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Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : 1.1 Perform computations involving multiplication and division of integers to solve problems.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. multiply integers ii. solve problems involving multiplication of integers iii. divide integers iv. solve problems i. Perform computation involving combined operations of: a)addition and subtraction b)multiplication and division of integers Solve problems involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers including t e use of brac!ets. Compare and order fractions Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on fractions. Compare and order fractions Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on fractions.

Strategy / Approach

1. Directed Numbers WEEK 1 ( 4-8 JAN )


1.2 Perform computations involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers to solve problems.



1." #$tend t e concept of integers to fractions to solve problems. WEEK 2 ( 11-15 JAN ) 1.2 1.% #$tend t e concept of integers to decimals to solve problems. WEEK 3 ( 18-22 JAN )

i. ii. i. ii.


Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division involving t&o directed numbers. ii. Perform computations involving combination of t&o or more operations on directed numbers including t e use of brac!ets. iii. Pose and solve problems involving directed numbers.


Learning Area

2. S'uares, S'uare (oots, Cubes and Cube (oots WEEK 3 ( 18-22 JAN )

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : )nderstand and use t e concept of s'uares of numbers.

)nderstand and use t e concept of s'uare roots of positive numbers. WEEK 4 ( 25-29 JAN )

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. State a number multiplied by itself as a number to t e po&er of t&o and vice versa. ii. Determine t e s'uares of numbers &it out using calculators. iii. #stimate t e s'uares of numbers. iv. Determine t e s'uares of numbers using calculators. v. *ist perfect s'uares vi. Determine if a number is a perfect s'uare. vii. Pose and solve problems involving s'uares of numbers. i. Determine t e relations ip bet&een s'uares and s'uare roots. ii. Determine t e s'uare roots of perfect s'uares &it out using calculator. iii. Determine t e s'uare roots of numbers &it out using calculators. iv. .ultiply t&o s'uare roots. v. #stimate s'uare roots of numbers. vi. /ind t e s'uare roots of numbers using calculators. vii. Pose and solve problems involving s'uares and s'uare roots. i. State a number multiplied by itself t&ice as a number to t e po&er of t ree and vice versa. ii. Determine cubes of numbers &it out using calculators. iii. #stimate cubes of numbers. iv. Determine cubes of numbers using calculators. v. Pose and solve problems involving cubes of numbers.

Strategy / Approach Constructivism Student centered Pencil and paper met od

#stimation +C, Self -ccess *earning

2." )nderstand and use t e concept of cube of numbers.


Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : 2.% )nderstand and use t e concept of cube roots of numbers.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Determine t e relations ip bet&een cubes and cube roots. Determine t e cube roots of integers &it out using calculators. Determine t e cube roots of numbers &it out using calculators. #stimate cube roots of numbers. Determine cube roots of numbers using calculators. Pose and solve problems involving cubes and cube roots. Perform computations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and mi$ed operations on s'uares, s'uare roots, cubes and cube roots.

Strategy / Approach

WEEK 5 ( 01-05 FEB )

". -lgebraic #$pressions ++ WEEK 5 ( 01-05 FEB )

".1 )nderstand t e concept of algebraic terms in t&o or more un!no&ns.


+dentify un!no&ns in algebraic terms in t&o or more& un!no&ns ii. +dentify algebraic terms in t&o or more un!no&ns as t e product of t e un!no&ns &it a number iii. +dentify coefficients in given algebraic terms in t&o or more un!no&ns iv. +dentify li!e and unli!e algebraic terms in t&o or more un!no&ns v. State li!e terms for a given algebraic terms i. ii. /ind t e product of t&o algebraic terms /ind t e 'uotient of t&o algebraic terms v. Perform multiplication and division involving algebraic terms

WEEK 6 ( 08-12 FEB )

".2 Perform computations involving multiplication and division of t&o or more terms.


Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : "." )nderstand t e concept of algebraic e$pressions.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. 0rite algebraic e$pressions for given situations using letter symbols ii. (ecognise algebraic e$pressions in t&o or more un!no&ns vi. Determine t e number of terms in given algebraic e$pressions in t&o or more un!no&ns iv. Simplify algebraic e$pressions by collecting li!e terms vii. #valuate e$pressions by substituting numbers for letters i. ii. .ultiply and divide algebraic e$pressions by a number Perform : a)addition b)subtraction involving t&o algebraic e$pressions Simplify algebraic e$pressions State t e relations ip bet&een t&o 'uantities by using t e symbols 123 or 143.

Strategy / Approach

WEEK 6 ( 08-12 FEB )

WEEK 7 ( 15-19 FEB )

".% Perform computations involving algebraic e$pressions.

ii. %. *inear #'uations WEEK 7 ( 15-19 FEB ) %.1 )nderstand and use t e concept of e'uality. i.

)se concrete e$amples to illustrate 123 and 143. Discuss cases suc as: a). +f a 2 b t en b 2 a. e.g: 2 5 " 2 % 5 1 t en % 5 1 2 2 5 " b). +f a 2 b and b 2 c, t en a 2 c. e.g: % 5 6 2 2 5 7 2, t en 2 5 7 2 " 5 8, t en % 5 6 2 " 5 8


Learning Area

WEEK 8 ( 22-26 FEB )

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : %.2 )nderstand and use t e concept of linear e'uations in one un!no&n.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. (ecognise linear algebraic terms ii. (ecognise linear algebraic e$pressions. iii. Determine if given situation is: a). a linear e'uation b) a linear e'uation in one un!no&n. iv. 0rite linear e'uations in one un!no&n for given statements and vice versa.

Strategy / Approach

Discuss & y given algebraic terms and e$pression are linear. 9iven a list of terms, students identify linear terms. e.g: "$, $y, $2 "$ is a linear term. Select linear e$pressions given a list of algebraic e$pressions. Select linear e'uations given a list of e'uations. e.g: $ 5 " 2 6, $ : 2y 2 7, $y 2 1; $ 5 " 2 6, $ : 2y 2 7 are linear e'uations. < 5 " 2 6 is linear e'uation in one un!no&n. +nclude e$amples from everyday situations. )se concrete e$amples to e$pl!ain solutions of linear e'uation in one un!no&n. #.g: (elate $ 5 2 2 6 to === 5 2 2 6 Solve and verify linear e'uatuions in one un!no&n by inspection and systematic trial

%." )nderstand t e concept of solutions of linear e'uations in one un!no&n. Determine if a numerical value is a solution of a given linear e'uation in one un!no&n. ii. Determine t e solution of a linear e'uation in one un!no&n by trial and improvement met od. iii. Solve e'uations in t e form of: a). $ 5 a 2 b b). $ : a 5 b c). a$ 2 b i.


Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to :

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : d). $ 2 b a & ere a, b, c are integers and $ is an un!no&n. iv. Solve e'uations in t e form of a$ 5 b 2 c, & ere a, b, c are intergers and $ is an un!no&n. v. Solve linear e'uations in one un!o&n. vi. Pose and solve problems involvinfg linear e'uations in one un!no&n. Compare t&o 'uantities in t e form a : b or a>b ii. Determine & et er given ratios are e'uivalent ratios. vii. Simplify ratios t&o t e lo&est terms. viii. State ratios related to a given ratio. State &et er t&o pairs of 'uantities is a proportion. ii. Determine if a 'uantity is proportional to anot er 'uantity given t&o values of eac 'uantity. i$. /ind t e value of a 'uantity given t e ratio of t e t&o 'uantities and t e value of anot er 'uantity. iv. /ind t e value of a 'uantity given t e ratio and t e sum of t e t&o 'uantities. $. /ind t e sum of t&o 'uantities given t e ratio of t e 'uantities and t e difference bet&een t e 'u'ntities. vi. Pose and solve problems involving ratios and proportions. i. i.

Strategy / Approach using & ole numbers, &it and &it out t & use of calculators.


(atios, (ates -nd Proportions WEEK 9 ( 01-05 MAC )

6.1 )nderstand t e concept of ratio of t&o 'uantities.

Cooperative learning. Constructivism.

6.2 )nderstand t e concept of propotion to solve problems.

Conte$tual learning.

Cooperative learning.


Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to :

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : UJIAN SELARAS 1 MIDTERM BREAK DISCUSSI N WEEK

Strategy / Approach

WEEK 10 ( 08-12 MAC ) WEEK 11 ( 15-19 MAC ) WEEK 12 ( 22-26 MAC ) WEEK 13 ( 29 MAC -02 A!R ) 6." )nderstand and use t e concept of ratio of t ree 'uantities to solve problems.

i. Compare t ree 'uantities in t e form a : b : c. ii. Determine &et er given ratios are e'uivalent ratios. iii. Simplify ratio of t ree 'uantities to t e lo&est terms. iv. State t e ratio of any t&o 'uantities given ratio of t ree 'uantities. v. /ind t e ratio of a : b : c given t e ratio of a : b and b : c. vi. /ind t e value of t e ot er 'uantities, given t e ratio of t ree 'uantities and t e value of one of t e 'uantities. vii. /ind t e value of eac of t e t ree 'uantities given : a)t e ratio and t e sum of t ree 'uantities. b)t e ratio and t e difference bet&een t&o of t e t ree 'uantities. viii. /ind t e sum of t ree 'uantities given t e ratio and t e difference bet&een t&o of t e t ree 'uantities. i$. Pose and solve problems involving ratio of t e t ree 'uantities.


Conte$tual learning.


Learning Area

6. Pyt agoras3 , eorem WEEK 13 ( 29 MAC " 02 A!R )

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : 8.1 )nderstand t e relations ip bet&een t e sides of a rig t? angled triangle.

WEEK 14 ( 05-09 A!R ) 8. 9eometrical Construction WEEK 14 ( 05-09 A!R )

8.2 )nderstand and use t e converse of t e Pyt agoras3 , eorem. 7.1 Perform constructions using straig t edge @ruler and set s'uare) and compass

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. +dentify t e ypotenuse of rig t?angled triangles. ii. Determine t e relations ip bet&een t e lengt s of t e sides of a rig t?angled triangle. iii. /ind t e lengt of t e missing side of a rig t?angled triangle using t e Pyt agoras3 , eorem. iv. /ind t e lengt of sides of geometric s apes using Pyt agoras3 , eorem. v. Solve problems using t e Pyt agoras3 , eorem. i. Determine & et er a triangle is a rig t? angled triangle. ii. Solve problems involving t e converse Pyt agoras3 , eorem. i. Construct a line segment of given lengt ii. Construct a triangle given t e lengt od t e sides iii. Construct : a)perpendicular bisector of a given line segment b)perpendicular to a line passing t roug a point on t e line c)perpendicular to a line passing t roug a point not on t e line iv. Construct : a)angle of 8;A and 12;A b)bisector of an angle v. Construct triangles given : a)one side and t&o angles b)t&o sides and one angle vi. Constrict :a) parallel lines b)parallelogram given its sides and an angle

Strategy / Approach #$planation Discovery learning

Cooperative learning #n'uiry?discovery


Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : B.1 )nderstand and use t e concept of coordinates

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. +dentify t e $?a$is, y? a$is and t e origin on a Cartesian plane. ii. Plot points and state t e coordinates of t e points given distances from t e y?a$is and $?a$is iii. Plot points and state t e distances of t e points from t e y?a$is and $?a$is given coordinates of t e points. iv. State t e coordinates of points on Cartesian plane.

Strategy / Approach

B. Coordinates WEEK 15 ( 12-16 A!R )

+ntroduce t e concept of coordinates using everyday e$amples e.g State t e location of: a) a seat in t e classroom b) a point on s'uare grids +ntroduce Cartesian coordinates as a systematic &ay of mar!ing t e location of a point.

B.2 )nderstand and use t e concept of scales for t e coordinates a$es.


.ar! t e values on bot a$es by e$tending t e se'uence of given values on t e a$es. ii. State t e scales used in given coordinate a$es & ere : a)scales for a$es are t e same b)scales for a$es are different iii. .ar! t e values on bot a$es, &it reference to t e scales given. iv. State t e coordinates of a given point &it reference to t e scales given. v. Plot points, given t e coordinates, &it reference to t e scales given. vi. Pose and solve problems involving coordinates.

)se dynamic geometry soft&are to e$plore and investigate t e concept scales. #$plore t e effects of s apes of obCects by using different scales #$plore positions of places on topograp y maps Pose and solve problems involving coordinates of vertices of s apes suc as: Name t e s ape formed by -@1,6) D@2,6), C@%,") and D @",") , ree of t e four vertices of a s'uare are @?1,1), @2,6) and @8,2). State t e coordinates of t e fourt verte$.


Learning Area

WEEK 16 ( 19-23 A!R )

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : B." )nderstand and use t e concept of distance bet&een t&o points on a Cartesian plane.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. /ind t e distance bet&een t&o points &it : a)common y?coordinates b)common $?coordinates ii. /ind t e distance bet&een t&o points using Pyt agoras t eorem iii. Pose and solve problems involving distance bet&een t&o points.

Strategy / Approach Discuss different met ods of finding distance bet&een t&o points suc as: a) inspection b) moving one point to t e ot er c) computing t e difference bet&een t e $?coordinates or y?coordinates Students dra& t e appropriate rig t?angled triangle using t e distance bet&een t e t&o points as t e ypotenuse. +ntroduce t e concept of midpoints t roug activities suc as folding, constructing, dra&ing and counting )se dynamic geometry soft&are to e$plore and investigate t e concept of midpoints.

B.% )nderstand and use t e concept of midpoints


+dentify t e midpoint of a straig t line Coining t&o points. ii. /ind t e coordinates of t e midpoint of a straig t line Coining t&o points &it : a)common y?coordinates b)common $?coordinates iii. /ind t e coordinates of t e midpoint of t e line Coining t&o points. iv. Pose and solve problems involving midpoints. i. Describe and s!etc t e locus of a moving obCect ii. Determine t e locus of points t at are of : a)constant distance from a fi$ed point b)e'uidistant from t&o fi$ed points c)constant distance from a strig t line d)e'uidistant from t&o intersecting lines iii. Construct t e locus of a set of all points t at satisfies t e condition : a)t e point is at a constant distance from a fi$ed point

E. *oci +n ,&o Dimensions WEEK 17 ( 26-30 A!R )

E.1 )nderstand t e concept of t&o? dimensional loci.

Conte$tual learning +C,



Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to :

E.2 )nderstand t e concept of t e intersection of t&o loci 1;. Circles WEEK 18 ( 03-07 MEI ) 1;.1 (ecognise and dra& parts of a circle

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : b)t e point is at a e'uidistant from t&o fi$ed points c)t e point is at a constant distance from a strig t line d)t e point is at e'uidistant from t&o intersecting lines i. Determine t e intersections of t&o loci by dra&ing t e loci and locating t e points t at satisfy t e conditions of t e t&o loci i. +dentify circle as set of points e'uidistant from a fi$ed point. ii. +dentify parts of a circle: a)center b)circumference c)radius d)diameter e)c ord f) arc g)sector )segment iii. Dra&: a)a circle given t e radius and centre b)a circle given t e diameter c)a diameter passing t roug a specific point in a circle given t e centre d)a c ord of a given lengt passing t roug a point on t e circumference e)sector given t e siFe of t e angle at t e centre and radius of t e circle. iv. Determine t e: a)center b)radius of a given circle by construction.

Strategy / Approach

.astery learning +C,



Learning Area

WEEK 18 ( 03-07 MEI )

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : 1;.2 )nderstand and use t e concept of circumference to solve problems.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : #stimate t e value of . Derive t e formula of t e circumference of a circle. iii. /ind t e circumference of a circle, given its: a)diameter b)radius iv. /ind t e: a)diameter b)radius given t e circumference of a circle. v. Solve problems involving circumference of circles. i. ii. RE#ISI N WEEK MID $EAR E%AMINATI N SEMESTER BREAK DISCUSSI N WEEK

Strategy / Approach

WEEK 19 ( 10-14 MEI ) WEEK 20 " 21 ( 17-28 MEI ) WEEK 22-23 ( 31 MEI " 13 JUN ) WEEK 24 ( 14- 18 JUN ) WEEK 25 ( 21-25 MEI ) 1;." )nderstand and use t e concept of arc of a circle to solve problems. i. ii.

Derive t e formula of t e lengt of an arc /ind t e lengt of arc given t e angle at t e centre and t e radius. iii. /ind t e angle at t e centre given t e lengt of t e arc and t e radius of a circle. iv. /ind t e lengt of radius of a circle given t e lengt of t e arc and t e angle at t e centre. v. Solve problems involving arcs of a circle.



Learning Area

WEEK 25 ( 21-25 MEI )

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to : 1;.% )nderstand and use t e concept of area of a circle to solve problems.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : i. Derive t e formula of t e area of a circle. ii. /ind t e area of a circle given t e: a)radius b)diameter. iii. /ind a)radius b)diameter given t e area of a circle. iv. /ind t e area of a circle given t e circumference and vice versa. v. Solve problems involving area of circles. i. Derive t e formula of t e area of a sector. ii. /ind t e area of a sector given t e radius angle at t e centre. iii. /ind t e angle at t e centre given t e radius and t e area of a circle. iv. /ind t e radius given t e area of a sector and t e angle at t e centre. v. Solve problems involving area of a sectors and area of circles i. +dentify a transformation as a one?to?one correspondence bet&een points in a plane. ii. +dentify t e obCect and its image in a given transformation. i. +dentify a translation. ii. Determine t e image of an obCect under a given translation. iii. Describe a translation : a) by stating t e direction and distance of t e movement b)in t e form

Strategy / Approach

WEEK 26 ( 29 JUN-02 JUL )

1;.6 )nderstand and use t e concept of area of sector of a circle to solve problems.

11. ,ransformations WEEK 26 ( 29 JUN-02 JUL ) WEEK 27 ( 05-09 JUL )

11.1 )nderstand t e concept of transformations

)sing concrete materials, dra&ings @in arts and nature), geo?boards and dynamic geometry soft&are. )sing grid papers Cooperative learning Constructivism .astery learning

11.2 )nderstand and use t e concept of translations.

a b



Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to :

WEEK 27 ( 05-09 JUL )

11." )nderstand and use t e concept of reflections

WEEK 28 ( 12-16 JUL )

11.% )nderstand and use t e concept of rotations.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : iv. Determine t e properties of translation. v. Determine t e coordinates of : a) t e image, given t e coordinates of t e obCect b)t e obCect, given t e coordinates of t e image under a translations. vi. Solve problems involving translation. i. +dentify a reflection. ii. Determine t e image of an obCect under a reflection on a given line. iii. Determine t e properties of reflections. iv. Determine : a)t e image of an obCect, given t e a$is of reflection b)t e a$is of reflection, given t e obCect and its image v. Determine t e coordinates of : a)t e image, given t e coordinates of t e obCect b)t e obCect, given t e coordinates of t e image under a reflection. vi. Describe a reflection given t e obCect and image. vii. Solve problems involving reflection. i. +dentify a rotation. ii. Determine t e image of an obCect under a rotation given t e centre, t e angle and direction of rotation. iii. Determine t e properties of rotations. iv. Determine : a)t e image of an obCect, given t e centre, angle and direction of rotation b)t e centre, angle and direction of rotation, given t e obCect and t e image. v. Determine t e coordinates of :

Strategy / Approach

)sing tracing paper or paper folding Cooperative learning Constructivism .astery leaning

)sing tracing papers Cooperative learning Constructivism



Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to :

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : a)t e image, given t e coordinates of t e obCect b)t e obCect, given t e coordinates of t e image under a rotation. vi. Describe a rotation given t e obCect and image. vii. Solve problems involving rotations. i. ii. +dentify an isometry. Determine & et er a given transformation is an isometry. iii. Construct patterns using isometry. i. ii. +dentify if t&o figures are congruent. +dentify congruency bet&een t&o figures as a property of an isometry. iii. Solve problems involving congruence. i. Determine t e properties of 'uadrilaterals using reflections and rotations. State t e geometric properties of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and sp eres

Strategy / Approach

WEEK 28 ( 12-16 JUL )

11.6 )nderstand and use t e concept of isometry

.astery learning )sing tracing papers #n'uiry?discovery learning Constructivism #n'uiry?discovery learning Constructivism .astery learning #n'uiry?discovery learning Cooperative learning Constructivism

WEEK 29 ( 19-23 JUL )

11.8 )nderstand and use t e concept of congruence.

11.7 )nderstand and use t e properties of 'uadrilaterals using concept of transformations. 12. Solid 9eometry ++ WEEK 30 ( 26-30 JUL) 12.1 )nderstand geometric properties of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and sp eres. 12.2 nets. )nderstand t e concept of



Dra& nets for prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones ii. State t e types pf solids given t eir nets iii. Construct models of solids given t eir nets i. ii. State t e surface areas of prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones /ind t e durface area of prisms,

WEEK 31 ( 02-06 & )

12." )nderstand t e concept of surface area.



Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to :

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : pyramids, cylinders and cones iii. /ind t e surface area of sp eres using t e standard formula iv. /ind dimensions : a)lengt of sides b) eig t c)slant eig t d)radius e)diameter of a solid given its surface area and ot er relevant information v. Solve problems involving surface areas i. Classify data according to t ose t at can be collected by: a)counting b)measuring Collect and record data systematically.

Strategy / Approach

1". Statistics WEEK 31 ( 02-06 A&U )

1".1 data.

)nderstand t e concept of

ii. 1".2 )nderstand t e concept of fre'uency. i. ii.

WEEK 32 ( 09-13 A&U )

Determine t e fre'uency of data. Determine t e data &it : a)t e ig est fre'uency b)t e lo&est fre'uency c)fre'uency of a specific value. iii. GrganiFe data by constructing : a)tally c arts b)fre'uency tables iv. Gbtain information from fre'uency tables. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Construct pictograms to represent data. Gbtain information from pictograms. Solve problems involving pictograms. Construct bar c arts to represent data. Gbtain information from bar c arts.

Carry out activities to introduce t e concept of data as a collection of information or facts. Discuss met ods of collecting data suc as counting, observations, measuring, using 'uestionnaires and intervie&s. )se activities to introduce t e concept of fre'uency.

1"." in: i. ii. iii.

(epresent and interpret data pictograms bar c arts line grap s to solve problems.

)se everyday situations to introduce pictograms, bar c arts and line grap s.



Learning Area

Learning Objectives Students will be taught to :

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : vi. Solve problems involving bar c arts. vii. (epresent data using line grap s. viii. Gbtain information from line grap s. i$. Solve problems involving line grap s. UJIAN SELARAS 2 DISCUSSI N WEEK MIDTERM BREAK RE#ISI N WEEK FINAL $EAR E%AMINATI N DISCUSSI N WEEK FINAL SEMESTER BREAK

Strategy / Approach

WEEK 33 ( 16-20 A&U ) WEEK 34 " 35 ( 23 & - 03 SE!T ) WEEK 36 ( 06-10 SE!T ) WEEK 37 " 42 ( 13 SE!T -22 CT ) WEEK 43 " 44 ( 25 CT " 5 N # ) WEEK 45 " 46 ( 08 -19 N # ) WEEK 47 ( 22 N # )



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