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Show Posts - Tito L. Oracion

Quote from: Magluvin on January 22, 2014, 03:05:13 A M I have found sim ilarly that coil fie ld collapse can happe n in forward dire ction 'or' back wards. From what is k nown, whe n we switch on dc to a coil the n switch off, the fie ld collapse cause s m ore forward curre nt from the coil. But what I had found a couple ye ars ago was that if the re is no whe re for that forward collapse curre nt to go in the forward dire ction, the n the fie ld collapse charge s the coils se lf capacitance to pe ak , and that store d voltage bounce s back through the coil causing a re ve rse curre nt and fie ld. I call it fie ld collapse be cause Back /R e ve rse e m f doe snt re ally apply during initial fie ld collapse be cause the re sulting curre nt is forward and has nothing to do with a fie ld collapsing on the coil that m ade it. BEMF has e ve rything to do with im pe dance of a coil. The gradual fie ld building of an inductor is due to R e ve rse e m f due to curre nts building in the coils windings, which all the windings are inducing all the othe rs at the sam e tim e and the induce d windings want to push curre nt in the opposite dire ction. The only thing I can figure about how coils do what the y do is be cause of re sistance . Due to re sistance , the voltage /curre nt applie d to the coil will always supe rce de the back /re ve rse e m f and the input will e ve ntually win the battle of fighting the be m f till the be m f doe s not e x ist and curre nt from the input ge ts to its m ax im um due to re sistance . Soo, if the coil we re supe r conducting, ze ro re sistance , I be lie ve the coil would not pass curre nt at all as the be m f should be e qual to the input, lik e the m agne t floating on a supe r coole d supe r conductor. I se e Igor is using a single ce ll batte ry voltage of 1.3v. That is k e y to what he is doing. the re is a chance that the voltage pote ntial de ve lope d by the coil collapse could be high in the re ad switch(spark ). R e e ds are pre tty good at fast switching m e chanically. Q uick to distance be twe e n contacts. So the quick e r the re e d springs to its fully ope n position, the curre nt from jum ping the contacts. If the input is highe r, the n e nough to bre ach the gap close and ope n the le ss chance of the collapse

O n can e asily ge t highe r than input voltage s from a coil collapse into a cap using a diode , W ITH THE DIO DE IN EITHER DIR EC TIO N. In one dire ction, whe n the re e d is close d se nding powe r to the coil, the diode doe s not conduct until the coil collapse . W ith the diode in the othe r dire ction, source curre nt doe s flow to the cap and coil, but whe n the coil collapse s, the cap ge ts just about as m uch HV as it did with the diode the traditional way. This was whe n I discove re d that the collapse can de ve lop curre nts in e ithe r dire ction, de pe nding on a way out for those curre nts. If the re is no way out, the n the collapse curre nts will die off within the coil in the form of oscillation within the coils LC . This isolate d oscillation within the coil is at its re sonant fre q, whe the r it be 4m hz or 100hz de pe nding on the coil and its se lf capacitance .

Possibly this is what Te sla switching is all about. Using a high spe e d rotor, the closing of the contacts, the n the ope ning and cre ating distance ve ry quick ly and collapse curre nts dont have a chance to bre ach the gap. Just thoughts.



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