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Good Morning to my English Language Teacher and my fellow friends.

I stand here today to give a speech entitled Things That You Can Do to Save the Environment .

Our environment is facing a serious level of pollution. We are also experiencing the phenomenon known as Global Warming. I am sure all of you have seen effects and heard the facts about it. So what can you, as individuals do about it ? Can you play a role in saving our already polluted environment? Yes, you can.

Start by doing these simple things. Firstly, recycle as much of your rubbish as you can. You can do this by following these steps. Sort the rubbish at home. Pack recyclable things like plastics bottles, old newspaper, tin cans, and cardboard boxes separately. Then, take them to a recycling centre. You can do this at least once a month.

Next, do not practice the open burning of rubbish. Dispose rubbish in rubbish bins. This rubbish collector wil dispose the rubbish that they collect at landfills. Organic waste can be made into compost. You can learn how to make your own compost through internet.

Another easy thing that you can do is to save electricity. Turn off lights, fans, and other appliances when not in use. Practice this both at home and in the school too. When you save electricity, you save the fuel burned to produce the power at power stations. This cuts down on harmful gases like carbon dioxide that are released into the atmosphere.

Lastly, plant more trees and other plants in order to stabilise the ecosystem. This is because plants release oxygen into the atmosphere that is needed for human beings and animals. Besides that, plants also do absorb harmfum gases that is released into in atmosphere.

These are just a few simple things that you can do. Find out more about saving the environment from the internet. Remember that when everybody pitches in, even a small contribution will make a big difference to our mother earth. So, lets start saving our earth today.

Thank you. As a student what will you do to save our environment?


Global warming and its consequences are rather alarming. One talks about the need of saving the environment here is a list of simple things you can do to actually contribute to save the environment instead of just discussing it or suffering the consequences of it. 1) Plant trees or save trees: Think green. Saving trees will also help save wildlife. The destruction of trees is the primary cause that global warming is taking place today. So if you can just plant as many trees as you can and ENSURE that they survive; you are doing your two bit worth. If you cannot plant trees, just make sure you can save trees from being cut down, or drying up and dying due to lack of water. Make it a point to water at least one tree or plant in a day, in your yard, garden or neighborhood. 2) Save paper: avoid taking unnecessary printouts. Use recycled paper. On a lighter note: Teachers, give your students less written work. Instead of getting each student to buy their own text books, the school can provide text books on a borrow-able basis as in a library. This will save the students of carrying horrendous loads of books to school and back- especially true for countries like India where student's daily school bag weighs a ton with the amount of things some schools insist they carry! 3) Limit the use of air-conditioners- build up your tolerance levels and get used to living in natural whether and climatic conditions. 4) Stop using deodorant and aerosol sprays. Air conditioners, refrigerators and aerosol sprays use CFC or cholofluro-carbons. When CFC leaks into the atmosphere, it does deplete the ozone in the air. The Ozone layer is what protects us for harmful radiations of the sun. 5) Builders and architects should use less glass on outer walls of buildings in their designs. For example- a tall building with a glass faade from top to bottom will heat up in the summer. The amount of heat generated is just added to the already hot atmosphere on the outside of the building, especially in warm /hot countries. On the inside of the building- the temperature will go up a considerable amount, increasing the need for fans/ air coolers / air conditioners. 6) Conserve electricity. Switch off the lights, fans, air-conditioners/heaters when leaving a room if you are the last one to leave. Switch off any appliances when you are not using them or taking a break in the middle of an activity. Set your heaters and coolers to the optimum temperature. The sun gives off its energy for free, make full use of it; use solar energy where possible. Watch less TV. 7) Save water where possible- for example, turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth, turn on the tap only when you are ready to rinse or gargle. In the shower, turn off the shower while you soap / shampoo yourself , turn it on only when you are ready to stand under the water spray. Using a bucket and mug to take a bath instead of the shower will also reduce the amount of water you need. When washing your car, first dust off the dry dust. Wash your cars using a bucket and mop. You need less water that way. 8) Drive less, walk more - whether to school, office or on a date. Go for romantic walks instead of drives with your date. Walking is good for the heart, in more ways than one. Use a bicycle. All of this will not only help save the environment, but will also help you stay fit and in shape. It will also help reduce your weight if you are looking to. 9) Car pool if you have to drive. 10) Use less plastic. Use bio-degradable stuff. Take your own shopping basket /bag along when you go shopping. There was an era when plastic carry-bags did not exist. The earth was a much healthier place then. These days plastic carry bags are used freely and they mess up the environment as most of them are not bio-degradable.

Simple Ways to Save the Environment The environment as we know it, isn't as green and luscious as it should be. There are steel monsters that block out the sun, huffing out dangerous smoke, and leaking out poisonous chemicals into rivers and streams, vehicles pumping out harmful fumes, people disposing of waste in a way that isn't safe/right and all other kinds of sources that ruin the planet. With the current environmental issues

that plague the environment and planet, people need to do what they can to help save the Earth. We cannot depend on a higher authority now. The Hopenhagen summit which I'm sure many of you are aware of, held in Copenhagen in the year 2009, did nothing to solve or procure methods for the damages done to the planet. We are still living the way we are, with people oblivious to matters at hand. Take a look around you the next time you step into a city choking with smoke and noise, and ask yourself if is this is how you want to live out the rest of your life. Set an example to others by being the first to change, before you speak up for change. It's a chain reaction that hopefully will catch on soon when it comes to saving what's left of the planet.

Thinking of ways to save Mother Earth? It's high time we do, as the planet we live on is suffering. We are extracting all it has - oil, ores, water and more. We are cutting down trees, we are killing animals, we are exploiting nature. Earth's resources are depleting, posing a threat to human existence on the planet. It's time we do something to save the planet. Let's resort to simple ways to save the environment. Here they are. Earth was an abundant, giving, benign planet that provided enough for everyone. Then there was civilization, and numerous discoveries and inventions were made. With these discoveries began a whole new life and lifestyle. Everyone was content, everyone happy. But soon enough, people wanted more. "Life should be simpler", they thought. More inventions were made, easier ways to survive, discovered. All was merry until one day people realized that there wasn't enough to go around anymore. Life was getting tougher again. Water was scarce, and there was no electricity for convenience. The dishwasher wouldn't work, nor would the washing machine. People had to resort to manual labor again. They had come a full circle, but this was a circle that would end, soon. There was simply not enough to go around anymore. This is how it began, and this is how it will end. With the rate at which we are depleting the environment and all that it has to offer, not much is going to be left to survive on. We can't even think of our coming generations, it's our own survival we have to worry about. For this we need to learn how to save our environment, by unlearning some of the things we have become habituated to and taken for granted. We talk about saving our environment and how important it is to conserve natural resources. We read about the importance of a healthy environment to survive. Environmental education has made us realize the need to preserve natural wealth. But just knowing and talking doesn't help. When was the last time you did something towards saving the environment? Forget doing, when was the last time you even felt like doing something to save nature? Now don't say you always knew there's a need to save the environment. Everyone knows and says. Sadly no one does. Do something that can help save the environment - even a small step counts.

When we think about doing something to save the environment, we think of depleting natural resources, we think of environmental pollution, we think of deforestation, endangered plant and animal species and we wonder how to contribute to saving nature. We think of these as very big problems and solving them, we think, is beyond human capacity. Big problems - yes, they are. They are grave problems in fact. But thinking it's impossible to solve them is where we go wrong. We hardly bother to do anything in that regard. There are so many simple ways to save the environment. We just don't pay attention to them. We just don't think we can do anything or that we should.

Easy Ways to Save the Environment Plant more trees. This is easy, you know? Choose an open area/ground near your residence or workplace. Unless there's any law restricting you from growing trees in that area, go ahead, grow trees. Plant a tree every month, encourage your friends and colleagues to join you. Have more and more trees planted and there will come a day when you have a green stretch of land thanks to your effort.

Walk more, drive less. Now that's not very difficult, is it? Choose to walk short distances instead of taking your car every time. Go walking to the gym, to work (if it's not very far), go walking to run errands. Or use a bicycle. Both cycling and walking are good exercises. And each time you avoid using your car, you are contributing to reducing air pollution. You are saving fuel, saving money and getting a good workout too. Now isn't that beneficial for both you and the environment? Maintain your vehicles in good condition. It may not be possible to go cycling or walking everywhere. To some distances, there's no other option but your car. But how about at least maintaining it in good condition? Give your car a regular servicing. Clean the exhaust pipes. Check

for pollutants emitted. Check air pressure in tires as under-inflated tires lead to greater fuel consumption. Maintain the air filter and fuel injection pump in good condition. Check engine oil levels regularly. Consider getting a catalytic converter fitted in your vehicle. This way you are curbing air pollution. Change the way you drive. Do not drive in low gear. It consumes more fuel that way. Do not accelerate and brake very often. More fuel is exhausted this way. When you stop at a signal, turn the ignition off. Take the shortest route to the venue, you are saving fuel and thereby reducing air pollution this way. Share a car whenever possible. Four people going to the same place at the same time, in four different cars - doesn't make sense. Pool a car whenever you can. Don't honk when it's not necessary to. You are adding to noise pollution that way. Save water. Water is a very important natural resource. It's we who waste it, pollute it. The simplest ways to save water - turn off water taps after use. Use of flushes and showers can lead to wastage of water. Use only as much water as necessary. Do not dump garbage down a storm drain. When you visit a beach, see that you don't spill food or dump waste around. Do not pollute rivers by dumping garbage, sewage or other waste material in them. This pollutes water bodies. There are laws prohibiting you from doing this. But then it has to come from within - the awareness and the awakening. Water is so precious, we can't waste or pollute it.

Use CFC-free products CFCs are released from aerosol sprays, air conditioning systems and refrigerators. Some cosmetic products too, contain CFCs. Some countries have already banned the use of CFC products. CFCs contribute to ozone depletion and greenhouse effect. Using CFC-free products is the simplest way to prevent the harm they cause to the environment. Save energy. There are so many electrical gadgets you must be using daily - the air conditioner, heater, refrigerator and oven among many more. Then, there are lights and fans. Do you maintain the appliances in good condition? Do you keep a check on their power consumption? Replace the air filters for your air conditioning unit once a month. Turn off the AC when not in use. Refrigerators and water heaters consume a lot of power. So use them scrupulously. Switch off the lights and fans in your room before leaving it. Make sure the electrical appliances are not left on (unless necessary), when leaving the house. Make it a point to switch off the television set or music system after use. Don't keep them on when there's no one using them. Your computer is one of the most used gadgets in the house. Do not keep it switched on when no one's using it. Now weren't these very simple ways of saving the environment? Recycle and reuse - whatever and whenever you can. This is the best measure to save the environment. A simple way to do this is to reduce the use of rubber and plastic. Instead, use paper bags and cardboard containers. Even the practice of buying in bulk can help save a lot of packaging material, thus contributing to saving the environment. Buy products that you can reuse. You can

reuse daily-use items like old wood, scrap paper to make wood and paper articles and old clothes (you can donate them to the needy or make other cloth items from them). Recycling is a method of transforming items that can be reusable once they're disposed off by the public. This means that whatever is thrown out, like paper, tins, cardboard and so on, can be put through the process of reproducing them, to make new products. Not all plastic is recyclable, and must be avoided as much as possible. The environment cannot degrade plastic, so these are left to scatter and collect in places. Don't waste anything, and try to come up with ways on things you can use them again. Like say old magazines, newspapers and art paper can be used for projects. Try turning something you don't need any more into a work of art and use it for another purpose instead. Be creative when it comes to things that you don't want that is in good condition, or sell them off, or better yet, give it away to charity.

Make Use of Garbage Disposals You see those big dumpsters dotting street corners, and those trash cans lined up against sidewalks? They're not there to put up a show, but for you to notice them and drop in your waste. It's sad when someone litters without the thought of 'let me hold on to this until I spot a trash can'. We need to consciously tell ourselves - that what little we do, does count. So the next time you get that urge to toss that gum or chocolate wrapper out the car window, or 'accidentally' drop it as you walk down the street - ask yourself how much waste you've been contributing to the environment with that bad habit of yours going on for years.

Go Easy on the Honking/Loud Music Patience is a virtue not many people have and sometimes those who do, can lose their minds at some point over traffic. Try and wait for a couple of seconds for the person in front of you to make a move, and don't join in with the herd of impatient drivers that start to honk incessantly. We all know that loud music is justified when the weekend comes around. Try being a little sympathetic when it comes to your neighbors, and even to people across the street. Go by the curfew time, or make sure to turn it down at least when it's way past 11 p.m. Not everyone will be a fan of your music or noise that late, so try to be a little empathetic.

Use renewable sources of energy as much as possible. Resort to the use of renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro power. Start from your own house. Get a solar panel installed and start using

solar power for water and room heaters. Small wind turbines are available for home use. Resort to their use for power generation. Even geothermal and ground source heat pumps are available for household use. The added benefit of harnessing alternative energy sources is that the Government offers you incentives for that. Change habits. Some simple habits at the workplace can let you contribute towards saving the environment. When in office, print only when it is absolutely necessary to. Printing every soft copy leads to heavy wastage of paper. Use emails instead of paper for correspondence. Remember to switch your computer off when leaving for the day. Don't keep the computer monitor on when you are away from the desk. Do not keep the lights of your cabin/office on when you are away. Avoid overuse of air conditioners. Do not use disposable plastic cups and plates when you have the option of using ceramic. Save animals. Minimize the use of animal products. Animal fur and ivory are excessively used animal products. Animals are poached for their skin. They are used in scientific research. Animals are being killed in large numbers and are under the threat of extinction. Resolve not to hunt animals. Discourage those who do so for amusement. Discourage animal poaching. Make yourself and those around you, aware of the effects of animal extinction. Do your bit towards saving them. Donate to animal welfare schemes, work for animal shelters, adopt pets only if you are going to be able to take good care of them.

Go green when gardening or farming. Activities like composting can be of great help in recycling garbage into useful manures. Avoid excessive use of chemical fertilizers and synthetic nutrients. Natural manures are a better option for farms and gardens. Go for vermicomposting. Vermicompost makes a very good organic fertilizer. Instead of dumping rotten vegetables, leftover food, eggshells, teabags, vegetable stalks and fruit rinds in the garbage bin, use them to make organic manure for your garden. Replace lawns with bushes and trees. If you live in an area where there's scarcity of water, use drought-tolerant plants in the garden. This will help you save water. Using non-native plants disrupts the ecological balance. Don't use them just because they are exotic. Avoid using chemical pesticides for plants. Instead, turn to home remedies or other eco-friendly ways of maintaining your garden. You can consider rainwater harvesting in your locality if you live in an area which receives decent rainfall. Create Awareness. This is one way in which anyone of us can help save the environment. Read up and encourage those around you to read about the importance of saving nature. Put up posters or banners in the neighborhood, in your school, college or place of work. Organize an environmental awareness campaign. Get t-shirts or caps made with environmental awareness slogans written. Have everyone in your locality, class, school or workplace wear them and spread the word. These things help create an awakening in the masses about how grave environmental problems are and what we

can do to solve them. Organize small activities like planting trees, cleaning an area in the locality, visiting an animal shelter or volunteer for an organization which works towards creating environmental awareness. Seek prior permission from concerned authorities for doing any of these things.

Though we don't realize it, it's actually in our hands to save the environment. Little changes in our habits and way of thinking can go a long way in saving nature. It's time we take steps to create environmental awareness and resort to simple means like these, to save the environment.

1. Start by turning off the lights, fans and other electronic items when you leave a room. Don't use lights that are unnecessary. Switch off your computer monitor when you are not at your desk if you can't turn it off. Don't leave your microwave or television on standby when not in use - unplug them. All these electronic appliances utilize a lot of electricity even when on standby. 2. Have your washing machine, air conditioner, dryer, and dishwasher serviced on a regular basis. When serviced, they utilize lesser energy. If possible, avoid using a dryer and hang your clothes on a clothesline. Not only will you save power and reduce your contribution to global warming, you will also have clothes that last longer and smell fresher. 3. Start using CFLs instead of fluorescent bulbs. These lights have been made for the purpose of saving energy. Also, invest in non-CFC products such as microwaves, refrigerators and airconditioners. There are brands of these appliances that are designed to save energy. Not only will they reduce power consumption and help the environment, they will also help you cut down your electricity bills. 4. Give up plastic bags and take to recycling newspaper to make paper bags for your use. The disposal of plastic and its effects are among the biggest environmental issues that are now troubling the world. Try to make the most of paper. You know it is easily recyclable. 5. To further save paper, unsubscribe to bank statements delivered by e-mail, and view your bills online. Buy and use only e-tickets. In a few years, this is the only option you will have. Get used to it now. You can only marvel at the huge number of trees you can save in this process and contribute to the conservation of natural resources. 6. Wash your car in your lawn if you must. That way you can water your plants as well as have a clean car. If you can afford it, go to a professional car wash service. These guys use water more efficiently than you would on your own.

7. Do your bit for nature by planting a tree. A lot of agencies plant trees in your name, and all you have to do is sign up there. Nurture the tree and watch it grow. If all of us plant one tree it will make a whole world of a difference, and a difference to the whole world. 8. Whenever possible, try and walk instead of taking your car. Better still, take your bike for a spin. You're doing your health some good, saving gas, and helping the environment. 9. Maintain your car so that it functions the way it is supposed to, without utilizing too much energy to function. This will also reduce the amount of environmental pollution that is caused by your vehicle. 10. Bathe from a bucket instead of using the shower to enable water conservation. You probably don't realize the amount of water that is running when you simply leave the shower on when unnecessary. The same holds true when shaving, brushing, washing the dishes, washing your hands with soap, etc. 11. Introspect and see how many electrical appliances you actually need and what you can do manually. Yes, manual work does take a little time, but if you do have the time and can utilize it for the purpose, why not do so? For instance, pick one day of the week where you will wash your clothes by hand and not in the washing machine. It may take a little time getting used to, but as mentioned earlier, if everyone does this, imagine how much water you will save and how much you will help the environment. 12. Organize your errands so that you can complete as many as possible in one outing. This way you save fuel (if you are dependent on a vehicle to run your errands) and the environment. 13. Recycle as much as possible. You don't always have to buy new things when you can recycle and reuse the things around you. There are lots of blogs and websites dedicated to telling users how to recycle effectively. Take a step and see how you can save not only the environment, but a lot of money too. Try it and you will see the difference.

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