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Gandhi projects
Problems in Kiev Ukraine
Beginning of peaceful protesters

Why peaceful protesting started in Kiev

Viktor Yunakovich president of the Ukraine and his government had made a association agreement with the European Union. This was to strengthen their bonds with the Union, but on November 21, 2013 Yunakovich announced he was withdrawing his deal to the E.U in what essentially was in favor of a Russian bailout loan and closer ties to Russian boarder. The citizens of the Ukraine did not agree with president Yunakovich for various reasons such as: Strengthening bonds with E.U. Financial help Better allies Trust in E.U. Believe in better boarder with E.U There were many more reasons why they wanted the deal to go through primarily seen as better for the Ukraine and the orange revolution. So 300,000 citizens went to the independence square in Kiev to start a peaceful protest on November 23 of 2013 to demand change to this agreement.

Still no government action, more violence

What started out as peaceful protesting has ended in nothing more than more deaths of 15 policemen and now accounted for 25 protesters. The Prime Minister of Ukraine resigns and government had made an anti-protest law that set off the protesters into even more rage. But no problems have been solved at all in Kiev. Ukraine citizens should still take a stand but make the peaceful protest past since there president will be charged for crimes against the people and incriminated.

15 Billion dollar deal with Russia and more deaths

Later on December 17, 2013 president Yunkovich and Putin released exactly how much Russia was committing to this agreement which was 15 billion dollars worth in government bonds. Putin says he would also allow for Ukraine to have a cut of Russian natural gas without any conditions attached.

What led to violence

Since president Yunakovich had already put through his agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin had already started to prepare the loans to Ukraine. Russia froze the money or loan since the citizens of Ukraine started to protest Yunakovich started to fear decisions that where being made and to control the crowd outside he felt that oppression by the army would work. The day of November 30, 2013 the armed police who were in front of government buildings started to terrorize a group of protesters. Many were injured and 6 policemen died and over 30 protesters severely injured.

On January 22, 2014 tensions between protesters and police rise. The first death of protesters started this day with a group defending them selfs with a stick behind a burning vehicle. Policemen started live ammunition killing two in this group of protesters.

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