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l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Commenton the latest developments inNational TelecomPolicy. Who arethe major players? Whatislaser?Whatismaser?Whatistheprinciplebehindthem?Whatisthe di ff erence? What are the features of the new chips that Intel isbringing about (i.e.804). Explaindigitalmultiplexing Do you know about Heiger Muller counter? What do you know of spectrum analysis? How do waves transmit from antennas? W ha t i s t he di f f e r en ce be t w e e n hu m an co m mu n i c at i on an d e l ec tr o ni c communication State Kirchoffs law. Describe a system in any other field where you can find a perfect analogy with Kirchoffs law If you were the engineer in charge of transmission linesin the country, what would you do to reduce transmission losses? Why is AC transmission preferred to DC? Do you know any place where transmissionis inDC? Draw the VI characteristics of Diode? How will you keep trackof electronics and its changeswhile in the IIMs? How do you differentiate between an electric and an electronic device? Is CRT an electrical / electronic device? What isa pn junction? How do you obtain a ptype semi conductor? Carbon is a tetravalent element. Can it be doped? Why are shifting from analog to digital telephones? What is power electronics? Explainhow a radio works? Inan enclosed room, where no exchange of air is allowed,will the radio work? What is modulation?Why modulation? Types Types of electron collision. Factors it depends on What is cyclotran? Where are they located in India? What is instrumentation? Name 3 instrumentation industries in India? Do we manufacture ICs in India? Why are we importing chips? Which ICs are manufactured in India? What are the chips in Computer industries? What is networking? Is it useful? Different types ofnetworking. How is itachieved in practice.How can I join a network? What are Capacitor equati ons? What is a control system? What is zero earthing? You are given a device with no external connections. How can you say that it is based on electronic operating principles? What is telecommunication? Have you done any practical work with it? Questions on Digital Electronics? Digital ICs What is the difference between PASCAL and FORTRAN? Write aprogram within30 seconds tofind n!usingrecursiveproceduresin PASCALand using subroutinesin FORTRAN.What is the di fference between recursive procedure and subroutine? What motor is used in a ceiling fan? Explain why it requires astarting arrangement Isnt Electronics more exciting than management? What is optonics? What arethe line lossesin the case of Electronic Commission? Whatisacomma? What is OR Gate? What is AND Gate? Howdo youtransmit informationusing digitalcommunication? Is telephone an electronic instrument or an electrical one? What is the difference between an electronic exchange and an ordinary exchange?


l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l How are the National Network Programmes telecast? What issolenoid? Assuming a direction of current,markthe N& S polesand one magnetising field What is the difference between conductor and insulator? What is semi conductor. Explain with Atomic Structure. Define Laplace transform? What is the advantage in using it? Describethemechanism of lighting ina train What is the difference between B &W TVand colourTV? What is CDOT? What does it do? Name one example of application of electronics in the rural sector What is the principle of a microwave oven? If the distance between 2 stati ons is 20,000 kms, how much ti me w il l the radiowave take to reach the other station? If a sine wave is applied across a capacitor, draw the wave across the capacitor. What are the transmission losses in India? Reasons for the same What is the load factor in India, its percentage? What is the total power capacity in India? Thermal share? What is the parameter used in place of load factor in western countries? Tell us about Magneto Hydro dynamics and its relevance to power stations. Ifaparticularstationisinasituationofovercapacity,istheovercapacityduetolackofdemandorbecauseofpoortransmission network in India? Compare Hydel Energy with Thermal Energy What are the latest developments in Electronics and Telecom? What are interrupts? List them according to their priority? What is the need of interrupts? What is EPROM? How to useit? List some manufacturers of Electronic Parts in the world? What are the advantages of ICs over PCBs? Problem on digital logic: Questions were asked on the figure alongside given certain inputs and outputs. What are the applications of electronics in agriculture? How is an I.C. manufactured and tested? What is the difference between the antenna for colour TV and B/W TVs? How is electricity generated in a nuclear plant? In the Iraq War, how did the Patriot stalk the Scud? Why are two earth stations needed while the radar uses only one? What isthyristor Howis it different froma diode? Name some process instrument manufacturing companies. Explain the use of digital devices for pneumatic instrumentation? Find out the current 1. WhatisKmap? What isthe difference between a small TV screen and a big TV screen? What i s the dif ference between el ectrical and el ectroni cs engi neers? What i s the dif ference i n the environments than an electrical engineer and electronics engineer work in? Use of flipflop, its representation etc. What is a thermal power stati on? What other types of pow er stati ons are there i n Indi a? Whi ch state has surpl us pow er generati on? How does a radio work? (Question asked in detail) How do you convert A.C.A to D.C.? What are the uses of rectification? Draw and explain a full wave and halfwave rectifier. What isthe motor used ina lift? Why? Why is power supplyat 220 V and nota roundfigure like 200 V? Which motor is used in tape recorders? What is the frequency limit for voice communication over telephone links? What is the genericname for a flip flop? What is a monostable/astable/bistable multivibrator? What is the difference between an active and a passive device? How doesa music systemwork?Role of anamplifier etc. Define Kirchoffs current and voltage law, then using only non electrical quantities, explain the two laws. Explain some fundamentals of circuit design. What factors should you take into consideration? What are control circuits and components? What is the criterion of stability? What is Solenoid?



l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l What are realy? How do they operate? How doesa Xerox machine work?What are the electronic components in it? Whatis Millmanstheorem? What is the difference between voltage operated and current operated control systems. Name a voltage regulating device. On what principle does it work? Can a tube light be operated as a voltage reference? Where are wave guides and co axial cables used? What are transducers? What do capacitors do? The telephone lineis weak and noisy, what will youdo? What is Zero Grounding? What are losses in transmission line? What is skin effect? Name some insulators. Describe using the atomic structure how an element becomes a conductor or an insulator. Draw a voltage compactor circuit. Why did you use an opamp for it? Draw a circuit where the O/P is proportional to the difference of the two I/Ps. In Wimbledon, theyuse a device tosignal faults. On what principle is it based? What isan inductive motor? What kind of motor do we use in fans? What are servo motors? What kind ofmotor is used in a turntable? Tell me the important elements of any power system. What is the highest system transmission voltage operable in India? What is the basic difference between a motor and a generator? What are the basic laws of Faraday and Lenz? Explain their use. Describe a thermal power plant. What is the use of electrical engineering in rural India? How is EE generated, i.e., various forms of EE generation. HowisEEmade fromnuclearpower? What is super conductivity? What is the latest development in this? Which motor is preferred in electrical traction? Why? How does Quantum mechanics differ from classical mechanics? Describe the control circuit of a starter. What is a resistor? What is baud rate? How do fax cards work? What doesa modemdo? How? What are transponders? What is Maxwells question? What is square rootof 1. Howis itused in electronics? Why do they use flat plugpointsand110 V/ 6 Hz in USA? How does an ELCB work? What kind ofmotors areused in electric traction? Why? WhatisVLSI? What do you think is themost exciting innovation in communications recently? Explain Bresenham line drawing algorithm. How does a transistor work? In a refrigerator, we need voltage regulator, but for a fan we dont need it. Why? What isMSIand LSI? What is susceptance? WhyisHVtransmissioneconomical? tututu



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