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htmlollow the instructions at that website to download and install the Java SE documentation (also known as the Javadoc

pages or the Java SE API Docs). isit !ollow the instructions at http" to download and install Eclipse. Eclipse$s download page o%%ers several di%%erent packages& including Eclipse 'lassic& Eclipse %or Java EE& Eclipse %or JavaScript& and others. (o run this book$s e)amples& *ou need a relativel* small Eclipse package + the Eclipse IDE %or Java Developers. (est *our installed so%tware. , -aunch Eclipse. , In Eclipse& create a new Java pro.ect. , /ithin the Java pro.ect& create a new Java class named Displa*er. , Edit the new Displa*er..ava %ile b* t*ping the code %rom -isting 012 (the %irst code listing in 'hapter 0). (*pe the code in Eclipse$s editor pane. , 3un Displa*er..ava and check to make sure that the run$s output reads 4ou$ll love Java5. (hat$s it5 6ut remember& not ever*one (computer geek or not) can %ollow these skeletal instructions %lawlessl*. So *ou have several alternatives" isit this book$s website. Do not pass 7go.8 Do not tr* this section$s 9uick1start instructions. !ollow the more detailed instructions that *ou %ind at www.allm* Java!orDummies. (r* this section$s 9uick1start instructions. 4ou can$t hurt an*thing b* tr*ing. I% *ou accidentall* Europa

Gentilicio: europeo Gentilicio Femenino: europea Gentilicio Plural: europeos Superficie: : ;m< Habitantes: : =apa del 'ontinente

Comentario: El 'ampeonato Europeo de !>tbol& m?s conocido como Eurocopa o @E!A Euro& es el campeonato de selecciones masculinas nacionales de %>tbol m?s importante de Europa& organiAado por la @E!A cada cuatro aBos. En su ediciCn inaugural& el torneo tenDa el nombre de 'opa de Eaciones de Europa o 'opa de Europa& * recibiC su denominaciCn actual en 2FGH. Paises del Continente Id Nombre Gentilicio Gentilicio Fem.Gentilicio Plu. Prestigio Liga 2 !rancia %ranc %rancesa %ranceses I 0 Jolanda holand holandesa holandeses I I Alemania alem eEssentialso%'hinese=edicineisate)tbookintended%orinternationalstudents whowishtogainabasicunderstandingo%'hinese=edicine('=)attheuniversit* level. (he idea o% writing such a te)t was originated %rom the Sino1American 'onsortium %or the Advancement o% 'hinese =edicine (SA'A'=)& which was %ounded in !ebruar* K:::. In 2FFL& the 6ritish Jong ;ong Administration set up a Preparator*'ommittee%ortheDevelopmento%'hinese=edicinetolookintowa*s o%bringing'hinesemedicalpracticeandherbaltradeunderpropercontrolandreg1 ulation. A%ter the reuniMcation o% Jong ;ong with mainland 'hina in 2FFN& the Oovernmento%theJong;ongSpecialAdministrative3egioncontinuedthee%%orts to upli%t the practice o% '= to a %ull* pro%essional level through legislation. (o help bring up a new generation o% pro%essional '= practitioners& the Jong ;ong6aptist@niversit*(J;6@)obtainedapproval%romtheOovernment$suniver1 sit* %unding authorit* to develop a School o% 'hinese =edicine to prepare students who will meet the %uture pro%essional re9uirements through public e)aminations. In order to establish itsel% 9uickl* as a rigorous provider o% universit* level '= education& J;6@ sought alliance with eight ma.or '= universities in the 'hinese =ainland& and one @S universit* which was interested in developing '= educa1 tion within its medical coll http"##www.*;FIRd-c Descargar todo el Srticulo AT@I In%orm?tica. L. 'omputadoras. So%tware * Jardware. G. '.P.@.. N. =emorias Principales. H. Peri%Uricos de entrada * salida. 3anuras de E)pansiCn. F. VDW'X -A IE!W3=A(I'A Y -A 'W=P@(ADW3A Y S@S 'W=PWEEE(ES 4 'WE!IO@3A'IWE. IE!W3=A(I'A" ES -A 'IEE'IA T@E ES(@DIA -WS =E(WDWS 4 =E'AEIS=WS T@E (IEEEE 'W=W W6JE(I W ... Jistoria de la In%orm?ticaDescargar todo el Srticulo AT@I In%orm?tica. L. 'omputadoras. So%tware * Jardware. G. '.P.@.. N. =emorias Principales. H. Peri%Uricos de entrada * salida. 3anuras de E)pansiCn. F. VDW'X -A IE!W3=A(I'A Y -A 'W=P@(ADW3A Y S@S 'W=PWEEE(ES 4 'WE!IO@3A'IWE. IE!W3=A(I'A" ES -A 'IEE'IA T@E ES(@DIA -WS =E(WDWS 4 =E'AEIS=WS T@E (IEEEE 'W=W W6JE(I W ... Jistoria de la In%orm?ticaege

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