 6#i!# are $etrimental to t#e !om'any an$ ot#er sta7e#ol$ers. T#e 'ro e!t 6ill aim at $e!om'osin5 t#e in$ustry into more mana5eable sub8se!tors an$ t#us ta7in5 a !loser loo7 at 'arti!ular sub8a!ti"ities in sustainable SC. in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry from a resear!# met#o$olo5y 'ers'e!ti"e. )oo7in5 at sustainable SC. from t#is 'ers'e!ti"e 6ill 'resent a mi!ro8le"el of insi5#t into in$ustry8s'e!ifi! su''ly !#ain a!ti"ities 6#i!# is $ifferent from 're"ious 6or7 of sustainable SC. resear!#. Also: a $ee' un$erstan$in5 of t#e u'stream an$ $o6nstream a!ti"ities 6it# 'arti!ular referen!e to lo5isti!s an$ su''ly !#ain a!ti"ities in"ol"e$ in t#e in$ustry 6it#in t#e !onte9t of sustainability 6ill 'ro"i$e "aluable insi5#ts into SC. an$ re"eal a si$e of sustainability in multi8in$ustry t#at #as not been in"esti5ate$.

T#is resear!# is im'ortant be!ause it 6ill not only !ontribute to t#e sustainable $e"elo'ment bo$y of 7no6le$5e: it 6ill 'ro"i$e e9e!uti"es an$ mana5ers 6it#in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry 6it# a better insi5#t on #o6 to mana5e an$ im'lement sustainability in SC.<lo5isti!s at t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e an$ #en!e im'ro"e business 'erforman!e: so!iety8in$ustry relations#i': !or'orate re'utation as 6ell as sa"e t#e en"ironment.

!. %IT&RATUR& R&'I&(
In re!ent times: sustainability #as be!ome an inte5ral 'art of 7ey 'ro!esses in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry. Sustainability #as 5aine$ in!rease$ a6areness in most if not all te!#nolo5ies: 'ro!esses an$ a!ti"ities t#rou5#out t#e 'etroleum in$ustry. T#is is e"i$ent in t#e attitu$e of in$ustry 'ersonnel to sustainability issues an$ 'oli!ies. Sustainability !an be $efine$ in t#e !onte9t of sustainable $e"elo'ment: 6#i!# is t#e B$e"elo'ment t#at meets t#e nee$s of t#e 'resent 6it#out !om'romisin5 t#e ability of future 5enerations to meet t#eir o6n nee$sD >,C*D: 2212?. A!!or$in5 to Carter an$*aston >2211?: t#e risin5 im'ortan!e of sustainability !an be attribute$ to t#e risin5 $eman$ an$ 5ro6t# 'otential of t#e ener5y in$ustry: issues 6it#

!limate !#an5e an$ better a!!ountability 6it# re5ar$s to en"ironmental an$ so!ial effe!ts of or5anisations an$ t#eir 'ro!esses. A summation of t#e a!ti"ities of t#e u'stream an$ $o6nstream se!tors of t#e 'etroleum in$ustry results in a number of intera!tin5 a!ti"ities an$ t#ese s'ans from e9'loration: e9tra!tion: refinin5: trans'ortin5 an$ mar7etin5 of 'etroleum 'ro$u!ts. ,it# t#ese numerous a!ti"ities: a 6ell8'lanne$ an$ $etaile$ sustainable su''ly !#ain is "ital to t#e business. A!!or$in5 to )ass!#uit an$ T#i ssen >2224?: BSu''ly !#ain 6ill $ri"e 'ro$u!ti"e be#a"iour a!ross $e'artmental $i"isions an$ !onne!ts t#e !o8or$ination layers of strate5y: 'lannin5: s!#e$ulin5 an$ o'erational e9e!utionD. Su''ly !#ain mana5ement is a net6or7 of interlin7e$ businesses an$ a!ti"ities in t#e !on"ersion of ra6 materials an$ ser"i!es reGuire$ by t#e en$ !ustomer in t#e su''ly !#ain. Al8Ot#man et al >222-? in$i!ate$ t#at t#e ob e!ti"e of a 'lanne$ total su''ly !#ain net6or7 is to minimi;e t#e 'ro$u!tion: stora5e an$ trans'ortation !osts as 6ell as satisfyin5 !ustomer $eman$s 6#ile maintainin5 mar7et s#are alon5 6it# ma9imi;in5 or5ani;ationCs sales re"enue. Seurin5 an$ .uller >222-? in t#eir 6or7 $efine$ sustainable su''ly !#ain mana5ement as t#e mana5ement of material: information an$ !a'ital flo6s as 6ell as !oo'eration amon5 !om'anies alon5 t#e su''ly !#ain 6#ile ta7in5 5oals from all t#ree $imensions of sustainable $e"elo'ment: i.e.: e!onomi!: en"ironmental an$ so!ial into a!!ount 6#i!# are $eri"e$ from !ustomer an$ sta7e#ol$er reGuirements. A!!or$in5 to Carter an$ Ro5ers >222-?: t#e 7ey intera!tin5 'arameters in sustainable $e"elo'ment are e!onomi!: en"ironmental an$ so!ial 'arameters an$ t#ese are re'resente$ by t#e Itri'le bottom lineC. ,it# t#e 5ro6in5 5lobal em'#asis on sustainable su''ly !#ain mana5ement: t#e a!ti"ities of a ty'i!al 'etroleum !om'any reGuire a 6ell8'lanne$: $etaile$ an$ stru!ture$ frame6or7 for inte5ratin5 sustainability in t#e su''ly !#ain mana5ement. T#is is of 'aramount im'ortan!e as t#ere is a nee$ for a robust an$ easy to a''ly t#eoreti!al frame6or7 a!ross all 'ro!esses in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry. Carter an$ Ro5ers >222-? use$ !on!e'tual t#eory buil$in5 to intro$u!e t#e !on!e't of sustainability to su''ly !#ain mana5ement but !alle$ for a$$itional t#eory8buil$in5 an$ !on!e'tual $e"elo'ment 6it#in t#e su''ly !#ain mana5ement $is!i'line. .atos an$ /all >2223? 'ro'ose$ an analyti!al frame6or7 t#at a$$resse$ life !y!le assessment >)CA? a''ro'riateness in t#e e"aluation an$ no"el te!#nolo5ies for sustainable $e"elo'ment. In t#eir 6or7: t6o !ase stu$ies 6ere in"esti5ate$ an$ t#e le"el of 'erforman!e of ea!# of t#e !om'any 6as e9amine$ in t#e !onte9t of t#e tri'le bottom a''roa!#. T#ey #o6e"er !autione$ t#at t#e !om'le9ities an$ ambi5uities of sustainable $e"elo'ment ma7e $e$u!ti"e a''roa!#es use$ in en"ironmental mana5ement ina$eGuate an$ !alle$ for furt#er resear!# in t#is area. Seurin5 an$ .uller >222-? 'ro"i$e$ a t#ree 'art frame6or7 on sustainable su''ly !#ain mana5ement. In t#eir 6or7: su''lier mana5ement for ris7 an$ 'erforman!e an$ su''ly !#ain mana5ement for sustainable 'ro$u!ts 6ere i$entifie$ as strate5ies for $ealin5 6it# tri55ers for sustainable su''ly !#ain mana5ement. T#ey: #o6e"er: ar5ue$ t#at sustainable $e"elo'ment is often re$u!e$ to en"ironmental im'ro"ements an$ t#at t#ere is a $efi!it in t#e t#eoreti!al ba!75roun$ of sustainable su''ly !#ain mana5ement from 6it#in bot# su''ly !#ain or o'erations mana5ement. 4uture resear!# 6as re!ommen$e$ in or$er to obtain an inte5rate$ 'ers'e!ti"e of t#e t#ree $imensions >en"ironmental: so!ial: an$ e!onomi!? of sustainable $e"elo'ment an$ to buil$ a stron5er t#eoreti!al basis for sustainable su''ly !#ain mana5ement.

#. )&T*ODO%O+,
T#e met#o$olo5y for t#is resear!# 6ill be bot# Gualitati"e an$ Guantitati"e. T#is is to ensure t#at bot# statisti!al an$ non8statisti!al $ata 6ill be use$ in or$er to su''ort t#e fin$in5s an$ result of t#e stu$y. T#e 0roun$e$ t#eory a''roa!# >0laser an$ Strauss: 1A%(? 6ill be use$ to e9'lore issues on inte5ratin5 sustainability in t#e su''ly !#ain for t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e. I 6ill e9amine t#e manner in 6#i!# t#e su''ly !#ain influen!es sustainable $e"elo'ment at t#e interfa!e. Also: I 6ill in"esti5ate 'ossible s!enarios an$ out!omes o!!urrin5 at t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e 6#ile ta7in5 !o5nisan!e of t#e $ynami! an$ transient nature of t#e "ariables an$ interfa!e boun$aries. T#e fu;;y lo5i! #euristi! or$erin5 met#o$ as use$ by Asmuni et al >2224? in t#eir 6or7 6ill be a$a'te$ for t#is 'ur'ose. A!!or$in5 to Asmuni et al.: Bin many $e!ision ma7in5 en"ironments 6#ere se"eral fa!tors are simultaneously ta7en into a!!ount an$ it is not 7no6n 6#i!# fa!tors nee$ to be

em'#asi;e$: a tra$e8off bet6een t#e 'otentially !onfli!tin5 fa!tors must be ma$e an$ Bt#e 5eneral frame6or7 of fu;;y reasonin5 fa!ilitates t#e #an$lin5 of su!# un!ertaintyD. In or$er to buil$ t#e frame6or7: I 6ill a$o't t#e met#o$olo5y for buil$in5 !on!e'tual frame6or7 as !ite$ by Carter an$ Ro5ers >222-? Bt#e met#o$olo5y to a!!om'lis# t#is t#eory buil$in5 !onsists of an inte5ration of a number of $ifferent 6or7s summari;in5 t#e !ommon elements: !ontrastin5 t#e $ifferen!es an$ e9ten$in5 t#e 6or7 in some fas#ionD an$ also t#rou5# t#e $efinition of "ariables an$ t#e $e"elo'ment of s'e!ifi! 're$i!tionsD. T#e resear!# strate5y !#osen 6ill be t#e use of !ase stu$ies. T6o !ase stu$ies 6ill be e9amine$ to ensure $ifferen!es in !onte9t an$ a''roa!#es to6ar$s sustainable su''ly !#ain an$ #en!e in!rease t#e 'otential robustness of t#e frame6or7 in$u!e$ from t#e resear!#. *a!# !ase 6ill in!lu$e an analysis of 'rimary an$ se!on$ary sta7e#ol$ers. &rimary an$ se!on$ary sta7e#ol$ers 6ill in!lu$e su''liers: !ustomers: e9e!uti"es an$ 'oli!y ma7ers: te!#nolo5y !onsortiums: em'loyees an$ en"ironmental a5en!ies: so!ial a$"o!ates an$ !ommunity re'resentati"es res'e!ti"ely. T#e met#o$ of $ata !olle!tion 6ill in"ol"e t#e use of Guestionnaires: stru!ture$ inter"ie6s an$ sur"eys. &rimary $ata 6ill be 5at#ere$ from t#e res'on$ents t#rou5# sur"ey inter"ie6 an$ sur"ey Guestionnaires $isseminate$ to t#e tar5et 'o'ulation. On t#e ot#er #an$: se!on$ary $ata 6ill be 5at#ere$ from $ifferent online an$ offline resour!es: in!lu$in5 boo7s: ournals: arti!les an$ in$ustry an$ !om'any 6ebsites. T#e tar5et sam'le 'o'ulation is t#e 'etroleum in$ustry.

-. R&S&ARC* "%AN
1*AR 1 T#e first #alf of t#e year 6ill be use$ to re"ie6 substantial literature on sustainability an$ t#e su''ly !#ain in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry an$ furt#er establis# my resear!# 'ro'osal 6it# t#e a!Guire$ 7no6le$5e: allo6in5 t#e 'ro'osal to be streamline$ an$ fo!use$ on 'ertinent areas of sustainable su''ly !#ain. A!Guire$ 7no6le$5e from t#e literature re"ie6 6ill be a''lie$ in t#e $e"elo'ment of t#e frame6or7. 1*AR 2 In t#e se!on$ year: $ata reGuire$ for t#e resear!# 6or7 6ill be obtaine$ by $e"elo'in5 an$ sen$in5 out Guestionnaires: stru!ture$ inter"ie6s 6it# sta7e#ol$ers: an$ statisti!al $ata from !ase stu$y. 1*AR 3
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T#e final year 6ill be for t#e !om'letion of t#e resear!# 6rite8u' an$ $efen$in5 t#e resear!# 6or7. T#e abo"e $es!ribe$ time8s!ale is re'resente$ in t#e 0antt !#art belo6. TASJ 1st
Rea$ literature 4inali;e ob e!ti"es Draft literature re"ie6 De"elo' Guestionnaire & inter"ie6s Re"ie6 se!on$ary $ata Or5ani;e sur"ey Con$u!t inter"ie6s an$ sen$ out Guestionnaire Data Colle!tion .o$ellin5 & Analysis *"aluate $ata Draft fin$in5s !#a'ter Com'lete remainin5 !#a'ters Submit to tutor an$ a6ait fee$ba!7 Re"ise $raft an$ format for submission &rint: bin$ Submit



Kuarter >1year L 4!olumns? 4t# 3t# %t# (t# -t#


12t# 11t# 12t#

.. OUTCO)& O/ R&S&ARC*
T#ere is a nee$ for a frame6or7 t#at in!or'orates all su''ly !#ain a!ti"ities an$ sta7e#ol$ers at t#e u'stream8$o6nstream interfa!e in t#e 'etroleum in$ustry in t#e !onte9t of sustainability. A met#o$olo5y to !arry out t#is resear!# 6or7 #as been i$entifie$ in t#is 'ro'osal an$ t#is in!lu$es t#e use of 5roun$e$ t#eory a''roa!#: #euristi! fu;;y lo5i! met#o$ an$ t#e use of !ase stu$ies. T#e issue of multi8a!tor<sta7e#ol$er analysis "is8=8"is sustainability inte5ration in SC.<lo5isti!s 6ill be e9tensi"ely in"esti5ate$ an$ t#e !onfli!tin5 ob e!ti"es an$ mana5ement of t#ese a!tors 6ill be a fo!al 'oint of t#is resear!# 6or7. On !om'letion of t#e resear!# 'ro e!t: a "ersatile an$ robust frame6or7 6ill be $e"elo'e$ t#at inte5rates sustainable $e"elo'ment into SC.<lo5isti!s for t#e u'stream8$o6nstream se!tor of t#e 'etroleum in$ustry. T#is resear!# is "aluable as it is 'aramount to t#e im'ro"e$ 'erforman!e of t#e in$ustry in Guestion: t#e en"ironment an$ t#e so!iety at lar5e.

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M1N Al8Ot#man ,.F.*.: )ababi$i /...S.: AlatiGi I...: Al8S#ay i J.: Su''ly C#ain O'timi;ation un$er Un!ertainty in .ar7et Deman$s an$ &ri!es: *uro'ean Oournal of O'erational Resear!#: 222-: +ol 1-A: '' -228-42. Asmuni /.: Fur7e *.J.: 0aribal$i O...: .!Collum F.: 4u;;y .ulti'le /euristi! Or$erin5s for *9amination Timetablin5: S!#ool of Com'uter S!ien!e an$ Information Te!#nolo5y: Uni"ersity of Nottin5#am: 2224. Foons 4.: Faumann /.: /all O.: Con!e'tuali;in5 Sustainable De"elo'ment an$ 0lobal Su''ly C#ains: *!ol. *!on >2212?. Carter R.C.: *aston &.).: Sustainable Su''ly C#ain .ana5ementE *"olution an$ 4uture Dire!tions: International Oournal of &#ysi!al Distribution & )o5isti!s .ana5ement: 2211: +ol 41. '' 4%8%2. Carter R.C.: Ro5ers D.S.: A 4rame6or7 of Sustainable Su''ly C#ain .ana5ementE .o"in5 To6ar$s Ne6 T#eory: International Oournal of &#ysi!al Distribution & )o5isti!s .ana5ement: 222-: +ol 3-: '' 3%283-(. 0laser F.0.: Strauss A.).: T#e Dis!o"ery of 0roun$e$ T#eory@ Strate5ies for Kualitati"e Resear!#: Al$ine At#erton: 1A%(.





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)ass!#uit ,.: T#i ssen N.: Su''ortin5 Su''ly C#ain &lannin5 an$ S!#e$ulin5 De!isions in t#e Oil an$ C#emi!al In$ustry: Com'uters an$ C#emi!al *n5ineerin5: 2224: +ol 2-: '' -%38-(2. )inton O.D.: Jlassen R.: Oayaraman +.: Sustainable Su''ly C#ainsE An Intro$u!tion: Oournal of O'erations .ana5ement: 222(: +ol 23: '' 12(3812-2. .atos S.: /all O.: Inte5ratin5 Sustainable De"elo'ment in t#e Su''ly C#ainE T#e Case of )ife Cy!le Assessment in Oil an$ 0as an$ A5ri!ultural Fiote!#nolo5y: Oournal of O'erations .ana5ement: 222(: +ol 23: '' 12-381122. .orse *.).: A Ne6 &oliti!al *!onomy of Oil: Oournal of International Affairs@ Alumni P AFI<IN4OR. 0lobal: 1AAA: +ol 33: '' 1. Seurin5 S.: .uller ..: 4rom a )iterature Re"ie6 to a Con!e'tual 4rame6or7 for Sustainable Su''ly C#ain .ana5ement: Oournal of Cleaner &ro$u!tion: 222-: +ol 1%: '' 1%AA81(12. T"ers7y A.: Ja#neman D.: Ou$5ement Un$er Un!ertainty an$ Fiases: S!ien!e: Ne6 Series: 1A(4: +ol 1-3: '' 112481131. ,C*D >,orl$ Commission on *n"ironment an$ De"elo'ment?: Our Common 4uture: O9for$E O9for$ Uni"ersity &ress@ 1A-(.


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